Unintentional bias makes it easy to evaluate the performance of expatriate managers objectively.

_____ makes it difficult to evaluate the performance of expatriate managers objectively. a) Cultural relativism b) Internal documentation c) Unintentional bias d) Others-orientation

Posted by Akash | 464 days ago | Business

c) Unintentional bias Unintentional bias makes it difficult to evaluate the performance of expatriate managers objectively. In many cases, two groups evaluate the performance of expatriate managers—hostnation managers and home-office managers—and both are subject to bias.

Dona | 464 days ago

What is the most likely reason for an expatriate failure quizlet?

According to a study by R. L. Tung, the most important reason for expatriate failure among U.S. multinationals was difficulty coping with a new environment. Expatriate managers who lack others-orientation tend to treat foreign nationals as if they were home-country nationals.

What is the advantage of using an ethnocentric staffing approach quizlet?

An ethnocentric staffing approach alleviates cultural myopia, while a polycentric staffing approach can lead to cultural myopia.

Which staffing policy requires all the expatriates to be home country nationals who are transferred abroad?

With an ethnocentric policy, the expatriates are all home-country nationals who are transferred abroad. With a geocentric approach, the expatriates need not be home-country nationals; the firm does not base transfer decisions on nationality.

What is a characteristic of an ethnocentric staffing policy quizlet?

Characteristics of an ethnocentric staffing policy: decisions are made at headquarters, utilizes labor negotiations to troubleshoot problems, utilizes teams from the home country to assist with new plant start-up.