Which of these is the most accurate way to describe the psychosocial impact of a peer group on adolescence?





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Terms in this set (100)

The tension that result from teenagers and adults having differences of personal taste and preference are to referred to as the ______

generation gap

The popular notion of a generation gap has only been supported in differences between parents and children with regard to:

personal taste

Marcus is a teenager who generally respects his parents. On which of the following issues, however, is marcus most likely to side with his friends and against his parents?

how to wear his hair

Peers usually have more influence than parents on matters of:

patterns of leisure activity

The fact that most books for parents of teenagers tend to focus on the problems instead of normative development is concerning because.....

the more parents believe in the stereotypes, the worse their relationships with their teenagers become.

the identity changes of adolescence may interact with the _______ to increase family conflict

midlife crisis of adults

After midlife, parents are more likely to think about the future in terms of:

how much time they have to live themselves

which of the following is an accurate example of familism, an orientation in which the needs of one's family take precedence over the needs of the individual

Because tennis practice would conflict with friday night dinners with Nayla's grandparents, she chooses the track team instead.

In addition to coping with the increasing importance of an adolescent's peer group, one of the biggest concerns in families with adolescents is often......


.which of the following American adolescents is more likely to become depressed and experience conflict with his or her parents?

Mei Lien, a 15 year old girl who would rather spend time with her American friends than do the chores assigned by her Chinese immigrant mother

Which of the following examples best represents a typical relationship between an adolescent and his or her mother and father?

Although Noelia fights often wither her mother, she confides in her when she has issues with her friends. She is not as close to her father and mostly talks to him about her soccer team

Which parenting characteristic is more prevalent among ethnic minorities?


Which of the following parenting styles is most closely associated with overall psychological competence?


Which of the following statements about minority families and parenting styles is true?

because ethnic minorities are more likely to live in dangerous areas, parental control may actually be beneficial for these adolescents

According to Baumrind, children of indulgent parents tend to be........

less mature and more conforming to their peers

Which of the following statements concerning sibling relationships is true?

the quality of siblings relationships affects adolescents' peer relationships.

what factor offers the most likely explanation the fact that Dorothy and Rose, sisters who are only 1 year apart in age, have different memories of their family life as they were growing up?

a nonshared environment

Which of the adolescents best exemplifies the differential susceptibility theory?

Nela's first year of college was very stressful and her grades and her mood were poor. After finding a supportive mentor, however, she became a top student and is now much happier.

Divorces are common....

in the early years of a marriage

Studies have found in ethnic groups that emphasize the importance of _____, adolescents may be somewhat buffered from the effects of divorce.

extended family

George and Ryan both live in different single parent households. George is considered a well behaved adolescent, but ryan frequently engages in delinquent behavior. Which of the following statements about George and Ryan is most likely to be true?

George has a great relationship with his grandparents, Ryan does not.

Jesse has just married a woman who has two adolescent daughters. These children will adjust best if Jesse establishes which of the following types of discipline.....


which of the following adolescents is most at risk of mental health problems?

Mason, a 13 year old homeless boy

Which of the following teenagers is most likely to be homeless?

Desiree, a 14-year old Black, transgender girl

According to many well designed, studies that have looked at the psychological consequence of growing up with lesbian or gay parents.

Children and adolescents with lesbian or gay parents are not psychologically different from those with straight parents

Research about contemporary adolescents is clear that these adolescents _______ than adolescents in previous times.

spend more time in peer groups

Dr. Cruz believes she has found a society that is so technologically advanced that children routinely teach adults instead of the other way around. What would anthropologists such as margaret mead call this type of society?


Judy and Jessica hang around with people who are their age. A psychologist would most likely describe these people as:


What is one of the main causes of youth culture, according to those who believe in it?

age segregation

Which of these is a reason peer groups change from childhood to adolescence?

For most adolescents, social settings become larger and more anonymous

Mixed-sex cliques start becoming more prevalent during:

middle adolescence

A small, tightly knit group of between two and twelve friends usually of the same age and sex is called a:


According to research, many youngsters who were "nerds' in middle school

had opportunities to shift status in high school

Steve eats lunch with Jeff, Hans, and Mike every day. After school, they play computer games and talk about girls. This group of boys is called:

a clique

Dr. Bonaventura wants to conduct in depth interviews with members of high schools to see how they form into cliques. How would psychologists categorize this type of research?


