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Which of the following statement regarding the benefits regarding isometric exercise is inapt?

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Sample records for medicina intensiva durante

  1. Methodological update in Medicina Intensiva.


    García Garmendia, J L


    Research in the critically ill is complex by the heterogeneity of patients, the difficulties to achieve representative sample sizes and the number of variables simultaneously involved. However, the quantity and quality of records is high as well as the relevance of the variables used, such as survival. The methodological tools have evolved to offering new perspectives and analysis models that allow extracting relevant information from the data that accompanies the critically ill patient. The need for training in methodology and interpretation of results is an important challenge for the intensivists who wish to be updated on the research developments and clinical advances in Intensive Medicine. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier España, S.L.U. y SEMNIM. All rights reserved.

  2. Evaluating the Training Needs of Active Duty and Reserve Military General Surgeons

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Speaker - Legal Advocates Seminar: "Motor Vehicle Crash Analysis."Sheraton Bal Harbor. Miami Beach, FL. January 30t. 1997 SICU Infections Course...Surgical Intensive Care Data Managem3nt System." London, England. June 2nd. 1981 VII Reuni6n Nacional de Medicina CrItica y Terapia Intensiva...Asociaci6n Mexicana de Medicine Critica y Terapia Intensive. Curso de Actualizaci6n Profesional en Medicina CrItica: "Development of Intensive Care Systems

  3. Medicina integrativa en América: De qué forma se está practicando la medicina integrativa en los centros clínicos en los Estados Unidos

    PubMed Central

    Horrigan, Bonnie; Lewis, Sheldon; Abrams, Donald I.; Pechura, Constance


    RESUMEN EJECUTIVO El impulso para desarrollar e implementar estrategias de medicina integrativa está enraizado en el deseo de mejorar la atención al paciente. The Bravewell Collaborative, una organización sin ánimo de lucro dedicada a la mejora de la atención sanitaria, define la medicina integrativa como “un enfoque de la medicina que coloca al paciente en el centro y se dirige al conjunto completo de influencias físicas, emocionales, mentales, sociales, espirituales y ambientales que afectan a la salud de la persona. Con una estrategia personalizada que considera las condiciones, necesidades y circunstancias únicas del paciente, utiliza las intervenciones más apropiadas de una variedad de disciplinas científicas para curar la afección y la enfermedad y ayudar a las personas a recobrar y mantener una salud óptima”. En las pasadas dos décadas, se ha documentado un número creciente de centros clínicos que proporcionan medicina integrativa, el número de facultades y escuelas médicas que enseñan estrategias integrativas, el número de investigadores que estudian intervenciones integrativas, y el número de pacientes que solicitan cuidados integrativos. Pero se desconocía si la medicina integrativa se estaba ofreciendo de manera igual, similar, o dispar. Además, mientras que los estudios anteriores se centraban en la prevalencia y el uso de la medicina complementaria o alternativa (MCA) por parte de los pacientes1,2 o de los médicos en hospitales3, enumerando la utilización de terapias MCA individuales, se había recogido muy poca información con respecto a la práctica real de la medicina integrativa que, por definición, trata a la persona en su conjunto. En 2011, The Bravewell Collaborative encargó una encuesta para determinar la forma en que la medicina integrativa se estaba practicando en los Estados Unidos: (1) describiendo las poblaciones de pacientes y las afecciones sanitarias tratadas más habitualmente; (2) definiendo las pr

  4. The Medicina Station Status Report

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Orfei, Alessandro; Orlati, Andrea; Maccaferri, Giuseppe


    General information about the Medicina Radio Astronomy Station, the 32-m antenna status, and the staff in charge of the VLBI observations is provided. In 2012, the data from geodetic VLBI observations were acquired using the Mark 5A recording system with good results. Updates of the hardware were performed and are briefly described.

  5. FPGA applications for single dish activity at Medicina radio telescopes

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bartolini, M.; Naldi, G.; Mattana, A.; Maccaferri, A.; De Biaggi, M.

    FPGA technologies are gaining major attention in the recent years in the field of radio astronomy. At Medicina radio telescopes, FPGAs have been used in the last ten years for a number of purposes and in this article we will take into exam the applications developed and installed for the Medicina Single Dish 32m Antenna: these range from high performance digital signal processing to instrument control developed on top of smaller FPGAs.

  6. Intraosseous Erythropoietin for Acute Tissue Protection in Battlefield Casualties Suffering Hypovolemic Shock

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Resuscitation. Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción, Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud . May 7-8. Concepción, Chile. 1997 Advances in CPR...Med 2003;31:2811-2812. 20. Gazmuri RJ. Editorial: Optimizando la calidad en medicina intensiva [Optimizing the quality of intensive care medicine...increase in left ventricular stroke work index and cardiac index – likely an effect on preload – that helped increase the aor- tic pressure and reduce the

  7. [Analysis of utilization of information in the journal Medicina Clinica].


    Aleixandre, R; Giménez Sánchez, J V; Terrada, M L; López Piñero, J M


    Scientific communication knowledge is specifically based in the analysis of the bibliographic references inside the publications. Pattern and laws determining the information consumption in the items of the journal Medicina Clinica are investigated in the present study as its own aim. An analysis was performed on the 13,286 references downloaded from 618 papers published by the journal in 1990. With dBASE IV was generated a database for the management of the information; data was distributed in several tables through criteria of age, documentary types, countries, journals and Bradford zones. The analysed references belong to 1,241 different journals, 110 from Spain. Being two thirds of the total sum, the publications from United States and United Kingdom have received more citations than those from Spain. The publications from european countries, like France, Germany and Italy, are scarcely present. Bradford core is constituted by the journals Medicina Clinica and The Lancet. The analysis of the bibliographic references available from the articles in this journal is able to produce knowledge on the information consumption by the practitioners; its usefulness as a complementary utility to the Indice de Citas e Indicadores Bibliométricos de Revistas Españolas de Medicina Interna y sus especialidades 1990 must be considered.

  8. Operations of the Biblioteca Regional de Medicina (BIREME).


    Neghme, A


    The operations and accomplishments of the Biblioteca Regional de Medicina (BIREME), the regional medical library of the Pan American Health Organization, are summarized. Aspects of BIREME's program which are described include: strengthening biomedical collections in Latin America, network organization, international cooperation, document and information delivery, bibliographic services, and educational efforts.

  9. Operations of the Biblioteca Regional de Medicina (BIREME).

    PubMed Central

    Neghme, A


    The operations and accomplishments of the Biblioteca Regional de Medicina (BIREME), the regional medical library of the Pan American Health Organization, are summarized. Aspects of BIREME's program which are described include: strengthening biomedical collections in Latin America, network organization, international cooperation, document and information delivery, bibliographic services, and educational efforts. Images PMID:1139061

  10. [The seventieth anniversary of Medicina (Buenos Aires)].


    Kantor, Isabel N; Kotsias, Basilio A


    The historical trajectory of Medicina (Buenos Aires) and the current challenges accompanying its seventieth birthday are briefly described. The initial objectives at its foundation were to contribute to the advance of medicine, and support both clinical and experimental research in Argentina. These objectives continue to be valid. The editorial presence of the journal continues to be necessary. It is published following the international quality standards, the peer review system, and it is indexed in the main international data bases for scientific journals.

  11. Gravity and Height Variations at Medicina, Italy

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bruni, Sara; Zerbini, Susanna; Errico, Maddalena; Santi, Efisio; Wziontek, Hartmut


    Since 1996, at the Medicina station, height and gravity variations are monitored continuously by means of GPS, VLBI and superconducting gravimeter (SG) data. Additionally, absolute gravity observations are performed twice a year and environmental parameters, among others water table levels, are regularly acquired. Levelling between the different monuments at the site area is also carried out repeatedly to constrain local ties in the vertical position. Two GPS systems are located very close to each other, and both are in close proximity to the VLBI antenna. Twenty years of data are now available, which allow investigating both long- and short-period height and gravity signals together with their relevant correlations. Natural land subsidence, which is well known to occur in the area, is a major component of the observed long-term behavior; however, non-linear long-period signatures are also present in the time series. On a shorter time scale, fingerprints of the water table seasonal oscillations can be recognized in the data. The Medicina site is characterized by clayey soil subjected to consolidation effects when the water table lowers during summer periods. The pillar on which the SG is installed is especially affected because of its shallow foundation, causing height decreases in the order of 2.5-3 cm for water table lowering of 2 m. This study presents a comparative analysis of the different data sets with the aim of separating mass and deformation contributions in the SG gravity record.

  12. Medicina-Noto VLBI observation of SN2013ej

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sokolovsky, K.; Giroletti, M.; Stagni, M.; Nanni, M.; Mahabal, A.


    We used the 32m radio telescopes of Istituto di Radioastronomia (INAF-IRA) in Medicina and Noto as a two-element very long baseline interferometer to search for a possible radio counterpart of SN2013ej, a type IIP supernova (CBET #3606, ATel #5228, #5229, #5230, #5237, #5243) in M74. The observations were conducted at 6.7 GHz on 2013 July 31.3 UT, 6 days after the first optical detection reported in CBET #3609.

  13. [Ethical questions in the Spanish journal "Medicina Paliativa": 1994 - 2013].


    Sanz Rubiales, Alvaro; Del Valle Rivero, María Luisa; Flores Pérez, Luis Alberto; Hernansanz de la Calle, Silvia; Gutiérrez Alonso, Celia; García Recio, Consuelo


    "Medicina Paliativa" is the official journal of the Spanish Society of Palliative Care ("Sociedad Española de Cuidados Paliativos"; SECPAL) and it reflects the interests, also on bioethics, of the professionals caring terminal people. We want to know what the bioethical questions they discuss and their approaches are. From all the published articles in "Medicina Paliativa" from 1994 to 2013 we selected those referred to bioethics topics. We analysed: number of publications, author, subtype of article, year of publication, topic, philosophic approach, and the presence of answers and discussion. Qualitative topics were reviewed and agreed by at least two authors. There were 60 (9%) publications with bioethics profile from a total of 672 analyzed articles. A majority were signed by only one author. 31 (51%) were published as letter. The most relevant topics were: euthanasia, dignity, proportionality of treatment and care, sedation, principles of bioethics, and information. The orientation of these papers was, in a majority, according to principles of palliative care. Most bioethics topics have been answered and even answered back. Bioethics is an interesting topic in palliative care. The arguments usually fit the principles of palliative care.

  14. Il Fasciculo di Medicina of 1493: medical culture through the eyes of the artist.


    DiMaio, Salvatore; Discepola, Federico; Del Maestro, Rolando F


    THE FASCICULUS MEDICINA, printed in 1491, is considered the first illustrated medical book. The Latin essays and illustrations in this volume provide insight into the medical knowledge of Western Europe and, in the Italian edition published in 1493, glimpses into the medical culture of the late 15th century. We outline the scientific and social environments into which the Fasciculus Medicinae of 1491 was introduced and the transition that occurred with the publication of the 1493 Italian edition. The artist of the 1493 Fasciculo witnessed a paradigm shift occurring. In four woodcuts, the artist captured four themes: the relevance of knowledge-based medicine, the emergence of laboratory medicine, the Hippocratic lessons of patient observation, and the emerging revolution in anatomy.

  15. The bistatic radar capabilities of the Medicina radiotelescopes in space debris detection and tracking

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Montebugnoli, S.; Pupillo, G.; Salerno, E.; Pluchino, S.; di Martino, M.


    An accurate measurement of the position and trajectory of the space debris fragments is of primary importance for the characterization of the orbital debris environment. The Medicina Radioastronomical Station is a radio observation facility that is here proposed as receiving part of a ground-based space surveillance system for detecting and tracking space debris at different orbital regions (from Low Earth Orbits up to Geostationary Earth Orbits). The proposed system consists of two bistatic radars formed by the existing Medicina receiving antennas coupled with appropriate transmitters. This paper focuses on the current features and future technical development of the receiving part of the observational setup. Outlines of possible transmitting systems will also be given together with the evaluation of the observation strategies achievable with the proposed facilities.

  16. The Simultaneous Medicina-Planck Experiment: data acquisition, reduction and first results

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Procopio, P.; Massardi, M.; Righini, S.; Zanichelli, A.; Ricciardi, S.; Libardi, P.; Burigana, C.; Cuttaia, F.; Mack, K.-H.; Terenzi, L.; Villa, F.; Bonavera, L.; Morgante, G.; Trigilio, C.; Trombetti, T.; Umana, G.


    The Simultaneous Medicina-Planck Experiment (SiMPlE) is aimed at observing a selected sample of 263 extragalactic and Galactic sources with the Medicina 32-m single-dish radio telescope in the same epoch as the Planck satellite observations. The data, acquired with a frequency coverage down to 5 GHz and combined with Planck at frequencies above 30 GHz, will constitute a useful reference catalogue of bright sources over the whole Northern hemisphere. Furthermore, source observations performed in different epochs and comparisons with other catalogues will allow the investigation of source variabilities on different time-scales. In this work, we describe the sample selection, the ongoing data acquisition campaign, the data reduction procedures, the developed tools and the comparison with other data sets. We present 5 and 8.3 GHz data for the SiMPlE Northern sample, consisting of 79 sources with δ≥ 45° selected from our catalogue and observed during the first 6 months of the project. A first analysis of their spectral behaviour and long-term variability is also presented.

  17. [Ethics, knowledge and psychiatry: in Aulus Cornelius Celsus' De Medicina].


    Trancas, Bruno; Borja Santos, Nuno


    Modern medicine has many roots on greco-roman practice of the medical art. The authors analyse the work De Medicina by Aulus Cornelius Celsus. They look upon the nature of the medical knowledge, the principles of ethics, causality and describe the mental disorders (phrenitis, depression, third insanity, seizure disorder and womb disease), with special detail to signs and symptoms, treatment and prognosis. An association with current medical knowledge is established.

  18. [The Istituto di Storia della Medicina archive and video collection].


    Aruta, Alessandro; De Angelis, Elio


    The Istituto di Storia della Medicina at Rome University was to a certain extent a one-man achievement. Founded by Adalberto Pazzini in 1937, its collections comprehended books, objects, as well as photographs, movies, and other didactic video. The Istituto was also a center for publications, conferences and meetings. The archival sources that document its activity have been re-evaluated and restored in recent years, together with the collections housed in the Library and in the Museum.

  19. Actitudes Éticas de los estudiantes y egresados en carrera de medicina con metodologías activas

    PubMed Central

    Novaes, Maria Rita Carvalho Garbi; Novaes, Luiz Carlos Garcez; Guilhem, Dirce; Stepke, Fernando Lolas; Silveira, Carla Cristina Costa; Komatsu, Ricardo Shoiti; Trindade, Eliane Mendonça Vilar; Guiotti, Murilo Galvão


    El presente estudio tiene por objeto desarrollar un diagnostico de la inserción integrada de la ética en la carrera de medicina brasileña con una metodología de aprendizaje basada en problemas y describir las percepciones de actitudes éticas de los estudiantes y egresados. El diseño metodológico es un estudio de caso, descriptivo y documental, con abordaje cualitativo y cuantitativo. La muestra de esta investigación ha sido constituida por 120 estudiantes y 40 egresados de dos promociones del Curso de Medicina de la ESCS. Este proyecto fue aprobado por el Comité de Ética en Investigación - SES/DF. Los estudiantes y egresados de la ESCS demostraron un buen manejo en el abordaje de los conflictos éticos y respeto a los pacientes. Sin embargo, el análisis de sensibilidad ética mostró una fragilidad en las percepciones y aptitudes inapropiadas de los estudiantes de la carrera de medicina, identificada básicamente en los años iniciales, que necesitan más discusiones sistematizadas sobre los aspectos éticos y bioéticos integrados a las actividades prácticas para estimular y fortalecer la reflexión ética de los estudiantes. PMID:20981242

  20. [Evaluation of the quality of Anales Españoles de Pediatría versus Medicina Clínica].


    Bonillo Perales, A


    To compare the scientific methodology and quality of articles published in Anales Españoles de Pediatría and Medicina Clínica. A stratified and randomized selection of 40 original articles published in 2001 in Anales Españoles de Pediatría and Medicina Clínica was made. Methodological errors in the critical analysis of original articles (21 items), epidemiological design, sample size, statistical complexity and levels of scientific evidence in both journals were compared using the chi-squared and/or Student's t-test. No differences were found between Anales Españoles de Pediatría and Medicina Clínica in the critical evaluation of original articles (p > 0.2). In original articles published in Anales Españoles de Pediatría, the designs were of lower scientific evidence (a lower proportion of clinical trials, cohort and case-control studies) (17.5 vs 42.5 %, p 0.05), sample sizes were smaller (p 0.003) and there was less statistical complexity in the results section (p 0.03). To improve the scientific quality of Anales Españoles de Pediatría, improved study designs, larger sample sizes and greater statistical complexity are required in its articles.

  1. [Adalberto Pazzini and the origins of the Istituto di Storia della Medicina].


    Conforti, Maria


    The first part of the paper deals with the Italian tradition of medical history in the 1930s, when Adalberto Pazzini became the most successful medical historian in Italy. Its second part deals with the founding and renovation (1938 and 1954 respectively) of the Istituto di Storia della Medicina at Rome University, with a description of the innovative--and largely utopian--planning of the Library and of the Museum and didactic collections by Pazzini.

  2. [Past and present of Medicina (Buenos Aires)].


    Pasqualini, C D; Kotsias, B A


    To celebrate the 60th anniversary of Medicina (Buenos Aires) an International Symposium was held at the National Academy of Medicine of Buenos Aires on the 6-7th of October 1999, under the title of Clinical investigation in the next millennium. This meeting was a success as evidenced by the 376 registered attendants. Sixty years of uninterrupted publication is an uncommon feat in our midst and this could be achieved on the basis of a number of factors which include, the initiative of those who founded the journal, the unfailing motivation and dedication of the Editorial Board and primarily the authors who have trusted us with their manuscripts. Of the many important papers published, we have selected a few which proved to be milestones in the development of Argentine biomedicine. It is to be hoped that the future will bring an increase in our impact index through more and even better papers eventually reflecting the authentic scientific value of our country.

  3. [Dialogues between Clio and Asclepius: Ivolino de Vasconcellos and the Revista Brasileira de História da Medicina].


    Amoroso, Mauro


    The Brazilian Institute for the History of Medicine was founded on 1945 by the physician Ivolino de Vasconcellos. Because the movement intended to be of national scope, the Federação Nacional de História da Medicina e Ciências Afins was also created (National Federation for the History of Medicine and Related Sciences). The latter group had a humanistic understanding of medicine, wherein the history of medicine played a central role; since this subject honored great names and achievements in medicine, members of the federation felt it was a prime tool in the ethical and humanistic training of healthcare professionals. Thus was born the Revista Brasileira de História da Medicina, which fostered scientific and academic production and events in the field of history of medicine and also registered the Federation's activities and scientific output.

  4. [Guidelines for specialized nutritional and metabolic support in the critically-ill patient. Update. Consensus of the Spanish Society of Intensive Care Medicine and Coronary Units-Spanish Society of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (SEMICYUC-SENPE): oncohematological patient].


    Planas, M; Fernández-Ortega, J F; Abilés, J


    Patients with cancer, irrespective of the stage of their disease, can require admission to the intensive care unit as a result of the complications of their underlying process or the surgical or pharmacological treatment provided. The cancer itself, as well as the critical status that can result from the complications of the disease, frequently lead to a high degree of hypermetabolism and inadequate energy intake, causing a high incidence of malnutrition in these patients. Moreover, cancer causes anomalous use of nutritional substrates and therefore the route of administration and proportion and intake of nutrients may differ in these patients from those in non-cancer patients. Copyright © 2011 Sociedad Española de Medicina Intensiva, Critica y Unidades Coronarias (SEMICYUC) and Elsevier España, S.L. All rights reserved.

  5. [Translation of titles into English in Medicina Clínica: quality and influence of the Spanish language].


    Navarro, F A; Barnes, J


    Journals that are not published solely in English have the titles of papers translated into English, the international language of medicine. The aim of this paper is to analyse the accuracy and quality of such translations in Medicina Clínica and to assess the influence of the morphology and syntax of Spanish on the English versions of the titles. Two professional medical translators, one Spanish and the other English, each with a knowledge of both languages, compared the original Spanish and the English translations of the titles of the 292 papers and communications published in the 20 issues of volume 100 of Medicina Clínica. The discrepancies or "errors" were classified in five groups of increasing seriousness. Of the titles studied, 77% contained some sort of error (458 errors were detected). In 100 titles (34%) there were differences in meaning between the original Spanish and the English translations. Another 72 titles contained serious orthographical, lexical or grammatical mistakes, though the basic meaning was not distorted. Approximately a third of the lexical and grammatical errors were attributable to the direct influence of Spanish. The English translations of titles in Medicina Clínica contain numerous orthographical, lexical and gammatical mistakes. Serious errors of meaning in a number of translated titles could result in misinterpretation by readers who do not know Spanish. We recommend that the authors should play a part in the translation of the titles, as this should provide a simple and effective mean of improving the accuracy of the translations. Our comparison yielded much worse results than had been expected, which suggests that similar studies with other medical journals in Spanish and other languages would be justified.

  6. [Johann Misch Astrophilus' book "Medicina Pauperum" in Hungarian. Copy of a lost or hidden book from 1660].


    Kiss, István; Tavaszy, Mariann; Kiss, Gergely


    Doctors and pharmacies in the 15th Century only used handwritten copies of the prescription collections available in their time. At the beginning of book printing the publishing of prescription collections immediately became popular. They could be found on the pages of medical and pharmaceutical books of many various editions with different structure and origin, as the forerunner of the official pharmacopoeias. From the 16th Century onwards books with the title "Medicina Pauperum" were published which helped the educated people to tend to themselves, the household, the servants and their immediate surroundings case of an illness. The first work specifically on the topic or of genre of the "Medicina Pauperum" according to our knowledge appeared in Hungarian in the year 1660 and currently seems to survived only in fragments under the title of "Medicina Pauperum", from an unknown author. A rare incident occurred in the present days as a "book" believed to be lost for us turned up from thin air. It is a "copied" manuscript in the size of 97×139 mm attached to the ribs with hemp cord, cropped around and in an unbound state. The book known before only in fractions is now available entirety handwritten on 318 pages, distributed to seven distinct parts. The research of its origin suggests that the author lived and worked in Nagyszombat and was called Johann Misch Astrophilus. The identification of the printing office was possible thanks to the examination of the initials and the gaudily, as well as the fonts and the watermark. By these results the printing very likely occurred in the Brewer Printing Press in Lőcse. For the possibility of more extensive research and value preservation the manuscript was bounded. The facsimile edition contains the magnified and digitalized pages of the original one and is published in numbered issues.

  7. [La Medicina del Lavoro: 100 volumes].


    Zocchetti, C


    With these pages La Medicina del Lavoro starts its 100th volume, so we have yet another historical occasion to celebrate the oldest occupational health journal in the world that is still publishing. Over the last few years we have had many occasions to celebrate, for example several anniversaries of the Journal (the 80th volume in 1989, 90 years in 1992, 100 years in 2001); the centenary of the foundation of the Clinica del Lavoro "Luigi Devoto" of Milan in 2001; the celebration of the 300 years' anniversary of the publication of De Morbis Artificum Diatriba by Bernardino Ramazzini, and we obviously hope to continue for many years to come in this positive outlook. One hundred volumes makes for a very large collection, with the highs and lows ofthe Journal's history (here we mean the variations in number of pages and physical size of the Journal). It is thanks to the Editors-in-chief(there have been very few so we can cite them all: Luigi Devoto, 1901-1936; Luigi Preti, 1936-1941; Enrico Vigliani, 1943-1992; e Vito Foà, 1992 to the present); the contributors who in various ways and with varying degrees of commitment but always with an exceptional personal participation, that it has been possible to reach 100 volumes, starting with C. Moreschi who, along with Luigi Devoto, was the first and sole editor at the Journal's foundation; up to the present extended and impressive editorial board; the printers (from the first. Tipografia Cooperativa, Via dei Molini in Pavia, to the latest: Casa Editrice Mattioli in Fidenza); the sponsors, including the most evident who, via advertising (rather limited as a matter offact), directly gave information about themselves, but also those who have often been or are behind the scenes, ensuring fundamental support which is not visible; content. articles, news, events, reports, ideas, opinions, photographs, tables, numbers... etc, which are really impossible to sum up. But the true collection which, for obvious reasons, cannot be

  8. [Revista Brasileira de História da Medicina, a pioneer in medical historiography].


    Mendonça, Amanda; Nicolini, Gabriel Baptista


    I(It? This?) presents the general characteristics of the Revista Brasileira de História da Medicina, which contributed for the emergence of the field of medicine history in Brazil by inciting bibliographic production on the subject. The purpose of our analysis is to foster research on the history of medicine and of the sciences. From the description of the editorial aspects of the journal one can have an idea of how the research field was organized between 1940 and 1960. The periodical also allows for an overview of the exchange occurring between Brazilian and foreign historian physicians at that time.

  9. Multi-technique approach for deriving a VLBI signal extra-path variation model induced by gravity: the example of Medicina

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sarti, P.; Abbondanza, C.; Negusini, M.; Vittuari, L.


    During the measurement sessions gravity might induce significant deformations in large VLBI telescopes. If neglected or mismodelled, these deformations might bias the phase of the incoming signal thus corrupting the estimate of some crucial geodetic parameters (e.g. the height component of VLBI Reference Point). This paper describes a multi-technique approach implemented for measuring and quantifying the gravity-dependent deformations experienced by the 32-m diameter VLBI antenna of Medicina (Northern Italy). Such an approach integrates three different methods: Terrestrial Triangulations and Trilaterations (TTT), Laser Scanning (LS) and a Finite Element Model (FEM) of the antenna. The combination of the observations performed with these methods allows to accurately define an elevation-dependent model of the signal path variation which appears to be, for the Medicina telescope, non negligible. In the range [0,90] deg the signal path increases monotonically by almost 2 cm. The effect of such a variation has not been introduced in actual VLBI analysis yet; nevertheless this is the task we are going to pursue in the very next future.

  10. Medicina ToO of the non-identified gamma-ray source AGL J1412-0522

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Egron, Elise; Pilia, Maura; Righini, Simona; Pellizzoni, Alberto; Loru, Sara; Giroletti, Marcello


    Following the AGILE detection of a non-identified gamma-ray source AGL J1412-0522 on 5-7 August 2017 (ATel #10623), we performed radio observations with the 32-m Medicina radio telescope at 8.5 GHz (with 680 MHz bandwidth) on 9 August 2017 from 12:40 to 19:00 UTC and on 10 August 2017 from 14:00 to 17:50 UTC. We carried out squared on-the-fly maps of 45.5'x45.5' centered on the gamma-ray position (ra=14:12:06.0, dec=-05:22:14.9) to take into account the 0.4 deg position error from AGILE results.

  11. 'For the benefit of the people': the Dutch translation of the Fasciculus medicinae, Antwerp 1512.


    Coppens, Christian


    The article deals with the Dutch translation of the Fasciculus medicinae based on the Latin edition, Venice 1495, with the famous woodcuts created in 1494 for the Italian translation of the original Latin edition of 1491. The woodcuts are compared with the Venetian model. New features in the Antwerp edition include the Skeleton and the Zodiac Man, bot originally based on German models. The text also deals with other woodcuts in the Low Countries based on these Venetian illustrations. The Appendices provide a short title catalog of all the editions and translations based on the Venetian edition and a stemma.

  12. [Guidelines for specialized nutritional and metabolic support in the critically-ill patient. Update. Consensus of the Spanish Society of Intensive Care Medicine and Coronary Units-Spanish Society of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (SEMICYUC-SENPE): neurocritical patient].


    Acosta Escribano, J; Herrero Meseguer, I; Conejero García-Quijada, R


    Neurocritical patients require specialized nutritional support due to their intense catabolism and prolonged fasting. The preferred route of nutrient administration is the gastrointestinal route, especially the gastric route. Alternatives are the transpyloric route or mixed enteral-parenteral nutrition if an effective nutritional volume of more than 60% cannot be obtained. Total calore intake ranges from 20-30 kcal/kg/day, depending on the period of the clinical course, with protein intake higher than 20% of total calories (hyperproteic diet). Nutritional support should be initiated early. The incidence of gastrointestinal complications is generally higher to other critically-ill patients, the most frequent complication being an increase in gastric residual volume. As in other critically-ill patients, glycemia should be closely monitored and maintained below 150 mg/dL. Copyright © 2011 Sociedad Española de Medicina Intensiva, Critica y Unidades Coronarias (SEMICYUC) and Elsevier España, S.L. All rights reserved.

  13. Pulmonary Function in a Diving Population Aged Over 40 Years Old: A Cross-Sectional Study

    DTIC Science & Technology


    ADIVP -2 ALLIED GUIDE TO DIVING Fisiologia del ejercicio . la edicion. Madrid. MEDICAL DISORDERS. Publicacion Editorial Medica Panamericana S.A. 1995...activity. 13-5 12. LUCIA MULAS A. La ventilaci6n REFERENCES.- pulmonar durante el ejercicio . En L6pez Chicharro J. Fern-ndez Vaquero AX(eds.). 1...las pruebas de funci6n KK. Relation of alveolar size to forced vital pulmonar a la medicina del deporte. Tesis capacity in professional divers. Doctoral

  14. Thermal behavior of the Medicina 32-meter radio telescope

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Pisanu, Tonino; Buffa, Franco; Morsiani, Marco; Pernechele, Claudio; Poppi, Sergio


    We studied the thermal effects on the 32 m diameter radio-telescope managed by the Institute of Radio Astronomy (IRA), Medicina, Bologna, Italy. The preliminary results show that thermal gradients deteriorate the pointing performance of the antenna. Data has been collected by using: a) two inclinometers mounted near the elevation bearing and on the central part of the alidade structure; b) a non contact laser alignment optical system capable of measuring the secondary mirror position; c) twenty thermal sensors mounted on the alidade trusses. Two series of measurements were made, the first series was performed by placing the antenna in stow position, the second series was performed while tracking a circumpolar astronomical source. When the antenna was in stow position we observed a strong correlation between the inclinometer measurements and the differential temperature. The latter was measured with the sensors located on the South and North sides of the alidade, thus indicating that the inclinometers track well the thermal deformation of the alidade. When the antenna pointed at the source we measured: pointing errors, the inclination of the alidade, the temperature of the alidade components and the subreflector position. The pointing errors measured on-source were 15-20 arcsec greater than those measured with the inclinometer.

  15. Multibeam Gpu Transient Pipeline for the Medicina BEST-2 Array

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Magro, A.; Hickish, J.; Adami, K. Z.


    Radio transient discovery using next generation radio telescopes will pose several digital signal processing and data transfer challenges, requiring specialized high-performance backends. Several accelerator technologies are being considered as prototyping platforms, including Graphics Processing Units (GPUs). In this paper we present a real-time pipeline prototype capable of processing multiple beams concurrently, performing Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) rejection through thresholding, correcting for the delay in signal arrival times across the frequency band using brute-force dedispersion, event detection and clustering, and finally candidate filtering, with the capability of persisting data buffers containing interesting signals to disk. This setup was deployed at the BEST-2 SKA pathfinder in Medicina, Italy, where several benchmarks and test observations of astrophysical transients were conducted. These tests show that on the deployed hardware eight 20 MHz beams can be processed simultaneously for 640 Dispersion Measure (DM) values. Furthermore, the clustering and candidate filtering algorithms employed prove to be good candidates for online event detection techniques. The number of beams which can be processed increases proportionally to the number of servers deployed and number of GPUs, making it a viable architecture for current and future radio telescopes.

  16. Intrasite motions and monument instabilities at Medicina ITRF co-location site

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sarti, Pierguido; Abbondanza, Claudio; Legrand, Juliette; Bruyninx, Carine; Vittuari, Luca; Ray, Jim


    We process the total-station surveys performed at the ITRF co-location site Medicina (Northern Italy) over the decade (2001-2010) with the purpose of determining the extent of local intrasite motions and relating them to local geophysical processes, the geological setting and the design of the ground pillars. In addition, continuous observations acquired by two co-located GPS stations (MEDI and MSEL separated by ≈27 m) are analysed and their relative motion is cross-checked with the total-station results. The local ground control network extends over a small area (<100 × 100 m) but the results demonstrate significant anisotropic deformations with rates up to 1.6 mm a-1, primarily horizontal, a value comparable to intraplate tectonic deformations. The results derived from GPS and total-station observations are consistent and point to the presence of horizontal intrasite motions over very short distances possibly associated with varying environmental conditions in a very unfavourable local geological setting and unsuitable monument design, these latter being crucial aspects of the realization and maintenance of global permanent geodetic networks and the global terrestrial reference frame.

  17. [Physical activity centre VSTJ MEDICINA Prague--rehabilitation for diabetics].


    Fábin, P; Matoulek, M


    Physical activity is the basic non-pharmacological instrument in the treatment of type 2 diabetes. Nevertheless, only a small number of diabetics take regular physical exercise. One of the reasons why diabetics "do not exercise" is that they have little opportunity to try physical stress under expert supervision and to get to know its effects on, for example, sugar levels. It is a very complex matter to define the optimal intensity of physical activity of, for example, a diabetic who suffers from obesity. In 2001 VSTJ MEDICINA Prague opened its first physical activity centre at the First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague, in cooperation with the Third Internal Clinic and the Institute of Sports Medicine of the First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague. It now has over 2000 members, of whom around 60% are patients with metabolic syndrome. Over 150 patients exercise every day under the supervision of expert instructors. The main objective of the Physical Activity Centre is to teach patients the correct principles of physical exercise to enable them to continue carrying out their trainers' instructions at home. A correct understanding of the importance of physical exercise and practical experience under the supervision of experienced instructors improves compliance and has a strong effect on the compensation of diabetes, thereby improving the prognoses of these patients.

  18. [Profile of patients with anophthalmic cavity: study at Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu - UNESP].


    Narikawa, Silvia; Natsuaki, Kryscia Leiko; Fruet, Juliana; Padovani, Carlos Roberto; Schellini, Silvana Artioli


    To evaluate the profile of anophthalmic cavity carriers and patients' evolution with the employed treatments. Retrospective study carried out at Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu, to evaluate the profile and the evolution of patients with anophthalmic cavity treated in our service. Data were evaluated according to the frequency of occurrence and analysis of association. Anophthalmic cavity was more frequently observed in young males, workers in activities carried on with their hands. Trauma and phthisis bulbi were the most frequent causes, with differences according to age and gender. The complications were high (57.1% of cases), the majority occurred belatedly. Trauma is still an important cause of loss of the eye. The complications during the follow-up of the patient are frequent, occurring in general, very late, which reinforces the need for periodic and prolonged monitoring of patients with anophthalmic cavity.

  19. "De medicina et morbis" from De rerum naturis by Rabano Mauro.


    Iorio, Luigi; Mantella, Daniela; Iorio, Brunella


    De rerum naturis from the Monastery of Montecassino (MS codex 132) by Rabano Mauro, is a medieval encyclopedia issued around the year 1025, in the Abbey of Montecassino, during the period of Abbot Teobaldo. It is a copy of a more ancient text, written almost certainly in the Abbey of Fulda 2 centuries before, when Rabano Mauro was the abbot - that is, in the Carolingian age. In the Book 18 there is a chapter entitled "De medicina et morbis," in which we find related the fundamental principles on which studies of the human body, illness and the principal medicinal herbs were based. The text is not intended for teaching the medical art, but has the precise objective of helping to form the cultured Christian, trying to combine the old Greek-Roman tradition with a mystical vision, giving a moral application according to the dictates of Jewish-Christian religion. This text is indicative of the fusion of the scientific and religious worlds in the West during the Middle Ages. This interpretation of the universe will last for about a millennium, and only the Renaissance will be able to separate the 2 worlds again.

  20. [Positivism and medical science in Rio Grande do Sul: the Faculdade de Medicina de Porto Alegre].


    Weber, B T


    The article analyzes conflicts and interests at one of Rio Grande de Sul's main centers for medical science, the Faculdade de Medicina de Porto Alegre. It explores the meaning and impact of the emergence of this specific, exclusive field of knowledge in a state where positivist principles of professional freedom were adopted by successive administrations during the early period of the Republic. Physicians there launched an entrenched war to uphold the principles of science over faith and politics, challenging the positivism of the party which held power in Rio Grande do Sul throughout the years. This perspective grew and developed in a climate of conflict and doubts among physicians, within a political context that differed from the rest of Brazil.

  1. Developments of FPGA-based digital back-ends for low frequency antenna arrays at Medicina radio telescopes

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Naldi, G.; Bartolini, M.; Mattana, A.; Pupillo, G.; Hickish, J.; Foster, G.; Bianchi, G.; Lingua, A.; Monari, J.; Montebugnoli, S.; Perini, F.; Rusticelli, S.; Schiaffino, M.; Virone, G.; Zarb Adami, K.

    In radio astronomy Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) technology is largely used for the implementation of digital signal processing techniques applied to antenna arrays. This is mainly due to the good trade-off among computing resources, power consumption and cost offered by FPGA chip compared to other technologies like ASIC, GPU and CPU. In the last years several digital backend systems based on such devices have been developed at the Medicina radio astronomical station (INAF-IRA, Bologna, Italy). Instruments like FX correlator, direct imager, beamformer, multi-beam system have been successfully designed and realized on CASPER (Collaboration for Astronomy Signal Processing and Electronics Research, https://casper.berkeley.edu) processing boards. In this paper we present the gained experience in this kind of applications.

  2. 2001 GPS and Classical Survey at Medicina Observatory: Local Tie and VLBI Antenna's Reference Point Determination

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Vittuari, Luca; Sarti, Pierguido; Tomasi, Paolo


    During a 6 days campaign in June 2001, we have performed a local survey at Medicina Observatory using classical geodesy and GPS techniques in order to determine the effects of an undergone track repair. We have determined the position of the reference point P within a local and ITRF2000 (epoch 1997.0) reference frames using trilateration and triangulation: Pclas_{loc}^{2001}=(21.580pm0.001,45.536pm0.001,17.699pm0.001) Pclas_{loc}^{2001}=(21.580pm0.001,45.536pm0.001,17.699pm0.001) Pclas_{ITRF2000}^{1997.0}=(4461369.982pm0.001,919596.818pm0.001,4449559.207pm0.001) Kinematic GPS has also given interesting results:Medicina in ITRF2000 the agreement is striking especially for the classical technique. A complete tie between the 3-D forced centered local ground control network (materialised in May 2000) and the widely used older network (which is now experiencing some problems due to the disgregation of the concrete where bolts are situated) has also been realised. This will allow inter-comparison of results obtained by the different campaigns that have been carried out in the last decade. Finally, the position of the ASI-GPS permanent station has been estimated within the local ground control network. Thus, using classical methodology, a precise determination of the VLBI-GPS ex-centre vector has been possible.

  3. [Intensive medicine in Spain].



    Intensive care medicine is a medical specialty that was officially established in our country in 1978, with a 5-year training program including two years of common core training followed by three years of specific training in an intensive care unit accredited for training. During this 32-year period, intensive care medicine has carried out an intense and varied activity, which has allowed its positioning as an attractive and with future specialty in the hospital setting. This document summarizes the history of the specialty, its current situation, the key role played in the programs of organ donation and transplantation of the National Transplant Organization (after more than 20 years of mutual collaboration), its training activities with the development of the National Plan of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation, with a trajectory of more than 25 years, its interest in providing care based on quality and safety programs for the severely ill patient. It also describes the development of reference registries due to the need for reliable data on the care process for the most prevalent diseases, such as ischemic heart disease or ICU-acquired infections, based on long-term experience (more than 15 years), which results in the availability of epidemiological information and characteristics of care that may affect the practical patient's care. Moreover, features of its scientific society (SEMICYUC) are reported, an organization that agglutinates the interests of more than 280 ICUs and more than 2700 intensivists, with reference to the journal Medicina Intensiva, the official journal of the society and the Panamerican and Iberian Federation of Critical Medicine and Intensive Care Societies. Medicina Intensiva is indexed in the Thompson Reuters products of Science Citation Index Expanded (Scisearch(®)) and Journal Citation Reports, Science Edition. The important contribution of the Spanish intensive care medicine to the scientific community is also analyzed, and in relation to

  4. Separating Mass and Height Contributions in Gravity Variations at Medicina, Italy

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zerbini, S.; Bruni, S.; Errico, M.; Santi, E.; Wziontek, H.


    During 1996, at the Medicina station, a GPS and a superconducting gravimeter (SG) were installed in the framework of an experiment focused on the comparison between height and gravity variations. Absolute gravity observations are also performed twice a year and environmental parameters, among others water table levels, are recorded continuously. The station is also equipped with a second GPS system, the two antennas are very close to each other, and both are located in close proximity to the VLBI dish. Two decades of continuous height and gravity observations are now available which allow investigating both long and short period signals and the relevant correlations between the two measured quantities. Long period signatures are observed, a principal component is due to subsidence which is well known to occur in the area; however, also non-linear long-period behaviors are observed. Seasonal effects are also clearly recognizable in the time series and are mainly associated with the water table seasonal behavior. The station is characterized by clayey soil which is subject to consolidation effects when the water table lowers during the summer period. This effect is particularly recognizable in the SG data since the instrument is installed on a shallow foundation pillar which may suffer for height decreases in the order of 2,5-3 cm for water table lowering of 2 m.

  5. Disease of the kidney and of the urinary tract in De Medicina Methodica (Padua, 1611) of Prospero Alpini (1563-1616).


    De Santo, Natale Gaspare; Bisaccia, Carmela; Ricciardi, Biagio; Anastasio, Pietro; Aliotta, Giovanni; Ongaro, Giuseppe


    The study was devised to understand the contribution to nephrology ofDe Medicina Methodicaof Prospero Alpini published in 1511, at a time when the fame of the professor reached the azimuth. We have analyzed the contents of chapters devoted to nephrology in that book of Prospero Alpini and the novelties of his message. Prospero Alpini (1563-1616) taught at the University of Padua (1594-1616), at the same time of Galileo Galilei, Santorio Santorio, and Girolamo Fabrizi dAcquapendente, when measurements (pulse, temperature, perspiration) were introduced into medicine. He was a travelling physician to whom we owe fundamental contributions to the use of urine to prognosticate life and death (De Praesagienda vita et morte aegrotantium libri septem, Venetiis, apud Haeredes Melchioris Sessae,1601). As prefect of the Botanical Garden - the first ever and a model in the world - he could turn the study of simples into cures(De Medicina Methodica Libri Tredecim. Patavi, apud Franciscum Bolzettam, 1611. Ex typographia Laurentij Pasquali, is anin foliovolume of XLVII + 424 pages, 54 lines per page), wherein Alpini aimed to rejuvenate antique medical Methodism. It is a testimony of the interest of medicine philosophers of the modern era for the corpuscular and atomic ideas (Nancy Siraisi). Methodists (2ndCentury BC) refused anatomy and physiology as unique guidelines to the interpretations of diseases and gave importance to the development of a pharmacological science and alternative medicine. The book begins with a 3 page letter to Francis Maria della Rovere Duke of Montefeltro, and a 2 page letter to the readers. We discuss the novelties of the chapters on renal colic (de dolorerenum), hematuria (de sanguinis profluvium), pyuria, anuria (de urina suppressa) and its cure, polyuria (de urina profluvio), renal abscesses, hydrops and its treatment by skin incisions. We also analyze the chapter on kidney and bladder stones (Book X, Chapter XVIII, pp. 354-356) - a masterpiece of

  6. [Theses on hepatitis at the Faculdade de Medicina of the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, 1837-2000].


    Gaze, Rosangela; Carvalho, Diana Maul de; Tura, Luiz Fernando Rangel; Martins, Carolina Passos Telles Taveira; Lobato, Vanessa Maria Tavares


    An inventory of the theses on hepatitis of the Faculdade de Medicina of the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro between 1837 and 2000 is presented. The analysis indicates the potential and limits for discussion of the evolutionary framework of scientific knowledge on these health problems in Brazil. The theories are also discussed in light of their scientific reference points and the technological and social changes that influenced them. The landmarks in medical education and knowledge about hepatitis are identified and categorized, considering that the theses reveal at the very least the state of the art on the subject. The study makes it possible to explore the foundations upon which the scientific knowledge on hepatitis were built and indicate possibilities for research in the reconstruction of scientific knowledge of other health problems.

  7. [Evaluation of the status of patients with severe infection, criteria for intensive care unit admittance. Spanish Society for Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology. Spanish Society of Intensive and Critical Medicine and Coronary Units].


    Olaechea, Pedro M; Alvarez-Lerma, Francisco; Sánchez, Miguel; Torres, Antonio; Palomar, Mercedes; Fernández, Pedro; Miró, José M; Cisneros, José Miguel; Torres, Manuel


    Recent studies have shown that early attention in patients with serious infections is associated with a better outcome. Assistance in intensive care units (ICU) can effectively provide this attention; hence patients should be admitted to the ICU as soon as possible, before clinical deterioration becomes irreversible. The objective of this article is to compile the recommendations for evaluating disease severity in patients with infections and describe the criteria for ICU admission, updating the criteria published 10 years ago. A literature review was carried out, compiling the opinions of experts from the Sociedad Española de Enfermedades Infecciosas y Microbiología Clínica (SEIMC, Spanish Society for Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology) and the Sociedad Española de Medicina Intensiva, Crítica y Unidades Coronarias (SEMICYUC, Spanish Society for Intensive Medicine, Critical Care and Coronary Units) as well as the working groups for infections in critically ill patients (GEIPC-SEIMC and GTEI-SEMICYUC). We describe the specific recommendations for ICU admission related to the most common infections affecting patients, who will potentially benefit from critical care. Assessment of the severity of the patient's condition to enable early intensive care is stressed.

  8. [Productivity, visibility and citation analysis of the Revista Peruana de Medicina Experimental y Salud Pública, 2002-2009].


    Huamaní, Charles


    Biomedical journals are the most used and important venue to disseminate and interchange scientific information, and evaluation is an important component. A bibliometric study was conducted on the productivity, visibility and citation analysis of the Revista Peruana de Medicina Experimental y Salud Pública (RPMESP), from 2002 to 2009. During this period, the RPMESP published about 62 documents per year, 55.3% were research articles. The visibility of RPMESP, determined among three databases (SISBIB-UNMSM, SciELO-Peru, and REDALYC), was irregular, increasing on July 2006, with the highest access on October 2009 (117,618 hits). 43.0% of publications were cited. The calculated impact factor in ISI journals was 0.04 in 2009. In conclusion, the citation of RPMESP shows a slowly growing during the period 2002-2009. It is hoped that the RPMESP increase its visibility and impact after its inclusion in MEDLINE.

  9. Neurology at Escola Paulista de Medicina (1933-1995). From Fausto Guerner to José Geraldo Camargo Lima.


    Ferraz, Henrique Ballalai; Neves, Afonso Carlos


    Escola Paulista de Medicina (EPM) was founded in 1933 and the first Professor of Neurology was Fausto Guerner, who could not effectively assume the teaching activities due to his premature death in 1938. Professor Guerner had had his neurological training at Paris. Professor Longo was his successor. Longo was one of the founders of Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria the foremost journal of neurosciences in Latin American. Longo died in 1967 and Professor Paulo Pupo succeeded him. Pupo introduced electroencephalography in Brazil. After his death in 1970, Professor Dante Giorgi succeeded him until 1974. Professor José Geraldo Camargo Lima took over the position after Giorgi's death. He created the Neurological Emergency unit, initiated the Post-Graduation in Neurology and divided the Discipline in specialized units. During the 1980's and until his retirement in 1995, EPM had become one of most important centers of Brazil training neurologists and researchers in neurological sciences.

