Was versteht man unter jedem das Seine?

1937 bauten die Nationalsozialisten das Konzentrationslager Buchenwald in der Nähe von Weimar. Der Spruch „Jedem das Seine“ (in der Bedeutung von „Jedem, was er verdient“) steht von innen lesbar über dem Haupttor. Er richtete sich somit direkt an die Lagerinsassen.

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Was versteht man unter jedem das Seine?

Wootbuerger 24.11.2019, 21:17

das stimmt, der spruch wurde verwendet, nur ist er nicht "von den nazis" sondern wesentlich älter...


Was versteht man unter jedem das Seine?


24.11.2019, 20:46

Ist bereits seit der Antike ein Spruch, der das Gerechtigkeitsempfinden ausdrückt.

in der heutigen Zeit ein Ausdruck von Gleichgültigkeit.

Was versteht man unter jedem das Seine?


24.11.2019, 20:41

Hat für mich einen bitteren Beigeschmack, weil es auch im KZ Buchenwald auf dem Tor stand (evtl. bei anderen auch). Eher bekannt ist ja in dem Zusammenhang "Arbeit macht frei"

“Jedem das Seine”— “To Each His Own” or better “To Each What They Are Due,” is an old German proverb that refers to an ancient ideal of justice and is the German version of “Suum Cuique.” This Roman dictum of law itself dates back to Plato’s “Republic.” Plato basically states that justice is served as long as everyone minds their own business. In Roman law the meaning of “Suum Cuique” was transformed into two basic meanings: “Justice renders to everyone what they deserve.” or “To give each his own.” Fundamentally, these are two sides of the same medal. But despite the universally valid attributes of the proverb, in Germany, it has a bitter ring to it and is seldom used. Let’s find out, why that is the case.

The Proverb’s Relevance

The dictum became an integral part of legal systems all over Europe, but especially German law studies delved deeply into exploring “Jedem das Seine.” From the middle of the 19th century, German theorists took on a leading role in the analysis of Roman law. But even long before that, the “Suum Cuique” was deeply rooted into German history. Martin Luther used the expression and the first-ever King of Prussia later had the proverb minted on his Kingdom’s coins and integrated it into the emblem of his most prestigious knight order. In 1715, great German composer Johann Sebastian Bach created a piece of music called “Nur Jedem das Seine.” The 19th century brings a few more works of art that bear the proverb in their title. Amongst them, are theater plays named “Jedem das Seine.” As you can see, initially the proverb had a rather honorable history, if such a thing is possible. Then, of course, came the great fracture.

Jedem das Seine and Buchenwald

Just as the phrase “Arbeit Macht Frei (Work Will Set You Free)” was placed over the entrances of several concentration or extermination camps — the most familiar example probably being Auschwitz — “Jedem das Seine” was on the gate of the Buchenwald concentration camp close to Weimar.

The way, in which “Jedem das Seine” is placed into the gate is especially appalling. The writing is installed back-to-front, so that you can only read it when you are within the camp, looking back to the outside world. Thus, the prisoners, when turning back at the closing gate would read “To Each What They Are Due” — making it the more vicious. Unlike “Arbeit Macht Frei” in Auschwitz, “Jedem das Seine” in Buchenwald was specifically designed, to force the prisoners within the compound to look at it every day. The Buchenwald camp was mostly a work camp, but over the course of the war people from all the invaded countries were sent there.  

“Jedem das Seine” is another example of the German language having been perverted by the Third Reich. Today, the proverb is seldom, and if it is, it usually sparks controversy. A few ad campaigns have used the proverb or variations of it in recent years, always followed by protest. Even a youth organization of the CDU (Christian Democratic Union of Germany) fell into that trap and was reprimanded.

The story of “Jedem das Seine” brings up the vital question of how to deal with the German language, culture, and life in general in light of the great fracture that is the Third Reich. And even though, that question will probably never be fully answered, it is necessary to raise it again and again. History will never stop teaching us. 

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Schmitz, Michael. "History and Meaning of the German Proverb "Jedem das Seine"." ThoughtCo. https://www.thoughtco.com/german-proverb-changed-through-history-4025700 (accessed January 6, 2023).

Was ist gemeint mit jedem das Seine?

Es besagt, dass jedem Bürger eines Gemeinwesens das zugeteilt wird (bzw. werden soll), was ihm gebührt, etwa durch gerechte Güterverteilung. Je nach politischer Theorie oder praktischem Bezug werden verschiedene Präzisierungen vorgeschlagen. Der Status eines solchen Prinzips wird unterschiedlich bewertet.

Wie schreibt man jedem das Seine?

Beispiele: [1] Der Grundsatz „Jedem das Seine“ geht auf die griechische Philosophie und das römische Rechtswesen zurück. [2] Soll doch jeder lieben, wen er will! Jedem das Seine!

Woher kommt SUUM Cuique?

Suum Cuique: Dieser Ausspruch stammt von dem großen altrömischen Politiker, Schriftsteller und Redner Marcus Tullius CICERO (03.01.106 – 07.12.43 v. Chr.). Cicero sagte: “Justitia in suo cuique tribuento cernitur”. “Die Gerechtigkeit erkennt man daran, daß sie jedem das seine zuerteilt.”

Wo befindet sich das KZ Buchenwald?

Das KZ Buchenwald, amtlich KL Buchenwald, war eines der größten Konzentrationslager auf deutschem Boden. Es wurde zwischen Juli 1937 und April 1945 auf dem Ettersberg bei Weimar als Haftstätte zur Zwangsarbeit betrieben.