Which of the following terms describes a Windows operating system patch that corrects a specific problem and is released on a short term periodic basis typically monthly )?

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Which of the following terms describes a Windows operating system patch that corrects a specific problem and is released on a short term periodic basis typically monthly )?

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Which of the following terms describes a Windows operating system patch that corrects a specific problem and is released on a short term periodic basis typically monthly )?

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Which of the following terms describes a Windows operating system patch that corrects a specific problem and is released on a short term periodic basis typically monthly )?

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Which of the following terms describes a Windows operating system patch that corrects a specific problem and is released on a short term periodic basis typically monthly )?

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Last Update: May 30, 2022

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Asked by: Danyka Cremin
Score: 4.3/5 (42 votes)

Which of the following describes a configuration baseline? A configuration baseline is a set of consistent requirements for a workstation or server. A security baseline is a component of the configuration baseline that ensures that all workstations and servers comply with the security goals of the organization.

What should you consider security baselines?

What should you consider security baselines? Because most environments are constantly changing, security baselines must also be dynamic and react to the changes. They are not static or unchangeable due to changes in the environment. They are not a suggestion.

Which of the following terms describes a Windows operating system patch that corrects a specific problem and is released on a short term periodic basis typically monthly )? Quizlet?

Which of the following terms describes a Windows operating system patch that corrects a specific problem and is released on a short-term, periodic basis? A hotfix is an operating system patch that corrects a specific known problem.

Which of the following is the correct definition of a threat?

which of the following is the correct definition of a threat? any potential danger to the confidentiality, integrity, or availability of information or systems.

What actions should you take to reduce the attack surface of a server?

Reduce Attack Surface in 5 Steps

  1. Assume zero trust. No user should have access to your resources until they've proven their identity and the security of their device. ...
  2. Create strong user access protocols. ...
  3. Use strong authentication policies. ...
  4. Protect your backups. ...
  5. Segment your network.

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In computing, a physical attack surface includes access to all endpoint devices, including desktop systems, laptops, mobile devices, USB ports and improperly discarded hard drives. ... Such hardening measures include fencing, locks, access control cards, biometric access control systems and fire suppression systems.

The attack surface of your operating systems represents all the possible attack entry points. The more services and applications you have running on your system, the more entry points and the greater the attack surface. To decrease the attack surface of your system, you should disable all unused services.

threat used as a noun:

an expression of intent to injure or punish another. an indication of imminent danger. a person or object that is regarded as a danger; a menace.

A SWOT analysis helps find the best match between environmental trends (opportunities and threats) and internal capabilities. ... A threat is any unfavourable situation in the organisation's environment that is potentially damaging to its strategy.

A threat to your business is typically external. Threats are one of four parts to a SWOT analysis; the others are strengths, weaknesses and opportunities....

They can include:

  • Weather. ...
  • The economy. ...
  • Material shortage. ...
  • Your computer system is hacked. ...
  • Employment in your industry is strong. ...
  • Market demand dries up.

USB devices The greatest threat to data confidentiality in most secure organizations is portable devices (including USB devices). There are so many devices that can support file storage that stealing data has become easy, and preventing data theft is difficult.

A service pack is a set of patchs that are all related. A service pack includes all the hotfixes that have been released to date and other system enhancements. ... Because the company frequently comes out with patches for potential security vulnerabilities.

Which of the following is the most important way to prevent console access to a network switch? Disconnect the console cable when not in use.

Understanding a Baseline. A baseline can be any number that serves as a reasonable and defined starting point for comparison purposes. It may be used to evaluate the effects of a change, track the progress of an improvement project, or measure the difference between two periods of time.

A baseline is a minimum level of security that a system, network, or device must adhere to. Baselines are usually mapped to industry standards. As an example, an organization might specify that all computer systems comply with a minimum Trusted Computer System Evaluation Criteria (TCSEC) C2 standard.

Baseline security is known as the minimum security controls required for safeguarding an organization's overall information systems landscape, ultimately ensuring the confidentiality, integrity, and availability (CIA) of critical system resources.

Threats refer to factors that have the potential to harm an organization. For example, a drought is a threat to a wheat-producing company, as it may destroy or reduce the crop yield. Other common threats include things like rising costs for materials, increasing competition, tight labor supply. and so on.

An analysis of your strengths as a company include traits, capabilities and cultural elements that give you advantages over your competitors in serving your markets. Opportunities are potential areas for development or improvement that you may or may not have strengths to match.

SWOT Analysis is important because it's a simple but useful framework for analyzing your organization's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT). Present data related to a SWOT analysis helps identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in the industry.

Old English þreat "crowd, troop," also "oppression, coercion, menace," related to þreotan "to trouble, weary," from Proto-Germanic *thrautam (source also of Dutch verdrieten, German verdrießen "to vex"), from PIE *treud- "to push, press squeeze" (source also of Latin trudere "to press, thrust," Old Church Slavonic ...

verb. threated; threating; threats.

A threat to a person or thing is a danger that something unpleasant might happen to them. A threat is also the cause of this danger. ... A threat is a statement by someone that they will do something unpleasant, especially if you do not do what they want. He may be forced to carry out his threat to resign.

An attack vector is a path or means by which an attacker or hacker can gain access to a computer or network server in order to deliver a payload or malicious outcome.

Attack profiling is a valuable method for figuring out the motives of attacker, sharing threat intelligence and preparing response methods for expected future incident. This profiling can be performed based on not only IP and Code, but also actor's tactics, technics, mistake and any information used in operation.

Each computer worm has a few essential components, such as the target locator and the infection propagator modules, and a couple of other nonessential modules, such as the remote control, update interface, life-cycle manager, and payload routines.

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Question 5:CorrectWhich of the following terms describes a Windows operating system patch that corrects aspecific problem and is released on a short­term, periodic basis (typically monthly)?Service packTargeted software patchKernel fix kitHotfixExplanationAis an operating system patch that corrects a specific known problem. Microsoft typicallyreleases hotfixes monthly.Service packs include a collection of hotfixes and other system updates. Service packs are notreleased as often, but contain all hotfixes released to that time.

Which of the following is the best recommendation for applying hot fixes to your servers?

Which of the following is the best recommendation for applying hotfixes to your servers? Apply only the hotfixes that apply to software running on your system.

What is Windows operating system quizlet?

Software that manages computer hardware and software resources and provides common services for computer programs.

Which of the following recommendations should you follow when applying the hotfix?

recommendations should you follow when applying the hotfix? Test the hotfix, then apply it to all servers.

Which Windows component prompts the user for credentials or permission?

User Account Control (UAC) prompts the user for credentials or permission in an effort to minimize the dangers of unwanted actions or unintended software installation. Windows firewall protects the system from network attacks.