A visual tempo or beat often described as alternating, regular, flowing, progressive

Name______________________________Hour ___________ Date __________PreTest GD MATCHING: Select the BEST word from column II for the definitions in column I.

Column I Column II

_____ 1. A large difference between two things. Example: rough and smooth, or black and white.

_____ 2. A way of combining visual elements to produce a sense of action or implied motion.

_____ 3. A visual tempo or beat- often described as alternating, regular, flowing, progressive or jazzy.

_____ 4. An element of art that refers to the lightness or the darkness of a color.

_____ 5. A mark with length and direction, created by a point that moves across a surface.

A. Rhythm B. Contrast C. Movement D. Value E. Line

_____ 6. The empty or open area between, around, above, below, and within objects.

_____ 7. A feeling that all of the parts are working together as a team- the quality of wholeness.

_____ 8. Area in a work of art that catches and holds the viewer’s attention.

_____ 9. Principle of design that refers to the way the elements are arranged to create a feeling of stability with equal visual weight.

_____ 10. Any three dimensional object that can be measured by height, width and depth.

A. Balance B. Form C. Unity D. Emphasis E. Space

_____ 11. The element of art that refers to the surface quality or feel of an object - its smoothness, roughness, softness, etc.

_____ 12. Element of art produced when a wavelength of light strikes and object and reflects back to the eyes.

_____13. A flat figure created when actual or implied lines surround a space - can be geometric or organic.

_____ 14. Another name for related colors - have one color in common. Colors that appear next to each other on the color wheel.

_____ 15. Colors that are directly opposite on the color wheel.

A. Color B. Texture C. Complementary D. Analogous E. Shape

_____ 16. Colors made by mixing a primary with a secondary color. Also called intermediate colors.

_____ 17. The use of different lines, shapes, textures, colors and other elements of design to create interest in a work of art.

_____ 18. The relation of one object to another in size, amount, number, or degree - scale.

______19. Made of only a single color or hue and its tints and shades.

______ 20. Three colors evenly spaced

A. Proportion B. Variety C. Monochrome D. Triad E. Tertiary

_____ 21. Common name for a color.

_____ 22. Black, gray, brown, and white.

_____ 23. A band of colors produced when white light shines through a prism.

_____ 24. The three basic colors that can't be made by mixing colors.

_____ 25. Orange, green, and purple (or violet)

A. Primary Colors B. Secondary Colors C. Neutrals D. Hue E. Color Spectrum

MULTIPLE CHOICE: The following are in reference to Illustrator. Choose the correct answer.

26. What application in Illustrator is used to cut out the center out of a shape like in the Cereal Box Project? A. pathfinder and unite B. pathfinder and merge C. pathfinder and exclude D. pathfinder and intersect

27. How to you apply a pattern to the swatches? A. Object and pattern B. Window and pattern options C. Object, pattern and make D. Window and pathfinder

28. What shape tool is used to make a triangle? A. Rectangle B. Ellipse C. Polygon D. Star

29. What is the scratch area? A. the area on a new artboard B. the grey area outside the artboard C. a layer D. the second layer

INTERPRETATION: The following multiple choice questions are in reference to the book cover Jurassic Park (1990) by Chipp Kidd.

  1. Chip Kidd has designed how many book covers? A. 50 B. 100 C. 200 D. Over 1000

  2. Jurassic Park is a successful book cover because it successfully combines?

A. Font, function and type B. Image, size and placement C. Font, color and variety D. Form, function and type

  1. The style of Graphic Design can be classified as:

A. Simple B. Commercial C. Fine Art D. Documentary

  1. Jurassic Park is successful because:

A. it black and white appearance offends no one. B. it targets young readers. C. it is simple. D. All three A, B and C.

  1. Typography plays a role in advertising the book. The typography of this book cover shows:

A. the same font for title and author. B. the fonts differ and show separation of title and author. C. the font styles does not matter. D. the font is the same size.

MATCHING: Please use the following to identify the correct type of tool with the

word bank on the right.

  1. (A)____
  2. (B)____
  3. (C)____
  4. (D)____
  5. (E)____

A. Reshaping B. Painting C. Drawing D. Type E. Selection

MATCHING: Identify the anatomy of type.

  1. The invisible line where a letter sits

  2. Part of the letter that goes up

  3. Part of the letter that goes down

  4. Kerning

  5. Leading

A. Arm B. Baseline C. Distance between lines D. Leg E. Distance between letters

What is the visual element in a work of art that creates a sense of action or implied motion?

5: Movement Movement is used to create the look and feeling of action in an artwork. It guides the viewer's eye throughout a piece. A sense of movement can be varied lines, repetition of elements, and gestural mark-making among many more.

Is created when visual elements are repeated rhythm may be alternating regular flowing progressive or jazzy?

Rhythm is created when visual elements are repeated. Rhythm may be alternating, regular, flowing, progressive, or jazzy. Variation is important in a work of art. Variation is the use of the same lines, shapes, textures, and colors.

What is the difference between alternating rhythm and flowing rhythm?

Alternating Rhythm: Alternating rhythm is when two or more motifs are alternated. It is similar to regular rhythm but, because more things are repeated, it adds more variety to an artwork. Flowing Rhythm: Flowing rhythm is created by bending and curving different elements and intervals in an artwork.

What kind of rhythm uses 2 or more interchangeable patterns or designs that are repeated throughout a piece?

Alternating rhythm involves the incorporation of two or more interchangeable patterns or designs that are repeated throughout a piece. In alternating rhythm, the same pattern is sometimes used, but different colors are employed to produce an alternate rhythm.