What happens when the conditional stimulus no longer foretells the presentation of the unconditioned stimulus quizlet?


Reinforcement strengthens response or makes it more likely to recur.
Punishment weakens response or makes it less likely to occur
Primary reinforcement: a stimulus that is inherently reinforcing, typically satisfying a physiological need; eg food
Secondary reinforcement: stimulus that has acquired reinforcing properties through association with other reinforcers. Learned. Eg money

Positive reinforcement: a reinforcement procedure in which a response is followed by the presentation of, or increase the intensity of, a reinforcing stimulus; as a result, the response becomes stronger or more likely to occur.

Negative reinforcement: reinforcement procedure in which a response is followed by the removal, delay, or decrease in intensity of an unpleasant stimulus; as a result, the response becomes stronger or more likely to occur.

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Terms in this set (50)

Which researcher influenced Watson's approach to psychology?


After developing a fear of the white rat, Little Albert also exhibited fear responses to other white objects that had not been paired with loud noise. This illustrates which phenomenon associated with classical conditioning?

stimulus generalization

What would Thorndike say his cats learn about in their puzzle box experiment?

in the presence of a pedal in a puzzle box, press it, and get a fish

Which of the following statements are true about reflexes?

Reflexive responses are not due to learning

Joseph had difficulty telling the difference between "da" and "ba." His teacher helped him emphasize this difference by pointing when he saw "da" and waving when he saw "ba." In addition, Joseph received an M&M when he pointed to "da" and a Gummi bear when he waved after seeing "ba." What did Joseph learn to associate according to Skinner?

"da" and pointing

What is the "dead man test"?

A term used to help define behavior, if a dead man can do it- it is not behavior

Psychology has identified three major types of learning.

The three types of learning are classical, operant, and social.

Negative reinforcement is negative in the sense that...

The behavior results in the removal of a consequence stimulus

Which of the following is true for flavor aversion learning?

The unconditional stimulus occurs hours before the conditional stimulus

What happens when the conditioned stimulus no longer foretells the presentation of the unconditioned stimulus?


Cindy loves bees because they pollinate the gardens and flowers are her favorite part of the spring and summer. She is always in the garden admiring the bees. One day, she notices a flying insect on her flowers and sprays it with insecticide, knowing that her love of flying bees does not extend to other type of flying insects. What phenomenon has Cindy experienced?

stimulus discrimination

Sherrie is incredibly afraid of flutes - the sound they make, they way they look, everything about them. This exaggerated fear makes her unable to play in her school orchestra and she cannot listen to most classical music or watch Disney movies. Her fear of flutes is called ______________?


Thorndike was also interested in understanding the stimuli that come right before the behavior and before the consequences. What type of stimuli is he interested in?


positive reinforcement ex

little Jerry throws a tantrum at the store and mom gives him chocolate bar. the next time little jerry is at the store he throws a tantrum

negative reinforcement ex

When Myla comes home on time - her parents don't make her do the dishes the next day. Myla makes sure she always comes home on time

positive punishment ex

Every time Tammy annoys her brother Malcom in the back seat of the car- he pinches her - over time she stops annoying him in the car

negative punishment

When Bertha talks back to her parents - they take away her phone. Over time she stops talking back.

As a young child, whenever Janie had to go to bed at 9 p.m. she had a tantrum, and her parents tried to quiet her down. Then, her parents stopped attending to her when she began to scream and cry when they put her to bed at 9 p.m. Six months later, Janie no longer exhibits tantrums. In the example, the elimination of Janie's tantrums was produced by which operant process?


Which of the following types of positive reinforcers is least likely to temporarily lose its reinforcing capacity even though one has "gotten it" recently?

generalized conditioned reinforcers

Sherry likes to watch television. She has noticed that when a show is interrupted by a commercial, most of the time the sound level of the commercial is much higher than the sound level during regular programming. Now when the commercial starts, she immediately grabs her TV remote and lowers the sound. Her response of lowering the sound level during commercials is being controlled by which operant process?

Higher order conditioning

Some parents tell their children that misbehavior will make Santa take away their presents. What operant contingency is this?

negative punishment

Darnell likes to watch YouTube videos. YouTube used to not have any commercials, but now Darnell has to watch at least five commercials every time he wants to watch a 3-minute video. He doesn't like commercials, and he rarely ever watches YouTube videos anymore. Which operant process is responsible for this change in Darnell's behavior?

positive punishment

What component of Kelley's covariance model considers the similarity of student X's behavior in other courses?


