Employees in countries that rank high on power distance are more likely to prefer a(n) ________.

MAN 4600

International Management

Florida International University

Japanese workers typically feel strong kinship to their employers

Which of the following is true with regard to Japanese workers?

A) Japanese workers consider work to be less important in their lives compared to leisure.

B) Japanese workers are typically lazy and are not dedicated to group goals.

C) Japanese workers typically feel strong kinship to their employers.

D) Japanese workers do not consider friendship to be an integral part of the workplace.

Low uncertainty avoidance

________ suggests being motivated by more risky opportunities for variety and fast-track advancement.

A) Low uncertainty avoidance

B) High uncertainty avoidance

C) Small power distance

D) Large power distance

people would be more motivated by teamwork and relations with peers

Low power distance implies that ________.

A) people would be more likely to prefer an autocratic leadership style

B) most people would be more comfortable with the traditional division of work and roles

C) people would be more motivated by teamwork and relations with peers

D) most people would be more comfortable with a clear distinction between managers and subordinates rather than with a blurring of decision-making responsibility

________ suggests people would be motivated by opportunities for personal advancement and autonomy.

A) High individualism

B) Collectivism

C) Ethnocentrism

D) High masculinity

highly masculine cultures

In ________, people are more comfortable with the traditional division of work and roles.

A) highly masculine cultures

B) highly feminine cultures

C) cultures characterized by low power distance

D) cultures with low uncertainty avoidance

People are motivated when they feel that the company is providing them with good working conditions, fringe benefits, and training.

Which of the following is true about collectivist cultures?

A) People place high emphasis on autonomy, opportunities for personal achievements, and a work–life balance.

B) Which of the following is true about collectivist cultures?

A) People place high emphasis on autonomy, opportunities for personal achievements, and a work–life balance.

B) People are motivated when they feel that the company is providing them with good working conditions, fringe benefits, and training.

C) People typically opt for high pay, personal accomplishment, and job advancement.

D) People typically opt for risky opportunities for variety and fast-track advancement.

The division of work and roles tend to be looser, motivating people through more flexible roles and work networks.

Which of the following is true about highly feminine cultures?

A) Opportunities for individual advancement and autonomy are the driving factors for people in feminine cultures.

B) People are more comfortable with the traditional division of work and roles.

C) The division of work and roles tend to be looser, motivating people through more flexible roles and work networks.

D) People are motivated by risky opportunities for variety and fast-track advancement.

For most people, the basic meaning of work is tied to ________.

A) self-actualization needs

B) subordinateship

C) group membership

D) economic necessity

A study of average work hours in various countries conducted by Steers found that ________ worked longer hours and took fewer vacation days.

A) Koreans

B) Japanese

C) British

D) Indonesians

Blackmoor's foreign facility is located in a masculine culture.

Blackmoor Industries is an American firm that manufactures automotive parts. The firm has several manufacturing facilities in the U.S. and one in a foreign country. Blackmoor's global managers have recently reported that workers in the foreign facility are more comfortable with the traditional division of work and roles. Consequently, flexible roles and work networks are unlikely to find favor in this particular facility, unlike in those spread across the U.S.

If the above information is true, which of the following can be fittingly inferred?

A) Blackmoor's foreign facility is located in a low uncertainty avoidance culture.

B) Blackmoor's foreign facility is located in a highly individualist culture.

C) Blackmoor's foreign facility is located in a masculine culture.

D) Blackmoor's foreign facility is located in a low power distance culture.

The degree of general importance that working has in the life of an individual at any given point in time is called ________.

A) intrinsic motivation

B) extrinsic motivation

C) self-actualization

D) work centrality

________ research focused on how some people are motivated by internal aspirations and life goals, whereas others are primarily motivated by the job conditions.

A) Henry Mintzberg's

B) Henri Fayol's

C) Abraham Maslow's

D) Frederick Herzberg's

the degree of general importance that working has in the life of an individual at any given point in time

Work centrality refers to ________.

A) the division of work roles between men and women in a given society

B) the degree of general importance that working has in the life of an individual at any given point in time

C) the concentration of work networks in a given region

D) employee attitudes toward leaders

The Japanese hold work to be very important in their lives.

Which of the following is true, according to the MOW research study on work centrality?

A) The British are indifferent to leisure.

B) The Japanese hold leisure to be very important in their lives.

C) The British hold work to be very important in their lives.

D) The Japanese hold work to be very important in their lives.

Israelis derive a higher level of interest and satisfaction from work as compared with the Germans.

Which of the following statements is true according to the MOW research study?

A) The Japanese hold work to be of minimal significance in their lives.

B) Arabs do not take work seriously.

C) Israelis derive a higher level of interest and satisfaction from work as compared with the Germans.

D) The British regard work to be the most important aspect in their lives.

