Which of the following statements reflect the precontemplation stage of the behavior change model

Q: Which of the following statements reflect the maintenance stage of the behavior change model?

a) "I stopped using butter on my sandwiches to help lower my cholesterol."

b) "I think I will join a fitness club next month because exercise is going to reduce my risk of having a heart attack"

c) "I don't think I can change my cholesterol levels with my diet. High cholesterol runs in my family."

d) "I don't worry about my cholesterol anymore. It has been controlled well with a low fat diet and exercise for 6 months"

Which model that consist of five stages of health behavior change would the nurse use to manage a patient who needs to exercise?

The Transtheoretical Model proposes that behavior change occurs in five sequential stages: precontemplation (not planning to change within the next 6 months), contemplation (ambivalent or thinking about change), preparation (taking steps towards changing), action (attempting the change), and maintenance (having been ...

Which of the following lists the steps in the stages of change model in the correct order?

The TTM posits that individuals move through six stages of change: precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, maintenance, and termination.

Which of the following is a tip for moving forward from the Precontemplation stage of the stages of change model?

which of the following is a tip for moving forward from the precontemplation stage of the stages of change model? research shows that making a commitment to change is all a person needs to carry out the process of changing a behavior.

What are the four principles of disease prevention and health promotion?

The five principles are: (1) A broad and positive health concept; (2) Participation and involvement; (3) Action and action competence; (4) A settings perspective and (5) Equity in health.