Which response would the nurse make to a client with an obsessive-compulsive disorder

welcome to visit relatives," assume that the client has consented to the visit; thisassumption may be incorrect. The response, "It may be very upsetting for your child tosee her mother so depressed," makes an assumption that requires more data anddiscussion to validate.Which reason would be likely for a client’s anger and acting out when the nurseinterrupts the hand-washing ritual of a client with obsessive-compulsivedisorder?Correct1Has overwhelming feelings of anxiety2Resents the nurse’s authoritarian manner3Is clashing with the nurse’s personality4Reflects an aggressive characteristicThe client has overwhelming feelings of anxiety. The ritual reduces anxiety; when notpermitted to complete the ritual, a client with an obsessive-compulsive disorder willexperience increased anxiety, frustration, and anger, and he or she may act out. Theclient is experiencing anxiety not related to the nurse’s manner, personality clash, or anaggressive characteristic.Which response would the nurse make when a female client confides to thenurse that she enjoys engaging in sex with multiple male adult sex partnerssimultaneously?1"I recommend that you seek counseling for this problem."2"Don’t you think that having sex with multiple partners is immoral?"3"These men are abusing you, and you should go to the police to report them."Correct4"What are you using for birth control and protection from sexually transmittedinfections?"The nurse would reply, "What are you using for birth control and protection from sexuallytransmitted infections?" Adults may have consensual sex as desired, but the nurse wouldencourage the use of birth control and protection from sexually transmitted infections.The nurse is interjecting personal values by stating that the client should seekcounseling for this behavior or that the client’s behavior is immoral. If the sex isconsensual, it is not abusive.Whichimmediateaction would the nurse take for an adolescent boy withschizophrenia who exposes his genitals to a nurse?

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The client is in a psychiatric unit report to the nurse a state of increasing anxiety and difficulty maintaining sleep. She also feels inability to concentrate which of the following responses is appropriate to the nurse?

It sounds like you are having a difficult time

A nurse is contributing to the plan of care for a client who is newly admitted with severe depression. Which of the following actions should be added to the plan of care?

Offer the client frequent snacks during waking hours

A nurse is caring for a client who has obsessive compulsive disorder OCD and is constantly picking up after others and cleaning in the day room. The nurse should recognize the clients actions as which of the following?

Decreasing anxiety to a tolerable level

A nurse is contributing to the plan of care for a client who is newly admitted with severe depression which of the following actions should be added to the plan of care?

Offer the client frequent snacks during waking hours

A nurse is contributing to the plan of care for a newly admitted client who has severe depressive disorder. Which of the following intervention should the nurse include in the plan?

Spend time with the client

A client who is depressed and has attempted suicide thousand nurse I should have died because I am totally worthless. Which of the following responses to the nearest me?

You’ve been feeling that your life has no meaning

In a hospital’s mental health unit a client received an upsetting telephone call and is now rapidly pacing the quarters of the unit. Which of the following actions should the nurse take?

Walk with the client and gradually slowing pace.

A client in an acute care mental health facility With newly diagnosed schizophrenia is verbalizing paranoid delusions. When contributing to the plan of care which of the following intervention should the nurse include?

Set limits on the amount of time the client talked about delusions.

The older adult client in a long-term care facilities anxious and has trouble sleeping at night. Which of the following nursing measure should be implemented for this client?

Move the client to room next to the nurses station

A nurse is assisting with the plan of care for a client who is newly diagnosed with borderline personality disorder which of the following interventions is the nurse is priority?

Protecting the client from self harm behavior

A nurse in an acute care mental health facility is caring for a client who is experiencing an acute manic episode. Which of the following is a nurse is priority intervention?

Protect the client and others from impulsive behavior

A nurse is reinforcing teaching about Valparaiso it with a client who has bipolar disorder which of the following information she’s a nurse include in the teaching?

Liver function test must be monitored regularly

A nurse is caring for a client who has schizophrenia and begins to talk about fantasy subjects. Which of the following is an appropriate intervention by the nurse?

Encourage the client to focus on reality-based issues

A nurse is assisting with the admission of an older adult who is confused. Which of the following statements by the clients partner indicates that the client has maybe experience delirium?

Her behavior change so quickly I wasn’t sure what was happening

A nurse is caring for a client who is threatening to commit suicide. Which of the following question she’s a nurse ask?

How we carry out your plan

The nurse is caring for a client who has been admitted in Fonthill I really do psychiatric treatment. Which of the following information about involuntary commitment to the nurse provide to the clients family?

The clients behavior is a threat to self or others

A nurse is contributing to the plan of care for a client who has obsessive compulsive disorder regarding brushing his teeth. The client brushes his tongue several times a day and has developed several alterations. Which of the following intervention should the nurse identify as a priority?

Assist the client in identifying his anxiety level

A nurse is caring for a client who is experiencing a cute mania which of the following actions should the nurse take?

Offer the client high calorie food in frequent fluids

A nurse is reinforcing teaching with a client who is scheduled to receive electro convulsive therapy ECT. Which of the following statements should the nurse include in the teaching?

You might feel a bit confused and disoriented when you first wake up

A hospitalized client who has bipolar is distributing other clients with constant talking. The nurse is providing care for this client should intervene with which of the following most appropriate actions?

Assist the client to practice social interaction with peers during a community meeting

As part of the plan of care for a client with borderline personality disorder the nurse review the Days schedule with him each morning. I’ll doing so the client states why don’t you shut up already I can read it myself you know which of the following is an appropriate nursing response?

I expect you to speak to me in a civil tone of voice

The nurse in the mental health unit visit a young adult with schizophrenia in her room. While in the room which assessment findings is most suggested that the client is experiencing auditory hallucinations?

