Which one of the following is true regarding the credibility of a speaker or sender?

QuestionAnswerPeople communicate to satisfy needs in both their work lives and private lives True A major purpose in communication is to help people feel good about themselves and their friends, groups, and organizations. True Three basic purpose of communication are to feel, sense, and influence False If the sender uses words the receiver does not understand, the receiver will have difficulty encoding the message False The sender’s primary objective is to decode the message so that the message received is as close as possible to the message that is sent False While the sender of a message is responsible for effective encoding and the receiver for effective decoding, both have responsibility for addressing interferences True Barriers, or interferences, to communication can be completely overcome by skilled communicators False A person’s self-talk that takes place within the person is referred to as interpersonal communication False Upward communication from lower organizational levels to management involves risk since it is generally feedback to downward communication True Open, honest communication is the single most important factor in successfully creating a Total Quality Management (TQM) environment True In spite of its poor reputation, the grapevine is in reality no more or less accurate than other channels True Stakeholders are those affected by decisions and can include people inside and outside the organization. True While all actions that are ethical are legal, some actions that are legal may not be ethical False A limitation of language translation is that some words do not have an equivalent meaning in another language True Though people around the world speak different languages, nonverbal communication, such as gestures and facial expressions, generally has the same meanings to all cultures. False An ethnocentrist is a person who refuses to develop sensitivity to other cultures. True Email is generally a more time efficient communication channel than the phone. True A benefit of videoconferencing is that it restores the nonverbal elements of interpersonal communication that are lost over the telephone True The passage of recent federal legislation has assured that privacy will not be threatened by technology advancements False Synergy occurs when the energy of a group is diverted to nonproductive tasks. False In successful teams, leadership is likely to be shared, which requires more direct and effective communication within the organization. True While every team is a group, not every group is a team. True When ABC Company makes a legal decision that complies with contractual agreements, one can accurately assume that it is an ethical decision because it is legal. False Rather than using a single strategy, spokespersons at the Centers for Disease Control have found a blend of strategies to be most effective in providing information to the public True Employees should set aside their own personal value systems when making ethical decisions for their companies False Differences in education level, experience, and culture or distractions such as noise, uncomfortable room temperature, and interruptions are examples of interference. Sharon, an executive traveling on an international assignment, is preparing instructions to email to her staff during the trip. Carol is in the act of encoding Javon explains a new policy to his staff which prohibits the use of office computers for personal email. Several of the employees frown at the news and one staff member makes a sarcastic remark. Steve’s staff is giving feedback. Jeff receives an email from his boss, Sharon, who is on an international trip. As Jeff interprets the instructions from the email, he is in the act of decoding. A supervisor notices than an employee has been late to work for three days this week. What is the BEST way for the supervisor do to foster open communication? Meet with the employee face-to-face to discuss the lateness. A manager is faced with having to lay off some of his staff due to financial losses that the company has suffered.Which of the following channels of communication would b the LEAST effective method for sharing the news w employees given the sensitive... Electronic mail to all affected employees Intrapersonal communication occurs when an individual processes information individually Chantell is the manager of the claims department for a large insurance company. She has a one-hour meeting with her staff to explain the new claim form which the company will use next month. This is an example of which type of organizational communication downward An organizational chart is a graphic representation of ____ formal communication channels within the organization The grapevine in an organization is typically no more or less accurate than other channels The ____ communication channel is created by management to control individual and group behavior and to achieve the organization’s goals formal In downward communication management attempts to ____ activities within an organization while with horizontal communication management hopes to ____ them. control; coordinate A supervisor on the night shift at a manufacturing plant is told to dump chemicals used in the refining process rather than dispose of them properly according to safety regulations. The owner of the company insists that the chemicals are not harmful to Unwilling to stand for what is right Many leading figures in recent corporate scandals were never convicted of a crime. Which of the following best describes their behavior Behavior that is legal, yet unethical Which of the following is FALSE concerning instant messaging (IM) in official corporate communication? Instant messaging overcomes the time barrier for geographically dispersed groups Which of the following are NOT barriers to intercultural communication? Synergy, decentralized decision making, and cross functional teams The single most important aspect of successful teamwork is effective communication Two or three employees working on a report at the same time using an electronic whiteboard would be an example of the use of ____ software. collaborative Which of the following guidelines about overcoming intercultural barriers is NOT appropriate? One should help the other person overcome his or her cultural barriers by conforming to the new culture. Data integrity refers to which of the following advantages of databases? The assurance that data will be accurate and complete The United States is comprised largely of immigrants, some of whom work to retain their traditional customs and language while still sharing in the common culture. Which of the following terms best fits the above description? Mosaic Which of the following statements about culture is true? None of the above statements are true. Which of the following is true of personal space requirements? Space operates as a language, just as time does Which of the following statements about language translation is FALSE? People generally resent the simple efforts of a person of another culture to learn a few common phrases in the new language. Which of the following is FALSE concerning the diverse workplace? The increased number of women in the workplace has decreased the incidence of sexual harassment charges. Which of the following best describes the common attitude that those from the U.S, Canada, and northern Europe have about the concept of time? Time is money In confronting the international problems caused by lack of language training, the MOST useful advice for North Americans is to try to acquire second language skills if possible, or at least learn a few words in the language of your audience. You are faced with a work-related ethical dilemma. In deciding what action to take, you would: Check legal implications and the company code of ethics, and then decide if the action is personally ethical. Ramona wants a colleague in another building to read the final revision of the report they wrote collaboratively. She then wants it distributed throughout the plant to seven managers for their comments prior to its presentation in two days. What is the mo email Which of the following statements is FALSE concerning privacy? Technology has made protection of copyright easier. Which of the following is FALSE concerning teams? Skills for successful participating in team environments are the same as those for success in traditional organizations. Which of the following is typically true of work teams? Employees in a self-directed work team handle a wide array of functions and work with a minimum of direct supervision. Communication in successful work teams is affected primarily by trust building and shared leadership. In a distributed leadership team environment, the role of the leader is BEST described as any member of the team becoming the leader at various times. As one of 11 federal agencies under the Department of Health and Human Services, the CDC must coordinate its efforts to protect citizens from epidemics with the CIA, the FBI, and the Department of Homeland Security. Communication with these other agencies horizontal communication Which of the following issues would likely NOT be communicated to the public by the Centers for Disease Control? Homeland Security defense strategies Organizations that have shifted towards team structure typically believe that the team process will result in rewards based on individual effort and team performance Which of the following would NOT be a goal of a diversity initiative program? Improve communication by minimizing cultural factors A strategic force affecting communication is an impact that influences the communication process and helps to determine and define the nature of the communication that occurs. Which of the following is NOT an advantage of email? Replace the need for personal conversation. The purpose of a diversity initiative is to learn to view others as individuals rather than members of stereotypical groups Managers at XYZ Manufacturing Company believe that "the ends justify the means" and defend certain unethical acts because they are in the best financial interest of the company. This action BEST typifies which potential cause of unethical behavior? Excessive emphasis on profits Which of the following is FALSE concerning stereotyping? Stereotyping aids in communication by categorizing cultures into distinct groups that have similarities According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, people generally satisfy lower level needs before they move on to higher level needs. true When a confidant shows that he or she can be trusted, it leads to an expansion of the open area of the Johari Window. true According to the situational leadership model, a leader who listens, communicates, recognizes, and encourages is demonstrating directive behavior false In the traditional Japanese culture, business people consider direct eye contact disrespectful or aggressive. true People constantly send meaning through kinesic communication which is expressed by nonverbal behavior. true Lilly is told by her supervisor that she is doing a good job while his body language suggests he is distracted and in a hurry; she will tend to believe the verbal message more than the nonverbal. false The comment “I have never heard you speak so well” may be perceived by listeners as containing a negative metacommunication. true A manager who constantly emphasizes punctuality to subordinates arrives late to meetings. The nonverbal message will be more strongly believed by the subordinates. true Empathetic listening is enhanced when the participants exhibit trust and friendship true Performance appraisal interviews between supervisors and employees frequently combine listening intensively and empathetic listening. true A student who is listening to instructions for a homework assignment should be using casual listening skills. false Listening commonly consumes more of a business employee's time than reading, writing, and speaking combined. true Effective listening involves observing nonverbal communication as well as hearing the verbal message. true The terms role and status are used interchangeably to indicate the part people play in the organization. false Kelly, who is on Team A, constantly complains and criticizes her team members; she is playing the role of detractor. true In a flat organization structure, communicating among the cross-disciplinary teams becomes more important than upward and downward communication. true While research has not determined the optimal number of members for effective group work, an odd number offers some advantage. true A task force is an example of a long-standing team or group. false Major distinctions between a group and a team are the members' cooperative attitude and level of commitment. true Given enough time, all groups advance through the four stages of team development that include forming, storming, norming, and performing. false Despite the growth in popularity of electronic meetings, face-to-face meetings continue to be the most-used meeting format in most organizations. true Electronic meetings are preferred to face-to-face meetings when group efforts are just beginning and members are trying to build group values false Using an electronic meeting process can reduce meeting time significantly. true The typical collaborative male communication style engenders rapport while the typical adversarial female communication style demands respect. false Consensus is the collective opinion of a group, even though each member may not agree with every aspect of the decision. true After earning a scholarship for your superior grades in school, you receive a congratulatory letter from the dean. This communication interaction would be considered a positive stroke Which of the following is true concerning Maslow’s theory? Effective managers recognize ways to help people satisfy their needs According to Abraham Maslow, the desire to contribute through philanthropic channels is an example of satisfying self-actualizing needs Which of the following is consistent with McGregor's Theory Y management style? Management strives to balance control and individual freedom. Management exercising strong control and motivating its employees through external incentives such as a paycheck are reflective of the ____ style. Theory X The most important message in the Johari Window theory is that trust and openness lead to better communication between people. As the vice-president of marketing, Aricella gives her employees freedom to make their own decisions and encourages them to express their opinions in meetings. Aricella is a Type Y manager Supervisor Janet tells Juan, "Don't be late for work." Janet's probable metacommunication is “You are frequently late for work and this is a warning.” Which of the following statements about nonverbal messages is FALSE? Nonverbal messages are consistent across cultures Robin, task force chair, tells team member Aaron "your proposed solution to this problem is great." Robin's probable metacommunication to Aaron is “You have previously expressed weak ideas.” A job applicant appears for an interview in wrinkled clothing. What nonverbal message is the interviewer most likely to receive? He didn’t care enough to look his best You are a U.S. businessperson who has just completed a successful agreement with a Japanese client. As a gesture of friendship, you pat the back of your Japanese client. How is he likely to react? Stiffen his body, as he considers such touching improper Which of the following is NOT a bad listening habit? Thinking ahead Which of the following is appropriate