The actual and budgeted costs for synergy inc.s actual level of activity are as follows:

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Week 6 Smart Book1.The primary objective ofPerformancereporting is to highlight those activities for which actual andplanned results differ, favorably or unfavorably, so that appropriate action can be taken.2.When comparing the difference between actual performance and planned activities, the resultingvariances are analyzed for the primary purpose of:

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3.Noncontrollable cost4.Favorable variance -The excess of actual revenue over the budgeted revenue, or the excess of

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budgeted cost over the actual cost5.A system of performance reporting that involves successive degrees of summarization as the

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number of management responsibility levels being reported about increases is called

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6.A management activity in the planning and control cycle that compares actual performance with7.Select all that apply

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Using management by exception, which of the following variances would likely be further8.In performance reporting, the term used to indicate a difference between actual performance and

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9.ABC Company's performance report for April included the following for raw materials: Budgeted

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cost = $62,000 Actual cost = $64,600 Variance = $2,600Use F or U to identify the variance asfavorable or unfavorable:

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10. All costs arecontrollable(controllable/noncontrollable) by someone at some time, but in the shortrun, some costs may be classified asnoncontrollable

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11. ABC Company's production budget for April included the following for direct labor: Budgetedproduction = 15,000 units Budgeted direct labor unit cost = $24 per unit ABC Company's actualproduction for April was the following: Actual production = 16,000 units Actual direct labor cost =$25.00 per unit Calculate the following items for ABC's April performance report for direct labor:12. If actual raw materials cost is less than the budgeted raw materials cost, then the variance is a

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favorablevariance.13. When preparing a performance report, flexing the budget is necessary in order tocalculate moreaccurate variances15. Select all that apply

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