The client turned in ear as of listening to someone

If I was schizophrenic client says wing ding the world is a ring which response by the nurse is most therapeutic?

I don’t understand what you mean

Young adult who has been diagnosed with schizophrenia and has been living in the community received a visit from a home health nurse. Which assessment finding by the nurse is most indicated that the client needs to be readmitted to the hospital?

The client neglects eating hygiene and sleep

A 42-year-old client is assessed in the emergency department to determine the cause of his chest pain. If the diagnosis of panic disorder is accurate the nurse would correctly assume that the chest pain is related to which caused?

When interacting with a client experiencing a panic attack, which technique by the nurse is most likely to help reduce the clients anxiety level?

Explain all actions and procedures

Which concept is most important to the nurse to convey to the client during a panic attack?

When the client begins crying and says nurse I feel like I’m going to die which response is most therapeutic?

I’ll stay with you until you feel better

A 38-year-old client comes to the clinic to receive information and treatment for a fear of flying. If this client is typical of others with 12 years which coping mechanism has a client I was like leaving using to deal with the feeler of flying.

If the nurse document all of the following information in the database which finding is probably the most significant source of conflict and anxiety in a 60-year-old client who is highly anxious about a heart Catherine station schedule tomorrow?

The client is facing forced retirement

Which form of instruction is most beneficial and preparing an anxious client for a heart Catherine station procedure scheduled the next day?

You short simple sentences

If an angry client is out of control and refuses to take appearance sedative medication the nurse has which legal option?

The nurse can administer the medication to protect the safety of self and others

Which nursing action is most appropriate if your clients anger continue to escalate to potentially violent behavior?

Assemble several staff members

The client becomes angry and belligerent towards the nurse after having an argument with his bells on the phone. Which action is best to use initially when trying to help the angry client maintain self control?

Remain calm and appear non-threatening

The nurse is a nurses aide enter the room of a client arguing with the spouse on the phone. After hanging out the client becomes angry and belligerent towards the nurses aide. The nurse correctly explain to the aid that this is an example of a client using which coping mechanism?

The nurse is caring for a client with a disturbance and thought processes who is this oriented and aggressive. Which of the following nursing actions may produce for the agitation?

Presenting the reality of the situation

A client with major depression is having a disturbed sleep pattern. Which of the following nursing interventions will help the client to get Maximal sleep during the night?

Keep the client busy during the day

A teenage client has been diagnosed with anorexia nervosa you. Which of the following is a complication of anorexia nervosa?

Which of the following is a true statement regarding anorexia nervosa?

Client consume 600 to 900 cal a day

The client has successfully completed detox and is ready for discharge home what is the primary purpose of referring a client to alcoholics anonymous?

Do you provide support for a lifelong addiction

Which of the following refers to the reduction in a drug effect that follows persistent use?

Which of the following is a true statement regarding a panic disorder?

The first instinct is to escape to a safer place

Which level of anxiety is constructive and prepares a person to take action inappropriate situations?

The nurse is reviewing behavior indications of depression. Which of the following manifestation should the nurse most probably consider?

  • Isolation from peers
  • decreased energy
  • irritability

A nurse discussed in group therapy with a client who has obsessive compulsive disorder which of the following benefits of group therapy should the nurse include?

-Gaining support and encouragement from other group members
- decreasing feelings of isolation

A 42-year-old client is assessed in the emergency department to determine the ideology of chest pain. If the client pain is the result of a panic attack which finding well the nurse most likely know during the physical assessment?

The nurse assesses the client who’s replaced on restraints, every 15 minutes. What objective evidence with a nurse detect to indicate that there is jeans are too tight?

The clients fingers and toes are pale
capillary refill is greater than six seconds

The nurse reviews various treatments options with the members of a group meeting for clients diagnosed with obsessive compulsive disorder. Which of the following are considered most therapeutic and treating OCD?

SSR eyes selective serotonin retake of inhibitters
Cognitive behavioral therapy

The nurse is reviewing that I charts of a group of clients with obsessive compulsive disorder. If the documentation is complete which of the following clients to the nurse identify to be most likely in this group?

A 15-year-old who cannot throw anything away

A client is being evaluated for an eating disorder which nursing assessment finding is most indicative of a client with bulimia nervosa yet?

Overweight by or normal weight
admits to purging and binging eroded teeth enamel

When assessing for anorexia nervosa the nurse wouldn’t anticipate finding which of the following characteristics?

teenage girl

Which approach would the nurse use for a client with an obsessive compulsive disorder?

Psychotherapy. Psychotherapy can be an effective treatment for adults and children with OCD. Research shows that certain types of psychotherapy, including cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) and other related therapies (such as habit reversal training), can be as effective as medication for many individuals.

Which approach would the nurse use for a client with an OCD to decrease the use of ritualistic behavior?

Exposure and response prevention (ERP), a component of CBT therapy, involves gradually exposing you to a feared object or obsession, such as dirt, and having you learn ways to resist the urge to do your compulsive rituals.

What must a person demonstrate in order to be diagnosed with obsessive compulsive disorder?

A diagnosis of OCD requires the presence of obsessions and/or compulsions that are time-consuming (more than one hour a day), cause significant distress, and impair work or social functioning.

Which medications are commonly used to treat obsessive compulsive disorder OCD )? Select all that apply?

Medications: Drugs called serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SRIs), selective SRIs (SSRIs) and tricyclic antidepressants may help. They increase levels of serotonin. Examples include clomipramine, fluoxetine, fluvoxamine, paroxetine and sertraline.