Which of the following best explains why the Soviet Union was willing to undertake projects such as the one discussed in the passage quizlet?

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Which of the following best explains why the Soviet Union was willing to undertake projects such as the one discussed in the passage quizlet?

Modern World History: Patterns of Interaction

1st EditionDahia Ibo Shabaka, Larry S. Krieger, Linda Black, Phillip C. Naylor, Roger B. Beck

1,293 solutions

Which of the following best explains why the Soviet Union was willing to undertake projects such as the one discussed in the passage quizlet?

Impact California Social Studies World History, Culture, and Geography The Modern World

Jackson J. Spielvogel

1,440 solutions

Which of the following best explains why the Soviet Union was willing to undertake projects such as the one discussed in the passage quizlet?

World History: The Human Journey

5th EditionAkira Iriye, Laurel Carrington, Mattie P. Collins, Peter Stearns, Rudy J. Martinez

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Which of the following best explains why the Soviet Union was willing to undertake projects such as the one discussed in the passage quizlet?

World History: Modern Times

2nd EditionJackson J. Spielvogel

1,496 solutions

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Which of the following best explains why the Soviet Union was willing to undertake projects such as the one discussed in the passage quizlet?

World History Patterns of Interaction

1st EditionDahia Ibo Shabaka, Larry S. Krieger, Linda Black, Phillip C. Naylor, Roger B. Beck

2,261 solutions

Which of the following best explains why the Soviet Union was willing to undertake projects such as the one discussed in the passage quizlet?

World History (Florida)

2nd EditionJackson J. Spielvogel

Which of the following best explains why the Soviet Union was willing to undertake projects such as the one discussed in the passage quizlet?

World History

2nd EditionJackson J. Spielvogel

Which of the following best explains why the Soviet Union was willing to undertake projects such as the one discussed in the passage quizlet?

Social Studies: World History: Ancient Civilizations: Student Edition 2018


1,358 solutions

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Which of the following best explains why the Soviet Union was willing to undertake projects such as the one discussed in the passage quizlet?

Impact California Social Studies World History, Culture, and Geography The Modern World

Jackson J. Spielvogel

1,440 solutions

Which of the following best explains why the Soviet Union was willing to undertake projects such as the one discussed in the passage quizlet?

Modern World History: Patterns of Interaction

1st EditionDahia Ibo Shabaka, Larry S. Krieger, Linda Black, Phillip C. Naylor, Roger B. Beck

1,293 solutions

Which of the following best explains why the Soviet Union was willing to undertake projects such as the one discussed in the passage quizlet?

World History

Savvas Learning Co

971 solutions

Which of the following best explains why the Soviet Union was willing to undertake projects such as the one discussed in the passage quizlet?

Ways of the World: A Global History

3rd EditionRobert W. Strayer

232 solutions

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"The Soviet structure of power is commited to the perfection of the dictatorship and to maintaining the concept that Russia is in a state of siege, with an enemy that lies just beyond the walls. This mentality has profound implications for Russia's international conduct. Moscow assumes that the aims of the capitalist world are antagonistic to the Soviet regime. However, the Kremlin is under no compulsion to accomplish its goal of spreading its influence in a hurry. If it finds unassailable barries in its path, it accepts them and accommodates itself to them. There is no trace of any feeling in Soviet psychology that that goal must be reached at any given time.
In these circumstances it is clear that the main element of any United States policy toward the Soviet Union must be that of patient and vigilant containment of Russian expansive tendencies. Soviet economic development, while it can list certain formidable achievements, has been precariously spotty and uneven. It is difficult to see how the deficiencies of the Soviet economic system can be corrected by a tired and dispirited population working largely under the shadow of fear and compulsion. And as long as they are not overcome, Russia will remain an economically vulnerable and impotent nation, capable of exporting its ideological enthusiasm but unable to export real evidence of material power and prosperity. Indeed, it is the strong belief of this writer that the Soviet power bears within it the seeds of its own decay, and that the sprouting of these seeds is well advanced."

-George F. Kennan, U tied States diplomat to the Soviet Union from 1944 to 1946, article submitted anonymously to an academic journal devoted to the conduct of foreign policy, published in Washington D.C., 1947

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