etiquette when listening? Restate in your own words what you think the speaker has said. Preeti is having a business lunch with Jose to discuss the downsizing of the manufacturing plant in South America. Preeti is expecting an important call on her cell phone during the lunch and answers her phone several times. Preeti is not listening attent Allowing disruptions Jakeel is a new sales representative with Sensations, Inc. He attends a regional sales meeting, followed by a reception. He converses with 3 new sales people and an hour later forgets their names. This is an example of the following bad listening habit: Faking attention: he pretends to listen but misses the message An ultimate requirement of listening for information is that the listener is able to separate fact from fiction and humor from seriousness. As a student, you are concerned with making a good grade in your economics class. However, instead of taking copious notes, you outline the major points and try to listen and watch the speaker as much as possible. What type of listening are you engaged in Listening for information You are the supervisor of an employee who just learned that she did not receive the promotion she had anticipated. You call her into your office and ask her to discuss her reaction. What type of listening are you engaged in? Empathetic listening Which of the following facts makes listening difficult? Our minds process much faster than a speaker can talk. Which of the following is a characteristic of Total Quality Management (TQM)? Functional or departmental boundaries are minimized Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of effective groups? Members compete for the leadership position Which of the following stages of team development is often NOT experienced, even in long-term teams? Performing In Total Quality Management (TQM) programs, the emphasis is on distributing the decision-making power throughout the organization Which of the following describes the major difference between teams and groups? Members of teams generally have a higher commitment to the overall goal than do members of groups. Which of the following stages of team development is marked by optimal performance levels? Performing Which of the following is FALSE concerning leadership in teams? Leaders are optional when an organization moves to a group concept In a team with representatives from many different departments in a company, the director of human resources keeps tension low among members. The director of human resources is fulfilling which role in the team? Harmonizer Which of the following is FALSE concerning face-to-face meetings? Face-to-face meetings make it harder to reach consensus You are about to conduct a formal meeting with 25 attendees in the boardroom. What guide would you use to ensure orderly communication of ideas and participation? Robert’s Rules of Order Guidelines for effective meetings include limiting meeting length and frequency The MOST important reason for teams to utilize agendas and minutes is that participants know what is expected of them and can track, follow up, and ensure implementation of decisions made in previous meetings. Which of the following is true concerning WellPoint’s methods of building a service culture? Offering their website in other languages promotes communication with diverse audiences. Which of the following is important for U.S. business people to remember when conducting international negotiations? Laws and ethics as well as customs vary considerably among countries Studies indicate that there are gender differences in computer-mediated communication (CMC). Which of the following is FALSE concerning these differences? Men develop more of a sense of community when using CMC than do women Business writers normally use active voice more frequently than passive voice because active voice conveys ideas more vividly. true To emphasize a word or an idea, position it first or last in a sentence, clause, paragraph, or document true All sentences in a business message should be of approximately the same length false Slow, deliberative writing is recommended when drafting a business message false Passive voice is used in the following sentence: “The stockholders read the annual report.” false Automated speech recognition software currently involves training the product to recognize the speaker’s voice and has poor accuracy rates when creating entire documents. true Active voice is used in the following sentence: “The report on current fundraising efforts was made available to the committee.” false The imagery in a passive voice sentence is less distinct than it would be if the sentence was in active voice. true For emphasis, one should place an idea in an independent clause; for de-emphasis, place an idea in a dependent clause. true In the sentence “Even though your work was late, we completed the project on time,” the negative information is in a de-emphasized position. true The readability level of a passage is affected by the length of the sentences and difficulty of the words true Grammar and style checkers in word processing programs replace the need for a human editor. false An effective writer should try to write at the exact grade level of the receiver. false Writing a message with a reading index appropriate to the audience guarantees that the message will be understood. false Chunking breaks text down into blocks of information, introduces reader-friendly white space, and increases retention by as much as 50 percent. true Bulleted lists are inappropriate in business writing because they are too casual. false Talking headings recap the information presented in the preceding paragraph. false Bullets are usually preferred over numerals in a document list unless sequence is important true Placing a border around a paragraph sets the text apart while adding shading inside a box gives it greater impact. true The first step in proofreading a document that you have word processed is to use the spell check. true When proofreading, reading a document from right to left is recommended because it helps the writer focus on individual words and spacing elements within the text. true Writer’s pride of ownership is a desirable characteristic that results when the business writer takes sole responsibility for checking the accuracy of material he/she has written. false The “Plain English” campaign promotes the clear presentation of complex information so that the audience has the best possible chance of understanding it. true In following the SEC requirements for reader-friendly documents, companies are encouraged to use more graphics to illustrate content. true A spell check function in a word processing program may not catch the error in “There work was incomplete.” true A collaborative work group that uses electronic bulletin boards for discussing ideas can decrease the amount of time spent in teams meetings. true To protect consumers, some states have passed “Plain English” laws that require businesses to write policies, warranties, and contracts in language an average reader can understand. true Generally, when writing a first draft, you should write rapidly with the intent to fix mistakes during the editing process In a document that follows the deductive pattern, the topic sentence precedes the details Which of the following is NOT a technique for achieving coherence? Use active voice Providing for coherence means using various techniques to link ideas together Which of the following sentences illustrates passive voice? The food was served to the customer Techniques to emphasize important ideas include which of the following? Repetition Which of the following is NOT a technique for linking sentences? Use the passive voice “The training session was worthwhile; it was worthwhile because employees learned to do the task correctly.” is an example of which of the following techniques used for emphasis? Repetition In business documents, a general rule for readability is that paragraphs normally should be 6 lines or less in length Which of the following statements is FALSE concerning sentence and paragraph length in business writing? While compound sentences should be used along with simple sentences, complex sentences should be avoided in business writing. “When you complete the assignment” is an example of a dependent clause. Which of the following sentences reflects the use of active voice? The land developer signed the contract yesterday. Which of the following sentences illustrates passive voice? The report was completed by the entire team Which of the following is an adequate reason for choosing passive voice? To avoid assessing blame In which situation would a communicator use an inductive outline? To tell employees that a two-week furlough is necessary for all employees Which of the following is FALSE concerning readability level? The two factors that affect the readability level are the number of words in the passage and the complexity of the sentences. When writing a business message, you generally should generally write well within the reading level of the audience Which of the following is FALSE concerning writing analysis tools in word processing programs? Such programs eliminate the need for the reader to check a passage for grammatical correctness. Visual enhancements in a business document can be applied easily using word processing features Enumerated or bulleted lists can be used to add visual impact to items in a series Which of the following is true of text chunking in documents? Chunking makes the page look more organized and increases retention by 50 percent. Which of the following is true of document headings? Readers are more motivated to pay attention to a document with headings than one without headings. Which of the following is an example of effective use of an enumerated list? When you are ready to log into the network, you should: 1. Double-click the network icon located in your desktop. 2. Type in your user ID and password in the boxes indicated. 3. Click OK. 4. Select the network drive you wish to access 5. Click OK. Which is the BEST technique for emphasizing to stockholders the reasons for revenue increases? Place each reason in a short, separate line preceded by a bullet Which of the following is the most effective report heading? 4th Quarter Sales Exceed Predictions Roberto’s 10-page report on emerging international markets contains important information that needs emphasis for the readers. Which of the following techniques would LEAST improve the readability of the report? Major and minor headings that are equally emphasized Which of the following is the MOST effective heading in a memo report to employees? How Do Benefit Changes Affect You? Hong’s memo that describes new steps for merchandise returns should include which of the following techniques for emphasis? Numbered list Final proofreading of an important business document should typically be done from a draft paper copy. Proofreading by reading a document aloud while another person verifies the copy is recommended for extremely important documents From a managerial point of view, which is the BEST advice? Read all documents carefully before signing them Which of the following is NOT appropriate advice for effective revising and proofreading? Remember that allowing others to proof your work is not helpful because you are the best judge of the accuracy of your writing. What proofreading procedure should Anthony use when proofreading a technical support manual? Proofread three times, concentrating on content, organization, and style in the first pass, on mechanical errors in the second pass, and reading from right to left on the third pass. Writer's pride of ownership refers to the reluctance many writers have in sharing their writing with others and accepting constructive criticism about it. Which of the following is NOT an effective way to revise and proofread your message? All of the above are appropriate advice. Your team has completed its analytical report for presentation to the board of directors. Which of the following should be checked in the final proofreading of the report? All of the above Which of the following is NOT an effective attitude when revising and proofreading documents? The perspective of the audience is not as important as the writer’s viewpoint. To write effectively at your computer, integrate the thinking and writing processes by adding, cutting, and moving text. Which of the following statements is true concerning the use of a word processor’s spell check feature? When the software cannot guess the spelling based on your attempt, you must use a paper or online dictionary to look up the correct spelling of any incorrect word. Which of the following is NOT an effective use of collaborative technologies to support work teams? All are effective uses of collaborative technologies. Which of the following statements is true concerning the use of a computer’s spell check, thesaurus, and grammar check? Grammar check may not detect all writing errors. Email is a channel of choice for business messages that must be sent to several recipients in a timely manner. true Given the informality of a business email message, grammar and spelling are not as critical as they might be in a business letter. false One of the purposes of a subject line in an email message is to allow recipients to sort through and prioritize the reading of messages. true Because e-mail messages are written efficiently, they should be organized in a direct, deductive style. false Jargon and acronyms are found more commonly in e-mail messages than in business letters that go to parties outside the company. true Enumerated lists, bulleted lists, tables, graphs, and pictures can all be used in email messages to strengthen communication. true When using instant messaging, spelling and grammar matter less than when using e-mail. true Federal laws ensure that email messages employees send at work are private. false Under the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, employers need only provide a legitimate business reason for monitoring employee email communication and are not required to notify employees of the monitoring. false Rajhad would like to invite several employees of different departments to attend a new product planning meeting. A good subject line for her invitation e-mail message would be "Meeting for Brainstorming New Products." true The word “Meeting” is an example of an efficient and effective subject line for an email message. false A business person should carefully consider whether to send a formatted documents as an attachment to an email message because of the time required for downloading. true Text messaging is a viable alternative to phone calls for those with hearing impairment. true Jarrod deleted an email message that documented problems with the company’s safety procedures. In court, this lack of evidence will be likely dismissed as an innocent mistake that is frequently made by employees. false Repeating the information in the subject line in the first sentence of an email is redundant and should be avoided. false Anonymous blog postings can lead to irresponsible behavior, harassment, and gossip. true A good rule of thumb when composing web pages is to use as many graphics as possible, and the bigger the better. false Most companies prohibit the use of wikis among employees as a form of internal communication. false A company's intranet and extranet restrict access only to visitors who have authorization. true When leaving a phone message, you should give only your name and number to improve efficiency. false Text messaging is a social communication tool and not applicable for