The articles of confederation most directly reflect the principles of which of the following?

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Terms in this set (116)

A member of House of Representatives has introduced a bill to protect undocumented immigrants who were brought to the United States with their parents, but it has been killed in the House Rules Committee. Which is the best course of action to get the bill a vote on the floor of the House?

The representative should rally support behind a discharge petition to pull it out of the House Rules Committee.

Which of the following accurately describes why many are in favor of divided government?

The proliferation of undesirable legislation and excessive spending can be kept to a minimum.

Which of the following most clearly states the outcome of Baker v. Carr (1962)?

The redistricting of state legislative districts is justiciable by the Federal Courts.

Which of the following is an accurate comparison regarding membership in the US Senate and House of Representatives?

-Senate: Members elected by voters of an entire state.
-House of Representatives: Members elected by voters of a particular district based upon population.

Which of the following most clearly states the outcome of Shaw v. Reno (1993)?

Redistricting plans based on race must be held to a high standard of scrutiny under the 14th Amendment and ensure compliance with the Voting Rights Act of 1965.

Which of the following is a consequence of partisan gerrymandering?

Incumbents for the House of Representatives are more likely to have very safe seats without much competition from challengers.

Which of the following provides an accurate comparison of enumerated and implied powers of Congress as specified by the US Constitution?

-Enumerated: Congress institutes formal copyright law.
-Implied: Congress establishes the National Park System.

Which of the following accurately describes a facet of the policy-making process in the US H.O.R.?

Committee action in the H.O.R. is more influential than floor action in rendering a final decision on legislation.

Which is a consequence of the H.O.R. having 435 members and the Senate having 100 members?

Senators tend to have more influence over legislation and get more media attention individually because there are less of them.

Which is an accurate statement regarding mandatory and discretionary spending by Congress?

-Mandatory: Expenditures include interest payments on national debt.
-Discretionary: Expenditures are divided into two categories - defense and non-defense.

Which of the following describes a positive outcome to the practice of logrolling?

Encouraging voters to monitor the voting behavior of their legislators.

Cartoon: "The Lamb from the Slaughter" Which of the following is an accurate statement relevant to the topic of this political cartoon?

Treaty ratification relies upon favorable consideration from the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

Graph: "Under Trump, second-most cloture votes on nominees of any Congress"

Which is an accurate conclusion based on a comparison of the trends in the graph and your knowledge of Senatorial cloture?

Changing the cloture requirement to a majority for appointments has dramatically increased the likelihood of cloture votes.

In 1985, Pres. Reagan signed into law the Graham-Rudman-Hollings Act that created a framework to systematically reduce the federal debt. Which explains why it received bi-partisan support?

High federal budget deficits were believed to be unsustainable and a danger to the nation.

Cartoon: "The Speaker of the House"

Which best described the message in the above political cartoon?

Members of the conservative Tea Party movement have been able to manipulate the Speaker to get more power and say in Congress.

Which is an accurate description of Congress utilizing the "Necessary and Proper Clause" found in the US Constitution?

Congress authorizes the Federal Reserve System in 1913.

Given their six year term of office, Senators can afford to take a longer view on policy, especially when it comes to...

foreign affairs

In the opening paragraphs of the Declaration of Indep., Jefferson claims that...

the purpose of government is to protect natural rights

Which is true based on the concept of unalienable rights found in the Declaration of Indep.?

God and the forces of nature are greater than any government.

In Federalist No. 51, its author James Madison claims that the framers of the Constitution...

created separate branches of government designed to best protect the rights of the citizenry.

Which is an accurate comparison of participatory vs. elite democracies?

-Participatory: Government depends on the consent of the governed.
-Government depends on a small number of powerful individuals.

Source: Excerpt from the Declaration of Independence ("...all men are created equal..." etc.)

Which of the following concepts was articulated by Thomas Jefferson and his collaborators in this excerpt from the Declaration of Independence?

Popular Sovereignty

Which of the following Enlightenment ideas most influenced the writing of the Declaration of Independence?

John Locke's theory of resisting "the aggressor" from the Second Treatise on Government.

Which is an accurate comparison of representative democracies?

-Pluralist: Interest groups actively compete in the political arena
-Elite: Small number of powerful elites have the most inluence

Which of the following democratic ideals is most directly reflected in the Declaration of Independence?