Jamie is a preadolescent. Her friendship circle is largely comprised of other young girls. Based on this information, what has
Jamie's social life been influenced by?

sex segregation

Who is most likely to have cross-ethnic friendships?

Brandy, who attends a school where one ethnic group predominates

Dawn has always enjoyed school and excelled in her classes. In middle school, she has connected with a group of friends who also enjoy school, and her grades have continued to improve. They often spend time studying together. This is an example of

selection and socialization

Greg is the star quarterback of the football team and hangs out with Larry, who is the star pitcher of the baseball team. Ben also hangs out with Larry and Greg. When classmates refer to Ben, they call him a member of the "jocks." The crowd with which Ben associates serves as

a reference group

Which of the following statements about friendship stability is true?

Only half of all reciprocated best friendships that exist at the beginning of the school year exist at the end.

"Druggies," "jocks," and "nerds" are examples of


Esther has been rejected by her peers because she is withdrawn. Esther is most likely to be at risk for

diminished social competence.

Dan planned a party and invited his whole English class by passing out personal invitations. Dan accidentally forgot to make an invitation for Sam. Sam assumed he intentionally wasn't invited and became angry at Dan for excluding him. This is an example of

hostile attributional bias.

Why is it so hard to teach adolescents to "just say no" to things adults disapprove of, such as drinking, smoking, and having risky sex?

These behaviors are typically associated with being popular.

A crowd member who has less social capital and who is a really nice, thoughtful, and funny person is most likely

high in sociometric popularity but low in perceived popularity.

A friend asks you to explain cyberbullying. Which of the following statements would you include in your explanation?

Victims of in-person bullying are often the targets of online bullying as well.

Studies in many countries have found a link between higher rates of bullying and

greater income inequality.

Online harassment is ______ in-person harassment.

less common than

Which of these is the most accurate way to describe the psychosocial impact of a peer group on adolescents?

Teenagers' psychological problems can come from problems with peers and can cause problems with peers.

You want to design a study that follows 13-year-olds who have poor peer relationships to see what effects those problems have on the subjects' lives. Based on what you have read, for how long would you need to track the 13-year-olds to fully understand the effects?

into adulthood, to examine low achievement and mental health problems

Today, the typical student attends more than ________ of each school term.


Changes in the structure of secondary schools have been linked to broader societal revolutions. Which of the following factors has contributed to these changes?


The school year is longer than it was in the past,

and adolescents remain in school for more years than they used to.

The average school year in the United States is ________ days long.


Some critics of No Child Left Behind argued that it was having the unintended consequence of

providing incentives for schools to push low-achieving students out of school.

Which of these is a realistic concern with regard to requiring all high school seniors to pass a graduation test in order to earn a diploma?

The financial costs associated with failing students would create a huge incentive for states to develop exams with very low requirements for passing.

Which of the following resulted from standards-based reform?

Educators could not agree on the body of knowledge and skills that comprised what high school graduates should know and be able to do.

The policy that focuses on techniques designed to improve achievement by holding schools and students to a predetermined set of standards measured by achievement tests is called

meritocratic tracking.

Comparisons of large and small schools reveal that

students in small schools are more likely to participate in school activities

Marixa is an 11-year-old Latina. She is moving from elementary school into middle school. Her current school has 60% Latino and Latina students, while her new school is only 10% Latino and Latina. What should the school psychologist at Marixa's new school watch out for when he talks with her?

a sense of disengagement

Which has a greater effect on students' scholastic achievement: school size or class size?

school size

Which type of involvement has been found to enhance the adjustment of low-income students in their transition to middle school?


Even though Scott has some difficulty in English, his school places him in the highest track for that subject. Scott's school follows which type of tracking system?


Being placed in a more advanced track generally has a

positive influence on subsequent course selection.

Although Chris is significantly delayed developmentally, he goes to a regular school. He takes classes in social studies, music, and physical education with the non-handicapped students, and he goes to special classes to learn about reading and arithmetic. This situation is an example of


A learning disability

may be caused by a neurological problem.

Fatima was placed in an advanced track at school. Which of the following is Fatima likely to experience?

classroom activities that emphasize critical thinking

According to the textbook, which of the following explanations support why some researchers believe the availability of private schools in urban areas has contributed to racial segregation?

Many White students who would otherwise attend their neighborhood public school attend private school instead.

What kind of family environment most closely resembles the optimal classroom environment?