In the Middle East, ________ plays a major role in all aspects of life, including work.

A) religion

B) materialism

C) individualism

D) leisure

With regard to transitioning economy in Russia, Russian managers primarily emphasize ________.

A) self-esteem

B) job security

C) intellectual capital

D) self-actualization

be insulted by material incentives

Japanese workers are likely to ________.

A) emphasize personal goals over group-wide goals

B) be motivated by materialistic rewards

C) be insulted by material incentives

D) emphasize individual achievement over group achievement

In the context of needs, Eastern cultures tend to focus on ________.

A) the needs of the individual

B) the needs of society

C) materialistic needs

D) self-actualization needs

They rank low on uncertainty avoidance.

Which of the following does NOT accurately characterize workers in the Mexican culture?

A) They rank high on collectivism.

B) They rank high on power distance.

C) They rank low on individualism.

D) They rank low on uncertainty avoidance.

In Mexico, ________ is of central importance.

A) individual objective

B) work

C) timeliness

D) family

________ is/are the most common reasons given by Mexican workers for absenteeism and for failing to return to work.

A) Personal illness

B) Family reasons

C) Job dissatisfaction

D) Transportation costs

Mexican workers need more reassurance than employees in the U.S.

Which of the following is true with regard to Mexican workers?

A) Mexican workers need more reassurance than employees in the U.S.

B) Mexican workers tend to emphasize work over family.

C) The incidence of absenteeism is substantially low among Mexican workers.

D) Pure business relationships are highly regarded by Mexican workers.

Most managers in Mexico find that the management style that works best there is ________.

A) democratic

B) authoritative

C) theocratic

D) consultative

Harmony in the workplace is extremely important.

Which of the following is true about the Mexican culture?

A) Scheduling and time management are of utmost importance.

B) Harmony in the workplace is extremely important.

C) Workers expect leaders to involve them in decision making.

D) Business takes priority over family and friends.

Which of the following is typical of the Mexican business culture?

A) flat organizational structure

B) self-leadership

C) resistance to change

D) bottom-up decision making

a relatively low standard of living for most workers

Which of the following helps explain why Maslow's higher-order needs are generally not very high on most Mexican workers' lists of needs?

A) an absence of free trade zones in the country

B) a low regard for family and personal relationships

C) a relatively low standard of living for most workers

D) a high rate of absenteeism in the maquiladoras

Workers in Russia are less likely to use their own judgment in making decisions.

Mike Norris was assigned as a business manager at an American MNC's Russian subsidiary. In order to motivate his subordinates, Mike delegated limited authority to some of them. However, it did not work out as he expected. Which of the following is most likely the reason behind the plan's failure?

A) Workers in Russia are less likely to use their own judgment in making decisions.

B) The Russian culture is characterized by a low power distance.

C) The Russian culture is highly individualistic in nature.

D) Workers in Russia prefer self-managed work teams.

vertically managed hierarchies

The continued prevalence of authoritative leadership in Russia has resulted in ________.

A) flatter organizational structures

B) increased participation of employees in the decision-making process

C) the dissolution of the status quo

D) vertically managed hierarchies

the cultural context of values and attitudes

An employee's needs are determined largely by ________.

A) the organizational goals of the company he or she is a part of

B) the cultural context of values and attitudes

C) peer groups

D) reference groups

Rewarding the individual is frowned upon in ________ because it encourages competition rather than the desired group cooperation.

A) Taiwan

B) the United States

C) Canada

D) Japan

Which of the following is NOT one of the typical reward categories in the United States?

A) job content

B) cultural

C) financial

D) social status

Which of the following is considered to be an incentive in China and gives workers more power?

A) low risk aversion

B) alignment with participatory style of leadership

C) training

D) networking

violate the traditional value system

A merit-based reward system would be ineffective in Taiwan because such a system would most likely ________.

A) violate the traditional value system

B) hinder social networking

C) discourage junior employees

D) hinder productivity

Blackmoor's foreign facility is located in Korea, a country characterized by a traditional value system.

Blackmoor Industries is an American firm that manufactures automotive parts. Blackmoor has two manufacturing facilities in the U.S. and one in a foreign country. Blackmoor's global managers have recently reported that they are having difficulty motivating their employees to meet various deadlines and production quotas.

Which of the following undermines the argument that Blackmoor's global managers should implement a merit-based reward system to motivate individual employees?

A) Blackmoor's foreign facility is located in Korea, a country characterized by a traditional value system.

B) The employees in Blackmoor's foreign facility belong to a highly individualistic culture.

C) Blackmoor's foreign facility is located in Canada.

D) The employees in Blackmoor's foreign facility favor a democratic style of leadership.

In which of the following countries is a merit-based reward system most likely be effective?