business communication false When communicating with a colleague about the hiring or firing of an employee, you would be well advised to not use a cell phone. true By adapting its reservation system for expanded web access by consumers, Wyndham Fairfield Resorts is using its website to respond to the needs of the end user. true A company legally owns the electronic communications of its employees. true Government response to the threat of terrorism has resulted in erosion of privacy for Americans true Email and cell phone calls are preferred channels for communicating information that is private or sensitive. false Which of the following is NOT a benefit of e-mail? E-mail is private because it requires the use of a password to access it. The subject line of an email message should do all of the following, EXCEPT warn the recipient of the message of the bad news Email messages should be limited to one topic because the recipient might forget to respond to multiple points discussed. To protect computer systems from e-mail viruses and hoaxes forward questionable messages to the e-mail administrator. Which of the following is NOT good advice for handling e-mail efficiently? Keep all messages in the event that you ever need to verify information from them. Electronic messages as a communication channel would NOT be appropriate for which of the following situations? When you need to send sensitive or extremely confidential information An email message with the subject “Meeting Notes Attached: Crescent City Grill Launch Party” might use which of the following as its first sentence, Attached are the notes from our Monday meeting discussing the Launch Party of the Crescent City Grill on March 3. As vice president of sales, you would like to send company personnel a good-news message about the company's first quarter sales results. Which of the following would be the best subject line for your message? First Quarter Sales Exceed Projections When composing an email message, present the information in the order it is likely needed or will be best received Which of the following is the most effective passage in an email message to managers concerning new procedures for locking up the building when leaving at night? When you leave the plant at night follow these procedures 1. Close and lock all secondary plant doors 2. Key your personal code into the security pad to the right of the door 3. Open the main plant door and go outside 4. Close the door 5. Use your Which of the following is true concerning instant messaging (IM)? Most companies use IM in some way. Which of the following is NOT an example of good email etiquette? Answer every email message as soon as it is received. Your intern forwards a message to you about a new computer virus that you discover is a hoax from a reliable source. What should you do? Reply to the message and tell him that you have discovered the virus is a hoax. Also send him the web address for the hoax information. Your employee in another location is perpetually late submitting work. You must confront him about his lateness and discuss a solution for the problem. Your email to him says: Can we chat today about your upcoming project deadlines and your plans to meet them? A manager is faced with having to lay off some of his staff due to financial losses that the company has suffered. Which of the following channels of communication would be MOST appropriate for sharing this news, given the sensitive nature of the message? A face-to-face meeting with each employee Which is the following is true concerning text messaging? The Chinese language is especially well-suited to text-messaging Which of the following is most accurate concerning the use of instant messaging in business situations? Instant messaging has wide business use, and spelling and grammar matter less than in other types of business communications According to the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, firms may check the email messages of their employees to determine if employees are using the email system for legitimate work-related purposes. The ABC Corporation is concerned about the legal problems of email being used for evidence in litigation. Employees must adhere to strict email guidelines. Which of the following should NOT be one of ABC’s guidelines for email usage? Use email for private messages. A company posts information to the Web for its business partners such as vendors, suppliers, and customers that they must access by using a password. This activity illustrates use of the company’s extranet. Aricelli is in charge of writing for the web page of her service organization. Which of the following should she avoid when writing for a web audience? Providing detailed text. An organization that wants to provide business partners with always-available information and contact should use which of the following? Extranet Web-based project software allows information to be viewed from any computer with Internet access, as long as the user has the proper security clearance and passwords. Which of the following is NOT an advantage of a company weblog? Allows employees to vent frustrations anonymously When leaving a voice mail for a client concerning an upcoming meeting, you should leave your name, telephone number, and enough details for the listener to understand what you want. Which of the following is true of cell phone communication? None of the above is true. During a business lunch with a client, a colleague calls with bad news about another project. You should excuse yourself from the table, take the call somewhere unobtrusive, handle anything you can handle quickly, and then tell your colleague you will call him back later. Text messaging should not be used for which of the following business messages? A less emotional way to tell a subordinate he did not receive a desired promotion. Which of the following is NOT an acceptable situation for using email? Evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of a current employee. You receive an email message from a co-manager concerning the negative performance of an employee. How do you respond? Meet with your co-manager and discuss the employee’s weaknesses face to face. The integrity of personal information collected by governmental and private agencies is protected by the Fair Information Practices (FIP). Common invasions of privacy resulting from the use of technology include which of the following? All of the above. Which of the following features is NOT available for members who use the Wyndham Vacation website? contacting other guests who are Fairfield members Which of the following would be LEAST helpful to a business person in using the Internet to bridge the cultural gap? Using chat sites to ask about travelers’ experiences Neutral messages contain content that is not likely to generate an emotional message from the receiver. true Memorandums, or memos, are appropriate for communication both inside and outside the company. false Because message expectations and social conventions differ among cultures, effective communicators adapt their strategies when communicating with various audiences. true Zappos focuses on customer service throughout the company as the means to building customer loyalty. true Making a choice between an inductive outline or a deductive outline is as important in writing an email message or memorandum as in writing a letter. true Selection of the deductive or inductive method of organizing business messages depends on the probable reaction of the receiver to the message. true The usual American strategies for structuring good-news and neutral-news messages can be generally applied to international audiences. false The three steps in the deductive strategy used for good- and neutral-news messages indicate the requirement for a three-paragraph document format. true Good- or neutral-news messages follow a deductive sequence in which the message begins with the main idea. true An advantage of the deductive organization of good- or neutral-news messages is that it helps receivers save time because they can understand the important idea and then move rapidly through the details. true Depending on the situation, a thank-you message can be handwritten, printed on letterhead, or sent electronically. true Goodwill messages can be designed to build strong, lasting relationships among employees, clients, customers, and various other groups. true Appreciation letters that are not sent in a timely manner may arouse questions about the sender's motive. true It is acceptable to send a message of appreciation that includes strong, somewhat exaggerated language when the sender believes the statements to be true. false The strategies for routine claims and persuasive claims differ because with a persuasive claim, a request will likely be granted only after explanations and arguments have been presented. true An attempt at resale or sales promotion is inappropriate in a favorable response to a claim message. false Cultural beliefs and practices impact the ways specific cultures organize messages. true Voicemail communication is extremely important because on most business calls, you most likely will be leaving a message rather than talking to someone. true Personalized form letters are a fast and efficient means to send frequently recurring messages that will likely result in a neutral or favorable reaction from the receiver. true The impersonal nature of form letters makes them inappropriate for business purposes. false An acknowledgment message is sent to indicate an order has been received and processed. true When asked to provide credit information about an account holder, good advice is to report only facts and avoid opinions about the applicant. true The Equal Credit Opportunity Act requires that a credit applicant be notified of a credit decision within 10 days of receipt of the request or application. false Asking a colleague or employee to walk through the steps outlined in a procedural document is recommended prior to finalizing the document. true Memos or email messages are the most frequent methods for sharing procedures and instructions for internal business communication when a written record is needed. true Using numbers when possible eliminates potential confusion with international audiences because dates and amounts are conveyed in the same way throughout the world. false One recommended way to check the quality of your voice mail system is to pretend you don’t know your direct line or extension number and place a call to yourself. true Cookie blocking will prevent unwanted tracing of your computer activities while allowing subscribed online services to continue operating. false Zappos has simplified the information-seeking process for customers through the FAQ section on the company website, effectively reducing the need for customers to call the company. true If you need to convey information that contains good- or neutral-news, you could use e-mail, memos, or voice mail As compared to letters, memos and email are channels for sharing information of a somewhat ____ nature. informal The organization of business messages should be organized based on a prediction of the receiver’s reaction to the main idea The strategies for structuring effective good- and neutral-news messages are generally consistent among North American audiences. The steps for the deductive sequence approach for a good-news message are begin with the main idea, provide details and explanation, and end on a future-oriented closing thought. Email messages and memos differ from letters in that they are less formal in tone and formatting Mary has a neutral message to deliver to a co-worker. What delivery options would be the most effective? Memo, email, or phone Shaneka is writing a message to an intercultural audience to explain the short-term goals of the organization. Which of the following should she NOT use when writing for her audience? Abbreviations, acronyms, and technical jargon Which of the following is NOT an advantage of the deductive sequence approach for a good-news message? The organization is persuasive and calls for action Which of the following is recommended advice when writing an appreciation message? Consider sending a copy of the appreciation message to the individual’s supervisor A sincere apology message to a customer for a serious mistake made would likely be considered by the customer as an attempt to preserve a relationship Your staff has worked hard to successfully complete a project for a large advertising client. Which of the following is the BEST way for you to express thanks to the staff? Send an email immediately to all staff Ignacio is asking for a refund or a replacement for a recently purchased malfunctioning DVD player; his request for the refund or replacement would be considered a routine claim Claims related to product warranties, guarantees, or contractual conditions are typically ____ claims. routine In writing a routine claim, the message should begin with a request for action. Which of the following is NOT good advice for writing a routine claim? Use a persuasive, forceful tone You are writing to ABClothes.com to request an exchange for an ordered shirt that was recently sent to you in an incorrect size; the message you write will be a routine claim. After consideration of a customer’s request for a partial product refund due to repeated repairs, you have determined that you should comply. Which of the following is NOT part of your effective adjustment message? A statement that “the claim is being granted” Persuasive requests differ from routine requests in that persuasive arguments need to be presented at the beginning of the message Zappos, an Internet business success story, has built its success on outstanding customer service. Which of the following is NOT part of Zappos’ strategy? more products on their website than are in their warehouse Which of the following sentences is a good example of a beginning sentence in a favorable reply to a routine request? We can definitely assist you in having your regional conference at the Ritz-Carlton. Which of the following is NOT recommended when preparing form messages? Use pre-produced mailing labels Which of the following requires an individualized acknowledgment message? All of the above Ola Jensen has placed her first order with your company. What is the BEST method to let her know you received her order? Send her an individualized acknowledgment message about her order. A well-written message acknowledging a customer’s order usually will likely result in the customer placing additional orders Which of the following guidelines for writing messages extending credit is FALSE? The writer should omit any mention of sales promotion or resale You have been asked to provide a credit reference for a customer. Which of the following will be part of your written response? a general statement about the client’s credit history, followed by supporting details When you provide credit information about another person, you have an ethical and legal obligation to all of the above Manual, a credit supervisor, must write a letter informing a new client that her credit application has been approved. What writing sequence should he use? Deductive because he needs to give her the good news at the beginning of his message Which of the following are the most frequently used methods of communicating standard operating procedures and other instructions to employees? Memos and email messages A procedural message may be ineffective if it is not pilot tested by colleagues and other employees. Your company has decided to require all employees to wear picture ID badges, starting next week. Numerous steps are involved to get a photo ID. What would you do to alert the employees of the requirement? Send the procedural message in an email to all employees When writing complex procedures that should be completed in a particular order, which method is BEST? Prepare a flowchart. Which is the recommended format for writing the date of February 10, 2011, in an international business document? 