  10. The scientific authorship of Doctor Chernoviz, from the popularization of medicine to professional training: the Dicionário de medicina popular, 1842-1890.


    Medeiros, Aline da Silva


    This article reflects on the scientific authorship of Pedro Luiz Napoleão Chernoviz, based on his Dicionário de medicina popular, which was published in six editions between 1842 and 1890. The first part of the text discusses Chernoviz's position within the regimes of scientific authorship which were present in the medical community in Rio de Janeiro. Next, we analyze the author's arguments justifying a text that popularized medical science while this field strove for exclusivity in the practice of medicine. Finally, we suggest new meanings around Chernoviz's scientific authorship based on how the Dicionário was used and read by an initiated public.

  11. Propriedades de estruturas temporais rápidas submilimétricas durante uma grande explosão solar

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Raulin, J.-P.; Kaufmann, P.; Gimenez de Castro, C. G.; Pacini, A. A.; Makhmutov, V.; Levato, H.; Rovira, M.


    Apresentamos novas propriedades de variações rápidas da emissão submilimétrica durante uma das maiores explosões solares do ciclo solar 23. Os dados analisados neste estudo foram obtidos com o Telescópio Solar Submilimétrico (SST), que observa o Sol em 212 GHz e 405 GHz, e comparados com emissões em Raios-X duros e Raios-gama (fótons de energia > 10 MeV), que foram obtidas pelo experimento GRS do Yohkoh. Aplicamos diferentes metodologias para detectar e caracterizar, ao longo do evento, os pulsos submilimétricos (duração de 50-300 ms) detectados acima de uma componente mais lenta (alguns minutos). Os resultados mostram que durante a fase impulsiva, num instante próximo ao tempo do máximo do evento, houve um aumento da ocorrência de maiores e de mais rápidas estruturas temporais. Também identificamos uma boa correlação com as emissões em raios-X e raios-gama (até a faixa de energia 10-100 MeV), indicando que os pulsos rápidos submilimétricos refletiram injeções primárias de energia durante o evento.O espectro do fluxo desses pulsos é crescente com a freqüência entre 212 and 405 GHz, na maioria dos casos, ao contrário do observado para a componente gradual. As posições calculadas para as estruturas rápidas são discretas, compactas e localizadas em toda a área da região ativa, o que é previsto nos modelos de explosões solares decorrentes de instabilidades múltiplas em diferentes pequenas regiões. Por outro lado, a posição calculada para a componente lenta é estável durante a fase impulsiva. Assim, a comparação entre as características do espectro de fluxo e da localização da emissão, para os pulsos rápidos e para a componente gradual, sugere que as respectivas emissões são de natureza diferente.

  12. [The language of medicine as presented in the references of original articles published in Medicina Clínica for 50 years (1945-1995)].


    Navarro, F A


    To describe and analyse the frequency of the various languages in the bibliographical references from the original articles published in MEDICINA CLINICA during the past 50 years (1945-1995). The languages of publication of 12,807 references from 540 original works published in MEDICINA CLINICA between 1945 and 1995 were determined (at the rate of near 50 articles per year at intervals of five years). The percentage of references in English increased constantly until 1980, but has decreased since then (26.3% in 1945, 42.1% in 1995, 57.7% in 1970, 84.2% in 1980 and 78.5% in 1995). In contrast, the percentage of references in Spanish decreased until 1980, but has increased since then (27.4% in 1945, 18.4% in 1955, 15.8% in 1970, 8.1% in 1980 and 20.0% in 1995). Initially the percentage of references in French remained more or less constant, but decreased markedly from 1970 on ward (23.1% in 1945, 22.5% in 1955, 17.1% in 1970, 5.9% in 1980 and 0.5% in 1995). The percentage of references in German decreased almost continuously during the whole period studied (19.6% in 1945, 10.7% in 1955, 5.8% in 1970, 0.3% in 1980 and 0.3% also in 1995). In 1965, English became the undisputed language of medicine in Spain. The importance of English increased from 1945, then stabilised and even started to decrease in 1980. The importance of Spanish has evolved inversely to that of English, decreasing until 1980 and increasing since that time. The importance of French remained stable until 1970, since when it has decreased, although it continued to be mentioned relatively frequently until 1990. The importance of German decreased constantly from 1945, until this language almost completely disappeared from 1985 onward.

  13. Viability and molecular authentication of Coccidioides spp. isolates from the Instituto de Medicina Tropical de São Paulo culture collection, Brazil.


    Cavalcanti, Sarah Desirée Barbosa; Vidal, Mônica Scarpelli Martinelli; Sousa, Maria da Glória Teixeira de; Del Negro, Gilda Maria Barbaro


    Coccidioidomycosis is an emerging fungal disease in Brazil; adequate maintenance and authentication of Coccidioides isolates are essential for research into genetic diversity of the environmental organisms, as well as for understanding the human disease. Seventeen Coccidioides isolates maintained under mineral oil since 1975 in the Instituto de Medicina Tropical de São Paulo (IMTSP) culture collection, Brazil, were evaluated with respect to their viability, morphological characteristics and genetic features in order to authenticate these fungal cultures. Only five isolates were viable after almost 30 years, showing typical morphological characteristics, and sequencing analysis using Coi-F and Coi-R primers revealed 99% identity with Coccidioides genera. These five isolates were then preserved in liquid nitrogen and sterile water, and remained viable after two years of storage under these conditions, maintaining the same features.

  14. [Mechanical ventilation in acute asthma crisis].


    Barbas, Carmen Sílvia Valente; Pinheiro, Bruno do Valle; Vianna, Arthur; Magaldi, Ricardo; Casati, Ana; José, Anderson; Okamoto, Valdelis Novis


    The II Brazilian Consensus Conference on Mechanical Ventilation was published in 2000. Knowledge on the field of mechanical ventilation evolved rapidly since then, with the publication of numerous clinical studies with potential impact on the ventilatory management of critically ill patients. Moreover, the evolving concept of evidence - based medicine determined the grading of clinical recommendations according to the methodological value of the studies on which they are based. This explicit approach has broadened the understanding and adoption of clinical recommendations. For these reasons, AMIB - Associação de Medicina Intensiva Brasileira and SBPT - Sociedade Brasileira de Pneumologia e Tisiologia - decided to update the recommendations of the II Brazilian Consensus. Mechanical ventilation in the asthma attack has been one of the updated topics. Describe the most important topics on the mechanical ventilation during the asthma attack and suggest the main therapeutic approaches. Systematic review of the published literature and gradation of the studies in levels of evidence, using the key words "mechanical ventilation" and "asthma". We present recommendations on the ventilatory modes and settings to be adopted when ventilating a patient during an asthma attack, as well as the recommended monitoring. Alternative ventilation techniques are also presented. Protective ventilatory strategies are recommended when ventilating a patient during a severe asthma attack.

  15. [The chapter De Puero virgine (or de homine) of Liber medicinae ex animalibus by Sextus Placidus. Historical study, new critical edition and translation].


    Ferraces Rodríguez, Arsenio


    The article offers an historical study, a new critical edition and the translation of the chapter De Puero virgine of Liber medicinae ex animalibus by Sextus Placitus, firstly edited by Sigerist and Howald in 1927. The book, dating to Late Antiquity, is part of a phyto -zootherapeutical corpus, trasmitted by the manuscript tradition in a single block of text whose central axis is represented by the Herbarium by Pseudo-Apuleius, the tractatus De herba vettonica attributed to Antonius Musa and the De taxone. Chapter 17 is devoted to pharmacological recipes whose ingredients are organic or human body parts; here is provided a critical edition based on the collation of three texts in the manuscript tradition, well testifying the particular vitality of medical prescription texts in Late Antiquity.

  16. Slips, lapses and mistakes inthe use of equipment by nurses in an intensive care unit.


    Ribeiro, Gabriella da Silva Rangel; Silva, Rafael Celestino da; Ferreira, Márcia de Assunção; Silva, Grazielle Rezende da


    Toidentify the occurrence of errors in the use of equipment by nurses working in intensive careandanalyzing them in the framework of James Reason's theory of human error. Qualitative field study in the intensive care unit of a federal hospital in the city of Rio de Janeiro. Observation and interviews were conductedwith eight nurses, from March to December 2014. Content analysis was used for the interviews, as well as the description of the scenes observed. Lapses of memory and attention were identified in the handling of infusion pumps, as well as planning failures during the programming of monitors. Errors cause adverse events that compromise patient safety. The authors propose creation of an instrument for daily checking of equipment, with checks throughout the work process in the programming of infusion pumps and monitors, in order to reduce failures and memory lapses. Identificar a ocorrência de erros na utilização de equipamentos por enfermeiros que atuam na terapia intensiva, analisando-os à luz da teoria do erro humano de James Reason. Pesquisa de campo, qualitativa, na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva de um hospital federal do Rio de Janeiro. Realizou-se observação e entrevista com oito enfermeiros, de março a dezembro de 2014. Aplicou-se análise de conteúdo nas entrevistas e descrição densa nas cenas observadas. Identificaram-se falhas de memória e de atenção no manuseio das bombas infusoras e falhas de planejamento durante a programação dos monitores. Os erros causam eventos adversos que comprometem a segurança do paciente. Propõe-se um instrumento de verificação diária dos equipamentos, com checagens ao longo do processo de trabalho da programação das bombas infusoras e monitores, no intuito de reduzir as falhas e esquecimentos.


    PubMed Central

    Cintrón-Bou, Francheska; Varas-Díaz, Nelson; Marzán-Rodríguez, Melissa; Neilands, Torsten B.


    Existe estigma relacionado al VIH. A las personas con VIH/SIDA-PCVS se les viola sus derechos y obstaculiza su bienestar mental/físico. Profesionales de la salud-PS son fuente de apoyo primordial, sin embargo estos/as le estigmatizan. Es útil adiestrar a PS en relación al estigma social. Implantamos la intervención para reducir el estigma relacionado al VIH/SIDA con 507 estudiantes de medicina. Resultó ser una intervención efectiva, hubo reducción en los niveles de estigma a partir de nuestra intervención y diferencias significativas con el grupo control (p≤.05). Generar espacios de adiestramiento para atender el estigma relacionado al VIH/SIDA es pertinente para la psicología comunitaria porque colaboramos en la reducción de actitudes estigmatizantes que afectan adversamente la prevención de nuevas infecciones, la adherencia al tratamiento antirretroviral y la calidad de vida. PMID:27829690

  18. [Cardiac transplantation and neoplasms: experiences at Escola Paulista de Medicina of the Federal University of São Paulo].


    Mello Junior, Walter Teixeira de; Branco, João Nelson R; Catani, Roberto; Aguiar, Luciano de Figueiredo; Paez, Rodrigo Pereira; Buffolo, Enio


    To study the occurrence and types of neoplasms developed by patients who underwent an orthotopic cardiac transplantation under the Program of Cardiac Transplantation of Escola Paulista de Medicina, Federal University of São Paulo. This is an observational study of 106 patients who underwent orthotopic cardiac transplantation from November 1986 to September 2002 and survived at least thirty days following the procedure. The triple immunosuppressive regimen given included cyclosporin A, azathioprine and a corticosteroid agent. Only two patients received OKT3 in addition to the regimen established. Mean follow-up was 61.4 months (ranging from two months to 192 months). Twenty-three patients (21.3%) developed neoplasms--56.5% of these were skin neoplasm, 30.1%, solid tumors, and 13.4% of post-transplant lymphoproliferative disease (PTLD). Mean interval between transplantation and diagnosis of neoplasm was: 54.9 months for skin neoplasm; 24.8 months for solid tumors and 70.3 months for PTLD. Malignant neoplasms are relatively common in the population studied. Skin cancer was the most common type compared to the other types of neoplasms. Solid tumors were more frequently diagnosed than the lymphoproliferative diseases in the population examined.

  19. Traitement de la neuromyélite optique de Devic durant de la grossesse

    PubMed Central

    Daouda, Moussa Toudou; Obenda, Norlin Samuel; Assadeck, Hamid; Camara, Diankanagbe; Djibo, Fatimata Hassane


    La neuromyélite optique de Devic est une pathologie inflammatoire démyélinisante du système nerveux central qui affecte électivement la moelle spinale, le nerf optique et les régions cérébrales à haute expression d’antigènes aquaporine 4. Il s’agit d’une pathologie auto-immune sévère due à des auto-anticorps dirigés contre l’aquaporine 4, à taux de morbidité et de mortalité élevé. Contrairement à d’autres pathologies inflammatoires notamment la sclérose en plaques ou polyarthrite rhumatoïde, la grossesse n’exerce aucune influence sur l’activité de la neuromyélite optique d’où la nécessité d’instaurer un traitement de fond durant toute la grossesse. La corticothérapie représente le traitement de premier choix de la neuromyélite optique durant la grossesse. D’autres traitements peuvent également être utilisés notamment le rituximab, certains immunosuppresseurs, les immunoglobulines. Le traitement par immunosuppresseurs ou rituximab est proposé lorsque la corticothérapie au long cours est contre-indiquée ou en cas d’inefficacité à celle-ci ou encore lorsque les effets secondaires sont intolérables. Les immunoglobulines sont administrées en cas de poussées sévères de la neuromyélite optique qui ne répondent pas aux bolus de methylprednisolone. Les immunoglobulines peuvent également être poursuivies seules à la dose 0,4g/kg/j toutes les 6 à 8 semaines jusqu’à l’accouchement. La plasmaphérèse est également une bonne alternative aux bolus de methylprednisolone lorsque les poussées sont très sévères. PMID:27800085

  20. Medicina array demonstrator: calibration and radiation pattern characterization using a UAV-mounted radio-frequency source

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Pupillo, G.; Naldi, G.; Bianchi, G.; Mattana, A.; Monari, J.; Perini, F.; Poloni, M.; Schiaffino, M.; Bolli, P.; Lingua, A.; Aicardi, I.; Bendea, H.; Maschio, P.; Piras, M.; Virone, G.; Paonessa, F.; Farooqui, Z.; Tibaldi, A.; Addamo, G.; Peverini, O. A.; Tascone, R.; Wijnholds, S. J.


    One of the most challenging aspects of the new-generation Low-Frequency Aperture Array (LFAA) radio telescopes is instrument calibration. The operational LOw-Frequency ARray (LOFAR) instrument and the future LFAA element of the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) require advanced calibration techniques to reach the expected outstanding performance. In this framework, a small array, called Medicina Array Demonstrator (MAD), has been designed and installed in Italy to provide a test bench for antenna characterization and calibration techniques based on a flying artificial test source. A radio-frequency tone is transmitted through a dipole antenna mounted on a micro Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) (hexacopter) and received by each element of the array. A modern digital FPGA-based back-end is responsible for both data-acquisition and data-reduction. A simple amplitude and phase equalization algorithm is exploited for array calibration owing to the high stability and accuracy of the developed artificial test source. Both the measured embedded element patterns and calibrated array patterns are found to be in good agreement with the simulated data. The successful measurement campaign has demonstrated that a UAV-mounted test source provides a means to accurately validate and calibrate the full-polarized response of an antenna/array in operating conditions, including consequently effects like mutual coupling between the array elements and contribution of the environment to the antenna patterns. A similar system can therefore find a future application in the SKA-LFAA context.

  1. [Researchers training in the context of the collaborative projects: experiences of Instituto de Medicina Tropical "Alexander von Humbolt", Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia].


    Gotuzzo, Eduardo; González, Elsa; Verdonck, Kristien


    Research is a main element for human and social development. Under this point of view, it involves particular challenges and opportunities for the so-called "developing countries". An approach for those challenges and opportunities comes from the analysis of two interrelated activities; the training of new researchers and the research development with institutions or researchers which are external to the institution ("collaborative research"). Both activities are essential for the consolidation, widening and updating of the institutional capabilities for scientific production. We present here the experiences of the Instituto de Medicina Tropical "Alexander von Humboldt" of the Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, in relation to the training of new researchers, we discuss the four elements we consider key for this process; the promotion of stimulating environments for research, the proactive identification of fellows, the complementary advice and networks consolidation; and we analyze three successful models of international collaboration for the training of new researchers under different institutional approaches.

  2. [The anti-philosophical anthropology in the Hippocratic treatise De Vetere Medicina (On Ancient Medicine)].


    Imai, Masahiro


    The Hippocratic treatise De Vetere Medicina (On Ancient Medicine) has been the focus of attention among classical scholars and historians of medicine. The author attacks in ch. 20 doctors and sophists who base their own medical theories and methods on philosophical anthropology taken from the contemporary natural philosophers. Many attempts have been made to elucidate, as opposed to their philosophical inquiry into human nature, the author's way of understanding it, which still remains unclear. I draw attention to the following points to make it clear that the conceptual framework of the author's medical anthropology is different from theirs. Their philosophical inquiry into human nature has its starting point in fundamental element(s), from which human beings were originally formed. The author focuses on human beings as existent in their present states, whose conditions and functions must be investigated through interrelations between them and their external factors, such as foods and drinks. A medical investigation into the interrelations will give us a scientific idea about human body, whose constituents are taken to be a large number of humors, reacting against some external factors and accordingly making us feel pain. This may presuppose that, in the author's medical anthropology, human body is conceptually demarcated as the physical or material aspect of human being, within which all physiological events depending on external factors and the humors take place. In their philosophical anthropology, however, human body doesn't seem to have been clearly conceptualized as such, because our experience of feeling pain should be judged to take place within the actions of the fundamental element(s), which must be supposed to constitute our cognitive self.

  3. Instrumentation optique pour l'identification per-operatoire des tissus durant les chirurgies de la thyroide

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    De Montigny, Etienne

    Cette these traite du developpement d'instrumentation pour l'imagerie medicale optique. Ces travaux sont centres sur une application particuliere ; faciliter l'identification des tissus durant les chirurgies de la thyroide et de la parathyroide. La thyroide est une glande situee dans le cou, attachee au larynx a la hauteur de la pomme d'Adam. Elle est entouree de plusieurs structures importantes : muscles, nerfs et glandes parathyroides. Ces dernieres controlent la calcemie et jouent donc un role essentiel dans le corps. Elles sont toutefois de petite taille et sont tres difficiles a distinguer du gras et des ganglions environnants. L'objectif principal de cette these est de developper une instrumentation basee sur la microscopie optique pour permettre l'identification des tissus : thyroide, parathyroide, gras et ganglions, durant les chirurgies. Les choix sont donc faits en fonction de cette application et du contexte specifique des mesures intra-operatoires sur des patients humains. Plusieurs modalites d'imagerie optique sont identifiees pour atteindre l'objectif : microscopie confocale en reflectance, tomographique par coherence optique, et mesure de l'autofluorescence des glandes parathyroides. Dans le but d'ameliorer leur compatibilite avec l'environnement clinique qui requiert stabilite dans le temps et resistance aux vibrations et aux conditions environnementales, ce projet se concentre sur les implementations miniaturisables et basees sur des fibres optiques. Pour implementer un systeme d'imagerie en fluorescence a balayage laser rapide, un systeme d'imagerie en fluorescence par encodage spectral est propose. Bien que l'utilisation de l'encodage spectral semble a priori incompatible avec le contraste en fluorescence, une implementation facile a realiser est proposee. Une seconde version du montage, compatible avec la clinique et facilitant le developpement d'un endoscope, est presentee. La preuve de principe de cette methode est faite a 1300nm, une longueur

  4. Tão perto de casa, tão longe de nós: etnografia das novas margens no centro da urbe

    PubMed Central

    Fernandes, Por Luís


    Philippe Bourgois é, desde 2007, “Richard Perry University professor” no Departamento de Antropologia e de Medicina Familiar e de Práticas Comunitárias na Universidade da Pensilvânia. Esteve durante largos anos ligado ao Departamento de Antropologia, História e Medicina Social da Universidade da Califórnia, São Francisco. A publicação, em 1995, de In Search of Respect: Selling Crack in El Barrio1 projectaria o seu nome muito para além dos Estados Unidos: uma etnografia no coração porto-riquenho do Harlem, em torno dos actores e dos ambientes da venda de crack. Seguir-se-ia um longo trabalho de terreno em acampamentos de dependentes de heroína em São Francisco, orientando o seu trabalho para as formas mais radicais da pobreza e da marginalidade nos EUA. É deste trabalho de terreno que sai o seu último livro, Righteous Dopefiend2. Em Junho de 2007 esteve em Lisboa para participar na 3.a edição do “Ethnografeast”. Foi então que aproveitámos a oportunidade para ouvir um percurso invulgar contado pelo próprio: uma longa conversa no Hotel Zurique, cujo nome só vem ao caso por evocar o país onde passou uma parte da infância. PMID:22013286

  5. Regulación del flujo sanguíneo uterino. I. Funciones de estrógeno y receptores estrogénicos α/β en el endotelio vascular uterino durante el embarazo

    PubMed Central

    Mayra, Pastore R.; Rosalina, Villalón L.; López, Gladys; Iruretagoyena, Jesús; Magness, Ronald


    Resumen El estrógeno y los receptores estrogénicos clásicos (REs), RE-α y RE-β, han demostrado ser parcialmente responsable por las adaptaciones endoteliales uterinas durante el embarazo al corto y largo plazo. Las diferencias moleculares y estructurales, junto con los diferentes efectos causados por estos receptores en las células y los tejidos, sugieren que su función varía dependiendo de la manera en la cual el estrógeno se comunica con sus receptores. En ésta revisión bibliográfica se discuten la función del estrógeno y sus receptores clásicos en las adaptaciones cardiovasculares durante el embarazo y la expresión de los Res in vivo e in vitro en el endotelio de la arteria uterina durante el ciclo ovárico y el embarazo, a la vez comparado con la expresión en endotelio arterial de tejidos reproductivos y no reproductivos. Estos temas integran el conocimiento actual de este amplio campo científico con interpretaciones e hipótesis diversas relacionadas con los efectos estrogénicos mediados bien sea por uno o los dos REs. Esta revisión también incluye la relación con las adaptaciones vasodilatadoras y angiogénicas requeridas para modular el dramático incremento fisiológico en la perfusión útero-placentaria observada durante un embarazo normal. PMID:26113750

  6. [Genealogy of the Books of Practica medicinae in Europe before the End of 18th Century: From the Origin to the Disappearance].


    Sakai, Tatsuo


    The Practica medicinae represented the books written in Europe before the end of 18th century that dealt with individual deseases. In total, 100 Practica books, written by 95 authors, were collected and divided into four periods from the early 11th to the end of 18th century. The first Practica book was written at the Salernitan medical school on the basis of ancient medical books in the basic style, dealing with regional deseases arranged in "a capite ad calcem" manner, as well as with the fevers. The basic style comprised a majority in the first period and decreased gradually, becoming a minority in the 3rd and 4th periods. Sennert's practica was the largest and it elaborated with precise construction. The additional categories, such as female, children, and surgical deseases increased in the later periods. Those written in non-basic style based on pathogenesis or in alphabetical order also increased in the later periods. The practica books changed slightly and gradually, indicating the essential consistency of the concepts of diseases in these periods.

  7. Homeopathy and acupuncture teaching at Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo: the undergraduates' attitudes.


    Teixeira, Marcus Zulian; Lin, Chin An; Martins, Milton de Arruda


    Homeopathy and acupuncture, although recognized as medical specializations in Brazil, are not taught in most medical schools. The objective was to evaluate undergraduate attitudes towards them following their inclusion as optional disciplines at Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo (FMUSP) in 2002. Questionnaire, at FMUSP. 484 students answered a self-administered questionnaire on these therapies, regarding their interest in learning, the teaching methods, their knowledge/experience (or that of someone close to them) and how it was acquired, the main indicators and general effectiveness of these therapies, and the possibilities for offering and integrating them within public healthcare units. Over 85% of the students considered that homeopathy and acupuncture should be included in curricula, as options (72%) or compulsorily (19%); 56% showed great interest in learning about them. Although 76% had little or no knowledge, 67% believed that these therapies had some effectiveness, and that chronic diseases (37%) or even chronic and acute diseases (29%) would be the main indicators for their use. Around 35% were receptive towards offering public primary care using both therapies, while 34% thought these treatments should also be available in hospitals and 60% believed they could be integrated with conventional medical practices. The medical students were interested in learning the principles of homeopathy and acupuncture, were able to observe and report on the effectiveness of these treatments and defended the use of these medical specializations within public healthcare.

  8. Executive summary: Diagnosis and Treatment of Catheter-Related Bloodstream Infection: Clinical Guidelines of the Spanish Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (SEIMC) and the Spanish Society of Intensive Care Medicine and Coronary Units (SEMICYUC).


    Chaves, Fernando; Garnacho-Montero, José; Del Pozo, José Luis; Bouza, Emilio; Capdevila, José Antonio; de Cueto, Marina; Domínguez, M Ángeles; Esteban, Jaime; Fernández-Hidalgo, Nuria; Fernández Sampedro, Marta; Fortún, Jesús; Guembe, María; Lorente, Leonardo; Paño, Jose Ramón; Ramírez, Paula; Salavert, Miguel; Sánchez, Miguel; Vallés, Jordi


    Catheter-related bloodstream infections (CRBSI) constitute an important cause of hospital-acquired infection associated with morbidity, mortality, and cost. The aim of these guidelines is to provide updated recommendations for the diagnosis and management of CRBSI in adults. Prevention of CRBSI is excluded. Experts in the field were designated by the two participating Societies (Sociedad Española de Enfermedades Infecciosas y Microbiología Clínica and the Sociedad Española de Medicina Intensiva, Crítica y Unidades Coronarias). Short-term peripheral venous catheters, non-tunneled and long-term central venous catheters, tunneled catheters and hemodialysis catheters are covered by these guidelines. The panel identified 39 key topics that were formulated in accordance with the PICO format. The strength of the recommendations and quality of the evidence were graded in accordance with ESCMID guidelines. Recommendations are made for the diagnosis of CRBSI with and without catheter removal and of tunnel infection. The document establishes the clinical situations in which a conservative diagnosis of CRBSI (diagnosis without catheter removal) is feasible. Recommendations are also made regarding empirical therapy, pathogen-specific treatment (coagulase-negative staphylococci, Sthaphylococcus aureus, Enterococcus spp, Gram-negative bacilli, and Candida spp), antibiotic lock therapy, diagnosis and management of suppurative thrombophlebitis and local complications. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier España, S.L.U. and Sociedad Española de Enfermedades Infecciosas y Microbiología Clínica. All rights reserved.

  9. Continuous infusion of amphotericin B: preliminary experience at Faculdade de Medicina da Fundação ABC.


    Uehara, Roberto Palermo; Sá, Victor Hugo Lara de; Koshimura, Erika Tae; Prudente, Fernanda Vilas Boas; Tucunduva, Luciana Tomanik Cardozo de Mello; Gonçalves, Marina Sahade; Samano, Eliana Sueco Tibana; del Giglio, Auro


    Intravenous amphotericin B deoxycholate (AmB-D) infusions, usually given over 4 hours, frequently induce nephrotoxicity and undesirable infusion-related side effects such as rigors and chills. There is evidence in the literature that the use of AmB-D in the form of continuous 24-hour infusion is less toxic than the usual four-hour infusion of this drug. Our objective was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of continuous infusion of AmB-D for the treatment of persistent fever in neutropenic patients with hematological malignancies after chemotherapy. Observational retrospective analysis of our experience with continuous infusion of AmB-D, at Faculdade de Medicina da Fundação ABC and Hospital Estadual Mário Covas in Santo André. From October 2003 to May 2004, 12 patients with hematological malignancies and chemotherapy-induced neutropenia received 13 cycles of continuous infusion of AmB-D. The median dose of AmB-D was 0.84 mg/kg/day (0.33 to 2.30 mg/kg/day). Concomitant use of nephrotoxic medications occurred in 92% of the cycles. Nephrotoxicity occurred in 30.76% of the cycles, hypokalemia in 16.67%, hepatotoxicity in 30% and adverse infusion-related events in 23%. All patients survived for at least seven days after starting continuous infusion of AmB-D, and clinical resolution occurred in 76% of the cycles. Continuous infusion of AmB-D can be used in our Institution as an alternative to the more toxic four-hour infusion of AmB-D and possibly also as an alternative to the more expensive liposomal formulations of the drug.

  10. [The case of the 'lowlife': perceptions of danger and the prevention of disreputable behaviors in theRevista de Criminología, Psiquiatría, Medicina Legal y Ciencias Afinesin Buenos Aires, 1914-1923].


    Dovio, Mariana


    We analyze the construction of the notion of the 'lowlife' in the city of Buenos Aires in the Revista de Criminología, Psiquiatría y Medicina Legal, from 1914-1923. We shall analyze the notion of 'lowlife', meaning behaviors situated in a border zone between crime and madness, from the point of view of prevention and perception of danger. The first way of analyzing the 'lowlife' examines institutional projects that were related to eugenics and that advocated preventive detention of dangerous people, 'alcoholists' and vagrants. The second involves identifying in moral and physical terms the kind of people who were targeted in the creation of intervention projects for those considered to be 'lowlifes', who could potentially damage the fabric of society in some way.

  11. [Guidelines for specialized nutritional and metabolic support in the critically-ill patient. Update. Consensus of the Spanish Society of Intensive Care Medicine and Coronary Units-Spanish Society of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (SEMICYUC-SENPE): cardiac patient].


    Jiménez Jiménez, F J; Cervera Montes, M; Blesa Malpica, A L


    Patients with cardiac disease can develop two types of malnutrition: cardiac cachexia, which appears in chronic congestive heart failure, and malnutrition due to the complications of cardiac surgery or any other type of surgery in patients with heart disease. Early enteral nutrition should be attempted if the oral route cannot be used. When cardiac function is severely compromised, enteral nutrition is feasible, but supplementation with parenteral nutrition is sometimes required. Sustained hyperglycemia in the first 24 hours in patients admitted for acute coronary syndrome, whether diabetic or not, is a poor prognostic factor for 30-day mortality. In critically-ill cardiac patients with stable hemodynamic failure, nutritional support of 20-25 kcal/kg/day is effective in maintaining adequate nutritional status. Protein intake should be 1.2*-1.5 g/kg/day. Routine polymeric or high protein formulae should be used, according to the patient's prior nutritional status, with sodium and volume restriction according to the patient's clinical situation. The major energy source for myocytes is glutamine, through conversion to glutamate, which also protects the myocardial cell from ischemia in critical situations. Administration of 1 g/ day of omega-3 (EPA+DHA) in the form of fish oil can prevent sudden death in the treatment of acute coronary syndrome and can also help to reduce hospital admission for cardiovascular events in patients with chronic heart failure. Copyright © 2011 Sociedad Española de Medicina Intensiva, Critica y Unidades Coronarias (SEMICYUC) and Elsevier España, S.L. All rights reserved.

  12. Carlo Moreschi (1876-1921): co-founder of the journal "La Medicina del Lavoro" and often forgotten pioneer of modern medicine.


    Riva, M A; Smith, D R; Cesana, G


    Carlo Moreschi (1876-1921) was founding co-editor of the journal "Il Lavoro" (now known as "La Medicina del Lavoro"), together with Luigi Devoto in 1901. Despite this fact, many of his pioneering contributions to 20th century scientific debate are not well known outside Italy. The aim of this paper therefore was to recall Moreschi' achievements and the groundbreaking work of this remarkable Italian physician. A comprehensive analysis was conducted on scientific papers written by Carlo Moreschi between 1901 and 1920, extending the investigation to his original manuscripts and private correspondence with family and colleagues. Careful examination of Moreschi's work reveals several studies in the field of social medicine, epidemiology of infectious diseases, general pathology and oncology. In particular, his main interest in haematology and immunology enabled Moreschi to be one of the first to understand the mechanisms of complement fixation and the formation pathways ofantiglobulin sera. In this manner, Moreschi significantly contributed to the work of Wassermann regarding the diagnosis of syphilis, as well as contributing to the discovery of the "antiglobulin test", first described by Coombs in 1945. Furthermore, Moreschi co-founded "Il Lavoro" and "Haematologica", the oldest journals in their respective fields. According to Devoto, Moreschi can be remembered as the archetype modern researcher and clinician. His role in the 20th century scientific debate and his pioneering work in the field of immunology and haematology, that are often forgotten due to his premature death, deserve to be reconsidered and re-assessed by the Italian and international scientific community.

  13. Brazilian recommendations of mechanical ventilation 2013. Part 2

    PubMed Central


    Perspectives on invasive and noninvasive ventilatory support for critically ill patients are evolving, as much evidence indicates that ventilation may have positive effects on patient survival and the quality of the care provided in intensive care units in Brazil. For those reasons, the Brazilian Association of Intensive Care Medicine (Associação de Medicina Intensiva Brasileira - AMIB) and the Brazilian Thoracic Society (Sociedade Brasileira de Pneumologia e Tisiologia - SBPT), represented by the Mechanical Ventilation Committee and the Commission of Intensive Therapy, respectively, decided to review the literature and draft recommendations for mechanical ventilation with the goal of creating a document for bedside guidance as to the best practices on mechanical ventilation available to their members. The document was based on the available evidence regarding 29 subtopics selected as the most relevant for the subject of interest. The project was developed in several stages, during which the selected topics were distributed among experts recommended by both societies with recent publications on the subject of interest and/or significant teaching and research activity in the field of mechanical ventilation in Brazil. The experts were divided into pairs that were charged with performing a thorough review of the international literature on each topic. All the experts met at the Forum on Mechanical Ventilation, which was held at the headquarters of AMIB in São Paulo on August 3 and 4, 2013, to collaboratively draft the final text corresponding to each sub-topic, which was presented to, appraised, discussed and approved in a plenary session that included all 58 participants and aimed to create the final document. PMID:25410835

  14. Brazilian recommendations of mechanical ventilation 2013. Part I

    PubMed Central

    Barbas, Carmen Sílvia Valente; Ísola, Alexandre Marini; Farias, Augusto Manoel de Carvalho; Cavalcanti, Alexandre Biasi; Gama, Ana Maria Casati; Duarte, Antonio Carlos Magalhães; Vianna, Arthur; Serpa, Ary; Bravim, Bruno de Arruda; Pinheiro, Bruno do Valle; Mazza, Bruno Franco; de Carvalho, Carlos Roberto Ribeiro; Toufen, Carlos; David, Cid Marcos Nascimento; Taniguchi, Corine; Mazza, Débora Dutra da Silveira; Dragosavac, Desanka; Toledo, Diogo Oliveira; Costa, Eduardo Leite; Caser, Eliana Bernardete; Silva, Eliezer; Amorim, Fabio Ferreira; Saddy, Felipe; Galas, Filomena Regina Barbosa Gomes; Silva, Gisele Sampaio; de Matos, Gustavo Faissol Janot; Emmerich, João Claudio; Valiatti, Jorge Luis dos Santos; Teles, José Mario Meira; Victorino, Josué Almeida; Ferreira, Juliana Carvalho; Prodomo, Luciana Passuello do Vale; Hajjar, Ludhmila Abrahão; Martins, Luiz Cláudio; Malbouisson, Luiz Marcelo Sá; Vargas, Mara Ambrosina de Oliveira; Reis, Marco Antonio Soares; Amato, Marcelo Brito Passos; Holanda, Marcelo Alcântara; Park, Marcelo; Jacomelli, Marcia; Tavares, Marcos; Damasceno, Marta Cristina Paulette; Assunção, Murillo Santucci César; Damasceno, Moyzes Pinto Coelho Duarte; Youssef, Nazah Cherif Mohamad; Teixeira, Paulo José Zimmermann; Caruso, Pedro; Duarte, Péricles Almeida Delfino; Messeder, Octavio; Eid, Raquel Caserta; Rodrigues, Ricardo Goulart; de Jesus, Rodrigo Francisco; Kairalla, Ronaldo Adib; Justino, Sandra; Nemer, Sérgio Nogueira; Romero, Simone Barbosa; Amado, Verônica Moreira


    Perspectives on invasive and noninvasive ventilatory support for critically ill patients are evolving, as much evidence indicates that ventilation may have positive effects on patient survival and the quality of the care provided in intensive care units in Brazil. For those reasons, the Brazilian Association of Intensive Care Medicine (Associação de Medicina Intensiva Brasileira - AMIB) and the Brazilian Thoracic Society (Sociedade Brasileira de Pneumologia e Tisiologia - SBPT), represented by the Mechanical Ventilation Committee and the Commission of Intensive Therapy, respectively, decided to review the literature and draft recommendations for mechanical ventilation with the goal of creating a document for bedside guidance as to the best practices on mechanical ventilation available to their members. The document was based on the available evidence regarding 29 subtopics selected as the most relevant for the subject of interest. The project was developed in several stages, during which the selected topics were distributed among experts recommended by both societies with recent publications on the subject of interest and/or significant teaching and research activity in the field of mechanical ventilation in Brazil. The experts were divided into pairs that were charged with performing a thorough review of the international literature on each topic. All the experts met at the Forum on Mechanical Ventilation, which was held at the headquarters of AMIB in São Paulo on August 3 and 4, 2013, to collaboratively draft the final text corresponding to each sub-topic, which was presented to, appraised, discussed and approved in a plenary session that included all 58 participants and aimed to create the final document. PMID:25028944

  15. Brazilian recommendations of mechanical ventilation 2013. Part 2

    PubMed Central

    Barbas, Carmen Sílvia Valente; Ísola, Alexandre Marini; Farias, Augusto Manoel de Carvalho; Cavalcanti, Alexandre Biasi; Gama, Ana Maria Casati; Duarte, Antonio Carlos Magalhães; Vianna, Arthur; Serpa Neto, Ary; Bravim, Bruno de Arruda; Pinheiro, Bruno do Valle; Mazza, Bruno Franco; de Carvalho, Carlos Roberto Ribeiro; Toufen Júnior, Carlos; David, Cid Marcos Nascimento; Taniguchi, Corine; Mazza, Débora Dutra da Silveira; Dragosavac, Desanka; Toledo, Diogo Oliveira; Costa, Eduardo Leite; Caser, Eliana Bernadete; Silva, Eliezer; Amorim, Fabio Ferreira; Saddy, Felipe; Galas, Filomena Regina Barbosa Gomes; Silva, Gisele Sampaio; de Matos, Gustavo Faissol Janot; Emmerich, João Claudio; Valiatti, Jorge Luis dos Santos; Teles, José Mario Meira; Victorino, Josué Almeida; Ferreira, Juliana Carvalho; Prodomo, Luciana Passuello do Vale; Hajjar, Ludhmila Abrahão; Martins, Luiz Claudio; Malbouisson, Luis Marcelo Sá; Vargas, Mara Ambrosina de Oliveira; Reis, Marco Antonio Soares; Amato, Marcelo Brito Passos; Holanda, Marcelo Alcântara; Park, Marcelo; Jacomelli, Marcia; Tavares, Marcos; Damasceno, Marta Cristina Paulette; Assunção, Murillo Santucci César; Damasceno, Moyzes Pinto Coelho Duarte; Youssef, Nazah Cherif Mohamed; Teixeira, Paulo José Zimmermann; Caruso, Pedro; Duarte, Péricles Almeida Delfino; Messeder, Octavio; Eid, Raquel Caserta; Rodrigues, Ricardo Goulart; de Jesus, Rodrigo Francisco; Kairalla, Ronaldo Adib; Justino, Sandra; Nemer, Sergio Nogueira; Romero, Simone Barbosa; Amado, Verônica Moreira


    Perspectives on invasive and noninvasive ventilatory support for critically ill patients are evolving, as much evidence indicates that ventilation may have positive effects on patient survival and the quality of the care provided in intensive care units in Brazil. For those reasons, the Brazilian Association of Intensive Care Medicine (Associação de Medicina Intensiva Brasileira - AMIB) and the Brazilian Thoracic Society (Sociedade Brasileira de Pneumologia e Tisiologia - SBPT), represented by the Mechanical Ventilation Committee and the Commission of Intensive Therapy, respectively, decided to review the literature and draft recommendations for mechanical ventilation with the goal of creating a document for bedside guidance as to the best practices on mechanical ventilation available to their members. The document was based on the available evidence regarding 29 subtopics selected as the most relevant for the subject of interest. The project was developed in several stages, during which the selected topics were distributed among experts recommended by both societies with recent publications on the subject of interest and/or significant teaching and research activity in the field of mechanical ventilation in Brazil. The experts were divided into pairs that were charged with performing a thorough review of the international literature on each topic. All the experts met at the Forum on Mechanical Ventilation, which was held at the headquarters of AMIB in São Paulo on August 3 and 4, 2013, to collaboratively draft the final text corresponding to each sub-topic, which was presented to, appraised, discussed and approved in a plenary session that included all 58 participants and aimed to create the final document. PMID:25295817

  16. Brazilian recommendations of mechanical ventilation 2013. Part I

    PubMed Central


    Perspectives on invasive and noninvasive ventilatory support for critically ill patients are evolving, as much evidence indicates that ventilation may have positive effects on patient survival and the quality of the care provided in intensive care units in Brazil. For those reasons, the Brazilian Association of Intensive Care Medicine (Associação de Medicina Intensiva Brasileira - AMIB) and the Brazilian Thoracic Society (Sociedade Brasileira de Pneumologia e Tisiologia - SBPT), represented by the Mechanical Ventilation Committee and the Commission of Intensive Therapy, respectively, decided to review the literature and draft recommendations for mechanical ventilation with the goal of creating a document for bedside guidance as to the best practices on mechanical ventilation available to their members. The document was based on the available evidence regarding 29 subtopics selected as the most relevant for the subject of interest. The project was developed in several stages, during which the selected topics were distributed among experts recommended by both societies with recent publications on the subject of interest and/or significant teaching and research activity in the field of mechanical ventilation in Brazil. The experts were divided into pairs that were charged with performing a thorough review of the international literature on each topic. All the experts met at the Forum on Mechanical Ventilation, which was held at the headquarters of AMIB in São Paulo on August 3 and 4, 2013, to collaboratively draft the final text corresponding to each sub-topic, which was presented to, appraised, discussed and approved in a plenary session that included all 58 participants and aimed to create the final document. PMID:25210957

  17. [Guidelines for specialized nutritional and metabolic support in the critically-ill patient. Update. Consensus of the Spanish Society of Intensive Care Medicine and Coronary Units-Spanish Society of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (SEMICYUC-SENPE): macro-and micronutrient requirements].


    Bonet Saris, A; Márquez Vácaro, J A; Serón Arbeloa, C


    Energy requirements are altered in critically-ill patients and are influenced by the clinical situation, treatment, and phase of the process. Therefore, the most appropriate method to calculate calorie intake is indirect calorimetry. In the absence of this technique, fixed calorie intake (between 25 and 35 kcal/kg/day) or predictive equations such as the Penn State formula can be used to obtain a more accurate evaluation of metabolic rate. Carbohydrate administration should be limited to a maximum of 4 g/kg/day and a minimum of 2g/kg/day. Plasma glycemia should be controlled to avoid hyperglycemia. Fat intake should be between 1 and 1.5 g/kg/day. The recommended protein intake is 1-1.5 g/kg/day but can vary according to the patient's clinical status. Particular attention should be paid to micronutrient intake. Consensus is lacking on micronutrient requirements. Some vitamins (A, B, C, E) are highly important in critically-ill patients, especially those undergoing continuous renal replacement techniques, patients with severe burns and alcoholics, although the specific requirements in each of these types of patient have not yet been established. Energy and protein intake in critically-ill patients is complex, since both clinical factors and the stage of the process must be taken into account. The first step is to calculate each patient's energy requirements and then proceed to distribute calorie intake among its three components: proteins, carbohydrates and fat. Micronutrient requirements must also be considered. Copyright © 2011 Sociedad Española de Medicina Intensiva, Critica y Unidades Coronarias (SEMICYUC) and Elsevier España, S.L. All rights reserved.

  18. The profile of the dermatoses in children with the HIV virus at the Fundação de Medicina Tropical do Amazonas.


    Dias, Eleonora Dantas; Cunha, Maria da Graça Souza; Talhari, Sinésio


    The Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) constitutes a sub-epidemic in Brazil. Due to the increasing number of women infected by the virus, the vertical transmission increased substantially, and due to the lack of adequate prophylactic treatment, many children are infected and show manifestations of the disease in early ages. Multiple systems are affected by the HIV virus, and the skin is often the first organ to be involved. The objective of this study is to analyze the clinic, dermatological and epidemiological profiles of children carriers of the virus in the City of Manaus aiming at identifying the most frequent dermatoses that affect these children and try to relate these dermatoses to the immunologic deterioration. A study was conducted where children carriers of the HIV virus from the Fundação Alfredo da Matta and Fundação de Medicina Tropical were studied from March 2007 to July 2008. These children were submitted to dermatological and laboratorial exams such as viral load dosage and CD4+ and CD8+ counts. During the study period, 70 HIV + children were examined; all of them had AIDS and had been contaminated by vertical transmission. The average number of dermatoses by children was 1.73, and 95.5% had at least one dermatosis during the study period. The most frequent manifestations were atopic dermatitis (22.9%), childhood prurigo (20%) and warts (18,6%). Children with HIV/AIDS have more skin disorders than children without HIV/AIDS. There was no statistical difference between the children in the group using ARVT and the group that wasn't using it.


    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Abbondanza, C.; Sarti, P.; Legrand, J.


    ITRF combinations rely on the availability of accurate tie vectors linking reference points of space geodetic techniques. Co-located instruments are assumed to move consistently and no local relative motion is taken into account. Instabilities may degrade the quality of the co-location itself and perturb the result of ITRF combinations. This work aims to determine the stability of the local ground control network at Medicina (Italy) with independent surveying methods. The observatory hosts a co-location between a VLBI telescope and two GPS antennas, MEDI and MSEL. It is located in the Po Plain where thick layers of clays are the prevalent soil characteristics. Hence, provision of long term stability of geodetic monuments is a challenge and monitoring their stability is an issue. MEDI and the VLBI station regularly contribute to the determination of ITRF, while MSEL is part of the EUREF network. A set of five tie vectors observations linking the VLBI and MEDI reference points was acquired between 2001 and 2007. It is our main tool for performing local deformation analysis. Additionally, the GPS time series of MEDI and MSEL were used to cross check and confirm the local instability detected by terrestrial methods. To achieve a rigorous and reliable investigation of the local stability, multi-epoch terrestrial observations were homogeneously processed according to common parameterizations in a consistent reference frame. Similarly, continuous GPS observations from MEDI and MSEL were analysed according to the new EPN reprocessing strategy in order to monitor the short baseline between MEDI and MSEL; to spotlight any change in its length. Both approaches confirm differential motions at the site which can be related to monument instabilities originated by the particularly unfavourable local geological setting and the inapt design of the monuments foundation. The monuments move non homogeneously at rates reaching up to 1.6 mm/year, this value being comparable to intra

  20. Molecular Comparison of Topotypic Specimens Confirms Anopheles (Nyssorhynchus) dunhami Causey (Diptera: Culicidae) in the Colombian Amazon

    DTIC Science & Technology


    of Health, Albany, NY, USA 5Facultad de Medicina , Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá, Colombia 6Programa de Estudio y Control de Enfermedades...Tropicales, Facultad de Medicina , Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín, Colombia The presence of Anopheles (Nyssorhynchus) dunhami Causey in Colombia

  1. Giving Medicine to Children


    ... visit FDA's videos for consumers on YouTube Administrando Medicina a los Niños Cuando los niños pequeños están ... ser difícil que ellos llegen a tomar su medicina. Vea este vídeo para obtener consejos de un ...