Which of the following is true of conformity?

While conformity can lead to negative consequences, it also ensures a degree of societal order.

You are excited to go on a date, but you were delayed because of unexpected delays at work and there was an accident on the road home that stopped traffic and required an extended detour. You got ready as quickly as possible but were still nearly 30 minutes late. You have only dated this person for a short time. While waiting, your date is most likely to attribute your lateness to which of the following?

You are the type of person who is always late and not respectful of other's time.

According to Kelly's covariation model (1967), what pattern of consistency, distinctiveness, and consensus do you expect when an INTERNAL ATTRIBUTIONS is made?

High consistency, low distinctiveness, and low consensus

Suppose that you fail your first psychology exam. If the FUNDAMENTAL ATTRIBUTE ERROR is in effect, what might you assume about your own poor test performance?

You did not have enough time to study because of other exams.

You hate your math class. It is so boring and impossible. You chatted with a person sitting next to you who also disliked the course and you conclude that everyone hates the class. One explanation for this perception might be:

False consensus effect

The importance of first impressions is based upon another psychological construct of memory known as:

Primacy effect

Which of the following best represents the fundamental attribution error?

Rhonda was late because there was traffic

Which of the following helps preserve self-esteem?

self-serving bias

You go to a party with friends and you feel confident, knowing you are looking good in the new clothes you bought. According to the self-fulfilling prophecy, which of the following would be most likely to occur?

You talk to new people, socialize, and enjoy the party.

Which of the following best explains Jennifer's belief that everyone was failing?

self serving bias

Which of the following best explains why Jennifer is blaming the professor for her poor performance on the exam?

false consensus effect

Which of the following best explains why the professor concludes that Jennifer lacks the skills needed for success and lacks motivation?

fundamental attribution errors


assumed attribution based group


hateful behavior toward others


negative attitudes about a group of people


picking on someone with less

limited resources

fighting over a few desire jobs

Suppose that during Thanksgiving you talk about religion and politics, two things that are generally frowned upon in family gatherings. In this scenario you have made a decision to violate:

social norms

In the story of the Emperor's New Clothes, everyone in the kingdom realizes the King is naked, but they do not address the issue. Because of social pressures to not criticize the King and not raise diverging opinions, everyone kept their mouth shut. The social psychological term that can explain this phenomenon is:


k theory of cognitive dissonance suggests that we experience psychological discomfort when:

Our attitudes and behaviors are inconsistent

Which statement about ASD is true?

ASD is a neurodevelopmental disorder

Which of the following are characteristics of Autism Spectrum Disorder? Select all that apply.

communication, social deficits, Restrictive / repetitive behaviors and interests

Restrictive / repetitive behaviors and interests

ADHD has cultural rather than biological in origins

The disorganized symptoms of schizophrenia include which of the following:

emotional responses that are inappropriate to the situation

Our views of what is normal and abnormal are heavily influenced by ______________.

personal and societal standards

Maria steals money from the offering plate in church every Sunday. Which of the 4 D's of abnormal behavior best describes this behavior?




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What happens when the conditioned stimulus no longer foretells the presentation of the unconditioned stimulus?

Extinction is the decrease in the conditioned response when the unconditioned stimulus is no longer presented with the conditioned stimulus. When presented with the conditioned stimulus alone, the dog, cat, or other organism would show a weaker and weaker response, and finally no response.

What happens to the learned association when the unconditioned stimulus is no longer presented along with the conditioned stimulus quizlet?

the loss or weakening of a conditioned response when a conditioned stimulus and unconditioned stimulus no longer occur together. when a CS is presented repeatedly WITHOUT the US. the CR decreases or disappears.

What has occurred when a conditioned response no longer occurs?

Extinction is one explanation. In psychology, extinction refers to the gradual weakening of a conditioned response that results in the behavior decreasing or disappearing. In other words, the conditioned behavior eventually stops.

What is the process whereby the conditioned response is weakened when it is no longer presented with the unconditioned stimulus quizlet?

Extinction is a process in which the conditioned response is weakened when the conditioned stimulus is repeated without the unconditioned stimulus. Spontaneous recovery is a process in which a previously extinguished conditioned response reemerges after the prescription of the conditioned stimulus.