Which of the following types of teams benefit the least from having a relatively large number of members multiple choice?





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Terms in this set (38)

lloyd's new product development team is finally "hitting on all cylinders." its members are working together smoothly, trust each other, and are mutually committed to the objectives of the team. lloyd's team appears to be in the _____ stage of team development.


ANS. Performing

Which of the following are characteristics that help distinguish the five general types of teams?

ANS. The extent t which team members are participating

ANS. The objectives of the team

the number of team members

ANS. The life span of the team

List the following types of task interdependence in order of degree of interdependence, placing the task with the highest degree of interdependence at top.

1. Comprehensive interdependence
2. reciprocal interdependence
3. sequential interdependence
4. pooled

Which of the following would be categorized as teams?

1. a group of professors who meet monthly to identify and recommend best practices for online education.
2. a group of parishioners who review and set priorities for the repair and maintenance of church buildings and grounds.

teams whose tasks are quite complex and take place in contexts that are either highly visible to an audience or of a highly challenging nature are known as _________ teams.


which of the following is the best description of a mission statement.

a written declaration of an organizations core purpose and focus

behaviors that benefit the individual at the expense of the team are referred to as ______ roles.


according to research, task interdependence exerts a _____ impact on team performance.

Moderate positive

A _______ is defined as a pattern of behavior that a person is expected to display in a given context.


The hospitals grievance committee is made up of members from various departments and is responsible for reviewing patient grievances and making recommendations to promptly resolve those complaints. this committee is an example of a _______ team.


a team whose members are geographically dispersed but are linked through information technologies to work interdependently toward common goals is know as a ______ team.


Lydia works with employees from other departments of the company as part of team Diablo a product development team responsible for designing the company's next generation dishwasher control unit. Lydia is a member of a _______ team.


a type of task interdependence in which team members have specialized tasks but there is not a strict sequence of events is

Reciprocal Interdependence

behaviors that are directly related to the accomplishment of team tasks are referred to as _________ roles.

team task

at lambs peace church, the music director, youth group director, and director of religious education work on their tasks with little collaboration, even though they share an administrative staff. this is an example of _______ interdependence.


a quality improvement team consists of 8 members--3 women and 5 men. they range in age from 27 to 60 and represent a variety of ethnic and racial groups. these differences are a reflection of the team's


which team building role tries to find middle ground among the team members when it becomes necessary to end disagreements about a course of action in order to move forward with a task?


a way to measure team effectiveness is to assess the teams


the final project in professor Garcias class is a group of research paper and presentation. however, the project grade is split into a team component and an individual component based on peer evaluations and individual progress reports. This is an example of _________ Interdependence.

hybrid outcome

during the ______ stage of team development team members may encounter team members with differing ideas and experience interpersonal conflict.


The saying "Birds of a feather flock together" would best describe which of the following?

the similarity-attraction approach

the degree to which team members interact with one another and rely on other team members for the information, materials, and resources needed to accomplish work for the team is referred to as

task interdependence

Order the stage of group development from firsts to last, with the first stage listed at the top and the last stage at the bottom.

1. Forming
2. Storming
3. Norming
4. Performing
5. Adjourning

at ables enterprises, a manufacturer of outdoor furniture, one worker assembles the frames for the chairs and then passes them on to a second worker. this worker fastens the cushions before passing the chairs on to a third worker, who wraps the chairs for shipment to customers. this is an example of ________ interdependence.


instead of having assembly lines in which workers repeatedly perform single, specialized tasks, such as sewing zippers or attaching buttons, a clothing manufacturer forms teams of 8 to 10 workers who are responsible for producing entire garments. this is an example of a _______ team


the model of the group development that asserts that teams establish patterns of behavior for task completion, experience a period of inertia midway through the project, and then fundamentally change their behavior in order to complete the project in a timely manner is referred to as

punctuated equilibrium

In _______ tasks, the work of each member fully contributes to the final group product.


which of the following teams benefits the least from having a relatively large number of members?

Production teams

the correlation between task interdependence and team performance tends to be highest in teams

involved in complex knowledge work.

to inspire team spirit the new product development team had t-shirts printed that say "when we dream alone, it is only a dream" on the back, and "when we dream together, its the beginning of reality" on the front. This motto suggests that the group has a high level of

goal interdependence

members of the budget committee at XYCAT Col review and approve departmental budgets that are submitted by various department heads. this is an example of _______ team.


the value in diversity problem-solving approach suggests that

diverse teams have larger sets of information and points of view that the team can use

in a relay race, if one runner fails to complete a leg of race, the entire team is disqualified. this is an example of _________ task


as a general rule, as the extent of task interdependence _______, the time spent stayin in touch with and coordinating with team members to finish tasks________.

Decreases; deacreases

during the team meeting, Mark spoke up. "i'd like to point out that our team met our deadline this week. Good job, team! We worked hard and we made it happen." what team building role is mark displaying?


professor Johnson has assigned a group project in her organizational behavior course, and students in each team will receive the same grade for the project, regardless of how much -- or how little -- they contribute to the overall project. this is an example of

high outcome interdependence

True or false: the negative effects of deep-level diversity on team functioning and effectiveness appears to increase over time.


A team that is susceptible to "fault lines" typically has a high degree of

surface-level diversity.

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What is the main benefit of having well structured tasks within a team?

Properly structured, group projects can reinforce skills that are relevant to both group and individual work, including the ability to: Break complex tasks into parts and steps. Plan and manage time. Refine understanding through discussion and explanation.

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