Which of the following statements is true regarding brain development in humans quizlet?

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Which of the following statements is true regarding brain development in humans quizlet?


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Which of the following statements is true regarding brain development in humans quizlet?

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True or false: The cephalocaudal pattern is the sequence in which the earliest growth occurs at the top of the body, with physical growth gradually working its way down from top to bottom.


The average North American newborn is ______.

20 inches long

18 inches long

2112 inches long

22 inches long

20 inches long

By their first birthday, infants have ______ their birth weight.






Shaken baby syndrome causes swelling and hemorrhaging of the ___.


The average North American newborn weighs just over ______ pounds.






Which of the following statements accurately illustrates the growth of infants in the first year of life?

By their first birthday, infants double their birth weight.

Infants' birth length increases by 40%.

Infants grow slowly in the first few months of life, and then growth becomes more rapid as the first birthday approaches.

Infant growth is very individual and cannot be predicted.

Infants' birth length increases by 40%.

True or false: From birth to age 2, the areas of a baby's brain develop at the same pace.


A recent analysis found that ______ were the MOST frequent perpetrators of shaken baby syndrome.


mothers' boyfriends


child care providers


The process of myelination begins ______ and continues into ______.

late childhood; adulthood

prenatally; adolescence and emerging adulthood

in infancy; late childhood

in infancy; adolescence and adulthood

prenatally; adolescence and emerging adulthood

______, the brain is about 25% of its adult weight.

By the first birthday

At birth

By the second birthday

By 18 months

At birth

With regard to brain development, what happens as babies engage in language use?

Neural pathways are weakened.

Lateralization occurs

Neural pathways are not affected.

Neural pathways are strengthened.

Neural pathways are strengthened.

_______ is the term used to describe the process by which unused neural connections are replaced by other pathways or disappear.






Which of the following groups would have the most depression in brain activity, based on our understanding of the impact of environment on brain development?

Children who attend a low-quality day care with other children present

Children with low SES who attend a high-quality Head Start day care

Children who are hospitalized for extended periods but who have positive interaction with parents

Children raised in an unresponsive, unstimulating, and underfunded orphanage

Children raised in an unresponsive, unstimulating, and underfunded orphanage

Which of the following are the two significant ways that neurons change during the first years of life?

Myelination occurs rapidly.

Specialization occurs within various abilities.

Brain cells multiply dramatically.

Connectivity among neurons increases.

Myelination occurs rapidly.

Connectivity among neurons increases.

Synaptic connections that are unused are

transformed into fat cells.

signs of a neurological disorder.

strengthened over time.

replaced or pruned.

replaced or pruned.

Neuroscientists believe that what wires the brain is

isolated experiences.

deprived environments.

repeated experience.


repeated experience.

Neuroscientists believe that repeated experience

depresses neural circuitry.

knits neurons together into circuits.

generates new neurons.

prunes neurons.

knits neurons together into circuits.

The neuroconstructivist view states that which of the following factors influence brain development?

Only cognitive development

Plasticity and context

Only context

Biological processes and environmental conditions

Only biological processes

Cognitive development

Plasticity and context

Biological processes and environmental conditions

Cognitive development

The typical newborn sleeps ______ a day.

12 hours

20 hours

18 hours

8 hours

18 hours

Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding neuron change during the first years of life?

Connections among dendrites increase.

Myelination begins prenatally.

Myelination ends once infants complete their first year of life.

Synaptic connections between axons and dendrites increase.

Myelination ends once infants complete their first year of life.

Which of the following is true regarding human brain development?

Once damage is done to an area of the brain, there is nothing that can be done to repair it.

Any changes in brain functioning must take place before the age of five.

An entire hemisphere of the brain can be removed and the other hemisphere will take over functions that the removed hemisphere previously performed.

The brain is capable of reorganizing the functioning of various centers in the brain only during the first six months of life.

An entire hemisphere of the brain can be removed and the other hemisphere will take over functions that the removed hemisphere previously performed.

Baby Kenzie has just begun sleeping more at night and is awake more during the day. Kenzie is most likely what age?

3 months

1 month

6 months

1 year

6 months

In terms of brain development, which of the following statements is FALSE?

