What basic promotion objective can be sought by a producer who has won brand insistence among its target customers?

93) Use this information for question that refer to the Yummy Ice Cream case.

Kelly Stich, marketing manager for Yummy Ice Cream Products, is thinking about some of her products and her promotion plans for the coming year.

Yummy Ice Cream Products is introducing a new ice cream treat called PlanetSavers. This treat uses ice cream produced with environmentally friendly processes that save energy and protect the ozone. Yummy plans to send articles to magazines, local newspapers, and environmental groups that explain the environmentally safer treat. The product also has a unique texture and different flavor.

Stich wants to use counter cards and in-store signs to let people know about Cherry Walrus, the company's new flavor. She is also developing sales training materials that will teach ice cream scoopers in Yummy's ice cream stores to promote the product. Right after Cherry Walrus is introduced each store will also hand out coupons that are good for one day only.

YummyMondaes is a product that has been around for 25 years. It is Yummy's take on the classic ice cream sundae, but white-brownie and coffee-flavored crumbles are added to make it extra special. The company sells this product in one and two quart containers through major grocery store chains. It relies on personal selling and price discounts to retailers to move more of the product. The company does very little consumer promotion for this product.

YummyFudgeonaStick is a new product of fudge-flavored ice cream on a stick. Yummy plans to sell it through retail grocery stores and is launching an aggressive advertising program that will use television, radio, newspaper, magazines, and the Internet. Most of its promotion will be directed at consumers.

Two years ago, the company introduced YummyFruitonaStick, an all-natural frozen fruit product on a stick. The product category has been popular, continues to grow, and is in the market growth stage of the product life cycle.

The plan for PlanetSavers emphasizes which element of the promotion blend? 93) ______

A) Advertising
B) Direct-response promotion
C) Publicity
D) Personal selling
E) Sales promotion

What basic promotion objective should be sought by a producer whose product is very similar to its many competitors products?

Terms in this set (9) What basic promotion objective should be sought by a producer whose Product is very similar to its many competitors' Products? focuses on achieving a measurable, direct response from specific target customers.

What are the three basic promotion objectives?

There are three main promotional objectives: inform the market, increase demand, and differentiate a product.

What are the 4 major types of promotion?

The four main tools of promotion are advertising, sales promotion, public relation and direct marketing..
Sales Promotion..
Public Relations..
Direct Marketing..

Which of the following are examples of sales promotion activities aimed at final consumers or users check all that apply?

Examples of sales promotion aimed at final consumers include: contests; coupons; aisle displays; samples; trade show displays; point-of-purchase materials; banners and streamers; frequent-buyer programs; and sponsored special events.