10.2 2011 Which of the following is NOT recommended when leaving a voice mail message on another person’s phone? State only your name, number, and business affiliation A technology that provides information about your computer usage to remote third parties is called a cookie In some circumstances, sharing bad news via email rather than face-to-face is justified. true By placing bad news in the first paragraph, receiver support is more likely than when it is presented after giving reasons. false Since the main message of a negative-news message is the bad news, more space should be devoted to the refusal than to the explanations for the refusal. false In some circumstances, placing a refusal in the first sentence is justified true “I have received and read your letter of April 12” is an effective neutral way to begin the first paragraph of a bad-news message. false The best reason to give the receiver for a refusal is “company policy” because it requires no further explanation. false Usually, a statement of bad news should be followed by a logical explanation false “We apologize for any inconvenience we may have caused you” is a recommended way to close a refusal letter. false Using passive voice and complex sentences are effective ways to de-emphasize bad news true Offering a counterproposal may eliminate the need to state the refusal directly true Providing an alternative or counterproposal to a refusal for a request should be avoided since it would only heighten audience frustration over the bad news. false To minimize disappointment and maintain a positive relationship, the inductive strategy is the best way to organize messages that refuse requests. true Template letters, as featured by leading word processing software, eliminate the need to compose original documents. false “We apologize for any inconvenience we may have caused you” is an effective way to close a refusal message. false Because of the legal implications involved in refusing credit, you should avoid telling applicants the specific reason(s) why you must deny them credit. false In a credit refusal message, your main purpose is to tactfully say “no” since the recipient is a poor credit risk and not a potential customer. false The Fair Credit Reporting Act gives consumers specific rights and protections when they apply for and are denied credit. true Communicating constructive criticism about service received can be thought of as an ethical responsibility. true Delivering constructive criticism can be beneficial by alerting management that changes need to be made. true When communicating negative organizational news, it is advisable to tone down the news to minimize its severity. false Communication from management during the Sago mine tragedy was handled in a timely and effective manner. false The governor of West Virginia during the Sago mine tragedy told Sago managers and inspectors to share all the factual information, good or bad. true Email is typically the most effective channel for communicating negative organizational news. false Total anonymity in cyberspace would enable people to violate the laws of libel, defamation, and copyright without prosecution. true In the Sago mine tragedy, a serious inaccuracy that 12 trapped miners were still alive was widely publicized. Which of the following is the LEAST LIKELY reason for this miscommunication? Mine officials met with the distraught families and decided to slowly reveal the devastating news. Which of the following is FALSE concerning personal delivery of bad news? Personal delivery eliminates any potential escalation of emotion If bad news appears in the first sentence of a message, the receiver’s reaction is likely to be defensive What is the correct order for the inductive writing sequence? Buffer, reasons, bad news, counterproposal, and desire to continue the relationship Exceptions to the use of inductive approach for bad-news messages include messages addressing a very small, insignificant matter An effective opening for a bad-news message makes a neutral comment related to the main idea Greg Komuro often delivers messages to clients in which he must convey negative ideas. Which of the following techniques could Greg use to subordinate bad news? Passive voice and abstract nouns as the subjects of sentences Which of the following are FALSE when writing bad-news messages? The writer should state the bad news early and reinforce it throughout the message Your employer asked you to compose a message to be sent to all job applicants who were not selected for sales representative position. You should place the “not selected” message in the dependent clause of a complex sentence describing the stiff competition for this job. Which of the following is NOT a technique for writing a bad-news message? Use the deductive writing approach A counterproposal is an alternative to the action requested that helps preserve your future relationship with the receiver An effective counterproposal All of the above Which of the following is NOT recommended within the final sentence of a bad-news message? Tactful restatement of the refusal Which sentence is a good example of a buffer for a bad news message? I can understand how you felt when you had to pay $168 Which of the following would be the BEST closing sentence in a bad-news message? To see the video that discusses our two newest investment offers, just phone us at 555-1616 to request your copy. Which of the following is the BEST suggestion to follow when refusing a request? Use the inductive approach. Which of the following is the BEST negative reply to a request for a favor? Although I have multiple obligations for the date you suggested, I fully support your effort to raise funds for the homeless. Jawon is a training and development manager who has been asked by a professor to speak to her class about careers in training. However, since he is currently conducting an important staff development program, his schedule is very busy, and he must refuse My training assistant, David, has extensive experience and would enjoy speaking to your class. Please feel free to call him at 469-8000. Which of the following is the BEST advice for using template documents that are available with word processing software? Recognize their shortcomings, and use them cautiously Melody is responding negatively to a request for a claim. Which of the following would she NOT do in composing her message to the customer? Begin the message with a neutral, dependent clause, followed by a statement implying the refusal. Delnisha, a customer service representative for the manufacturer of Marathon brand faucets, receives a large order from a small contractor. Which of the following is the BEST way for Delnisha to begin a message saying the company does not sell directly to Our patenting coating process makes Marathon faucets the contractor’s choice Messages denying credit are different from other types of bad-news messages in that they are subject to more legal issues Which of the following is NOT required by the Fair Credit Reporting Act for a credit bureau that supplies information to companies that grant credit? All of the above are required To avoid litigation, some credit-granting companies choose to omit from their letters the explanation for credit denial. You must deny a request for credit to an applicant who does not meet your company’s requirements. Using a sentence such as “You are encouraged to make cash purchases” illustrates a counterproposal. When writing a message offering constructive criticism, one’s primary consideration should be offering input that could benefit many. Your department hired a strategic planning consultant to restructure the workforce. However, you believe that the consultant added no value to the company and simply played back what you wanted to hear. You must write a letter to the president of the cons Start with some facts about what the consultant was supposed to do. Mention what the consultant did well, but also be clear about what the consultant did not do well. End with a pleasant message expressing the hope that the information you provided will a Although communicating negative organizational news can be challenging, such messages can have a positive effect in All of the above Which of the following is NOT an effective strategy for companies that want to provide strong internal communication? Limit the questions employees may ask management Which of the following is FALSE concerning the communication of negative news within an organization? The most effective approach is to use one strong communication method for communicating with employees Which of the following is NOT an advisable guideline for organizations that want to develop an effective crisis communication plan? Designate at least two official spokespersons A company plans to downsize over the next year. Which of the following would be the BEST way to prepare employees for this negative announcement? Use the company’s internal communications (newsletters and intranet) to make employees aware of the downsizing before it happens. Several methods exist for people to protect their anonymity in cyperspace. Which one is NOT a method for this protection? User ID number The principles used in selling an idea are similar to those used in selling products. true Bonita wants to sell her consulting abilities to a potential client. She should use principles that are similar to those used in selling products and services. true Knowing the needs of the receiver is essential to preparing an effective sales message. true Ken is preparing a persuasive message to business owners in his community. Before he writes his message he should try to understand what characteristics these owners have in common, such as the goals and educational status. true Paragraphs in a persuasive message are typically long in order to achieve the writer's persuasive purpose. false An effective persuasive message employs concrete and specific language to create an accurate representation of the product, service, or idea. true An effective persuasive appeal includes a central selling point that is woven throughout the entire message. true Santosh, a computer service firm owner, has drafted a sales letter to area businesses in which he has emphasized his central selling point— immediate, personal service—in each paragraph. To keep the recipient’s interest, he should edit his message to incl false Gabrielle writes a sales message in the AIDA approach. She should Announce her intention, Infer the central selling point, Deal with objections, and ask the reader to take Action. false Rhamel writes a sales message in the AIDA approach. He gets the receivers Attention, creates an Inference, creates a Decision for the receiver, and encourages Action. false The first step in the selling process is to introduce the foremost feature of the product, service, or idea. A response that is sent to someone who has invited a persuasive message requires an attention-getting sentence to start the message. A recommended way to subordinate the price of a product is to reveal it in a sentence that also refers to the central selling point. true Eduardo concludes his sales message for video game subscriptions by instructing receivers to "Let us hear from you if you are interested in subscribing to our service." This is an effective request for action. false When requesting action in a persuasive message, wording such as “I hope you will . . .” and “If you agree . . .” is recommended as a courteous way to present the recipient with the choice of whether to respond favorably. false An effective action paragraph in a sales message reminds the recipient of the benefit, which may be another referral to the central selling point. true Will Frazier has written you to inquire about the features of your company’s new netbook; you should begin your reply with an attention-getting sentence to build interest in owning a netbook. false While the majority of claims against companies come from unethical individuals, companies must still respond because of the few who believe they have a legitimate claim. false Common types of persuasive requests include claim messages and requests for special favors and information. true Only communication directed to individuals outside the organization requires use of the inductive approach. false Archco Inc. and Suage Enterprises share a lobby where Suage has been storing computer equipment. Martha, CEO of Archco Inc., is writing a letter to Suage asking that the equipment be removed. She should make her point in the first paragraph and follow wit false Brandy is writing a memo to a team of people who will help her launch a new product line for the company. To convince them that their extensive commitment is justified because of the importance of the product to the company's future, she should employ the false Habitat for Humanity has used persuasion to effectively gain donations of time, talent, and resources. true An ethical communicator will substantiate any claims made and reflect a sensitivity to those who might find a message offensive. true Various state laws limit advertising on mobile devices. true Habitat for Humanity uses both mailed messages and its website to solicit donations. true Unsupported claims of superior performance or quality of a product may lead to lawsuits for a company. true Under the Federal Trade Commission's Telemarketing Sales Rule, callers must disclose the company's identity, the purpose of the call, the product or service offered, and any requirements for obtaining it. true Which of the following is FALSE about persuasive communication? It often involves manipulating someone into taking the action favored by the communicator. Before preparing a sales message for a digital video recorder, Russell will need concrete answers to questions such as What will the product do for the receiver? Josef has responded to product advertising that focuses on convenience, durability, and service. At which level of Maslow’s need hierarchy is he most likely motivated? Security As indicated by Maslow's need hierarchy, people may respond favorably to both b and c Marcus is writing a persuasive message asking his employees to complete an online company survey. Which of the following should he avoid when writing his message? Focusing the spotlight on benefits to the company Which of the following is the suggested four-step sequence for an inductive outline? Get the reader's attention; introduce the product, service, or idea; present valid evidence of claims; and ask for action. Which of the following summarizes the AIDA steps in the persuasive process? Get attention, arouse interest, create desire, encourage action. Businesses have learned that unethical behavior is not good for business in the long run Advertising on mobile devices is regulated by laws and industry guidelines Habitat for Humanity relies on donor gifts of time, talent, and money Which of the following is an effective device for gaining attention in a persuasive message? All of the above are effective devices Techniques for preparing effective sales messages include all EXCEPT requiring an immediate response from the receiver To overcome receiver resistance to a persuasive appeal, the price typically should be delayed in the message until