What was a consequence of the american evacuation of south vietnam in 1975? quizlet

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Who won the presidential election in 1968 promising to end the USA's involvement in Vietnam?

Nixon. He claimed he would bring honourable peace and that he had secret plan to bring the troops home.

What difficulties did Nixon have in ending the war quickly when he became President?

He could not use nuclear weapons as he knew China an Russia would retaliate. He also could not just bring troops home as this would mean giving in to the communists.

What was the name of Nixon's policy to reduce the number of American troops in Vietnam, training the ARVN troops up instead?


What was the ARVN?

The Army of the Republic of Vietnam (The South Vietnam Army). They would be trained to fight instead of the American army.

How many helicopters did Nixon and the USA give to the ARVN to fight the war as part of the Vietnamisation plan?


True or False: Vietnamisation meant American troops could come home immediately?

False. It would be a long-term plan.

What neighbouring country did Nixon bomb beginning in March 1969?

Cambodia. He wanted to destroy VC bases and the Ho Chi Minh Trail there.

True or False: Nixon kept the bombing of Cambodia secret?

True. He wanted to avoid international protest for expanding the war.

When did Nixon order US troops to invade neighbouring Cambodia?

April 1970. The bombing of VC bases previously had not been successful.

How many additional troops did Nixon send to Vietnam in April 1970?


What was the reaction at home to Nixon sending in more troops to Vietnam and invading Cambodia

Increased protests, including the Kent State protest.

What was the name of the Communist movement in Cambodia that increased it popularity due to the America invasion in 1970?

Khmer Rouge

Which country did ARVN troops attack in February 1971 (supported by US helicopters, bombers and artillery)?

Laos. The attack proved to be failure. Vietnamisation was not working.

True or False: Vietnamisation was very effective in making the ARVN capable of fighting the war in themselves.

False. The ARVE failed in their efforts, despite American training and support.

What was the name of the Communist organisation in Laos that grew in popularity following the ARVN attack in 1971?

Pathet Lao

True or False; Nixon began to make negotiations with the USSR and China during the early 1970s to try to improve relations

True. He had talks to reduce nuclear weapons, visited China and asked all sides to put pressure on the North Vietnam t stop fighting.

At which University was there a protest against Nixon's invasion of Cambodia in April 1970?

Kent State, Ohio. The protest was on 4th May 1970

How many Ohio National Guardsmen were sent to the Kent State demonstration?


How many people attended the Kent State University demonstration in May 1970?

3,000 (1,500 demonstrators and 1,500 bystanders)

How many Kent State students were killed and injured when the Guardsmen fired on the crowd at Kent State University?

4 killed, 9 injured

Where did a similar protest to the one at Kent State happen just over a month later?

Jackson State College, Mississippi. 2 were killed and 12 injured.

What happened to the Guardsmen who had fired on the crowds at Kent State?

8 were arrested but charges were dropped due to lack of evidence

How many students refused to attend classes across the country following the Kent State protests and shootings?

2 million

True or False: The Kent State protest on 1970 passed peacefully.

False. The crowd threw rocks and tear gas was fired back. Then the National Guardsmen opened fire and 4 people were killed, 9 injured.

What was the name of Nixon's National Security Advisor who began talks with North Vietnam to try to bring about a ceasefire?

Henry Kissinger

What was the name of North Vietnam's chief negotiator who met with Kissinger in Paris?

Le Duc Tho

Where were the peace talks about Vietnam held?


True or False: The Paris peace talks agreed that all American troops would return home within 90 days

False. It was 60 days. This was a very quick process

True or False: The Paris peace talks agreed the elections would take place in South Vietnam after the troops had left

True. Though these elections never took place.

What phrase did Nixon use to describe the peace del hi and Kissinger were negotiating?

Honourable peace

What award did Kissinger and Le Duc Tho win for their work agreeing the Pace peace agreement?

Nobel Peace Prize.

What happened to Nixon in 1974 that stopped him from overseeing the full end of the war?

He was forced to resign over the Watergate scandal.

True or False: The US government continued to support South Vietnam after the Paris peace agreements?

False. They felt too much money had been spent already and that the government there was brutal and corrupt.

True or False: The North Vietnamese Army kept to their promise of a ceasefire following the Paris Peace Agreements?

False. They began to attack again in December 1974.

When did Saigon fall to the North Vietnamese army?

April 1975. Saigon was renamed Ho Chi Minh City.

From which building were American people famously evacuated by helicopter when Saigon fell in 1975?

The US embassy. The event and photographs of it caused much embarrassment to the US government and it was symbolic of how badly the Vietnam war had gone.

True or False: By 1975 Communism had been defeated in Vietnam

False. The North Vietnamese (Communists) had taken over the whole country

How much money did the US government spend on the Vietnam war?

$170 billion ($1 trillion in today's money)

What domestic policy of Johnson was unable to be completed due to a lack of money?

Building the Great Society and ending poverty

How many Americans were killed in the Vietnam war?

58,0000. 300,000 were wounded.

How many Vietnamese soldiers (North and South) were killed in the Vietnam War?

1 million (estimate) with 2 million wounded.

How many people became refugees because of the war in Vietnam?

11 million

What was operation baby lift?

Taking 3000 orphans from Vietnam to live in countries around the world. Thousands of orphans remained. Many were fathered by American soldiers.

Who were the Vietnamese boat people?

People who tried to flee South Vietnam by boat when the North Vietnamese army took over the country in 1975.

What was the environmental impact of the Vietnam war?

Large areas of farmland were destroyed using Agent Orange (one million hectares)

What medical consequences has the Vietnam war had on many local people and US soldiers?

Cancer due to use of chemicals.

What problem remains in Vietnam due to the bombing raids carried out in the war?

Unexploded bombs still cause injured today.

What did the Vietnam war do to America's reputation internationally?

Badly damaged. Lack credibility. Domino theory proved wrong

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What was the final outcome of the Vietnam War in 1975 quizlet?

After the U.S. had withdrawn all its troops, the fighting continued in Vietnam. In early 1975, North Vietnam made another big push south which toppled the South Vietnamese government. South Vietnam officially surrendered to communist North Vietnam on April 30, 1975.

What were the consequences of the Vietnam War for Vietnam?

More than two decades of violent conflict had inflicted a devastating toll on Vietnam's population: After years of warfare, an estimated 2 million Vietnamese were killed, while 3 million were wounded and another 12 million became refugees.

What were the consequences of the US getting involved in Vietnam?

The Vietnam War severely damaged the U.S. economy. Unwilling to raise taxes to pay for the war, President Johnson unleashed a cycle of inflation. The war also weakened U.S. military morale and undermined, for a time, the U.S. commitment to internationalism.

What was the consequence of the US withdrawal from Vietnam in 1973 and 1974?

What was the consequence of the U.S. withdrawal from Vietnam in 1973 and 1974? Vietnam became united under communist rule. What did Congress formally declare in the 1964 Gulf of Tonkin Resolution? U.S. forces in Vietnam would repel any North Vietnamese hostilities against them.