Which of the following best describes the academic study of criminal justice in the 1960s?

Which of the following best describes the academic study of criminal justice in the 1960s?







Chapter 4 - Counting Crime

1. Which of the following is the most commonly used source of data for measuring crime in Canada?

a. police-reported datab. correctional data

c. court datad. census data


2. Which of the following terms refers to the consistency of research results over time?

a. validityb. stability

c. reliabilityd. methodology


3. Which of the following is the result of taking police-reported crimes, dividing this figure by the size of the

national population, and then multiplying it by 100,000?

a. crime rateb. victimization rate

c. self-report crime


d. adult crime offender rate


4. What information does a statistical count of prison populations provide?

a. how much crime a society is experiencing

b. how a society responds to crime

c. the murder rates for a society at a given time

d. the nature of judicial discretion in a society


5. Which of the following pairs of terms best describes the nature of crime rate statistics across the criminal

justice system from crime detection to incarceration?

a. The information is neither a reliable nor a valid measure of crime rate.

b. The information is a valid but not a reliable measure of crime rate.

c. The information is a reliable but not a valid measure of crime rate.

d. The information provides both a reliable and a valid measure of crime rate.


6. Which of the following criminal justice agencies completes a report that then becomes part of the Uniform

Crime Reporting system?

a. policeb. courts

c. correction


d. Canadian Centre for Justice statistics


7. Which of the following scenarios best reflects Kaplan’s “law of the hammer”?


Police-reported crime data continue to be used by social scientists, despite

knowledge of their weaknesses.

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Herbert Packer, a Stanford University law professor, constructed two models, the crime control model and the due process model, to represent the two competing systems of values operating within criminal justice. The tension between the two accounts for the conflict and disharmony that now is observable in the criminal justice system.

The crime control model should prevail

The following assertions are the key concerns of the crime control model:

  1. The repression of crime should be the most important function of criminal justice because order is a necessary condition for a free society.

  2. Criminal justice should concentrate on vindicating victims' rights rather than on protecting defendants' rights.

  3. Police powers should be expanded to make it easier to investigate, arrest, search, seize, and convict.

  4. Legal technicalities that handcuff the police should be eliminated.

  5. The criminal justice process should operate like an assembly‐line conveyor belt, moving cases swiftly along toward their disposition.

  6. If the police make an arrest and a prosecutor files criminal charges, the accused should be presumed guilty because the fact‐finding of police and prosecutors is highly reliable.

  7. The main objective of the criminal justice process should be to discover the truth or to establish the factual guilt of the accused.

The due process model should prevail

Packer's due process model is a counterproposal to the crime control model. It consists of these arguments:

  1. The most important function of criminal justice should be to provide due process, or fundamental fairness under the law.

  2. Criminal justice should concentrate on defendants' rights, not victims' rights, because the Bill of Rights expressly provides for the protection of defendants' rights.

  3. Police powers should be limited to prevent official oppression of the individual.

  4. Constitutional rights aren't mere technicalities; criminal justice authorities should be held accountable to rules, procedures, and guidelines to ensure fairness and consistency in the justice process.

  5. The criminal justice process should look like an obstacle course, consisting of a series of impediments that take the form of procedural safeguards that serve as much to protect the factually innocent as to convict the factually guilty.

  6. The government shouldn't hold a person guilty solely on the basis of the facts; a person should be found guilty only if the government follows legal procedures in its fact‐finding.

Evaluating the crime control and due process models

To declare that one of these models is superior to the other requires one to make a value judgment. The crime control model reflects conservative values, while the due process model reflects liberal values. Political climate determines which model shapes criminal justice policy at a specific time. During the politically liberal 1960s, the principles and policies of due process predominated in criminal justice. From the mid 1970s to the early twenty‐first century, conservatism has held sway as the dominant political philosophy, and conservatives have formulated criminal justice policies in the image of the crime control model.

What is the role of research in criminal justice quizlet?

The four purposes of research include exploration, description, explanation, and application. One purpose of research is for exploration, in order to know more about a topic that provides little information in general.

What is the criminal justice system quizlet?

Criminal justice is the system of practices and institutions of governments directed at upholding social control, deterring and mitigating crime, or sanctioning those who violate laws with criminal penalties and rehabilitation efforts.

Which of the following is a criticism of the systems model of criminal justice quizlet?

Robert, who is accused of armed robbery, is arrested and sentenced to five years in prison following a speedy trial. Which of the following is a criticism of the systems model of criminal justice? The systems model fails to consider that individual actors within the system often do not share immediate goals.

Which of the following is true of the conflict model of criminal justice quizlet?

Which of the following is true of the conflict model? It holds that criminal law should be determined by those with influence in the community.