  2. Detection of the CS20 Colonization Factor Antigen in Diffuse-Adhering Escherichia coli Strains

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Savarino5 & Claudio F. Lanata4•7 ’Institute de Medicina Tropical ’Alexander von Humboldt’, Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, Lima, Peru; 2Umvers1ty...de C•encias Aplicadas. Lima, Peru Abstract Correspondence: Theresa J. Ochoa, Institute de Medicina Tropical ’Alexander von Humboldt’, Universidad

  3. The scientific production of full professors of the Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo: a view of the period of 2001-2006.


    Cardoso, Suely Campos; Gattás, Gilka Jorge Figaro


    The scientific production of institutions of higher education, as well as the dissemination and use of this published work by peer institutions, can be assessed by means of quantitative and qualitative measurements. This type of analysis can also serve as the basis of further academic actions. Variables such as the type of evaluation, the number of faculty members and the decision to include or exclude researchers who are not professors are difficult to measure when comparing different schools and institutions. The purpose of this study was to assess the scientific production of tenured faculty from the Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Medicina performed from 2001 to 2006. Medline/PubMed database was considered and the Impact factors (IFs--Journal Citation Report, 2006) and the number of generated citations (Web of Science/ISI Thomson) were also evaluated. The analysis of the scientific production of 66 full professors (level MS-6) revealed 1,960 scientific articles published in 630 scientific journals, of which 31.3% were Brazilian and 68.7% were from international sources. Among these, 47% of the articles were published in 62.9% of the journals with IFs above 10, although 16.4% of the journals did not have assigned IF values. We verified that 45% of the published articles received 9,335 citations (average of 11 + 17), with the majority of these (8,968 citations) appearing in international scientific journals. Our results indicate that it is possible to analyze the scientific production of a learning institution by the number of papers published by full professors, taking into account not only their academic position and influence, but also the fact that publication is an opportunity to stimulate joint projects with other members of the same institution.

  4. The Scientific Production of Full Professors of the Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de SÃO Paulo: A View of the Period of 2001–2006

    PubMed Central

    Cardoso, Suely Campos; Gattás, Gilka Jorge Figaro


    INTRODUCTION The scientific production of institutions of higher education, as well as the dissemination and use of this published work by peer institutions, can be assessed by means of quantitative and qualitative measurements. This type of analysis can also serve as the basis of further academic actions. Variables such as the type of evaluation, the number of faculty members and the decision to include or exclude researchers who are not professors are difficult to measure when comparing different schools and institutions. OBJECTIVES The purpose of this study was to assess the scientific production of tenured faculty from the Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Medicina performed from 2001 to 2006. METHODS Medline/PubMed database was considered and the Impact factors (IFs - Journal Citation Report, 2006) and the number of generated citations (Web of Science/ISI Thomson) were also evaluated. RESULTS The analysis of the scientific production of 66 full professors (level MS-6) revealed 1,960 scientific articles published in 630 scientific journals, of which 31.3% were Brazilian and 68.7% were from international sources. Among these, 47% of the articles were published in 62.9% of the journals with IFs above 10, although 16.4% of the journals did not have assigned IF values. We verified that 45% of the published articles received 9,335 citations (average of 11 + 17), with the majority of these (8,968 citations) appearing in international scientific journals. CONCLUSIONS Our results indicate that it is possible to analyze the scientific production of a learning institution by the number of papers published by full professors, taking into account not only their academic position and influence, but also the fact that publication is an opportunity to stimulate joint projects with other members of the same institution. PMID:19759885

  5. [Guidelines for specialized nutritional and metabolic support in the critically ill-patient. Update. Consensus of the Spanish Society of Intensive Care Medicine and Coronary Units-Spanish Society of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (SEMICYUC-SENPE): obese patient].


    Mesejo, A; Sánchez Álvarez, C; Arboleda Sánchez, J A


    interpreting these data. Copyright © 2011 Sociedad Española de Medicina Intensiva, Critica y Unidades Coronarias (SEMICYUC) and Elsevier España, S.L. All rights reserved.



    Jukemura, José; Diniz, Márcio Augusto


    To evaluate the preliminary results related to journals up-grade that was used by Medicine III, through opportunity offered by Capes to all agency areas programs. Were used area document of Medicine I, II and III, besides other relevant topics available online at Capes site, between 2009 and 2013. The research was focused to answer two questions: 1) the stratification of Qualis is similar in the three areas of medicine? and 2) the evolution of Qualis in Medicine III was higher? Medicine III showed an increase in its Qualis classification and is publishing in journals with higher impact factors, virtually the same as the Medicine I and II. The area showed the strongest growth in recent three-year periods. Avaliar os resultados preliminares sobre a Medicina III do up-grade oportunizado pela Capes para todas as áreas. Foram utilizados os documentos de áreas e os relevantes ao tema disponíveis online no site da Capes entre 2009 e 2013. Procurou-se focar a pesquisa em dois aspectos para responder duas perguntas: 1) a estratificação do Qualis é semelhante nas três áreas da medicina? e 2) a evolução do Qualis da Medicina III foi maior? A Medicina III apresentou evolução em sua classificação Qualis e está publicando em revistas com maior fator de impacto e é praticamente igual ao da Medicina I e II. A área foi a que apresentou maior evolução nestes últimos triênios.

  7. Emergency and Continuous Exposure Limits for Selected Airborne Contaminants. Volume 1

    DTIC Science & Technology


    fuels, corn remover, drawing inks, fuel-system deicer, glue, nail-polish remover, paint-brush cleaners, paint and varnish removers, and china ,• ~ ~film...and fire hazards of butanone and acetone. Ind. Bull. (N.Y. State Dept. Labor) 23:173-176. Societa Italiana di Medicina del Lavoro. 1975. Associazione...Italiana di Medicina del Lavoro 1975. Associazione Italiana - -degli Igienisti Industriali. Valori Limite Ponderati degli Inquinanti Chimici e

  8. Survey of Ergonomics Databases in Member Countries of the International Ergonomics Association.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Psychology Salud y Trabajo Journal of Auditory Research Scandinavian Journal of Psychology Journal of Consumer Research Scandinavian Journal of Rehabilitation...Biological Engineering and Computing World Textile Abstracts Medicina del Lavoro Medicina y Segundad del Trabajo Zeitschrift fi~r Arbeituwisenchaft Mens en ...sources of data will be misinterpreted or missed en - applicability" in selecting subject areas, many data found in tirely. Thus the effectiveness of

  9. [The diffusion of knowledge].


    Ramiro-H, Manuel; Cruz-A, Enrique


    Between August 19 and 21, the Feria del Libro de las Ciencias de la Salud (Healthcare Book Fair) took place in the Palacio de Medicina in Mexico City. Archives of Medical Research, Revista Médica del IMSS, and Saber IMSS, three of the main instruments of knowledge diffusion of the Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social, assisted to this book fair, which was organized by the Facultad de Medicina of UNAM.

  10. Astronomy Teaching and Teachers Continuing Education: the Interdisciplinarity during a Total Lunar Eclipse. (Spanish Title: Enseñanza de la Astronomía y la Formación Continua de Profesores: la Interdisciplinariedad Durante un Eclipse Total de Luna.) Educação EM Astronomia E Formação Continuada de Professores: a Interdisciplinaridade Durante um Eclipse Lunar TOTAL

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Langhi, Rodolfo


    This paper describes how 67 teachers from 23 cities, could awaken, in students, the scientific interest, using a natural astronomical phenomenon: a total lunar eclipse. Before and after of eclipse, meetings for continuing education were characterized by interdisciplinarity of astronomy and the importance of these observations. Working groups were formed by teachers and students, who organized the survey data, mobilizing the people in their cities. The results point ways about how to provide the scientific culture and the motivation to learn science in students, using approaches between the following communities: scientific, amateur and school. En este artículo se describe cómo 67 profesores de 23 ciudades, despertó el interés científico en los estudiantes mediante un fenómeno astronómico: un eclipse total de Luna. Antes y después del eclipse, reuniones para la formación continua se centraron en la interdisciplinariedad de la astronomía, y la importancia de las observaciones de este tipo de fenómeno. Profesores y estudiantes formaron grupos de trabajo para investigar datos durante el eclipse, con el participación de la comunidad en sus ciudades. Los resultados apuntan a las opciones que conducen a la cultura científica y la motivación para aprender la ciencia, utilizando las relaciones de los siguientes grupos: científicos, aficionados y la escuela. Este texto relata como 67 professores, provenientes de 23 cidades, puderam despertar, nos alunos, o interesse científico utilizando um fenômeno natural astronômico: um eclipse lunar total. O evento foi precedido e procedido por encontros de formação continuada, onde se caracterizou a interdisciplinaridade da astronomia e a importância das observações de fenômenos como estes. Grupos de trabalho foram formados por professores e alunos, que se organizaram para o levantamento conjunto de dados durante o fenômeno, além do envolvimento da comunidade em suas respectivas cidades. Os resultados apontam

  11. Prevalence and Determinants of the Use of Lipid-Lowering Agents in a Population of Older Hospitalized Patients: the Findings from the REPOSI (REgistro POliterapie Società Italiana di Medicina Interna) Study.


    Bertolotti, Marco; Franchi, Carlotta; Rocchi, Marco B L; Miceli, Andrea; Libbra, M Vittoria; Nobili, Alessandro; Lancellotti, Giulia; Carulli, Lucia; Mussi, Chiara


    Older patients are prone to multimorbidity and polypharmacy, with an inherent risk of adverse events and drug interactions. To the best of our knowledge, available information on the appropriateness of lipid-lowering treatment is extremely limited. The aim of the present study was to quantify and characterize lipid-lowering drug use in a population of complex in-hospital older patients. We analyzed data from 87 units of internal medicine or geriatric medicine in the REPOSI (Registro Politerapie della Società Italiana di Medicina Interna) study, with reference to the 2010 and 2012 patient cohorts. Lipid-lowering drug use was closely correlated with the clinical profiles, including multimorbidity markers and polypharmacy. 2171 patients aged >65 years were enrolled (1057 males, 1114 females, mean age 78.6 years). The patients treated with lipid-lowering drugs amounted to 508 subjects (23.4%), with no gender difference. Atorvastatin (39.3%) and simvastatin (34.0%) were the most widely used statin drugs. Likelihood of treatment was associated with polypharmacy (≥5 drugs) and with higher Cumulative Illness Rating Scale (CIRS) score. At logistic regression analysis, the presence of coronary heart disease, peripheral vascular disease, and hypertension were significantly correlated with lipid-lowering drug use, whereas age showed an inverse correlation. Diabetes was not associated with drug treatment. In this in-hospital cohort, the use of lipid-lowering agents was mainly driven by patients' clinical history, most notably the presence of clinically overt manifestations of atherosclerosis. Increasing age seems to be associated with lower prescription rates. This might be indicative of cautious behavior towards a potentially toxic treatment regimen.

  12. Effects of illumination functions on the computation of gravity-dependent signal path variation models in primary focus and Cassegrainian VLBI telescopes

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Abbondanza, Claudio; Sarti, Pierguido


    This paper sets the rules for an optimal definition of precise signal path variation (SPV) models, revising and highlighting the deficiencies in the calculations adopted in previous studies and improving the computational approach. Hence, the linear coefficients that define the SPV model are rigorously determined. The equations that are presented depend on the dimensions and the focal lengths of the telescopes as well as on the feed illumination taper. They hold for any primary focus or Cassegrainian very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) telescope. Earlier investigations usually determined the SPV models assuming a uniform illumination of the telescope mirrors. We prove this hypothesis to be over-simplistic by comparing results derived adopting (a) uniform, (b) Gaussian and (c) binomial illumination functions. Numerical computations are developed for AZ-EL mount, 32 m Medicina and Noto (Italy) VLBI telescopes, these latter being the only telescopes which possess thorough information on gravity-dependent deformation patterns. Particularly, assuming a Gaussian illumination function, the SPV in primary focus over the elevation range [0°, 90°] is 10.1 and 7.2 mm, for Medicina and Noto, respectively. With uniform illumination function the maximal path variation for Medicina is 17.6 and 12.7 mm for Noto, thus highlighting the strong dependency on the choice of the illumination function. According to our findings, a revised SPV model is released for Medicina and a model for Noto is presented here for the first time. Currently, no other VLBI telescope possesses SPV models capable of correcting gravity-dependent observation biases.

  13. VizieR Online Data Catalog: Arcetri Catalogue of H2O Maser Sources (Brand+ 1994)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Brand, J.; Cesaroni, R.; Caselli, P.; Catarzi, M.; Codella, C.; Comoretto, G.; Curioni, G. P.; Curioni, P.; di, Franco S.; Felli, M.; Giovanardi, C.; Olmi, L.; Palagi, F.; Palla, F.; Panella, D.; Pareschi, G.; Rossi, E.; Speroni, N.; Tofani, G.


    An update is presented of the Arcetri Atlas of water masers (Comoretto et al. 1990A&AS...84..179C). It contains the results of observations of water masers with the Medicina 32-m antenna. The observed sources were all discovered in the period 1989-1993, and were found either directly in the course of our own programs or were taken from the literature in which case they were re-observed at Medicina. We give the observed parameters of 214 sources in tabular form, and present all the spectra of the 141 detections. (2 data files).

  14. [Contribution to the history of pharmacology (the late antique period)].


    Tesařová, Drahomíra


    Pharmacological literature in the Late Antique period followed the Roman tradition and widely used Scribonius Largus and excerpts from the writings of Pliny the Elder. Literature was created both in the western part of the Roman Empire and in North Africa in Carthage. Manuals have been written about medicinal plants (Herbarius of Pseudo-Apuleius, De herba vettonica of Pseudo-Musa), for drugs obtained from the animal kingdom (Liber medicinae of Sextus Placitus) or documents containing both (De medicina of Cassius Felix, De medicamentis of Marcellus Empiricus). The contribution of this literature is the mediation of ancient knowledge into the Middle Ages.

  15. Malformaciones arteriovenosas revisión y análisis descriptivo de 52 mavs tratadas durante el periodo de 2000-2010

    PubMed Central

    Rinaldi, Mariano; Mezzano, Emilio; Berra, Matias S.; Parés, Herald R.; Olocco, Ricardo V.; Papalini, Francisco R.


    Objetivo: Describir nuestra experiencia en el manejo de las Mavs analizando las características clínicas de los pacientes y los resultados postoperatorios. Método de análisis: Realizamos un análisis retrospectivo de 52 pacientes admitidos en el Servicio de neurocirugía para manejo quirúrgico: La información de referencia incluyo síntomas al inicio, diagnostico de admisión, hallazgos neurológicos y hallazgos en estudio por imágenes tales como tomografía cerebral, IRM cerebral y angiografía por sustracción digital. Los hallazgos postoperatorios de interés fueron: Mortalidad, examen neurológico postoperatorio y complicaciones asociadas. Presentamos nuestro análisis estadístico. Resultados: Edad promedio: 37,7 años. Distribución: Hombres: 61,5%. Motivos de consulta más frecuentes: Cefalea 63,5%, evento hemorrágico 59,6%, convulsiones 26,9%. Localización: Supratentorial: 92,9%, Infratentorial: 7,2%. 30,8%, de las Mavs fueron grado 2 y grado 3 Cincuenta por ciento del total presentaron aneurismas, del total de la MAVs, 59,6% debutó con sangrado, 26,9% con Crisis Convulsivas y 13,5% con déficit neurológico. Recibieron tratamiento endovascular previo a cirugía 30,7%. Durante el postoperatorio 23,1% presentaron mejoría clínica, 57,7% no presento modificación, 19,2% empeoraron en el postoperatorio. La mortalidad fue 13,5%. Conclusión: Creemos que el subgrupo de Mavs grados III a V representan una entidad que requiere una compleja toma de decisiones dada la alta incidencia de aneurismas asociados que presentan y su asociación con eventos de sangrado. Nuestra mortalidad postoperatoria coincide con la bibliografía. Palabras clave, Mavs- aneurismas asociados- Acv hemorrágico- convulsiones. PMID:26600984

  16. Construction and validation of a tool to Assess the Use of Light Technologies at Intensive Care Units.


    Marinho, Pabliane Matias Lordelo; Campos, Maria Pontes de Aguiar; Rodrigues, Eliana Ofélia Llapa; Gois, Cristiane Franca Lisboa; Barreto, Ikaro Daniel de Carvalho


    to construct and validate a tool to assess the use of light technologies by the nursing team at Intensive Care Units. methodological study in which the tool was elaborated by means of the psychometric method for construction based on the categorization of health technologies by Merhy and Franco, from the National Humanization Policy, using the Nursing Intervention Classification taxonomy to categorize the domains of the tool. Agreement Percentages and Content Validity Indices were used for the purpose of validation. The result of the application of the Interrater Agreement Percentage exceeded the recommended level of 80%, highlighting the relevance for the proposed theme in the assessment, with an agreement rate of 99%. the tool was validated with four domains (Bond, Autonomy, Welcoming and Management) and nineteen items that assess the use of light technologies at Intensive Care Units. construir e validar um instrumento para avaliação do uso de tecnologias leves, pela equipe de enfermagem, em Unidades de Terapia Intensiva. estudo metodológico no qual o instrumento foi elaborado utilizando o método psicométrico para construção com base na categorização das tecnologias em saúde de Merhy e Franco, da Política Nacional de Humanização, utilizando-se a taxonomia Nursing Intervention Classification para categorizar os domínios do instrumento. Utilizou-se o Percentual de Concordância e o Índice de Validade de Conteúdo (IVC) para validação. o resultado da aplicação do Percentual de Concordância entre os juízes foi superior ao recomendado de 80%, havendo destaque na avaliação da pertinência ao tema proposto, apresentando um percentual de concordância de 99%. o instrumento foi validado com quatro domínios (Vínculo, Autonomia, Acolhimento e Gestão) e dezenove itens que avaliam o uso das tecnologias leves em Unidade de Terapia Intensiva. construir y validar un instrumento para evaluación del uso de tecnologías leves, por el equipo de enfermer

  17. Assessment and management of pain in newborns hospitalized in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit: a cross-sectional study.


    Sposito, Natália Pinheiro Braga; Rossato, Lisabelle Mariano; Bueno, Mariana; Kimura, Amélia Fumiko; Costa, Taine; Guedes, Danila Maria Batista


    to determine the frequency of pain, to verify the measures adopted for pain relief during the first seven days of hospitalization in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit and to identify the type and frequency of invasive procedures to which newborns are submitted. cross-sectional retrospective study. Out of the 188 hospitalizations occurred during the 12-month period, 171 were included in the study. The data were collected from the charts and the presence of pain was analyzed based on the Neonatal Infant Pain Scale and on nursing notes suggestions of pain. For statistical analysis, the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences was used, and the significance level was set at 5%. there was at least one record of pain in 50.3% of the hospitalizations, according to the pain scale adopted or nursing note. The newborns underwent a mean of 6.6 invasive procedures per day. Only 32.5% of the pain records resulted in the adoption of pharmacological or non-pharmacological intervention for pain relief. newborns are frequently exposed to pain and the low frequency of pharmacological or non-pharmacological interventions reinforces the undertreatment of this condition. determinar a frequência de dor e verificar as medidas realizadas para seu alívio durante os sete primeiros dias de internação na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva Neonatal, bem como identificar o tipo e frequência de procedimentos invasivos aos quais os recém-nascidos foram submetidos. estudo retrospectivo transversal. Das 188 internações ocorridas no período estipulado de 12 meses, 171 foram incluídas na pesquisa. Os dados foram coletados a partir dos prontuários e a presença de dor foi analisada tanto com base na escala de dor Neonatal Infant Pain Scale quanto mediante anotação de enfermagem sugestiva de dor. Para análise estatística, utilizou-se o programa Statistical Package for the Social Sciences, adotando-se nível de significância de 5%. em 50,3% das internações houve ao menos um registro de dor

  18. Computerized nursing process in the Intensive Care Unit: ergonomics and usability.


    Almeida, Sônia Regina Wagner de; Sasso, Grace Teresinha Marcon Dal; Barra, Daniela Couto Carvalho


    Analyzing the ergonomics and usability criteria of the Computerized Nursing Process based on the International Classification for Nursing Practice in the Intensive Care Unit according to International Organization for Standardization(ISO). A quantitative, quasi-experimental, before-and-after study with a sample of 16 participants performed in an Intensive Care Unit. Data collection was performed through the application of five simulated clinical cases and an evaluation instrument. Data analysis was performed by descriptive and inferential statistics. The organization, content and technical criteria were considered "excellent", and the interface criteria were considered "very good", obtaining means of 4.54, 4.60, 4.64 and 4.39, respectively. The analyzed standards obtained means above 4.0, being considered "very good" by the participants. The Computerized Nursing Processmet ergonomic and usability standards according to the standards set by ISO. This technology supports nurses' clinical decision-making by providing complete and up-to-date content for Nursing practice in the Intensive Care Unit. Analisar os critérios de ergonomia e usabilidade do Processo de Enfermagem Informatizado a partir da Classificação Internacional para as Práticas de Enfermagem, em Unidade de Terapia Intensiva, de acordo com os padrões da InternationalOrganization for Standardization (ISO). Pesquisa quantitativa, quase-experimental do tipo antes e depois, com uma amostra de 16 participantes, realizada em uma Unidade de Terapia Intensiva. Coleta de dados realizada por meio da aplicação de cinco casos clínicos simulados e instrumento de avaliação. A análise dos dados foi realizada pela estatística descritiva e inferencial. Os critérios organização, conteúdo e técnico foram considerados "excelentes", e o critério interface "muito bom", obtendo médias 4,54, 4,60, 4,64 e 4,39, respectivamente. Os padrões analisados obtiveram médias acima de 4,0, sendo considerados "muito bons



    Ribas-Filho, Jurandir Marcondes; Malafaia, Osvaldo; Czeczko, Nicolau Gregori; Ribas, Carmen A P Marcondes; Nassif, Paulo Afonso Nunes


    To propose metrics to qualify the publication in books and chapters, and from there, establish guidance for the evaluation of the Medicine III programs. Analysis of some of the 2013 area documents focusing this issue. Were analyzed the following areas: Computer Science; Biotechnology; Biological Sciences I; Public Health; Medicine I. Except for the Medicine I, which has not adopted the metric for books and chapters, all other programs established metrics within the intellectual production, although with unequal percentages. It´s desirable to include metrics for books and book chapters in the intellectual production of post-graduate programs in Area Document with percentage-value of 5% in publications of Medicine III programs. Propor a métrica para qualificar a produção veiculada através de livros e capítulos e, a partir daí, estabelecer orientação para a avaliação dos programas de pós-graduação da Medicina III. Análise dos documentos de área de 2013 dos programas de pós-graduação senso estrito das áreas: Ciência da Computação; Biotecnologia; Ciências Biológicas I; Saúde Coletiva; Medicina I. Excetuando-se o programa da Medicina I, que não adotou a métrica para classificação de livros e capítulos, todos os demais estabeleceram-na dentro da sua produção intelectual, embora com percentuais desiguais. É desejável inserir a métrica de livros e capitulos de livros na produção intelectual do Documento de Área dos programas, ortorgando a ela percentual de 5% das publicações qualificadas dos programas da Medicina III.

  20. Effective tobacco control measures: agreement among medical students.


    Martins, Stella Regina; Paceli, Renato Batista; Bussacos, Marco Antônio; Fernandes, Frederico Leon Arrabal; Prado, Gustavo Faibischew; Lombardi, Elisa Maria Siqueira; Terra-Filho, Mário; Santos, Ubiratan Paula


    recomendadas pela Organização Mundial da Saúde e avaliar as atitudes, o conhecimento e as crenças a respeito do tabagismo em alunos do terceiro ano de medicina da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo, em São Paulo (SP). Entre 2008 e 2012, todos os alunos do terceiro ano de medicina foram convidados a preencher um questionário autoaplicável baseado na Global Health Professions Student Survey e em seus módulos adicionais. A amostra consistiu em 556 estudantes. O grau de concordância com as recomendações da Organização Mundial da Saúde foi alto, à exceção de "receberam treinamento a respeito de cessação do tabagismo" e "aumentar os impostos é uma medida eficaz para reduzir a prevalência do tabagismo". A maioria dos estudantes relatou que concorda com a proibição da venda de produtos do tabaco a menores de idade (95%), acredita que os médicos são modelos de comportamento para seus pacientes (84%) e acredita que deveriam aconselhar seus pacientes a parar de fumar cigarros (96%) e de usar outros produtos do tabaco (94%). No tocante aos métodos de cessação do tabagismo, observamos que a maioria dos estudantes sabe mais sobre terapia de reposição da nicotina do que sobre terapias não nicotínicas (93% vs. 53%). Apenas 37% dos participantes estavam cientes da importância de material educacional antitabagismo, e apenas 31% relataram que acreditam na eficácia de incentivar seus pacientes, durante as consultas médicas, a parar de fumar. Em nossa amostra, a prevalência de tabagismo atual foi de 5,23%; entretanto, 43,82% dos participantes relataram ter experimentado fumar tabaco com um narguilé. Nossos resultados revelaram a necessidade de deixar claro para os alunos do terceiro ano de medicina o quão importante é aumentar os preços e impostos dos produtos do tabaco. É também preciso conscientizar os alunos dos perigos de experimentar outros produtos do tabaco que não os cigarros, particularmente o narguilé.



    Ferreira, Lydia Masako


    tradition and history. For the maintenance and advancement of the area some challenges and goals were established to be developed in the period from 2013 to 2016. Descrever a situação atual da área Medicina III da Capes e detectar os desafios para o próximo quadriênio de avaliação. Os documentos e relatórios de reuniões de área a partir de 2004 até 2013 da Medicina III da Capes foram lidos assim como os relatórios e as fichas de avaliação de cada Programa de Pós Graduação (PPG) da área e a subpágina da área no site da Capes. Os dados referentes ao Processo de Avaliação, à Ficha de Avaliação e aos dados do Corpo Docente, Discente e Produção científica de todos os PPG da Medicina III foram computados e analisados. A partir desses dados foram detectados os desafios da área para o próximo quadriênio (2013-2016). Dentre os 3.806 PPG, a Medicina III apresentava 41 PPG durante última avaliação trienal e evoluiu de 18% para 43% de PPG > conceito muito bom (Triênios 2001-2003 e 2010-2012). A maioria dos PPG se localizavam na Região Sudeste (32), três no Sul e dois no Nordeste. Não havia nenhum PPG no Norte ou Centro-Oeste. Em 2013 e 2014 foram aprovadas quatro mestrados profissionais e um mestrado e doutorado acadêmico. A média de docente permanente no triênio foi de 558 docentes com cerca de três alunos titulados/docente. O número de doutores titulados tem aumentado assim como a razão Doutorado/Mestrado. A proporção de publicações em periódicos de maior impacto (A1, A2, B1 e B2) saltou de 30% para 50% demonstrando resposta positiva da comunidade à política da área. Os desafios detectados foram: diminuir assimetria regional, elevar o número de mestres e doutores de excelência, reavaliação das revistas nacionais, estimular e definir indicadores de internacionalização, inclusão de pós-doutores e definição de seus indicadores, análise da nucleação do PPG, PPG 3x3, inclusão ensino médio e fundamental, mestrado

  2. [The "Seville" Consensus Document on Alternatives to Allogenic Blood Transfusion. Sociedades españolas de Anestesiología (SEDAR), Medicina Intensiva (SEMICYUC), Hematología y Hemoterapia (AEHH), Transfusión sanguínea (SETS) Trombosis y Hemostasia (SETH)].


    Alberca, Ignacio; Asuero, Ma Soledad; Bóveda, José L; Carpio, Nelly; Contreras, Enric; Fernández-Mondéjar, Enrique; Forteza, Alejandro; García-Erce, José A; García de Lorenzo, Abelardo; Gomar, Carmen; Gómez, Aurelio; Llau, Juan V; López-Fernández, María F; Moral, Victoria; Muñoz, Manuel; Páramo, José A; Torrabadella, Pablo; Quintana, Manuel; Sánchez, Calixto


    The Consensus Document on Alternatives to Allogenic Blood Transfusion (AABT) has been drawn up by a panel of experts from 5 scientific societies. The Spanish Societies of Anesthesiology (SEDAR), Critical Care Medicine and Coronary Units (SEMICYUC), Hematology and Hemotherapy (AEHH), Blood Transfusion (SETS) and Thrombosis and Hemostasis (SETH) have sponsored and participated in this Consensus Document. Alternatives to blood transfusion have been divided into pharmacological and non-pharmacological, with 4 modules and 12 topics. The main objective variable was the reduction of allogenic blood transfusions and/or the number of transfused patients. The extent to which this objective was achieved by each AABT was evaluated using the Delphi method, which classifies the grade of recommendation from A (supported by controlled studies) to E (non-controlled studies and expert opinion). The experts concluded that most of the indications for AABT were based on middle or low grades of recommendation, "C", "D", or "E", thus indicating the need for further controlled studies.

  3. Back Cover: NIH MedlinePlus Salud


    ... page please turn Javascript on. ¡A su salud! Los Institutos Nacionales de la Salud (NIH, por sus ... Amigos de la Biblioteca Nacional de Medicina de los Estados Unidos y la Alianza Nacional para la ...

  4. Cuban Telecommunications, Computer Networking, and U.S. Policy Implications,

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Informacion para la Prensa Federacion de Mujeres Cubanas Grupo para la Educacion sobre el SIDA Instituto Superior Latinoamericano de Ajedrez...DIR) Informacion sobre Medio Ambiente (DIR) Medicina Alternativa (DIR) Servicio Especial de la Mujer (DIR) Eventos Internacionales (DIR

  5. [Ancient disease, but not a thing of the past: Pott's paraplegia in an HIV-positive health-care worker].


    Jurado, Leonardo F


    Centro de Investigación UNINAVARRA-CINA, Fundación Universitaria Navarra, Neiva, ColombiaGrupo de Investigación MICOBAC-UN, Departamento de Microbiología, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá, D.C., Colombia.

  6. Spacecraft Doppler tracking with a VLBI antenna

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Comoretto, G.; Iess, L.; Bertotti, B.; Brenkle, J. P.; Horton, T.


    Preliminary results are reported from Doppler-shift measurements to the Voyager-2 spacecraft at a distance of 26 AU, obtained using the 32-m VLBI antenna at Medicina (Italy) during July and August 1988. The apparatus comprises the el-az antenna, an S-X-band receiver, a hydrogen maser to generate the reference signal, a Mark III VLBI terminal, and a digital tone extractor capable of isolating a tone of known frequency from a noisy signal and giving its phase and amplitude. A signal transmitted in S-band from the NASA Deep Space Network (DSN) station in Australia and retransmitted coherently in X-band by Voyager, was received 7 h 6 min later at Medicina and at the DSN station in Madrid. Sample data are presented graphically and shown to be of generally high quality; further in-depth analysis is under way.

  7. "Bernardino Ramazzini, three hundred years after his death", Padua (Italy), October 18th, 2014.


    Riva, Michele Augusto; Zampieri, Fabio


    The year 2014 has marked the tercentenary from the death of Bernardino Ramazzini (1633-1714), universally credited as the founder of Occupational Health (5, 9, 10, 11). Indeed, the renowned physician died on November 5th 1714 in Padua, where he had been appointed as Professor of Practical Medicine at the local prestigious University from the year 1700. To commemorate this anniversary, the professors of Occupational Health of the University of Padua, the Italian Society of Occupational Health and Industrial Hygiene (Società Italiana di Medicina del Lavoro eIgiene Industriale, SIMLII), the International Commission on Occupational Health (ICOH) and the University of Padua organized a conference in the wonderful location of Palazzo Bo (Main Hall) under the patronage of the Padua Municipality, the Workers' Compensation Authority (INAIL), the Venetian Region and the Societas Internationalis Historiae Medicinae.[...].

  8. Medicinal ethnobotany in Huacareta (Chuquisaca, Bolivia)

    PubMed Central


    used as a base for subsequent work related to traditional medicine and its contribution to allopathic medicine in San Pablo de Huacareta. Resumen Introducción El objetivo del presente estudio fue documentar los tipos de enfermedades tratadas mediante el uso de plantas medicinales, sus aplicaciones principales y también tener un reporte de las enfermedades mayormente atendidas en el Hospital de San Pablo de Huacareta (Chuquisaca, Bolivia). Métodos Se realizaron encuestas semiestructuradas a 10 informantes locales anotando los usos atribuidos a sus plantas medicinales, se agruparon las plantas por categorías de enfermedades tratadas en la medicina tradicional. Se obtuvieron reportes de casos tratados en el Hospital de Huacareta para poder relacionar el tratamiento de enfermedades recurrentes en la zona entre la medicina tradicional y la medicina occidental. Resultados Se reportaron 91 especies nativas y exóticas, además de un espécimen indeterminado exótico que intervienen en un total de 258 aplicaciones medicinales, las cuales son empleadas en un total de 13 categorías de enfermedades. Los desórdenes gastrointestinales (55%) son mayormente tratados mediante plantas medicinales, seguidas de las afecciones al sistema esqueleto-muscular (25%) y enfermedades dermatológicas (24%). La información del Hospital indica que las enfermedades más frecuentes son Infecciones Respiratorias Agudas (47%) y Enfermedades Diarreicas Agudas (37%). Los remedios vegetales se emplean en forma de infusiones y cocciones principalmente. Se emplean mayormente plantas nativas, también se introdujo en la farmacopea médica el uso de plantas exóticas al lugar. Conclusiones El tratamiento de trastornos gastrointestinales constituye el objetivo primordial de la etnobotánica médica de los habitantes de Huacareta, las enfermedades del sistema respiratorio, son mayormente tratadas en el Hospital. Observando los datos del libro de consultas del Hospital, se puede inferir que los des

  9. Cómo aumentar la actividad física de los niños durante el período del recreo en las escuelas

    PubMed Central

    Ludwig, David


    Objetivos. Analizamos si la participación de las escuelas en el Programa de Mejoramiento del Recreo (PMR) en la primavera del año 2011 estuvo asociada a tasas más altas de actividad física intensa en los niños. Métodos. En el PMR, un coordinador dirige a los niños para que practiquen juegos adecuados para la edad a fin de aumentar su nivel de actividad física. Durante el recreo en 25 escuelas primarias públicas de la ciudad de Nueva York (15 participantes en el PMR, 10 no participantes en el PMR) los investigadores observaron algunas áreas predeterminadas (n = 1 339 observaciones) y registraron el número de niños que estaban sedentarios, caminando o muy activos. Resultados. Tras el análisis estadístico con múltiples variables se encontró que la participación en el PMR era una variable predictiva significativa (P = 0,027) de la tasa de actividad física intensa (porcentaje de niños muy activos en las áreas de observación) cuyas medias de los mínimos cuadrados fueron de 41% en las escuelas participantes en el PMR y de 27% en escuelas no participantes en el PMR. En las escuelas participantes en el PMR se siguió registrando una tasa significativamente superior incluso cuando el coordinador de juegos no estaba en el área de observación, lo que sugiere un cambio en la cultura del recreo en las escuelas que participan en este programa. Conclusiones. La tasa de actividad física intensa en las escuelas participantes en el PMR fue 14 puntos porcentuales (o 52%) superior a la tasa registrada en las escuelas no participantes en el PMR. Esta intervención de bajo costo podría ser un agregado valioso a las herramientas para combatir la obesidad infantil y podría valer la pena reproducirla en otros sitios. PMID:24899455



    Schanaider, Alberto


    To analyze critically the effectiveness and value of bibliometric indicators in journals of Surgery or Cardiovacular Surgery in the context of the postgraduate programs of CAPES Medicine III. A sampling with 16 academic programs and one professional master of Medicine III, encompassing the General and Digestive System Surgery, Cardiovascular Surgery and Multidisciplinary courses with such contents, was evaluated. Thomson Reuters/ISI (JCR), Elsevier/Scopus (SJR), and also Scielo databases were used. Only in seven programs, the teachers had an average of Qualis A1 articles greater than the others strata. Eleven journals in the surgical area are in stratum A1 (5%) and it reaches 25% in Cardiovascular Surgery. Among the six journals with the largest number of publications Qualis A1 in area Medicine III, five are from non-specific areas. The Acta Cirúrgica Brasileira represented 58% of the publications in the stratum A2. There are some obstacles in the Qualis classification with little uniformity among the Medicine areas I, II and III. A permanent committee should be set to update the Qualis, composed by the three medical areas. It should be considered using other index databases and the unification of the Qualis criteria for journals in medicine. Rating criteria of multi and transdisciplinary journals need to be reviewed. It is essential an institutional financial support for national journals chosen by peers aiming to provide a full computerization process and a professional reviewer of the English language, in order to increase the impact factor. Analisar criticamente a eficácia e valor de indicadores bibliométricos dos periódicos da Cirurgia e Cirurgia Cardiovascular no contexto dos Programas de Pós-Graduação da área Medicina III da CAPES. Foi avaliada uma amostragem com 16 programas acadêmicos e um mestrado profissional da área de Medicina III, compreendendo a Cirurgia Geral e do Aparelho Digestivo, a Cirurgia Cardiovascular e Cursos Multidisciplinares

  11. Characteristics of nursing professionals and the practice of ecologically sustainable actions in the medication processes.


    Furukawa, Patricia de Oliveira; Cunha, Isabel Cristina Kowal Olm; Pedreira, Mavilde da Luz Gonçalves; Marck, Patricia Beryl


    to verify the correlation between the characteristics of professionals and the practice of sustainable actions in the medication processes in an ICU, and to determine if interventions such as training and awareness can promote sustainable practices performed by nursing staff in the hospital. before-and-after design study using Lean Six Sigma methodology, applied in an intensive care unit. Nursing staff were observed regarding the practice of ecologically sustainable actions during medication processes (n = 324 cases for each group (pre and post-intervention)) through a data collection instrument. The processes analyzed involved 99 professionals in the pre-intervention phase and 97 in the post-intervention phase. Data were analyzed quantitatively and the association of variables was accomplished by means of statistical inference, according to the nature of the related variables. the education level was the only characteristic that showed to be relevant to an increase in sustainable practices, with a statistically significant difference (p = 0.002). When comparing before and after the intervention, there was an increase in environmentally friendly actions with statistically significant differences (p = 0.001). the results suggest that institutions should encourage and invest in formal education, as well as training of health professionals to promote sustainable practices in the hospital. verificar la correlación entre las características de los profesionales y la práctica de acciones sustentables en los procesos de medicación en una UTI y determinar si intervenciones como capacitación y concientización logran promover la práctica de acciones sustentables por el equipo de enfermería en el hospital. estudio antes y después usando la metodología Lean Seis Sigma, aplicada en una unidad de terapia intensiva. El equipo de enfermería fue observado referente a la práctica de acciones ecológicamente sustentables durante los procesos de medicación (n = 324 casos

  12. [The processes of manuscript evaluation and publication in Medicina Clínica. The editorial committee of Medicina Clínica].


    Ribera, Josep M; Cardellach, Francesc; Selva, Albert


    The decision-making process includes a series of activities undertaken in biomedical journals from the moment a manuscript is received until it is accepted or rejected. Firstly, the manuscript is evaluated by the members of the Editorial Board, who analyze both its suitability for the journal and its scientific quality. After this initial evaluation, the article is evaluated by peer reviewers, an essential process to guarantee its scientific validity. Both the Editorial Board and the peer reviewers usually use checklists which are of enormous help in this task. Once the biomedical article has been accepted, the publication process is started, which in turn includes a series of steps, beginning with technical and medical review of the article's contents and ending with the article's publication in the journal. The present article provides a detailed description of the main technical and ethical issues involved in the processes of decision-making and publication of biomedical articles.

  13. Evidence-based measures to prevent central line-associated bloodstream infections: a systematic review.


    Perin, Daniele Cristina; Erdmann, Alacoque Lorenzini; Higashi, Giovana Dorneles Callegaro; Sasso, Grace Teresinha Marcon Dal


    to identify evidence-based care to prevent CLABSI among adult patients hospitalized in ICUs. systematic review conducted in the following databases: PubMed, Scopus, Cinahl, Web of Science, Lilacs, Bdenf and Cochrane Studies addressing care and maintenance of central venous catheters, published from January 2011 to July 2014 were searched. The 34 studies identified were organized in an instrument and assessed by using the classification provided by the Joanna Briggs Institute. the studies presented care bundles including elements such as hand hygiene and maximal barrier precautions; multidimensional programs and strategies such as impregnated catheters and bandages and the involvement of facilities in and commitment of staff to preventing infections. care bundles coupled with education and the commitment of both staff and institutions is a strategy that can contribute to decreased rates of central line-associated bloodstream infections among adult patients hospitalized in intensive care units. identificar evidências de cuidados para prevenção de infecção de corrente sanguínea relacionada a cateter venoso central em pacientes adultos em Unidades de Terapia Intensiva. revisão Sistemática realizada por meio de busca nas bases de dados Pubmed, Scopus, Cinahl, Web of Science, Lilacs, Bdenf e Cochrane. Foram buscadas pesquisas com cuidados com a cateterização e manutenção do cateter venoso central, publicados de janeiro de 2011 a julho de 2014. Os 34 estudos incluídos foram organizados em um instrumento e avaliados por meio da classificação do The Joanna Briggs Institute. os estudos apresentaram bundles de cuidados com elementos como a higiene das mãos e precauções máximas de barreira; programas multidimensionais e estratégias como cateteres e curativos impregnados e o envolvimento da instituição e engajamento da equipe nos esforços para prevenção de infecção. os cuidados no formato de bundles aliados com a educação e engajamento da equipe e

  14. Nuclear Medicine Imaging


    ... rayos-X, revelan solamente la estructura anatómica. Existen más de 100 exámenes diferentes de medicina nuclear para ... se le permite abandonar el hospital y regresar más tarde para el procedimiento del estudio de imagen. ...

  15. Development of a Sensitive and Specific Antigen-Detection System for Strongyloides Stercoralis and Hookworm Infections

    DTIC Science & Technology


    deficiency. Treatment usually includes blood transfusions and a three day course of mebendazole and iron substitution and/or single dose albendazole ...1983 Treatment of hookworm, ascariasis and trichuriasis with albendazole or mebendazole. Revista do Instituto de Medicina Tropical de Sao Paulo 25:294

  16. Earth orientation determinations by short duration VLBI observations

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Nothnagel, Axel; Zhihan, Qian; Nicolson, George D.; Tomasi, Paolo


    In May 1989 and April 1990 the radio telescopes of the Wettzell Geodetic Fundamental Station in Germany and of the Shanghai Observatory near Seshan in China observed two series of daily VLBI experiments of short duration for precise determination of UT1. In 1990 a few experiments were complemented by the Hartebeesthoek Radio Astronomy Observatory in South Africa and the Medicina telescope of the Bologna Istituto di Radioastronomia in Italy. Employing the South African station together with the east-west baseline formed by the observatories of Seshan and Medicina permitted simultaneous determinations of UT1 and polar motion. Here we report on the results of these observations. Comparing the UT1 results with those of the IRIS Intensive series gives a clear indication of the absolute accuracy of such short duration VLBI measurements which is estimated to be of the order of ±60 µs.

  17. Height biases and scale variations in VLBI networks due to antenna gravitational deformations

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Abbondanza, Claudio; Sarti, Pierguido; Petrov, Leonid; Negusini, Monia


    The impact of signal path variations (SPVs) caused by antenna gravity deformations on geodetic VLBI results is evaluated for the first time. Elevation-dependent models of SPV for Medicina and Noto (Italy) telescopes were derived from a combination of terrestrial surveying methods to account for gravitational deformations. After applying these models, estimates of the antenna reference point (ARP) positions are shifted upward by 8.9 mm and 6.7 mm, respectively. The impact on other parameters is negligible. To infer the impact of antenna gravity deformations on the entire VLBI network, lacking measurements for other telescopes, we rescaled the SPV models of Medicina and Noto for other antennas according to their size. The effects are changes in VLBI heights in the range [-3,73] mm and a significant net scale increase of 0.3 - 0.8 ppb. This demonstrates the need to include SPV models in routine VLBI data analysis.

  18. [Impact factor of the Spanish medical journals].


    Aleixandre Benavent, Rafael; Valderrama Zurián, Juan Carlos; Castellano Gómez, Miguel; Simó Meléndez, Raquel; Navarro Molina, Carolina


    The 2001 edition of the Journal Citation Reports (JCR) includes only 13 Spanish medical journals. The impact factor (IF) of the rest of Spanish medical journals is unknown. The aim of this study is to determine the IF of the main Spanish medical journals, taking also into account the references from journals not covered by the SCI. A set of 87 Spanish medical journals was selected from the national database IME and other international databases. All citable articles published in these journals in 2001 were analyzed, extracting their bibliographic references to articles published in 1999, 2000 and 2001. The indicators obtained for each journal were the number of cites, the IF and the immediacy index. Among the 87 source journals, 74 were not included in the JCR. From them, 5,388 bibliographic references were examined, identifying the journals cited. Final indicators were obtained adding these results to the ones obtained by using the Science Citation Index. The most cited journal was Medicina Clinica (768 cites), and the highest IF were attained by Histology and Histopathology (IF = 1.866), International Journal of Developmental Biology (IF = 1.654) and Medicina Clinica (IF = 1.125). This work has permitted to obtain the IF of 87 Spanish medical journals. Already detected in previous works, the leadership of the journal Medicina Clinica in Spanish medicine is confirmed. Spanish medical journals published in English have received a small number of cites from the ones published in Spanish. A low impact factor is not necessarily related to lack of quality, merit or relevance.

  19. Studies to Control Endemic Typhoid Fever in Chile

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Society for Microbiology, Chapter 16. 10. Medina E, Yrarrazaval M. (1983) Fiebre tifoidea en Chile: Consideraciones epideniologicas. Revista Medica de...epidesiologia de la fiebre tifoidea . Boletin de !a Escuela de Medicina, Pontificia universidad catolica de Chile. 30:113-119. 14. Reyes H, Olea M, Hernandez

  20. Low Frequency Noise: A Major Risk Factor in Military Operation

    DTIC Science & Technology


    disease before signs of cortical atrophy; and cerebral atrophy and dilation of the perivascular Virchow-Robin spaces - also seen in dementia [ 12,13...Revista Portuguesa de Medicina Militar 1992: 40(1-4): 41-45. 17. GIMOGMA. Epilepsia sintomidtica de etiologia vascular, manifestaqao da sindrome das

  1. Spanish Navy Up to Date Data in DCS

    DTIC Science & Technology


    therapeutic measures. Final results are similar to another world navies diving centres Bibliography: 1.- Pujante, A.; Inoriza, J; Viqueira, A. Estudio de 121... casos de enfermedad descompresiva Medicina Clinica, vol . 94, n` 7, 1990 2.- Rivera, J.C. Decompression sickness among divers: An analysis of 935

  2. Postharvest evaluation of stored Dudaim melon fruits (Cucumis melo var. dudaim) harvested at different stages of maturity

    USDA-ARS?s Scientific Manuscript database

    Dudaim or Queen Anne’s Pocket melon is a unique member of the edible melon (Cucumis melo L.) family and less attention has been paid to its postharvest physiology. They are characterized by small reddish yellow fruits with ochre stripes, a unique fragrant and musky aroma, ornamental beauty, medicina...

  3. Determinants of Conflict in the Philippines

    DTIC Science & Technology


    CONFLICT IN THE PHILIPPINES by Jesus P. Durante III June 2012 Thesis Co-Advisors Nancy Roberts Sean Everton Second Reader: Kristen...Jesus P. Durante III 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, CA 93943-5000 8. PERFORMING...release, distribution is unlimited DETERMINANTS OF CONFLICT IN THE PHILIPPINES Jesus P. Durante III Lieutenant Colonel, Philippine Army B.S

  4. ELE: An Ontology-Based System Integrating Semantic Search and E-Learning Technologies

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Barbagallo, A.; Formica, A.