The brain demonstrates both flexibility and resilience.

Repeated stimuli, such as sounds, sights, and touch, create connections between neurons.

The brain cannot be rewired.

Repeated experience wires the brain.

The brain cannot be rewired.

What view states that environmental conditions and biological processes influence development?

The neuroconstructivist view

The ecological view

The interactionist view

The cognitive intermodal view


Which of the following factors can cause sleep problems in infants?

Maternal depression during pregnancy

TV viewing

Early introduction of solid foods

Parental conflict within the household

Maternal depression during pregnancy

TV viewing

Early introduction of solid foods

Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding newborn sleep?

Sleep totals for newborns are very variable and can range from 10 to 21 hours per day.

Infants vary in their preferred times for sleeping and their patterns of sleep.

Newborns must sleep 18 to 20 hours a day to stay healthy.

Newborns do not need to sleep this much, though many do.

The typical newborn sleeps around 18 hours per day.

Newborns must sleep 18 to 20 hours a day to stay healthy.

The expansion of dendritic connections results in which of the following in infant development?

Overproduction of fat cells

New neural pathways

Synaptic pruning

Faster neural transmissions

New neural pathways

If you were analyzing the results of a sleep study in which the participant began the sleep cycle with REM sleep and spent 50% of the time in REM sleep, what could you determine about the age of the participant?

The subject is at least 6 months of age.

The subject is between 2 and 4 years of age.

The subject is between birth and 3 months of age.

The subject is most likely an adult.

The subject is between birth and 3 months of age.

According to one study, by 6 months of age most infants:

slept through the night.

have a difficult time getting to sleep.

need to be fed every two hours.

wake up three or four times at night.

slept through the night.

____ _____ death syndrome is a condition that occurs when infants stop breathing, usually during the night, and die.

Sudden infant

True or false: Sudden infant death syndrome occurs most commonly in children between the ages of 4 and 6 months of age.



False; 2-4 months

Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) is less common in babies who ______.

are low birth weight

sleep without a pacifier

are breastfed

share a bed with their parents

are breastfed

Infants with poorer sleep patterns showed more ______ during an attention task.






Infants should consume ______ an adult's requirement of calories per pound.

more than triple

more than twice

less than twice

less than half

more than twice

Which of the following statements is true regarding the trend towards overweight infants?

Infants from higher SES backgrounds are more likely to be overweight.

Babies are eating too much junk food and not enough fruits and vegetables.

The rate of overweight younger infants (under 6 months of age) exceeds the number of overweight older infants.

Concern for infant weight is not a factor until the baby reaches one year of age.

Babies are eating too much junk food and not enough fruits and vegetables.

Research has shown that ______ has multiple benefits for infants, such as a lower risk of respiratory tract infections and gastrointestinal infections.

shared sleeping

breast feeding

bottle feeding


breast feeding

Prone sleeping (sleeping in a face-down position), low birth weight, and passive exposure to cigarette smoke are all risk factors for


Which theory of motor development suggests that perceptions are necessary for infants to fine-tune their movements and that motor skills represent solutions to the infants' goals?

Gesell's maturational theory

Dynamic systems theory

Developmental motor skill theory

Perceptual development theory

Dynamic systems theory

A recent research review indicated there is a positive link between infant sleep and cognitive function including:





executive function

executive function

What are the purposes of reflexes?

They are survival mechanisms, which are genetically carried.

To help the infant exercise.

They allow infants to respond adaptively to their environment.

They are movements that have an evolutionary purpose but are not necessary in the present day.

They are survival mechanisms, which are genetically carried.

They allow infants to respond adaptively to their environment.

What is the recommended amount of calories per day for each pound an infant weighs?






One study has found that low maternal sensitivity when infants were 15 and 24 months of age was linked to

lower risk of obesity in childhood.

higher risk of obesity in adolescence.

lower motor skill development.

higher risk of childhood eating disorders.

Higher risk of obesity in adolescence.

To develop __ skills, infants must perceive something in their environment that motivates them to act and use their perceptions to fine-tune their movements.


Which of the following is responsible for regulating balance and equilibrium?

