What is a basic concept associated with rehabilitation that the nurse should consider when formulating discharge plans for clients quizlet?

Which combination of foods, in addition to milk, should a nurse encourage a child with glomerulonephritis to include in the diet?

1) Baked potato, ground beef, canned carrots, and banana
2) Rice, corn on the cob, baked chicken breast, and applesauce
3) Canned green beans, baked ham, bread and butter, and chips
4) Hot dog on a bun, French fries, dill pickle slices, and brownie

Rice, corn on the cob, baked chicken breast, and applesauce are all permitted on a low-sodium, low-potassium diet, which people with kidney disease require. Carrots are high in sodium, and a banana is high in potassium; both should be avoided. Canned green beans, baked ham, bread and butter, and chips are high in sodium. A hot dog and bun, French fries, dill pickle slices, and brownies are all high in sodium, potassium, or both and should be avoided.

2) Fecal occult blood testing should be performed yearly beginning at age 50 years.

In addition to this recommendation, the ACS also recommends a colonoscopy every 10 years, flexible sigmoidoscopy every 5 years, double-contrast barium enema every 5 years, or computed tomography (CT) colonography (virtual colonoscopy) every 5 years. If any of these tests (other than the colonoscopy) are positive, a colonoscopy should be done. The ACS recommends that women have an annual mammography after age 40 years. Women with a risk greater than 20% (based on family history, genetic tendency, or certain other factors) should have an magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and mammography yearly at 30 or sooner, based on personal circumstances or preference. A clinical breast exam should be done starting at 20 and through the 30s every 3 years. The ACS recommends that breast self-examinations be performed monthly beginning at age 20 years if a person chooses to do so; it is recommended that women be instructed about the potential benefits and limitations related to breast self-examination. After a discussion with a health care provider, digital rectal examinations and PSA screening should be done annually at age 50 for men who are expected to live at least 10 years longer. African-American men and men with a father or brother with a history of prostate cancer before the age of 65 should begin testing at 45 years of age. Men at even a greater risk (brother or father with a diagnosis of prostate cancer at an early age) should begin testing at age 40. Screening should take place every 3 years with a PSA of less than 2.5 ng/mL, and yearly for a PSA equal to or more than 2.5 ng/mL

A decrease in serum potassium causes a decrease in the cell wall pressure gradient and results in water to move out of the cell. Besides intracellular osmolarity regulation, potassium also regulates metabolic activities, transmission and conduction of nerve impulses, cardiac conduction, and smooth and skeletal muscle contraction. Sodium is the most abundant extracellular cation that regulates serum osmolarity, as well as nerve impulse transmission and acid-base balance. Calcium is an extracellular cation necessary for bone and teeth formation, blood clotting, hormone secretion, cardiac conduction, transmission of nerve impulses, and muscle contraction. Calcitonin is a hormone secreted by the thyroid gland and works opposite of parathormone to reduce serum calcium and keep calcium in the bones. Calcitonin does not have a direct effect on intracellular osmolarity.

Which information would the nurse share with a client who refuses to follow the prescribed treatment regimen and plans to leave the hospital against medical advice?

Refusing to follow the prescribed treatment regimen, a client plans to leave the hospital against medical advice. Which is it important for the nurse to inform the client of? The client must accept full responsibility for possible undesirable outcomes.

What is the nursing process quizlet?

What is the purpose of the nursing process? to identify a client's health care status, and actual or potential health problems, to establish plans to meet the identified needs, and to deliver specific nursing interventions to address those needs.

Which nursing intervention can prevent tissue injury by eliminating shearing force quizlet?

Which nursing intervention can prevent further injury by eliminating shearing force? Maintain the head of the bed at 35 degrees or less.

Which domain of the nursing Interventions Classification NIC taxonomy includes care that supports homeostatic regulation quizlet?

Domain 2, or the physiologic complex, includes care that supports homeostatic regulation. Domain 1 includes care that supports physical functioning.