Which principle of management suggests that employees should be treated with justice and kindness Why is this principle essential in management?


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The principle of ‘Equity’ suggests that employees should be treated with ‘Justice and Kindness’. It means all the employees should be treated equally and impartially.

The principle is essential in the management because of the following causes:

i. The employees remain satisfied.

ii. Increases the sense of devotion to the organisation.

iii. Skilled employees try to improve upon their skill.

iv. Unskilled employees try to achieve some skill.

Which principle of management suggests that employees should be treated?

The principle of 'Equity' suggests that employees should be treated with 'Justice and Kindness'. It means all the employees should be treated equally and impartially.

Which principle of management suggests that employees should not leave the organization frequently give two adverse effects if this principle is violated?

The principle of 'Stability of Tenure' suggests that employees should not leave the organisation frequently.

Which principle of management states that employees must be treated kindly and justice must be enacted to ensure a just workplace?

Equity - Employees must be treated kindly, and justice must be enacted to ensure a just workplace. Managers should be fair and impartial when dealing with employees, giving equal attention towards all employees.

What is a principle of management?

Principles of management are broad and general guidelines for decision making and behaviour. Example. Honesty, Sincerity etc. Division of work, discipline etc. Nature.