In operant conditioning is when something is removed to increase the likelihood of a behavior

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Terms in this set (20)

What should be changed to make the following sentence true? In operant conditioning, organisms learn to associate events that repeatedly happen together.

The word "operant" should be changed to the word "classical."

In ________ reinforcement, the person or animal is not reinforced every time a desired behavior is performed.


Which term best describes rewarding successive approximations of a target behavior?


In operant conditioning, ________ is when something is removed to increase the likelihood of a behavior.

negative reinforcement

Jemma wants to teach her son to say thank you. Every time he says thank you, Jemma praises him and gives him a hug. Which reinforcement schedule is this?


Gus receives a paycheck every week. Which reinforcement schedule is this?

fixed interval

What is the primary conclusion John B. Watson's made after working with Little Albert?

Emotions can be a conditioned response.

Dave's boss told him that he doesn't have to attend the company picnic (which everybody dislikes) if Dave meets his sales quota this month. Dave's boss is using ________.

negative reinforcement

________ reinforcers have innate reinforcing qualities.


You call a friend on the phone and repeatedly get sent to voicemail, so you continue to call her every 5-20 minutes hoping to speak to her personally. Which reinforcement schedule is this?

variable interval

Which of the following experiments involves the use of operant conditioning?

rewarding a child for finishing his oatmeal mush and counting how many times the child needs to be rewarded before he finishes his oatmeal voluntarily

Kerry is conditioned to fear strawberries. Raspberries are similar to strawberries, and even though no attempt was made to make Kerry fear raspberries, she reacts with fear when she sees them. This is an example of ________.

stimulus generalization

If a stimulus plus a response results in a satisfying outcome, the probability of that response occurring again ________.


When an organism receives a reinforcer each time it displays a behavior, it is called________ reinforcement.


In operant conditioning, what describes adding something to decrease the likelihood of behavior?


What did John B. Watson and Rosalie Rayner demonstrate with their studies of Little Albert?

emotion can be a conditioned response

John wants to train his daughter to excuse herself before she leaves the table. Although he does not know how often he will reward her for excusing herself, he does know that he will not reward her every time she excuses herself. Which reinforcement schedule is John planning to use?


Identify the major flaw with John B. Watson's Little Albert experiment.

It is unethical for a researcher to induce fear in a child, since it is harmful to induce fear.

Which of the following statements about Ivan Pavlov is true?

He is known for establishing the principles of classical conditioning.

Which of the following is an example of stimulus discrimination?

conditioned to drool when a bell rings and being able to tell the difference between the sound of a ringing bell and the sound of a whistle

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What is removed in operant conditioning?

2 As a form of reinforcement, it strengthens the behavior that precedes it. In the case of negative reinforcement, it is the action of removing the undesirable outcome or stimulus that serves as the reward for performing the behavior.

What increases the likelihood of Behaviour?

Reinforcement, either positive or negative, works by increasing the likelihood of a behaviour. Punishment, on the other hand, refers to any event that weakens or reduces the likelihood of a behaviour.

What increases behavior in operant conditioning?

Reinforcement in Operant Conditioning In both of these cases of reinforcement, the behavior increases. Positive reinforcers are favorable events or outcomes that are presented after the behavior. In positive reinforcement situations, a response or behavior is strengthened by the addition of praise or a direct reward.