    ELSE (E-Learning for the Semantic ECM) is an ontology-based system which integrates semantic search methodologies and e-learning technologies. It has been developed within a project of the CME (Continuing Medical Education) program--ECM (Educazione Continua nella Medicina) for Italian participants. ELSE allows the creation of e-learning courses…

  5. Biophysical and Biochemical Mechanisms in Synaptic Transmitter Release.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    vesicle is normally released per active zone Sci USA 83. 3032 (1986) pared (15, 19, 20). In fact, in squid, the quantum 8 0 Shimomura 8 Musicki. V Kisni...8217, AND R. LLINAS• *Instituto de Biologia Celular Facultad de Medicina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Paraguay 2155. Buenos Aires 1121. Argentina: and

  6. The International Symposium on Applied Military Psychology (18th) Held at London, England on 21-25 June 1982,

    DTIC Science & Technology


    just this past year the separate and indeed they often went directly to women’s services were legally abolished, their bunks to recuperate after a work...5* Rep. Sanitfi A.M. Centro Studie Ricerche Medicina Aeronauticae Spaziale Viale P. Gobetti, 2-2A 00185 Roma Dr. Massimiliano Stracca Ispettorato



    Ferreira, Lydia Masako


    da CAPES sobre Mestrado Profissional e os documentos e relatórios de reuniões de área a partir de 2004 até 2013 da Medicina III foram lidos assim como os relatórios e a subpágina da área no site da Capes. Os dados referentes ao Processo de Avaliação e à Ficha de Avaliação das outras áreas foram computados e analisados. A partir desses dados foram detectados os desafios da Medicina III para o próximo quadriênio (2013-2016). A criação do Mestrado Profissional é muito recente na Medicina III e nenhum curso de Mestrado Profissional da Medicina III foi avaliado. Foram descritas a definição, os objetivos, as premissas, as características, as motivações, as possibilidades, a viabilidade, o perfil do alunado, do corpo docente, a estrutura curricular, o financiamento, a produção intelectual, a inserção social, os requisitos gerais da Portaria CAPES nº 193/2011 e alguns exemplos de propostas, linhas de atuação científico tecnológica, parcerias e contrapartidas. Foi discutida a ficha de avaliação do MP, a necessidade do impacto social, econômico e político da produção intelectual e as diferenças com o MA. Foi relatado também a importância mundial do MP e a sua evolução no Brasil. A partir do entendimento do MP, a Medicina III traçou alguns desafios e metas para serem desenvolvidas no quadriênio 2013-2016. A Medicina III entendeu o MP como um novo horizonte científico tecnológico dentro da pós-graduação stricto sensu e com total coerência com a área.

  8. Évaluation des caractéristiques mécaniques du polissoir en polyuréthanne utilisé comme porte abrasifs durant le processus du polissage du verre optique

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Aliouane, T.; Bouzid, D.; Belkhir, N.; Bouzid, S.; Herold, V.


    La fabrication des composants en verre optique nécessite des moyens de grande précision dans les procédés de finition vue l'importance accordée à leur qualité. Durant le processus de polissage des verres optiques, le polissoir est un élément clé et a un impact direct sur les performances des composants optiques, non seulement il est utilisé comme support de grains abrasifs mais il doit posséder la fonction de transmission de la pression aux grains. La connaissance de ses propriétés, essentiellement mécanique, est impérative afin d'obtenir un état de surface optimal des composants optiques destinés à remplir des fonctions très précises dans des appareils optiques très performants. Dans cette étude, nous avons constaté que les propriétés des polissoirs en polyuréthanne tel que la dureté, le module d'élasticité et la densité varient au cours du polissage. Ce changement a des effets sur l'état de surface de verre optique, causé par le changement microstructural de la surface du polissoir (distribution et dimensions des pores) et par conséquent sur la quantité des abrasifs (en oxyde de cérium) insérée dans les pores, ce qui influe sur la quantité de verre enlevée et sur l'état de surface du composant. Sur la base des résultats obtenus, il a été prouvé que le polissoir subit des modifications très importantes ce qui influe considérablement sur son efficacité de polissage.

  9. [Carl Gillmeister: the first Doctor of veterinary medicine in Mecklenburg--and in Germany (1834)].


    Kuhlmann, W; Schäffer, J


    German schools and faculties of veterinary medicine did not receive the sovereign right to award the degree "Doctor medicinae veterinarae" until the early twentieth century. Until then, in the nineteenth century there were two possibilities for veterinarians to earn a doctoral degree, usually referred to as the title of "Doctor": 1. On the basis of an exceptionally excellent dissertation and after very stringent examination a candidate could be awarded the degree "Dr. med." by the faculty of a medical school, or, if the candidate had studied at a philosophical faculty, the degree "Dr. phil." 2. A doctoral degree specifically in veterinary medicine could be earned only at a medical faculty. The Medical Faculty of the University of Giessen awarded the degree "Doctor in arte veterinaria" for the first time in 1832. In this study we prove that Giessen was not the first German university to award a doctorate in veterinary medicine, a priority which has never been questioned in the literature. As early as 1829, veterinarians could earn the degree "Doctor artis veterinariae" at the Medical Faculty of the University of Rostock, where three such awards are documented between 1829 and 1831. The designation "medicina" was also intially avoided in Rostock. Therefore, of particular significance is the discovery of a fourth such document from the Rostock University Archives, the doctoral diploma of Carl Jacob Friedrich Gillmeister, who at the age of 22 was awarded the degree "Doctor medicinae veterinariae" in Rostock after a successful defense. This is the earliest, but also the last archival record of the German doctoral degree in veterinary medicine in the modern sense, because after Gillmeister no veterinarian could earn a doctoral degree in Rostock further more. Gillmeisters vita sheds light on the times and the difficulties of the veterinary profession in the poor agricultural area of Mecklenburg.

  10. [Cartesianism and Henricus Regius' dentistry (1598--1679--1979) (Henricus de Roy, René Descartes].


    Gysel, C


    Henricues Regius (1598--1679), professor at the University of Utrecht was the first physician who accepted the physiology of the philosopher Descartes (1596--1750) that he exposed in Fundamenta physices (1646) and in Fundamenta Medicinae (1647) but in Praxis Medica (1657) his therapy of the "odontalgia" is still mediaeval according to the principles of Galen.

  11. The First Geodetic VLBI Field Test of LIFT: A 550-km-long Optical Fiber Link for Remote Antenna Synchronization

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Perini, Federico; Bortolotti, Claudio; Roma, Mauro; Ambrosini, Roberto; Negusini, Monia; Maccaferri, Giuseppe; Stagni, Matteo; Nanni, Mauro; Clivati, Cecilia; Frittelli, Matteo; Mura, Alberto; Levi, Filippo; Zucco, Massimo; Calonico, Davide; Bertarini, Alessandra; Artz, Thomas


    We present the first field test of the implementation of a coherent optical fiber link for remote antenna synchronization realized in Italy between the Italian Metrological Institute (INRIM) and the Medicina radio observatory of the National Institute for Astrophysics (INAF). The Medicina VLBI antenna participated in the EUR137 experiment carried out in September 2015 using, as reference systems, both the local H-maser and a remote H-maser hosted at the INRIM labs in Turin, separated by about 550 km. In order to assess the quality of the remote clock, the observed radio sources were split into two sets, using either the local or the remote H-maser. A system to switch automatically between the two references was integrated into the antenna field system. The observations were correlated in Bonn and preliminary results are encouraging since fringes were detected with both time references along the full 24 hours of the session. The experimental set-up, the results, and the perspectives for future radio astronomical and geodetic experiments are presented.

  12. Professional nursing practice in critical units: assessment of work environment characteristics.


    Maurício, Luiz Felipe Sales; Okuno, Meiry Fernanda Pinto; Campanharo, Cássia Regina Vancini; Lopes, Maria Carolina Barbosa Teixeira; Belasco, Angélica Gonçalves Silva; Batista, Ruth Ester Assayag


    assess the autonomy, control over environment, and organizational support of nurses' work process and the relationships between physicians and nurses in critical care units. cross-sectional study conducted with 162 nurses working in the intensive care units and emergency service of a university hospital. The workers' satisfaction with their work environment was assessed using Brazilian Nursing Work Index - Revised, translated and adapted for the Brazilian culture. average age was 31.6 ± 3.9 years; 80.2% were women; 68.5% Caucasians and 71.6% worked in intensive care units. The nurses considered autonomy (2.38 ± 0.64) and their relationship with physicians (2.24 ± 0.62) to be characteristics of the work environment that favored professional practice. Control over environment (2.78 ± 0.62) and organizational support (2.51 ± 0.54), however, were considered to be unfavorable. No statistically significant differences were found between the units based on the scores obtained by the professionals on the Brazilian Nursing Work Index - Revised. autonomy, relationship between physicians and nurses, and organizational support were considered by the units to be characteristics that favored nurses' professional practices. On the other hand, control over environment and organizational support were considered unfavorable. evaluar la autonomía, el control sobre el ambiente, el soporte organizacional del proceso de trabajo de los enfermeros y las relaciones entre médicos y enfermeros, en unidades críticas. estudio transversal realizado en 162 enfermeros de las unidades de terapia intensiva y del servicio de emergencia de un hospital universitario. La evaluación de la satisfacción del profesional con el ambiente de trabajo fue realizada utilizando el Brazilian Nursing Work Index - Revised, traducido y adaptado para la cultura brasileña. el promedio de edad fue 31,6 ± 3,9 años, 80,2% eran mujeres, 68,5% blancos y 71,6% trabajaban en la unidad de terapia intensiva. Los

  13. [Presentation of the Editor of Gaceta Médica de México].


    Treviño-Becerra, Alejandro

    La Gaceta Médica de México (GMM) es nuestro órgano oficial de divulgación que muestra los valores de la Academia Nacional de Medicina de México. Sirve como identidad del médico mexicano con sus académicos y divulga los fundamentos científicos de la práctica médica nacional.

  14. A Study to Determine the Ambulatory Quality Assurance Impact of a Computer-Stored Medical Records System Upon the Family Practice Clinic, Silas B. Hays Army Community Hospital, Fort Ord, California

    DTIC Science & Technology


    clinical outcome measures will be required. h. Data should be available only to those having a legal right of access. The entire information system must...TOTAL DKN5NAME 22 QHA2NANE 22 PHAlNAME 22 PALPITATIONS 21 IRRIT BOWEL SYNDR OR INTE 21 HX OF ALLERGY TO MEDICINA 20 MALIG NEOPL OASTROrNTESTI 20 ACNE

  15. Nursing Activities Score and Acute Kidney Injury.


    Coelho, Filipe Utuari de Andrade; Watanabe, Mirian; Fonseca, Cassiane Dezoti da; Padilha, Katia Grillo; Vattimo, Maria de Fátima Fernandes


    to evaluate the nursing workload in intensive care patients with acute kidney injury (AKI). A quantitative study, conducted in an intensive care unit, from April to August of 2015. The Nursing Activities Score (NAS) and Kidney Disease Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) were used to measure nursing workload and to classify the stage of AKI, respectively. A total of 190 patients were included. Patients who developed AKI (44.2%) had higher NAS when compared to those without AKI (43.7% vs 40.7%), p <0.001. Patients with stage 1, 2 and 3 AKI showed higher NAS than those without AKI. A relationship was identified between stage 2 and 3 with those without AKI (p = 0.002 and p <0.001). The NAS was associated with the presence of AKI, the score increased with the progression of the stages, and it was associated with AKI, stage 2 and 3. avaliar a carga de trabalho de enfermagem em pacientes de terapia intensiva com lesão renal aguda (LRA). estudo quantitativo, em Unidade de Terapia Intensiva, no período de abril a agosto de 2015. O Nursing Activities Score (NAS) e o Kidney Disease Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) foram utilizados para medir a carga de trabalho de enfermagem e classificar o estágio da LRA, respectivamente. foram incluídos 190 pacientes. Os pacientes que desenvolveram LRA (44,2%) possuíam NAS superiores quando comparados aos sem LRA (43,7% vs 40,7%), p<0,001. Os pacientes com LRA nos estágios 1, 2 e 3 de LRA demonstraram NAS superiores aos sem LRA, houve relação entre os estágios 2 e 3 com os sem LRA, p=0,002 e p<0,001. o NAS apresentou associação com a existência de LRA, visto que seu valor aumenta com a progressão dos estágios, tendo associação com os estágios 2 e 3 de LRA.

  16. Humanization in the Intensive Care: perception of family and healthcare professionals.


    Luiz, Flavia Feron; Caregnato, Rita Catalina Aquino; Costa, Márcia Rosa da


    Understanding perceptions of family members and healthcare professionals about humanization at the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) to direct it to an educational action. Exploratory descriptive and qualitative study conducted in an ICU level 3 of a public hospital in Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil, with fourteen subjects, eight family members and six healthcare professionals. Data collection carried out through semi-structured interviews and focus group. Content Analysis was used. Emerged categories were: welcoming; communication; ethical and sensible professionalism; unfavorable aspects; perception on humanization; and religiosity/spirituality. Although the subjects have expressed their perceptions about humanization in different ways, both groups pointed out the same needs and priorities to improve humanization in Intensive Care. From the results, we created a reflective manual of humanizing assistance practices for professionals, a board to facilitate communication of these professionals with patients and a guideline book for family members. Compreender as percepções de familiares e profissionais de saúde sobre humanização na Unidade Terapia Intensiva (UTI) para direcionar a uma ação educativa. Estudo exploratório-descritivo qualitativo, realizado em uma UTI nível III de um hospital público de Porto Alegre/RS com 14 sujeitos, sendo oito familiares e seis profissionais de saúde. Coleta de dados realizada por meio de: entrevistas semiestruturadas e grupo focal. Utilizou-se Análise de Conteúdo. As categorias emergidas foram: acolhida; comunicação; profissionalismo ético e sensível; aspectos desfavoráveis; percepção sobre humanização; e religiosidade/espiritualidade. Apesar dos sujeitos expressarem de maneiras distintas suas percepções sobre humanização, os dois grupos comparados elencaram iguais necessidades e prioridades para o aprimoramento da humanização na Terapia Intensiva. A partir dos resultados, criou-se um Manual Reflexivo de pr

  17. Critical incidents connected to nurses' leadership in Intensive Care Units.


    Lima, Elaine Cantarella; Bernardes, Andrea; Baldo, Priscila Lapaz; Maziero, Vanessa Gomes; Camelo, Silvia Helena Henriques; Balsanelli, Alexandre Pazetto


    The goal of this study is to analyze nurses' leadership in intensive care units at hospitals in the state of São Paulo, Brazil, in the face of positive and negative critical incidents. Exploratory, descriptive study, conducted with 24 nurses by using the Critical Incident Technique as a methodological benchmark. Results were grouped into 61 critical incidents distributed into categories. Researchers came to the conclusion that leadership-related situations interfere with IC nurses' behaviors. Among these situations they found: difficulty in the communication process; conflicts in the daily exercise of nurses' activities; people management; and the setting of high quality care targets. Researchers identified a mixed leadership model, leading them to the conclusion that nurses' knowledge and practice of contemporary leadership theories/styles are crucial because they facilitate the communication process, focusing on behavioral aspects and beliefs, in addition to valuing flexibility. This positively impacts the organization's results. Analisar a liderança do enfermeiro em Centros de Terapia Intensiva de hospitais localizados no interior do estado de São Paulo, diante de incidentes críticos positivos e negativos. Estudo exploratório, descritivo, realizado com 24 enfermeiros, que utilizou a Técnica do Incidente Crítico como referencial metodológico. Os resultados foram agrupados em 61 incidentes críticos distribuídos em categorias. Identificou-se que situações relacionadas à liderança interferem no comportamento do enfermeiro de Terapia Intensiva, dentre elas: dificuldade no processo de comunicação, conflitos existentes no dia a dia do exercício profissional, gerenciamento de pessoas e estabelecimento de metas para o alcance da assistência qualificada. Encontrou-se um modelo misto de liderança, o que permite concluir que o conhecimento e a prática dos enfermeiros acerca de teorias/estilos contemporâneos de liderança tornam-se fundamentais, pois

  18. Autoreporte de exposición a publicidad y promoción de tabaco en una cohorte de fumadores mexicanos: Antes y durante la publicación de la Ley General para el Control del tabaco en 2008

    PubMed Central

    Hernández, Rosaura Pérez; Thrasher, James F.; Bolaños, Rosibel Rodríguez; Gutiérrez, Inti Barrientos; Hernández, Norma A Ibañez


    Resumen Objetivo Determinar en población fumadora el nivel de exposición a la mercadotecnia por parte de la Industria Tabacalera (IT), a través de diferentes métodos de promocionar sus productos de tabaco, antes y durante la publicación de la Ley General para el Control del Tabaco (LGCT) en 2008. Material y métodos Estudio de cohorte en fumadores adultos (n=941 pre-LGCT y n=1051 post-LGCT) de cuatro ciudades mexicanas. Se realizaron análisis multivariados mediante modelos de ecuaciones de estimación generalizada (GEE). Resultados Se incremento el autoreporte de recepción de muestras gratis de cigarros (3.7% a 8.1%), ropa o artículos con marcas o logos (3.6% a 6.4%), haber visto información sobre eventos especiales (1.9% a 4.7%), y bares, antros y discos para mayores de edad (21.4% a 28%). Se observaron decrementos de publicidad en exteriores (54.7% a 47.2%). Conclusión Es necesaria una política integral con prohibiciones totales de la publicidad y promoción de los productos de tabaco que integre mayor vigilancia y sanciones para lograr la disminución y prevención del consumo de tabaco. PMID:22689158

  19. Publications on Aerospace Medicine of Dr. H. J. /Von Beckh (1941 - 1987)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Ciclo de Conferencias sobre Medicina A~ro-espacial coincidiendo con el XVII. Congreso Internacional Astronautico. Inspeccion General de Sanidad del...Astronautica (Medical Problems of Astronautics). Sexta Con- 14 NADC 86147 -60 ferencia del Ciclo 1952 de la Sociedad Argentina Interplanetaria...del ciclo 1953 de ia Sociedad Argentina Interplanetaria. Auditorium of the Department of Physiology, Medical School. University of Buenos Aires. 20 Aug

  20. VizieR Online Data Catalog: 6.7GHz methanol maser polarization in SFR (Surcis+, 2015)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Surcis, G.; Vlemmings, W. H. T.; van Langevelde, H. J.; Hutawarakorn Kramer, B.; Bartkiewicz, A.; Blasi, M. G.


    The first seven massive SFRs were observed at 6.7GHz in full polarization spectral mode with eight of the EVN antennas (Effelsberg, Jodrell, Onsala, Medicina, Noto, Torun, Westerbork, and Yebes-40m) between November 2012 and June 2013, for a total observation time of 49h. The bandwidth was 2MHz, providing a velocity range of ~100km/s. (8 data files).

  1. Incidence and factors related to delirium in an intensive care unit.


    Mori, Satomi; Takeda, Juliana Rumy Tsuchihashi; Carrara, Fernanda Souza Angotti; Cohrs, Cibelli Rizzo; Zanei, Suely Sueko Viski; Whitaker, Iveth Yamaguchi


    To identify the incidence of delirium, compare the demographic and clinical characteristics of patients with and without delirium, and verify factors related to delirium in critical care patients. Prospective cohort with a sample made up of patients hospitalized in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of a university hospital. Demographic, clinical variables and evaluation with the Confusion Assessment Method for Intensive Care Unit to identify delirium were processed to the univariate analysis and logistic regression to identify factors related to the occurrence of delirium. Of the total 149 patients in the sample, 69 (46.3%) presented delirium during ICU stay, whose mean age, severity of illness and length of ICU stay were statistically higher. The factors related to delirium were: age, midazolam, morphine and propofol. Results showed high incidence of ICU delirium associated with older age, use of sedatives and analgesics, emphasizing the need for relevant nursing care to prevent and identify early, patients presenting these characteristics. Identificar a incidência de delirium, comparar as características demográficas e clínicas dos pacientes com e sem delirium e verificar os fatores relacionados ao delirium em pacientes internados em Unidade de Terapia Intensiva (UTI). Coorte prospectiva, cuja amostra foi constituída de pacientes internados em UTI de um hospital universitário. Variáveis demográficas, clínicas e da avaliação com o Confusion Assessment Method for Intensive Care Unit para identificação de delirium foram processadas para análise univariada, e regressão logística para identificar fatores relacionados à ocorrência do delirium. Do total de 149 pacientes da amostra, 69 (46,3%) apresentaram delirium durante a internação na UTI, observando-se que a média da idade, o índice de gravidade e o tempo de permanência nas UTI foram estatisticamente maiores. Os fatores relacionados ao delirium foram: idade, midazolam, morfina e propofol. Os

  2. [Scabies and the significance of "suriones" in the handwritten manuscripts of Hildegard von Bingen].


    Riethe, Peter


    In her studies on nature and medicine, the "Liber simplicis medicinae" (LSM or "Physica") and the "Liber compositae medicinae" (LCM or "Causae et Curae"), Hildegard von Bingen mentions Scabies (mange) in several passages. She characterizes "suren aut (= or) sneuelzen" as the cause of the disease, which she calls also "gracillimi vermiculi", that is, tiny worms that burrow into the human skin ("ubi suren aut sneuelzen hominem comedendo ledunt"). In this context the meanings of the German-ancestor terms "suren aut sneuelzen", which are found in the Latin text concerning the "Alia Mynza", are still disputed. The question whether Hildegard knew the cause of scabies the author discusses on the basis of ancient and medieval sources as well as modem medical historical and philological/linguistic research approaches. He concludes that Hildegard was able not only to describe the symptoms exactly, but also to define the cause of the disease as a special parasite. Consequently, she differentiates other diseases of the skin, such as "grint", from scabies. The proposed interpretation of "sneuelzen" as the tick is untenable. The assumption that both terms are synonyms for sarcoptes scabiei can be confirmed by philological and medical historical research.

  3. [Follow-up of a diploma course graduates in the teaching of medicine].


    Ponce de León-Castañeda, Ma Eugenia; Ruíz-Alcocer, Ma del Carmen; Lozano-Sánchez, J Rogelio


    Certification in Medical Education; Strategy for Educational Formation. Origins and Follow-Up. This study is a review of the problem of educational formation in terms of an international context, and determinant factors of this need are analyzed, barriers or limitations that have prevented such a formation are highlighted, and some development proposals for educational training are offered. It is also a description of the actions that the Facultad de Medicina (Medical School) of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (National Autonomous University of Mexico) implemented from 1965 to 1996 to promote educational training. In 1997, the Diplomado en Enseñanza de la Medicina began as a new possibility for educational training. The first certification course ran in 1997, and there have been 18 courses to date, eight the Medical School and 10 at external institutions. In 1999, a follow-up questionnaire was answered by physicians trained under the certification program. Results showed that training received in the certification course had a positive effect on teaching skills of physicians who attended it, thus establishing the program as a good option for medical teachers.

  4. Height bias and scale effect induced by antenna gravitational deformations in geodetic VLBI data analysis

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sarti, Pierguido; Abbondanza, Claudio; Petrov, Leonid; Negusini, Monia


    The impact of signal path variations (SPVs) caused by antenna gravitational deformations on geodetic very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) results is evaluated for the first time. Elevation-dependent models of SPV for Medicina and Noto (Italy) telescopes were derived from a combination of terrestrial surveying methods to account for gravitational deformations. After applying these models in geodetic VLBI data analysis, estimates of the antenna reference point positions are shifted upward by 8.9 and 6.7 mm, respectively. The impact on other parameters is negligible. To simulate the impact of antenna gravitational deformations on the entire VLBI network, lacking measurements for other telescopes, we rescaled the SPV models of Medicina and Noto for other antennas according to their size. The effects of the simulations are changes in VLBI heights in the range [-3, 73] mm and a net scale increase of 0.3-0.8 ppb. The height bias is larger than random errors of VLBI position estimates, implying the possibility of significant scale distortions related to antenna gravitational deformations. This demonstrates the need to precisely measure gravitational deformations of other VLBI telescopes, to derive their precise SPV models and to apply them in routine geodetic data analysis.

  5. U. S. Naval Forces, Vietnam Monthly Historical Summary for November 1968

    DTIC Science & Technology


    8217~ -..-. .,-.. 4* November 1968 Coastal activit7 cont.Uriedd to drop of f due to sea and surf cona-mdtona along4 the 3=th China Sea. 4umin; thds...uncov*ored Ur-)wru -wit ±h ;;n exacasve * sj~aant of medicina in theifr posesossiotu Th4 wCmeO o1L4moAi t~hey wre taking t~be medicine t~o their

  6. Assessing the Adaptability to Irregular Rest-Work Rhythms in Military Personnel

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Aeronautica Militare Italiana, CSV Reparto Medicina Aerospaziale Pratica di Mare, 00040 Pomezia (Roma) Italy 2 Dipartimento di Psicologia - Universitd...characteristics to adapt to increased work errors and impaired social work at unusual hours. and family relationship. In addition, there is an increased mortality...DUTY: a brief questionnaire on critical evaluation. Journal of Personality the sleep-wake cycle and vigilance filled in and Social Psychology. 58: 844

  7. Intercontinental Bistatic Radar Test Observation of Asteroid 1998 WT24

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Righini, S.; Poppi, S.; Montebugnoli, S.; DiMartino, M.; Saba, L.; Delbo, M.; Ostro, S.; Monari, J.; Poloni, M.; Orlati, A.


    We describe the first intercontinental planetary radar test performed in Italy observing the near Earth asteroid (NEA) 33342 (1998 WT24) in December 2001 by means of the bistatic configurations Goldstone (California, USA)-Medicina (Italy) and Evpatoria (Ukraine)-Medicina. The experiment goal was to characterize the system for realtime radar follow-up observations of NEAs and artificial orbiting debris, in the framework of a feasibility study which aims at using the Sardinia Radio Telescope, at present under construction, also as a planetary radar facility. We report the preliminary results of the radar observations carried out by the IRA-CNR (Instituto di Radioastronomia - Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche) and the OATo (Osservatorio Astronomico di Torino) groups, aimed at exploring the scientific potentials of a new space radar program, using the existing facilities in Italy. The planetary radar technique is uniquely capable of investigating geometry and surface properties of various solar system objects, demonstrating advantages over the optical methods in its high spatial resolution and ability to obtain three-dimensional images. A single radar detection allows to obtain extremely accurate orbital elements, improving the instantaneous positional uncertainties by orders of magnitude with respect to an optically determined orbit. Radar is a powerful means to spatially resolve NEAs by measuring the distribution of the echo power in time delay (range) and Doppler frequency (line-of-sight velocity) with extreme precision in each coordinate, as it provides detailed information about the target physical properties like size, shape, rotation, near-surface bulk density and roughness and internal density distribution. The Medicina 32m antenna had been successfully used for the first time as the receiving part of a bistatic configuration during a test experiment (September 2001) held to check the capabilities of the entire data acquisition system. This test was possible

  8. Local effects of redundant terrestrial and GPS-based tie vectors in ITRF-like combinations

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Abbondanza, Claudio; Altamimi, Zuheir; Sarti, Pierguido; Negusini, Monia; Vittuari, Luca


    Tie vectors (TVs) between co-located space geodetic instruments are essential for combining terrestrial reference frames (TRFs) realised using different techniques. They provide relative positioning between instrumental reference points (RPs) which are part of a global geodetic network such as the international terrestrial reference frame (ITRF). This paper gathers the set of very long baseline interferometry (VLBI)-global positioning system (GPS) local ties performed at the observatory of Medicina (Northern Italy) during the years 2001-2006 and discusses some important aspects related to the usage of co-location ties in the combinations of TRFs. Two measurement approaches of local survey are considered here: a GPS-based approach and a classical approach based on terrestrial observations (i.e. angles, distances and height differences). The behaviour of terrestrial local ties, which routinely join combinations of space geodetic solutions, is compared to that of GPS-based local ties. In particular, we have performed and analysed different combinations of satellite laser ranging (SLR), VLBI and GPS long term solutions in order to (i) evaluate the local effects of the insertion of the series of TVs computed at Medicina, (ii) investigate the consistency of GPS-based TVs with respect to space geodetic solutions, (iii) discuss the effects of an imprecise alignment of TVs from a local to a global reference frame. Results of ITRF-like combinations show that terrestrial TVs originate the smallest residuals in all the three components. In most cases, GPS-based TVs fit space geodetic solutions very well, especially in the horizontal components (N, E). On the contrary, the estimation of the VLBI RP Up component through GPS technique appears to be awkward, since the corresponding post fit residuals are considerably larger. Besides, combination tests including multi-temporal TVs display local effects of residual redistribution, when compared to those solutions where Medicina TVs

  9. Deconstruction of Oncogenic K-RAS Signaling Reveals Focal Adhesion Kinase as a Novel Therapeutic Target in NSCLC

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Tang (Associate Professor at Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China , Visiting professor) and Niranjan Venkateswaran, MS (Research technician...supported by the Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China . Name: Niranjan Venkateswaran Project Role: Research technician II Researcher Identifier (e.g...Dallas,  TX.   Honors   1989   Medicina   Prize   for   Italian   Researchers   younger   than   35   years   of   age

  10. [National Academy of Medicine, one hundred and fifty-four academic year].


    Mansilla-Olivares, Armando


    El incalculable valor que atesora la Academia Nacional de Medicina, su enorme influencia y repercusión sobre la toma de decisiones médico-científico-epidemiológicas, radica única y exclusivamente en el dominio del conocimiento, la mente científica y el talento de todos y cada uno de sus miembros, desde su fundación en 1864 hasta nuestros días.

  11. Aviation Medicine Translations: Annotated Bibliography of Recently Translated Material. X,

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Professionnelles (France), 24:1-45, 1963. Legal provisions relative to working hours and the principal work schedules used in France are reviewed. Their...month, an extra morning shift was included to comply with the legal working hours of 46 hours a week. The group was investigated for 3 years before and...e degli operatori-radar. (Psychopathology of air traffic controllers and radar operators.) Rivista di Medicina Aeronautica e Spaziale (Italian), 39

  12. Drugs and Air Operations

    DTIC Science & Technology


    in research alternative hypnotic free of such medico- legal establishments which directly support the military, restraints. In this context zolpidem is...1997) from the Reporto Medicina deprivation have been studied by the Walter Reed Aeronautica e Spatiale, Aeroporto Pratica di Mare, Army Institute of...the adverse effects of the compound at years, but in view of the constraint imposed by the appropriate dose rather than on the primary medico- legal

  13. Extremely high cm-band radio flux level of the gamma-ray flaring FSRQ PKS 1510-089

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Orienti, M.; D'Ammando, F.; Giroletti, M.; Orlati, A.


    The 32-m single dish antenna located at Medicina has been observing the flat spectrum radio quasar PKS 1510-089 starting from July 2011 with monthly frequency. The observations were organised as a follow-up of the gamma-ray flaring event reported in July 2011 by AGILE (ATel #3470) and Fermi (ATel #3473). Recently, radio observations were performed at 4.9 GHz and 8.0 GHz on 2011 November 16.

  14. Out on the Playing Field: Providing Quality Physical Education and Recreational Opportunities for Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Youth

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    White, Christopher S.; Oswalt, Sara B.; Wyatt, Tammy J.; Peterson, Fred L.


    Lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) youth may be at a higher risk for depression, suicide, and negative risk-taking (Bontempo & D'Augelli, 2002; DuRant, Krowchuk, & Senal, 1998; Garofalo, Wolf, Kessel, Palfrey, & DuRant, 1998; Hershberger & D'Augelli, 1995; Moon et al., 2000; Rosario, Hunter, & Gwadz, 1997; Rotherum-Borus,…

  15. Risk factors for mortality in ventilator-associated tracheobronchitis: a case-control study.


    Pontes, Leonilda Giani; Menezes, Fernando Gatti de; Gonçalves, Priscila; Toniolo, Alexandra do Rosário; Silva, Claudia Vallone; Kawagoe, Julia Yaeko; Santos, Camila Marques Dos; Castagna, Helena Maria Fernandes; Martino, Marinês Dalla Valle; Corrêa, Luci


    To describe the microbiological characteristics and to assess the risk factors for mortality of ventilator-associated tracheobronchitis in a case-control study of intensive care patients. This case-control study was conducted over a 6-year period in a 40-bed medical-surgical intensive care unit in a tertiary care, private hospital in São Paulo, Brazil. Case patients were identified using the Nosocomial Infection Control Committee database. For the analysis of risk factors, matched control subjects were selected from the same institution at a 1:8.8 ratio, between January 2006 and December 2011. A total of 40 episodes of ventilator-associated tracheobronchitis were evaluated in 40 patients in the intensive care unit, and 354 intensive care patients who did not experience tracheobronchitis were included as the Control Group. During the 6-year study period, a total of 42 organisms were identified (polymicrobial infections were 5%) and 88.2% of all the microorganisms identified were Gram-negative. Using a logistic regression model, we found the following independent risk factors for mortality in ventilator-associated tracheobronchitis patients: Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation I score (odds ratio 1.18 per unit of score; 95%CI: 1.05-1.38; p=0.01), and duration of mechanical ventilation (odds ratio 1.09 per day of mechanical ventilation; 95%CI: 1.03-1.17; p=0.004). Our study provided insight into the risk factors for mortality and microbiological characteristics of ventilator-associated tracheobronchitis. Descrever as características microbiológicas e avaliar os fatores de risco para mortalidade na traqueobronquite associada à ventilação mecânica em um estudo caso-controle de pacientes de terapia intensiva. Estudo realizado ao longo de 6 anos em uma unidade de terapia intensiva médico-cirúrgica de 40 leitos, em um hospital privado e de nível terciário em São Paulo, Brasil. O Grupo Caso foi identificado usando o banco de dados da Comissão de

  16. A public health physician named Walter Leser.


    Mello, Guilherme Arantes; Bonfim, José Ruben de Alcântara


    A brief review of the career of the public health physician Walter Sidney Pereira Leser, who died in 2004 aged 94. Self-taught, from his 1933 doctoral thesis he became a country reference in the field of statistics and epidemiology, with dozens of studies and supervisions. In the clinical field he is one of the founders of Fleury Laboratory, and participates in the creation of CREMESP. As an academic, Leser was a professor at the Escola de Sociologia e Política de São Paulo, Escola Paulista de Medicina e Faculdade de Farmácia e Odontologia da USP. Also, Leser introduced objective tests in the college entrance examination, and led the creation of CESCEM and Carlos Chagas Foundation. In the Escola Paulista de Medicina he created the first Preventive Medicine Department of the country. As a public official, he was secretary of the State Department of Health of São Paulo between 1967 and 1971 and between 1975 and 1979, responsible for extensive reforms and innovations. Among the most remembered, the creation of sanitary medical career. Throughout this legacy, he lent his name to the "Medal of Honor and Merit Public Health Management" of the State of São Paulo.

  17. [Profile of medical students from the Universidade Estadual Paulista-UNESP--Botucatu, who wear contact lenses].


    Vidotti, Vanessa Gonçalves; Kamegasawa, Amélia


    To analyze the ametropy, way of acquisition, the care and complications related to contact lens wear among medical students from Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu da Universidade Estadual Paulista-UNESP--Botucatu (SP). Questionnaire applied to students from the 1st to the 6th year of the Medical school of the Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu da Universidade Estadual Paulista-UNESP--Botucatu (SP), forming an analytical cross-sectional survey. 27.4% of the students use contact lenses, and among them 94.8% use soft contact lenses and 98% have negative degree. 46.9% discard their contact lens monthly. 63.9% have an average daily use of 14 hours, 14.1% acquire the contact lenses from optician stores or at pharmacies and 46.5% of the students clean their contact lenses when they put them on and take them off. Regarding complications, 51.0% reported ocular redness; 44.5%, blurred vision; and 42.6%, foreign body sensation, whereas only 4 students reported "keratitis". We concluded that the inadequate adaptation that occurs even in users knowledgeable about this issue such as medical students, has increased the risk of complications. This fact indicates that more attention must be paid to contact lens care in order to prevent permanent visual deficit.

  18. Single baseline GLONASS observations with VLBI: data processing and first results

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Tornatore, V.; Haas, R.; Duev, D.; Pogrebenko, S.; Casey, S.; Molera Calvés, G.; Keimpema, A.


    Several tests to observe signals transmitted by GLONASS (GLObal NAvigation Satellite System) satellites have been performed using the geodetic VLBI (Very Long Baseline Interferometry) technique. The radio telescopes involved in these experiments were Medicina (Italy) and Onsala (Sweden), both equipped with L-band receivers. Observations at the stations were performed using the standard Mark4 VLBI data acquisition rack and Mark5A disk-based recorders. The goals of the observations were to develop and test the scheduling, signal acquisition and processing routines to verify the full tracking pipeline, foreseeing the cross-correlation of the recorded data on the baseline Onsala-Medicina. The natural radio source 3c286 was used as a calibrator before the starting of the satellite observation sessions. Delay models, including the tropospheric and ionospheric corrections, which are consistent for both far- and near-field sources are under development. Correlation of the calibrator signal has been performed using the DiFX software, while the satellite signals have been processed using the narrow band approach with the Metsaehovi software and analysed with a near-field delay model. Delay models both for the calibrator signals and the satellites signals, using the same geometrical, tropospheric and ionospheric models, are under investigation to make a correlation of the satellite signals possible.

  19. Patrones de lluvia, transcolación y flujo de nutrientes en las cuencas de Bisley, Bosque Experimental de Luquillo, Puerto Rico


    Tamara Heartsill; Carlos R. Estrada Ruiz; Samuel Moya


    Describimos la cantidad de lluvia y transcolación durante veinte años (1988-2008), incluyendo varios periodos de sequías, huracanes y lluvias intensas. La composición de nutrientes en la lluvia y transcolación fueron medidos semanalmente durante quince años (1988-2002), incluyendo los periodos de...

  20. Description and Comparison of Morphological Structures of the Eggs of Anopheles Hyrcanus Group and Related Species (Diptera: Culicidae) from the Republic of Korea

    DTIC Science & Technology


    major vector of malaria in China ; however, its vectorial capacity is unknown in the ROK. The other remaining four Anopheles species are not considered to...morphometry and morphology of Anopheles aconitus Form B and C eggs under scanning electron microscope. Revista do Instituto de Medicina Tropical de Sao Paulo...and its genetic identity with An. (Ano.) anthropophagus from China (Diptera: Culicidae). Zootaxa, 378, 1–14. RUEDA ET AL.40 · Zootaxa 2268 © 2009

  1. Laboratory guidelines for the diagnosis and follow-up of patients with monoclonal gammopathies.


    Bravo García-Morato, M; Padilla-Merlano, B; Nozal, P; Espiño, M; Juárez, C; Villar, L M; López-Trascasa, M


    We present guidelines from the Immunochemistry group of the Spanish Society for Immunology that are designed to provide a practical tool for the diagnosis and follow-up of monoclonal gammopathies. We review the clinical and analytical features of various monoclonal gammopathies, international consensus guidelines and techniques used to detect and follow-up monoclonal components. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier España, S.L.U. y Sociedad Española de Medicina Interna (SEMI). All rights reserved.

  2. [The continuous intrusion of subjectivity in medical decisions].


    Lifshitz, Alberto


    La medicina contemporánea tiene su sustento más sólido en la ciencia positivista que pretende excluir la subjetividad y centrarse en el conocimiento sólido, objetivo, duro, demostrable, reproducible, verificable y falseable. Este enfoque ha generado beneficios indudables en tanto que en las decisiones se eluden muchas ideas que dominaron el pensamiento médico como la magia, el prejuicio, la casualidad, las fuerzas sobrenaturales, los dogmas y las creencias.

  3. EVN detection of Aql X-1 in outburst

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Tudose, V.; Paragi, Z.; Miller-Jones, J.; Garrett, M.; Fender, R.; Rushton, A.; Spencer, R.


    The X-ray binary Aql X-1 has been in outburst in the last few weeks (ATEL #2288, #2296, #2299, #2302, #2303). We observed the system on 2009 November 19 between 14:30-19:00 UT at 5 GHz with the European VLBI Network (EVN) using the e-VLBI technique. The participating radio telescopes were Effelsberg (1 Gbps), Medicina (896 Mbps), Onsala 25m (1 Gbps), Torun (1 Gbps), Westerbork (1 Gbps), Yebes (896 Mbps), and Cambridge (128 Mbps).

  4. Italy INAF Analysis Center Report

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Negusini, M.; Sarti, P.


    This report summarizes the activity of the Italian INAF VLBI Analysis Center. Our Analysis Center is located in Bologna, Italy and belongs to the Institute of Radioastronomy, which is part of the National Institute of Astrophysics. IRA runs the observatories of Medicina and Noto, where two 32-m VLBI AZ-EL telescopes are situated. This report contains the AC's VLBI data analysis activities and shortly outlines the investigations into the co-locations of space geodetic instruments.

  5. Association of gestational age with the option of pregnancy termination for fetal abnormalities incompatible with neonatal survival.


    Westphal, Flavia; Fustinoni, Suzete Maria; Pinto, Vânia Lopes; Melo, Patrícia de Souza; Abrahão, Anelise Riedel


    To identify the profile of women seen in a Fetal Medicine unit, diagnosed with fetal abnormality incompatible with neonatal survival in their current pregnancy, and to check the association of gestational age upon diagnosis with the option of pregnancy termination. This is a retrospective cohort study carried out in the Fetal Medicine Outpatients Clinic of a university hospital, in the city of São Paulo (SP), Brazil, using medical records of pregnant women with fetus presenting abnormalities incompatible with neonatal survival. The sample comprised 94 medical records. The Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS), version 19, was used for the data statistical analysis. The population of the study included young adult women, who had complete or incomplete high school education, employed, with family income of one to three minimum wages, single, nonsmokers, who did not drink alcoholic beverages or used illicit drugs. Women with more advanced gestational age upon fetal diagnosis (p=0.0066) and/or upon admission to the specialized unit (p=0.0018) presented a lower percentage of termination of pregnancy. Due to characteristics different from those classically considered as of high gestational risk, these women might not be easily identified during the classification of gestational risk, what may contribute to a late diagnosis of fetal diseases. Early diagnosis enables access to specialized multiprofessional care in the proper time for couple's counseling on the possibility of requesting legal authorization for pregnancy termination. Identificar o perfil de mulheres atendidas em um serviço de Medicina Fetal, que receberam diagnóstico de anomalia fetal incompatível com a sobrevida neonatal na gestação atual, e verificar a associação da idade gestacional no diagnóstico com a opção pela interrupção da gravidez. Trata-se de um estudo de coorte retrospectivo, realizado no ambulatório de Medicina Fetal de um hospital universitário da cidade de S�

  6. [80 years of soial service in medicine].


    Hace 80 años, la Escuela de Medicina de la Universidad Nacional, en voz de su director, Gustavo Baz Prada, hizo una propuesta que pronto se convirtió en realidad y finalmente en norma, la que desde entonces se conoce como SS. Esta iniciativa se vio como una manera para que los estudiantes de medicina del último año retribuyeran a la sociedad una parte de lo que esta invirtió en su educación, consolidaran su formación mediante la exposición a las realidades de todos los días en los medios más necesitados, se pusieran a prueba sobre sus verdaderas capacidades para atender pacientes y participaran en la solución de un problema de atención sanitaria que en ese entonces era mucho más apremiante que ahora. Unos años después, los recién egresados de otras licenciaturas (pasantes) también fueron incorporados a esta estrategia y, al fin, se reconoció formalmente como una responsabilidad de las instituciones educativas. Las aportaciones del SS a la salud de las personas y a la formación de los médicos han sido incuestionables, y la experiencia humana que ha representado para quienes lo han vivido ha dejado marcas indelebles.

  7. [Health Promotion and care of immigrant population in the eighth Municipality of Rome: the experience of the Medicine Service of Solidarity and the University Hospital of Tor Vergata].


    Palombi, Leonardo; Ercoli, Lucia; Buonomo, Ersilia; Mancinelli, Sandro; De Luca, Simona; Laurenti, Serena; Visconti, Giuseppe; Bollero, Patrizio


    The VIII Municipality of Rome is characterized by a high poverty rate, by the presence of many immigrant communities and by the lack of health services available to vulnerable social groups. In 2005 , the " Servizio di Medicina Solidale" of the University Hospital of "Tor Vergata", for the first time intervened in this Municipality regarding Immigrant Health. The paper describes the activities and organization of this service from January 2005 to December 2007. It demonstrates a complex epidemiological picture of 2,374 immigrants, characterized by a young population, mostly women with reproductive health issues, followed by children with infectious and nutritional problems and, ultimately, adults who accessed the service, firstly for gastroenterological problems, secondly for cardiovascular problems and finally for dysmetabolic disorders. The paper describes the culture-centered actions of Health Promotion and Health Education in order to improve health awareness and promote integration of immigrants. The study indicates that the limited number of hospital admissions ( n.20) with respect to the number of outpatient visits (n.70.000) in the first seven years of the service " Medicina Solidale" has significantly reduced the number of unnecessary admissions to emergency wards. In conclusion it is notable that the cost of such intervention results eight times inferior to emergency admissions and further confirms that a Community medicine approach is sustainable.

  8. Crustal Movements and Gravity Variations in the Southeastern Po Plain, Italy

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zerbini, S.; Bruni, S.; Errico, M.; Santi, E.; Wilmes, H.; Wziontek, H.


    At the Medicina observatory, in the southeastern Po Plain, in Italy, we have started a project of continuous GPS and gravity observations in mid 1996. The experiment, focused on a comparison between height and gravity variations, is still ongoing; these uninterrupted time series certainly constitute a most important data base to observe and estimate reliably long-period behaviors but also to derive deeper insights on the nature of the crustal deformation. Almost two decades of continuous GPS observations from two closely located receivers have shown that the coordinate time series are characterized by linear and non-linear variations as well as by sudden jumps. Both over long- and short-period time scales, the GPS height series show signals induced by different phenomena, for example, those related to mass transport in the Earth system. Seasonal effects are clearly recognizable and are mainly associated with the water table seasonal behavior. To understand and separate the contribution of different forcings is not an easy task; to this end, the information provided by the superconducting gravimeter observations and also by absolute gravity measurements offers a most important means to detect and understand mass contributions. In addition to GPS and gravity data, at Medicina, a number of environmental parameters time series are also regularly acquired, among them water table levels. We present the results of study investigating correlations between height, gravity and environmental parameters time series.

  9. Water masers in the Kronian system

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Pogrebenko, Sergei V.; Gurvits, Leonid I.; Elitzur, Moshe; Cosmovici, Cristiano B.; Avruch, Ian M.; Pluchino, Salvatore; Montebugnoli, Stelio; Salerno, Emma; Maccaferri, Giuseppe; Mujunen, Ari; Ritakari, Jouko; Molera, Guifre; Wagner, Jan; Uunila, Minttu; Cimo, Giuseppe; Schilliro, Francesco; Bartolini, Marco

    The presence of water has been considered for a long time as a key condition for life in planetary environments. The Cassini mission discovered water vapour in the Kronian system by detecting absorption of UV emission from a background star (Hansen et al. 2006). Prompted by this discovery, we started an observational campaign for search of another manifestation of the water vapour in the Kronian system, its maser emission at the frequency of 22 GHz (1.35 cm wavelength). Observations with the 32 m Medicina radio telescope (INAF-IRA, Italy) started in 2006 using Mk5A data recording and the JIVE-Huygens software correlator. Later on, an on-line spectrometer was used at Medicina. The 14 m Metsähovi radio telescope (TKK-MRO, Finland) joined the observational campaign in 2008 using a locally developed data capture unit and software spectrometer. More than 300 hours of observations were collected in 2006-2008 campaign with the two radio telescopes. The data were analysed at JIVE using the Doppler tracking technique to compensate the observed spectra for the radial Doppler shift for various bodies in the Kronian system (Pogrebenko et al. 2009). Here we report the observational results for Hyperion, Titan, Enceladus and Atlas, and their physical interpretation. Encouraged by these results we started a campaign of follow up observations including other radio telescopes.

