In 2022 what was the dollar difference between the PACs that spent the most and the least quizlet

As a new decade begins, it’s hard to believe just how differ­ent our campaign finance system looks now compared with the begin­ning of the last decade. One key differ­ence: ten years ago, there was no such thing as a super PAC. That’s because the Supreme Court hadn’t decided Citizens United yet.

After that and related cases hacked away at campaign finance limits and the common­sense prin­ciples under­ly­ing them, a new land­scape began to take shape — one that favors the super­rich above all others.

For decades, limits on the amount of money people could give to politi­cians protec­ted against corrup­tion and required candid­ates to build broad support from many Amer­ic­ans. But in the post-Citizens United era, the wealth­i­est donors and special interests are free to spend without limit, and politi­cians rely on support from donors giving ever-larger amounts.

In 2010, Citizens United struck down caps on “inde­pend­ent” spend­ing by corpor­a­tions and unions, reas­on­ing that money that does­n’t go directly to candid­ates can’t pose any danger of corrupt­ing them. A few months later, a lower court — bound to follow the Supreme Court’s reas­on­ing — struck down limits on the size of contri­bu­tions to groups that support candid­ates without donat­ing to them directly. Since these new creations are super­charged versions of “polit­ical action commit­tees” (PACs), they were dubbed “super PACs.”

In the decade since their creation, super PACs have spent almost $3 billion on federal elec­tions. Super PAC spend­ing has trended sharply upward in both pres­id­en­tial and midterm elec­tion cycles.

The apex for super PACs so far has been 2016, when they poured over $1 billion into federal elec­tions, account­ing for 16 percent of all spend­ing. But that percent­age is decept­ively low, because super PAC money is not evenly spread across all elec­tions. The polit­ical oper­at­ives who control super PACs care­fully focus their atten­tion on compet­it­ive races, where the groups can even outspend the candid­ates them­selves. During the last two elec­tion cycles, super PAC spend­ing exceeded expendit­ures by all the candid­ates combined in 54 federal races, accord­ing to the Center for Respons­ive Polit­ics.

Of course, super PACs are not just another form of polit­ical group. Their entire reason for exist­ing is to allow unlim­ited contri­bu­tions, so they are really for those who can afford amounts larger than the $5,600 limit on dona­tions to candid­ates. Since the 2016 elec­tion, super PACs have raised more than two-thirds of their money in dona­tions of more than $1 million. Some are funded by a single multi-million­aire. The biggest donors have given of tens or even hundreds of millions of dollars to super PACs.

Although super PACs are legally required to oper­ate inde­pend­ently of candid­ates, they frequently choreo­graph their activ­it­ies with campaigns. Single-candid­ate super PACs raise tens of millions of dollars each and spend all of their money to get one candid­ate elec­ted. The biggest-spend­ing super PACs in congres­sional elec­tions are run by top staff of party lead­ers and care­fully align their spend­ing with the parties. All of this allows candid­ates and their wealth­i­est support­ers to circum­vent limits on contri­bu­tions to candid­ates and parties.

The Citizens United opin­ion naively said that inde­pend­ent spend­ing can’t corrupt. But not surpris­ingly, super PAC money has been involved in a long line of corrup­tion scan­dals and convic­tions, includ­ing the charges against Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman, asso­ci­ates of Rudy Giuliani who are implic­ated in the Ukraine scan­dal that led to Pres­id­ent Trump’s impeach­ment.

Citizens United planted the seed that allowed super PACs to increase the power of corpor­a­tions and rich people to influ­ence who runs for office and who wins elec­tions in order to shape Amer­ican polit­ics to their own advant­age. Ten years after their creation, super PACs are huge and still grow­ing. Without reforms like public campaign finan­cing, the next decade is all but certain to yield a system even more skewed toward the wealthy few.

Data analysis by Kevin Morris.

Law wanted to limit contributions individuals,party and state.
Individuals can give $1,000 to a candidate per election.
Can give PAC $5000 a year.
Can give National party $20,000 a year
Can give $5000 per year to a state party.
Aggregate total for an individual per year is $25,000 or $50,000 per election cycle.
These rules stayed in effect until 2002. Concerns that contribution limits were outdated due to inflation. $1000=$300. Congress passes BCRA (McCain Feingold law). Says people can give $2,000 per election to a candidate plus inflation. In 2020 $2,800 can be given. This law didn't change for a PAC. National party is now $25,000 and $10,000 to state parties. Aggregate limit now $95,000 but $57,500 has to be given to parties or PACs.

A separate entity. Put together some relationship between Candidate, Party committee, other candidates and state party committee. JFC sponsors the event, First $2,700 goes to candidate, next $15,000 go to National Party, next $5,000 goes to state party, next $2,700 goes to another candidate. This is an easy way to get one donor to give to a lot of different entities in one go. Split goes Candidate, national party, state party etc...

What is the difference between a PAC and a super PAC quizlet?

Super PACs are a fund raising organization that can raise and spend unlimited amounts of money from individuals, corporations, and unions. This type of PAC is different from the regular one because they cannot directly contribute to or coordinate with the candidates running for office while regular PACs can.

What is the main difference between political parties and interest groups quizlet?

What is the difference between a political party & an interest group? Political parties want to win elections and take control of the government. Interest groups are citizens that join together and voice their opinions and their goal is to influence the government.

What is the single biggest benefit of interest groups to policy makers quizlet?

Groups provide valuable research and education to policymakers and the public on specific issues. Groups that represent a narrow set of interests are often more successful than those that represent broad interests.

What is a super PAC quizlet?

Super PAC. can contribute unlimited amount of money to attack or promote a candidate, but they cannot directly coordinate or donate to their preferred candidate. Unlike regular PACS, they can accept money from individuals, unions, and corporations without limitation.