Which one of the following projections should not be performed for a possible shoulder dislocation?


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Which one of the following projections should not be performed for a possible shoulder dislocation?

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Chapter 6

What structure is not part of the proximal humerus? A. Lesser tubercle B. Glenoid process C. Intertubercular groove D. Anatomical neck Answer is B. Glenoid process
Which term describes the medial end of the clavicle? Sternal extremity
True or False. The female clavicle is usually shorter and less curved than the male. True
The anterior surface of the scapula is referred to as: Costal surface
What is the name of the large fossa found within the anterior surface of the scapula? Subscapular fossa
True or False. All of the joints of the shoulder girdle are diartrodial. True
Which one of the following joints is considered to have spheroidal type of movement? A. Acromioclavicular joints B. Sternoclavicular joints C. bicipital joints D. Scapulohumeral joints Answer is D. Scapulohumeral joint
Which rotation of the humerus will result in a lateral position of the proximal humerus? Internal rotation (epicondyle perpendicular to the film).
Which AP projection of the shoulder and proximal humerus is created by placing the affected palm of the hand against the thigh? Neutral rotation
True or False. The erect tangential projection for the intertubecular groove results in about twice the skin dose compared to the same projection taken with the patient supine because of the shorter SOD with the erect position. True
Which one of the following shoulder positions is considered a trauma projection? (Can be performed safely for a possible fracture or dislocation) Apical oblique
How much medial CR angle is required for the inferosuperior axiolateral pojection? 25 to 30 degrees
What additional maneuver must be aded to the inferosuperior axiolateral projection to best demonstrate a possible Hill-Sachs defect? Increase external rotation of the affected arm
Which one of the following shoulder projections best demonstrates the scapulohumeral joint space? AP oblique
True or False. The inferosuperior projection of the shoulder demonstrates the acromion process of the shoulder to be located most superiorly (anteriorly). False
True or False. For a Grashey projection of the shoulder, the CR is centered to the scapulohumeral joint. True
How much CR angulation is required for the supine version of the tangential projection for the intertubecular (bicipital) groove? 10 to 15 degrees.
Which ionization chamber for the AEC should be used for a tangential projection for biciptial groove? A. Center chamber B. both outside chambers C. Left chamber D. None of the above Answer is none of the above
What projection should be performed using a breathing technique? AP scapula
How much CR angulation should be used for a scapular Y projection? No CR angle should be used
Where is the CR centered for a transthoracic lateral projection? level of the surgical neck
True or False. The proper name method for the AP oblique projection is the Lawrence method. False. It is the grashey method
An AP apical oblique projection for an anteriorly dislocated scapulohumeral joint will project the humerus _____ to glenoid cavity. Inferiorly
Which projection of the shoulder requires that the patient be rotated approximately 60 degrees toward the cassette for a PA position? Lateral scapula
How much CR angulation is recommended for an asthenic patient for an AP axial projection of the clavicle? 30 degrees
Where is the CR centered for an AC joint projection on a single 14 x 17 cassette? 1 inch above jugular notch
A radiograph of an AP oblique projection reveals taht the anterior and posterior rims of the glenoid process are not superimposed. What modifications should produce a more acceptable image? Increase obliquity of the body
A transthoracic lateral projection reveals difficulty visualizing the proximal humerus due to the ribs and lung markings. Exposure used 75 kVp, 30 mAs, 40 in SID, grid, suspended respiration. What change will improve the quality of the image? Use a breathing technique
An AP projection of the proximal humerus reveals that the greater tubercle is profiled laterally. What change will improve this image for a repeat exposure? Positioning is acceptable; don't repeat it.
An AP clavicle reveals that the sternal extremity is partially collimated off. What shoud the technician do? Repeat the AP projection and collimate correctly
An anterior oblique scapular Y position reveals that the scapula is slightly obliqued. The axillary border of the scapula is determined to be more lateral as compared with the vertebral border. What modification should be made for the repeat exposure? Increase obliquity of thorax
