Much of the steady increase in federal government expenditures since 1960 has been caused by

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  1. Social Science
  2. Political Science
  3. Politics of the United States

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Terms in this set (60)

congress adopted the War Powers Resolution to

limit the president's authority to commit troops overseas

which of the following typed of committee deals with broad areas of public policy and can be found in both houses of Congress?


which of the following explains why any attempt to reduce Social Security benefits is difficult?

there are many voters who support social security

which of the following describes the president's cabinet?

its members have varying levels of influence on presidential decisions

the development and persistence of the two-party system in the United States is best accounted for by

single member legislative districts

the concept of realignment refers to changes in

the social bases of the parties' voting support

much of the steady increase in federal government expenditures since 1960 has been caused by

increases in entitlement programs

establishing the boundaries of the united states congressional districts to give one party an advantage over another party is referred to as


congress is most likely to exert oversight of the executive bureaucracy in which of the following ways?

controlling an executive agency's annual budget

which of the following statements about voting behavior in national elections is most accurate?

senior citizens are more likely to vote than college students

which of the following best explains why the winner of a presidential election usually claims to have a mandate from voters?

the allocation of electoral votes in the winner take all system exaggerates the margin of victory

typically, presidential candidates implement their campaign strategies by

focusing on larger, competitive states, because they might tip the balance of the electoral college

the supremacy clause in the constitution states that

federal law takes precedence over state law when the laws conflict

a policy that sets emission standards for automobiles is an example of

regulatory policy

the idea that judges ought to freely strike down laws that are inconsistent with their understanding of the constitution is known as

judicial activism

the most significant difference between the constitution of 1787 and the articles of confederation was that the constitution

provided for a strong national government with many powers, while the articles created a weak central government with few independent powers

the term bicameralism refers to the

establishment of two legislative chambers that have different structures and rules

children are most likely to adopt the party identification

of their parents

the media's effect on public opinion can best be described as

influencing which issues the public sees as important

when people vote for some candidates from one party and other candidates from another party, it is called

ticket splitting

the doctrine of stare decisis is significant for which of the following reasons?

it is the principle that affirms that courts are bound by prior decisions

the expansion of the executive branch since 1939 has affected the separation of powers by

increasing presidential control over the legislative process

the most significant trend in federal-state relations during the 1980s was

shifting the responsibilities and costs for many programs to state governments

congress has the constitutional power to control the judicial branch by

determining the size of the supreme court

which of the following is most important for getting an accurate measure of public opinion in a survey

selecting a random sample

which of the following clauses in the constitution justifies the implied powers doctrine?

the necessary and proper clause

interest groups use political action committees to

raise and spend money on election campaigns

the united states fish and wildlife service will spend money appropriated by congress to maintain wildlife refuges. this action is an example of

bureaucratic implementation of law

the framers of the constitution designed which of the following to be least responsive to public opinion?

the courts

which of the following identifies the formal procedure for ending a filibuster


which of the following best accounts for the lack of success generally encountered by minor political parties in electing members to the house or senate?

general elections in the united states are based on the winner take all principle

interest groups are protected under the constitution by the

first amendment

the nineteenth amendment to the constitution, the equal rights amendment, and title IX of the education amendments of 1972 were all directed toward the goal of

equality for women

if congress wanted to effect a change in the social security payroll tax, to what congressional committee would the task initially be assigned?

house ways and means committee

(table here)
which of the following statements is supported by the information in the table

partisanship was a good predictor of the way a person voted

which of the following concepts refers to the beliefs about government and politics that people in the united states hold most deeply?

political culture

the practice in congress whereby representative A promises to vote for representative B's legislation, provided that Representative B will support Representative A's legislation, is referred to as


a writ of habeas corpus refers to

a person's right to know the reasons for his/her imprisonment

which of the following is true of voter turnout in the united states?

the voter-participation rate is one of the lowest of any industrialized nation

which of the following amendments to the constitution most likely provides for a driver to challenge the constitutionality of police use of sobriety checkpoints in enforcing drunk driving laws?

the fourth amendment protection against unreasonable search and seizure

which of the following is the main reason interest groups are often successful in getting legislation passed to benefit their members?

a narrow constituency derives the benefits from such legislation but costs are spread broadly across the population

the Connecticut (great) compromise drafted at the constitutional convention in 1787 us significant for which of the following reasons

it proposed a senate with equal representation for each state and a house of representatives with membership established according to the population of each state

the bipartisan campaign reform act of 2002 (McCain-Feingold) was designed to curtail which of the following

soft money

the Americans with disabilities act was widely unpopular with governors and mayors because it

required that states and cities pay for federally mandated construction and remodeling

if legislation passes in both the house of representatives and the senate but each version is slightly different, the conflicting bills are sent to

a conference committee for review and compromise

the united states constitution says that congress has the power to coin money. this is an example of

an enumerated power

the primary purpose of the North American Free Trade Agreement is to

reduce trade barriers between the United States, Mexico, and Canada

Constitutional checks and balances, especially applied to the president, are designed to

minimize the threat of tyranny from any one branch of government

civil rights activists, such as those who campaign for gay and lesbian equal rights and those who advocated for racial equality in the 1950s and 1960s, often fond the most effective way to secure those rights is

through litigation in the courts to gain legal protections against discrimination

which of the following is an example of presidential use of informal powers

President Clinton advocating for public polity reform on his health security express bus

which of the following is NOT a trait of a liberal democracy

achieving income equality

which of the following groups would be most likely to support a constitutional amendment banning all abortions?


which of the following is true of the relationship between congress and executive agencies

because the agencies have bureaucratic expertise, congress delegates 'rule-making authority' to them

which of the following is the primary reason for the tensions that exist between the legislative and executive branches of the federal government

the branches have different constituencies with different interests

policy that describes the impact of the federal budget (including taxes, spending, and borrowing) on the economy is referred to as which of the following?

fiscal policy

if a college's admission policy to reserve twenty seats in its incoming class for applicants belonging to racial minority groups is challenged in the courts, a judge is likely to

strike down the policy because reserving seats amounts to a quota system

when party members meet to nominate a candidate for office, they participate in a


which of the following is an example of the constitutional design of checks and balances?

the senate rejects a president's nomination for secretary of state

a difference between the house of representatives and the senate is that in the house

legislative activity on the floor is more constrained by rules

to which level of government did the Bill of Rights originally apply?

federal governments only

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