Which of the following students provides the most accurate summary of the behaviorists contributions to cognitive psychology?


Which of the following statements BEST captures the scope of cognition?

We use cognition when we transform, reduce, elaborate, store, recover and use the sensory input

When researchers use the introspection technique (e.g. Wundt's school),

People report their experiences as accurately as possible by using the process of internal perception

Functionalist psychology was developed by ________, and motivated by __________.

Which of the following schools was represented in the "Big Bang Theory" episode that we watched in class?

According to functionalist's perspective,

We should change our thoughts/behavior as we discover that are "better adapted" to our environment

Which of the following research topics would be most likely to interest a behaviorist?

The effect of speeding ticket on driver's choice on how fast to drive

Which of the following students provides the most accurate summary of the behaviorists' contributions to cognitive psychology?

Svetlana: "The most important contributions of the behaviorists were related to research methodology/experimental techniques and emphasis on operational definition.

Which of the following was NOT a factor that contributed to the increasing popularity and rise of cognitive psychology?

The realization that psychodynamic theory could not be stated in behaviorist terminology

The Atkinson-Shiffrin model as an important example of the information-processing approach. All of the following statements about the model are correct EXCEPT:

Still as influential as it used to be

According to the information-processing approach,

(c) and (d)
C. Mental processes can be interpreted as a flow of information in a series of stages
D. Mental processes can be understood by comparison with the operations of a computer

Which is the correct sequence in the transmission of a neural impulse?

Dendrite-->Cell Body--->Axon---> Synapse

Based on the example that we used in class, which of the following neurotransmitters is affected by alcohol consumption?

Our ability to stand on one leg (e.g. yoga pose we did in class) is controlled in the _________

Which yoga pose am I referring to?

The _________ links the nervous system and the endocrine system.

The hippocampus is involved in all the following EXCEPT:

Which of the following statements about amygdala is correct?

(a) and (c) only.
A. Linked to emotions such as fear
B. Part of the limbic system

What type of cognitive activity DOES NOT involve the frontal lobe?

What sensory information is primarily processed in the occipital lobe?

Unfortunately, Sam was buying a hot dog from a vendor at a baseball game when a foul ball hit him in the head. After the hit, Sam seemed to have difficulty comprehending what his friends were saying to him. Which lobe was most likely affected by the foul

___________ uses magnetic properties of hemoglobin and records changes in oxygen atoms in the blood/tissues in the brain.

Which of the following students provides the best understanding of the PET scan technique?

Jamie: The PET scan creates an image based on a radioactive chemical that travels through the bloodstream.

Suppose that you know a woman who will be having an fMRI. She can expect that,

A scanner will record the amounts of oxygen in her blood

Correlational neuroimaging methods can be evaluated using four dimensions. Which of the following is NOT a dimension used in evaluating correlational neuroimaging methods?

The single-cell recording technique might be used if a researcher wanted to?

Measure the nerve impulses from one neuron in the brain of a monkey

Few features of electromagnetic energy make it useful for us to rely on light as a stimulus for vision. They include all of the following EXCEPT:

It travels in predictable ways, thus producing a very accurate representation of objects

Which of the following statements about light is NOT correct?

Wavelength is decoded by the visual system as brightness: the longer the wavelength, the brighter the color

Which of the following statements about photoreceptor cells is/are correct?

Visual transduction is best described as:

The process by which an electromagnetic energy becomes transformed into neural energy

The RETINA is an especially important layer of the eye due to which of the following?

While rods ______; Cones_________:

Are essential for night (black and white vision; are essential for color vision

The analogy which was used in class to illustrate how energy in light can alter the electronic configuration of photoreceptors, involved in which of the following?

Primary V1 (aka Striate) cortex is:

Ventral pathway_______ :: dorsal pathway (as)_________.

A person with akinetopsia would be likely to:

View the world as snapshots

Which of the following statements about color blindness is/are correct?

Caused by a defective gene that produces an abnormality in the photoreceptor system AND retinal rods cannot properly transmit data from certain wavelengths of light to the brain via the optic nerve

Which of the following is considered to be the best surest explanation of the visual condition called "blindsight"?

Some information from the retina travels to regions of the cortex outside the visual cortex

Which statement about attention is NOT correct?

Some information from the retina travels to regions of the cortex outside the visual cortex

Recent experiments compared people using a hand-held cell phone while driving, people who were using a hands free cell phone, and the people who were not using a cell phone at all. The researcher found out that:

Driving problems occur even when a person is listening or talking to another person while using a hands-free set

When experienced drivers tune the radio while driving:

Their attention shifts away from the road for less than 3 seconds

Suppose that your friend George wants to buy a hands free cell phone to use when driving across the country. Based on the information about attention and driving, you should tell George that, according to the current research, hands free cell phones are:

Influence attention only for items outside the center of the visual field

Suppose you are sitting in a restaurant, trying to focus on a comment from a student on your left, while a student on your right is talking to a friend. This situation resembles the laboratory setup known as:

The phenomenon, characterized by the ability to notice if your name is mentioned in a nearby conversation, is called:

The term "change blindness" refers to the observation that:

People often fail to see that an object in a scene has changed

Dichotic listening: What can we conclude about whether people process the unattended messages in a selective attention task?

People can come times notice the meaning of the unattended message, depending on its relevance

The strop effect refers to the finding that people take longer to name

A color in which a word is printed when the words meaning conflicts with the name of the color

The strop effect is related to selective attention because

People are required to pay attention to the color of the word, not the name of the word

One explanation for the strop effect is that:

Interference effect: A more automatic process (e.g. reading a word) may interfere with a less automatic process (e.g. naming a color)

The "Stroop effect" in-class activity included 3 trials. What were they?

