________ consumption occurs with objects and events that are considered to be ordinary and everyday.

Culture best described as society's personality
Norms usually dictate what is right or wrong, acceptable or unacceptable
Occult Interest in THIS is most likely to increase in a society when people feel overwhelmed or powerless
myth A story containing symbolic elements that express the shared emotions and ideals of a culture
ritual A set of multiple symbolic behaviors that occur in a fixed sequence and tend to be repeated
fortress brand Brands that we closely link to our rituals
economic Researchers primarily see the gift-giving ritual as one of THIS type of exchange
altruistic As a relationship grows and progresses, gift giving tends to become more
rite of passage A special ritual marking a person's change in social status
Profane consumption occurs with objects and events that are considered to be ordinary and everyday.
collecting The systematic acquisition of a particular object or set of objects
creative, managerial, and communications the 3 subsystems in a culture production system
Styles THESE are often a reflection of more fundamental societal trends
cultural gatekeepers In the cultural production process, the people who control the flow of information between producers and customers
art product an object that is admired strictly for its beauty or because it inspires an emotional reaction
product placement Promoters attempt to have their products shown prominently in full-length films
ecology functional area is consistently a part of a cultural system
ideology The aspect of a cultural system which describes the mental characteristics of a people and the way they relate to their environment and social groups
enculturation the learning process when we learn the beliefs and behaviors endorsed by our own culture
conventions be adhering to "correctness"
ritual artifacts things that sports fans take to every game would be an example of these
reciprocity norm the feeling that you have to give a gift when someone gives you one
sacred a historic tour would be this type of consumption
advergaming including a logo in a video game is an example of THIS

What is the difference between sacred and profane consumption provide one example of each?

Sacred and Profane Consumption Sacred consumption is related to special events that are out of the ordinary (e.g., holidays, rites of passage, religious events). Profane consumption is related to events that are a part of everyday life.

What are Crescive norms?

Crescive norms: embedded in a culture and include: Customs: norms handed down from the past that control basic behavior. Mores: custom with a strong moral overtone. Conventions: norms regarding the conduct of everyday life.

Which of the following dictate what is right or wrong acceptable or unacceptable?

Consumer Behavior Study Guide Term I 2018.

Which subsystem of cultural production generates new symbols and products?

Terms in this set (21) A communications subsystem gives meaning to the new product and provide it with a symbolic set of attributes.