Which of the following contributed most directly to the change in the number of Africans transported to the New World after 1800?

Fill in the blank. By 1550, the majority of African slaves transported to the Americas were destined for ________________.


Fill in the blank. The first Africans to set foot in Jamestown arrived in the English colony via a _______________ ship.


For the first two decades of the seventeenth century, what kind of laborers worked in the Jamestown colony?


In the 1400s, the Portuguese exported all of the following goods to West Africa EXCEPT which of the following?


In the 1600s, which luxury good primarily drove the Atlantic trade?


In the early 1500s, the Portuguese bought African slaves from the Kingdom of Kongo and then re-sold them where?


Where did European traders first export African slaves to in the 1400s?


Which of the following contributed to the beginning of the Age of Discovery?


Which of the following is NOT a reason for the economic downturn in São Tomé during the latter 1500s?


Which of the following is NOT an area where the Portuguese supplied African slaves to in the 1500s?


Which of the following statements is false in describing the slaver brig “Diligente”?


Which of the following was the first permanent “slave factory” on the West African coast?


Why did the Portuguese originally colonize the island of São Tomé?


What valuable commodity did Europeans originally seek to export from Africa in the 1400s?


After 1514, which of the following was NOT a view of Bartolomé de las Casas?


All of the following are reasons that Europeans enslaved Africans EXCEPT:


During which time period was the volume of the Atlantic slave trade the highest?


In the early 1600s, Amerindian slaves in Barbados did which of the following?


The Bantu-speaking peoples who came in large numbers to the Carolina Lowcountry and Brazil were from which region in Africa?


The largest percentage of Africans entering the United States through the Atlantic slave trade was from which region?


The slave trade that utilized the northern Atlantic trade winds was dominated by which European nation?


The slave trade that utilized the southern Atlantic trade winds primarily supplied Africans to which New World colony?


Until 1640, all of the following characterized “slavery” in Virginia EXCEPT which of the following?


What made New World slavery different from other forms of slavery?


When did race-based slavery originate?


Which European disease was the primary cause of death among Amerindians?


Who were the first laborers in the English colony of Jamestown?


Arawak laborers were imported to Barbados from what region in the early 1600s?


From 1595-1640, the Atlantic slave trade to the Spanish Americas was concentrated in which New World port?


From where did the Spanish import slaves after decimating the enslaved indigenous population of Hispaniola in the early 1500s?


In Brazil, the transition from indigenous to African enslaved labor was complete by around which year?


In order for Portugal to expand its slave trading empire in the face of Ottoman imperial expansion, which of the following countries did it begin trading with in the 1540s?


In the 1600s, which of the following Dutch holdings was an important depot for the commodity trade and slave trade with the Spanish mainland colonies?


Other than slaves, what commodities did the Dutch West India Company import from the Gold Coast?


Spain’s first experiment in sugar cultivation and plantation slavery took place in which region?


What was the objective of the first “grand design” of the Dutch West India Company?


Which English monarch was a primary supporter of the slave company known as the Royal Adventurers into Africa, granting the company a charter in 1660?


Which Englishman pioneered English involvement in the Atlantic slave trade?


Which of the following was the most important English port in the Atlantic slave trade?


Which region was the birthplace of the Portuguese pattern of exploration?


Why did the number of slaves in Portugal decline after 1600?


Which of the following determined who became enslaved in Iberia in the mid-1500s?


After 1700, which of the following resulted in an increase in enslavement and wars within Africa?


By the eighteenth century, several forms of slavery were practiced in Africa, including which of the following?


Fill in the blank. Enclosures in which enslaved Africans were held prior to shipment were called ________________.


Fill in the blank. In Africa, the coercive system of labor known as pawnship involved the use of people as ________________.


The slave trade within Africa continued in the 1800s despite which of the following?


What resulted from the presence of European slave traders on the West African coast?


What type of slavery characterized the Atlantic slave trade?


What was the effect of the Atlantic slave trade on the Arab slave traders?


Which of the following DID NOT account for the vast majority of Africans deported to the Americas?


Which of the following is NOT a means by which slaves were obtained in the Islamic world?


Which of the following was a reason why Africans enslaved other Africans?


Which of the following was NOT a large state that developed in West Africa during the era of the Atlantic slave trade?


Which of the following was NOT a use of black African slaves in the Islamic Empire?


In many African societies, slaves were employed in all of the following roles EXCEPT which of the following?