Social contract

Excerpt: Brutus No. 1

Given the author's claim in this excerpt, it is likely that he shared which of the following 18th century political perspectives?

The surest safeguard of individual liberties was through rule by state and local government.

The belief in natural rights, as found in the Decl. of Indep., most directly impacted the development of which of the following?

American political culture

Chart: "% of ___ who say each describes the country very/somewhat well..."

Which of the following statements is reflected in the data in the chart?

Democrats and Republicans generally trust the political neutrality of military leaders.

Chart: "% of ___ who say each describes the country very/somewhat well..."

Judging only from the data in this survey, which would likely be the most urgent action that a Republican respondent would like the federal government to take?

Promote federal libel laws to make it easier to sue media groups for defamation.

Based on Federalist No. 51, which of the following can best be inferred about one of the three branches of federal government?

Candidates for the judiciary branch may require special qualifications and appointment.

Excerpt: Federalist No. 10

The above excerpt from Federalist No. 10 expresses a claim about models of representative democracies. Which of the following actions would most likely be a result of this claim?

The Congressional vote in favor of Alexander Hamilton's Financial Plan.

Quote: US Constitution, Article I, Section 2

Which of the following ideals, critical in a participatory democracy, can be ascertained from the provided excerpt?


Excerpt: The Declaration of Indep. ("We hold these truths to be self-evident..." etc.)

Which of the following Constitutional provisions reflect the sentiments expressed above in the Decl. of Indep.?

The establishment of the H.O.R. under the original Constitution.

Excerpt: The Declaration of Indep. ("We hold these truths to be self-evident..." etc.)

Over time the government of the US struggled with fulfilling the promise that "all men are created equal, and are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights." Which amendment has done the most to fulfill the promise of equality embedded in the Decl. of Indep.?

14th amendment

Excerpt: The Declaration of Indep. ("We hold these truths to be self-evident..." etc.)

Which best reflects the sentiments of the excerpt above?

The Social Contract

Based on Federalist No. 51 and your knowledge of the Vietnam War era, which of the following best describes the impact of the War Powers Act (1973)?

The declaration was created to check the president's power to commit troops to a conflict not sanctioned by the Congress.

The views expressed in Federalist No. 51 are best seen as evidence of which of the following statements concerning 18th century America?

The ideas brought forth by the Enlightenment had fully permeated American political life.

The author of Federalist No. 51 could best be described as...

a student of the Enlightenment

Which of the following groups was founded on principles that were in direct opposition to the ideology of empowered states advocated in the Articles of Confederation?


How did the Articles of Confederation affect the power of the federal government to influence economic policy?

It severely limited its power because states were in control of both taxation and commerce.

The author of Brutus No. 1, Robert Yates, most strongly supports which of the following statements about the proposed Constitution?

When citizens cede liberty to a large governing force, they can seldom regain it without the use of force.

Brutus No. 1 most clearly reflects the principles of which system of government?


In Brutus No. 1, Robert Yates claims that...

the existence of state governments will be imperiled by the taxing power of the national government.

Source: "Remarks at the New York Ratifying Convention" by Alexander Hamilton

Based on the text, to which slavery-related compromise reached during the 1787 Constitutional Convention is Hamilton referring?

The three-fifths clause

Which of the following most clearly reflects the motives behind the creation of the Articles of Confederation?

Fears that a centralized government would too closely resemble the British monarch.

Which of the following most closely aligns with the provision in the Articles of Confederation that "each state shall have one vote?"

The New Jersey Plan

The Articles of Confederation most directly reflect the principles of which of the following?

Common Sense by Thomas Paine

Which of the following statesmen offered views in direct opposition to those found in Brutus No. 1?

John Jay

Which was one of the effects of Brutus No. 1?

The addition of a Bill of Rights to the new Constitution.

Sentiment towards the concept of liberty found in Brutus No. 1 most strongly supports which of the following statements?

The experience of the America Revolution underpins most Anti-Federalist fears.

Which of the following was a short term effect of the Articles of Confederation?

Economic tension between the states.

Which of the following contentious relationships did the Connecticut Compromise (or "Great Compromise") do the most to quell?

States with large populations versus states with small populations.

Which of the following describes one of the most direct long-term political effects of the Articles of Confederation?

The rise of political parties with competing ideas on the balance of political power between the federal and state governments.


