Wie alt ist Baby in Dirty Dancing?

Johnny Castle is a handsome dance instructor that a lot of women love. He isn't rich, but works hard to get money by teaching women to dance. One minute he's poor, the next he's rich as he has said to be living off of jujubes until women were throwing themselves at him. He doesn't fall in love fast, though women seem to fall in love with him, quickly.


Johnny is different than others. He dances gracefully and can sweet talk women. He has a super power and that's why women can't help but fall in love with him. Though, as Baby figures out, he hides many feelings about himself, that he expresses only in private, while they're together. He feels like a product in someways, and he also feels like he's nothing more than a play toy, for women, who want him for a night. At first, Baby thinks he was using the women, though he replies with, "No, they were using me." He also states that "The reason rich people treat me like I'm nothing, is because I'm nothing." He's hiding more behind his badass persona than he lets people know, only truly opening up to Frances "Baby" Houseman. He has a gentle boyish soul behind the tough exterior.

Camp Kellerman's[]

He works at a dance place by Kellermans, which people taught themselves to dirty dance. He first meet Baby when his cousin, Billy, let her carry a watermelon inside. Her first words to him was, "I carried a watermelon." Then, when he walks off, Baby is embarrassed for saying something so silly. When he is dancing to "Love man", he sees Baby moving with the beat of the song. He then brings her to the dance floor and teaches her a dance. Baby begins to fall in love with Johnny after their dance.

Soon, Baby finds out that Penny needs to be taken care of by getting an abortion but she needs money which Baby gets the money from her dad, which Johnny tells her "It takes a real saint to ask daddy." Baby gets upset at this. Penny tells Baby that she cannot go unless someone takes her place for their season dance at Shelldrake otherwise they'll lose next season's gig. Billy says that Baby can fill in for Penny's spot. Baby then pointed out it wasn't going to work cause she couldn't even do the merengue. Johnny agrees with Baby saying, "She can't even do the merengue, she can't do it, she cannot do it!" But Penny says that Johnny can teach anyone to dance, so they decide to let Baby replace Penny. They both fall in love. The first dance that Baby attends turns into a disaster, they couldn't do the lift. Johnny and Baby practice day and night.

When Penny returns from the doctor, she is bleeding profusely and Billy comments that the doctor apparently had "a dirty knife and a folding table". Baby runs to get her father who comes in to help Penny. He tells Baby that he doesn't want her around those people assuming that Johnny was the one who knocked up Penny.

Later, Johnny gets accused of stealing a wallet. Baby steps in and says that Johnny didn't do it because he was in his room all night because she was with him. They still fire Johnny regardless of Baby's statement and he tells Baby that if he leaves quietly, he will still get his check. He gives Baby a goodbye kiss and he leaves Baby and she is heartbroken. She goes to the show to watch Lisa perform.

While the staff is finishing up their performances, Johnny comes back for Baby and says to her father, "Nobody puts Baby in a corner" and steps onto stage with her, cutting off the staff singing the final song. He tells everyone at Kellerman's he wants to do his kind of dancing with a great partner, Ms. Frances Houseman. They dance to the song "I've Had the Time of My Life." When the dance finishes, Baby's father says sorry to Johnny as he has learned the truth that Robbie was the one who got Penny pregnant, not him and that he was wrong about Johnny.

„Mein Baby gehört zu mir!“ - Bei diesem Spruch sind wohl schon viele Frauenherzen dahingeschmolzen. Am 17. August 1987 feiert „Dirty Dancing“ seine Premiere in den USA. Bis heute ist der Film ein absoluter Klassiker, ein Muss für jeden Tanz-Liebhaber. Allerdings gibt es noch immer einige Fakten, die kaum jemand kennt. Im Video verraten wir 7 Fakten, die Sie garantiert nicht kennen.

Bei VOX läuft der Film am Sonntag, 22. März, um 20:15. Parallel zur TV-Ausstrahlung können Sie den Film auch bei TVNOW sehen.

Unsere Lieblings-Liebesgeschichte

Im Film macht die 17-jährige Frances (gespielt von Jennifer Grey), genannt „Baby“, mit ihrer Familie im Ferienresort „Kellerman“ Urlaub. Dort lernt sie den Tanzlehrer Johnny Castle (gespielt von Patrick Swayze) kennen. Die beiden kommen sich näher und eine turbulente Liebesgeschichte voller Missverständnisse und Tanzeinlagen entwickelt sich. Als Babys Familie gegen die Beziehung der Liebenden ist, fällt der legendäre Satz „Mein Baby gehört zu mir.“

Wie alt sind Johnny und Baby in Dirty Dancing?

Francis „Baby“ Houseman war gerade mal 17 Jahre alt. Grey hingegen war bereits 27, als sie für die Rolle vorsprach.

Wie alt war Patrick in Dirty Dancing?

Jennifer Grey spielte mit 27 Jahren das 17-jährige "Baby" und Patrick Swayze war mit seinen 34 Jahren auch weitaus älter als sein Alter Ego im Film.

Wie alt ist die Frau von Dirty Dancing?

Im März feierte Jennifer Grey ihren 62. Geburtstag. Ihr Filmkollege Patrick Swayze wurde nur 57 Jahre alt.

Was macht Baby heute?

Zuletzt war Grey vor ein paar Wochen im US-Fernsehen zu sehen - in einer Folge der Sitcom "The Conners" hatte sie einen Gastauftritt an der Seite ihres Ehemanns Clark Gregg, mit dem Grey seit 2001 verheiratet ist. Das Paar - auch Gregg ist Schauspieler - lebt heute in Kalifornien und hat eine erwachsene Tochter.