Which of the following statements accurately summarizes an impact of the urban industrial revolution at the dawn of the 20th century quizlet?

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Which of the following statements accurately summarizes an impact of the urban industrial revolution at the dawn of the 20th century quizlet?

The Americans: Reconstruction to the 21st Century, California Edition

1st EditionGerald A. Danzer, J. Jorge Klor de Alva, Larry S. Krieger, Louis E. Wilson, Nancy Woloch

614 solutions

Which of the following statements accurately summarizes an impact of the urban industrial revolution at the dawn of the 20th century quizlet?

United States History: Reconstruction to the Present, Tennessee Edition

1st EditionAlan Taylor, Emma J. Lapsansky-Werner, Michael Roberts, Peter B. Levy

859 solutions

Which of the following statements accurately summarizes an impact of the urban industrial revolution at the dawn of the 20th century quizlet?

American Anthem: Modern American History, California Edition

1st EditionDeborah Gray White, Edward L. Ayers, Jesús F. de la Teja, Robert D. Schulzinger

1,315 solutions

Which of the following statements accurately summarizes an impact of the urban industrial revolution at the dawn of the 20th century quizlet?

The Americans

1st EditionGerald A. Danzer, J. Jorge Klor de Alva, Larry S. Krieger, Louis E. Wilson, Nancy Woloch

1,094 solutions

Why was the development of the alternating current electric system significant?

It was essential for Edison to invent the lightbulb.

It powered the transcontinental railroad.
It enabled electricity to be transmitted across long distances.

It was safer than direct current electrical transmission.

It was J. Pierpont Morgan's first successful investment.

it enables electricity to be transmitted across long distances.

True or False The term "robber baron" was used to describe executives known for their shady financial practices.


A transcontinental railroad had not been built before the Civil War because

the Appalachian Mountains presented great engineering problems
Congress refused to consider federal subsidies for a private railroad.

the technologies for building tunnels through the Rockies did not yet exist.

many southern states used the states' rights argument to reject federal aid for railroads.

North-South sectional differences prevented Congress from selecting a route.

North-South sectional differences prevented Congress from selecting a route.

What was the significance of the railcars connected to Pullman cars during the Pullman strike?

They allowed the strikers to create as big a disruption as possible, as they set railcars on fire and derailed whole trains.

They greatly increased the likelihood that Pullman would accept Eugene V. Debs's initial plea for a negotiated settlement.

They were used as justification for a federal intervention, as President Cleveland claimed that the strike must be ended because it interfered with the mail.

They allowed union leaders throughout the country to exchange correspondence during the strike, greatly shifting the odds in their favor.

They were a bargaining tool that Eugene V. Debs used to successfully avoid prison and go on to enjoy a private life out of the spotlight.

They were used as justification for a federal intervention, as President Cleveland claimed that the strike must be ended because it interfered with the mail.

Which of the following statements accurately describes child labor in Gilded Age America?

Group of answer choices

Child laborers tended to go to work against the will of their parents.

Child laborers often received an education funded by their employers.

Child laborers suffered many more accidents relative to adult workers.

Child labor laws at the federal and state levels regulated how long children could work per week.

Child laborers were hurt more often in farm roles than industrial roles.

Child laborers suffered many more accidents relative to adult workers.

What was the post-Civil War marketplace increasingly becoming over the years 1860-1900?

essentially a replica of the European marketplace, as the United States acquired the capital to model goods and services after European businesses without enough left over to allow for ingenuity

a collaborative marketplace, as leaders of Big Business sought to increase competition because it would lead to a greater diversity of goods and services and better working environments

a transparent marketplace that strongly discouraged lobbying out of fear that, in response, the small pool of consumers would grow distrustful of corporations and only support small businesses

a truly national marketplace for the sale and distribution of goods and services, in large part thanks to the expansion of transportation systems and instantaneous communication networks

a constrained marketplace due to the loss of the cotton economy in the South and the resulting long-term blow to the North's main industries, including textiles and oil

a truly national marketplace for the sale and distribution of goods and services, in large part thanks to the expansion of transportation systems and instantaneous communication networks

What was one main reason electric motors were significant to the industrialization of the late nineteenth century?
Group of answer choices

They were used in the first automobiles, which made personal travel much easier.

They powered the first lightbulbs, which allowed people to work at night.

They freed factories to locate wherever they wished, not just by waterfalls and coal deposits.

They forced railroads to abandon the use of steam power.

They eliminated the need for oil during the industrial revolution.