Which best represents the most significant of the "defects in the system of the Federal Government" under the Articles of Confederation that led delegates to attend this convention at Annapolis in 1786?

The inability of the government established by the Articles of Confederation to regulate trade among the states.


One of the "...defects in the system of the Federal Government" mentioned in the excerpt above was the inability of the government to suppress domestic insurrections.

Which of the following rebellions represented the turning point that finally convinced the states that the government needed more power to rectify this situation?

Shays' Rebellion


Which of the following provisions in the US Constitution directly addresses the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation best expressed in the excerpt?

The delegated power to lay and collect taxes.

Which of the following describes a significant achievement of the Articles of Confederation?

Successful negotiation, and approval of, The Treaty of Paris.

To ensure ratification of the Constitution there were many compromises between Federalists and Anti-Federalists that needed to be accomplished. Which set of comparisons most accurately reflect the final resolutions each group desired?

-Federalists: The Constitution is the "supreme law of the land".
-Anti-Federalists: The 10th Amendment reserves powers to the states not prohibited by the Constitution.

Which of the comparisons about the New Jersey Plan and the Virginia Plan are the most accurate?

-Virginia Plan: Proposed a bicameral Congress with the lower house elected by the people with representation based on population and an upper house appointed by the President.
-New Jersey Plan: Proposed a one-house legislative body very similar to what existed under the Articles of Confederation.

Which is the most accurate comparison about the goals of small states and large states ameliorated by Great Compromise at the Constitutional Convention?

-Small states: A government consisting of three branches: Legislative, Executive, and Judicial.
-Large states: A government that included a system of checks and balances.

A member of Congress has proposed an amendment to the Constitution to revise the 2nd Amendment. Which of the following options best describes what would have to happen for this proposed change to 2nd Amendment to take effect?

The proposed change to the 2nd Amendment would need to be passed by a 2/3rd majority in both the House and Senate and ratified by 3/4th of the State Legislatures.

Which of the following scenarios could result in changes to the US Constitution without the support of Congress?

If at least two-thirds of the states call for a convention to propose an amendment to the Constitution, anything in the Constitution could be changed if the proposed amendment is ratified by at least three-fourths of the state legislatures or special ratification conventions held at the state level.

Excerpt: Brutus No. 1 ("If the constitution..." etc.)

Which statement best describes the sentiments of the author?

Adopting the Constitution could lead to an abuse of power by the national government.

Excerpt: Brutus No. 1 ("If the constitution..." etc.)

Which faction would most closely identify with the point of view of the excerpt?


Excerpt: Brutus No. 1 ("If the constitution..." etc.)

What mechanism was embedded in the Constitution to "prevent despotism, or, what is worse, a tyrannic aristocracy.." as the excerpt describes?

Separation of Powers/Checks and Balances

Excerpt: Brutus No. 1 ("If the constitution..." etc.)

Which document would be the best rebuttal to the concerns raised by Brutus No. 1?

Federalist No. 51

Which of the following correctly identifies characteristics of the New Jersey Plan and the Virginia Plan?

-New Jersey Plan: Each state must have equal representation in the legislature
-Virginia Plan: Legislative representation must be proportionately based upon on population

Many of the debates that began with the Federalists and Anti-Federalists still resonate in American Politics today.

Which of the following represents an accurate comparison of modern issues that are correctly paired with the ideologies of the Federalists and Anti-Federalists?

-Federalist Support: Terrorist threats permit more leeway in federal surveillance of citizens.
-Anti-Federalist Support: The government must follow due process as outlines in the Bill of Rights to surveil citizens.

Debates over the rights retained by the States was a major issue at the Constitutional Convention between Federalists and Anti-Federalists. Today those debates continue.

Which of the following comparisons is correctly paired with the ideologies of the Federalists and Anti-Federalists?

-Federalists: State laws that legalize marijuana violate federal law.
-Anti-Federalists: State laws that legalize marijuana are permitted under the doctrine of state's rights.

Which of the following is an accurate comparison of the debate over representation resolved by the Great Compromise?

-Large States: The H.O.R. most closely resembles the plan proposed by states with large populations.
-Small States: The US Senate most closely resembles the plan proposed by states with small populations

Which of the following is an accurate comparison of the effects of the 3/5ths Compromise during the first fifty years of the Republic?