A) South Korea

B) Taiwan

C) Japan

D) the United States

helping employees realize their highest potential in the workplace

The task of ________ is the essence of leadership.

A) maintaining the status quo

B) helping management reduce costs

C) helping employees realize their highest potential in the workplace

D) insulating the organization from changes in the external business environment

The critical factors necessary for successful leadership abroad have come to be known as the ________.

A) global logistics

B) global mindset

C) cultural diversity

D) cultural quotient

Which of the following is NOT one of the typical characteristics of a successful leader with a global mindset?

A) high flexibility

B) personal autonomy

C) emotional resilience

D) low cultural quotient

________ refers to the ability to recognize global market opportunities for a company and having a vision of doing business worldwide.

A) Cross-cultural awareness

B) Global business savvy

C) Global positioning

D) Technology savvy

Anna Preston is a senior manager in a high-technology company in the U.S. She has an in-depth knowledge of her company's resources, and the ability to recognize and exploit market opportunities abroad. Her thorough understanding of how the business and people operate at the local level in international markets makes her an invaluable asset to her company. Anna is ________.

A) global business savvy

B) an authoritarian leader

C) an enthnocentric manager

D) self-protective leader

Which of the following refers to one of the four personal development strategies, outlined by Morrison, Gregersen, and Black, through which companies and managers can meet the requirements of effective global leadership?

A) global positioning

B) hiring

C) training

D) technology

have overseas assignment experience

Increasingly, global companies are requiring that their managers who will progress to top management positions must ________.

A) adopt an ethnocentric approach to management

B) have overseas assignment experience

C) adhere to an autocratic style of leadership

D) refrain from empowering subordinates

Effective global leadership

________ involves the ability to inspire and influence the thinking, attitudes, and behavior of people anywhere in the world.

A) Effective global leadership

B) An ethnocentric approach to management

C) Effective repatriation

D) An autocratic style of leadership

manager of the local firm

Which of the following is one of the typical roles managers on international assignments must often play to enhance leadership effectiveness?

A) representative of competing firms

B) manager of the local firm

C) cultural representative of the host country

D) cultural representative of the neighboring country

the content and the context of leadership

The global leader's role comprises the interaction of two sets of variables, ________.

A) the content and the context of leadership

B) technology and information

C) democratic leadership and autocratic leadership

D) differentiation and integration

the attributes of the leader

The content of leadership comprises ________.

A) community relations

B) the attributes of the leader

C) the level of risk faced by the leader

D) the business environment

The context of leadership comprises ________.

A) clarity of information available in host area

B) the technical knowledge of the leader

C) the business environment

D) the communication skills of the leader

Managers on international assignments try to maximize leadership effectiveness by juggling several important, and sometimes conflicting, roles.

Which of the following is true with regard to the global leader's role?

A) Managers on international assignments do not represent the parent firm.

B) The global leader's role comprises the interaction of two sets of variables, technology and information.

C) The cumulative effects of one or more weak managers hardly have a significant negative impact on the ability of the organization to meet its objectives.

D) Managers on international assignments try to maximize leadership effectiveness by juggling several important, and sometimes conflicting, roles.

Individual managers are obliged to adapt to the hyperspeed environment of e-business, as well as to the need for visionary leadership in a whole new set of competitive industry dynamics.

Which of the following is an effect of e-business on leadership?

A) Global leaders are obliged to adopt an ethnocentric approach to management in order to check the transformation of large corporations.

B) Individual managers are obliged to adapt to the hyperspeed environment of e-business, as well as to the need for visionary leadership in a whole new set of competitive industry dynamics.

C) The pace of international business has slowed down considerably resulting in a overall decline in efficiencies.

D) The importance of rigid organizational structure has increased

The ________ model of leadership style has been recommended by American research studies as the one more likely to have positive results with most U.S. employees.

A) autocratic

B) authoritarian

C) self-protective

D) participative

Industry leaders in France and Italy are highly regarded for their ________.

A) social prominence

B) appreciation of science

C) rigidity

D) xenocentrism

no single leadership style works well in all situations

Modern leadership theory recognizes that ________.

A) no single leadership style works well in all situations

B) the charismatic style of leadership works well in all situations

C) the democratic style of leadership works well in all situations

D) the democratic, or participative, leadership style is less likely to have positive results with U.S. employees.

Which of the following is a negatively regarded trait of a leader?

A) effective bargainer

B) dictatorial

C) participative

D) autonomous

Which of the followingtraits is considered an impediment to leadership effectiveness according to theGLOBE Project?

A) dictatorial

B) individualistic

C) status-conscious

D) self-sacrificial

A visionary leader whoinspires subordinates and is performance-oriented would be best described asa(n) ________ leader.

A) charismatic

B) autocratic

C) dictatorial

D) self-protective

exhibits diplomatic, integrative, and collaborative behaviors toward the team

Ateam-oriented leader is someone who ________.