reader benefits have been established Which of the following is correct concerning the outline for persuasive messages? An attention-getting sentence is not essential in a solicited sales message Khristopher has sent an email requesting information on a particular plasma television he saw on a company’s website. What is the writer’s task in replying? To answer Khristopher’s questions Which of the following is the BEST introduction of a product or service in a sales message? Feel the warmth of the sun and the rush of the wind as you cruise through town in your new Trinity convertible. Which is the BEST choice for the first sentence of a sales message? An astonishing fact related to your product The central selling point in a persuasive message can be thought of as the message’s theme and appears throughout the message as a common thread. A persuasive email message to promote pop-up ad blocker software has as its central selling point the protection of children from pornography. The central selling point should be reinforced throughout the message Which of the following is FALSE concerning the providing of supporting evidence in a sales message? Since research facts and figures can be boring, general remarks about superior durability and appearance are more effective. Which of the following is the BEST example of providing supporting evidence? The newly patented ratchet makes the Strayhorn wrench a unique and powerful tool for quick car repairs. Which of the following is the BEST way to draw attention to an enclosure that accompanies a sales message? "As you can see on the enclosed folder, assembly of the desk is very simple." Which statement best describes the appropriateness of the following product claim in a sales letter? "Viruscan is the best virus defense product available. It offers the most sophisticated and comprehensive protection for your data." The passage is inappropriate unless it is followed up with facts about the comparison Which of the following is FALSE when offering guarantees and free trial offers in persuasive messages? The purpose of the guarantee or free trial is to deter the reader from personally checking the product and comparing it with competing items. Which of the following best illustrates how to overcome people’s natural resistance to price? For an economical $145 annual fee, you can enjoy the special discounts and advance product information available only to members of the CCY Micro Users Group. Which of the following is NOT recommended in discussing price in a sales message? All of the above are recommended A new product to reduce cholesterol is on the market, with a price that is higher than that of competitors. Where should a writer or speaker introduce price in his or her sales message? Late in the message, associated with benefit Which of the following would be the most effective action-request statement? Make your purchase before December 15 and receive your valuable money-saving rebate Which of the following is the BEST sentence for getting the receiver to take action? Come to our showroom before January 31 and receive your 25 percent discount In a sales message, the last paragraph should accomplish all the above Which of the following sentences provides the most effective incentive for consumers to complete and return a survey about laundry detergents? Return your completed survey by May 1, and you'll receive $40 worth of coupon discounts on products of interest to you and your family. When preparing a claim message for which the answer is in question, you should suggest benefits the receiver will derive from complying. Which of the following is the BEST beginning to a persuasive claim message to Ruth’s Catering? Satisfying customer needs has obviously been a cornerstone in the success of Ruth's Catering. Which of the following statements is FALSE concerning claim messages? Complainers are less likely to continue to do business with a company than those who do not complain. Which of the following is FALSE concerning a persuasive claim message? It should use a deductive sequence Kendra is the program chair for an organization and would like to request permission to use a country club free of charge to host a fund-raising dinner. Which of the following sentences would be the most successful beginning sentence? Thanks to the thousands of dollars contributed at our annual fund-raising dinner, people in our community can get the help they need to pay medical bills. Which of the following is the BEST beginning to an email request for completion of an online survey about a recently purchased product? Your complete satisfaction is our utmost goal. How are effective persuasive memos different from routine memos? Persuasive memos include an appeal and evidence. Which of the following provides the BEST opening line in a persuasive memo asking the company president to provide extra funds for advertising a new cat food line? SmartCat can help you exceed this year's sales goals by 10 percent. A restaurant is faced with the challenge of communicating to its employees a significant change in service and style. Which method is LEAST effective for communicating this change? Inform employees directly that they must accept the change Which of the following is the BEST call-to-action sentence for a persuasive memo to employees for contributions to the United Way fund campaign? Become part of a winning team by indicating on the enclosed card your generous gift of $100, $500, or other designated amount. Which of the following best describes Habitat for Humanity’s solicitation approach? Use both web and mailed requests for donations The monthly financial statement that Sharecom Investments sends to its investors is an example of an analytical report. true Reports typically travel upward in an organization because they usually are requested by a higher authority. true The main function of vertical reports is to contribute to management control. true XYZ, a potential supplier to NASA, would typically submit an RFP (request for a proposal) to NASA in order to obtain a contract with this government agency. false Attendance records are an example of an are analytical report false Limitations refer to boundaries imposed outside the control of the researcher, such as time limit and budget. true The statement of purpose is the goal of the study and includes the objectives the researcher hopes to accomplish. true Hypothesis testing is appropriate only in observational research settings false Reports that examine the buying habits of a group of teenagers at three-month intervals are examples of a longitudinal study. true Primary research sources include periodicals, computer databases, and encyclopedias false Electronic databases provide access to articles from newspapers, magazines, journals, and other types of publications. true A customer service representative who regularly tracks the type of customer complaints made through the company's 800 number is conducting experimental research. false Secondary research is only necessary when primary research does not yield enough information false As a business researcher, one may safely accept published material as being objective false Reliability refers to the degree to which data measures what it is intended to measure false In order for survey research to be credible, the selected sample must be representative of the population. true Plagiarism is the presentation of someone else’s ideas or words as your own true Scholarly journals in the social sciences tend to use the APA referencing method, while MLA is commonly used in the humanities. true Referencing is essential when material is quoted from a source and is optional when paraphrasing false Email polling is a popular primary research method, though it typically takes longer to conduct than other data collection methods. false While cross-cultured market research is expensive, it is worthwhile before a product launch is attempted. true Including an even number of choices on a rating scale is advisable to eliminate the tendency of some groups to choose the noncommittal mid-point on the range. true The development of an effective survey instrument, such as a questionnaire or interview guide, is critical to obtaining reliable and valid data. true Correlation analysis might be used to determine whether a relationship existed between how respondents answered one item and how they answered another. true Recommendations should flow naturally from one's summary and conclusions and should not come as a surprise to the reader. true The conclusion of a report should include a summary of findings and suggested action based on research. false The research strategy used at Novartis International is to concentrate on cures for highly visible diseases false Novartis CEO Daniel Vasella advises ignoring competitors’ blogs as a source of information for business forecasting. false Which of the following provides the best definition of a report? An orderly, objective message used to convey information within an organization or between organizations to assist in problem solving and decision making Brigit, head of a bank's internal auditing division, has prepared a report on current auditing procedures. The report which presents suggested solutions to the bank’s auditing problems is what kind of a report? Analytical Fazer Technologies distributed copies of its annual report to it stockholders. This report is which of the following types of reports? External A report that provides a written description of how an organization can meet the needs of another organization by providing products, services, or solutions to problems is what kind of report? Proposal Which of the following represents the correct sequence of steps in the problem-solving process? Recognize and define the problem; select a method of solution; collect and organize the data; arrive at an answer. A report on market comparisons of tuition at state universities should follow which of the following sequences of problem-solving steps? Define the problem, select method of solution, collect and organize data, arrive at answer As a result of the changing demographics in your area, your company has decided to hire those previously declared "unemployable." Your task is to educate these people to do the job. Which of the following questions will help you MOST in solving the prob? What type of skills do these new employees need to do their jobs? When explaining "limitations," the researcher is noting normal constraints placed on the research which are beyond the control of the researcher. In a report on effective advertising to the net generation, researchers explain the small size of the selected sample and the use of three selected online databases. They are describing the ____ of the study delimitations If you wanted to research the Internet for articles on outsourcing to India, which of the following key phrases would result in the narrowest search? "Outsourcing to India" Which of the following statements about Internet resources is correct? Selected texts of articles and documents are often available via the Internet, while full texts may only be available in published form. Which type of primary research requires no direct involvement with human subjects? Observational studies Which of the following is the most accurate statement concerning the use of primary and secondary research methods? Secondary research helps to establish a starting point for primary research. Which of the following is a source of primary data? Surveys Which of the following objectives is FALSE concerning the conducting of secondary research? It often eliminates the need for primary research Which method of research would be best for researching whether distance learning or traditional classroom instruction is more effective for your company's employees? Experimental research If your research calls for counting the number of people entering two grocery stores, recording certain physical characteristics, and comparing those two sets of data, you would be conducting ____ research. observational Which research method would be best for determining whether employees in Acme Company’s computer assembly produce more under Theory X or more under Theory Y management style? Experimental A market researcher who uses primary research may use which of the following methods? Observational studies, experimental research, normative survey research Which of the following procedures is NOT recommended when conducting an electronic search? Start with a large search engine and then move to a smaller one if necessary If your research calls for counting the number of people entering two fast-food restaurants, recording certain behavioral characteristics, and comparing those two sets of data, you would be conducting ____ research. observational The best definition for reliability is a measure of the accuracy and repeatability of the data. Which of the following statements about sampling is correct? Sampling is a survey technique that eliminates the need for questioning 100 percent of the population. Conducting a pilot test of a survey instrument involving a small group of the population can correct problems in clarity, ease of answering, and quality of answers Which of the following techniques is most effective for taking notes from secondary sources? Read the article quickly, put the article aside, list the main points from memory, and review the article to determine if all points are included. Documentation of the work of others accomplishes all but which of the following? It strengthens weak research methods In-text citations for paraphrases prepared using the APA format include the following: Author’s last name, and date of publication Which of the following is the BEST suggestion for preparing accurate documentation in a report? Choose an authoritative reference manual, be consistent, and include more than enough rather than too little information for citations and references. Which of the following does NOT apply to designing a questionnaire? Avoid "other" as an answer choice on multiple-choice and rating scale questions A consumer researcher who observes the buying habits of people at a clearance warehouse is using which of the following methods for collecting data? Participant observation Which of the following is NOT an error in data gathering? Administering the survey to a small group of the population before conducting the actual survey The results of product research conducted within a particular cultural setting can prove inappropriate and cause serious problems when applied on a global scale Which of the following is NOT a weakness in data interpretation? Assuming constancy of human behavior and attitudes You have gathered data from printed and online sources as well as from a survey. What should you do to organize the writing of your report? Do all of the above Which of the following is a common error that MOST hinders the accurate interpretation of data? Assumption of a cause-effect relationship when one does not exist Which of the following would be considered a recommendation? Install brick veneer, since its slightly higher cost will be well offset by its durability Which of the following is FALSE concerning the use of Internet sources for research? Internet sources are legal to use in any way without concerns over copyright Which of the following statements is MOST accurate concerning information overload? Information architects help organizations organize information for more effective communication. Which of the following is FALSE concerning the research efforts of Novartis? None of the above are false People who want to understand the interpretation of data are generally more