-Southern states: The 3/5ths Compromise gave southern states a decided advantage in electing the President.
-Northern states: The 3/5ths Compromise allowed slaves to be counted for representation, but Northern states lobbied successfully for them to be counted for taxes as well.

The ability to compromise helped secure ratification of the Constitution proposed in 1787, but left many matters unresolved that still generate intense debates today. Which of the following scenarios best exemplifies an issue that the compromises at the Constitutional Convention did not resolve?

The issue that sometimes state and federal law are in conflict with each other. For example, under federal law, marijuana is illegal, yet many states have legalized its use for medicinal or recreational purposes.

The Constitutional Convention addressed many issues around slavery. Which of the following was an issue that was left unresolved about slavery at the Constitutional Convention?

Whether the states or Congress had the power to ban slavery in any new territory added to the US.

Which of the following constitutional guarantees allayed the fears held by Anti-Federalists that the adoption of the US Constitution would restrict the sovereignty of the states?

The Tenth Amendment reserved powers clause.

Which of the following events proved that the power of the federal government to secure domestic tranquility under the Constitution was greater than it had been under the Articles of Confederation?

The Whiskey Rebellion

Which part of the Constitution directly addresses many of the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation the best?

Article 1, Sec 8: The enumerated powers of Congress

Which of the following events lends support for the view of state supremacy depicted in Brutus No. 1?

Thomas Jefferson and James Madison drafting the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions in 1798 and 1799.

Alexander Hamilton, the author of Federalist No. 78, most strongly supports which of the following statements about a national judiciary?

An independent, national judiciary is the best safeguard of the integrity of the Constitution.

In explaining the sentiments of the Framers of the Constitution, a political scientist would most likely use Federalist No. 10 to illustrate which of the following?

Direct democracy is incapable of providing stable, lasting government.

In which of the following ways can interest groups most effectively exercise influence over the federal courts?

Form a PAC that donates campaign funds to help elect particular Senate candidates.

Which of the following describes a limit on the ability of interest groups to achieve their public policy goals?

Legislation promoted by interest groups can be challenged in federal courts and found to violate the Constitution.

Which of the following is true about the impeachment process in the US?

Impeachment can occur at the federal and state level.

Which of the following correctly describes a method by which another political institution can limit the policy-making authority of Congress?

An executive agency can use discretionary authority granted by Congress to determine how to implement legislation.

The Constitution provides Congress with the ability to check the powers of the president. Which of the following represents one of those checks?

Congress can refuse to appropriate funds for the President to carry out his policy objectives.

Based on Federalist No. 10, which of the following statements could best be inferred about James Madison's political philosophy?

The protection of personal property is important to keeping a political society stable

Which of the following describes a way that political institutions can limit the influence of interest groups?

Legislation passed by Congress following a letter-writing campaign by an interest group is then vetoed by the president.

One of the long-term effects of Federalist No. 10 was the passage of the...

12th amendment

Excerpt: Federalist No. 51 ("In Republican government..." etc.)

Which of the following constitutional provisions limits the power of congress as outlined in the excerpt above?

Any bill passed by one house of Congress must be passed in The Identical state by the other house of Congress.

Excerpt: Federalist No. 51 ("In Republican government..." etc.)

Which of the following statements is most consistent with the author's argument in the passage above?

You must first enable the government to control the governed; and in the next place oblige it to control itself.

Excerpt: tweet from Donald Trump

Article II, Section 2 of The Constitution defines the power of the presidential pardon and that the president, "shall have power to Grant reprieves and pardons for offenses against the United States, except in cases of impeachment." If a president were to Pardon himself and Congress wanted to impeach him, which process would Congress follow?

The House of Representatives brings up the articles of impeachment and the Senate conducts the impeachment trial overseen by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. Conviction requires a vote 2/3rds vote of the Senate to convict.

Congress believes a president's use of executive orders represents an excessive use of Presidential Power, yet from the president's perspective the executive orders allow quick action and effective implementation of the president's policy agenda. If Congress believes an executive order initiated by the president represents an excessive use of Power by the executive, which option below would be the most appropriate response?

Pass legislation to void the executive order.

In which of the following types of federal systems is the separation of power between National and state governments most clearly established?

dual federalism

Which of the following enumerated powers was most relevant in the McCulloch v. Maryland case?

the ability to control interstate commerce

US v. Lopez (1995) reflects what shift in American beliefs?