Fill in the blank. By the early 1700s, slaves imported to Brazil were mainly working on sugar plantations and ________________.


Fill in the blank. Enslaved African Americans who escaped into the wilderness to form their own separate communities were called _______________.


Fill in the blank. In the first part of the sixteenth century, Hispaniola’s increased imports of Africans signaled the shift from ____________ to chattel slavery.


In 1518, the Spanish king made which of the following amendments to Spain’s Atlantic slave trade policy?


In the Carolinas in the early 1700s, slavery became an entrenched institution based upon the profitability of which crop?


Many of the first generation of African slaves arrived in the New World via which region?


The Louisiana Code Noir of 1724 established all of the following EXCEPT:


Which of the following British American cities experienced slave rebellions in the first half of the eighteenth century?


Which of the following individuals was kidnapped in Guinea and brought to Rhode Island in 1737 through the Atlantic slave trade?


Which of the following was legal under the slave codes of the Carolinas in the 1700s?


Which of the following was NOT a skill performed by slaves on many large plantations in British North America?


Which of the following was NOT a social class described by Hugh Jones of Virginia in 1724?


Which “revolution” in the Caribbean had the greatest impact on the Atlantic slave trade?


What was the largest slave-trading port in British North America in the early 1700s?


According to historians’ estimates, approximately how many enslaved Africans were transported to the New World?


According to the former slave Olaudah Equiano, all of the following were common punishments for slaves EXCEPT:


Alexander Falconbridge, who wrote an account of the Atlantic slave trade, was intimately familiar with the Middle Passage because of which of the following reasons?


During the Middle Passage, what accounted for high mortality rates among Africans?


Fill in the blank. In 1758, Boyrereau Brinch was kidnapped, enslaved, and taken to the Americas by ______________ traders.


Fill in the blank. While slave ships were legally permitted to carry no more than around 350 captives, some ships carried more than __________ captives.


How did some European governments try to regulate the Atlantic slave trade?


In Britain, most slave ships were built in which port city?


Which of the following is NOT a way in which captive Africans resisted their enslavement during the Middle Passage?


Which of the following is NOT a way in which ship captains prepared them for market once the captive Africans arrived in the New World?


Which of the following occurred on board slave ships when captive Africans tried to starve themselves?


Which of the following was NOT a special name bestowed by captive Africans upon each other during the Middle Passage?


Which of the following was NOT considered by the plantation owner Thomas Thistlewood of Jamaica when newly purchasing African slaves?


In addition to the “triangular trade” routes, there was also a direct trading route across the Atlantic Ocean between Brazil and which region?


A large-scale slave revolt broke out in which region in 1791?


After 1860, the Atlantic slave trade was carried on mostly by which of the following:


Beginning in the 1810s, which group policed the West African coast for slave trading vessels?


Between 1801 and 1867, the majority of African captives were transported to which of the following locations?


Fill in the blank. In 1820, the United States government made international slave trading an act of _______________.


Fill in the blank. The group of black abolitionists based in Britain was known as __________________.


Illegal slave trading failed to flourish in which of the following American states?


Many states in the American South tried to re-open the Atlantic slave trade during which decade?


What is the primary evidence that the Atlantic slave trade was being carried on in the United States illegally after 1808?


What judicial body oversaw the prosecution of ships suspected of illegal slave trading?


When did the last slave ship arrive in Cuba?


Which of the following countries abolished the Atlantic slave trade first?


Which of the following was NOT a demographic impact of the Atlantic slave trade?


Which of the following was NOT an impact of the Atlantic slave trade upon Africa?


The United States outlawed the slave trade in which year?


Which of the following most directly led to the arrival of substantial numbers of Africans?

Which of the following most directly led to the arrival of substantial numbers of Africans in the Americas at the time of the painting? The world economic system that developed after 1500 featured unequal relationships between western Europe and dependent economies in other regions.

Which of the following was a significant cause of the trend from 1843 to 1854 shown in the graph quizlet?

Which of the following was a significant cause of the trend from 1843 to 1854 shown in the graph? Economic hardship and political instability in Europe.
Which of the following cultural and social shifts resulted most directly from the trends described in the excerpt? The emergence of new ideas about the proper roles of husbands and wives.

Which of the following most directly contributed to Roosevelt's view that freedom from want was necessary quizlet?

the United States was gearing up for war. Which of the following most directly contributed to Roosevelt's view that "freedom from want" was necessary? forbade American ships trato vel with belligerents.