Which of the following statements are true about performing in any strength training exercise?

Which of the following statements is true about muscle fibers?

-People with fast-twitch muscles may be susceptible to developing diabetes -With training, slow twitch muscles can be converted to intermediate-twitch muscles -A person's percentage of skeletal muscle fiber is determined genetically

Resting Energy Expenditure is...

The amount of energy produced during sedentary or resting activities such as building and maintaining body tissues. Also called Resting metabolic rate.

Muscular Strength is defined as...

Ability of a muscle or muscle group to generate maximal force.

On average, if you gain 1 lb of muscle you will elevate you resting metabolism by

The _____________ systems provides energy (ATP) for activities lasting 0-10s

The _____________ systems provides energy (ATP) for activities lasting longer than 2 minutes

Muscular endurance most likely utilizes the _____________ and ______________ energy systems

Muscular Endurance is defined as

Ability of muscle to generate a submaximal force repeatedly

Muscular Endurance is defined as

Increasing lean muscle mass

On average, one would expect a man to have a resting metabolic rate ___________________ a female's resting metabolic rate.

When a muscle action occurs...

The contraction causes the muscle to pull on the tendon which pulls on the bone

A single muscle fiber is also called a...

The muscle bundle is made up of...

Many individual muscle fibers (myofibrils)

The motor unit includes...

The motor neuron and all of the muscles it innervates

In order for a muscle to contract...

An electrical signal must be sent from the spinal cord, down the motor nerve past the neuromuscular junction and to the muscle fibers

Same speed and involves a concentric and eccentric movement at the same speed.

Same tone or tension and involves movement of the body part and a change in joint angle.

Same distance and involves no movement of the body part or change in the joint angle

Examples of Isometric exercise...

Examples of Isotonic Exercise...

The eccentric phase is...

The muscle develops tension as it lengthens while controlling the movement with gravity

The concentric phase is...

The muscle develops tension as it shortens against resistance and/or gravity

While bench pressing, the pectoralis is in its concentric phase when..

You are pushing the weight up off your chest to elbow extension

While performing a pull up, the latissimus dorsi muscle is in its eccentric phase when..

You are lowering yourself down

Characteristics of Type 1 or slow twitch fibers include...

Slow contraction; high resistance to fatigue; ATP is produced through aerobic energy systems; Low force generation; red in color; best suited for endurance events

Characteristics of Type IIa or intermediate muscle fibers are...

Intermediate contraction; intermediate resistance to fatigue; ATP is produced through aerobic and anaerobic energy systems; intermediate force generation; pink in color; best suited for middle distance events

Characteristics of Type IIx or fast twitch fibers are...

Fast contraction; low resistance to fatigue; ATP is produced through anaerobic energy systems, high force generation; White in color; best suited for fast events

You would expect a marathon runner to have more _______________________ compared to a 100 m sprinter.

Type 1 fibers (slow twitch)

When going from a low intensity activity to a moderate to high intensity acitvity, muscle fibers are recruited in the following order:

Type 1; Type IIa; Type IIx

Type 1 and II fibers share the same motor neuron.

A muscle that has more cross sectional area (larger muscle)

Can generate more force than a muscle with a smaller cross sectional area

Muscular Strength can be determined by...

A muscle having more cross sectional area; Having an individual perform a 1-RM test

The first adaptation to a resistance training program is...

Neural adaptations such as fiber recruitment 

Recommendations for a strength training goal....

Sets: 2-6 Reps:


6 Load: >85% 1RM Rest: 2-5 min

Recommendations for a power training goal...

Sets: 3-5 Reps: 3-5 Load: 75-85% 1RM Rest: 2-5 min

Recommendations for a endurance training goal...

Sets: 2-3 Reps: 12-20 Load: <65 Rest: 30 sec

Recommendations for a Hypertrophy training goal...

Sets: 3-6 Reps: 6-12 Load: 65-85% 1RM Rest: 30 sec-1.5 min

A beginner weight lifter should start on...

The speed of the lift during the concentric phase should be around ____________ while the speed of the lift during the eccentric phase should be around _____________

If I am working with a beginning exerciser, my first resistance training program I prescribe them would most likely having a training goal of

When using the FITT principle for prescribing resistance training programs, one of the T's stands for

When using the FITT principle for prescribing resistance training programs, the I stands for

Reps and Loads (Intensity)

For the greatest strength gains, isometric exercises should be performed ______________ days a week and at a training load of __________________

Two issues with isometric training include

Joint angle specificity and the Valsalva maneuver

The three phases of resistance training are...

Starter, Slow Progression, and Maintenance

The recommended frequency for a beginner in week one is...

The recommended sets for a the slow progression phase is

The recommended training progression from starter phase to slow progression should be

Muscular Endurance --> Hypertrophy --> Strength

During the slow progression phase, a person can progress from a _______________ training goal to a ________________ training goal

Hypertrophy --> Muscular Strength

A muscle contraction that results in no movement of the body is referred to as an...

Synthetic forms of the male hormone testosterone that are used to cause muscle hypertrophy are called...

During lower intensities. 1-20%...

Type 1 fibers are primarily recruited

If more fibers are recruited then...

More force can be generated

Whole muscles become larger in size due to hypertrophy of..

The equation to calculate someone's strength score is...

Genetics is the primary determinant of muscle fiber type.

Androstenedione has been shown to significantly increase lean body mass.

When someone is working at maximal intensity, you would expect fiber recruitment from..

The slow twitch fiber is red in color, this is due to

The large amount of capillaries surrounding the muscle

The primary determinant in how much force a muscle can generate is...

Hyperplasia is the clinical term for...

Formation of new muscle fibers

Muscular endurance is evaluated using the...

The fact that muscle strength and endurance are realized only in the muscles trained is referred to as...

The starter phase usually lasts .... while the slow progression phase lasts....

When performing an isotonic movement, you should _____________ during the eccentric phase or lowering phase and __________ during the concentric or lifting phase.

The valsalva maneuver is when...

You hold your breath during an intense muscle contraction which can cause blood flow to your brain to decrease.

The FITT principle stands for...

Frequency; Intensity; Time; Type

Which statement about strength training is true quizlet?

Which statement about strength training is TRUE? Strength training increases resting metabolic rate in larger muscles.

What is true about strength gains from strength training?

As you incorporate strength training exercises into your fitness routine, you may notice improvement in your strength over time. As your muscle mass increases, you'll likely be able to lift weight more easily and for longer periods of time.

Which of the following is an example of strength training exercise?

Examples of strength exercises include: Lifting weights. Using resistance bands. Using your body weight for resistance, by doing push-ups, pull-ups, crunches, leg squats or push-ups against a wall. Using weight machines at a gym.

Which of the following does strength training involve?

The principles of strength training involve manipulation of the number of repetitions (reps), sets, tempo, exercises and force to overload a group of muscles and produce the desired change in strength, endurance, size or shape.