  10. The role of the nurse at the end of the life of a critically ill patient.


    González-Rincón, M; Díaz de Herrera-Marchal, P; Martínez-Martín, M L


    Analyze the role of the nurse at the end of the life of a critically ill patient. Bibliographic review from a search of the health science databases such as PubMed, CINAHL, Cuiden, Scopus, Cochrane, as well as specialized platforms, general and thematic browsers. The limits were language (English or Spanish) and publication date (2005-2015). 180 articles met the inclusion criteria, and 16 of them were selected for analysis. The main results were grouped into three categories of analysis: direct patient care, family-focussed care and the nurse's role within the team. the described roles place the nurse as a key element in humanising death in the ICU and so nurses can and must lead change, playing an active role in creating strategies that really promote the integration of a palliative care approach in ICU. Copyright © 2018 Sociedad Española de Enfermería Intensiva y Unidades Coronarias (SEEIUC). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  11. [The Revista Médica del IMSS in the 2017 Healthcare Book Fair].


    Ramiro-H, Manuel; Acosta-Pérez, L; Cruz-Aranda, J E; García-Damián, J J; Miguel-Reyes, R; González-Martínez, R


    On August, the second edition of the Healthcare Book Fair took place, sponsored by the Facultad de Medicina of UNAM. Again, the Revista Médica del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social participated with a stand where we promoted it, talked about the different indexes where our journal is included, explained its objective and scope, and finally talked about its nature as an open access journal, which is aimed to the clinical staff of the different health institutions of our country.

  12. Radio non-detection of Aql X-1

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Tudose, V.; Paragi, Z.; Altamirano, D.; Miller-Jones, J. C. A.; Garrett, M.; Fender, R.; Rushton, A.; Spencer, R.; Maitra, D.


    The neutron star X-ray binary Aql X-1 is on the decaying phase of a major outburst that peaked at optical and X-ray bands in mid-September (ATEL #2850, #2871, #2891, #2902). We observed the object at 5 GHz with the European VLBI Network (EVN) in the e-VLBI mode on 2010 October 4th between 18:20-22:09 UT. The participating stations were Cambridge, Effelsberg, Jodrell Bank (MkII), Hartebeesthoek, Medicina, Onsala, Torun, Westerbork and Yebes.

  13. Afterrise: Deep Body Temperature Following Exercise

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Egalement, les effets de la posture et des v~tements durant la recuperation et la temperature de la salle de recuperation furent examines. Cinq hommes se...chemise a manches courtes). Les temperatures rectales et de la peau furent mesurees A chaque minute durant les exercices et la r~cup~ration affectaient...overgarment. RESUME Cette etude fut entreprise pour documenter l’augmentation continue de la temperature rectale apres exercice dans la chaleur

  14. Intensive care unit team perception of palliative care: the discourse of the collective subject.


    Gulini, Juliana El Hage Meyer de Barros; Nascimento, Eliane Regina Pereira do; Moritz, Rachel Duarte; Rosa, Luciana Martins da; Silveira, Natyele Rippel; Vargas, Mara Ambrosina de Oliveira


    To learn the perception of health professionals in an intensive care unit towards palliative care. This was a descriptive and qualitative study based on the converging care approach conducted at an intensive care unit in the South of Brazil. Semi-structured interviews were used to investigate the understanding of the professionals about palliative care in this unit. The data were organized and analyzed using the discourse of the collective subject method with the help of Qualiquantisoft® software. Participants included 37 professionals (12 nurses, 11nursing technicians, 5 physical therapists and 9 doctors). The key ideas extracted from the interviews were: care in the end stage of life that avoids futile measures; comfort care; lack of standardized care and lack of team training. The professionals perceived palliative care as appropriate in the last stages of life, with no need for futile treatment or as comfort measures. However, they are aware of the lack of standardization and lack of capacity building in this area, which leads them to conceive palliative care as terminal care, and measures are recommended to break with this stigma. Conhecer a percepção dos profissionais de saúde de uma Unidade de Terapia Intensiva acerca do cuidado paliativo. Pesquisa descritiva, qualitativa do tipo Convergente Assistencial realizada em uma Unidade de Terapia Intensiva da região sul do Brasil. Utilizou-se de entrevista semiestruturada que investigou o entendimento e a compreensão sobre cuidado paliativo nesta unidade. Os dados foram organizados e analisados pela técnica do discurso do sujeito coletivo com auxílio do software Qualiquantisoft®. Participaram do estudo 37 profissionais (12 enfermeiros, 11 técnicos de enfermagem, cinco fisioterapeutas e nove médicos). As ideias centrais extraídas dos relatos: cuidado na fase terminal da vida sem medidas fúteis; cuidados de conforto; falta uniformizar a assistência e falta capacitação para a equipe. Os profissionais

  15. Potential intravenous drug interactions in intensive care.


    Moreira, Maiara Benevides; Mesquita, Maria Gefé da Rosa; Stipp, Marluci Andrade Conceição; Paes, Graciele Oroski


    To analyze potential intravenous drug interactions, and their level of severity associated with the administration of these drugs based on the prescriptions of an intensive care unit. Quantitative study, with aretrospective exploratory design, and descriptive statistical analysis of the ICU prescriptions of a teaching hospital from March to June 2014. The sample consisted of 319 prescriptions and subsamples of 50 prescriptions. The mean number of drugs per patient was 9.3 records, and a higher probability of drug interaction inherent to polypharmacy was evidenced. The study identified severe drug interactions, such as concomitant administration of Tramadol with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor drugs (e.g., Metoclopramide and Fluconazole), increasing the risk of seizures due to their epileptogenic actions, as well as the simultaneous use of Ranitidine-Fentanyl®, which can lead to respiratory depression. A previous mapping of prescriptions enables the characterization of the drug therapy, contributing to prevent potential drug interactions and their clinical consequences. Analisar as potenciais interações medicamentosas intravenosas e seu grau de severidade associadas à administração desses medicamentos a partir das prescrições do Centro de Terapia Intensiva. Estudo quantitativo, tipologia retrospectiva exploratória, com análise estatística descritiva das prescrições medicamentosas do Centro de Terapia Intensiva de um Hospital Universitário, no período de março-junho/2014. A amostra foi composta de 319 prescrições e subamostras de 50 prescrições. Constatou-se que a média de medicamentos por paciente foi de 9,3 registros, e evidenciou-se maior probabilidade para ocorrência de interação medicamentosa inerente à polifarmácia. O estudo identificou interações medicamentosas graves, como a administração concomitante de Tramadol com medicamentos inibidores seletivos da recaptação da serotonina, (exemplo: Metoclopramida e Fluconazol



    Lima, Wilma Terezinha Anselmo


    Search for references in relationship to international alumni on the website of the postgraduate programs of all postgraduate courses at Ribeirão Preto Medical School - FMRP. Verify with more attention to the ones with 5, 6 and 7 notes, and also the same search on the website of courses with notes 5, 6 and 7 of CAPES - Medicine III. Of the 22 programs of FMRP only three had any information on the site about the destiny of the postgraduates; they were: Surgical Clinics, Genetics, and Basic and Applied Immunology. Programs in the area of ​​Medicine III, notes 5, 6 and 7, only Ophthalmology and Visual Programs and Translational Sciences Surgery, both of UNIFESP, presented such information. It is urgent: to create project and funding evaluation mechanisms that are approved by different sources; to stimulate more efficient controls in relation to teachers and their students who participate in these projects; and to stimulate the interaction of teachers and students with the institution and the program. Verificar a existência de referências aos egressos internacionais nos sites dos programas de pós-graduação de todos os cursos de pós-graduação da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto - FMRP. Verificar com mais atenção aos cursos notas 5, 6 e 7, e também a mesma busca nos sites dos cursos com notas 5, 6 e 7 da Medicina III da CAPES. Dos 22 programas da FMRP apenas três tinham no site alguma informação sobre o destino dos egressos, foram eles: Clínica Cirúrgica, Genética e Imunologia Básica e Aplicada. Dos programas da área de Medicina III, notas 5, 6 e 7 apenas os programas de Oftalmologia e Ciências Visuais e Cirurgia Translacional, ambos da UNIFESP, apresentavam informações sobre o destino dos seus egressos. É urgente criar mecanismos de avaliação para os projetos de incentivo e fomento à pesquisa dos diferentes órgãos; estimular controles mais eficientes e atualizados em relação aos docentes e seus respectivos discentes que

  17. [Health Campaigns Against Malaria in Spain through the Specialized Journalism in Spain (1929-1954)].


    Barón Cano, Natalia; Mosquera Gordillo, Miguel Armando; Ballester Añón, Rosa


    Malaria was one of the most important public health problems of the Colonial Medicine and, for this reason, the subject was reflected in the Spanish medical journalism. The aim of the paper was to reconstruct the Spanish contributions to international health during the first half of the twentieth century. The primary sources of information on malaria were the medical journals Medicina de los Países Cálidos and Medicina Colonial, between 1929 and 1954. The documents were classified according to the sections of the magazine and its contents were studied, framing them in the history of international public health. In primary sources were found 466 documents. Malaria was one of the major diseases of the Spanish Protectorate in Morocco and Spanish Guinea, favoured by the occupation of the Spanish army. Antimalaria campaigns included strategies such as the use of Dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane, preventive education and massive quininización. Malariology in the specialized journalism, experienced a growing boom. The most outstanding authors in magazines analyzed were Gustavo Pittaluga, Sadí de Buen, Eliseo de Buen and Juan Gil-Collado. The Spanish specialized journalism provides the importance e interaction in antimalaria campaigns in Spain and Spanish African colonies of scientific, professional, political and military factors. The colonial situation was negative and marked differences between metropolis and colonies in terms of the effort, efficiency and the different temporal sequence of the measures undertaken.

  18. [Hildegards von Bingen 'Liber simplicis medicinae' in the Mainz 'Garden of Health'].


    Riethe, Peter


    The "Garden of Health" (Gart der Gesundheit) is the first illustrated book of herbs in German language. Its author, Johann Wonnecke from Kaub on the Rhine, was born in 1430 and worked as a city doctor in Frankfurt/Main until his death in 1503 or 1504. In his book, he refers to "proven Greek, Latin and Arabic masters of medicine" (bewerte meister in der artzeney), whose writings he was instructed to collect by Bernard von Breidenbach in 1480. Wonnecke carried out he task in a special way, deceiving five generations of historians of science, who proceeded from the false assumption, that the Gart der Gesundheit was compiled and translated from Latin sources. Wonnecke established the desired authors skilfully in his report, but under a more detailed investigation they reveal themselves as not taken from Latin sources but copied off from native language scriptures, e.g. Alterer deutscher Macer and Buch der Natur by Konrad von Megenberg. To these hitherto known sources used by him now the Speyrer Kräuterbuch is added, which supplied the medical knowledge of Hildegard von Bingen to the "Gart".

  19. [Medicine and its museums].


    Acerbi Cremades, N


    There are described in this article the historical patrimonies belonging to five museums of Cordoba city, Argentina: the Museo de anatomia, which was named after Pedro Ara, notable Spanish Anatomist; the Museo de Anatomia Patologica; the Museo de Historia de la Medicina, created by Prof. Enrique P. Aznarez; the Museo "Obispo Salguero" of the Hospital San Roque; and the Museo Historico del Hospital Nacional de Clinicas, declared national historic monument. All these museums have a rich historic hoard, reflecting one of the important cultural aspects of this province.

  20. [An automated registry program for nosocomial infections].


    Castañón-González, Jorge Alberto; Polanco-González, Carlos; Samaniego-Mendoza, José Lino; Buhse, Thomas


    Las infecciones nosocomiales presentan un gran reto para la medicina hospitalaria, en general, y para las Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos, en particular. Su elevada prevalencia, la gran morbilidad y mortalidad asociadas, el incremento de la estancia hospitalaria y, en consecuencia, los costos de la atención médica han hecho que los programas de vigilancia, control y prevención de infecciones nosocomiales sean una parte toral de los protocolos de seguridad para el paciente y un indicador de calidad de la atención médica.

  1. AFTERRISE: Deep Body Temperature Following Exercise

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Egalement, les effets de la posture et des v~tements durant la r~cup~ration et la temperature de la salle de r~cup~ration furent examines. Cinq hommes...une chemise a manches courtes). Les tempdratures rectales et de la peau furent mesurdes & chaque minute durant les exercices et la r6cupdration...Ndcnillll~ l OLen 1+ 1DNfnce na~on~e :x DTIC Ss ELECTE FEB 5 1993DI C AFTERRISE: DEEP BODY TEMPERATURE FOLLOWING EXERCISE (U) by S. Tuck and A.A

  2. Interagency Training for Comprehensive Operations: Government Partners Perceptions of Exercise Maple Guardian (La Formation Interorganismes aux fins d’Operations Globales: Perceptions des Partenaires Gouvernementaux de l’Exercise Maple Guardian)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    autres ministères de même que sur la culture afghane, et faire intervenir les autres ministères plus tôt durant la planification de l’exercice...mécanismes de planification des FC. Ils jugent que la formation les a aidés à établir des relations utiles avec des membres des FC (et d’autres effectifs...ministères et sur la culture afghane, et de faire intervenir d’autres ministères plus tôt durant la planification de l’exercice. Les résultats de

  3. Antibiotic consumption and resistance: results of the SPIN-UTI project of the GISIO-SItI.


    Agodi, Antonella; Auxilia, Francesco; Barchitta, Martina; Brusaferro, Silvio; D'Errico, Marcello Mario; Montagna, Maria Teresa; Pasquarella, Cesira; Tardivo, Stefano; Mura, Ida


    To evaluate trends and association between antibiotic consumption and resistance during an eight-year period, from 2006 to 2013. Prospective multicenter study. Intensive Care Units (ICUs) participating in the four editions of the Italian nosocomial infections surveillance in the ICU Network (Sorveglianza Prospettica delle Infezioni Nosocomiali nelle Unità di Terapia Intensiva, SPIN-UTI project). The isolation density of selected species of microorganisms, antibiotic resistance rates (RRs), incidence density of resistant isolates and antimicrobial usage density were calculated. RRs of carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii, of carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae, of third-generation cephalosporin (3GC)-resistant K. pneumoniae and of 3GC-resistant Escherichia coli showed significant increasing trends (p ≤0.001). The consumption of each antibiotic class varied with years, although not significantly. Significant strongly positive correlations were detected between RRs and antibiotic consumption. The present study describes high RRs and increasing trends of resistant microorganisms and highlights the need for continuous comprehensive strategies targeting not only the prudent use of antibiotics, but also infection control measures to limit the epidemic spread of resistant isolates.

  4. [The advertising message of drugs advertisements in Spanish medical journals].


    Riera, Eusebi J Castaño; de la Fuente, David Oterino; Rodrígueza, Rosa M Rodríguez


    To describe the characteristics of advertising in Spanish medical journals and to analyze the advertising message in drug advertisements. Six issues of 4 Spanish medical journals published in 2001 were reviewed to identify the number of advertisements and their characteristics. The journals selected were Atención Primaria, Anales Españoles de Pediatría, Medicina Clínica and Gaceta Sanitaria. The advertising message was analyzed by evaluating 5 factors: communication aim, sales argument, communication treatment, and use of text and image. 609 advertisements were found. Drug advertisements were the most numerous (69.9%). Advertising pressure was highest in Atención Primaria (36%), followed by Anales Españoles de Pediatría (22%), Medicina Clínica (12%) and Gaceta Sanitaria (4%). Of the 195 drug advertisements analyzed, the aim of the advertising message was mostly to present or remind readers of an existing product (70.8%). The sales argument was rational in 86.5%. The communication treatment was advertising in 72.6%. The text of the advertisement contained a headline in 82.4% or a slogan in 50.8%. The advertisement image was a photograph in 74.7% and the aim of the image was to present the product (48.7%), to promise a benefit (45.1%), or to argue its qualities (31.1%). In the journals aimed at prescribing physicians advertising pressure was higher and advertisements were intercalated in article text. Advertising concerned already existing products, used rational arguments, and the communication treatment was advertising.

  5. [Disclosure of sources of funding in biomedical journals. Descriptive study of four Spanish publications].


    Roig, F; Borrego, A


    The source of research funding can result in bias, and its disclosure is essential in the publication of results. The aim of the study is to identify the frequency and type of sources of funding in the articles published by four Spanish biomedical journals published in Spanish. The frequency and type of financial disclosures in the articles published during 2012 in the ordinary numbers of Atención Primaria, Medicina Clínica, Revista Clínica Española and Revista Española de Cardiología were analyzed. Articles described as "Editorial", "Original article", "Consensus Document", "Review" and "Special Article" were considered. It was decided in each case whether or not the article included any funding disclosure and the type of the declared funding (public or private). Four hundred and twelve publications were analyzed. In 32.5% there was disclosure of funding: 38% in Atención Primaria, 27% in Medicina Clínica, 15% in Revista Clínica Española and 45% in Revista Española de Cardiología. By type of articles, 47% of original articles, 44% of consensus documents, 21% of reviews, 14% of special articles and 8% of editorials had a funding source. In 51.5% of the cases, funding was exclusively public, in 36.5% exclusively private and in 10% mixed. There is considerable variability in the disclosure of funding sources in articles appearing in these four Spanish biomedical journals. It would be necessary to improve the disclosure requirements of sources of funding, making them uniform, clear and transparent.

  6. Single-dish and VLBI observations of Cygnus X-3 during the 2016 giant flare episode

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Egron, E.; Pellizzoni, A.; Giroletti, M.; Righini, S.; Stagni, M.; Orlati, A.; Migoni, C.; Melis, A.; Concu, R.; Barbas, L.; Buttaccio, S.; Cassaro, P.; De Vicente, P.; Gawroński, M. P.; Lindqvist, M.; Maccaferri, G.; Stanghellini, C.; Wolak, P.; Yang, J.; Navarrini, A.; Loru, S.; Pilia, M.; Bachetti, M.; Iacolina, M. N.; Buttu, M.; Corbel, S.; Rodriguez, J.; Markoff, S.; Wilms, J.; Pottschmidt, K.; Cadolle Bel, M.; Kalemci, E.; Belloni, T.; Grinberg, V.; Marongiu, M.; Vargiu, G. P.; Trois, A.


    In 2016 September, the microquasar Cygnus X-3 underwent a giant radio flare, which was monitored for 6 d with the Medicina Radio Astronomical Station and the Sardinia Radio Telescope. Long observations were performed in order to follow the evolution of the flare on an hourly scale, covering six frequency ranges from 1.5 to 25.6 GHz. The radio emission reached a maximum of 13.2 ± 0.7 Jy at 7.2 GHz and 10 ± 1 Jy at 18.6 GHz. Rapid flux variations were observed at high radio frequencies at the peak of the flare, together with rapid evolution of the spectral index: α steepened from 0.3 to 0.6 (with Sν ∝ ν-α) within 5 h. This is the first time that such fast variations are observed, giving support to the evolution from optically thick to optically thin plasmons in expansion moving outward from the core. Based on the Italian network (Noto, Medicina and SRT) and extended to the European antennas (Torun, Yebes, Onsala), very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) observations were triggered at 22 GHz on five different occasions, four times prior to the giant flare, and once during its decay phase. Flux variations of 2 h duration were recorded during the first session. They correspond to a mini-flare that occurred close to the core 10 d before the onset of the giant flare. From the latest VLBI observation we infer that 4 d after the flare peak the jet emission was extended over 30 mas.

  7. Renal function assessment in heart failure.


    Pérez Calvo, J I; Josa Laorden, C; Giménez López, I

    Renal function is one of the most consistent prognostic determinants in heart failure. The prognostic information it provides is independent of the ejection fraction and functional status. This article reviews the various renal function assessment measures, with special emphasis on the fact that the patient's clinical situation and response to the heart failure treatment should be considered for the correct interpretation of the results. Finally, we review the literature on the performance of tubular damage biomarkers. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier España, S.L.U. and Sociedad Española de Medicina Interna (SEMI). All rights reserved.

  8. Clinical application of cell, gene and tissue therapies in Spain.


    Gálvez-Martín, P; Ruiz, A; Clares, B


    Scientific and technical advances in the areas of biomedicine and regenerative medicine have enabled the development of new treatments known as "advanced therapies", which encompass cell therapy, genetics and tissue engineering. The biologic products that can be manufactured from these elements are classified from the standpoint of the Spanish Agency of Medication and Health Products in advanced drug therapies, blood products and transplants. This review seeks to provide scientific and administrative information for clinicians on the use of these biologic resources. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier España, S.L.U. and Sociedad Española de Medicina Interna (SEMI). All rights reserved.

  9. EVN e-VLBI detections of MAXI J1659-152

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Paragi, Z.; van der Horst, A. J.; Granot, J.; Taylor, G. B.; Kouveliotou, C.; Garrett, M. A.; Wijers, R. A. M. J.; Ramirez-Ruiz, E.; Kuulkers, E.; Gehrels, N.; Woods, P. M.


    We observed MAXI J1659-152 (Negoro et al. 2010, ATel #2873; Mangano et al. 2010, GCN #11296) following its sub-millimeter and centimeter radio detections (de Ugarte Postigo et al. 2010, GCN #11304; van der Horst et al. 2010, ATel #2874) with the European VLBI Network (EVN) in real-time e-VLBI mode on 30 September 2010, from 13:30 to 18:30 UT at 4.9 GHz. The participating telescopes were Cambridge, Effelsberg, Jodrell Bank (MkII), Hartebeesthoek, Medicina, Onsala, Torun and Westerbork sending data at a rate of ~1024 Mbps to the EVN Data Processor at JIVE.

  10. Study of mutual occultation phenomena of the Galilean satellites at radio wavelengths

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Pluchino, S.; Salerno, E.; Pupillo, G.; Schillirò, F.; Kraus, A.; Mack, K.-H.


    We present preliminary results for our study of mutual phenomena of the Galilean satellites performed at radio wavelengths with the Medicina and Noto antennas of the Istituto di Radioastronomia - INAF, and with the Effelsberg 100-m radio telescope of the Max-Planck-Institute for Radioastronomy, Bonn. Measurements of the radio flux density variation during the mutual occultations of Io by Europa and Ganymede were carried out during the PHEMU09 campaign at 22 GHz and 43 GHz. Flux density variations observed at radio wavelengths are consistent with the typical optical patterns measured when partial occultations occur.

  11. Epidemiological profile of ICU patients at Faculdade de Medicina de Marília.


    El-Fakhouri, Silene; Carrasco, Hugo Victor Cocca Gimenez; Araújo, Guilherme Campos; Frini, Inara Cristina Marciano


    To characterize the epidemiological profile of the hospitalized population in the ICU of Hospital das Clínicas de Marília (Famema). A retrospective, descriptive and quantitative study. Data regarding patients admitted to the ICU Famema was obtained from the Technical Information Center (Núcleo Técnico de Informações, NTI, Famema). For data analysis, we used the distribution of absolute and relative frequencies with simple statistical treatment. 2,022 ICU admissions were recorded from June 2010 to July 2012 with 1,936 being coded according to the ICD-10. The epidemiological profile comprised mostly males (57.91%), predominantly seniors ≥ 60 years (48.89%), at an average age of 56.64 years (±19.18), with limited formal education (63.3% complete primary school), mostly white (77.10%), Catholic (75.12%), from the city of Marília, state of São Paulo, Brazil (53.81%). The average occupancy rate was 94.42%. The predominant cause of morbidity was diseases of the circulatory system with 494 admissions (25.5%), followed by traumas and external causes with 446 admissions (23.03%) and neoplasms with 213 admissions (11.00%). The average stay was 8.09 days (±10.73). The longest average stay was due to skin and subcutaneous tissue diseases, with average stay of 12.77 days (±17.07). There were 471 deaths (24.32%), mainly caused by diseases of the circulatory system (30.99%). The age group with the highest mortality was the range from 70 to 79 years with 102 deaths (21.65%). The ICU Famema presents an epidemiological profile similar to other intensive care units in Brazil and worldwide, despite the few studies available in the literature. Thus, we feel in tune with the treatment of critical care patients.

  12. Regulación del flujo sanguíneo uterino. II. Funciones de estrógeno y receptores estrogénicos α/β en acciones genómicas y no-genómicas del endotelio uterino *

    PubMed Central

    Mayra, Pastore R.; Rosalina, Villalón L.; López, Gladys; Iruretagoyena, Jesús; Magness, Ronald


    Resumen El embarazo está marcado por cambios y adaptaciones cardiovasculares que son importantes para el crecimiento y mantenimiento de la placenta y el feto. Durante este periodo, las adaptaciones vasculares uterinas manifiestan cambios clasificados como de corto o largo plazo los cuales están relacionados con adaptaciones vasodilatadoras, angiogénicas o de remodelación. El estrógeno y los receptores estrogénicos clásicos (REs), RE-α y RE-β, han demostrado ser parcialmente responsables por facilitar el incremento dramático en el fluido sanguíneo uterino necesario durante el embarazo. En ésta revisión bibliográfica se discuten la base estructural para la diversidad y selectividad funcional de los REs por el estrógeno, el papel de los REs sobre los efectos genómicos y no-genómicos en células endoteliales de arterias uterinas (CEAU). Estos temas integran el conocimiento científico sobre la regulación molecular de CEAU para mantener el incremento fisiológico en la perfusión útero-placentaria observada durante un embarazo normal. PMID:26113751

  13. Improvement in treatment abandonment in pediatric patients with cancer in Guatemala.


    Alvarez, Elysia; Seppa, Midori; Rivas, Silvia; Fuentes, Lucia; Valverde, Patricia; Antillón-Klussmann, Federico; Castellanos, Mauricio; Sweet-Cordero, E Alejandro; Messacar, Kevin; Kurap, John; Bustamante, Marisol; Howard, Scott C; Efron, Bradley; Luna-Fineman, Sandra


    Treatment refusal and abandonment are major causes of treatment failure for children with cancer in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), like Guatemala. This study identified risk factors for and described the intervention that decreased abandonment. This was a retrospective study of Guatemalan children (0-18 years) with cancer treated at the Unidad Nacional de Oncología Pediátrica (UNOP), 2001-2008, using the Pediatric Oncology Network Database. Treatment refusal was a failure to begin treatment and treatment abandonment was a lapse of 4 weeks or longer in treatment. The impact of medicina integral, a multidisciplinary psychosocial intervention team at UNOP was evaluated. Cox proportional hazards analysis identified the effect of demographic and clinical factors on abandonment. Kaplan-Meier analysis estimated the survival. Of 1,789 patients, 21% refused or abandoned treatment. Abandonment decreased from 27% in 2001 to 7% in 2008 following the implementation of medicina integral. Factors associated with increased risk of refusal and abandonment: greater distance to the centre (P < 0.001), younger age (P = 0.017) and earlier year of diagnosis (P < 0.001). Indigenous race/ethnicity (P = 0.002) was associated with increased risk of abandonment alone. Abandonment correlated with decreased overall survival: 0.57 ± 0.02 (survival ± standard error) for those who completed therapy versus 0.06 ± 0.02 for those who abandoned treatment (P < 0.001) at 8.3 years. This study identified distance, age, year of diagnosis and indigenous race/ethnicity as risk factors for abandonment. A multidisciplinary intervention reduced abandonment and can be replicated in other LMICs. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  14. Soccer-related Facial Trauma: Multicenter Experience in 2 Brazilian University Hospitals

    PubMed Central

    Dini, Gal M.; Pereira, Max D.; Gurgel, Augusto; Bastos, Endrigo O.; Nagarkar, Purushottam; Gemperli, Rolf; Ferreira, Lydia M.


    Background: Soccer is the most popular sport in Brazil and a high incidence of related trauma is reported. Maxillofacial trauma can be quite common, sometimes requiring prolonged hospitalization and invasive procedures. To characterize soccer-related facial fractures needing surgery in 2 major Brazilian Centers. Methods: A retrospective review of trauma medical records from the Plastic Surgery Divisions at the Universidade Federal de São Paulo–Escola Paulista de Medicina and the Hospital das Clinicas–Universidade de São Paulo was carried out to identify patients who underwent invasive surgical procedures due to acute soccer-related facial fractures. Data points reviewed included gender, date of injury, type of fracture, date of surgery, and procedure performed. Results: A total of 45 patients (31 from Escola Paulista de Medicina and 14 from Universidade de São Paulo) underwent surgical procedures to address facial fractures between March 2000 and September 2013. Forty-four patients were men, and mean age was 28 years. The fracture patterns seen were nasal bones (16 patients, 35%), orbitozygomatic (16 patients, 35%), mandibular (7 patients, 16%), orbital (6 patients, 13%), frontal (1 patient, 2%), and naso-orbito-ethmoid (1 patient, 2%). Mechanisms of injury included collisions with another player (n = 39) and being struck by the ball (n = 6). Conclusions: Although it is less common than orthopedic injuries, soccer players do sustain maxillofacial trauma. Knowledge of its frequency is important to first responders, nurses, and physicians who have initial contact with patients. Missed diagnosis or delayed treatment can lead to facial deformities and functional problems in the physiological actions of breathing, vision, and chewing. PMID:25289361

  15. Radio occultation experiments with INAF-IRA radiotelescopes.

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Pluchino, S.; Schillirò, F.; Salerno, E.; Pupillo, G.

    The Radio Occultation research program performed at the Medicina and Noto Radioastronomical Stations of the Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF) - Istituto di Radioastronomia (IRA) includes observations of spacecraft by satellite and satellite by satellite events. The Lunar Radio Occultation (LRO) part of the program consists in collecting data of the lunar Total Electron Content (TEC), at different limb longitudes and at different time, in order to study long term variation of the Moon's ionosphere. The LRO program started at Medicina in September 2006 with the observation of the European probe SMART-1 during its impact on the lunar soil. It proceeded in 2007 with the observation of the lunar occultations of Saturn and Venus, and with the observation of Mars in 2008. On this occasion the probes Cassini, Venus Express, Mars Express, Mars Reconaissance Orbiter and Mars Odissey were respectively occulted by the moon. On Dec 1st 2008 a Venus lunar occultation occurred. On that occasion we performed the first Italian-VLBI (I-VLBI) tracking experiment by detecting the carrier signals coming from the Venus Express (VEX) spacecraft with both the IRA radiotelescopes together with the Matera antenna of the Italian Space Agency. The second part of the radio occultation program includes the observation of satellite by satellite occultation events, as well as mutual occultations of Jupiter satellites. These events are referred to as mutual phenomena (PHEMU). These observations are aimed to measure the radio flux variation during the occultation and to derive surface spatial characteristics such as Io's hot spots. In this work preliminary results of the Radio Occultation program will be presented.

  16. [Present situation and prospects of special fertilizer for traditional Chinese medicine herbs].


    Yan, Zhang; Liu, Yong; Wang, Ji-Yong; Wang, Wen-Quan


    To find out the present situation and the development trend special fertilizer of the traditional Chinese medicina plants. By consulting a great deal of literatures on special fertilizer and fertilization on traditional Chinese medicine herbs, and based on the scientific research and manufacture experience of the author, and the theoretic actuality of the researches on the fertilization of traditional Chinese medicine herbs, the present study of the special fertilizer inside and outside of our country was analyzed. The view points of developing special fertilizer for Chinese traditional medicine were put forward, and the development trend of special fertilizer for traditional Chinese medicine herbs was forecasted.

  17. Community-acquired pneumonia.


    Falguera, M; Ramírez, M F


    This article not only reviews the essential aspects of community-acquired pneumonia for daily clinical practice, but also highlights the controversial issues and provides the newest available information. Community-acquired pneumonia is considered in a broad sense, without excluding certain variants that, in recent years, a number of authors have managed to delineate, such as healthcare-associated pneumonia. The latter form is nothing more than the same disease that affects more frail patients, with a greater number of risk factors, both sharing an overall common approach. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier España, S.L.U. y Sociedad Española de Medicina Interna (SEMI). All rights reserved.

  18. [SEMERGEN positioning for the treatment of alcohol disorders in primary care].


    Arbesú, José Ángel; Gual, Antoni; Casquero, Rafael; Bobes, Julio; Ortega, Patricia


    The present manuscript is based on the recommendations of a panel of health care professionals, including several experts in primary health care, psychiatry and addictions. The participants are recognized specialists in the treatment of alcohol use disorder. The panel met in Barcelona on 2015 April 22 with the aims of evaluating the current management of alcohol use disorder in primary health care and developing a strategy to address this problem, basing on the evidence and the recommendations of the scientific societies and national and international organizations. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier España, S.L.U. y Sociedad Española de Medicina Rural y Generalista (SEMERGEN). All rights reserved.

  19. A short history of medical degrees in the University of Aberdeen.


    Rix, K J


    Aberdeen University was the first university in Great Britain to recognise the teaching of medicine by the creation of a teaching post, that of "mediciner." It was first occupied by James Cumyne, the burgh medical officer. The first medical degree granted by the university was doctus in medicina--learned in medicine. The degree was first awarded in 1630. The first examination paper for the M.D. was set in 1787 at the time of proposal to unit King's and Marischal Colleges and following criticism of the sale of degrees in medicine and midwifery "for ready money." The present degrees of M.B., ChB. were introduced in 1895.

  20. Pulmonary hypertension and hepatic cirrhosis.


    Téllez Villajos, L; Martínez González, J; Moreira Vicente, V; Albillos Martínez, A


    Pulmonary hypertension is a relatively common phenomenon in patients with hepatic cirrhosis and can appear through various mechanisms. The most characteristic scenario that binds portal and pulmonary hypertension is portopulmonary syndrome. However, hyperdynamic circulation, TIPS placement and heart failure can raise the mean pulmonary artery pressure without increasing the resistances. These conditions are not candidates for treatment with pulmonary vasodilators and require a specific therapy. A correct assessment of hemodynamic, ultrasound and clinical variables enables the differential diagnosis of each situation that produces pulmonary hypertension in patients with cirrhosis. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier España, S.L.U. y Sociedad Española de Medicina Interna (SEMI). All rights reserved.

  1. [A Prussian in Venice: the botanist Melchior Wieland (1520-1589), pioneer in botanical field research in the Levant].


    Herrmann, Sabine


    The Italian physician and botanist Prospero Alpini (1553-1617) is considered as one of the most famous 16th Century Italian botanists having explored the plant species of Egypt and the Near East. Alpinis best-known works as for example De medicina Egyptiorum (Venetijs 1591) or De plantis Aegypti liber (Venetijs 1592), however, wouldn't certainly have been made possible without the influence of his academic teacher, the Prussian physician and botanist Melchior Wieland (ca. 1520-1589), having been applied director of the botanical garden of Padua in 1561. This study is therefore dedicated to the life, academic career, works and reception of this nearly forgotten botanist.

  2. e-EVN radio detection of Aql X-1 in outburst

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Tudose, V.; Paragi, Z.; Yang, J.; Miller-Jones, J. C. A.; Fender, R.; Garrett, M.; Rushton, A.; Spencer, R.


    The neutron star X-ray binary Aql X-1 is currently in outburst (ATel #5114, #5117, #5129, #5136, #5148). Using the European VLBI Network (e-EVN) we observed Aql X-1 at 5 GHz in two time-slots: 2013 June 18 between 19:48 - 20:36 UT (MJD 56461.825 - 56461.858), and 2013 June 19 between 02:53 - 05:54 UT (MJD 56462.120 - 56462.246). The two datasets were combined together and then calibrated. The participating radio telescopes were: Effelsberg (Germany), Jodrell Bank Mk2 (UK), Medicina (Italy), Noto (Italy), Onsala 25m (Sweden), Torun (Poland), Yebes (Spain), Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope (Netherlands), Shanghai (China), Hartebeesthoek (South Africa).

  3. Observation VLBI Session RAPL02. the Results of the Data Processing

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Chuprikov, A. A.

    Results of processing of data of a VLBI experiment titled RAPL02 are presented. These observations were made in 2011 February with 5 antennas. All 3 antennas of Petersberg's Institute of Applied Astronomy (IAA) were used in this session. These were antennae in Svetloe, in Zelenchuck, and in Badary. Additionally, a 22-m antenna in Puschino as well as a 32-m antenna in Medicina (Italy) were also included into observations. The raw data correlation was made at the software correlator of Astro Space Center. The secondary data processing was made for 3 quasars, 3C273, 3C279, and 3C286.

  4. [Teaching surgery at the UNAM and some educational concepts.


    Graue-Wiechers, Enrique


    Nowadays surgery cannot be conceived as independent from medicine; consequently, surgical education cannot be far from the main principles of medical education. This review underlines the characteristics of medical training in the field of surgery. General physicians should be trained to perform surgical procedures under particular situations. A new lesson plan was implemented at the Facultad de Medicina in Mexico City (UNAM), comprised of eight fundamental surgical skills. A well-structured surgical program implies clear and exact definitions of the skills to be acquired during training as well as an appropriate follow-up, knowledge reinforcement, continuing educational skills, application of medical tests for patient care and evaluation of the learning process.

  5. Intracranial and spinal ependymoma: series at Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de São Paulo.


    Andrade, Fernanda Gonçalves de; de Aguiar, Paulo Henrique Pires; Matushita, Hamilton; Taricco, Mario Augusto; Oba-Shinjo, Sueli Mieko; Marie, Suely Kazue Nagahashi; Teixeira, Manoel Jacobsen


    Ependymomas are rare intracranial neuroepithelial tumors and the most common location is intramedullary. The aim was to analyze the characteristics of these tumors to determine the patients' overall survival and the likelihood of recurrence. Data of clinical presentation, tumor location, duration of symptoms, degree of resection and complementary treatment of 34 patients with intracranial ependymoma and 31 with intramedullary ependymoma who underwent surgery in the last ten years were collected and correlated with the recurrence time and overall survival. There was statistically significant correlation between the degree of resection and intracranial tumor location, although it is not a hallmark of recurrence. Data analyses of intramedullary ependymoma did not show correlation with overall survival and likelihood of recurrence. The location of the intracranial tumor is connected with the degree of resection; however it is not a predictive factor to overall survival.

  6. [Quod medicina aliis, aliis est acre venenum**--venoms as a source of anticancer agents].


    Kucińska, Małgorzata; Ruciński, Piotr; Murias, Marek


    Natural product derived from plants and animals were used in folk medicine for centuries. The venoms produced by animals for hunting of self-defence are rich in bioactive compounds with broad spectrum of biological activity. The papers presents the most promising compounds isolated from venoms of snakes, scorpions and toads. For these compounds both: mechanism of anticancer activity as well as possibilities of clinical use are presented.

  7. Monitoring of Cyg X-3 giant flare with Medicina and the Sardinia Radio Telescope

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Egron, E.; Pellizzoni, A.; Giroletti, M.; Righini, S.; Orlati, A.; Iacolina, M. N.; Navarrini, A.; Buttu, M.; Migoni, C.; Melis, A.; Concu, R.; Vargiu, G. P.; Bachetti, M.; Pilia, M.; Trois, A.; Loru, S.; Marongiu, M.


    Following the detection of Cyg X-3 entering in an ultra soft X-ray state, a forthcoming giant flare was predicted by Trushkin et al. (ATel #9416). In fact, a significant radio flux increase was detected three weeks later, on 14-16 September 2016 (ATel #9502).

  8. Effects of Pilates exercises on health-related quality of life in individuals with juvenile idiopathic arthritis.


    Mendonça, Tânia M; Terreri, Maria T; Silva, Carlos H; Neto, Morun Bernardino; Pinto, Rogério M; Natour, Jamil; Len, Claudio A


    To determine the effects of Pilates exercises on health-related quality of life (HRQOL) in individuals with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA). Randomized, prospective, single-blind trial. Outpatient clinic of pediatric rheumatology and the rehabilitation department. Children (N=50) with JIA according to the International League of Associations for Rheumatology criteria. Participants were randomly assigned into 2 groups. In group I (n=25), the participants were given a conventional exercise program for 6 months. Patients in group II (n=25) participated in a Pilates exercise program for 6 months. The primary outcome measure was HRQOL, as measured by the Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory version 4.0 (PedsQL 4.0). The secondary outcome measures provided an estimate of the clinical relevance of the primary outcome results and included joint pain intensity (according to a 10-cm visual analog scale), disability (according to the Childhood Health Assessment Questionnaire), joint status (using the Pediatric Escola Paulista de Medicina Range of Motion Scale), and the total PedsQL 4.0 score. All participants completed the study. The scores of the PedsQL 4.0 differed significantly between groups, indicating that Pilates exercises increased these scores when compared with the conventional exercise program. Group II participants showed significant improvements in the 10-cm visual analog scale-joint pain, Childhood Health Assessment Questionnaire, and Pediatric Escola Paulista de Medicina Range of Motion Scale. The use of Pilates exercises had a positive physical and psychosocial impact on HRQOL in individuals with JIA. Future multicenter studies with a follow-up beyond the period of treatment using more objective parameters will be useful to support the results of the present study. Copyright © 2013 American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  9. [Consensus on the detection and management of prediabetes. Consensus and Clinical Guidelines Working Group of the Spanish Diabetes Society].


    Mata-Cases, M; Artola, S; Escalada, J; Ezkurra-Loyola, P; Ferrer-García, J C; Fornos, J A; Girbés, J; Rica, I


    In Spain, according to the study, 13.8% of the adult population suffers from diabetes and 14.8% from some form of prediabetes (impaired glucose tolerance, impaired fasting glucose or both). Since early detection of prediabetes can facilitate the implementation of therapeutic measures to prevent its progression to diabetes, we believe that preventive strategies in primary care and specialized clinical settings should be agreed. Screening for diabetes and prediabetes using a specific questionnaire (FINDRISC) and/or the measurement of fasting plasma glucose in high risk patients leads to detecting patients at risk of developing diabetes and it is necessary to consider how they should be managed. The intervention in lifestyle can reduce the progression to diabetes and reverse a prediabetic state to normal and is a cost-effective intervention. Some drugs, such as metformin, have also been shown effective in reducing the progression to diabetes but are not superior to non-pharmacological interventions. Finally, an improvement in some cardiovascular risk factors has been observed although there is no strong evidence supporting the effectiveness of screening in terms of morbility and mortality. The Consensus and Clinical Guidelines Working Group of the Spanish Diabetes Society has issued some recommendations that have been agreed by the Sociedad Española de Endocrinología y Nutrición, Sociedad Española de Endocrinología Pediátrica, Sociedad Española de Farmacia Comunitaria, Sociedad Española de Medicina Familiar y Comunitaria, Sociedad Española de Médicos Generales, Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria, Sociedad Española de Medicina Interna, Asociación de Enfermería Comunitaria and Red de Grupos de Estudio de la Diabetes en Atención Primaria. Copyright © 2014 SEEN. Published by Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  10. Consensus on the detection and management of prediabetes. Consensus and Clinical Guidelines Working Group of the Spanish Diabetes Society.


    Mata-Cases, M; Artola, S; Escalada, J; Ezkurra-Loyola, P; Ferrer-García, J C; Fornos, J A; Girbés, J; Rica, I


    In Spain, according to the study, 13.8% of the adult population suffers from diabetes and 14.8% from some form of prediabetes (impaired glucose tolerance, impaired fasting glucose or both). Since early detection of prediabetes can facilitate the implementation of therapeutic measures to prevent its progression to diabetes, we believe that preventive strategies in primary care and specialized clinical settings should be agreed. Screening for diabetes and prediabetes using a specific questionnaire (FINDRISC) and/or the measurement of fasting plasma glucose in high risk patients leads to detecting patients at risk of developing diabetes and it is necessary to consider how they should be managed. The intervention in lifestyle can reduce the progression to diabetes and reverse a prediabetic state to normal and is a cost-effective intervention. Some drugs, such as metformin, have also been shown effective in reducing the progression to diabetes but are not superior to non-pharmacological interventions. Finally, an improvement in some cardiovascular risk factors has been observed although there is no strong evidence supporting the effectiveness of screening in terms of morbility and mortality. The Consensus and Clinical Guidelines Working Group of the Spanish Diabetes Society has issued some recommendations that have been agreed by the Sociedad Española de Endocrinología y Nutrición, Sociedad Española de Endocrinología Pediátrica, Sociedad Española de Farmacia Comunitaria, Sociedad Española de Medicina Familiar y Comunitaria, Sociedad Española de Médicos Generales, Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria, Sociedad Española de Medicina Interna, Asociación de Enfermería Comunitaria and Red de Grupos de Estudio de la Diabetes en Atención Primaria. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  11. [Consensus on the detection and management of prediabetes. Consensus and Clinical Guidelines Working Group of the Spanish Diabetes Society].


    Mata-Cases, M; Artola, S; Escalada, J; Ezkurra-Loyola, P; Ferrer-García, J C; Fornos, J A; Girbés, J; Rica, I


    In Spain, according to the study, 13.8% of the adult population suffers from diabetes and 14.8% from some form of prediabetes (impaired glucose tolerance, impaired fasting glucose or both). Since early detection of prediabetes can facilitate the implementation of therapeutic measures to prevent its progression to diabetes, we believe that preventive strategies in primary care and specialized clinical settings should be agreed. Screening for diabetes and prediabetes using a specific questionnaire (FINDRISC) and/or the measurement of fasting plasma glucose in high risk patients leads to detecting patients at risk of developing diabetes and it is necessary to consider how they should be managed. The intervention in lifestyle can reduce the progression to diabetes and reverse a prediabetic state to normal and is a cost-effective intervention. Some drugs, such as metformin, have also been shown effective in reducing the progression to diabetes but are not superior to non-pharmacological interventions. Finally, an improvement in some cardiovascular risk factors has been observed although there is no strong evidence supporting the effectiveness of screening in terms of morbility and mortality. The Consensus and Clinical Guidelines Working Group of the Spanish Diabetes Society has issued some recommendations that have been agreed by the Sociedad Española de Endocrinología y Nutrición, Sociedad Española de Endocrinología Pediátrica, Sociedad Española de Farmacia Comunitaria, Sociedad Española de Medicina Familiar y Comunitaria, Sociedad Española de Médicos Generales, Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria, Sociedad Española de Medicina Interna, Asociación de Enfermería Comunitaria and Red de Grupos de Estudio de la Diabetes en Atención Primaria. Copyright © 2015. Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U.

  12. Gravity-dependent signal path variation in a large VLBI telescope modelled with a combination of surveying methods

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sarti, Pierguido; Abbondanza, C.; Vittuari, L.


    The very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) antenna in Medicina (Italy) is a 32-m AZ-EL mount that was surveyed several times, adopting an indirect method, for the purpose of estimating the eccentricity vector between the co-located VLBI and Global Positioning System instruments. In order to fulfill this task, targets were located in different parts of the telescope’s structure. Triangulation and trilateration on the targets highlight a consistent amount of deformation that biases the estimate of the instrument’s reference point up to 1 cm, depending on the targets’ locations. Therefore, whenever the estimation of accurate local ties is needed, it is critical to take into consideration the action of gravity on the structure. Furthermore, deformations induced by gravity on VLBI telescopes may modify the length of the path travelled by the incoming radio signal to a non-negligible extent. As a consequence, differently from what it is usually assumed, the relative distance of the feed horn’s phase centre with respect to the elevation axis may vary, depending on the telescope’s pointing elevation. The Medicina telescope’s signal path variation Δ L increases by a magnitude of approximately 2 cm, as the pointing elevation changes from horizon to zenith; it is described by an elevation-dependent second-order polynomial function computed as, according to Clark and Thomsen (Techical report, 100696, NASA, Greenbelt, 1988), a linear combination of three terms: receiver displacement Δ R, primary reflector’s vertex displacement Δ V and focal length variations Δ F. Δ L was investigated with a combination of terrestrial triangulation and trilateration, laser scanning and a finite element model of the antenna. The antenna gain (or auto-focus curve) Δ G is routinely determined through astronomical observations. A surprisingly accurate reproduction of Δ G can be obtained with a combination of Δ V, Δ F and Δ R.


