General-law cities have ______ of extraterritorial jurisdiction outside their city limits.


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General-law cities have ______ of extraterritorial jurisdiction outside their city limits.

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Local Government in Texas

Decentralized nation A country, such as the US, that possesses many units of local government controlled by citizens at the local level (US = most decentralized in world!)
Nationwide, about ______ units of local government. ______ in Texas. 90,000 5,000
All local governments are creatures of the _______ and power is derived from _________________ State State constitutions and statutes
General-purpose governments A government given broad discretionary authority by the state government
Limited-purpose governments A government that has very limited authority or control over its finances and is governed by a set structure
School districts and counties are examples of ________ governments. Limited purpose
Texas cities are an example of _________ government. General-purpose
City governments are technically ___________ Municipal corporations
State government grants _________ to cities. Charters. A document like a constitution, basic structure and organization, outline of power and authority
General-law city A city whose charter is created by state statutes (can choose from 7) 938
Home-rule city A city whose charter is created by the actions of local citizens. Pop must be 5,000+
Implicit or explicit prohibition on city ordinance power Limitation on the power of cities, preventing them from passing ordinances that are explicitly prohibited by state law and from passing ordinances that by implication may violate state law
Home-rul charters may be amending IF approval of city voters
Incorporation The process of creating a city government. Petition, election held, voters must approve, state issues charter
Requirements to become a city in Texas 201 citizens within 2-squre mile area signed by 10% of voters and 50% of landowners County judge calls election City is created, general-law charter adopted. Second election held to elect officials.
Extra territorial jurisdiction City powers that extend beyond the city limits to an adjacent area
A city may/maynot be incorporated within the ETJ of existing city unless that city approves. MAY NOT
Cities can ______ lands inside their ETJ. Annex. City council, majority vote, unilaterally annes land
Impact, Texas Allow for sale of liquor. Abilene. Surrounded. Law passed creating ETJ, limiting incorporation of cities inside them.
Two basic forms of government in US and Texas: Mayor-council and council-manager
Traditional form of city government is mayor-council
Weak executive Mayor shares power, authority limited, terms limited, little or no veto
Strong executive Appoint/remove, budget, no term limits, can veto
There are many more _________ forms in the general-law cities in Texas than in home-rule cities. Mayor-council
Galveston unique government style Commission form. Five commissioners to oversee rebuilding of city after hurricane. Single body of government.Transition.
Most popular form of government in Texas cities Council-manager
Council-manager A form of government in which voters elect a mayhor and a city council; the mayor and the city council appoint a professional administrator to manage the city. All cities EXCEPT HOUSTON
City manger can do what? Appoint/remove heads of departments, responsible for budget and execution, day-to-day
_________ is the policy-making body. Council
p. 785 mission, policy, administration, management
In council-manager govt, mayor is NOT chief executive. NO separation of powers. member of city council. leader, presides, reps.
City manager Official hired by the city council to manage the city and serve as chief administrative officer
Single-member district A system in which the city is divided into election districts and only the voters living in that district elect the council member from that district. Tranditional method. MOST
At-large election system System in which all voters in the city elect the mayor and city council members
Cumulative voting A system in which voters can concentrate all their votes on one canidate rather than casting one vote for each office up for election
Preferential voting A system that allows voters to rank candidates for the city council
Many cities have moved since Voting Rights Act was amended from ___________ to ___________ At-large system to SMD. More minorities!
Mayors are generally elected in at-large elections
Nonpartisan elections Ballot form in which voters are unable to determine the party of candidates by looking at the ballot. About 70% are elected this way now.
No city to date has used ______ elections. Partisan
Voter turnout in city elections is _______ Quite low. Lower than state. Low as 4% , rarely about 25%
Reasons for low voter turnout off-year elections, lack of contested races, low levels of voter interest
Off-year elections Local elections held at a different time of year from state and national elections
______ and ______ more accurately describe what happens in county government. Patronage and politics
Local governments in Texas collect taxes from two primary sources: Property tax, sales tax
Sales tax broken down 6.25 state 2.0 local 8.25 total
State-level property tax in texas? NO
As taxes climb, local govt must abide by more and more mandates. Laws passed by federal and state that apply to local.
Unfunded or underfunded mandates Laws enacted by federal or state governments that impose responsibilites and financial burdens on city and county governments
Oldest type of local government in US County government