Muscle development in the arms and legs


The connection between vision and hearing

The vestibular organs in the inner ear

Vestibular organs in the inner ear

Perception is defined as the ___ of what is sensed.


___ is a dynamic process that is linked with sensory information in the skin, joints, muscle, vision and hearing.


The _____ view connects perceptual capabilities to information available in the world of the perceiver.






Order the following stimuli from most time watched (top) to least time watched (bottom) as identified in research by Fantz.

Black and white pattern, the color white, faces, low-contrast color like yellow, high-contrast color like red

black and white pattern
High-contrast color like red
Low-contrast color like yellow
The color white

The "looking chamber" developed by Robert Fantz allowed the experimenter to determine ______ the infant looked at each display.

from how far away

how many times

how long

how intensely

how long

If infants are repeatedly shown the same picture over and over, they will stop paying attention to it. This is called




sensory disengagement.


Many people attend a concert. According to the definition of perception, the people will interpret the experience






A mother changes a patterned picture on the wall. According to dishabituation, her infant will most likely do which of the following?

Ignore the new picture

Look at the old and new pictures for the same amount of time

Look longer at the new picture

Cry because of the new picture

Look longer at the new picture

Which of the following statements is consistent with the Gibsons' ecological view of perceptual development in infancy?

Perception and cognition are unrelated concepts.

Sensation is more important than perception.

Perception is a passive action that is involved only in the interpretation of an event.

We directly perceive information that exists in the world around us.

We directly perceive information that exists in the world around us.

In the high-amplitude sucking method, what may be inferred when a baby sucks more after being presented with a new sound?

The baby is dishabituated to the new sound.

The baby is distressed by the new sound.

The baby is habituated to the new sound.

The baby cannot distinguish between the old and new sounds.

The baby is dishabituated to the new sound.

The research method designed by Fantz to study whether infants can distinguish one stimulus from another by measuring the length of time they attend to different stimuli is called the visual

preference method.



interpretation chamber.

Preference method

In the "looking chamber" designed by Fantz, how does a researcher determine if and how long an infant looks at the stimulus being displayed?

The researcher hears a tone when the infant looks away from the stimulus.

The researcher uses a habituation method.

The researcher can see the reflection of the stimulus in the infant's eyes.

The infant wears a special computerized set of glasses that records where he or she looks.

The researcher can see the reflection of the stimulus in the infant's eyes.

The tracking technique can be used to evaluate an infant's early ______ ability.






An infant becomes habituated to the patterned picture on the wall. How can dishabituation be achieved?

Do nothing; the infant's response will recover

Put a new blanket in the crib

Play a new sound

Rotate the photo 90 degrees

Rotate the photo 90 degrees

When an infant turns its head toward a sight or sound, the infant is engaging in ______.

an orienting response

a habituation response

a tracking response

a sensory response

an orienting response

If a baby begins to habituate to a sound, what will happen to its sucking behavior?

The baby sucks less frequently on the nipple.

The baby stops sucking on the nipple.

The baby sucks more frequently on the nipple.

The baby falls asleep.

The baby sucks less frequently on the nipple.

As early as _____ after being born, infants prefer to look at faces rather objects.

a few days

a few hours

one day

a few weeks

a few hours

Based on what we understand about infant visual ability, which of the following statements is true?

Infants can distinguish between male and female faces immediately after birth.

Infants cannot discriminate between faces of different ethnic groups until one year of age.

Infants match voices to faces before a preference is shown for the mother's face.

As early as 12 hours after birth, infants spend more time looking at their mother's face than at a stranger's face.

As early as 12 hours after birth, infants spend more time looking at their mother's face than at a stranger's face.

Scientists analyze infant respiration, heart rate, body movement, visual fixation, and sucking to learn more about infant






When sensory stimulation is changing (for instance, seeing the same object at different distances), but perception of the physical world remains the same, an infant is experiencing

perceptual awareness.

perceptual constancy.

sensory engagement.

sensory perception.

perceptual constancy.

Which of the following are the two types of perceptual constancy as noted in your textbook?

