Which of the following could best account for the change in genotypic frequencies over the ten generations?

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Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium

When a population is in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, it is not evolving. Learn how violations of Hardy-Weinberg assumptions lead to evolution.

Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium

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Which of the following could best explain the increase in the frequency of the allele in the population after five years?

Which of the following could best explain the increase in the frequency of the B allele in the population after five years? The frequency of the B allele increased due to the selective pressures of the environment.

Which of the following best illustrates the change in the frequencies of the A and A alleles?

Which of the following best illustrates the change in the frequencies of the A and a alleles from generation 1 to generation 2 and to future generations, assuming Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium is present after generation 1 ? Future generations will eventually completely lose the a allele from the gene pool.

Which of the following best predicts how phylogenetic relationships might be revised if?

Which of the following best predicts how phylogenetic relationships might be revised if transposon 1 was not found in chimpanzees? Chimpanzees would be more closely related to humans than to bonobos.

Which of the following would change the allele frequencies of a population?

Which of the following would change the allele frequencies of a population? None of the answer choices would change allele frequencies of a population. population. recombination of alleles through meiosis and fertilization.