What kind of specimen document which are executed executed in the ordinary or regular course of mans activity?

Personal authentication is the key of security and reliability in society. The reliability of personal identification using palm print is an equal and valuable evidence as the fingerprints which is commonly used modalities. The latent prints which are encountered at scene of crime (suicide notes) or in form of the questioned documents such as wills, property documents, official papers etc. The development of these latent palm prints not only gives the conclusive identification of the individual, but also provides the unique minutiae details for authentication. In this study, 40 samples (both male and female) from North part of India were taken to establish the identification of an individual through the development of latent palm prints present on documents. The obtained 12 parameters from this study not only increase the evidential value of such lateral palm prints, it can also be placed at par with the fingerprints in court of law on the top of all other scientific evidences.

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Question Documents Reviewer

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What kind of specimen document which are executed executed in the ordinary or regular course of mans activity?

Two Kinds of Standard DocumentsA.Collected or Procured -Those which are obtained from files of document executed in the persons day today business, official, social or personal activities. Collected standards are known (genuine) handwritings ofan individual, such as signature and endorsements on cancelled checks, legal papers letters, commercial,official, public and private documents, and other handwriting such as letters, memoranda, etc. written in thecourse of daily life, both business and socials.B.Requested or Prepared -Those which are given or made upon the request of an investigator for purpose ofmaking comparative examination with the request writing. Request standards are signature or otherhandwritings (or hand printings) written by an individual upon request for the purpose of comparison withother handwriting, or for specimen purposes. In most instances, collected standards are preferable torequest standards, though both types should be submitted if available. Standards should be collected from aperiod dated within a year of the date questioned document, with some written within weeks or days of thequestioned writing.Disputed DocumentSuggests that there is an argument or controversy over the document and strictly speaking this is its truemeaning. In this text, as well as through prior usage, disputed document and questioned document are employedinterchangeably to signify a document under special scrutiny1. Basic Points that should be Considered in Obtaining Standardsa. Collected Standards1.Amount of Writing StandardsThere is no hard rule as to the fixed number of standards which may be considered sufficient or adequate,although experience shows that at least seven (7) standards usually constitute sufficient amount of standardsbut still, 10 is better than 7, 15 is better than 10, In short the more the better.

2.Similarity of the subject MatterAs a rule only like things are to be compared meaning standards should alwaysbecongruent to the nature ofthe questioned or disputed materials.3.Relative dates of the standards with the questioned matterStandards for comparison should relatively contemporary in dates. Those documents executed two yearsbefore or after the date of the questioned document are best. Contemporary as used in questioned documentrefers to documents that are executed within five (5) years prior to the questioned document.4.Kinds of writing instrument and paper usedWriting instrument and paper might influence the quality of writing. Therefore as much as possible utilize orlook for standards those are prepared using the same instrument and paper as the questioned.5.Writing ConditionsConditions both of the writer and the relative position under which questioned writing was executed should betaken into consideration although this is somewhat a difficult task for it is seldom or worst is so availablestandards written under similar condition as in questioned.

What kind of specimen document which are executed executed in the ordinary or regular course of man's activity?

Standard Document – Document in which the origin is known can be proven and can legally be used as sample to compare with other things is questioned. a. Collected/Procured Std. – Standard specimen executed in the regular course of man's activity or that which are executed on the day to day writing activity.

What are the 2 kinds of standard documents?

There are two types of standards: collected and requested. Collected standards are those already in existence that the attorney or investigator collects. They may be bank records, letters, legal forms, and the like.

What are the kinds of documents in forensic?

Questioned material may consist of identification cards, contracts, wills, titles and deeds, seals, stamps, bank checks, handwritten correspondence, machine-generated documents (such as those from photocopiers, fax machines, and printers), currency and electronic documents.

What is the specimen of a person's writing of handwriting executed upon request?

Exemplars, also called standards, are legally admissible authentic samples of handwriting used for comparison with questioned writing. They are used by the document examiner to enable her to form an opinion concerning the authenticity of handwriting in dispute.