Federal encroachments on state sovereignty need to be reined in

During the McCulloch v. Maryland case, court Chief Justice John Marshall said the "power to tax is the power to destroy."
These words were directed at...

a state tax on banks not charted by the state

Which of the following tends to shift power from state governments to the federal government?

categorical grants

Which of the following constitutional Provisions most directly establishes a balance of power between the national and state governments?

12th amendment

Excerpt: James Madison, The Federalist Paper number 51 ("To what expedient...")

In the excerpt above, Madison argues that the constitution will protect which of the following principles of American government?

separation of powers

In which of the following situations would the state action violate the constitution?

A State passes a law imposing a fine for the failure to pay taxes for online purchases made in the last year.

Which of the following powers is exercised exclusively by the national government, thus limiting the role of state governments?

Entering into treaties with foreign Nations

According to the McCulloch v. Maryland case, the establishment of the Second Bank of the United States was...

implied in the text of the Constitution

Which of the following types of federal funding would be most likely to shift the balance of power from states to the national government?

a categorical Grant related to Healthcare

Which of the following is an accurate comparison of national and state government powers?

-Exclusive to national government: Create army
-Power to both National and state governments: punish crimes

Which of the following most accurately describes a change in the allocation of national and state power that has occurred since the ratification of the Constitution?

The national government has gained additional power relative to the states as a result of its increase power to tax and spend.

Which of the following represents a power that may be constitutionally exercised by both the national and state governments?

the power to tax income

Excerpt: Amendment XIV of the US Constitution ("No state shall make or enforce..." etc.)

Which of the following Landmark Supreme Court decisions best represents the protection of the right to "Due Process" represented in the amendment above?

Miranda v. Arizona

Excerpt: Amendment IV of the US Constitution

Which of the following Landmark Supreme Court decisions represents the protection of the right to "equal protection under the law" represented in the amendment above?

Brown v. Board of Education

Excerpt: Federalist No. 78

Hamilton's argument most directly favors a check on the legislative process known as...

judicial review

The attitude towards Congress' power under the Commerce Clause reflected in the US v. Lopez deviates most from...

Gibbons v. Ogden (1824)

The McCulloch v. Maryland decision was a good example of...

Loose constructism

Which of the following correctly identifies a constitutional provision which increased power of state governments and one that restricted state government power?

-Enhanced state power: 10th amendment
-Restricted state power: Article I, Section 10

Excerpt: Amendment X to the Constitution ("The powers not delegated..." etc.)

The first major challenge to the powers "reserved to the states respectively" in the early days of the Republic occurred when a state tried to tax the newly-formed bank of the United States in which case below?

McCulloch v. Maryland

Excerpt: Amendment X to the Constitution ("The powers not delegated..." etc.)

Supporters of the powers granted by the 10th Amendment would use it to justify state laws that allowed which practice below in The early republic?

state laws that allow monopolies within state borders

Excerpt: Amendment X to the Constitution ("The powers not delegated..." etc.)

Which of the following actions were used by states to challenge the legitimacy of the federal government in the Antebellum Period?

arguments that justified secession as permissible under the Constitution

Which of the following interest groups would most likely advocate for the dissenting opinion of US v. Lopez (1995)?

supporters of gun control

Which of the following correctly identifies a case which limited the power of the national government and a case which limited the power of state governments?

-Limited national power: US v. Lopez
-Limited state power: Wisconsin v. Yoder

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Which principle is shared by the Articles of Confederation?

Which principle is shared by the Articles of Confederation and the Constitution of the United States? It is emphatically [unquestionably] the province and duty of the judicial department to say what the law is.

Which of the following did the Articles of Confederation do?

The Articles of Confederation created a national government composed of a Congress, which had the power to declare war, appoint military officers, sign treaties, make alliances, appoint foreign ambassadors, and manage relations with Indians.

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Which of the following most clearly reflects the motives behind the creation of the Articles of Confederation? Fears that a centralized government would too closely resemble the British monarch.

What do Articles of Confederation mean?

The Articles of Confederation served as the first constitution, declaring that the confederacy of the former 13 colonies would be called “The United States of America.” The Articles of Confederation consisted of 13 articles that gave powers to a national government, which was led by Congress.