interested in reading about proportions and ratios than about specific numbers. true Fractions, percentages, and the Dow Jones industrial averages are examples of the common language used in communicating difficult or complex numbers. true When viewing tabulated research results, readers or listeners need exact statistics rather than rounded fractions and percentages. false When report writers present quantitative data, it is their ethical responsibility to provide all of the data rather than just a graphic representation of the data. false Graphics should clarify, simplify, or reinforce the text discussion. true The extreme use of color, complicated symbols and art techniques, and unusual combinations of typefaces, should be avoided because they can distract and bury relevant data. true While text can be given an unethical slant, graphic aids eliminate that risk because of their quantitative nature. false Flip charts and white boards are obsolete and have been replaced by electronic presentations. false Graphics in reports generally do not need titles because their content is obvious false “Talking titles” that interpret the data shown in a graphic are recommended in reports rather than general headings such as “Results” or “Findings.” true For Kayla to avoid a visual distortion in the bar chart she is creating to show her company’s sales by region, she should design the quantitative axis to begin at zero, and make each bar the same width. true Labeling each piece of a pie chart is not required, as long as the most important pieces are explained. false To depict sales trends for the past five years, you would create a bar chart with the y-axis beginning at the lowest value reported. false A line chart is an effective graphic for comparing housing prices in a particular state or region with housing prices in the United States over a five-year period. true A pictogram could be used to track progress toward completion of a six-month construction project. false You want to show total U.S. auto sales in each year since 2005; the data could be illustrated using either a pictogram or a bar chart. true Data that can be presented in a pie chart may also be presented in a bar chart, but the reverse is not always true. true A pie chart is the best type of graphic aid to use to summarize the results of a survey question to which each respondent could check more than one answer. false Data on the growth of online business transactions over a five-year period would best be shown in a line chart. true A graphic that will not fit on the page where it is introduced should be placed in an appendix. false Interpretation and analysis of a graphic should appear before the graphic is shown false When an effective graphic is used in a report, there is no need for additional interpretation and analysis of the data. false Using the default settings in presentation software programs is recommended, since software manufacturers assure that they accurately reflect the rules for graphic aid design. false YouTube removes videos that are posted by users without permission of the copyright owners. true Fraction, ratios, and percentages are examples of which of the following: common language Which of the following statements is correct concerning the reporting of quantitative data? Common language reduces difficult figures to the "common denominators" of language and ideas. Which of the following statements is correct concerning the use of graphics? Three or four pages of graphics can effectively convey several hundred pages of text Which of the following is NOT an acceptable design guideline that will help a viewer understand a graphic? Incorporate a wide selection of typefaces and colors. What best determines if a graphic presentation is effective? The graphic’s contribution to the overall understanding of the idea under discussion Which of the following is an example of an effective talking title? U.S. Interest Rates Declined January-April Which of the following techniques would reduce the possibility that a reader or listener would be misled by a bar chart? Use a break line to show that intervals have been omitted on the y-axis. A Gantt chart is a specific type of bar chart that is useful for tracking progress toward completing a series of events over time. The board of directors of your organization will meet for a luncheon next month in a suburban hotel. Because of confusion in finding the location for the last meeting, your associate has asked you to provide better directions before the upcoming meeting. Map Which graphic aid would be best to show Starbuck’s quarterly sales over a 5-year period? Line graph The state board of education has asked for the number of last year's high school graduates attending each of the state's 19 public universities. Which of the following graphics would be MOST effective? Table Which of the following guidelines does NOT apply to a bar chart? Bar widths vary to show different quantities. The BEST graphic device to represent the sales of DVR devices over the last five years, with proportionate sales reflected for four age categories each year would be a segmented bar chart. Which of the following is FALSE concerning the use of pictograms? Double the height and width of a picture to show a 100 percent increase. A company that wants to chart employee absences over a two-year period should use which of the following? Line chart You want to show actual and budgeted expenses over the last five years for your company. The BEST graphic to use is a line chart. Which of the following is BEST for comparing the total dollars spent among five fast food restaurants. Pie chart Which of the following is correct concerning the design of pie charts? If you are unable to attractively place the appropriate labeling information beside each slice, use a legend to identify each slice by color or pattern. You are preparing a graphic for the Empty Stocking Fund to show the proportionate low spending on administrative overhead as compared to services for children. Your pie chart should Use a legend to identify the color for each slice. You need to produce a graphic for your employees that depicts the process of handling customer service complaints. Which would be your BEST choice? Flow chart Placing graphic material in the appendix is recommended when the graphics would make the discussion complicated to follow. The pattern for incorporating graphs in text is introduce, show, and interpret and analyze Which of the following numbering systems is recommended when incorporating graphs, pictures, and tables into a written report? Number all graphs, pictures, and tables in a single numbering system, such as "Figure 1, Figure 2," etc. Which of the following sentences best introduces a graph in a written report? Fewer than three percent of the branch managers complained of long working hours, as shown in Figure 7. In formatting a report, you discover that an entire table will not fit on the bottom of a page. You should continue the graphic interpretation to the bottom of the page and begin the next page with the table. When interpreting and analyzing a graphic presented within the text, emphasize the main point with a summary, comparisons to other sources, and speculations on outcomes. Which sentence BEST introduces a graphic that depicts the way people access an organization’s information on a website? The area chart in Figure 10 illustrates changes in the actions of visitors to the company's website. Thomas is writing a report which contains a column (vertical) bar chart that shows last year's employee enrollment in three management training programs: conflict resolution, time management, and team building. Which of the following statements best inter Figure 1 data indicate that employee management training needs are shifting from training in time management and team building toward conflict resolution. Which of the following is true concerning the use of graphics in business documents? All of the above are true. Which of the following statements is MOST accurate in regard to presentation software for the design of graphics? The latest presentation software packages try to guide users away from the worst errors of taste and judgment. Which of the following statements is accurate concerning digital material on YouTube? Users can flag content they feel is inappropriate Which of the following statements about statistics is FALSE? Statistical methods and interpretation should not be included in the report process because they are easily misinterpreted. The need for preliminary and addenda items is influenced by the length of the report and its formality. true Word processing software can simplify the tedious task of creating a table of contents. true An executive summary should only be used for long and complex reports. false An abstract, or executive summary, summarizes the findings section of the formal report but does not mention the recommendation(s). false Conclusions are drawn by inference from research findings, while recommendations are the writer's opinion of what action should be taken based on the conclusions true When the reference list of a report includes sources not cited in the report, it is referred to as a bibliography or works consulted. true An appendix contains supplementary information that supports the report but is not appropriate for inclusion in the report itself. true Talking headings are preferred in business reports because they tell about the content of the sections and reveal any conclusion(s) presented in the sections. true All report headings that are of the same level must be consistent in positioning, appearance, and grammatical construction. true A manager who asks for a report on the best phone system for an office may request a justification report to support the recommended decision. true The director of a professional organization who asks for a report on developing an online newsletter for members may request a justification report to support the recommended decision. true Businesses often develop their own report styles which may differ from standard style manuals. true The use of first-person pronouns (I or we) are generally acceptable in a formal report. false “Authorization was received from the IRS” is an example of a sentence using active voice. false When designed correctly, form reports save time and increase clerical accuracy over individually prepared reports true The most widely used report format for communication within an organization is the letter report. false When a consultant proposes a program to a client, the most suitable report form is a memorandum report. false An unsolicited proposal is prepared by an individual or firm that sees a problem to be solved and submits a proposal for consideration. true A report that recommends to management the installation of a new computer system is an example of an internal proposal. true An RFP describes a problem that needs to be solved and invites respondents to describe their proposed solutions. true With team-prepared proposals, the whole team typically works together on each section of the proposal. false A report that recommends to management the adoption of a particular cell phone plan for company employees is an example of an internal proposal. true U.S. firms such as AFLAC typically protect themselves against competitors by including in their annual corporate reports only that which is required by the Security and Exchange Commission. false Requirements for disclosure in companies’ annual reports are consistent throughout the world. false A limitation of group support systems is that only sequential editing is supported. false The executive summary in a formal report should accomplish all of the above Which of the following is NOT true of the parts of a business report? The appendix includes the references and the index. An analytical report is designed to solve a specific problem or answer research questions Which of the following is NOT true concerning the table of contents of a report? The contents page includes the beginning and ending page numbers for report parts. Which of the following is NOT true of the executive summary? It includes the table of contents Which of the following is correct concerning the executive summary (abstract) in the preliminary pages and the summary that appears as a final section of the report body? Both are necessary because the executive summary summarizes the essential elements of the entire report and the summary reviews the main points presented in the body. Which of the following is correct concerning the analysis sections of a formal report? For short reports, the writer may place the summary, conclusions and recommendations together in one section. Which of the following best describes the purpose of an analytical report? To solve a specific problem or answer research questions Which of the following statements is NOT correct concerning the appendix of a report? Each report contains only one appendix, although several things may be placed in it. The content outline of a report is a planning document that is subject to modification as the writer develops the report Which of the following headings is NOT parallel with the others? Increasing Housing Costs in New England A typical short report includes a personal writing style using first-or second-person Which of the following is applicable to the development of headings for a report? Headings at the same level must be worded in parallel form Which of the following descriptions is most valid, as it applies to accurate methods of analyzing data? Judging data on the basis of the evidence and soundness of research techniques Derek is writing a short report about his findings on the attitudes of custodial employees on the job. The audience for the report is Physical Plant management for the company. Which of the following formats should Derek use? memo format Which of the following is NOT a benefit of form reports? Increase personalization Which of the following guidelines is appropriate when preparing memo and letter reports? Use personal writing style, including first- and second-person language Which of the following statements is correct concerning the writing of proposals? A simple price quotation may constitute a proposal A manager who wants to introduce flexible work schedules in a company will write which one of the following proposals for management consideration? internal proposal Rozell & Ramos Associates wants to ask companies to submit bids to design the lighting in their new building. The Associates will develop which of the following documents to solicit bids. request for proposal As a restaurant owner, you are submitting a proposal to a local radio station, offering to operate a concession stand during an all-day benefit to raise money for your city library. Which of the following would be an acceptable place to present the expect After the details about how the activity would be conducted Which of the following is the BEST advice for including objectives in a proposal? List only enough measurable and attainable objectives to accomplish the purpose of selling your proposal. Which of the following statements is FALSE in regard to collaborative report preparation in a typical writing team? The entire group would likely prepare the preliminary and addenda parts together. Which of the following is true concerning what the writer should do during the preparation of an effective proposal? Arrange the parts in whatever order seems appropriate The AFLAC annual report, rated as one of the best, is an example of which type of report? External report According to annual reports expert Sid Cato, a company’s annual report should