A) asserts the interestsof the team over larger organizational goals

B)exhibits diplomatic, integrative, and collaborative behaviors toward the team

C) who lacks compassionfor subordinates

D)is self-centered, conflictual, and status conscious

The ________ dimensiondescribes a leader who is self-centered, conflictual, and status conscious.

A) humane

B) team-oriented

C) participative

D) self-protective

The________ leader is one who delegates decision making and encouragessubordinates to take responsibility.

A) charismatic

B) autocratic

C) participative

D) self-protective

Accordingto the GLOBE Project, being a participative leader is regarded as moreimportant in ________.





Accordingto the GLOBE project, which of the following are most likely to view the terms"leader" and "manager" negatively?

A)the Arabs

B)the Dutch

C)the Mexicans

D)the Americans

autocratic leadership style

Employees in countriesthat rank high on power distance are more likely to prefer a(n) ________.

A) autocratic leadershipstyle

B) participativeleadership style

C) charismaticleadership style

D) consultativeleadership style

Employees in countriesthat rank low on power distance are more likely to prefer a(n) ________ style.

A) autocratic leadership

B) participativeleadership

C) self-protectiveleadership

D) authoritarianleadership

Hofstede'sresearch on leadership reflects the values of ________.

A) superiors

B) the top management

C) born globals

D) subordinates

clear distinctions between managers and subordinates

Workers in a highpower-distance society like India are more likely to prefer ________.

A) managers, whoencourage the increased involvement of subordinates in the decision-makingprocess

B) clear distinctionsbetween managers and subordinates

C) managers, who exhibita democratic style of leadership

D) a flat organizationalstructure

According to Laurent,the perception of what is effective management is significantly affected by aperson's ________.

A) decision-makingskills

B) participativeabilities

C) esteem needs

D) national origin

Havingwhich of the following traits is universally considered to facilitateleadership effectiveness?





participate in problem solving

According to Laurent,managers in Sweden, Denmark, and Great Britain believe that employees should________.

A) adopt a collectivistmindset

B) not be involved inthe decision-making process

C) participate inproblem solving

D) be "fed"all the answers by their superiors

Which of the followingrefers to a cultural variable that shapes the content of a leadershipsituation?

A) elasticity of demand

B)level of risk

C) productivity

D)work norms

must adjust their leadership behaviors according to the context, norms, attitudes, and other variables in the host country

Accordingto the contingency theory of leadership, international managers ________.

A)must try to enforce the parent-country norms across foreign subsidiaries

B)must adjust their leadership behaviors according to the context, norms,attitudes, and other variables in the host country

C)must rigidly conform to the motivational theories and practices of the parentcountry

D)must not link performance with reward

People with highuncertainty avoidance are motivated by more risky opportunities for variety andfast-track advancement.


People in countries witha high level of national individualism are more likely to be motivated byopportunities for personal advancement.


Incollectivist cultures, employees typically value their autonomy, and areunlikely to be motivated by fringe benefits and training provided by theemployer.


Highpower distance implies that people would be more motivated by teamwork andrelations with peers.


The degree of generalimportance that working has in the life of an individual at any given point intime is known as work centrality.


Managersaround the world have similar needs but show differing levels of satisfactionof those needs derived from their jobs.


TheMexican culture, generally, is "doing-oriented," compared to the "being-oriented"culture that prevails in the rest of North America.


Mostmanagers in Mexico find that the management style that works best there isauthoritative and paternal.


Inthe Mexican culture, the workers expect the managers to delegate authority andencourage participation.


Inthe U.S., rewards usually fall into five categories: financial, social status,job content, career, and professional.


Thecritical factors necessary for successful leadership abroad have come to beknown as the cultural quotient.


Theglobal mindset of successful leaders is characterized by personal autonomy andemotional resilience.


Globalbusiness savvy refers to the ability to recognize global market opportunitiesfor a company and to have a vision of doing business worldwide.


Thecontext of leadership comprises the attributes of the leader and the decisionsto be made.


E-Businessnecessitates the adaptation of individual managers to the hyperspeed businessenvironment, as well as to the need for visionary leadership in a whole new setof competitive industry dynamics.


Theparticipative leader is one who delegates decision making and encouragessubordinates to take responsibility.


Employees in countriesthat rank high on power distance are more likely to prefer a consultative,participative leadership style.


Employeesin countries that rank low on power distance are more likely to prefer anautocratic leadership style, and they expect superiors to adhere to that style.


Employeesin countries that rank high on power distance are more comfortable with a cleardistinction between managers and subordinates rather than with a blurring ofdecision-making responsibility.


Accordingto Hofstede, the crucial fact to grasp about leadership in any culture is thatit is a complement to "subordinateship."