Ms. Adamson believes that junior high school students are daydreamers at best and disrespectful at worst. Her students notice her attitude and therefore do not work that hard in her class, figuring that there is little chance of pleasing her. Their grades are lower than the grades of comparable students who have other teachers. What would a psychologist call this phenomenon?

self-fulfilling prophecy

Which aspect of the school climate is the least important in influencing psychosocial development during adolescence?

class size

The get-tough approach to dealing with violence in schools that has been hotly debated among researchers is known as the

zero-tolerance approach.

Which of the following accurately describes most other industrialized nations?

The government separates most students into college-bound and non-college-bound groups based on national exams.

The major characteristics of good schools include which of the following?

being integrated into the community (with local colleges or businesses, for example)

What is the recommended relationship between schools and the larger community?

Schools should be thoroughly integrated into the wider community.

What is the best way to conceptualize adolescents' free time?

There appear to be adolescents who have substantial time commitments across many activities, adolescents who focus on one type of activity, and adolescents who do not participate in any activities.

Which of the following is a reason that after-school jobs became less attractive to teenagers during the recession of the first decade of the twenty-first century?

New technologies increased the number of attractive and inexpensive leisure options available.

The proportion of American high school students holding part-time jobs

has decreased during the last 30 years.

Amari is a teenager who works long hours. According to the research presented in the textbook, Amari is most likely to increase in which of the following?


Overall, the greatest number of working high school students are employed in

service and retail establishments.

Ruben works over 20 hours a week during the school year and Marianne does not work at all. Ruben, compared to Marianne, is more likely to

drop out of school.

Which of the following is true of most adolescents' jobs?

They seldom require the skills taught in school.

Many studies find that rates of smoking, drinking, and drug use are higher among teenage workers than nonworkers, especially among students who

choose to work long hours.

Which of the following groups is most likely to be involved in extracurricular activities?

youth who earn better grades

Typically, adolescents' moods while with their families become more negative between

elementary and middle school.

In the Five Cs model of positive youth development, what does confidence mean?

an internal sense of overall positive self-worth and self-efficacy; global self-regard

In the Five Cs model of positive youth development, which "C" stands for a sense of sympathy and empathy for others?


Drawing on research that shows that certain extracurricular activities benefit adolescents and research showing the potential dangers of leaving adolescents unsupervised after school, some experts have argued that well-designed programs will not only deter problem behavior but also encourage youth to develop strengths. This emphasis on developing strengths is known as

positive youth development.

Javier has the choice of several after-school activities. Statistically, he is the most likely to choose


An important limitation of studies of youth in self-care is that

there are important differences between the possible after-school arrangements for adolescents in this group.

The average American adolescent sends ________ text messages a day.

about 70

What proportion of American households has at least one television?

Virtually all American households have at least one TV.

Research investigating media "effects" on adolescent development has a hard time ruling out the possibility of spurious causation, which means that

the correlation between two things is due to the fact that each of them is correlated with a third factor.

The three dominant theories concerning the media's impact on adolescent development today include which of the following?

the uses and gratifications approach

What has research on the exposure of adolescents to violent imagery on TV found?

Exposure to TV violence in childhood is linked to aggressive behavior in adolescence.

Approximately what percentage of teens who are online use social media?


Which of the following statements accurately describes how social media affects adolescents' moods?

When adolescents find support, they feel better; when they get negative feedback, they feel worse.

Overall, what is social media's impact on teenagers?

The impact of social media on teenagers depends on several different factors.

Which of the following exemplifies the type of adolescent social media usage that studies have found to have a positive effect?

Shaheena uses Facebook to follow the activities of her local city council.

Which of the following adolescents is showing signs of compulsive Internet use (CIU) or Internet addiction?

Mawar looks at her smartphone constantly. She is happiest when her posts get a lot of "likes" and depressed when she cannot be online. Mawar's mother is upset by this behavior and feels that Mawar only pays attention to her phone, not her family.

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Which of these is the most accurate way to describe the psychosocial impact of a peer group on adolescence?

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Which of these is the most accurate way to describe the psychosocial impact of a peer group on adolescence?

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Which of these is the most accurate way to describe the psychosocial impact of a peer group on adolescence?

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What generalization can you make about the nature of peer influence in adolescence?

It is unwise to generalize about the nature of peer influence; peers can exert both positive and negative influences. A large, nationally representative sample of adolescents found that adolescents' friendship groups fell into one of four profiles.