Which cervical oblique views will show the left intervertebral foramen IVF )?

Intervertebral foramen
Which cervical oblique views will show the left intervertebral foramen IVF )?

Peculiar thoracic vertebrae. Intervertebral foramina are indicated by arrows.

Which cervical oblique views will show the left intervertebral foramen IVF )?

Sacrum, pelvic surface. (The two columns of four holes are the intervertebral foramina of sacrum, visible but not labeled.)

Latinforamen intervertebrale (pl. foramina intervertebralia)
TA21019, 1081
Anatomical terms of bone

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The intervertebral foramen (also called neural foramen, and often abbreviated as IV foramen or IVF) is a foramen between two spinal vertebrae. Cervical, thoracic, and lumbar vertebrae all have intervertebral foramina.

The foramina, or openings, are present between every pair of vertebrae in these areas. A number of structures pass through the foramen. These are the root of each spinal nerve, the spinal artery of the segmental artery, communicating veins between the internal and external plexuses, recurrent meningeal (sinu-vertebral) nerves, and transforaminal ligaments.

When the spinal vertebrae are articulated with each other, the bodies form a strong pillar that supports the head and trunk, and the vertebral foramen constitutes a canal for the protection of the medulla spinalis (spinal cord).

The size of the foramina is variable due to placement, pathology, spinal loading, and posture.

Foramina can be occluded by arthritic degenerative changes and space-occupying lesions like tumors, metastases, and spinal disc herniations.

Specifically, the intervertebral foramen is bordered by the superior notch of the adjacent vertebra, the inferior notch of the vertebra, the intervertebral joint and the intervertebral disc.


Which cervical oblique views will show the left intervertebral foramen IVF )?
This article incorporates text in the public domain from page 96 of the 20th edition of Gray's Anatomy (1918)

  • "Anatomy diagram: 06363.008-2". Roche Lexicon - illustrated navigator. Elsevier. Archived from the original on September 16, 2013.
  • skeleton2/intervertebralforamen Photo of model at Waynesburg College

- See: Pillar View

- Discussion:
    - demonstrates primarily neural foramina, pedicles, articular masses, apophyseal joints, & relative relationship at lamina;
    - oblique views show the pedicle in profile, and also allows assesment of the intervertebral foramina (and osteophytes encroaching 
          along their margins);


Which cervical oblique views will show the left intervertebral foramen IVF )?
Which cervical oblique views will show the left intervertebral foramen IVF )?
Which cervical oblique views will show the left intervertebral foramen IVF )?
Which cervical oblique views will show the left intervertebral foramen IVF )?

- Technique:
    - routine oblique views require rotating the patient's head and body;
    - may be obtained in AP or PA projections:
    - erect position is more comfortable;
    - entire position is rotated 45 deg to one side to avoid rotational differences among different vertebral segments;
    - central beam directed to C4 vertebra with 15-20 deg cephalic tilt;

- Trauma Oblique:
    - this view shows the pedicles and articualr processes well;
    - oblique views often are superior to any other view, including MRI or CT scans, for visualizing articular process frx & subluxations;
    - in difficult question of facet subluxation, flexed oblique views also can be obtained;
    - uncinate processes, pedicles, laminae, & inferior & superior articular facets are well seen using this technique;
    - C7-T1 relationship, which is frequently obscured on lateral film, may be seen on the oblique and obviate need for a swimmer's view;

- Technique Trauma Oblique:
    - trauma oblique series can be obtained without moving the head but by angling the tube 30-40 deg from the horizontal;
    - trauma oblique is obtained w/ x-ray beam 45 deg off vertical, patient supine, & ungridded cassette horizontal & located 
         towards opposite side of the patient;
    - this view shows pedicles & articular process well, although appearance of spine is slightly spread out;
    - major benefit of oblique view is that patient can remain supine;
    - no rotation of the torso or head is required;
    - furthermore, oblique views often are superior to any other technique, including CT or MRI scans, for visualizing articular process 
         fractures and subluxations;
    - in difficult questions of facet subluxations, flexed oblique views also can be obtained

Which cervical oblique will show the left intervertebral foramen IVF )?

The posterior cervical oblique projections demonstrate the intervertebral foramina and pedicles on the side closest to the image receptor.

Which projection is safer for the patient to demonstrate the left intervertebral foramina?

How is the patient positioned to demonstrate the left intervertebral foramina of the cervical vertebrae? The left intervertebral foramina may be demonstrated by a 45-degree LAO or RPO position.

What does oblique C spine show?

The oblique view shows the intervertebral foramina formed by the inferior notch of the pedicle of the vertebrae above and the superior notch of the pedicle of the vertebrae below. Oblique cervical spine views can be performed erect or supine and AP or PA.

Which projection opens the intervertebral disk spaces of the cervical spine?

The anteroposterior (AP) cervical spine projection is part of the cervical spine series.