County government The oldest type of local government, adapted from British, whose numbers vary greatly among states; it is the primary administrative arm of a state govt, providing services such as voter registration, courts and jails, roads and bridges
Texas has _______ county governments. 254
County govt originally intended as _________ of state govt. Subdivision, arm. Voter registrar, marriage, birth, car registration, courts.
All Texas counties provide Road construction, police. SOME: Hospitals, libraries, parks
How many counties in US? 3043
In TExas, _____% of op live in 10 largest urban counties. 56
How are heads of major departments chosen? Elected@
County commissioner's court Legislative body made up of five elected officials that governs Texas counties. 1 constitutional county judge, 4 county commissioners Local ordinances, budgets, programs, oversee govt.
County judge _____________ Commissioners _______________ Elected at large single-member districts called commissioner precinct 4 year term. Partisan.
Constitutional county judge Chief administrative officer of the county commissioner's court; may also have judicial duties in rural counties
Where county courts of law are created, constitutional county judge has very limited judicial functions
Seven constitutionally prescribed officers are elected by voters: Sheriff, district atttorney, county attorney, tax assessor collector, district clerk, county clerk, county treasurer
County sheriff Elected head law enforcement officer for a county who in smaller counties may act as the tax assessor collector
Constables Elected county law enforcement court officers
County and district attorneys Elected chief prosecuting attorneys for criminal cases
Tax assessor collector Elected officer responsible for collecting revenue for the state and the county. Voter registrars, licenses, permits, property tax
Tax assessment districts governed by Board elected by the governing bodies of all govt in the jurisdiction
County clerk Elected chief record keeper for the county. Marriage, birth, other records.
District clerk Elected official who maintains county and district court records. Court official.
County treasurer ELected official who manages county funds
District judge Elected official who appoints the county auditor. If under 10,000, don't have to have auditor. Acts as budget officer.
Challenges to county govt Lack of power, plural executive, Hire own staff, not always competent, designed for rural, lack general ordinacne authority, inequity of financial resources
Texas Association of Counties Umbrella organization that represents elected county officials. Oopses granting county govt home rule.
Special districts are often referred to as _________ governments. Shadow.
Examples of special districts: fire, water, sewer, mass transport, soil and water conservation, flood conrtol
MUDS Municipal utility districts Multifunction districts generally created outside cities to provide water, sewage, and other services
Multiconty special districts are governed by ______________. Single-county special districts usually have ______________. Boards appointed by governmental units covered by district. Board of directors elected by voters.
Many special districts do/dont have taxation authority? DO.
Demand today is not for consolidation but for decentralization with "open-enrollment charter schools"
Independent school districts School districts that are not attached to any other unit of govt and operate schools in Texas. All but 1 of 1089. Seven member school board elected some single-member, most at large, all nonpartisan.
Issues in school politics Finance, quality, curriculum.
State pays about ______% of education cost. 38% Local districts provide remainder. Property tax.
"Robin Hood plan" nickname for provision in the education statutes that consolidated property taxes so that they are distributed among rich and poor districts; revised later to require rich districts with a property tax base per pupil above 305,000 to share wealth
_______% of school districts in texas are poor districts. 90
Perry called special session for school finance. Redo. Reduction in property tax for homes, more for business, tax increase on smoking, more franchise tax for businesses
House Bill 72 Funding for teacher pay raise. Required state's teachers to pass a test to prove their competency. No-pass no-play.
First school accountability program under Anne Richards. Then Bush, Texas Assesment of Academic Skills (penalized low-income and minority)
Three curriculum issues Sex education, intelligent design, bilingual education

Which of the following is an example of a general purpose government?

General purpose governments include all counties, cities, towns, townships, villages and other jurisdictions serving as the primary government in an area. Special districts consist of school districts, water authorities, parks districts and other public entities serving a more specific function.

How many county governments are there in Texas?

Texas' 254 counties range in population from more than 4 million people (Harris County) to just over 100 (Loving County, on the New Mexico border).
The most common form of city government found in Texas is the strong mayor-council form. Community colleges educate over ______ Texans each year. An elected county officer who serves as the judicial officer for minor civil and criminal cases is ______.

What are some of the reasons that local elections have lower voter turnout than other elections quizlet?

What are some of the reasons that local elections have lower voter turnout than other elections? - The are conducted in off years. - There are uncontested seats.