They freed factories to locate wherever they wished, not just by waterfalls and coal deposits.

Who developed the first alternating current electric system?
Group of answer choices

George Westinghouse

John D. Rockefeller

Andrew Carnegie

Thomas Edison

Alexander Graham Bell

George Westinghouse

Which of the following statements accurately summarizes an impact of the urban-industrial revolution at the dawn of the twentieth century?
Group of answer choices

Because they tended to be formed by agricultural workers, unions became a relic of a bygone era in which the majority of the workforce was centered on farming.

Despite irreparable economic setbacks after the Civil War, it enabled the United States to start slowly inching toward a modernized economy and jumpstarted a regulated capitalist economy.

It had brought about the decline of the middle class, as nearly all Americans became either extravagantly wealthy or stricken by poverty.

It shrank the country's population because the industrialized economy required fewer workers, and the number of overall jobs plummeted, leading Americans to emigrate in response.

It had transformed the size, scope, and power of the American economy such that only governmental intervention could restore economic fairness and social stability.

It had transformed the size, scope, and power of the American economy such that only governmental intervention could restore economic fairness and social stability.

True or False: J. P. Morgan was born in poverty but became a wealthy man through hard work, unlike Carnegie and Rockefeller.


Which of the following occurred from the end of the Civil War to the turn of the century?
Group of answer choices

The value of manufactures increased sixfold.

Farm production declined.

The nation's population greatly decreased.

Fewer women and children worked.

Innovation in business remained stagnant.

The value of manufactures increased sixfold.

Which of the following is true of the first transcontinental railroad?
Group of answer choices

The passage of the Pacific Railway Act of 1862 indefinitely postponed its construction.

The Central Pacific and Union Pacific Railroads built it along a north-central route.

The route ran south through Texas and the Arizona and New Mexico territories.

Little competition took place during the process thanks to major government subsidies.

Only one company built it, winning a contest to get to work on the project.

The Central Pacific and Union Pacific Railroads built it along a north-central route.

True or False: Anarchists oppose all forms of government.


What is the name for the business strategy in which a dominant corporation buys or forces out most of its competitors?
Group of answer choices

horizontal integration
laissez-fairevertical integration
economies of scale

horizontal integration

Which of the following statements accurately describes the conditions affecting the industrial development of the United States during the second half of the nineteenth century after the Civil War?
Group of answer choices

The end of the slave labor system following the war irreparably disrupted the national economy in such a way that for the rest of the century, the standard of living declined.

In response to the horrific practices of slavery, federal and state regulation prioritized the creation of safe workplaces and fair business practices across industries.

The rising tide of immigrants at the time created a large workforce willing to work for low pay as well as a market of consumers.

The intense fighting and movement during the war had resulted in the debilitating depletion of natural resources across the country, such as minerals, oil, coal, and iron ore.

The United States experienced fierce competition with foreign manufacturers resulting from strong wartime alliances, which ultimately slowed domestic growth.

The rising tide of immigrants at the time created a large workforce willing to work for low pay as well as a market of consumers.

What contributed to Eugene V. Debs's success as leader of the American Railway Union?
Group of answer choices

his detachment from anything related to politics

his resolve not to negotiate at all costshis anti-immigrant sentiment

his opposition to labor radicalism

his genuine goodness and nonviolent approach

his genuine goodness and nonviolent approach

What was the Haymarket Riot of 1886?
Group of answer choices

It was a fight for child labor rights started by the Knights of Labor and, because so many people were sympathetic toward children, improved public opinion of unions in general for years to come

.It was an insurrection led by miners that evolved into a productive meeting between workers and management, ushering in an era of improved relations in industries across the nation

.It was a days-long demonstration for railroad workers' rights that angered the government, but because it remained peaceful in nature, none of the events' leaders could be prosecuted.

Occurring amid a strike in favor of the eight-hour workday, it was what journalists called America's first terrorist bombing and was blamed on anarchist leaders despite a lack of evidence.

Primarily a demonstration for African American rights in the workplace, it resulted in government officials emerging as martyr figures, as several of them got hurt trying to stop the demonstrators.

Occurring amid a strike in favor of the eight-hour workday, it was what journalists called America's first terrorist bombing and was blamed on anarchist leaders despite a lack of evidence.

True or False: Like the AFL, the Knights of Labor admitted only skilled workers.


True or False: One of the causes Mother Jones actively pursued was to end the exploitation of children in the workplace.


True or False: Many people followed the construction of the transcontinental railroad, as the major newspapers printed sensational stories about it.