    PubMed Central

    Novaes, Maria Rita Carvalho Garbi; Novaes, Luiz Carlos Garcez; Guilhem, Dirce; Lolas, Fernando; Silveira, Carla; Guiotti, Murilo


    Objetivo Realizar uma análise da inserção da ética e humanidades no currículo do Curso de Medicina da Escola Superior em Ciências da Saúde - ESCS, escola pública do Distrito Federal, Brasil, de forma a contribuir com o processo de gestão curricular. Metodologia O Estudo é de coorte e documental. Foram pesquisados 37 termos relacionados à ética e 36 referentes à humanização nos objetivos educacionais e conteúdo dos módulos temáticos, habilidades e atitudes e interação ensino-serviço-comunidade, de 1a a 4a série e no programa do internato no currículo (ano 2006) e no projeto pedagógico do Curso de Medicina (2001). Resultados Maior inserção da humanização, ética e bioética na 1a e 2a série, quando comparado à inserção na 3a e 4a série e no internato, (IC95%-α=0,034, pvalue=0,007). Unidade de habilidades e atitudes: freqüência das 3 temáticas no currículo da 1a a 4a séries (IC95%-α=0,026, pvalue=0,013). Quando comparada a inserção entre o internato e as quatro primeiras séries, observa-se que nestas a inserção da temática humanização é superior (IC95%-α=0,042, pvalue=0,029). Conclusão O currículo desenvolvido no ano de 2006 na ESCS apresentou correlação com o projeto pedagógico do curso e contemplou a temática de forma abrangente, em todas as séries e internato. PMID:20396594

  14. Incidence of phlebitis associated with the use of peripheral IV catheter and following catheter removal.


    Urbanetto, Janete de Souza; Peixoto, Cibelle Grassmann; May, Tássia Amanda


    to investigate the incidence of phlebitis and its association with risk factors when using peripheral IV catheters (PIC) and following their removal - (post-infusion phlebitis) in hospitalized adults. a cohort study of 171 patients using PIC, totaling 361 punctures. Sociodemographic variables and variables associated with the catheter were collected. Descriptive and analytical statistical analyses were performed. average patient age was 56.96 and 51.5% of the sample population was male. The incidence of phlebitis was 1.25% while using PIC, and 1.38% post-infusion. The incidence of phlebitis while using PIC was associated with the length of time the catheter remained in place, whereas post-infusion phlebitis was associated with puncture in the forearm. Ceftriaxone, Clarithromycin and Oxacillin are associated with post-infusion phlebitis. this study made it possible to investigate the association between risk factors and phlebitis during catheter use and following its removal. The frequency of post-infusion phlebitis was larger than the incidence of phlebitis with the catheter in place, with Phlebitis Grade III and II being the most frequently found in each of these situations, respectively. Aspects related to post-infusion phlebitis can be explained, given the limited number of studies addressing this theme from this perspective. investigar a incidência de flebites e a associação de fatores de risco com a sua ocorrência durante o uso e após a retirada do cateter intravenoso periférico - CIP (Flebite pós-infusão) em adultos hospitalizados. estudo de coorte com 171 pacientes com CIP, totalizando 361 punções. Foram coletadas variáveis sociodemográficas e relacionadas ao cateter. Análise estatística descritiva e analítica. dos pacientes, 51,5% eram homens e a média de idade foi de 56,96 anos. A incidência de flebites durante o uso do CIP foi de 1,25% e a pós-infusão foi de 1,38%. Associou-se à flebite durante o uso do CIP ao tempo de permanência do


    PubMed Central

    Barrantes-Monge, Melba; Rodríguez, Eduardo; Lama, Alexis


    Existen prejuicios en relación con la vejez, incluso entre los profesionales que se dedican a la gerontología. Uno común y peligroso es considerar que los viejos son todos enfermos o discapacitados. La relación médico-paciente es la piedra angular de la práctica y ética médicas. Para alcanzar el respeto por los adultos mayores es necesaria una medicina prudente, basada en una práctica en la cual la reflexión ética y clínica pueda contribuir. Esto último es posible si se hacen valer los derechos del adulto mayor, en particular como paciente para la toma de decisiones. PMID:20379380

  16. PubMed

    Barrantes-Monge, Melba; Rodríguez, Eduardo; Lama, Alexis


    Existen prejuicios en relación con la vejez, incluso entre los profesionales que se dedican a la gerontología. Uno común y peligroso es considerar que los viejos son todos enfermos o discapacitados.La relación médico-paciente es la piedra angular de la práctica y ética médicas. Para alcanzar el respeto por los adultos mayores es necesaria una medicina prudente, basada en una práctica en la cual la reflexión ética y clínica pueda contribuir. Esto último es posible si se hacen valer los derechos del adulto mayor, en particular como paciente para la toma de decisiones.

  17. [The whole world in a cup of coffee. Case reports].


    De Fiore, Luca


    There is a rising interest for clinical cases in medicine. Actually, they don't necessarily conflict with the evidence-based medicine approach; rather, as several authors made clear, EBM-oriented case reports and clinical trials could be complementary. Cases and case series could even represent the first line of evidence and they are extremely valuable in discovering new pathologies and monitoring unexpected drug effects. They also play a relevant role in continuing medical education. The new section of Recenti Progressi in Medicina is edited by a prominent Italian research Institute (Istituto di Fisiologia Clinica, CNR). It focuses on a single case, guiding the physicians' decision-making from differential diagnosis to the treatment options.

  18. CORRIGENDUM to The impact of prehabilitation on post-surgical complications in patients undergoing non-urgent cardiovascular surgical intervention: Systematic review and meta-analysis.



    The impact of prehabilitation on post-surgical complications in patients undergoing non-urgent cardiovascular surgical intervention: Systematic review and meta-analysis by F Marmelo et al. European Journal of Preventive Cardiology January 2018 25: 404-417, DOI: 2016 doi: 10.1177/2047487317752373 The third author's name, affiliation and Funding information were incorrect, the correct details are below: Daniel Moreira-Gonçalves Departamento de Cirurgia e Fisiologia, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade do Porto, Portugal CIAFEL, Faculdade de Desporto, Universidade do Porto, Portugal Funding D.M.G is supported by an individual fellowship grant from Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (SFRH/BPD/90010/ 2012) This has been corrected in the online article.

  19. Autoinflammatory diseases in adults. Clinical characteristics and prognostic implications.


    González García, A; Patier de la Peña, J L; Ortego Centeno, N


    Autoinflammatory diseases are clinical conditions with inflammatory manifestations that present in a periodic or persistent manner and are caused by acquired or hereditary disorders of the innate immune response. In general, these diseases are more common in childhood, but cases have been reported in adults and are therefore important for all specialists. There are few references on these diseases in adults due to their low prevalence and underdiagnosis. The aim of this study is to review the scientific literature on these disorders to systematise their clinical, prognostic and treatment response characteristics in adults. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier España, S.L.U. and Sociedad Española de Medicina Interna (SEMI). All rights reserved.

  20. The elderly traveller.


    Ramos-Sesma, V; Górgolas-Hernández Mora, M; Ramos-Rincón, J M


    Improved living conditions and advances in medicine have extended life expectancy and quality of life, resulting in an increasing number of elderly travellers. Pathophysiological changes and treatments can reduce the efficacy of vaccines and facilitate drug interactions. Elderly travellers have various characteristics that should be considered when offering pre-trip counselling, which should include proper management of chronic diseases that are susceptible to worsening during the trip, as well as an appropriate study and follow-up after the trip. We performed a narrative review of the main problems of elderly travellers. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier España, S.L.U. and Sociedad Española de Medicina Interna (SEMI). All rights reserved.

  1. [The construction of cancer as an object of scientific study and sanitary problem in Argentina: discourses, experimental practices and institutional initiatives, 1903-1922].


    Buschini, José D


    This article analyzes the construction of cancer as a sanitary problem and an object of scientific inquiry in Argentina in the first two decades of the twentieth century. It considers the acquisition and circulation of foreign knowledge on the subject, the context in which the first experimental developments arose, the institutional initiatives promoted by the medical profession and the way in which state authorities and civil society were enlisted to further these initiatives. There is a detailed examination of the process of creating the Instituto de Medicina Experimental, a center wholly devoted to the study and treatment of cancer, which was inaugurated in 1922, symbolically ending the first phase of constructing cancer as a problem in the country.

  2. Radio Non-Detections of SN 2010cu and PSN J13203538+3408222 in IC 883

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Romero-Canizales, Cristina; Perez-Torres, Miguel A.; Alberdi, Antxon; Kankare, Erkki; Ryder, Stuart D.; Mattila, Seppo


    We report 5 GHz eEVN observations of the luminous infrared galaxy IC 883 intended as a radio follow-up of SN 2010cu (CBET # 2213 and 2286) and PSN J13203538+3408222 (ATel # 3245) that were recently discovered within the nuclear regions of IC 883 by near-IR adaptive-optics observations. The observations were carried out on 23rd March 2011 between 0200UT and 0400UT (total time on source ~1.3 hours) and included the following antennae (diameter, location): Effelsberg (100m, Germany), Jodrell Bank (25m, UK), Medicina (32 m, Italy), Onsala (25 m, Sweden), Torun (32 m, Poland), Westerbork array (14x25 m, NL) and Yebes (40 m, Spain).

  3. Coordinated observations of PHEMU at radio wavelengths.

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Pluchino, S.; Schillirò, F.; Salerno, E.; Pupillo, G.; Kraus, A.; Mack, K.-H.

    We present preliminary results for our study of mutual phenomena of the Galilean satellites performed at radio wavelengths with the Medicina and Noto antennas of the Istituto di Radioastronomia \\textendash{} INAF, and with the Effelsberg 100-m radio telescope of the Max-Planck-Institute for Radioastronomy. Measurements of the radio flux density variation occurred during the mutual occultations of Io by Europa and Ganymede were carried out during the PHEMU09 campaign at K- and Q-band. Flux density variations observed for the first time at radio wavelengths are consistent with the typical optical patterns measured when partial occultations occurred. The flux density drops indicate a non-linear dependence with the percentage of overlapped area.

  4. [Criminal claims about medical professional liability in the Instituto de Medicina Legal of Lima, Peru].


    Navarro-Sandoval, Cleyber; Arones-Guevara, Shermany; Carrera-Palao, Rosa; Casana-Jara, Kelly; Colque-Jaliri, Tomasa


    To determine the characteristics of the criminal complaints claining medical professional liability, based on the expert reports issued by the Forensic Examination Division of Lima, Peru. A cross-sectional study was carried out, which included all the expert reports issued between 2005 and 2010 at the Forensic Examination Division of Lima, Peru. A descriptive analysis of each of the variables was performed. 60.3% (495/821) of the criminal complaints for medical professional liability were valued as being in accordance with the lex artis while 16.8% (138/821) were not in accordance with the lex artis. In 13% (107/821) of the cases, conclusions could not be drawn;in 9.9% (81/821) of the cases, the conclusions in the expert report did not include an valuations of the medical act.The cases in which the injury was attributed to the process of the disease itself accounted for 80.9% (502/620), and those in which in the injury was considered a result of the health care received were 19.0% (118/620). The distribution of the cause of the injury based on accordance with the lex artis showed significant differences. In our country, the number of claims for claimed medical liability is increasing, predominantly in relation to surgical specialties, where a medical act is more likely to be considered not in accordance with the lex artis. In addition, in a significant percentage of cases, no conclusions are drawn about the medical act.

  5. [Infective endocarditis. Systematic review of twenty years of performances in the Sociedad Argentina de Medicina].


    Marcelo, Yorio; Milian Andrés, Escudero; Luis, Camera


    Infective endocarditis (IE) is still a disease with high morbidity and mortality. Its diagnosis and treatment are still a major challenge in clinical practice. There have been very few studies published about IE in Argentina. We reviewed all the studies about IE published in the Argentine Medicine Society from 1980 to 2003 and we analyzed demographic, clinical and bacteriological data. 27 studies with 628 patients were included. Mean age of patients was 50.7 years old. The most frequent clinical data were fever, murmur and elevated sedimentation rate. Stafilococcus spp was the most common causative organism, followed by streptococcus spp. The echocardiographic demonstration allowed the definitive diagnosis in 2/3 of the patients. The IE data of Argentina are not different from other data published in different countries and this study shows some clinical features of IE in Argentina.

  6. Uso de curativo a vácuo como terapia adjuvante na cicatrização de sítio cirúrgico infectado

    PubMed Central

    de Camargo, Paula Angeleli Bueno; Bertanha, Matheus; Moura, Regina; Jaldin, Rodrigo Gibin; Yoshida, Ricardo de Alvarenga; Pimenta, Rafael Elias Farres; Mariúba, Jamil Victor de Oliveira; Sobreira, Marcone Lima


    Resumo Infecções de sítios cirúrgicos com envolvimento de próteses sintéticas constituem grande desafio para tratamento. Apresentamos o caso de uma paciente com múltiplas comorbidades, histórico de enxerto aortobifemoral há 6 anos e reabordagem das anastomoses femorais por reestenoses há 5 anos. Apresentou dor inguinal esquerda e abaulamento súbitos com diagnóstico de pseudoaneurisma femoral roto e instabilidade hemodinâmica. Foi submetida a correção emergencial com interposição de prótese de dácron recoberta por prata e correção de grande hérnia incisional abdominal com tela sintética ao mesmo tempo. No pós-operatório, manteve-se por longo período sob terapia intensiva com dificuldade de extubação. Nesse ínterim, apresentou deiscência das suturas e fístula purulenta inguinal esquerda em contato com a prótese vascular. Optou-se pelo tratamento conservador, com desbridamento das feridas e aplicação de curativo a vácuo. A paciente evoluiu com melhora e cicatrização das feridas. Essa pode se constituir em ferramenta importante em casos similares.

  7. Humidification and heating of inhaled gas in patients with artificial airway. A narrative review.


    Plotnikow, Gustavo Adrián; Accoce, Matias; Navarro, Emiliano; Tiribelli, Norberto


    Instrumentation of the airways in critical patients (endotracheal tube or tracheostomy cannula) prevents them from performing their function of humidify and heating the inhaled gas. In addition, the administration of cold and dry medical gases and the high flows that patients experience during invasive and non-invasive mechanical ventilation generate an even worse condition. For this reason, a device for gas conditioning is needed, even in short-term treatments, to avoid potential damage to the structure and function of the respiratory epithelium. In the field of intensive therapy, the use of heat and moisture exchangers is common for this purpose, as is the use of active humidification systems. Acquiring knowledge about technical specifications and the advantages and disadvantages of each device is needed for proper use since the conditioning of inspired gases is a key intervention in patients with artificial airway and has become routine care. Incorrect selection or inappropriate configuration of a device can have a negative impact on clinical outcomes. The members of the Capítulo de Kinesiología Intensivista of the Sociedad Argentina de Terapia Intensiva conducted a narrative review aiming to show the available evidence regarding conditioning of inhaled gas in patients with artificial airways, going into detail on concepts related to the working principles of each one.

  8. Psychometric properties of the parent́s perception uncertainty in illness scale, spanish version.


    Suarez-Acuña, C E; Carvajal-Carrascal, G; Serrano-Gómez, M E


    To analyze the psychometric properties of the Parents' Perception of Uncertainty in Illness Scale, parents/children, adapted to Spanish. A descriptive methodological study involving the translation into Spanish of the Parents' Perception of Uncertainty in Illness Scale, parents/children, and analysis of their face validity, content validity, construct validity and internal consistency. The original version of the scale in English was translated into Spanish, and approved by its author. Six face validity items with comprehension difficulty were reported; which were reviewed and adapted, keeping its structure. The global content validity index with expert appraisal was 0.94. In the exploratory analysis of factors, 3 dimensions were identified: ambiguity and lack of information, unpredictability and lack of clarity, with a KMO=0.846, which accumulated 91.5% of the explained variance. The internal consistency of the scale yielded a Cronbach alpha of 0.86 demonstrating a good level of correlation between items. The Spanish version of "Parent's Perception of Uncertainty in Illness Scale" is a valid and reliable tool that can be used to determine the level of uncertainty of parents facing the illness of their children. Copyright © 2018 Sociedad Española de Enfermería Intensiva y Unidades Coronarias (SEEIUC). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  9. [Antimicrobial resistance forever? Judicious and appropriate use of antibiotics].


    Cagliano, Stefano


    This article takes its cue from the original work of sir Alexander Fleming on penicillin, published in the first issue of Recenti Progressi in Medicina in 1946 and reproduced here on the occasion of the approaching 70-year anniversary of the journal. In 1928, at the time when penicillin was discovered, it could not be imagined that bacterial resistance to antibiotics would develop so rapidly: the introduction of every new class of antibiotics has been shortly followed by the emergence of new strains of bacteria resistant to that class. Bacterial resistance to antibiotic treatment is a huge concern. In this respect, an action plan against antimicrobial resistance has been devised in the United States that is targeted for a 50% reduction over the next five years.

  10. [Profile of tropical diseases in Portugal].


    Ventura, F A


    The increased incidence of Imported Tropical Diseases in Portugal is correlated to a recent higher standard of living, influence of media and a consequent expansion of tourism, and above all to the close relationship existing between Portugal and Africa. The number and pathology (parasitic diarrhoeas, protozoal and helminthic infections) of in-patients with Tropical Diseases at the Unidade de Doenças Infecciosas, Parasitárias e de Medicina Tropical (UDIP-MT) were described, with special emphasis on Malaria (155 in-patients during the period from 1989 to 1993) and on Sleeping Sickness, where Eflornitin (DFMO) was for the first time used in Portugal. Finally, the impact of HIV epidemic on incidence and different clinical presentations of parasitic and other tropical pathology was also evaluated.

  11. [The Laboratório de Biologia Infantil, 1935-1941: from forensic medicine to social assistance].


    Silva, Renato da


    This analysis of the history of the Laboratório de Biologia Infantil (Children's Biology Laboratory) discusses topics related to childhood and adolescence published in the Arquivos de Medicina Legal e Identificação do Rio de Janeiro. It underscores the political-institutional and intellectual contexts that prompted the 1930s debate about childhood among physicians, teachers, educators, and politicians, with a special focus on Leonídio Ribeiro, founder and first editor of the journal. The Laboratório inaugurated a medical and scientific routine for studying, treating, and providing assistance within institutions that had been created to repress, care for, and cure, and as such it represented an important chapter in the history of so-called abandoned and delinquent childhood.

  12. Involvement of systemic venous congestion in heart failure.


    Rubio Gracia, J; Sánchez Marteles, M; Pérez Calvo, J I


    Systemic venous congestion has gained significant importance in the interpretation of the pathophysiology of acute heart failure, especially in the development of renal function impairment during exacerbations. In this study, we review the concept, clinical characterisation and identification of venous congestion. We update current knowledge on its importance in the pathophysiology of acute heart failure and its involvement in the prognosis. We pay special attention to the relationship between abdominal congestion, the pulmonary interstitium as filtering membrane, inflammatory phenomena and renal function impairment in acute heart failure. Lastly, we review decongestion as a new therapeutic objective and the measures available for its assessment. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier España, S.L.U. and Sociedad Española de Medicina Interna (SEMI). All rights reserved.

  13. [Christian Ehrenfried Eschenbach (1712-1788)--a pioneer of legal medicine in German universities].


    Wegener, Rudolf


    Christian Ehrenfried Eschenbach (1712-1788) belongs to the forerunners of the embossed natural science scholars of legal medicine in Germany. As a principal re-elected 11 times and dean of the medical faculty at Rostock University he defended academic positions in difficult times. His bibliography comprises numerous text books, e.g. on surgery, anatomy, pathology and obstetrics as well as various fields of mathematics. His Medicina legalis (1746 and 1775) belongs to the first systematic editions of forensic medicine in the German-speaking community. Thanks to his extensive practical experience as a physician and public health officer he took a very progressive position on questions of forensic medicine, issues of professional ethics in medicine and the assessment of injuries. He has wrongly been forgotten.

  14. A Multi-Feed Receiver in the 18 to 26.5 GHz Band for Radio Astronomy

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Orfei, A.; Carbonaro, L.; Cattani, A.; Cremonini, A.; Cresci, L.; Fiocchi, F.; Maccaferri, A.; Maccaferri, G.; Mariotti, S.; Monari, J.; Morsiani, M.; Natale, V.; Nesti, R.; Panella, D.; Poloni, M.; Roda, J.; Scalambra, A.; Tofani, G.


    A large-bandwidth, state-of-the-art multi-feed receiver has been constructed to be used on the new 64 m Sardinia Radio Telescope (SRT) (http://www.srt.inaf.itl), an antenna aiming to work from 300 MHz to 100 GHz with an almost continuous frequency coverage. The goal of this new receiver is to speed up the survey of the sky with high sensitivity in a frequency band that is very interesting to radio astronomers. In the meantime, the antenna erection has been finalized, and the receiver has been mounted on the Medicina 32 m antenna to be tested (http://www.med.ira.inaf.itl). We present a complete description of the system, including a dedicated backend, and the results of the tests.

  15. Radio outburst of BL Lacertae

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Buemi, C. S.; Leto, P.; Trigilio, C.; Umana, G.; Giroletti, M.; Orienti, M.; Raiteri, C. M.; Villata, M.; Bach, U.


    We report on extremely high radio flux of BL Lacertae at 43 and 8 GHz. Observations at 43 GHz with the 32 m radio telescope in Noto (Italy) revealed a flux density of 10.5 +/- 0.2 Jy on 2013 April 10.65, while observations at 8 GHz with the 32 m radio telescope in Medicina (Italy) detected a flux density of 8.2 +/- 0.7 Jy on April 12.22. These extremely high radio fluxes show that the radio activity likely correlated to the strong optical, near-infrared, and gamma-ray activity of 2011-2012 (see ATels #4028, #4031, #4155, #4271, #4277, #4349, #4565, #4600), and X-ray activity of late 2012 (ATels #4557, #4627), is far to be exhausted.

  16. First Results of the VLBI Experiment on Radar Location of the Asteroid 2012 DA14

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Nechaeva, M.; Antipenko, A.; Bezrukov, D.; Bezrukovs, Vl.; Dementjev, A.; Dugin, N.; Jekabsons, N.; Khutornoy, R.; Klapers, M.; Konovalenko, A.; Kulishenko, V.; Nabatov, A.; Nesteruk, V.; Pupillo, G.; Reznichenko, A.; Salerno, E.; Shmeld, I.; Skirmante, K.; Tikhomirov, Yu.; Voytyuk, V.

    An international VLBI experiment on radio location of the asteroid 2012 DA14 was organized on 2013 February 15--16, during its flyby close to Earth. The purpose of observations was to investigate and specify orbital parameters of the asteroid, as well as to evaluate its rotation period and other characteristics. The irradiation of the asteroid was performed by the RT-70 transmitter at Evpatoria (Crimea, Ukraine), while the reflected signals were successfully accepted by the two 32 m radio telescopes at Medicina (Bologna, Italy) and Irbene (Ventspils, Latvia). Processing and interpretation of the data were performed both in the Radiophysical Research Institute and in the Ventspils International Radio Astronomy Center. The first results of this experiment are presented and discussed.

  17. SETI-ITALIA 2008: On-going searches and future prospects

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Montebugnoli, S.; Bartolini, M.; Bianchi, G.; Cosmovici, C.; Monari, J.; Orlati, A.; Perini, F.; Pluchino, S.; Pupillo, G.; Salerno, E.; Schillirò, F.; Zoni, L.


    The Medicina Radioastronomical Station is located nearby Bologna, in Italy. It consists of two receiving antennas currently dedicated to the astronomical research at radio frequencies. The 32 m diameter parabolic dish performs observations from 1.4 to 22 GHz whereas the Northern Cross (a 30.000 m 2 wide T-shaped array transit antenna) works at 408 MHz. So far SETI observations have been performed using a SERENDIP IV high resolution spectrometer connected to the parabolic antenna. Data acquisition were performed meanwhile the antenna was employed in ordinary astronomical observations (piggy-back mode). An innovative method to search for possible extraterrestrial signals could be provided by using the UHF Northern Cross transit telescope. In this paper observational modalities and the required technological set-up are investigated.

  18. Evaluation of the educational technology "Caring for dependent people" by family caregivers in changes and transfers of patients and tube feeding.


    Landeiro, Maria José Lumini; Peres, Heloísa Helena Ciqueto; Martins, Teresa Vieira


    no domicílio. Os dados foram colhidos por questionário sociodemográfico de satisfação e avaliação de conhecimentos sobre como alimentar por sonda nasogástrica, posicionar e transferir a pessoa dependente. A avaliação nos dois grupos teve dois momentos: inicial, no internamento e um mês após alta hospitalar. registou-se no grupo experimental um ganho maior de conhecimentos relacionado com a utilização da tecnologia educacional. No grupo controle os conhecimentos não variaram nos dois momentos de avaliação. esses resultados corroboraram na melhoria das tecnologias educacionais interativas e na capacitação dos familiares cuidadores para cuidar de pessoas dependentes. Essa tecnologia atendeu satisfatoriamente as necessidades de qualidade técnica e de aprendizagem dos cuidadores, sendo considerada fácil e estimulante. evaluar las contribuciones de la tecnología educativa interactiva "Cuidar de personas dependientes" en el desarrollo de conocimiento de los familiares cuidadores de personas dependientes en el contexto domiciliario y la satisfacción en su uso. estudio cuasi-experimental, no aleatorizado, de tipo antes-después, con una muestra de 65 familiares cuidadores, de dos servicios de Medicina de un hospital en Oporto, Portugal. El grupo control consistió en 33 familiares cuidadores y el grupo experimental en 32, identificados por muestreo consecutivo. El grupo experimental tuvo acceso a la tecnología de la educación en el hogar. Los datos fueron recolectados por cuestionario sociodemográfico de satisfacción y evaluación de los conocimientos sobre cómo alimentar por sonda nasogástrica, posicionar y transferir a la persona dependiente. La evaluación en ambos grupos tuvo dos etapas: inicial, durante la hospitalización y un mes después del alta. se registraron en el grupo experimental aumentos del conocimiento relacionado con el uso de la tecnología educativa. En el grupo control el conocimiento no difirió en los dos puntos en el

  19. Remodelar Correctamente: Guía de Prácticas Acreditadas Seguras Para Trabajar Con Plomo

    EPA Pesticide Factsheets

    Información general sobre los requisitos legales de las prácticas relacionadas al manejo seguro del plomo para dueños de hogares, inquilinos, proveedores de cuido infantil, y padres durante las actividades de remodelación

  20. Designed To Maximize Learning and Minimize Costs.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Dolan, Thomas G.


    Describes how the Durant Road Middle School in Raleigh, North Carolina sets a new standard in environmental school design. "Daylighting," bringing daylight into the building for psychological, health, and energy-saving benefits, plays a central role in the design. (EV)

  1. The Weighing Chair of Sanctorius Sanctorius: A Replica.


    Hollerbach, Teresa


    In 1614, the physician Sanctorius Sanctorius (1561-1636) published his most famous work entitled Ars […] de statica medicina (On static medicine). This is a work composed of aphorisms that present the practical results of a series of weighing procedures, rather than theoretical observations. De statica medicina is the result of a large number of test series that Sanctorius carried out over many years with the weighing chair he constructed himself in order to quantify the so-called perspiratio insensibilis, an insensible perspiration of the human body. Through his weighing experiments, Sanctorius introduced the idea of quantitative research into physiology. Although historical accounts ascribe an important role to Sanctorius as the founder of a new medical science, up until now the design of his weighing chair and the method of measurement have not been closely analysed. The aim of this paper is to close this gap. Through a collaboration between the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science and the Technical University of Berlin (Institute of Vocational Education and Work Studies), Sanctorius's weighing chair was reconstructed and experiments carried out with it. This opened new perspectives on Sanctorius's work and led to a reconsideration of the function and purpose of his weighing chair. With his static medicine, Sanctorius repurposed an old instrument. The replication of the weighing chair and the repetition of the experiments demonstrate that this novel application of scales posed some challenges for the mechanical design of the instrument. We recognized that the instrument fulfilled different functions that might in turn have affected its design, precision, and the measuring method applied. Although in the end we could not clarify how Sanctorius actually conducted his measurements, we were nevertheless able to develop an understanding of Sanctorius's mechanical and practical knowledge that would not have been possible for us to develop solely on

  2. [Consensus on the detection and management of prediabetes. Consensus and Clinical Guidelines Working Group of the Spanish Diabetes Society].


    Mata-Cases, M; Artola, S; Escalada, J; Ezkurra-Loyola, P; Ferrer-García, J C; Fornos, J A; Girbés, J; Rica, I


    In Spain, according to the study, 13.8% of the adult population suffers from diabetes and 14.8% from some form of prediabetes (impaired glucose tolerance, impaired fasting glucose or both). Since early detection of prediabetes can facilitate the implementation of therapeutic measures to prevent its progression to diabetes, we believe that preventive strategies in primary care and specialized clinical settings should be agreed. Screening for diabetes and prediabetes using a specific questionnaire (FINDRISC) and/or the measurement of fasting plasma glucose in high risk patients leads to detecting patients at risk of developing diabetes and it is necessary to consider how they should be managed. The intervention in lifestyle can reduce the progression to diabetes and reverse a prediabetic state to normal and is a cost-effective intervention. Some drugs, such as metformin, have also been shown effective in reducing the progression to diabetes but are not superior to non-pharmacological interventions. Finally, an improvement in some cardiovascular risk factors has been observed although there is no strong evidence supporting the effectiveness of screening in terms of morbility and mortality. The Consensus and Clinical Guidelines Working Group of the Spanish Diabetes Society has issued some recommendations that have been agreed by the Sociedad Española de Endocrinología y Nutrición, Sociedad Española de Endocrinología Pediátrica, Sociedad Española de Farmacia Comunitaria, Sociedad Española de Medicina Familiar y Comunitaria, Sociedad Española de Médicos Generales, Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria, Sociedad Española de Medicina Interna, Asociación de Enfermería Comunitaria and Red de Grupos de Estudio de la Diabetes en Atención Primaria. Copyright © 2014 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  3. Nationwide program of education for undergraduates in the field of disaster medicine: development of a core curriculum centered on blended learning and simulation tools.


    Ingrassia, Pier Luigi; Ragazzoni, Luca; Tengattini, Marco; Carenzo, Luca; Della Corte, Francesco


    In recent years, effective models of disaster medicine curricula for medical schools have been established. However, only a small percentage of medical schools worldwide have considered at least basic disaster medicine teaching in their study program. In Italy, disaster medicine has not yet been included in the medical school curriculum. Perceiving the lack of a specific course on disaster medicine, the Segretariato Italiano Studenti in Medicina (SISM) contacted the Centro di Ricerca Interdipartimentale in Medicina di Emergenza e dei Disastri ed Informatica applicata alla didattica e alla pratica Medica (CRIMEDIM) with a proposal for a nationwide program in this field. Seven modules (introduction to disaster medicine, prehospital disaster management, definition of triage, characteristics of hospital disaster plans, treatment of the health consequences of different disasters, psychosocial care, and presentation of past disasters) were developed using an e-learning platform and a 12-hour classroom session which involved problem-based learning (PBL) activities, table-top exercises, and a computerized simulation (Table 1). The modules were designed as a framework for a disaster medicine curriculum for undergraduates and covered the three main disciplines (clinical and psychosocial, public health, and emergency and risk management) of the core of "Disaster Health" according to the World Association for Disaster and Emergency Medicine (WADEM) international guidelines for disaster medicine education. From January 2011 through May 2013, 21 editions of the course were delivered to 21 different medical schools, and 524 students attended the course. The blended approach and the use of simulation tools were appreciated by all participants and successfully increased participants' knowledge of disaster medicine and basic competencies in performing mass-casualty triage. This manuscript reports on the designing process and the initial outcomes with respect to learners

  4. Limits on the spatial variations of the electron-to-proton mass ratio in the Galactic plane

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Levshakov, S. A.; Reimers, D.; Henkel, C.; Winkel, B.; Mignano, A.; Centurión, M.; Molaro, P.


    Aims: We aim to validate the Einstein equivalence principle (local position invariance) by limiting the fractional changes in the electron-to-proton mass ratio, μ = me/mp, measured in Galactic plane objects. Methods: High-resolution spectral observations of dark clouds in the inversion line of NH3(1, 1) and pure rotational lines of other molecules (the so-called ammonia method) were performed at the Medicina 32-m and the Effelsberg 100-m radio telescopes to measure the radial velocity offsets, ΔRV = Vrot - Vinv, between the rotational and inversion transitions, which have different sensitivities to the value of μ. Results: In our previous observations (2008-2010), a mean offset of ⟨ΔRV⟩ = 0.027 ± 0.010 km s-1 (3σ confidence level (C.L.)) was measured. To test for possible hidden errors, we carried out additional observations of a sample of molecular cores in 2010-2013. As a result, a systematic error with an amplitude ~0.02 km s-1 in the radial velocities was revealed. The averaged offset between the radial velocities of the rotational transitions of HC3N(2-1), HC5N(9-8), HC7N(16-15), HC7N(21-20), and HC7N(23-22), and the inversion transition of NH3(1, 1) is ⟨ΔRV⟩ = 0.003 ± 0.018 km s-1 (3σ C.L.). This value, when interpreted in terms of Δμ/μ = (μobs - μlab)/μlab, constraints the μ-variation at the level of Δμ/μ < 2 × 10-8 (3σ C.L.), which is the most stringent limit on the fractional changes in μ based on astronomical observations. Based on observations obtained with the Effelsberg 100-m telescope operated by the Max-Planck Institut für Radioastronomie on behalf of the Max-Planck-Gesellschaft (Germany), and with the Medicina 32-m telescope operated by INAF (Italy).

  5. El rol de Ia colaboracion y el Modelo de Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos (ABPr) mediante el lente de la Teoria de Actividad (CHAT): un estudio de caso con estudiantes de 9no grado

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Delgado, Isabel C.

    Los modelos de eensenanza y aprendizaje constructivistas conceptualizan el aprendizaje como un proceso activo. El modelo de Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos (ABPr) se distingue por una serie de componentes, entre los cuales se destaca el aspecto colaborativo y cooperativo como un reto al momento de su implantacion. Son pocas las investigaciones que se concentran en este aspecto del modelo. En este estudio, se analizaron las diversas interacciones que surgen durante la implantacion de una unidad curricular sobre el tema de Geologia de Puerto Rico, la cual se diseno con el modelo ABPr cuyo enfoque es orientacion a proyectos. Particularmente, se examinaron las interacciones sociales que surgen entre los pares y entre pares y docente durante el proceso de planificacion y desarrollo de los productos finales, al igual que las interacciones entre los estudiantes y el material didactico en estas etapas del modelo. La investigacion es de tipo cualitativo e incorpora como diseno el estudio de caso. Las diversas interacciones constituyen la unidad de analisis. En el estudio participaron 19 estudiantes de 9no grado, a quienes se organizaron en 5 grupos colaborativos por temas de interes (Pangea, Placas tectonicas, Volcanes, Tsunamis y Terremotos). Las tecnicas que se utilizaron para recopilar los datos fueron: observaciones participativas, grupos focales y analisis de documentos (cuadernos reflexivos y respuestas de los estudiantes a la pregunta central del proyecto). Para el analisis de los datos se aplico la teoria de actividad (CHAT) que concentra la unidad de analisis en la actividad humana en un contexto particular. Los resultados del estudio senalan que las interacciones entre pares, entre pares y docente, asi como entre estudiantes y material didactico son fundamentales en el proceso de aprendizaje. Una mayor interaccion entre pares durante las etapas de planificar y desarrollar los productos finales de la unidad, promueve una mejor comprension de los conceptos de la

  6. [Geraldo Horácio de Paula Souza, China and Chinese medicine, 1928-1943].


    Roland, Maria Inês de França; Gianini, Reinaldo José


    This essay is on the writings of sanitary doctor Geraldo Horácio de Paula Souza in Eugenia e Imigração (1928) and, after an official trip to the Orient, in Digressões sobre a medicina chinesa clássica (1942) and A sabedoria chinesa diante da ciência ocidental e a Escola Médica de Pequim (1943). The documents, analyzed according to the conceptual approach of Carlo Ginzburg, indicate a change in his view of the Chinese. Trained according to the Rockefeller Foundation's model of experimental medicine, Geraldo de Paula Souza was guided in his work by scientific rigor and record imagery. In his youth he was of the opinion that the Chinese civilization was stagnated, but this view changed after his visit, when he perceived the Chinese republic's capacity to modernize.

  7. Clinical considerations on the posology of direct oral anticoagulants.


    Sáez-Peñataro, J; Avendaño-Solá, C; González-Juanatey, J R


    The efficacy of dicoumarin anticoagulants has been shown in patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation. However, they have drawbacks such as the need to adjust the dosage and the interaction with drugs and food. Direct oral anticoagulants are an effective and safe alternative and have a less complicated clinical management. There is considerable debate on the selection criteria for the posology regimens of direct oral anticoagulants. The differences among them and their administration regimens have raised questions about the clinical, pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic selection criteria that support the posology. This review critically analyses the available evidence and its impact on the final selection of the dosage regimen. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier España, S.L.U. and Sociedad Española de Medicina Interna (SEMI). All rights reserved.

  8. Innovations in adolescent reproductive and sexual health education in Santiago de Chile: effects of physician leadership and direct service.


    Grizzard, Tarayn; González, Electra; Sandoval, Jorge; Molina, Ramiro


    Reproductive and sexual health (RSH) education is a key component of most family planning programs around the world and is particularly important for adolescents, for whom parenthood is more likely to have difficult or dangerous health outcomes. A lack of comprehensive RSH education targeted at adolescents may augment the poor outcomes associated with early pregnancy by creating barriers to optimal care. This article discusses the creation of the Centro de Medicina Reproductiva y Desarrollo Integral de la Adolescencia clinic, a comprehensive adolescent reproductive health center in Santiago de Chile, and its RSH education programs. In particular, the role of the physician in originating and leading the RSH education efforts, the controversy associated with RSH education in Chile, and the effects of comprehensive RHS education on the local and regional adolescent populations are discussed.

  9. Canine hepatozoonosis in Brazil: description of eight naturally occurring cases.


    Gondim, L F; Kohayagawa, A; Alencar, N X; Biondo, A W; Takahira, R K; Franco, S R


    Eight cases of canine hepatozoonosis were diagnosed at the Veterinary Hospital (Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade Estadual Paulista, Campus de Botucatu), between October 1993 and April 1994. Clinical signs included anorexia, pale mucous membranes, weight loss, pain, diarrhoea, vomit, gait abnormalities, fever, polyuria and polydipsia. Haematologic findings revealed anaemia in seven cases, leucocytosis with neutrophilia in three cases, lymphopenia in three cases and monocytosis in four cases. Serum biochemistries included alterations in many parameters. The micrometry of Hepatozoon canis gametocytes ranged from 6.8 x 4.0 microns to 7.5 x 4.5 microns. Parasitaemia ranged from less than 0.5% to 2%. In all the cases reported other concurrent diseases were present. Diagnosis of canine hepatozoonosis was made by identifying H. canis gametocytes within leucocytes in stained blood smears.

  10. Safety of diabetes drugs in patients with heart failure.


    Carrasco-Sánchez, F J; Ostos-Ruiz, A I; Soto-Martín, M


    Heart failure (HF) and diabetes mellitus are 2 clinical conditions that often coexist, particularly in patients older than 65 years. Diabetes mellitus promotes the development of HF and confers a poorer prognosis. Hypoglycaemic agents (either by their mechanism of action, hypoglycaemic action or adverse effects) can be potentially dangerous for patients with HF. In this study, we performed a review of the available evidence on the safety of diabetes drugs in HF, focused on the main observational and experimental studies. Recent studies on cardiovascular safety have evaluated, although as a secondary objective, the impact of new hypoglycaemic agents on HF, helping us understand the neutrality, risks and potential benefits of these agents. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier España, S.L.U. and Sociedad Española de Medicina Interna (SEMI). All rights reserved.

  11. [Tropical dermatology training in the Bundeswehr: Deployment in Manaus, Brazil].


    Fischer, M


    Training in tropical dermatology at the Fundação de Medicina tropical (FMT-AM) in Manaus, Brazil, offers an ideal opportunity to become familiar with the broad spectrum of tropical skin-diseases which are endemic in the tropical rainforest of the Amazon region. Besides frequently observed cases of cutaneous leishmaniasis of the new world, mucocutaneous forms of leishmaniasis and all entities of the different deep mycoses of South America are also regularly diagnosed. Of special importance in the dermatological care of the population is the early diagnosis of all clinical forms of leprosy and the long-term care of HIV patients. Modern diagnostics, including histopathology and molecular biology analytical methods, enable patients at the FMT-AM to be diagnosed without having to solely rely on clinical presentation and epidemiological data.

  12. [Not Available].


    Molina Villaverde, Raquel


    El cáncer es un problema sanitario de primera magnitud a escala mundial. Su tratamiento es uno de los mayores campos de innovación y desarrollo en medicina. La visión del cáncer como una enfermedad sistémica, heterogénea y de una elevada complejidad hace que los enfermos deban recibir una atención oncológica de calidad, proporcionada por equipos multidisciplinares altamente cualificados. Además de la gran incidencia de malnutrición en estos pacientes, la intervención nutricional precoz puede mejorar su pronóstico, aumentar la calidad de vida y disminuir la tasa de complicaciones de la enfermedad. Por ello, es necesaria una estrecha colaboración entre el oncólogo y el experto en nutrición.


    EPA Science Inventory

    Three soils were examined for the ability to degrade hydrocarbon vapors of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and o-xylene (BTEX). Each of these compounds are major aromatic constituents of gasolines. The soils examined were Rubicon Sand from Traverse City, Michigan, Durant Loam fro...



    Brito, Marcus Vinicius Henriques; Carneiro, Francisca Regina Oliveira


    Propose metric to qualify the production conveyed through articles published in Professional Master's Programs and, from there, to establish guidance for the evaluation of postgraduate programs of Medicine III. Analysis of the documents of 2013 area graduate programs strict sense concerning the application and measurement of score the articles published, and creation of proposal for metric of the theme with the quadrennial review of Medicine III. Were evaluated the medicines area documents I, II and III; Biological Sciences (I) and Interdisciplinary, as well as the 2013 reports of CAPES. All programs establish metrics for "Classification of Published Articles" within its bibliographic production although with different percentages respecting its specificities. With these data collected and correlating their relevance with the surgical areas, was drafted proposal for quantification of the quality of the published articles to "Professional Postgraduate Programs" at surgical area that have specific characteristics according to their guidelines, directing their scientific production to technique journals preferably. The metric suggested for published articles, that should be included in intellectual production of the Area Document, should be considered for the extract A1 = 100 points; A2 = 85 points; B1 = 80 points; B2 = 70 points; B3 = 60 points; B4 = 40 points and B5 = 20 points. Propor métrica para qualificar a produção veiculada através de artigos publicados em programas de mestrado profissional e, a partir daí, estabelecer orientação para a avaliação dos programas de pós-graduação da Medicina III. Análise dos documentos de área de 2013 dos programas de pós-graduação senso estrito no que concerne à aplicação e mensuração de pontuação a artigos publicados, e criação de proposta para métrica do tema com vistas à avaliação quadrienal da Medicina III. Foram avaliados os documentos de área das Medicinas I, II e III; Ciências Biológicas I


    PubMed Central

    Vélez, Yovanska Duarté; Dávila, Paloma Torres; Hernández, Samariz Laboy


    Presentamos un estudio de caso de una adolescente puertorriqueña con comportamiento suicida. Esta comenzó una Terapia Socio Cognitivo-Conductual para el Comportamiento Suicida (TSCC-CS) de tipo ambulatorio luego de una hospitalización por intento suicida. La TSCC-CS incorpora una perspectiva ecológica y de desarrollo a la terapia cognitivo-conductual. Inicialmente mostró baja autoestima y severos síntomas depresivos y de ansiedad. Al finalizar el tratamiento, manifestó un cambio significativo en su sintomatología clínica y evidenció una mejoría en sus destrezas de manejo. No presentó ideas suicidas durante meses previos, ni durante el seguimiento. El análisis de este caso permitió realizar cambios en el protocolo de tratamiento, particularmente en las sesiones de familia y de comunicación con el fin de aumentar la viabilidad del tratamiento. PMID:26702337

  16. A importância de reconhecer a síndrome antifosfolípide na medicina vascular

    PubMed Central

    Funke, Andreas; Danowski, Adriana; de Andrade, Danieli Castro Oliveira; Rêgo, Jozelia; Levy, Roger Abramino


    Resumo A síndrome antifosfolipíde (SAF) é uma doença autoimune sistêmica caracterizada por trombose arterial ou venosa recorrente e/ou morbidade gestacional e pela presença dos anticorpos antifosfolipídeos, podendo apresentar outras manifestações vasculares, como microangiopatia, arteriopatia crônica e SAF catastrófica. Determinados testes laboratoriais para a síndrome (por exemplo, o anticoagulante lúpico) podem sofrer interferência do uso de medicações anticoagulantes, dificultando o diagnóstico. A fisiopatologia da SAF é complexa, sendo enumerados no texto diversos mecanismos patogênicos relacionados à coagulação, ao endotélio e às plaquetas. Por fim, discutimos o tratamento da SAF de acordo com a presença e o tipo de manifestações clínicas, o uso dos anticoagulantes orais diretos e o manejo perioperatório de pacientes com SAF. PMID:29930638

  17. Decision-making in end of life care. Are we really playing together in the same team?


    Lomero-Martínez, M M; Jiménez-Herrera, M F; Bodí-Saera, M A; Llauradó-Serra, M; Masnou-Burrallo, N; Oliver-Juan, E; Sandiumenge-Camps, A


    Limitation of life-sustaining treatment is increasingly common in critical care units, and controlled donation after circulatory death is starting to be included as an option within patient care plans. Lack of knowledge and misunderstandings can place a barrier between healthcare professionals. To determine the perceptions, knowledge and attitudes of physicians and nurses working in intensive care units regarding Limitation of life-sustaining treatment and controlled donation after circulatory death. Cross-sectional study carried out in 13 Spanish hospitals by means of an ad hoc questionnaire. Contingency tables, Pearson's chi-squared test, Student's t-test and the Mann-Whitney u-test were used to carry out descriptive, bivariate and multivariate statistical analyses of responses. Although Limitation of life-sustaining treatment is a widespread practice, the survey revealed that nurses feel excluded from the development of protocols and the decision-making process, whilst the perception of physicians is that they have greater knowledge of the topic, and decisions are reached in consensus. Multi-disciplinary training programmes can help critical healthcare providers to work together with greater coordination, thus benefitting patients and their next of kin by providing excellent end-of-life care. Copyright © 2018 Sociedad Española de Enfermería Intensiva y Unidades Coronarias (SEEIUC). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  18. Botulism in the ICU: Nursing care plan.


