Which function returns one value if a condition is true and a different value when the condition is false?

These functions provide convenient one-line methods for evaluating expressions. They include methods for checking for empty values, using if-else logic, and implementing switch-case statements among others.


Decode(expression, [compare1, return1, ..., compareN, returnN]?, default?) -> Any

Evaluates an expression to a value and compares the result value with the value of subsequent parameters. If the expression evaluates to a matching value, it returns the subsequent parameter value. If no matches are found, then a default value may be provided. This is similar to a switch/case statement


  • expression: Any - An Arcade expression that must evaluate to a value that can be compared with the provided case values.
  • [compare1, return1, ..., compareN, returnN] (Optional): Any - A set of compare values and return value pairs.
  • default (Optional): Any - A default value to return if none of the compare values match. This may be a value of any type.

Return value: Any
Returns the matched return value. If no matches are found, then the default value is returned.

// returns a meaningful value when a field contains coded values
var code = $feature.codedValue;
var decodedValue = Decode(code, 1, 'Residential', 2, 'Commercial', 3, 'Mixed', 'Other');


DefaultValue(value, defaultValue?) -> Any

Returns a specified default value if an empty value is detected.


  • value: Any - The input value to compare against null or ''. This may be a value of any type. However, if this value is an empty array, then the empty array will be returned.
  • defaultValue (Optional): Any - Return this value if the provided value is empty. The data type of defaultValue must match the data type of value.

Return value: Any
If value is empty, then the defaultValue is returned. Otherwise, the value of value is returned.

// If a feature has no value in the POP_2000 field
// then 'no data' is returned
DefaultValue($feature.POP_2000, 'no data')


IIf(condition, trueValue, falseValue) -> Any

Returns a given value if a conditional expression evaluates to true, and returns an alternate value if that condition evaluates to false.


  • condition: Boolean - A logical expression that must evaluate to true or false.
  • trueValue: Any - The value to return if the condition evaluates to true. This may be a value of any type.
  • falseValue: Any - The value to return if the condition evaluates to false. This may be a value of any type.

Return value: Any
If condition is true, then the trueValue is returned. Otherwise, the value of falseValue is returned.

// returns 'below' if the value is less than 1,000,000.
// if the value is more than 1,000,000, then returns 'above'
var population = $feature.POP_2007;
IIf(population < 1000000, 'below', 'above');


When(expression1, result1, [expression2, result2, ..., expressionN, resultN]?, defaultValue) -> Any

Evaluates a series of conditional expressions until one evaluates to true.


  • expression1: Boolean - a conditional expressions, if it evaluates to true then result1 will be returned.
  • result1: Any - The result returned if the expression1 evaluates to true. This may be a value of any type.
  • [expression2, result2, ..., expressionN, resultN] (Optional): Any - A series of conditional expressions and return values if the given expression evaluates to true. This may be a value of any type.
  • defaultValue: Any - Returns this value if all expressions evaluate to false. This may be a value of any type.

Return value: Any


Reclassify a numeric field value to a generic ranking (string).
If all expressions are false, then 'n/a' is returned

var density = $feature.densityField;
var ranking = When(density < 50, 'low', density >=50 && density < 100, 'medium', density >= 100, 'high', 'n/a');

Which function returns one value if a condition is true and another value if false?

Syntax. Use the IF function, one of the logical functions, to return one value if a condition is true and another value if it's false. For example: =IF(A2>B2,"Over Budget","OK")

Which function check whether a condition True or false?

Excel IF Function – Introduction IF function in Excel is best suited for situations where you check whether a condition is TRUE or FALSE. If it's TRUE, the function returns a specified value/reference, and if not then it returns another specified value/reference.

Which Excel function returns one value if a specified set of conditions is true and another value if the specified set of conditions is false?

The IF() function has an important place amongst the most popular functions in Excel. It performs a simple logical test (is a statement TRUE or FALSE?) and, depending on the comparison result, returns one value if a result is a TRUE, or another value if a result is FALSE.

Which function returns true value?

The TRUE Function[1] is categorized under Excel Logical functions. It will return the logical value of TRUE. The function is equivalent to using the Boolean value TRUE directly in a formula. In financial analysis, the TRUE function is often used with other logical functions such as IF, ERROR, etc.