What was one major difference between the league of nations and the united nations (un) quizlet

The creation of the League of Nations marked a new era of multilateral cooperation. The Covenant bound its Member States to try to settle their disputes peacefully. By joining the League, Member States also renounced secret diplomacy, committed to reduce their armaments, and agreed to comply with international law. Each state pledged to respect the territorial integrity and political independence of all members of the League. By establishing a bond of solidarity between Member States, the League is considered the first attempt to build a system of collective security. This principle relied on a simple idea: an aggressor against any Member State should be considered an aggressor against all the other Member States.

The League of Nations was also in charge of supervising the Mandate system. The “mandated territories” were former German colonies and Ottoman territories placed under what the Covenant called the “tutelage” of mandatory powers until they could become independent states.

Although the Covenant focused on conflict prevention and the peaceful settlement of disputes, some articles referred to the role of the League in promoting international cooperation in areas such as health, drug trafficking, transit, freedom of communications, and human trafficking. The efforts in these fields became increasingly important over the years and, in some cases, paved the way for the creation of United Nations entities, such as Specialized Agencies and UN Funds and Programmes.

Some responsibilities were assigned to the League by other international instruments, such as the peace treaties signed in Paris. In 1920, the Saar territory was placed under the League’s administration until a plebiscite was held to decide on its future. The League also supervised the Constitution of the Free City of Danzig and the implementation of the minority treaties. The treaties were signed after the Peace Conference in Paris and drastically changed the borders in Europe.



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Terms in this set (10)

Which of the following is a goal of the United Nations?

Preventing international wars

A) The United Nations is founded B) The Treaty of Versailles C)WWII Ends


What term best describes the League of Nations?


In what way is the UN different from the league of nations?

The League had no military capabilities; the UN does

If a country wants to join the UN, two-thirds of all UN member countries need to approve its application. How many countries need to vote yes for new nations to join?


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They often have poor public health and transportation systems

Which landmark is located closest to the UN headquarters?

Statue of Liberty

If you visited the Peace Palace in the Netherlands, you'd most likely see...

The trial of a war criminal

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The president of the United States

The function of the UN Charter is more similar to the function of...

The US Constitution

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What is one major difference between the League of Nations and the United Nations?

Despite similarities, the functioning of the League of Nations and the United Nations are very different. One major difference is the rule of unanimity at the League of Nations versus the rule of the majority at the UN.

What are the similarities between the League of Nations and United Nations?

These organizations were designed to help member countries achieve a common goal. Two examples of these organizations were the League of Nations (1920 -1946) and the United Nations (1945 – Present). A major goal of both of these organizations was to promote peace and prevent war through diplomacy.

Why was the UN more effective than the League of Nations?

Explanation: Firstly the USA was a member of the UN whereas it was not a member of the League. This was even more significant in 1945 with the emergence of the superpowers and in particular the global role of the USA. Secondly the UN had the power to take much stronger action to prevent conflict.

What was the main purpose of one of the first world organizations the League of Nations?

The League of Nations (1920 – 1946) was the first intergovernmental organization established “to promote international cooperation and to achieve international peace and security”. It is often referred to as the “predecessor” of the United Nations.