Same, Neutral, Conflicting

Based on the mini video that we watched in class: Suppose that you are asked to count the number of passes between two teams. You are paying such close attention to the task that you fail to notice that "__________" walked onto the court.

The incident described above (moon walking bear video) is an example of?

The moment when you are shifting your attentional focus and are unable to fully attend to a new target event is called?

The phenomenon, characterized by the ability to notice if your name is mentioned in a nearby conversation is called:

All of the above are correct
(The result of both top down and bottom up processing, the act of becoming aware of something through our senses, different from everybody)

In order for me to demonstrate to main issues with our perception, you had to answer questions about which figure?

Which of the following statements about visual perception/object recognition processing is correct?

A and C.
Result of interaction of physics, chemistry, and biology AND beyond the eye, regions of the cortex/lobes are involved when we identify objects

Hubel and Wiesel propsed a model of hierarchical organization of visual perception. Which of the following statements INCORRECTLY describes this model?

When gnostic "grandmother cell" dies, it gets replaced by another

According to the Gestalt psychology approach to perception of patterns/object recognition,

We tend to see well-organized patterns/"figures", rather than random looking stimuli

Suppose that a psychologist loans you an art book and says that the book includes some interesting ambiguous figure ground pictures. You should expect to see:

A picture in which a specific region is the central figure one moment, but this region becomes the background the next moment

With the face-vase illusion, it is impossible to see_______________.

The face and vase simultaneously

Suppose that you are looking at an advertisement that features a large figure. At first, you think you are looking at a star. However, when you look closer, you realize that some of the stars edges are not actually shown on the paper, yet they seem to be

Which of the following is the best example of a Geon?

A template for the letter K, as it is stored in memory

The distinctive features theory of object/pattern recognition argues that:

Recognition involves detecting distinctive and separable attributes of the object

Recognition of standardized stimuli, such as the human iris, can be accomplished by using an extremely simple:

Template-matching process

The recognition by components theory argues that we recognize an object by

Registering each major line, curve and angle of an object

Which of the following objects is the best example of appropriate/efficient use of template matching theory?

While __________ processing is guided by knowledge, beliefs, goals and expectations, ___________ is the kind of processing that emphasizes how your sensory receptors register information

As an example of one of your cognitive processing being active, you saw 2 vertical lines and 2 ovals alongside each of the lines on one of the PPP slides. Dr. David saw a ______ as a result of the second type of the cognitive processing being active.

Suppose that you walk past the home of your friend, John. Standing in front of the house is someone who somewhat resembles your friend, so you shout "Hi, John!". To your embarrassment, it is not John but his younger brother- substantially shorter and with

Many researchers argue that face perception is "special"; we process faces in a different way than we process other visual stimuli. According to this perspective,

We recognize faces in terms of their entire shape, rather than in terms of their isolates features

People recognize features of human faces relatively better (compared to features of other complex objects, such as houses). This kind of finding supports the view that faces recognition:

All of the above are correct

A person with prosopagnosia would be likely to:

Have trouble recognizing faces

The person in the video about prosopagnosia is unable to recognize pictures of:

A and C
Herself and mother

T/F: Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) is also known as a temporary "virtual" brain lesion

T/F: The nervous system is the body's speedy, electrochemical communication system that communicates through chemical messengers known as hormones

T/F: The central nervous system consists of skeletal/somatic nervous system and the autonomic nervous system

T/F: The parasympathetic NS helps us to get back to the homeostasis/balance and the sympathetic NS helps us to prepare for the fight or flight response

T/F: Accurate perception is the result of proper functioning of both the sensory organs and their associated neural pathways along with other parts of the brain

T/F: Considering how efficiently information passes through various layers of the retina, the eye is a perfect example of engineering genius.

T/F: As long as a person's eyes are not damaged, his/her visual perception will be pretty accurate.

T/F: When face is rotated/ up side down, holistic perception is disrupted and we switch to the component information processing.

A pigmented muscular structure that adjusts the pupil based on amount of light present in environment....

The light must go through this opening after passing the cornea....

It is the transparent structure in front of the eye. Its shape & thickness are most important for the formation of the retinal image....

Helps to gather light & concentrate it to a single point of focus on the retina....

For the brain to be aware of a physical object in the environment, that objects retinal image must be transducer into a ___________ impulse.

The picture below represents the _________ theory/approach of visual perception/object recognition?

Parts of the nervous system:

Nervous system
1. Peripheral & Central
2. Autonomic & Somatic
3. Sympathetic & Parasympathetic

Which of the following students provides the most accurate summary of the behaviorists contributions?

Which of the following students provides the most accurate summary of the behaviorists' contributions to cognitive psychology? b. Elena: "The most important contributions of the behaviorists were related to research methodology."

Which of the following students provides the best summary of the decline of behaviorism and the rising popularity of the cognitive approach quizlet?

Which of the following students provides the best summary of the decline of behaviorism and the rising popularity of the cognitive approach? Harlan: "Many psychologists favored the cognitive approach, because the behaviorist approach could not account for complex thought processes."

What was the central doctrine of the behaviorists?

The primary tenet of behaviourism is that psychology should concern itself with the observable behaviour of people and animals, not with unobservable events that take place in their minds. The behaviourists criticized the mentalists for their inability to demonstrate empirical evidence to support their claims.

How is cognitive psychology different from behaviorist psychology quizlet?

Cognitive psychology focuses on brain structures; behaviorism does not.