    Zariquiey-Esteva, G; Galeote-Cózar, D; Santa-Candela, P; Castanera-Duro, A

    Botulism is a rare disease in Europe, caused by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum, notifiable, non-transmissible person-to-person and potentially fatal (between 5 and 10%) if not treated quickly. The favourable opinion of the Clinical Research Ethics Committee was obtained. We present the nursing care plan of a 49-year-old man with a diagnosis of bacterial intoxication caused by Clostridium botulinum, secondary to ingestion of beans in poor condition, who was admitted to the ICU for a total of 35 days. Holistic nursing evaluation during the first 24hours, with prioritisation of the systems that were deteriorating fastest: neurological and respiratory. Nine diagnoses were prioritised according to the NANDA taxonomy: Risk for allergy response, Ineffective breathing pattern, impaired oral mucous membrane, Impaired physical mobility, Risk for disuse syndrome, Risk for dysfunctional gastrointestinal motility, Impaired urinary elimination, Risk for acute confusion and Risk for caregiver role strain. The nursing care plan, standardised and organised with the NANDA taxonomy and prioritised with the outcome-present state-test (OPT) model, guaranteed the best care based on evidence, as the NOC scores improvement demonstrated. It was impossible to compare the nursing intervention with other case reports. Copyright © 2017 Sociedad Española de Enfermería Intensiva y Unidades Coronarias (SEEIUC). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  19. Needs of relatives of critically ill patients in an academic hospital in Chile.


    Padilla-Fortunatti, C; Rojas-Silva, N; Amthauer-Rojas, M; Molina-Muñoz, Y

    To identify the importance of the needs of family members of patients in an intensive care unit (ICU). Descriptive, comparative and cross-sectional study based on a secondary data analysis of 251 relatives of ICU patients at a university hospital in Santiago, Chile. Using non-random sampling, the 'Critical Care Family Needs Inventory' was used to establish the family needs, as well as a sociodemographic questionnaire that included: age, gender, educational level, patient relationship and previous ICU experience. A descriptive statistical analysis, Student's T test and ANOVA were performed. The most important family needs related to the dimensions of 'security' (mean=3.90) and 'information' (mean=3.76), while those of minor importance with 'support' (mean=3.09). In the latter, differences were observed at an older age (P<.05), an educational level (P<.001) and relationship with the patient (P<.05). The most relevant needs for family members in the ICU are related to safety and information. Less important needs are influenced by certain sociodemographic variables. Identifying the degree of importance of family needs will allow the health team to improve its relationship with families in ICUs. Copyright © 2017 Sociedad Española de Enfermería Intensiva y Unidades Coronarias (SEEIUC). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  20. Intensity of interprofessional collaboration among intensive care nurses at a tertiary hospital.


    Serrano-Gemes, G; Rich-Ruiz, M

    To measure the intensity of interprofessional collaboration (IPC) in nurses of an intensive care unit (ICU) at a tertiary hospital, to check differences between the dimensions of the Intensity of Interprofessional Collaboration Questionnaire, and to identify the influence of personal variables. A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted with 63 intensive care nurses selected by simple random sampling. Explanatory variables: age, sex, years of experience in nursing, years of experience in critical care, workday type and work shift type; variable of outcome: IPC. The IPC was measured by: Intensity of Interprofessional Collaboration Questionnaire. Descriptive and bivariate statistical analysis (IPC and its dimensions with explanatory variables). 73.8% were women, with a mean age of 46.54 (±6.076) years. The average years experience in nursing and critical care was 23.03 (±6.24) and 14.25 (±8.532), respectively. 77% had a full time and 95.1% had a rotating shift. 62.3% obtained average IPC values. Statistically significant differences were found (P<.05) between IPC (overall score) and overall assessment with years of experience in critical care. This study shows average levels of IPC; the nurses with less experience in critical care obtained higher IPC and overall assessment scores. Copyright © 2016 Sociedad Española de Enfermería Intensiva y Unidades Coronarias (SEEIUC). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  1. Communication skills in ICU and adult hospitalisation unit nursing staff.


    Ayuso-Murillo, D; Colomer-Sánchez, A; Herrera-Peco, I

    In this study researchers are trying to analyse the personality factors related to social skills in nurses who work in: Intensive Care Units, ICU, and Hospitalisation units. Both groups are from the Madrid Health Service (SERMAS). The present investigation has been developed as a descriptive transversal study, where personality factors in ICU nurses (n=29) and those from Hospitalisation units (n=40) were compared. The 16PF-5 questionnaire was employed to measure the personality factors associated with communication skills. The comparison of the personality factors associated to social skills, communication, in both groups, show us that nurses from ICU obtain in social receptivity: 5,6 (A+), 5,2 (C-), 6,2 (O+), 5,1 (H-), 5,3 (Q1-), and emotional control: 6,1 (B+), 5,9 (N+). Meanwhile the data doesn't adjust to the expected to emotional and social expressiveness, emotional receptivity and social control, there are not evidence. The personality factors associated to communication skills in ICU nurses are below those of hospitalisation unit nurses. The present results suggest the necessity to develop training actions, focusing on nurses from intensive care units to improve their communication social skills. Copyright © 2016 Sociedad Española de Enfermería Intensiva y Unidades Coronarias (SEEIUC). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  2. Humidification and heating of inhaled gas in patients with artificial airway. A narrative review

    PubMed Central

    Plotnikow, Gustavo Adrián; Accoce, Matias; Navarro, Emiliano; Tiribelli, Norberto


    Instrumentation of the airways in critical patients (endotracheal tube or tracheostomy cannula) prevents them from performing their function of humidify and heating the inhaled gas. In addition, the administration of cold and dry medical gases and the high flows that patients experience during invasive and non-invasive mechanical ventilation generate an even worse condition. For this reason, a device for gas conditioning is needed, even in short-term treatments, to avoid potential damage to the structure and function of the respiratory epithelium. In the field of intensive therapy, the use of heat and moisture exchangers is common for this purpose, as is the use of active humidification systems. Acquiring knowledge about technical specifications and the advantages and disadvantages of each device is needed for proper use since the conditioning of inspired gases is a key intervention in patients with artificial airway and has become routine care. Incorrect selection or inappropriate configuration of a device can have a negative impact on clinical outcomes. The members of the Capítulo de Kinesiología Intensivista of the Sociedad Argentina de Terapia Intensiva conducted a narrative review aiming to show the available evidence regarding conditioning of inhaled gas in patients with artificial airways, going into detail on concepts related to the working principles of each one. PMID:29742220

  3. Neonatal nurses' perceptions of pain management.


    Collados-Gómez, L; Camacho-Vicente, V; González-Villalba, M; Sanz-Prades, G; Bellón-Vaquerizo, B

    To describe the perceptions of nurses in neonatal units on pain management, meet the educational profile and describe the use of pain assessment tools and non-pharmacological management for treatment. Cross-sectional descriptive multicentre study, developed during the months of February to September 2015, in the neonatology services of three hospitals at the Community of Madrid, Spain. Data collection was performed through an ad hoc questionnaire on paper or electronically using Survey Monkey platform. The sample consisted of 142 professionals, with a response rate of 55%: 47.9% (68) confirmed they had received specific training in pain management; 39.5% (56) stated that pain is regularly assessed in the unit; only 43.6% reported using validated scales, the most used being the Premature Infant Pain Profile (PIPP). As for the non-pharmacological management, swaddling and non-nutritive sucking it is the most used, followed by sucrose. Intravenous cannulation was identified as the most painful procedure. Pain management is in the process of improvement, because of training and because there is little pain assessment using validated scales. The improvement in the use of non-pharmacological management for the relief of pain in minor procedures is noteworthy. Copyright © 2017 Sociedad Española de Enfermería Intensiva y Unidades Coronarias (SEEIUC). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  4. Acoustic Detection, Behavior, and Habitat Use of Deep-Diving Odontocetes

    DTIC Science & Technology


    de Estudios de Biologia Marina. Alicante. Spain, Sept. 2010. Escanez A., Guerra A., Gonzalez A., Landeira J., Vicente A., Arranz P., Aguilar N...34Cefalopodos mesopelagicos capturados en las islas de El Hierro u Tenerife durante la campana Zifiocal-I", Sociedad Iberico de Estudios de Biologia

  5. Acoustic Detection, Behavior, and Habitat Use of Deep-Diving Odontocetes

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Biologia Marina, Alicante, Sept. 2010. Escanez A., Guerra A., Gonzalez A., Landeira J., Vicente A., Arranz P., Aguilar N., "Cefalopodos...mesopelagicos capturados en las islas de El Hierro u Tenerife durante la campana Zifiocal-I", Sociedad Iberico de Estudios de Biologia Marina, Alicante, Sept

  6. Commitment to quality of the Spanish scientific societies.


    García-Alegría, J; Vázquez-Fernández Del Pozo, S; Salcedo-Fernández, F; García-Lechuz Moya, J M; Andrés Zaragoza-Gaynor, G; López-Orive, M; García-San Jose, S; Casado-Durández, P


    This article summarises the objectives, methodology and initial conclusions of the project "Commitment to Quality of the Spanish Scientific Societies", coordinated by the Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality, the Spanish Society of Internal Medicine and the Aragon Institute of Health Sciences, in which 48 scientific societies participate. This project's objectives are to decrease the use of unnecessary medical interventions, which are those that have shown no efficacy, have little or questionable effectiveness or are not cost-effective; decrease variability in clinical practice; promote the commitment among physicians and patients to properly use healthcare resources; and to promote clinical safety. The document includes 135 final recommendations for what not to do, prepared by 30 Spanish scientific societies. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier España, S.L.U. and Sociedad Española de Medicina Interna (SEMI). All rights reserved.

  7. Zika virus infection during the Olympic Games in Rio: A fear or an actual risk?


    Díaz-Menéndez, M; Trigo, E; de la Calle-Prieto, F; Arsuaga, M


    The recent outbreak of Zika virus infection in Brazil has aroused considerable media interest due to its association with neurological malformations in children born from mothers infected by the virus and to its association with Guillain-Barre syndrome in adults. This relationship has led to the World Health Organisation declaring the current epidemic as a "Public Health Emergency of International Concern". Controversy also emerged on the advisability of delaying or changing the location of the Olympic and Paralympic Games, which were held in August at various locations in Brazil. In this article, we review the available evidence on the risk of Zika and dengue virus infection in individuals who travel to endemic countries, especially for multitudinous events. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier España, S.L.U. and Sociedad Española de Medicina Interna (SEMI). All rights reserved.

  8. [Industrial nursing. Functions within the basic health unit].


    Aguilera, Antonio Javier Cortés


    The Law of Prevention of Risks at Work marked an important point of flexion in the tie sanitary professions the field of the labor health. This work will mark the objective to locate to the Industrial Nursing (a company nursing assistant) in a context near the reality. For it, it will be equipped with legal content, and those articles of the Law of Prevention of Risks at Work will be mentioned and of the Regulations for Prevention Services, that establishes the guidelines of performance of the professionals of the Basic Unit of Health (Industrial Medicina and the company nursing assistant) Also will mention the objectives of the First draft of Law of the Reformation of Normative Marco of the Law of Prevention of Risks at Work, consequence of the alarming data of sinisterness and labor accidental.

  9. If the results of an article are noteworthy, read the entire article; do not rely on the abstract alone.


    Dal-Ré, R; Castell, M V; García-Puig, J


    Clinicians typically update their knowledge by reading articles on the Internet. Easy access to the articles' abstracts and a lack of time to access other information sources creates a risk that therapeutic or diagnostic decisions will be made after reading just the abstracts. Occasionally, however, the abstracts of articles from clinical trials that have not obtained statistically significant differences in the primary study endpoint have reported other positive results, for example, of a secondary endpoint or a subgroup analysis. The article, however, correctly reports all results, including those of the primary endpoint. In the abstract, the safety information of the experimental treatment is usually deficient. The whole article should be read if a clinical decision is to be made. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier España, S.L.U. y Sociedad Española de Medicina Interna (SEMI). All rights reserved.

  10. Current diagnosis and treatment of Castleman's disease.


    González García, A; Moreno Cobo, M Á; Patier de la Peña, J L


    Castleman's disease is not just a single disease but rather an uncommon, heterogeneous group of nonclonal lymphoproliferative disorders, which have a broad spectrum of clinical expression. Three histological types have been reported, along with several clinical forms according to clinical presentation, histological substrate and associated diseases. Interleukin-6, its receptor polymorphisms, the human immunodeficiency virus and the human herpes virus 8 are involved in the etiopathogenesis of Castleman's disease. The study of this disease has shed light on a syndrome whose incidence is unknown. Despite recent significant advances in our understanding of this disease and the increasing therapeutic experience with rituximab, tocilizumab and siltuximab, there are still difficult questions concerning its aetiology, prognosis and optimal treatment. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier España, S.L.U. y Sociedad Española de Medicina Interna (SEMI). All rights reserved.

  11. Organ protection possibilities in acute heart failure.


    Montero-Pérez-Barquero, M; Morales-Rull, J L


    Unlike chronic heart failure (HF), the treatment for acute HF has not changed over the last decade. The drugs employed have shown their ability to control symptoms but have not achieved organ protection or managed to reduce medium to long-term morbidity and mortality. Advances in our understanding of the pathophysiology of acute HF suggest that treatment should be directed not only towards correcting the haemodynamic disorders and achieving symptomatic relief but also towards preventing organ damage, thereby counteracting myocardial remodelling and cardiac and extracardiac disorders. Compounds that exert vasodilatory and anti-inflammatory action in the acute phase of HF and can stop cell death, thereby boosting repair mechanisms, could have an essential role in organ protection. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier España, S.L.U. y Sociedad Española de Medicina Interna (SEMI). All rights reserved.

  12. Alzheimer's disease prevention: A way forward.


    Bermejo-Pareja, F; Llamas-Velasco, S; Villarejo-Galende, A


    This review proposes a more optimistic view of Alzheimer's disease (AD), in contrast to that contributed by the ageing of the population and the failure of potentially curative therapies (vaccines and others). Treatment failure is likely due to the fact that AD gestates in the brain for decades but manifests in old age. This review updates the concept of AD and presents the results of recent studies that show that primary prevention can reduce the incidence and delay the onset of the disease. Half of all cases of AD are potentially preventable through education, the control of cardiovascular risk factors, the promotion of healthy lifestyles and specific drug treatments. These approaches could substantially reduce the future incidence rate of this disease. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier España, S.L.U. and Sociedad Española de Medicina Interna (SEMI). All rights reserved.

  13. Transition from paediatric care to adult care for patients with mucopolysaccharidosis.


    Couce, M L; Del Toro, M; García-Jiménez, M C; Gutierrez-Solana, L; Hermida-Ameijeiras, Á; López-Rodríguez, M; Pérez-López, J; Torralba, M Á

    Mucopolysaccharidosis are multisystem diseases that require large multidisciplinary teams for their care. Specific recommendations are therefore needed for the transition from childhood to adulthood in this patient group. To overcome the barriers that might arise during the transition, the authors consider it essential to implement a flexible plan with a coordinator for the entire process, systematising the information through a standardised paediatric discharge report and educating the patient and their family about the disease, showing the characteristics of the healthcare system in this new stage. The final objective is that, once the transition to adulthood has been completed, the patient's autonomy and potential development are maximised and that the patient receives appropriate healthcare during this transition. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier España, S.L.U. and Sociedad Española de Medicina Interna (SEMI). All rights reserved.

  14. Proper use of medical language: Main problems and solutions.


    Aleixandre-Benavent, R; Valderrama Zurián, J C; Bueno-Cañigral, F J


    Medical language should be characterized by its precision, emotional neutrality and stability. The effective communication of results of scientific studies depends on compliance with current standards of drafting and style; texts with defects can hinder interest in the findings. In this study, we discuss some of the most common problems and errors in medical language, including the abuse of abbreviations and foreign words, the use of improper words, syntax errors and solecisms, the most common errors in titles and the abuse of capital letters and the gerund. Investigators have effective tools for dealing with these problems, such as quality texts, critical dictionaries of questions and difficulties with the Spanish language and various drafting and style manuals. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier España, S.L.U. y Sociedad Española de Medicina Interna (SEMI). All rights reserved.

  15. The gravitational wave experiment

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Bertotti, B.; Ambrosini, R.; Asmar, S. W.; Brenkle, J. P.; Comoretto, G.; Giampieri, G.; Less, L.; Messeri, A.; Wahlquist, H. D.


    Since the optimum size of a gravitational wave detector is the wave length, interplanetary dimensions are needed for the mHz band of interest. Doppler tracking of Ulysses will provide the most sensitive attempt to date at the detection of gravitational waves in the low frequency band. The driving noise source is the fluctuations in the refractive index of interplanetary plasma. This dictates the timing of the experiment to be near solar opposition and sets the target accuracy for the fractional frequency change at 3.0 x 10 exp -14 for integration times of the order of 1000 sec. The instrumentation utilized by the experiment is distributed between the radio systems on the spacecraft and the seven participating ground stations of the Deep Space Network and Medicina. Preliminary analysis is available of the measurements taken during the Ulysses first opposition test.

  16. From MAD to SAD: The Italian experience for the low-frequency aperture array of SKA1-LOW

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bolli, P.; Pupillo, G.; Virone, G.; Farooqui, M. Z.; Lingua, A.; Mattana, A.; Monari, J.; Murgia, M.; Naldi, G.; Paonessa, F.; Perini, F.; Pluchino, S.; Rusticelli, S.; Schiaffino, M.; Schillirò, F.; Tartarini, G.; Tibaldi, A.


    This paper describes two small aperture array demonstrators called Medicina and Sardinia Array Demonstrators (MAD and SAD, respectively). The objectives of these instruments are to acquire experience and test new technologies for a possible application to the low-frequency aperture array of the low-frequency telescope of the Square Kilometer Array phase 1 (SKA1-LOW). The MAD experience was concluded in 2014, and it turned out to be an important test bench for implementing calibration techniques based on an artificial source mounted in an aerial vehicle. SAD is based on 128 dual-polarized Vivaldi antennas and is 1 order of magnitude larger than MAD. The architecture and the station size of SAD, which is along the construction phase, are more similar to those under evaluation for SKA1-LOW, and therefore, SAD is expected to provide useful hints for SKA1-LOW.

  17. VLBI height corrections due to gravitational deformation of antenna structures

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sarti, P.; Negusini, M.; Abbondanza, C.; Petrov, L.


    From an analysis of regional European VLBI data we evaluate the impact of a VLBI signal path correction model developed to account for gravitational deformations of the antenna structures. The model was derived from a combination of terrestrial surveying methods applied to telescopes at Medicina and Noto in Italy. We find that the model corrections shift the derived height components of these VLBI telescopes' reference points downward by 14.5 and 12.2 mm, respectively. No other parameter estimates nor other station positions are affected. Such systematic height errors are much larger than the formal VLBI random errors and imply the possibility of significant VLBI frame scale distortions, of major concern for the International Terrestrial Reference Frame (ITRF) and its applications. This demonstrates the urgent need to investigate gravitational deformations in other VLBI telescopes and eventually correct them in routine data analysis.

  18. A 20 GHz bright sample for δ > 72° - II. Multifrequency follow-up

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ricci, R.; Righini, S.; Verma, R.; Prandoni, I.; Carretti, E.; Mack, K.-H.; Massardi, M.; Procopio, P.; Zanichelli, A.; Gregorini, L.; Mantovani, F.; Gawroński, M. P.; Peel, M. W.


    We present follow-up observations at 5, 8 and 30 GHz of the K-band Northern Wide Survey (KNoWS) 20 GHz Bright Sample, performed with the 32-m Medicina radio telescope and the 32-m Toruń radio telescope. The KNoWS sources were selected in the Northern Polar Cap (δ > 72°) and have a flux density limit S20 GHz = 115 mJy. We include NRAO-VLA Sky Survey 1.4 GHz measurements to derive the source radio spectra between 1.4 and 30 GHz. Based on optical identifications, 68 per cent of the sources are quasars and 27 per cent are radio galaxies. A redshift measurement is available for 58 per cent of the sources. The radio spectral properties of the different source populations are found to be in agreement with those of other high-frequency-selected samples.

  19. 78 FR 70027 - Senior Executive Service; Performance Review Board

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014



  20. Impact of respiratory therapy in vital capacity and functionality of patients undergoing abdominal surgery.


    Fernandes, Shanlley Cristina da Silva; Santos, Rafaella Souza Dos; Giovanetti, Erica Albanez; Taniguchi, Corinne; Silva, Cilene Saghabi de Medeiros; Eid, Raquel Afonso Caserta; Timenetsky, Karina Tavares; Carnieli-Cazati, Denise


    To evaluate the vital capacity after two chest therapy techniques in patients undergoing abdominal surgical. A prospective randomized study carried out with patients admitted to the Intensive Care Unit after abdominal surgery. We checked vital capacity, muscular strength using the Medical Research Council scale, and functionality with the Functional Independence Measure the first time the patient was breathing spontaneously (D1), and also upon discharge from the Intensive Care Unit (Ddis). Between D1 and Ddis, respiratory therapy was carried out according to the randomized group. We included 38 patients, 20 randomized to Positive Intermittent Pressure Group and 18 to Volumetric Incentive Spirometer Group. There was no significant gain related to vital capacity of D1 and Ddis of Positive Intermittent Pressure Group (mean 1,410mL±547.2 versus 1,809mL±692.3; p=0.979), as in the Volumetric Incentive Spirometer Group (1,408.3mL±419.1 versus 1,838.8mL±621.3; p=0.889). We observed a significant improvement in vital capacity in D1 (p<0.001) and Ddis (p<0.001) and in the Functional Independence Measure (p<0.001) after respiratory therapy. The vital capacity improvement was not associated with gain of muscle strength. Chest therapy, with positive pressure and volumetric incentive spirometer, was effective in improving vital capacity of patients submitted to abdominal surgery. Avaliar a capacidade vital comparando duas técnicas de fisioterapia respiratória em pacientes submetidos à cirurgia abdominal. Estudo prospectivo e randomizado realizado com pacientes admitidos em Unidade de Terapia Intensiva após cirurgia abdominal. Verificamos a capacidade vital, a força muscular por meio da escala do Medical Research Council e funcionalidade pela Medida de Independência Funcional no primeiro momento em que o paciente encontrava-se em respiração espontânea (D1) e na alta da Unidade de Terapia Intensiva (Dalta). Entre D1 e Dalta, foi realizada a fisioterapia respirat

  1. Impact of critical care environment on burnout, perceived quality of care and safety attitude of the nursing team.


    Guirardello, Edinêis de Brito


    assess the perception of the nursing team about the environment of practice in critical care services and its relation with the safety attitude, perceived quality of care and burnout level. cross-sectional study involving 114 nursing professionals from the intensive care unit of a teaching hospital. The following instruments were used: Nursing Work Index-Revised, Maslach Burnout Inventory and the Safety Attitude Questionnaire. the professionals who perceived greater autonomy, good relationships with the medical team and better control over the work environment presented lower levels of burnout, assessed the quality of care as good and reported a positive perception on the safety attitude for the domain job satisfaction. the findings evidenced that environments favorable to these professionals' practice result in lower levels of burnout, a better perceived quality of care and attitudes favorable to patient safety. avaliar a percepção da equipe de enfermagem sobre o ambiente da prática em unidades de cuidados críticos e sua relação com atitude de segurança, percepção da qualidade do cuidado e nível de burnout. estudo transversal com a participação de 114 profissionais de enfermagem da unidade de terapia intensiva de um hospital de ensino. Foram utilizados os instrumentos: Nursing Work Index-Revised, Inventário de Burnout de Maslach e o Questionário de Atitudes de Segurança. os profissionais que perceberam maior autonomia, boas relações com a equipe médica e melhor controle sobre o ambiente de trabalho, apresentaram menores níveis de burnout, avaliaram como boa a qualidade do cuidado e relataram uma percepção positiva da atitude de segurança para o domínio satisfação no trabalho. os achados evidenciaram que ambientes favoráveis à prática desses profissionais resultam em menores níveis de burnout, melhor percepção da qualidade do cuidado e atitudes favoráveis à segurança do paciente. evaluar la percepción del equipo de enfermer

  2. Degradación de Marismas Costera: el Impacto de la Eutrofización en la Supervivencia del las Marismas Costeras en New England y Central California, USA. (Salt Marsh Deterioration in New England and Central California: Impacts of Eutrophication on Salt Marsh Survival.)

    EPA Science Inventory

    Las marismas costeras proporcionan numerosos beneficios a los ecosistemas, incluyendo la proporción del hábitat de la flora y fauna, la protección de las zonas costeras contra inundaciones durante eventos extremos, mejoran la calidad del agua para las almejas y ostras a través de...

  3. Maritime Factors Affecting Iberian Security,

    DTIC Science & Technology


    afirme/ que para las sovie’ticas una campaiia en gran escala dirigida contra las comunicaciones marftimas del Atlantica Norte durante el perfada inicial...defender sus l ’neas de comunicacion maritima; y cuarta -- y a mi parecer la consideracion mas importante -- las otras tareas que la marina de guerra

  4. Dictionary of Black Culture.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Baskin, Wade; Runes, Richard N.

    This dictionary is an encyclopedic survey of the cultural background and development of the black American, covering the basic issues, events, contributions and biographies germane to the subject. The author-compiler is Chairman of Classical Languages Department at Southeastern State College, Durant, Oklahoma. Richard Runes is practicing law as a…

  5. Medicines and You: A Guide for Older Adults = Las medicinas y usted: Guia para las personas mayores.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    National Coalition of Hispanic Health and Human Services Organizations.

    Most people over 65 take many prescription and nonprescription medicines. Because the body is changing and more medicines are taken, many older adults experience harmful reactions to the medicines they take. This booklet, written in both English and Spanish (on facing pages), was developed to help older adults learn more about medicines, recognize…

  6. Detecting discontinuities in GNSS coordinate time series with STARS: case study, the Bologna and Medicina GPS sites

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bruni, S.; Zerbini, Susanna; Raicich, F.; Errico, M.; Santi, E.


    Global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) data are a fundamental source of information for achieving a better understanding of geophysical and climate-related phenomena. However, discontinuities in the coordinate time series might be a severe limiting factor for the reliable estimate of long-term trends. A methodological approach has been adapted from Rodionov (Geophys Res Lett 31:L09204, 2004; Geophys Res Lett 31:L12707, 2006) and from Rodionov and Overland (J Marine Sci 62:328-332, 2005) to identify both the epoch of occurrence and the magnitude of jumps corrupting GNSS data sets without any a priori information on these quantities. The procedure is based on the Sequential t test Analysis of Regime Shifts (STARS) (Rodionov in Geophys Res Lett 31:L09204, 2004). The method has been tested against a synthetic data set characterized by typical features exhibited by real GNSS time series, such as linear trend, seasonal cycle, jumps, missing epochs and a combination of white and flicker noise. The results show that the offsets identified by the algorithm are split into 48 % of true-positive, 28 % of false-positive and 24 % of false-negative events. The procedure has then been applied to GPS coordinate time series of stations located in the southeastern Po Plain, in Italy. The series span more than 15 years and are affected by offsets of different nature. The methodology proves to be effective, as confirmed by the comparison between the corrected GPS time series and those obtained by other observation techniques.

  7. 77 FR 64967 - Senior Executive Service; Performance Review Board

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014



  8. Cornelius Celsus--ancient encyclopedist, surgeon-scientist, or master of surgery?


    Köckerling, F; Köckerling, D; Lomas, C


    The Roman nobleman Cornelius Celsus (25 BC-AD 50) wrote a general encyclopedia (De Artibus) dealing with several subjects, among which some had medical content (De Medicina), an eight-volume compendium, including two books about surgery (VII + VIII). It is the most significant medical document following the Hippocratic writings. In 1443, Pope Nicolas V rediscovered the work of Cornelius Celsus, despite it having been forgotten for several centuries, and it was the first medical and surgical book to be printed (AD 1478). Up until the nineteenth century, 60 editions were published in Latin as well as numerous translations in European languages, the last of which was a French translation in 1876. While Celsus' work is the best account of Roman medicine as practiced in the first century of the Christian era and its influence persisted until the nineteenth century, there is controversy as to whether Cornelius Celsus himself actually practiced as a surgeon or was only an encyclopedist who collected in the Latin language the medical knowledge available at that time. The detailed analysis of the surgical techniques described by Celsus, the modifications tailored to the findings, possible complications, detailed description of pre- and postsurgical activities, give the general impression that he himself practiced surgery at least within his family and among his dependents. In addition, his descriptions give a clear insight into the astonishingly high standard of surgical knowledge available at the time of Celsus. His work thus reflects the state of knowledge of his time, which is why he also assumed the role of teacher and scientist. As such, his meets the modern criteria addressed to a surgeon-scientist, who apart from the practical surgical activity, also had a role as teacher of surgery and scientist. Whether Cornelius Celsus had inaugurated a new surgical technique and was the first to describe that, and as such can be described as a master of surgery, cannot be

  9. Advice given to women in Argentina about breast-feeding and the use of alcohol

    PubMed Central

    Pepino, M. Yanina; Mennella, Julie A.


    pregnancy and lactation. There is a need for professional development strategies that will address women’s awareness of the risks of alcohol consumption and alcohol usage. RESUMEN Objetivo Explorar el tipo de consejos que los profesionales de la salud, parientes y amigos le dieron a una muestra de mujeres en Argentina acerca del consumo de bebidas alcohólicas y el uso de alcohol durante el embarazo y la lactancia. Métodos En diciembre de 2001 y diciembre de 2002 se llevaron a cabo entrevistas estructuradas con un total de 167 mujeres que estaban amamantando o que habían amamantado recientemente. A las madres se les preguntó qué tipo de consejos, en caso de haberlos, les dieron los profesionales de la salud y sus parientes y amistades acerca del consumo de alcohol. También se plantearon preguntas sobre la bebida tradicional argentina, el mate —infusión muy popular en América del Sur que se prepara con las hojas de la planta Ilex paraguayensis— y la clase de consejos que recibieron las mujeres acerca de la lactancia materna y los cuidados neonatales en general. Resultados De las 167 mujeres estudiadas, 96,4% indicaron que el médico les había aconsejado que amamantaran a su hijo. Además, 93,4% afirmaron que habían frotado con alcohol el muñón umbilical del niño. Menos de la mitad de las mujeres (46,7%) indicaron haber recibido del médico asesoramiento acerca del consumo de bebidas alcohólicas durante el embarazo, y un porcentaje aun menor (25,7%) indicó haber recibido este tipo de asesoramiento durante la lactancia. Los parientes y amigos mostraron aproximadamente la misma propensión a aconsejar acerca del consumo de bebidas alcohólicas durante el embarazo (42,6%) y la lactancia (47,9%). No obstante, el tipo de consejo fue distinto en uno y otro caso, en el sentido de que los parientes y amigos mostraron una proclividad mayor (en grado estadísticamente significativo) a alentar a la mujer a consumir bebidas alcohólicas durante la lactancia que

  10. PubMed

    Prieto Bohórquez, Signed Esperanza; Rodríguez Velásquez, Javier Oswaldo; Correa Herrera, Catalina; Pardo Oviedo, Juan Mauricio; Ardila, Javier


    Introducción: una ley exponencial se ha hallado para los sistemas dinámicos caóticos cardiacos, logrando cuantificar las diferencias entre dinámicas cardiacas normales y  patológicas.Metodología: Se analizaron 120 registros electrocardiográficos, 40 correspondían a sujetos dentro de los límites de normalidad y 80 con diferentes patologías. Para cada holter se analizaron los atractores generados con los datos durante 18 horas y durante toda la dinámica. Se calculó la dimensión fractal del atractor y su ocupación espacial. A estas medidas se aplicó la evaluación matemática diagnostica desarrollada previamente, comparando la evaluación para 18 horas y para todo el registro; finalmente se calculó la sensibilidad, especificidad y coeficiente Kappa.Resultados: Para las dinámicas normales los espacios de ocupación en la rejilla Kp estuvieron entre 200 y 381 en la evaluación de la totalidad del holter, y entre 201 y 384 en la evaluación durante 18 horas, mostrando la cercanía en las medidas, lo que permite que la disminución en el tiempo de la evaluación sea consistente, esta misma cercanía se observó para las dinámicas enfermas y agudas.Conclusión: Se evidenció la aplicabilidad clínica en 18 horas de la ley exponencial en la dinámica cardiaca caótica asociada a arritmias mostrando ser de utilidad para la predicción de la evolución hacia estados agudos de la dinámica.

  11. Serving Stakeholders at a Small Regional University

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Burrage, Sean


    The Southeastern Oklahoma State University Honors Program serves a unique role in a small, rural setting such as Durant, Oklahoma. The honors program has a traditional mission in a university that offers a nontraditional setting and history within the context of higher education. The program thus offers special rewards to its students and to the…

  12. The discovery of long-term potentiation.


    Lømo, Terje


    This paper describes circumstances around the discovery of long-term potentiation (LTP). In 1966, I had just begun independent work for the degree of Dr medicinae (PhD) in Per Andersen's laboratory in Oslo after an eighteen-month apprenticeship with him. Studying the effects of activating the perforant path to dentate granule cells in the hippocampus of anaesthetized rabbits, I observed that brief trains of stimuli resulted in increased efficiency of transmission at the perforant path-granule cell synapses that could last for hours. In 1968, Tim Bliss came to Per Andersen's laboratory to learn about the hippocampus and field potential recording for studies of possible memory mechanisms. The two of us then followed up my preliminary results from 1966 and did the experiments that resulted in a paper that is now properly considered to be the basic reference for the discovery of LTP.

  13. The discovery of long-term potentiation.

    PubMed Central

    Lømo, Terje


    This paper describes circumstances around the discovery of long-term potentiation (LTP). In 1966, I had just begun independent work for the degree of Dr medicinae (PhD) in Per Andersen's laboratory in Oslo after an eighteen-month apprenticeship with him. Studying the effects of activating the perforant path to dentate granule cells in the hippocampus of anaesthetized rabbits, I observed that brief trains of stimuli resulted in increased efficiency of transmission at the perforant path-granule cell synapses that could last for hours. In 1968, Tim Bliss came to Per Andersen's laboratory to learn about the hippocampus and field potential recording for studies of possible memory mechanisms. The two of us then followed up my preliminary results from 1966 and did the experiments that resulted in a paper that is now properly considered to be the basic reference for the discovery of LTP. PMID:12740104

  14. VLBI Radar of the 2012 DA14 Asteroid

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Nechaeva, M. B.; Dugin, N. A.; Antipenko, A. A.; Bezrukov, D. A.; Bezrukov, V. V.; Voytyuk, V. V.; Dement'ev, A. F.; Jekabsons, N.; Klapers, M.; Konovalenko, A. A.; Kulishenko, V. F.; Nabatov, A. S.; Nesteruk, V. N.; Putillo, D.; Reznichenko, A. M.; Salerno, E.; Snegirev, S. D.; Tikhomirov, Yu. V.; Khutornoy, R. V.; Skirmante, K.; Shmeld, I.; Chagunin, A. K.


    An experiment on VLBI radar of the 2012 DA14 asteroid was carried out on February 15-16, 2011 at the time of its closest approach to the Earth. The research teams of Kharkov (Institute of Radio Astronomy of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine), Evpatoria (National Space Facilities Control and Test Center), Nizhny Novgorod (Radiophysical Research Institute), Bologna (Istituto di Radioastronomia (INAF)), and Ventspils (Ventspils International Radioastronomy Center) took part in the experiment. The asteroid was irradiated by the RT-70 planetary radar (Evpatoria) at a frequency of 5 GHz. The reflected signal was received using two 32-m radio telescopes in Medicina (Italy) and Irbene (Latvia) in radiointerferometric mode. The Doppler frequency shifts in bi-static radar mode and interference frequency in VLBI mode were measured. Accuracy of the VLBI radar method for determining the radial and angular velocities of the asteroid were estimated.

  15. Palliative care and end-of-life care for polypathological patients.


    Martinez-Litago, E; Martínez-Velasco, M C; Muniesa-Zaragozano, M P


    Patients with advanced chronic diseases receive fragmented care, which entails high resource consumption and a poor quality of life. Uncertainty in the prognosis and scarce investigation into the importance of symptomatic control in this patient group hinders a proper therapeutic approach. Palliative care teams optimise the use of resources through comprehensive patient care, the optimization of the patient's environment, communication, the preparation of early care plans and the creation of coordinated healthcare circuits, which improve the quality of the patient's care in advanced stages of the disease. In the end-of-life phase, the therapeutic approach is focused on symptomatic control, selecting treatments according to the cause, comorbidities and the patient's wishes. To control refractory symptoms, palliative sedation is considered an indispensable option. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier España, S.L.U. and Sociedad Española de Medicina Interna (SEMI). All rights reserved.

  16. The Internal Medicine of the 21st century: Organizational and operational standards.


    Casariego-Vales, E; Zapatero-Gaviria, A; Elola-Somoza, F J


    The Spanish Society of Internal Medicine has developed a consensus document on the standards and recommendations that they consider essential to the organisation of internal medicine units for conducting their activities efficiently and with high quality. We defined 3 groups of key processes: the care of acutely ill adult patients, the comprehensive care of complex chronic patients and the examination of a patient with a difficult diagnosis and no organ-specific disease. As support processes, we identified the structure and operation of the Internal Medicine units. As strategic processes, we identified training and research. The main subprocesses are structured below, and we established the standards and recommendations for each of them. Lastly, we proposed resulting workloads. The prepared standards must be reviewed within a maximum of 4 years. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier España, S.L.U. and Sociedad Española de Medicina Interna (SEMI). All rights reserved.

  17. Infant-juvenile type 2 diabetes.


    Calero Bernal, M L; Varela Aguilar, J M


    In recent years, we have witnessed an increase in the number of cases of type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2) in children and adolescents, which has paralleled the increase in the worldwide prevalence of obesity. Although screening the general population does not appear to be cost-effective, special attention should be paid to children with excess weight, obesity or other factors that predispose them to a state of insulin resistance. When faced with the diagnosis of childhood DM2, the presence of comorbidities (such as hypertension, dyslipidemia and microalbuminuria) should be assessed, and appropriate treatment and follow-up should be administered to prevent the onset of complications, given that the DM2 in this population group will last longer than that started in adulthood. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier España, S.L.U. and Sociedad Española de Medicina Interna (SEMI). All rights reserved.

  18. [Preservation of fungi and actinomycetes of medical importance in distilled water].


    Rodrigues, E G; Lírio, V S; Lacaz, C da S


    Several methods have been used for the preservation of fungi, all of them presenting advantages and disadvantages. The choice of the methods depends upon the laboratory availabilities, time of preservation, genetic stability of the cultures and other factors. In this work the results obtained through the utilization of Castellani's method (preservation in distilled water) for the maintenance of 174 strains belonging to the "Micoteca do Instituto de Medicina Tropical de São Paulo" are presented. These strains were analyzed after 6, 12, 18 and 24 months, with regard to the percentage of viability taking into consideration the rates of growth and contamination. The smallest percentage of viability occurred in the group of the actinomycetes (50 to 100%) and the largest one in the group of the yeasts (near 100%). According to other authors, the Castellani's method, besides being simple and economically feasible for small size laboratories, yields good results.

  19. A VLBI experiment using a remote atomic clock via a coherent fibre link

    PubMed Central

    Clivati, Cecilia; Ambrosini, Roberto; Artz, Thomas; Bertarini, Alessandra; Bortolotti, Claudio; Frittelli, Matteo; Levi, Filippo; Mura, Alberto; Maccaferri, Giuseppe; Nanni, Mauro; Negusini, Monia; Perini, Federico; Roma, Mauro; Stagni, Matteo; Zucco, Massimo; Calonico, Davide


    We describe a VLBI experiment in which, for the first time, the clock reference is delivered from a National Metrology Institute to a radio telescope using a coherent fibre link 550 km long. The experiment consisted of a 24-hours long geodetic campaign, performed by a network of European telescopes; in one of those (Medicina, Italy) the local clock was alternated with a signal generated from an optical comb slaved to a fibre-disseminated optical signal. The quality of the results obtained with this facility and with the local clock is similar: interferometric fringes were detected throughout the whole 24-hours period and it was possible to obtain a solution whose residuals are comparable to those obtained with the local clock. These results encourage further investigation of the ultimate VLBI performances achievable using fibre dissemination at the highest precision of state-of-the-art atomic clocks. PMID:28145451

  20. Disorders of the long head of the biceps: tenotomy versus tenodesis.


    Ribeiro, Fabiano Rebouças; Ursolino, André Petry Sandoval; Ramos, Vinicius Ferreira Lima; Takesian, Fernando Hovaguim; Tenor Júnior, Antonio Carlos; Costa, Miguel Pereira da


    Disorders of the long head of biceps tendon are common in clinical practice. Their causes could be degenerative, inflammatory, instability (subluxation or luxation) or traumatic. They are generally associated to other diseases of the shoulder, mainly rotator cuff injuries. Currently, there is controversy in the literature regarding the indications for surgical treatment and the choice of the best technique for each case, due to the possibility of esthetic deformity, loss of muscle strength, and residual pain. The objective of this study was to identify the indications for surgical treatment, the best surgical technique, and the advantages and disadvantages of each technique described in the orthopedic literature for the treatment of long head of biceps tendon injuries. A revision of the orthopedic medical literature on the following databases: Biblioteca Regional de Medicina (BIREME), Medline, PubMed, Cochrane Library and Google Scholar, comprising articles published in the period from 1991 to 2015.

  1. Radium-223 in the treatment of bone metastasis in patients with castration-resistant prostate cancer. Review and procedure.


    Orcajo-Rincon, J; Caresia-Aróztegui, A P; Del Puig Cózar-Santiago, M; García-Garzón, J R; de Arcocha-Torres, M; Delgado-Bolton, R C; García-Velloso, M J; Alvarez-Ruiz, S; García-Vicente, A M


    Bone metastatic disease is the main cause of morbidity / mortality in patients with prostate cancer, presenting frequently as bone pain, pathological fractures or spinal cord compression, which requires early and timely therapy. Although, for the moment, the therapeutic window for its use has not been definitively established, radium-223 ( 223 Ra), an alpha particle emitter, has proved to be an effective therapeutic tool, pre or post-chemotherapy, in patients with castration-resistant prostate cancer with symptomatic bone metastases and absence of visceral metastases, significantly modifying the prognosis of the disease. It is therefore imperative to define the ideal scenarios and the correct protocol for the use of this therapy and thus offer the greatest possible clinical benefit to the patient. Copyright © 2018 Sociedad Española de Medicina Nuclear e Imagen Molecular. Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  2. Adelina Anthony Interview with Aimee Carrillo Rowe.


    Anthony, Adelina; Carrillo Rowe, Aimee


    This interview explores how performing artist, activist, writer, director, performer Adelina Anthony stages queer women of color affects as a complex terrain to mobilize a decolonial imaginary. Anthony's characters are complex, contradictory, surly, and resilient with whom audience members connect and feel deeply. Especially for queer women of color, who rarely get to see their own experiences on film or on stage, Anthony's work provides a critical forum for discussing, imagining, naming, and envisioning the connections between our personal struggles and broader forces of imperialism, heterosexual capitalism, and settler colonialism. Through the "medicina" of gritty truth-telling and side-splitting laughter, Anthony discusses her own positionality as a coyote curandera. Through the exploratory genre of the interview, Anthony helps readers palpably engage a queer woman of color "theory in the flesh" to imagine their own creative potentialities through a compassionate lens of humility and humor.

  3. Pernicious anemia. From past to present.


    Rodríguez de Santiago, E; Ferre Aracil, C; García García de Paredes, A; Moreira Vicente, V F


    Pernicious anemia is currently the most common cause of vitamin B12 deficiency in Western countries. The histological lesion upon which this condition is based is autoimmune chronic atrophic gastritis. The destruction of parietal cells causes a deficiency in intrinsic factor, an essential protein for vitamin B12 absorption in the terminal ileum. Advances in the last two decades have reopened the debate on a disease that seemed to have been forgotten due to its apparent simplicity. The new role of H. pylori, the value of parietal cell antibodies and intrinsic factor antibodies, the true usefulness of serum vitamin B12 levels, the risk of adenocarcinoma and gastric carcinoids and oral vitamin B12 treatment are just some of the current issues analyzed in depth in this review. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier España, S.L.U. y Sociedad Española de Medicina Interna (SEMI). All rights reserved.

  4. Antithrombotic treatment in elderly patients with atrial fibrillation.


    Suárez Fernández, C; Camafort, M; Cepeda Rodrigo, J M; Díez-Manglano, J; Formiga, F; Pose Reino, A; Tiberio, G; Mostaza, J M


    Atrial fibrillation (AF) in the elderly is a complex condition due to the high number of frequently associated comorbidities, such as cardiovascular and kidney disease, cognitive disorders, falls and polypharmacy. Except when contraindicated, anticoagulation is necessary for preventing thromboembolic events in this population. Both vitamin K antagonists and direct oral anticoagulants (dabigatran, rivaroxaban and apixaban) are indicated in this context. Renal function should be closely monitored for this age group when these drugs are used. In recent years, various clinical practice guidelines have been published on patients with AF. The majority of these guidelines make specific recommendations on the clinical characteristics and treatment of elderly patients. In this update, we review the specific comments on the recommendations concerning antithrombotic treatment in elderly patients with nonvalvular AF. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier España, S.L.U. y Sociedad Española de Medicina Interna (SEMI). All rights reserved.

  5. Consensus Document of the Spanish Society of Cardiology and the Spanish Society of Internal Medicine on the diagnosis and treatment of iron deficiency in heart failure.


    Manito, N; Cerqueiro, J M; Comín-Colet, J; García-Pinilla, J M; González-Franco, A; Grau-Amorós, J; Peraira, J R; Manzano, L

    Iron deficiency in patients with heart failure is a medical problem of recent particular interest. This interest has resulted from the publication of several clinical trials that demonstrated that the administration of intravenous iron to such patients improved their functional capacity and even reduced the number of hospitalisations for heart failure decompensation. However, applying the evidence from these studies in clinical practice is still controversial, both in terms of the diagnostic criteria for iron deficiency (absolute and functional) and the optimal method for iron replenishment. This article is a consensus document that integrates the recommendations of the Spanish Society of Internal Medicine and the Spanish Society of Cardiology. The article reviews the scientific evidence and proposes a diagnostic and therapeutic performance protocol for iron deficiency in heart failure. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier España, S.L.U. and Sociedad Española de Medicina Interna (SEMI). All rights reserved.

  6. Current issues in implementing do-not-resuscitate orders for cardiac patients.


    Ruiz-García, J; Canal-Fontcuberta, I; Martínez-Sellés, M


    Cardiovascular diseases are still the most common cause of death, and heart failure is the most common reason for hospitalization of patients older than 65 years. However, Cardiology attributes low importance to end-of-life care. Cardiac patients' perception of their disease's prognosis and the results of cardiopulmonary resuscitation differ greatly from reality. The "do not resuscitate" order allows patients to pre-emptively express their rejection for cardiopulmonary resuscitation, thereby avoiding its potentially negative consequences. However, these orders are still underused and misinterpreted in cardiac patients. Most of these patients usually have no opportunity to have the necessary conversations with their attending physician on their resuscitation preferences. In this review, we performed an analysis of the causes that could explain this situation. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier España, S.L.U. and Sociedad Española de Medicina Interna (SEMI). All rights reserved.

