Wer ist bob lazar

LINCOLN COUNTY, Nev. - Bob Lazar, a physicist who claims to have worked with alleged alien technology and exposed Area 51 to the world in 1989, issued a warning to anyone attempting to actually storm the classified U.S. Air Force base.

More than a million people have signed up to attend a joke Facebook event planning a raid on Area 51 in southern Nevada to "see them aliens."

The now-viral event, titled, "Storm Area 51, They Can't Stop All of Us," states that the group of alien hunters will meet at 3 a.m. on Sept. 20 near the top-secret base to coordinate a plan of attack to reveal the truth behind the curtain.

From there, the group will "Naruto run" and therefore "move faster than their bullets," according to the event page.

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"I have to comment on this 'Storm Area 51' thing. I do understand it was started as a joke by someone, but there are a number of people who are actually planning on showing up. This is a misguided idea," Lazar posted on his Instagram with a screenshot of the Facebook event.

In a 1989 television interview, Lazar famously claimed to have worked on reverse engineering alien spacecraft technology at a site called "S4," located south of the main Area 51 location.

"Area 51 is a classified research base. There are no aliens or alien technology located there," Lazar continued on Instagram. "The only place there was ever any alien technology was at Site S4, south of Area 51 proper. That was 30 years ago. S4 may have moved decades ago or it's possible it's no longer being used for the project."

"I do not support this 'movement,'" Lazar said.

He added that the last time someone attempted to get into Area 51, "he was shot."

"This is not the way to go about trying to get more information. What is good, is the interest in the subject - the science and technology. That is what would immediately change the world we live in."

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The U.S. Air Force also issued a statement warning against anyone attempting to actually take part in the event.

"[Area 51] is an open training range for the U.S. Air Force, and we would discourage anyone from trying to come into the area where we train American armed forces," a spokeswoman told The Washington Post. "The U.S. Air Force always stands ready to protect America and its assets."

On Monday in an interview with "Fox & Friends," author Annie Jacobsen also dismissed the idea that civilians could actually get close to the facility.

The "Area 51: An Uncensored History of America's Top Secret Military Base" author and Pulitzer Prize finalist said the classified military facility is located inside a classified testing and training range -- which is the size of Connecticut.

"That base is so jealously guarded, both in terms of media and in terms of actual physicality. I don't think the Air Force or any of the other military partners or intelligence community partners that are all working out there at Area 51 are going to let anybody anywhere near the entrance to Area 51," Jacobsen told the news outlet.

Area 51, also known as Homey Airport, is an extension of Edwards Air Force Base located about 125 miles from Las Vegas. In 2013, the CIA officially acknowledged the existence of Area 51 by declassifying documents detailing the history of both the U-2 and OXCART projects.

Its current primary purpose remains classified.

The secrecy surrounding the base has made Area 51 the subject of many conspiracy theories for decades -- including the storage of crashed alien spacecraft, meetings with extraterrestrials or the development of time travel.

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This story was reported from Los Angeles.

LAS VEGAS (KLAS) — Thirty years ago, on May 15, KLAS-TV’s 5 p.m. newscast aired a live interview with an anonymous man who made some extraordinary claims. Bob Lazar, who was being called “Dennis” at the time to protect his identity,  alleged that the U.S. military was secretly studying alien technology out in the Nevada desert near a base that is now well known all over the world as Area 51.

Wer ist bob lazar

(Photo: Area 51)

In the 1989 interview that started a whole new conversation, the claims sounded like Hollywood Sci-Fi. Months later, when his identity was revealed, Bob Lazar said he worked at a secret facility near groom lake, where alien technology was being reverse-engineered, meaning taken apart to figure out how it worked and whether the Pentagon could duplicate it. 

Wer ist bob lazar

Below is a simple drawing he made at the time.

The premise seems less absurd now. In a new documentary about Lazar, he describes in detail the spacecraft he worked on 30 years ago.

Wer ist bob lazar

“The craft that I worked on, that when it’s going to travel a long distance, that is how it operates. It puts its belly to the target and then brings all of the amplifiers to power, and you know it shoots off in that direction It doesn’t fly as it would in a science-fiction movie. It flies with the belly, the bottom, forward,” Lazar said.

Wer ist bob lazar

If that description of a spacecraft tilting sounds familiar, take a look at the so-called Gimbal UFO. The Pentagon released a video in 2017. Naval pilots encountered a fleet of the unknown craft off the coast of Florida in 2015, and have since had dozens of similar encounters

The spike in UFO incidents prompted a recent policy change by the Navy, which announced it wants to encourage its pilots to report future incidents.  

Pentagon officials reluctantly admitted to the New York Times 17 months ago that the military had secretly studied UFO incidents, in part so it might figure out the technology. 

Wer ist bob lazar

“In the Gimbal video, there’s a mechanistic turn against the wind without deceleration, and so we have a craft without rotors, without heat signatures, without plums, without tail fins, and certainly no tail number, moving in a way that is counterintuitive to our aeronautics,” said Jeremy Corbell, the director of the “Bob Lazar, Area 51, and Flying Saucers” documentary.  “When Bob saw it, he said it has to be a gravity propelled craft. That it does mimic the propulsion system, Bob Lazar described.”

Wer ist bob lazar

Along with directing the Lazar documentary, Corbell also broke the story about another now-famous UFO incident: The 2004 Tic Tac encounter.

Wer ist bob lazar

The navy pilot who engaged the Tic Tac, Black Aces Commander Dave Fravor has said he doesn’t believe the astonishing craft was made on earth, and that the propulsion might be anti-gravity. 

When Lazar was shown the Tic Tac video for the first time, it immediately reminded him of the sport mode, which was his name for the craft stashed in the desert.  

“No question in my mind, that’s the way the craft operated,” Lazar said. “It’s the exact same propulsion system.”

Wer ist bob lazar

Former Pentagon Intelligence Officer Lue Elizondo was in charge of ATIP, the secret Pentagon study. He told the I-Team one goal of the project was to determine the physics of UFOs; how they can achieve the seemingly impossible.

The military came to believe the craft relied on special meta-materials; stuff that can’t be made with known technology. Lazar made similar claims decades ago and was ridiculed. Now the Pentagon is on the same page.

“The study of UFOs did not end in 1969 with Project Blue Book. That was a lie, and it was an admitted lie by our own Pentagon,” Corbell said. “We are living in a world where it is understood that there are craft technologically advanced from an unknown origin that are performing maneuvers that far exceed human technology. It’s been going on a long time, and our government has been studying it.”

SIDENOTE: George Knapp’s name also appears in the credits of the Bob Lazar documentary because he was interviewed for the film