What is the main difference between federal and unitary government explain with an example?



Hint: Federal form of government is in which the power is divided between a central authority and various constituent units of the country. But the unitary system of government there is only one level of government. There are no provincial state governments as we in India have.

Complete answer: In a federal form of government, the central government shares its powers with the various constituent units of the country.
 In a federal form of government, the central government shares its powers with the various Constituent units of the country whereas in unitary form of government either there is only one level of government or the sub-units are subordinate to the central government.
In the federal form of government, the central government cannot order the state government to do something or take any action whereas the central government can pass on orders to the provincial or the local government.
The UK, France, Japan, China, Italy, Belgium, Norway, Sweden, Spain have a unitary model of government while the US, Switzerland, Australia, Canada, Russia, Brazil, Argentina have federal models of government.

Note: In a federal form of government, the central government shares its powers with the various constituent units of the country.eg In India, power is divided between the government at the Centre and the various State governments. In a unitary form of government, all the power is exercised by only one government. eg.In Sri Lanka, the national government has all the powers

What is the main difference between a federal form of government and a unitary one? Explain with an example.

Distinguish between the unitary form of government and the federal form of government.

In a federal form of government, the central government shares its powers with the various constituent units of the country. For example, in India, power is divided between the government at the Centre and the various State governments. 

In a unitary form of government, all the power is exercised by only one government. For example, in Sri Lanka, the national government has all the powers.

A unitary form of government is one wherein all the powers are concentrated in the hands of the central government. The central government delegates authority to local units that are created by it. These local units are referred as local governments. Countries like England, France, and Japan have Unitary Governments. Unitary Governments are suitable for smaller countries.

K. C. Where describes the federal principle as the method of divided power so that the general and regional governments are each within a sphere co-ordinate and independent.

Federalism is the theory of federal political order, wherein final authority is divided between sub-units and a center. Unlike a unitary state, sovereignty is constitutionally split at two tiers. Unlike Unitary form, in the Federal system the Constitution has absolute supremacy. There is also devolution of powers between the central government and state governments. Further an independent judiciary is a key feature of Federalism. The Indian system is relatively federal in nature with states enjoying reasonable powers on a number of subjects like law and order. The Judiciary in India too is independent and often gives verdicts that go against the governments. 

Concept: Decentralisation in India

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The main difference between federal and unitary Governments is: power sharing.In Federal forms of Government, power is shared between central and state governments.In Unitary form of Government, there is only one level of Government or if the subunits exists, it will be subordinate to the Central Government.In the Federal System of Government, State Governments are answerable to the people and not answerable to the Central Government. Central Government cannot order State Governments to do something, Local Governments or Provincial Governments have to follow the order given by the Central Government.Example: India is a Federal Government. There are two categories of Federal Government Holding Together Federations – Examples are Spain, India, Belgium.Coming Together Federations – Examples are Australia, Switzerland, United States of America (USA).Example of a Unitary Government is Sri Lanka.

What is the main difference between federal and unitary government explain with an example class 10?

In a federal form of government the central government shares its powers with the various constituent units of the country. For example in India power is divided between the government at the Centre and the various State governments.In a unitary form of government all the power is exercised by only one government.

What is the main difference between the unitary and federal government with example?

Federal government
Unitary government
There is a balance between the levels of government.
The federal government has a huge percentage of power. Examples include Japan and Saudi Arabia.
Power and responsibilities are shared between national and local levels.
Power is placed in one central governing system
Distinguish between the Unitary and Federal systems of government.byjus.com › question-answer › distinguish-between-the-unitary-and-federal...null

What is an example of a unitary government?

Unitary System One central government controls weaker states. Power is not shared between states, counties, or provinces. Examples: China, United Kingdom (although Scotland has been granted self-rule).

What is difference between unitary state and federation?

In a unitary country, the power and sovereignty belongs to the national government, which might transfer some of it to territorial units. In a federal country, the power and sovereignty is constitutionally divided and shared between the national (federal) government and units (states).