Sound constancy

Shape constancy

Size constancy

Distance constancy

Size constancy

Shape constancy

By 3 months of age, infants can do all of the following, EXCEPT

prefer the reflection of their own face to any other face.

distinguish between faces from their own and other ethnic groups.

distinguish between male and female faces.

match voices to faces.

prefer the reflection of their own face to any other face.

The recognition that an object's dimensions remain the same even though the retinal image of the object changes as you move toward or away from the object is called ______ constancy.






Which technique consists of measuring eye movements that follow a moving object?






Researchers have found that babies have ______ as young as 3 months of age.

depth perception

size constancy

perception of occluded objects

Size constancy

The procedure in which infants are placed on the edge of a glass-covered drop-off and their mothers coax them to crawl onto the glass is called the

dropoff experiment.

depth chamber.

visual cliff.

visual preference.

Visual cliff

Which of the following can be inferred as an outcome of the research by DeCasper and Spence (1986) in which mothers read The Cat in the Hat to their fetuses and then to the children post-birth?

Infants do not remember sounds heard prenatally.

Fetuses can learn.

Fetuses can hear.

Infants are capable of localizing sound.

Fetuses can learn.

Fetuses can hear.

Which of the following reflexes demonstrates that infants can feel touch?

An infant looks startled when it loses support.

An infant turns its head when a cheek is stroked.

An infant pulls in its arms when it hears a loud noise.

An infant blinks when a bright light appears suddenly.

An infant turns its head when a cheek is stroked.

When can sound first be perceived?

Immediately at birth

During the last two months of pregnancy

Sometime during the second trimester of pregnancy

Approximately one week after birth

During the last two months of pregnancy

An fMRI study confirmed capacity of the fetus to hear at ______ into the prenatal period by assessing brain response to auditory stimuli.

44 to 45 weeks

38 to 39 weeks

33 to 34 weeks

40 to 42 weeks

33 to 34 weeks

When watching a hockey game, spectators can hear the sound of the stick hitting the puck and see the puck slide across the ice. This ability is known as ______.

visio-auditory integration

The correct term is intermodal perception.

multisensory perception

intermodal perception

temporal-occipital integration

intermodal perception

In the ______ view of perceptual development, the ability to perceive the world in a competent, organized way is believed to be inborn or innate.






What is the common understanding regarding infants and the sensation of touch?

The sensation of touch has not been studied; therefore, we don't know if infants sense touch at birth.

Newborns are capable of feeling touch.

Infants can feel deep pressure but not light pressure.

Infants' sensitivity to touch is not fully developed at birth.

Newborns are capable of feeling touch.

Which of the following elements play a role in visual perceptual development?


Psychological maturation


Developing sensitivity to information

Developing sensitivity to information

Megan Gunnar and colleagues (1987) concluded that newborns are capable of feeling pain after conducting which of the following studies?

A study of infants receiving immunizations

A study of infants after an injury

A study of circumcised infant males

A study of infants in cultures in which baby girls have their ears pierced at birth

A study of circumcised infant males

When examining nature and nurture, the ______ view claims that perceptual development is enhanced from nature, whereas the _______ view claims perceptual development is enhanced by learning and experiences (nurture).

nativist; empiricist

empiricist; nativist

empiricist; constructivist

constructivist; nativist

nativist; empiricist

What is true about brain development quizlet?

The brain grows exponentially from conception to birth, causing the brain to be completely developed at birth. The process of brain development continues through the first year after birth and then stops. Extensive brain development continues after birth, through infancy and later.

Which is true about brain development?

90% of Brain Growth Happens Before Kindergarten At birth, the average baby's brain is about a quarter of the size of the average adult brain. Incredibly, it doubles in size in the first year. It keeps growing to about 80% of adult size by age 3 and 90% – nearly full grown – by age 5.

Which of the following statements is not true of brain development?

This is Expert Verified Answer The statement “C” says that Synaptic pruning occurs as the growth of fatty tissues around neurons increase. This is a false statement as the growth of fat tissues around the brain develops with the growth of the newborn and the brain.

Which of the following is true of brain development in adolescence?

Which of the following is true about brain development in adolescence? Adolescents react more strongly to stressful events than adults do and experience pleasurable stimuli more intensely.