be viewed as the most important document a company can produce A team of collaborative writers are preparing a procedures manual for the firm's employees. They have divided the writing task so that each writer is working on a different part of the manual at the same time; the team is applying parallel editing The World Wide Web offers easy access to a universe of information; therefore, the World Intellectual Property Organization is working to assure copyright protection Regina runs into her supervisor in the hallway and updates him on a current project. Such an encounter is a type of oral briefing. true To be effective as a presenter, you must spend time learning about the audience true Sierra is planning a presentation on teamwork. An important part of planning this presentation should be for her to determine what she wants to accomplish during this presentation true Humor should not be used when introducing a presentation because it can be offensive to members of the audience. false Because spoken communication is more difficult to process than written communication, complex, lengthy sentences that are acceptable for written documents are NOT effective in a presentation. true In a typical business presentation, the number of major points should be limited to three to five. true The close of a presentation should be creative and memorable because audiences tend to remember what they hear last. true Speakers who use presentation visuals are considered better prepared and more persuasive and interesting then speakers who do not use visuals. true To avoid clutter, you should limit slide content to key ideas presented in as few words as possible. true As a general rule in presentations, a speaker should include only one major idea on each slide. true Since color is an attention getter, the skilled presenter should use as many different colors as his or her software supports. false Black text against a white background provides the greatest contrast. true Extemporaneous speeches require no preparation or rehearsal false When delivering a presentation, an impressive introduction of you as the speaker will help to establish your credibility with the audience. true Gestures should be eliminated during a business presentation since they distract your audience false One effective way to elicit feedback about your presentation from an intercultural audience is to frequently ask them if they understand. false North Americans are perceived by members of some cultures as too casual in their presentation style true Although North Americans prefer a direct approach (with the main idea presented first) in most presentations, many cultures including the Japanese, Latin Americans, and Arabs consider the straightforward approach tactless and rude. true Simplified English, with a core vocabulary of 1,500 words, is recommended when presenting to an audience of people who speak English as a second language. true To produce a unified team presentation, many experts recommend scheduling at least five practice sessions. true Team members who are not currently speaking during the presentation should maintain eye contact with the audience or look at their own notes. false Gerome has planned a distance presentation for new employees in his company’s six locations. Since he has not previously met the participants in person, he should schedule a conference call with the participants to establish rapport prior to the distance true Under the Copyright Act of 1976, copyright is automatic as soon as a file is posted to the Internet. true Java applets developed by Sun Microsystems can be used to enhance websites and cell phone applications. true An accent can be perceived either negatively or positively by an audience true Sun Microsystems CEO, Scott McNealy, once banned the use of PowerPoint by his employees true Knowing the audience for a business presentation involves all of the above Which of the following is a factor that will help you direct a presentation specifically to an audience? all of the above Which of the following statements is FALSE concerning the introduction of a presentation? The inductive approach is typically used, because the deductive approach would remove the element of suspense for the audience. Which of the following is a goal of an effective introduction to a presentation? Establish rapport Which of the following should a speaker generally avoid in the body of a presentation? Numerous detailed statistics Management is requiring employees at Sentac Enterprises to attend a presentation by your consulting firm about how to prevent sexual harassment in the workplace. What technique should you use to get the audience interested in the presentation? Open your presentation with “Thirty-five percent of employees at Sentac Enterprises say that in the last six months, they have felt uncomfortable in a work situation because of a sexual comment by a colleague.” Which of the following would BEST capture the attention of the audience in an introduction to a speech about diversity in the workplace? How many of you were born outside the U.S.? Let's see a show of hands. Jacob, an expert in traffic patterns requirements for increasing highway lanes, is presenting to the Tennessee Department of Transportation about the need for additional highway lanes between Nashville and Memphis. What would be an effective opening for How many of you have spent time on the Interstate 51 between Nashville and Memphis? Then you have seen what I am about to describe. Tristan is developing a presentation for employee orientation. Which of the following should NOT be used as a technique to ensure that the audience understands the points of his presentation? Long, complex sentences to enhance credibility Jessica, an architect with experience in designing jails for rural areas, is making a presentation to the Nixon County Board of Supervisors to convince them to hire Peterson & Melton Architects to design and manage the building of their 200-bed jail in r Hire Peterson & Melton to design and oversee construction for the Nixon County jail because we have designed 20 others jails in the rural South with similar design issues. We can make our experience work for you. Ravi has just presented a preview of the office of the future to a group of office managers. Which of the following would provide the best closing to his presentation? "Adjusting to the dynamic environment of the future will require an adaptable attitude, an inquisitive mind, and an adventurous spirit. Are you up to the challenge?" Scarlette is developing appropriate presentation visuals for an upcoming workshop. Which of the following is a limitation of using an electronic presentation? It can lead to poor delivery if misused. Randall, an advertising campaign specialist, is making a presentation to decision makers at his firm on marketing a new sports nutrition supplement, Crealean, for building muscle. What would be the most effective presentation visual for him to use? An electronic presentation outlining specific marketing strategies When designing an electronic slide select fonts that have not been overused to create a fresh presentation that is different from those of your competition. Which of the following guidelines is NOT applicable to the design of electronic slides? Use all capital letters to emphasize ideas and increase visibility Which of the following is true when using color in presentation visuals? Brighter colors give a less formal look than do conservative colors Which of the following statements is correct concerning the use of color in electronic slide presentations? Try to link your color choices to your topic or audience The way in which a speaker produces and joins sounds is referred to as articulation Gannon has prepared an effective and well-thought out electronic presentation on business uses of social networking. As he is setting up for his presentation, the laptop he plans to use with the projector has a hardware failure. What should he do? Hand out copies of the slides to the audience and give his talk as he planned, only without the computer. Which of the following statements is true of the use of presentation visuals? Too many visuals can overwhelm, bore, and tire the audience An engineer would like to give an electronic presentation on his company's new security product to a client. The engineer would like to project a high-tech, classy, and simple image in his presentation. What color scheme would you recommend that he use? Gray, blue, and white Which of the following is recommended during delivery of a presentation? Watch the audience for feedback and make appropriate adjustments in the length and content of your speech. Which of the following is NOT recommended concerning the use of gestures during a business presentation? Vary hand motions to emphasize important points; otherwise, relax your hands in your pockets. During the question-and-answer period at the end of your presentation, encourage the audience to ask questions Because scripted speeches restrict eye contact with the audience, they should be selected only for particular situations, such as when an exact time constraint is applied. In the national organization Toastmasters, members are required to speak on a regular basis. In one situation, a member pulls a topic from a hat, spends a few minutes preparing, and then gives a 3-5 minute presentation on the topic. What kind of delivery Impromptu Which of the following is NOT true of an extemporaneous business presentation? The presentation is written in detail to serve as a visual reminder during the delivery. José is making a presentation to potential donors for International University about design and construction plans for the new Health Sciences Center planned for the institution. He has never spoken to these donors before and he is new to the university. Thoroughly research the donors, their backgrounds, and the project Crystal, a special events coordinator for the American Heart Association, is visiting Henderson Middle School to kick off a campaign called Jump Rope for Heart. She is in a gymnasium speaking to 300 11-year-old students without the aid of a microphone. Wh Volume A male friend has asked for advice on how he should dress to give a presentation at a local business organization's annual awards banquet to be held in a downtown hotel. Which of the following would be your BEST suggestion? Dress professionally, as much for yourself as for your audience. When creating a "winning team" to prepare and deliver a team presentation determine whether each selected member will be committed to supporting the team strategy and schedule. Which of the following is FALSE concerning effective team presentations? Only one individual should be designated to answer questions from the audience Distance delivery presentation methods are appropriate when the costs in time, money, and human energy justify them You will make an initial presentation to the board of directors of an international company. All members of the board are competent speakers of English as a second language. You should enunciate precisely and speak more slowly than normal. You will be making a presentation to an Arab audience. Remember that Arab listeners may stare into your eyes Which of the following is FALSE concerning cultural perceptions of North Americans? North Americans are frequently perceived by other cultures as being too formal Which of the following should be avoided when speaking to an Asian audience? Begin with a joke to break the ice Jennifer, a young business associate with your firm, is anticipating her first international sales tour to make presentations to businesses in five countries. You recall your own first trip abroad and some awkward problems you encountered in business prot Avoid gift-giving, since each culture has its own expectations and taboos Which of the following is true concerning the English language? It includes many figurative expressions that do not have literal meanings Which of the following sentences would be most effective in a presentation to employees in your Tokyo office regarding new hiring policies? When budgeting money for a new position in your department, contact Human Resources for a position request form so we can begin the necessary paperwork to add a position. Which of the following techniques should you consider when using Java script as designed by Sun Microsystems to upload presentations to the Web? All of the above are recommended techniques Jon is researching and writing a presentation request by his boss regarding beginning a business casual dress policy at Baltz& Stein Architects. In his research, he finds a suggested dress code from the American Institute of Architects and wants to includ All of the above are recommended Marcus, Leroy, and Mallory are planning to give a team presentation on diversity for their company All team members should respond to each question asked at the end of the presentation When planning and practicing your presentation to a national audience, how should you handle a Deep South accent? Do not let concern over your accent interfere with your enthusiasm. A job applicant should complete an assessment of the career field and the particular job before preparing a résumé. true Networking both electronically and in person is important to gaining job leads and career counseling. true On the initial scan, an employer typically reads each résumé carefully, looking for reasons to pursue the applicant. false A career summary section on your résumé has become a standard section in today’s information age. true Jobs included in the work experience section of a résumé may be listed in chronological order or in order of job relatedness. true Employers generally prefer not to receive information that provides information about gender, age, marital status, religion, national origin, or disability because questions could be raised about whether the information was used in the hiring decision. true Friends, relatives, and neighbors make good job references because they know the candidate well and can personalize their recommendations. false The well-planned résumé will slightly understate the credentials of the applicant to avoid the risk of unethical embellishment. false An effective résumé summarizes the career-related strengths and weaknesses of the job applicant. false A job applicant need no longer be concerned about the possibility of gender discrimination in employment, since it has been illegal for decades. false When preparing a scannable résumé, it is advisable for the applicant to use creative formats that simulate catalogs or newspaper columns to set the résumé apart visually from many others that will be received. false A scannable résumé can be categorized and ranked by the employer based on the number of key word matches found. true Daphne is applying for a job as an interior designer and would like to supplement her standard résumé with illustrations of projects she has completed; she should prepare a professional portfolio. true La’Shon is hoping to obtain a job in broadcasting and plans to send his résumé to a variety of media organizations. He should make his résumé as convincing as possible but should not send a video to avoid possible discrimination due to gender, ethnicity, false Both paper and electronic résumés should be accompanied by an application message or cover letter. true A letter of application should be biographical and trace the accomplishments (education, jobs, etc.) of the applicant in chronological order. false A key to the Container Store’s success as a recognized best company to work for is its forthright sharing of financial information with all employees. true