A radiologist orders AP rotation projections for patient with arthritic condition of right shoulder, as well as an inferosuperior axiolateral projection. The patient cannot abduct arm. What other projecions will demonstrate scapulohumeral joint space? AP oblique
A patient comes to ER with possible right AC joint separation. A right clavicle and AC joint exam is ordered. The clavicle is taken first and a small linear fracture of the midshaft of the clavicle is discovered. What should the tech do in this situation? Consult with the ER physician before continuing with the AC joint study.
A patient in ER with severe shoulder pain & history of chronic dislocation of the shoulder. Radiologist wants tech to take an AP shoulder, neutral rotation & a 2nd projection to demonstrate signs of Hill-sachs defect. What other projection will show this? Neer Method
A patient enters ER with multiple injuries. The physician is concerned about a dislocation of the left proximal humerus. The patient is unable to stand. What routine is advisable to best demonstrate this condition? Limited AP and recumbent AP scapular Y projection
A patient enters ER with a possible AC joint separation. The patient is paraplegic, therefore the study can't be done erect. Which one of the following routines would be performed to diagnose this condition? Non-weight and weight bearing type projections performed recumbent by pulling down on shoulders.
A patient in ER has possible bony defect/fracture of mid-wing area of the scapula. The patient is able to stand. In addition to the routine AP scapula projection, which one of the following factors should be applied to best demonstrate the involved area? Have patient reach across the chest and grasp opposite shoulder for a lateral scapula.
True or False. The recommended SID for AC joints is 72 in True
True or False. The Hill-Sachs defect is a fracture of the articular surface of the glenoid cavity. False, humeral head
True or False. The arm should be abducted about 45 degree for an AP scapula. False, 90 degree
True of False. The thyroid dose for a transthoracic lateral and inferosuperior axiolateral shoulder projection are both relatively low, under 10 mrad. False, 86 mrad thoracic, 0 mrad infero
True or False. The thyroid dose on an AP projection of the AC joints is relatively low (less than 10 mrad) if correct collimation is used. False
True or False. A posterior dislocation of the shoulder occurs about as frequently as an anterior dislocation. False
True or False. AP with 0 degree CR angle and AP axial with 15 to 30 degree CR cephalic angle are both common basic or routine projections for the clavicles in a majority of US hospitals. True
AP Projection-Exteranal Rotation: Shoulder (nontrauma) is also called? AP proximal humerus
AP Projection-Internal Rotation: Shoulder (nontrauma) is also called? Lateral Proximal Humerus
Inferosuperior Axial Projection: Shoulder (nontrauma) is also called? Lawrence Method
Superoinferior PA Transaxillary Projection: Shoulder (nontrauma) is also called? Hobbs Modification
Inferosuperior Axial Projection: Shoulder (nontrauma) is also called? Clements Modification
Posterior Oblique Position-Glenoid Cavity: Shoulder (nontrauma) is also called? Grashey Method
Tangential Projection-Intertubecular (Bicipital) Groove: Shoulder (nontrauma) is also called? Fisk Modification
Transthoracic Lateral Projection: Proximal Humerus (Trauma) is also called? Lawrence Method
Tangential Projection-Supraspinatus Outlet: Shoulder (Trauma) is also called? Neer Method
AP Apical Oblique Axial Projection: Shoulder (Trauma) is also called? Garth Method

Which one of the following projections positions should not be performed for a possible shoulder dislocation?

53. Which one of the following projections/positions should NOT be performed for a possible shoulder dislocation? T/F 54. A posterior dislocation of the shoulder occurs more frequently than an anterior dislocation.

Which of the following shoulder positions is considered a trauma projection?

Chapter 6.

Which projection of the shoulder will demonstrate the lesser tubercle in profile?

Term Which classification of bone is the Scapula?
Definition Flat
Term Which projection of the shoulder best demonstrates the lesser tubercle of the humerus in profile and pointing toward the glenoid cavity?
Definition AP projection with internal rotation
Shoulder Girdle Flashcards - Flashcard Machinewww.flashcardmachine.com › shoulder-girdle1null

Which of the following shoulder projection best demonstrate the glenoid cavity in profile?

Term What terms correctly describe the shoulder joint?
Definition Scapulohumeral & glenohumeral
Term Which special projection of the shoulder places the glenoid cavity in profile for an open scapulohumeral joint?
Definition Grashey method
Ch 6 Flashcards - Flashcard Machinewww.flashcardmachine.com › ...null