When gaps exist in employment history, the candidate should adjust other dates so as not to reveal the gap and compromise chances of obtaining an interview. false Revealing marital status on a résumé is generally more advisable for a woman than for a man. false Internet recruiting has surpassed newspaper advertising in terms of volume of applicants generated and recruited. false Completing a self-, career, and job analysis will assist you in the employment process by achieving all of the above. Which of the following is NOT one of the steps in the research phase of a job search? Send application letters to prospective employers What is the best attitude to have regarding finding a job? Finding a job is a process Seeking to move up to a middle management position at his company, Seth has decided to network with coworkers, former teachers, and a former supervisor. His networking may help him to accomplish all of the above. Which of the following is the longest used method for locating a job? Employment agencies and contractors Which of the following statements BEST summarizes the role of online job searching? Online employment search capabilities extend the range of possibilities previously available to the job seeker Electronic job searches are popular with human resource departments because the search costs are lower than traditional methods Paul is using the Internet to locate job opportunities. Which of the following will be the MOST effective way to access information on available jobs through a Google search? Avoid using other search engines. Which one of the following statements is FALSE concerning a job objective? A job objective should be specific to one job. Which of the following descriptions of duties in the work experience section of a résumé is most effective? Created eye-catching floor displays with minimal financial resources Which of the following statements represents the BEST advice for inclusion of personal information on a résumé? Reveal ethnic background only if it is job related. Including complete information about your references on a résumé is optional, since a list of references can typically be provided after a successful interview Which of the following is FALSE concerning the chronological résumé? It is especially effective for applicants who have gaps in employment or who have held various types of jobs. Adam is back in the job market after five years of employment at his former company. What should he emphasize most in his résumé? His work experience An employer is likely to interpret a writing style or punctuation error on your résumé or letter of application as an indication that all of the above are true You are organizing your résumé for a highly competitive summer internship with an accounting firm. You believe your education is your strongest qualification because your work experience has been seasonal jobs at minimum wage. You also believe that your Chronological To accommodate different employers’ preferences for the presentation and delivery of résumés, a person should prepare all of the above When formatting a scannable version of your résumé stay with a plain design with no special formatting Which is true concerning the format for electronic résumés? All are true. Chen is searching for a job and has prepared a thorough résumé that includes the customary sections, plus information related to his volunteer work and foreign travel. Including these "extras" has caused his résumé to be two pages in length. What advice w If including the extra information will likely increase his chances of getting an interview, he should leave it in, regardless of whether it takes two pages. Katina is formatting a scannable version of her resume for her job search. She should stay with a plain design with no special formatting Evan is preparing a vésumé for posting to YouTube. Which of the following should he avoid in preparing his video? Turn up the camera microphone for high quality sound Alicia has developed a standard resume for her job search for a technical writing position. Which of the following would be the MOST useful additional tool for communicating her qualifications? An e-portfolio While e-portfolios and employment videos are helpful in communicating a person’s qualifications and abilities, their use may also encourage the potential employer to focus on your physical characteristics Which of the following is the BEST suggestion for preparing an employment video? Make sure the video has a professional appearance that compliments you A résumé summarizes information related to a job's requirements; the application message interprets the résumé in terms of employer benefits A letter of application or application email message ideally should be addressed to a specific individual By sending unsolicited application letters you alert employers to needs not previously identified for someone with your abilities The organizational plan for an application message is most like that of a request for colleagues to contribute to a charity Which of the following would be the BEST opening sentence for an application letter for a sales trainee job that was advertised on a company website? After reading about the exciting opportunity available at KayStar, I am determined to join this exciting team and desire the chance to convince you that my educational background, leadership abilities, and internship experience qualify me for a sales posi Marisol wants to know the best way to let the recipient of her application letter know that her résumé is included. Which of the following would you advise? Include the following in the second half of the letter: "The enclosed résumé details my responsibilities as office manager at Carson Office Systems, a job that gave me the opportunity to experience some of the situations you described in your ad." Franz is sending a résumé to an advertising agency that has advertised in his local newspaper for a copywriter. Which of the following would make the best closing sentence for the application letter? "I would appreciate an opportunity to discuss how I can benefit Acme Corporation in the copywriter position." Which of the following is the BEST way to respond in your application letter to requested information related to salary expectation? While I am aware that the starting salary for account auditors in the southwest region is $42,000, we can discuss specifics concerning what my qualifications are worth to you at the interview. Juanita is a new college graduate involved in the job search process. What advice will you give her concerning the physical appearance of résumés and accompanying application letters she will mail to potential employers? A one-page format is typically recommended for both documents Management of the Container Store feels that open sharing of information with its employees far outweighs the disadvantages of information getting into the wrong hands Which statement is most accurate as describing discrimination in employment? Although discrimination on the bases of race, gender, age, etc. is illegal, it still occurs; thus, the responsible job candidate will take reasonable steps to eliminate personal information and behaviors that could lead to discrimination. Online recruiting is beneficial because more and better information on applicants is available since a résumé can provide links to other informational items. In a structured interview, the interview format evolves as interaction between the interviewer and the candidate takes place. false When the interviewer follows a predetermined agenda such as a checklist or series of questions, he or she is conducting a structured interview, even though it may not seem structured to the applicant. true When an interviewer deliberately creates anxiety to assess your ability to perform under stress, the interviewer is conducting an unstructured interview. false The purpose of a stress interview is to observe how an interviewee performs in an anxiety-producing situation. true In general, companies using video interviews agree that video interviews are excellent for screening applicants, while live interviews are appropriate for final interviews. true The best advice concerning dress for a career interview is conservatism true The best time to find out general information about an organization is during the job interview false It is generally acceptable to be a few minutes late to a job interview with a U.S. company, as long as you call and explain the reason for the delay. false As an applicant, if you look and dress like the people who already work at the company, the interviewer will be able to visualize you working there. true Practicing for a job interview is not generally recommended as it causes the candidate to sound rehearsed and insincere. false Since interviewers typically delay forming their impression about an applicant until well into the interview, the interviewee need not be concerned with nervousness or a slow warm up in the first few minutes. false Good preparation for an interview is to study your résumé, as the typical interview focuses on information contained in the applicant's résumé. false The goal of behavioral questions asked during an interview is to challenge you to provide real evidence of your skills. true Companies may use brain teasers and riddles as part of the interview to determine the job applicant’s ability to think quickly and creatively. true A recommended response to an illegal interview question is to refuse to answer and end the interview. false Increasingly, companies are designing application forms to be tests of the applicant's written communication skills. true Sending a thank-you message following an interview is a professional courtesy, but unnecessary if you thank the interviewer before departing from the interview. false Like other messages that convey unpleasant news, job-refusal letters are written inductively. true Since Pein has not received a response to his letter of application and résumé sent several weeks ago, it would be appropriate for him to send a follow-up message to the company. true Hal listed his former supervisor, Jean, as a reference. Because Hal asked permission to list Jean, he has no legal recourse to negative comments Jean might make about him to a prospective employer. false GE views diversity as an unavoidable challenge that threatens the organization’s mission and business strategies. false Although the team interview can certainly enhance the selection of the “right person” for the job, it can also create more stress for the interviewee. true GE and other companies on the “most admired” list attract far more applicants than they need. true Research has shown that job applicants who participate in computer interviews feel less need to give socially acceptable answers An interviewer who follows a predetermined agenda, including a series of questions and statements designed to elicit necessary information is conducting which type of interview? Structured interview Which of the following is NOT an advantage of video interviews? They eliminate the need for face-to-face interviews When a team conducts the interview process the team should include people from different levels within the organization Which of the following statements is true concerning video interviews? Companies save time and money by using video interviewing. Which of the following is FALSE concerning the handshake? The handshake is more important for men than for women in making a positive impression in the interview. Kyle has an interview with a Fortune 500 company. Which of the following is LEAST important for him to know prior to the interview? The company insurance and benefits Which of the following is the LEAST important thing to know about a job you are seeking? Vacation days. The interviewer typically forms an initial impression of the applicant in the first few seconds of the interview An interviewer would likely presume that an applicant is truly interested in the job if the applicant does all of the above Which of the following statements about employment interviews is FALSE? Most questions asked in interviews can be answered from the résumé. Taylor has an interview; which of the following items will she likely NOT need to take with her? A photo of herself Which of the following is NOT recommended behavior in a job interview? Emphasize a rising intonation at the end of sentences Gabrielle has an interview for a position in sales. Which of the following would most likely contribute to a favorable first impression in the interview. Maintain eye contact and use body language to convey confidence. Kendrick, a recent college graduate, wants to communicate that he can get along with others and is accepting of diversity. Which of the following statements should he avoid making? I can work with most people The STAR method refers to a format to help the job applicant answer open-ended questions: situation or task, action, and result. Which of the following is NOT an example of a behavioral question? What are your major strengths and weaknesses? Which of the following is an example of a desirable professional attitude during a job interview? Show that you are strongly interested in the company While being interviewed for a job you really hope to be offered, the interviewer asks you about your marital status. What is the most effective way for you to handle the question? Attempt to answer the primary concern that motivated the question. Phillip has prepared the following list of questions to ask the interviewer during his initial job interview. Which question should he avoid asking the interviewer? What salary are you planning to offer? Rochelle must write a resignation message because she found a better paying job. What writing sequence should she use? Inductive You have just returned from an interview with a company and are considering the appropriateness of a thank-you letter or note. The thank-you message is appropriate and should be written immediately. Which of the following messages should be written inductively? Resignation You’ve been offered a position over the phone with a firm and were asked to confirm your acceptance in a letter. Your letter should be written deductively, affirming job acceptance and confirming the first day of work. You have decided to accept another position and must write a refusal letter to a firm that had also offered you a job. The message should be written inductively, opening with the nature of the subject, followed by the reasons for the refusal, the refusal, and a pleasant ending. You have just told your supervisor of your intention to resign from your job, and your supervisor asked you to submit it in writing. Your message should recall a positive experience you had with the company At the time of her graduation, Julia obtained permission from several people who will serve as references for her. Two years later, she is interviewing for a new position and knows that some employers she has interviewed with will be performing back groun send a message to her references, letting them know that requests for information will be forthcoming, and attach a current résumé. Which of the following statements is true concerning an employer’s disclosure of potentially damaging information in a requested employment reference? An employer should be cautious about relating information that is not formally documented or for which no objective evidence exists. Which of the following is FALSE concerning the benefits of the team interview process? The team interview results in a quicker hiring decision than does a traditional interview Which of the following questions would be legal to ask of a job candidate? None of the above