  7. HIV/AIDS infection: The beginning of the end for today's greatest pandemic?


    Gutiérrez, F


    Recently, there have been significant advances in the fight against human immunodeficiency virus, which have increased the hopes of definitively halting its dissemination and of starting the decline of the epidemic it has caused. Transmission of the infection was drastically reduced when infected patients were given antiretroviral treatments, which boosted the diffusion of treatments to middle- and low-income countries. Global therapy coverage has doubled in recent years; meanwhile the incidence of new infections has decreased. Various curative strategies are also actively being investigated, including those aiming to induce cell resistance to the infection through gene therapy and the elimination of latent virus reservoirs. This article reviews the current situation and future developments in terms of controlling the pandemic and, eventually, curing the infection. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier España, S.L.U. and Sociedad Española de Medicina Interna (SEMI). All rights reserved.

  8. A VLBI experiment using a remote atomic clock via a coherent fibre link.


    Clivati, Cecilia; Ambrosini, Roberto; Artz, Thomas; Bertarini, Alessandra; Bortolotti, Claudio; Frittelli, Matteo; Levi, Filippo; Mura, Alberto; Maccaferri, Giuseppe; Nanni, Mauro; Negusini, Monia; Perini, Federico; Roma, Mauro; Stagni, Matteo; Zucco, Massimo; Calonico, Davide


    We describe a VLBI experiment in which, for the first time, the clock reference is delivered from a National Metrology Institute to a radio telescope using a coherent fibre link 550 km long. The experiment consisted of a 24-hours long geodetic campaign, performed by a network of European telescopes; in one of those (Medicina, Italy) the local clock was alternated with a signal generated from an optical comb slaved to a fibre-disseminated optical signal. The quality of the results obtained with this facility and with the local clock is similar: interferometric fringes were detected throughout the whole 24-hours period and it was possible to obtain a solution whose residuals are comparable to those obtained with the local clock. These results encourage further investigation of the ultimate VLBI performances achievable using fibre dissemination at the highest precision of state-of-the-art atomic clocks.

  9. Firsts surgical care of Mexican children in the nineteenth century.


    Baeza-Bacab, Manuel Antonio


    Here, two papers are presented, which constitute the first reports of surgical procedures in Mexican children performed at the 19 th century. The two publications refer to surgical operations for the extraction of bladder stones. At that time, there was no anesthesia, so part of the description alludes to the suffering of the patients and the operative difficulties. The first case, is referred to as a lithotomy in a 17-year-old girl, performed by surgeon José Victoriano Guerrero in Guadalajara in 1822. The publication is not an academic report, but a pamphlet written as a gift to Emperor Augustin I to celebrate his ascension to the throne. The second work, is a lateral lithotomy in a 5-year-old boy, published by Dr. Luis Jecker in the first issue of the Periódico de la Academia de Medicina de Mégico in 1836. Copyright: © 2018 Permanyer.

  10. Update in pulmonary arterial hypertension.


    Mejía Chew, C R; Alcolea Batres, S; Ríos Blanco, J J


    Pulmonary arterial hypertension is a rare and progressive disease that mainly affects the pulmonary arterioles (precapillary), regardless of the triggering aetiology. The prevalence of pulmonary hypertension and pulmonary arterial hypertension in Spain is estimated at 19.2 and 16 cases per million inhabitants, respectively. The diagnosis of pulmonary arterial hypertension is based on haemodynamic criteria (mean pulmonary artery pressure ≥25mmHg, pulmonary capillary wedge pressure ≤15mmHg and pulmonary vascular resistance >3 Wood units) and therefore requires the implementation of right cardiac catheterisation. Sequential therapy with a single drug has been used in clinical practice. However, recent European guidelines recommend combined initial therapy in some situations. This review conducts a critical update of our knowledge of this disease according to the latest guidelines and recommendations. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier España, S.L.U. and Sociedad Española de Medicina Interna (SEMI). All rights reserved.

  11. Bernardino Ramazzini: the father of occupational medicine.


    Pope, Malcolm H


    Bernardino Ramazzini was born on October 4, 1633, in the small town of Capri located in the duchy of Modula, Italy. He is credited with establishing the field of occupational medicine during his lifetime. His major contributions came after 1682, when Duke Francesco II of Modena assigned him to establish a medical department at the University of Modena. He was installed in the title of professor "Medicinae Theoricae." In 1700, Ramazzini was appointed chair of practical medicine in Padua, Republic of Venice, the premier medical faculty in Italy. In 1700, he wrote the seminal book on occupational diseases and industrial hygiene, De Morbis Artificum Diatriba (Diseases of Workers). Although Ramazzini is perhaps most well known for his work on exposure to toxic materials, he wrote extensively about diseases of the musculoskeletal system. In particular, he warned of the problems of inactivity and poor postures inherent in some jobs.

  12. A VLBI experiment using a remote atomic clock via a coherent fibre link

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Clivati, Cecilia; Ambrosini, Roberto; Artz, Thomas; Bertarini, Alessandra; Bortolotti, Claudio; Frittelli, Matteo; Levi, Filippo; Mura, Alberto; Maccaferri, Giuseppe; Nanni, Mauro; Negusini, Monia; Perini, Federico; Roma, Mauro; Stagni, Matteo; Zucco, Massimo; Calonico, Davide


    We describe a VLBI experiment in which, for the first time, the clock reference is delivered from a National Metrology Institute to a radio telescope using a coherent fibre link 550 km long. The experiment consisted of a 24-hours long geodetic campaign, performed by a network of European telescopes; in one of those (Medicina, Italy) the local clock was alternated with a signal generated from an optical comb slaved to a fibre-disseminated optical signal. The quality of the results obtained with this facility and with the local clock is similar: interferometric fringes were detected throughout the whole 24-hours period and it was possible to obtain a solution whose residuals are comparable to those obtained with the local clock. These results encourage further investigation of the ultimate VLBI performances achievable using fibre dissemination at the highest precision of state-of-the-art atomic clocks.

  13. High-precision pointing with the Sardinia Radio Telescope

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Poppi, Sergio; Pernechele, Claudio; Pisanu, Tonino; Morsiani, Marco


    We present here the systems aimed to measure and minimize the pointing errors for the Sardinia Radio Telescope: they consist of an optical telescope to measure errors due to the mechanical structure deformations and a lasers system for the errors due to the subreflector displacement. We show here the results of the tests that we have done on the Medicina 32 meters VLBI radio telescope. The measurements demonstrate we can measure the pointing errors of the mechanical structure, with an accuracy of about ~1 arcsec. Moreover, we show the technique to measure the displacement of the subreflector, placed in the SRT at 22 meters from the main mirror, within +/-0.1 mm from its optimal position. These measurements show that we can obtain the needed accuracy to correct also the non repeatable pointing errors, which arise on time scale varying from seconds to minutes.

  14. The Italian VLBI Network: First Results and Future Perspectives

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Stagni, Matteo; Negusini, Monia; Bianco, Giuseppe; Sarti, Pierguido


    A first 24-hour Italian VLBI geodetic experiment, involving the Medicina, Noto, and Matera antennas, shaped as an IVS standard EUROPE, was successfully performed. In 2014, starting from the correlator output, a geodetic database was created and a typical solution of a small network was achieved, here presented. From this promising result we have planned new observations in 2016, involving the three Italian geodetic antennas. This could be the beginning of a possible routine activity, creating a data set that can be combined with GNSS observations to contribute to the National Geodetic Reference Datum. Particular care should be taken in the scheduling of the new experiments in order to optimize the number of usable observations. These observations can be used to study and plan future experiments in which the time and frequency standards can be given by an optical fiber link, thus having a common clock at different VLBI stations.

  15. [Evaluation of financial performance of health services: reflections of operational policies in the hospital sector].


    Bonacim, Carlos Alberto Grespan; de Araujo, Adriana Maria Procópio


    Discussions about management manners and procedures has been relevant among organization managers in the health services. The health services economic evaluation approaches this theme and is taking an important role around the world, demanding the manager new challenges concerning the continuous search of activities efficiency and efficacy. The objective is to describe the consequences of operational changes in the economic-financial indicators of a Public Hospital. The methodology applied included besides the literature research, a case study in the "Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto--USP". The values found confirm the context of the hospital. One concludes that the average costs present similar behaviors with trend to stabilization, thus confirming improvements in efficiency. The importance of the rendering of accounts for the society related to the use of public resources and how this study can help in this way.

  16. Conceptualizations of illness among relatives of patients diagnosed with schizophrenia.


    Villares, Cecília C; Redko, Cristina P; Mari, Jair J


    Family concepts of a relative's illness are an important part of the coping process and reveal the cultural construction of the experience of illness. As part of a qualitative study conducted in the Schizophrenia Outpatient Clinic of the Department of Psychiatry, Escola Paulista de Medicina - UNIFESP, 14 relatives of eight outpatients diagnosed with schizophrenia were interviewed and invited to talk freely about their ideas and feelings concerning their relative's problem. Qualitative analysis was used to identify categories of illness representations. Three main categories were discussed, including Problema de Nervoso, Problema na Cabeça and Problema Espiritual (Problem of the Nerves, Problem in the Head and Spiritual Problem). The authors present evidence of these categories as cultural constructions, and discuss the relevance of popular notions of illness to the understanding of the course and outcome of schizophrenia, and the planning of culturally meaningful interventions.

  17. [Not Available].


    Grao-Cruces, Alberto; Loureiro, Nuno; Fernández-Martínez, Antonio; Mota, Jorge


    Introducción y objetivos: examinar la asociación del apoyo de los padres y de los amigos con diferentes intensidades de actividad física durante el tiempo libre de adolescentes españoles de ambos sexos.Métodos: un total 352 adolescentes españoles (51.70% chicos; 12-16 años) cumplimentaron el International Physical Activity Questionnarie for Adolescents y un cuestionario validado sobre apoyo social. Se realizaron análisis de regresión linear ajustados por edad.Resultados: el apoyo social de padres y amigos influyó positivamente sobre los niveles de actividad física vigorosa que los adolescentes españoles realizan durante su tiempo libre (β=.226 y β=.285 en chicos y β=.167 y β=.181 en chicas, para el apoyo de padres y amigos respectivamente) y sobre los de intensidad moderada en el caso de las chicas (β=.195 y β=.200, respectivamente).Conclusiones: el apoyo de padres y amigos contribuye a los niveles de actividad física moderada o vigorosa en adolescentes españoles.

  18. La Resonancia J/$$\\psi$$ y Sus Implicaciones Para La Masa Del W (in Spanish)

    SciTech Connect

    Sanchez-Hernandez, Alberto

    Es un placer agradecer a mi asesor el doctor Heriberto Castilla Valdez por brindarme sus conocimientos, experiencia y paciencia en el desarrollo de esta tesis; tambien quiero agradecer al profesor H.E. Fisk, por su apoyo econemico en mi estancia en Fermilab. De igual forma agradezco a los doctores Arturo Fernandez Telles, Miguel Angel Perez Angen y Rebeca Juarez Wisozka quienes me introdujeron al campo de la fisica experimental de altas energfas. Agradezco tambien a Maribel Rios Cruz, Ruben Flores Mendieta, Juan Morales Corona, Fabiola Vazquez Valencia, Salvador Carrillo Moreno y Cecilia Uribe Estrada por su amistad y compaiierismo durante elmore » desarrollo de mi maestria. Un especial agradecimiento a Ian Adam y Kina Denisenko por su valiosa ayuda, comentarios y discusiones durante mi estancia en Fermilab. Por ultimo quisiera agradecer a mis profesores, amigos y familiares quienes siempre me apoyaron y alentaron y al Consejo N acional de Ciencia y Tecnologfa asf como al Departamento de Fisica de Cinvestav por su apoyo econemlco.« less

  19. Prone position in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome

    PubMed Central

    Setten, Mariano; Plotnikow, Gustavo Adrián; Accoce, Matías


    Acute respiratory distress syndrome occupies a great deal of attention in intensive care units. Despite ample knowledge of the physiopathology of this syndrome, the focus in intensive care units consists mostly of life-supporting treatment and avoidance of the side effects of invasive treatments. Although great advances in mechanical ventilation have occurred in the past 20 years, with a significant impact on mortality, the incidence continues to be high. Patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome, especially the most severe cases, often present with refractory hypoxemia due to shunt, which can require additional treatments beyond mechanical ventilation, among which is mechanical ventilation in the prone position. This method, first recommended to improve oxygenation in 1974, can be easily implemented in any intensive care unit with trained personnel. Prone position has extremely robust bibliographic support. Various randomized clinical studies have demonstrated the effect of prone decubitus on the oxygenation of patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome measured in terms of the PaO2/FiO2 ratio, including its effects on increasing patient survival. The members of the Respiratory Therapists Committee of the Sociedad Argentina de Terapia Intensiva performed a narrative review with the objective of discovering the available evidence related to the implementation of prone position, changes produced in the respiratory system due to the application of this maneuver, and its impact on mortality. Finally, guidelines are suggested for decision-making. PMID:27925054

  20. A qualitative study about experiences and emotions of emergency medical technicians and out-of-hospital emergency nurses after performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation resulting in death.


    Fernández-Aedo, I; Pérez-Urdiales, I; Unanue-Arza, S; García-Azpiazu, Z; Ballesteros-Peña, S

    To explore the experiences, emotions and coping skills among emergency medical technicians and emergency nurses after performing out-of-hospital cardiopulmonary resuscitation manoeuvres resulting in death. An exploratory qualitative research was performed. Seven emergency medical technicians and six emergency nurses were selected by non-probability sampling among emergency medical system workers. The meetings took place up to information saturation, achieved after six individual interviews and a focal group. The meetings were then transcribed and a manual and inductive analysis of the contents performed. After a failed resuscitation several short and long-term reactions appear. They can be negatives, such as sadness or uncertainty, or positives, such as the feeling of having done everything possible to save the patient's life. Emotional stress increases when ambulance staff have to talk with the deceased's family or when the patient is a child. The workers don't know of a coping strategy other than talking about their emotions with their colleagues. Death after a failed resuscitation can be viewed as a traumatic experience for rescuers. Being in contact with the suffering of others is an emotional, stress-generating factor with direct repercussions on the working and personal lives of emergency staff. Nevertheless, structured coping techniques are not common among those professionals. Copyright © 2016 Sociedad Española de Enfermería Intensiva y Unidades Coronarias (SEEIUC). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  1. Programa de conservacion para aves migratorias neotropicales


    Deborah Finch; Marcia Wilson; Roberto Roca


    Mas de 250 especies de aves terrestres migran a Norte America durante la epoca reproductiva para aprovechar los sistemas templados. No obstante, las aves migratorias neotropicales pasan la mayor parte de su ciclo de vida en los habitat tropicales y subtropicales de paises latinoamericanos y caribefios donde viven en una asociacion cercana con las aves residentes. Para...

  2. [What can doctors do to moderate healthcare costs?


    Lifshitz, Alberto; Celis, Miguel Ángel; Moreno, Mucio; Gas, Héctor Aguirre; Halabe, José; Jasso, Luis; Arrieta, Óscar; Burgos, Rubén; Campillo, Carlos; de la Llata, Manuel; Domínguez, Judith; Islas, Sergio; Plancarte, Ricardo; Reyes, Alejandro; Soda, Antonio; Verásteguio, Emma; Sotelo, Julio

    Los costos de la atención médica pueden alcanzar niveles tales que marginen a algunos pacientes de los beneficios del avance científico y tecnológico. Las razones de estos elevados costos son diversas y en la mayoría de los casos no está en manos de los médicos moderarlos. En este escrito se proponen algunas acciones que los médicos podemos realizar para disminuir los costos de la atención médica. La magnitud del ahorro que se puede alcanzar con estas medidas es modesta, puesto que la mayor parte de los costos no dependen de los médicos, pero se trata de ofrecer nuestra contribución. Evitar todo lo superfluo: no más medicamentos ni estudios que los estrictamente necesarios, sin medicina defensiva; y no ceder ante la presión de pacientes y familiares para que se prescriban pruebas o medicamentos inútiles.

  3. Why teaching empathy is important for the medical degree.


    Díez-Goñi, N; Rodríguez-Díez, M C

    Empathy is a basic skill in the exercise of medicine and increases patient and physician satisfaction and improves clinical results. However, the teaching of empathy is poorly covered in the teaching plans. A number of studies have observed a reduction in empathy during the final training courses. The reasons for this decline include, the students' excessive academic workload, the prioritisation of acquiring medical expertise over humanistic knowledge, the patient load in hospitals and health centres and the physicians' need to distance themselves from their patients. Nevertheless, intervention studies through simulation with standardised patients have shown an increase in empathy in students, which can be evaluated through the Jefferson scales: JSE-S and JSPPPE. The teaching of empathy to medical students is an important commitment in the curricular programs of medical schools. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier España, S.L.U. and Sociedad Española de Medicina Interna (SEMI). All rights reserved.

  4. [Qualitative and quantitative study of Taenia solium posoncospheres in the muscular tissue of pigs with and without cysticercosis].


    Jiménez Rodríguez, J A; Arteaga, I D; Rojas Wastavino, G; Salazar Schettino, P M


    It was determined the presence of posoncospheres in muscular tissues in 20 natural cysticercotic pigs and in 20 pigs apparently free of Taenia solium metacestodes. Ten differents anatomical regions were dissected, giving 400 samples in total. The animals were slaughtered in Ecatepec, Mexico State, Mexico. The samples were kept in bottles with saline and were processed in the Laboratorio de Biología de Parásitos, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM); cysticercus were counted and later on the resulting muscular mass was grinded and observations were made in the sediment, for posoncospheres search. Mann-Whitney statistical method revealed meaningful differences between postoncospheres in cysticercotic pigs and not apparently cysticercotic pigs. The Linear Correlation Analysis showed no relation between cysticercus quantity and postoncospheres quantity in the same samples. Postoncospheres were found in cysticercotic animals and in those apparently free of cysticercus, in the last group the quantity was bigger.

  5. Clinical assessment and treatment of diabetes in patients with chronic kidney disease.


    Carretero Gómez, J; Arévalo Lorido, J C


    Diabetes mellitus type 2 is the main cause of chronic kidney disease. Patients with this disease have higher morbidity and mortality and risk of hypoglycaemia than those without this disease. In 2010, type 2 diabetes was the reason for starting renal replacement therapy in 24.7% of patients. The prevalence of microalbuminuria, proteinuria and a reduced glomerular filtration rate is 36%, 8% and 22%, respectively. The presence of albuminuria is a predictor of chronic kidney disease. Diabetic kidney disease, previously known as diabetic nephropathy, refers to kidney disease caused by diabetes. Renal hyperfiltration is a marker of intraglomerular hypertension and a risk factor for onset and progression. The new antidiabetic drugs, mainly dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors, sodium-glucose cotransporter inhibitors and glucagon-like peptide-1 agonists, have been shown to prevent or slow the progression of kidney disease. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier España, S.L.U. and Sociedad Española de Medicina Interna (SEMI). All rights reserved.

  6. Guiding principles of subcutaneous immunotherapy for allergic rhinitis in Japan.


    Okamoto, Yoshitaka; Ohta, Nobuo; Okano, Mitsuhiro; Kamijo, Atsushi; Gotoh, Minoru; Suzuki, Motohiko; Takeno, Sachio; Terada, Tetsuya; Hanazawa, Toyoyuki; Horiguchi, Shigetoshi; Honda, Kohei; Matsune, Shoji; Yamada, Takechiyo; Yuta, Atsushi; Nakayama, Takeo; Fujieda, Shigeharu


    In anticipation of the development of guidelines for antigen-specific subcutaneous immunotherapy (SCIT), we present recommendations that can serve as guiding principles based on a review of the scientific literature. Clinical questions (CQs) concerning SCIT were prepared. Literature searches for publications between January 1990 and February 2011 were performed in PubMed, the Cochrane Library, and Japana Centra Revuo Medicina Web version 4. Qualified studies were analyzed and the results were evaluated, consolidated, and codified. We present answers for 13 CQs on the indications, methods, effectiveness and mechanisms of SCIT, with evidence-based recommendations. The guiding principles are intended to be applied to children (≤15 years old) and adults (≥16 years old) with allergic rhinitis (AR). These principles can be used by otorhinolaryngologists for diagnosis of AR, evaluation of severity and rhinoscopic findings, performance of antigen challenge tests, and management of systemic anaphylactic reactions associated with SCIT. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  7. Ten years since the discovery of iPS cells: The current state of their clinical application.


    Aznar, J; Tudela, J

    On the 10-year anniversary of the discovery of induced pluripotent stem cells, we review the main results from their various fields of application, the obstacles encountered during experimentation and the potential applications in clinical practice. The efficacy of induced pluripotent cells in clinical experimentation can be equated to that of human embryonic stem cells; however, unlike stem cells, induced pluripotent cells do not involve the severe ethical difficulties entailed by the need to destroy human embryos to obtain them. The finding of these cells, which was in its day a true scientific milestone worthy of a Nobel Prize in Medicine, is currently enveloped by light and shadow: high hopes for regenerative medicine versus the, as of yet, poorly controlled risks of unpredictable reactions, both in the processes of dedifferentiation and subsequent differentiation to the cell strains employed for therapeutic or experimentation goals. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier España, S.L.U. and Sociedad Española de Medicina Interna (SEMI). All rights reserved.

  8. Use of tocilizumab in systemic sclerosis: A brief literature review.


    Fernández-Codina, A; Fernández-Fernández, J; Fernández-Pantiga, A


    The available treatments for systemic sclerosis (SS) have limited effectiveness. Treatment with tocilizumab (TCZ), a biological drug that inhibits interleukin 6 (IL-6), has recently been proposed. In this study, we conducted a literature review to assess the safety and efficacy of TCZ in SS. We found 52 articles, 10 of which we selected after evaluating the articles. In a randomised clinical trial, TCZ showed a nonsignificant improvement in the degree of skin induration, while another observational study showed neutral results. In this same clinical trial, the functional respiratory parameters showed a certain degree of stabilization. The safety profile of TCZ is acceptable; however, the current evidence regarding treatment of SS with TCZ is highly limited, although the drug could have a beneficial effect in skin disorder. New clinical trials are needed to determine the usefulness of TCZ in SS. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier España, S.L.U. and Sociedad Española de Medicina Interna (SEMI). All rights reserved.

  9. [Important epidemiological features of the treatment of type 2 diabetes].


    Seguí Díaz, M


    According to the various clinical practice guidelines, the recommendations for the treatment of type 2 diabetes are well-established, thus leading to homogenization of clinical practice and avoiding variability. However, it is well known that, depending on factors such as effectiveness, physiopathology, cost, adverse effects, preferences, and comorbidities, each patient will, in the long-term, receive different treatment of type 2 diabetes. The consensus document published last year and approved by the American Diabetes Association and the European Association for the Study of Diabetes recommends distinct targets for each patient with type 2 diabetes and argues for the individualization of the management and treatment of this disease. In other words, the document advocates a patient-centered approach, in which the various therapeutic alternatives are related mainly to distinct physiopathological factors, adverse effects, and the patient's comorbidities, as well as the patient's preferences. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier España, S.L.U. y Sociedad Española de Medicina Rural y Generalista (SEMERGEN). All rights reserved.

  10. Use and dependence on opioid drugs in the Spanish population with chronic pain: Prevalence and differences according to sex.


    Coloma-Carmona, A; Carballo, J L; Rodríguez-Marín, J; Pérez-Carbonell, A

    To analyse the prevalence in the use and dependence on opioid drugs in the Spanish population with chronic pain and evaluate the differences according to sex. The demographic variables, opioid treatment characteristics and use of other substances were assessed in 229 users of opioid drugs. A descriptive bivariate analysis of the data was performed. Forty-six percent of the patients met the criteria of dependence on opioid drugs (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th Edition [DSM-IV-TR]). Alcohol and cannabis consumption was greater in the men. The rates of dependence on the use of opioid drugs were significantly higher in the extended treatments. Planning for treatments with opioids and strategies for preventing inappropriate use should not depend on the patient's sex. We need further studies on the medical and psychological variables related to the use of and dependence on opioids. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier España, S.L.U. and Sociedad Española de Medicina Interna (SEMI). All rights reserved.

  11. Major developments in the 2016 european guidelines for heart failure.


    Trullàs, J C; González-Franco, Á


    The European Society of Cardiology has recently published new guidelines on the diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic heart failure (HF). This article aims to review these recommendations and their level of scientific evidence and to present the most innovative aspects. The most significant deviations from the 2012 edition are: 1) the introduction of the concept of HF with midrange LVEF (40-49%); 2) a new diagnostic algorithm for chronic HF, initially considering the clinical probability; 3) recommendations on preventing or delaying the apparition of HF; 4) indications for the use of the new sacubitril-valsartan compound, the first angiotensin receptor blocker and neprilysin inhibitor; 5) modification of indications for cardiac resynchronisation therapy; and 6) a new algorithm for a combined diagnostic and treatment strategy for acute HF based on the presence or absence of congestion and hypoperfusion. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier España, S.L.U. and Sociedad Española de Medicina Interna (SEMI). All rights reserved.

  12. Anticoagulant treatment of medical patients with complex clinical conditions.


    Ruiz-Ruiz, F; Medrano, F J; Santos-Lozano, J M; Rodríguez-Torres, P; Navarro-Puerto, A; Calderón, E J


    There is scarce available information on the treatment or prophylaxis with anticoagulant drugs of outpatients with medical diseases and complex clinical conditions. There are no clinical practice guidelines and/or specific recommendations for this patient subgroup, which are frequently treated by internists. Complex clinical conditions are those in which, due to comorbidity, age, vital prognosis or multiple treatment with drugs, a clinical situation arises of disease-disease, disease-drug or drug-drug interactions that is not included within the scenarios that commonly generate the scientific evidence. The objective of this narrative review is collecting and adapting of the clinical guidelines recommendations and systematic reviews to complex clinical conditions, in which the direct application of recommendations based on studies that do not include patients with this complexity and comorbidity could be problematic. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier España, S.L.U. and Sociedad Española de Medicina Interna (SEMI). All rights reserved.

  13. Treatment of hyperglycaemia in patients with acute stroke.


    Castilla-Guerra, L; Fernández-Moreno, M C; Hewitt, J


    The proportion of diabetic patients who are hospitalised for stroke has been increasing in recent years, currently reaching almost a third of all cases of stroke. In addition, about half of patients with acute stroke present hyperglycaemia in the first hours of the stroke. Although hyperglycaemia in the acute phase of stroke is associated with a poor prognosis, its treatment is currently a topic of debate. There is no evidence that the adminstration of intravenous insulin to these patients offers benefits in terms of the evolution of the stroke. New studies in development, such as the SHINE study (Stroke Hyperglycemia Insulin Network Effort), may contribute to clarifying the role of intensive control of glycaemia during the acute phase of the stroke. Ultimately, patients who have presented with stroke should be screened for diabetes. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier España, S.L.U. y Sociedad Española de Medicina Interna (SEMI). All rights reserved.

  14. [Assisted birth in 19th century Bahia].


    Barreto, Maria Renilda Nery


    This paper presents the traditions of assisted childbirth in the Brazilian state of Bahia in the 19th Century and develops the hypothesis that two obstetrical traditions coexisted in the capital, Salvador, namely the doctor-midwives--who used technical resources and knowledge acquired from obstetrics as a medical specialty--and the traditional midwives, whose know-how was purely of an empirical-sensorial nature. Despite all efforts employed by the doctors to win over the confidence of Bahian families, the midwives continued to be predominant in the art of 'delivering' children and treating female illnesses. The analysis focuses on the social and professional segments that were active in assisted birth; the role of the Bahian College of Medicine (Faculdade de Medicina da Bahia) in the training and certification of midwives and the use of newspapers as a way to legitimize the doctor-midwives; it also discusses the scant coverage of the midwives in these media.

  15. B-type natriuretic peptide and acute heart failure: Fluid homeostasis, biomarker and therapeutics.


    Torres-Courchoud, I; Chen, H H


    Natriuretic peptides are a family of peptides with similar structures, but are genetically distinct with diverse actions in cardiovascular, renal and fluid homeostasis. The family consists of an atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) and a brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) of myocardial cell origin, a C-type natriuretic peptide (CNP) of endothelial origin, and a urodilatin (Uro) which is processed from a prohormone ANP in the kidney. Nesiritide, a human recombinant BNP, was approved by the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) for the management of acute heart failure (AHF) in 2001. Human recombinant ANP (Carperitide) was approved for the same clinical indication in Japan in 1995, and human recombinant Urodilatin (Ularitide) is currently undergoing phase III clinical trial (TRUE AHF). This review will provide an update on important issues regarding the role of BNP in fluid hemostasis as a biomarker and therapeutics in AHF. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier España, S.L.U. and Sociedad Española de Medicina Interna (SEMI). All rights reserved.

  16. Fifty years since the nuclear accident in Palomares (Almeria). Medical repercussions.


    Laynez-Bretones, F; Lozano-Padilla, C

    In January 1966, 2 US military aircraft collided over the skies of Palomares (Almeria). One of them carried thermonuclear bombs, which released plutonium and other radioactive materials upon striking the ground. The most contaminated earth and plants were immediately removed. The Indalo Project was launched to study the effects of nuclear material on the inhabitants and environment of Palomares. A total of 1,077 inhabitants have been monitored since then, and the official version is that the ionising radiation has not been related to any type of disease. However, secrecy has surrounded much of the investigations, and no trustworthy epidemiological study has been conducted in the area. Approximately 500g of plutonium and americium remains in Palomares. Although the risk for the population appears to be low, this radioactive material should be removed as soon as possible. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier España, S.L.U. and Sociedad Española de Medicina Interna (SEMI). All rights reserved.

  17. Vitamin D: non-skeletal actions and rational use.


    Lichtenstein, Arnaldo; Ferreira-Júnior, Mario; Sales, Maria Mirtes; Aguiar, Francisco Bueno de; Fonseca, Luiz Augusto M; Sumita, Nairo M; Duarte, Alberto J S


    Recent years have witnessed a substantial increase in the number of seric determinations of vitamin D, in a worldwide basis. At Hospital das Clínicas of Faculdade de Medicina of Universidade de São Paulo that increase reached 700% over the last four years. Nevertheless there are many controversies on the literature about the role of vitamin D in conditions unrelated to the musculoskeletal system. In this study the metabolism, sources and actions of vitamin D on the body are reviewed. Observational studies, clinical trials, systematic reviews and metanalysis which focused on the relationship between the vitamin and conditions such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and falls were searched on the literature, analyzed and discussed. Results are presented as quiz and answer, tables and a figure. The role of vitamin D on the above-mentioned conditions is discussed, and the controversial issues stressed. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Editora Ltda. All rights reserved.

  18. Clinical trials. A pending subject.


    Gil-Extremera, B; Jiménez-López, P; Mediavilla-García, J D


    Clinical trials are essential tools for the progress of clinical medicine in its diagnostic and therapeutic aspects. Since the first trial in 1948, which related tobacco use with lung cancer, there have been more than 150,000 clinical trials to date in various areas (paediatrics, cardiology, oncology, endocrinology, etc.). This article highlights the importance for all physicians to participate, over the course of their professional career, in a clinical trial, due to the inherent benefits for patients, the progress of medicine and for curricular prestige. The authors have created a synthesis of their experience with clinical trials on hypertension, diabetes, dyslipidaemia and ischaemic heart disease over the course of almost 3 decades. Furthermore, a brief reference has been made to the characteristics of a phase I unit, as well as to a number of research studies currently underway. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier España, S.L.U. and Sociedad Española de Medicina Interna (SEMI). All rights reserved.

  19. The cohabitation of academia and industry: What position do the medical journals take regarding opinion articles?


    Dal-Ré, R; Carné, X


    Should medical journals publish editorials and educational articles written by authors who have financial conflicts of interest with pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries on whose products (or their competitors) they discuss? In the last 18 months, a controversy was sparked between The New England Journal of Medicine and BMJ, who took 2 opposite positions: the former stated that the negative bias against authors with conflicts of interest with industry is excessive and therefore accept articles from any expert, ensuring that they have the minimum possible bias. BMJ, in contrast, prohibits the publication of these types of article by authors who have financial conflicts of interest with industry. This article discusses the approaches of the 2 journals (and those of others) and reflects on this type of conflict in the medical profession. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier España, S.L.U. and Sociedad Española de Medicina Interna (SEMI). All rights reserved.

  20. Reflections on curative health care in Nicaragua.

    PubMed Central

    Slater, R G


    Improved health care in Nicaragua is a major priority of the Sandinista revolution; it has been pursued by major reforms of the national health care system, something few developing countries have attempted. In addition to its internationally recognized advances in public health, considerable progress has been made in health care delivery by expanding curative medical services through training more personnel and building more facilities to fulfill a commitment to free universal health coverage. The very uneven quality of medical care is the leading problem facing curative medicine now. Underlying factors include the difficulty of adequately training the greatly increased number of new physicians. Misdiagnosis and mismanagement continue to be major problems. The curative medical system is not well coordinated with the preventive sector. Recent innovations include initiation of a "medicina integral" residency, similar to family practice. Despite its inadequacies and the handicaps of war and poverty, the Nicaraguan curative medical system has made important progress. PMID:2705603

  1. [Letters to the editor published in Peruvian biomedical journals indexed in SciELO-Peru 2006-2013].


    Montenegro-Idrogo, Juan José; Mejía-Dolores, Jhon William; Chalco-Huamán, Joel L


    This bibliometric study describes the characteristics of letters to the editor published between 2006-2013 in biomedical journals indexed in SciELO-Peru.253 letters (10.3% of total publications) were collected. Most letters (139) were in the Peruvian Journal of Experimental Medicine and Public Health, with marked increase throughout those years. 25% of letters submitted included medical student participation. 14% of authors presented with international affiliations and 27% with endogenous affiliation - common in university journals (Anales de la Facultad de Medicina, Revista Médica Herediana).The usual criteria justifying the publication of letters were: opinion of medical fact or public domain (35.6%) and discussion of results, methodological flaws or interpretation (22.9%). In biomedical journals indexed in SciELO Peru the letters to the editor comprise a percentage of publications that has increased in recent years, with low publication of letters of findings or primary data, compared with opinion or criticism.

  2. Georg Philip Nenter and medicine "by notes" in the 18th century.


    Bonfante, Luciana; D'Angelo, Angela; Komninos, Georgios; Antonello, Augusto


    Even though it is true that the medical historiography of the 18th century is lacking in great scientific personalities, it is equally true that the entire century is characterized by continuous efforts to encapsulate the medical area of knowledge, acquired until then, in precise and systematic outlines, to serve the academic teaching of the subject of medicine. Georg Philip Nenter, a pupil of Georg Ernst Stahl and a professor of medicine in the University of Strasburg, could not help being influenced by that atmosphere. He added though, in our opinion, a touch of remarkable modernity. In fact his volume Fundamenta medicinae teoretico-pratica (Venice, 1735) is a wonderful collection of the notes taken during his lectures. The description of various diseases - renal diseases in particular - maintains a very systematic development of the subject through various chapters (definition, clinical manifestations, differential diagnosis, prognosis, treatment and examples of specific prescriptions), as if students were being addressed.

  3. New Archiving Distributed InfrastructuRe (NADIR): Status and Evolution

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    De Marco, M.; Knapic, C.; Smareglia, R.


    The New Archiving Distributed InfrastructuRe (NADIR) has been developed at INAF-OATs IA2 (Italian National Institute for Astrophysics - Astronomical Observatory of Trieste, Italian center of Astronomical Archives), as an evolution of the previous archiving and distribution system, used on several telescopes (LBT, TNG, Asiago, etc.) to improve performance, efficiency and reliability. At the present, NADIR system is running on LBT telescope and Vespa (Italian telescopes network for outreach) Ramella et al. (2014), and will be used on TNG, Asiago and IRA (Istituto Radio Astronomia) archives of Medicina, Noto and SRT radio telescopes Zanichelli et al. (2014) as the data models for radio data will be ready. This paper will discuss the progress status, the architectural choices and the solutions adopted, during the development and the commissioning phase of the project. A special attention will be given to the LBT case, due to some critical aspect of data flow and policies and standards compliance, adopted by the LBT organization.

  4. The INAF contribution to the ASI Space Debris program: observational activities.

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Pupillo, G.; Salerno, E.; Bartolini, M.; Di Martino, M.; Mattana, A.; Montebugnoli, S.; Portelli, C.; Pluchino, S.; Schillirò, F.; Konovalenko, A.; Nabatov, A.; Nechaeva, M.

    Space debris are man made objects orbiting around Earth that pose a serious hazard for both present and future human activities in space. Since 2007 the Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF) carried out a number of radar campaigns in the framework of the ASI ``Space Debris'' program. The observations were performed by using bi- and multi-static radars, composed of the INAF 32-m Italian radiotelescopes located at Medicina and Noto (used as receivers) and the 70-m parabolic antenna at Evpatoria (Ukraine) used as transmitter. The 32 m Ventspils antenna in Latvia also participated in the last campaign at the end of June 2010. Several kinds of objects in various orbital regions (radar calibrators, rocket upper stages, debris of different sizes) were observed and successfully detected. Some unknown objects were also discovered in LEO during the beam-park sessions. In this paper we describe some results of the INAF-ASI space debris research activity.

  5. A experiment on radio location of objects in the near-Earth space with VLBI in 2012

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Nechaeva, M.; Antipenko, A.; Bezrukovs, V.; Bezrukov, D.; Dementjev, A.; Dugin, N.; Konovalenko, A.; Kulishenko, V.; Liu, X.; Nabatov, A.; Nesteruk, V.; Pupillo, G.; Reznichenko, A.; Salerno, E.; Shmeld, I.; Shulga, O.; Sybiryakova, Y.; Tikhomirov, Yu.; Tkachenko, A.; Volvach, A.; Yang, W.-J.

    An experiment on radar location of space debris objects using of the method of VLBI was carried out in April, 2012. The radar VLBI experiment consisted in irradiation of some space debris objects (4 rocket stages and 5 inactive satellites) with a signal of the transmitter with RT-70 in Evpatoria, Ukraine. Reflected signals were received by a complex of radio telescopes in the VLBI mode. The following VLBI stations took part in the observations: Ventspils (RT-32), Urumqi (RT-25), Medicina (RT-32) and Simeiz (RT-22). The experiment included measurements of the Doppler frequency shift and the delay for orbit refining, and measurements of the rotation period and sizes of objects by the amplitudes of output interferometer signals. The cross-correlation of VLBI-data is performed at a correlator NIRFI-4 of Radiophysical Research Institute (Nizhny Novgorod). Preliminary data processing resulted in the series of Doppler frequency shifts, which comprised the information on radial velocities of the objects. Some results of the experiment are presented.

  6. Coordinated Multiwavelength Observations of PKS 0528+134 in Quiescence

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Boettcher, Markus; Palma, N.


    We report results of an intensive multiwavelength campaign on the prominent high-redshift (z = 2.06) gamma-ray bright blazar PKS 0528+134 in September - October 2009. The campaign was centered on four 30 ksec pointings with XMM-Newton, supplemented with ground-based optical (MDM, Perkins) and radio (UMRAO, Medicina, Metsaehovi, Noto, SMA) observations as well as long-term X-ray monitoring with RXTE and gamma-ray monitoring by Fermi. We find significant variability on 1 day time scales in the optical regime, accompanied by a weak redder-when-brighter trend. X-ray variability is found on longer ( 1 week) time scales, while the Fermi light curve shows no evidence for variability, neither in flux nor spectral index. We constructed four simultaneous spectral energy distributions, which can all be fit satisfactorily with a one-zone leptonic jet model. This work was supported by NASA through XMM-Newton Guest Observer Grant NNX09AV45G.

  7. A new archival infrastructure for highly-structured astronomical data

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Dovgan, Erik; Knapic, Cristina; Sponza, Massimo; Smareglia, Riccardo


    With the advent of the 2020 Radio Astronomy Telescopes era, the amount and format of the radioastronomical data is becoming a massive and performance-critical challenge. Such an evolution of data models and data formats require new data archiving techniques that allow massive and fast storage of data that are at the same time also efficiently processed. A useful expertise for efficient archiviation has been obtained through data archiving of Medicina and Noto Radio Telescopes. The presented archival infrastructure named the Radio Archive stores and handles various formats, such as FITS, MBFITS, and VLBI's XML, which includes description and ancillary files. The modeling and architecture of the archive fulfill all the requirements of both data persistence and easy data discovery and exploitation. The presented archive already complies with the Virtual Observatory directives, therefore future service implementations will also be VO compliant. This article presents the Radio Archive services and tools, from the data acquisition to the end-user data utilization.

  8. Gravity effects obtained from global hydrology models in comparison with high precision gravimetric time series

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wziontek, Hartmut; Wilmes, Herbert; Güntner, Andreas; Creutzfeldt, Benjamin


    Water mass changes are a major source of variations in residual gravimetric time series obtained from the combination of observations with superconducting and absolute gravimeters. Changes in the local water storage are the main influence, but global variations contribute to the signal significantly. For three European gravity stations, Bad Homburg, Wettzell and Medicina, different global hydrology models are compared. The influence of topographic effects is discussed and due to the long-term stability of the combined gravity time series, inter-annual signals in model data and gravimetric observations are compared. Two sources of influence are discriminated, i.e., the effect of a local zone with an extent of a few kilometers around the gravimetric station and the global contribution beyond 50km. Considering their coarse resolution and uncertainties, local effects calculated from global hydrological models are compared with the in-situ gravity observations and, for the station Wettzell, with local hydrological monitoring data.

  9. Starless Cores as Fundamental Physics Labs

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Mignano, Arturo; Molaro, Paolo; Levshakov, Sergei; Centurión, Miriam; Maccaferri, Giuseppe; Lapinov, Alexander

    We present high resolution observations in the starless dense molecular core L1512 performed with the Medicina 32m radio telescope. The resolved hfs components of HC3N and NH3 show no kinematic sub-structure and consist of an apparently symmetric peak profile without broadened line wings or self-absorption features suggesting that they sample the same material. The velocity dispersion is 101( ± 1) m s - 1for NH3 and 85( ± 2) m s - 1 for HC3N. The kinetic temperature of the cloud is estimated at 9.2 ( ± 1.2) K and the turbulence is of 76 m s - 1in a subsonic regime. This places L1512 among the most quiescent dark cores and makes it an ideal laboratory to study variations of the electron-to-proton mass ratio, μ = {m}e/{m}p by means of observations of inversion lines of NH3 combined with rotational lines of other molecular species.

  10. VizieR Online Data Catalog: Radio obs. of NGC 6251 jet (Tseng+, 2016)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Tseng, C.-Y.; Asada, K.; Nakamura, M.; Pu, H.-Y.; Algaba, J.-C.; Lo, W.-P.


    We conducted European VLBI Network (EVN) observations of NGC 6251 on 2013 March 10 at 1.6GHz with the stations at Badary, Svetloe, Zelenchukskaya (Russia), Effelsberg (Germany), Jodrell Bank (UK), Medicina, Noto (Italy), Onsala (Sweden), Shanghai, Urumqi (China), Torun (Poland), and Westerbork (Netherlands). Archival Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) data at 5GHz are used and calibrated in the same manner as the EVN data. Also, 12 epochs of the VLBA data at 15GHz are obtained from the MOJAVE database (Lister+ 2009, J/AJ/137/3718). Observations were conducted during 1998-2013. We also use a published VLA image of NGC 6251 at 1.4GHz to compare with the VLBI measurements in Section 4.1. The image, as well as the calibration processes, is shown in Sambruna+ (2004A&A...414..885S). Observations were conducted on 1995 August 15 using the full VLA in its A-configuration. The beam is restored to be circular with an FWHM of 2". (1 data file).

  11. Francesco and masers

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Menten, K. M.

    Masers in general are signposts of interesting astronomical sources and phenomena. In particular, they are found in the immediate environment of young stellar objects. Abundant observational evidence suggests that H_2O masers arise in the outflows from such sources in their earliest evolutionary phases and are in fact powered by accretion. As such they are intimately connected with the core of Francesco Palla's science. And indeed, H_2O masers were at the start and an essential component of a highly successful research program initiated by Francesco, the identification and characterization of a significant sample of massive young stellar objects. An overview is given of the sustained H_2O maser research program conducted over many years with the Medicina 32-meter radio telescope, in which Francesco played a vital part. Last, but not least, with Steven Stahler, Francesco co-authored an excellent chapter on interstellar masers that formed a part of The Formation of Stars, their classic textbook of the field.

  12. GPU-Powered Coherent Beamforming

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Magro, A.; Adami, K. Zarb; Hickish, J.


    Graphics processing units (GPU)-based beamforming is a relatively unexplored area in radio astronomy, possibly due to the assumption that any such system will be severely limited by the PCIe bandwidth required to transfer data to the GPU. We have developed a CUDA-based GPU implementation of a coherent beamformer, specifically designed and optimized for deployment at the BEST-2 array which can generate an arbitrary number of synthesized beams for a wide range of parameters. It achieves ˜1.3 TFLOPs on an NVIDIA Tesla K20, approximately 10x faster than an optimized, multithreaded CPU implementation. This kernel has been integrated into two real-time, GPU-based time-domain software pipelines deployed at the BEST-2 array in Medicina: a standalone beamforming pipeline and a transient detection pipeline. We present performance benchmarks for the beamforming kernel as well as the transient detection pipeline with beamforming capabilities as well as results of test observation.

  13. Treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus in elderly patients.


    Gómez-Huelgas, R; Gómez Peralta, F; Rodríguez Mañas, L; Formiga, F; Puig Domingo, M; Mediavilla Bravo, J J; Miranda, C; Ena, J


    The prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2) increases markedly with age. Antidiabetic treatment and the objectives of glycaemic control in elderly patients with DM2 should be individualised according to their biopsychosocial characteristics. In elderly patients for whom the benefits of intensive antidiabetic treatment are limited, the basic objectives should be to improve the quality of life, preserve functionality and avoid adverse effects, especially hypoglycaemia. Treatment of DM2 in the elderly was the subject of a consensus document published in 2012 and endorsed by several Spanish scientific societies. Since then, new therapeutic groups and evidence have emerged that warrant an update to this consensus document. The present document focuses on the therapeutic aspects of DM2 in elderly patients, understood as being older than 75 years or frail. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier España, S.L.U. and Sociedad Española de Medicina Interna (SEMI). All rights reserved.

  14. Treatment in Fabry disease.


    López Rodríguez, M


    Fabry disease is an X-linked inborn disease caused by deficit of alpha-galactosidaseA. This results in accumulation of glycosphingolipids in all cells and tissues. All males should receive enzyme replacement treatment in case of very low or undetectable levels of alpha-galactosidaseA. Female carriers and males with marginally levels of alpha-galactosidaseA should be treated in case of renal, neurologic o cardiac manifestations. There are two intravenous formulations of human recombinant enzyme, agalsidase alpha and agalsidase beta, showing similar efficacy and safety. Patients with amenable mutations of alpha-galactosidase can be treated with oral migalastat hydrochloride. Migalastat hydrochloride is a pharmacological chaperone that facilitates trafficking of alpha-galactosidaseA to lysosomes increasing enzyme activity. Patients treated with migalastat hydrochloride had significant improvements in left ventricular mass and gastrointestinal symptoms. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier España, S.L.U. and Sociedad Española de Medicina Interna (SEMI). All rights reserved.

  15. Medicinal Formulas and Experiential Knowledge in the Seventeenth-Century Epistemic Exchange between China and Europe.


    Hanson, Marta; Pomata, Gianna


    This essay deals with the medical recipe as an epistemic genre that played an important role in the cross-cultural transmission of knowledge. The article first compares the development of the recipe as a textual form in Chinese and European premodern medical cultures. It then focuses on the use of recipes in the transmission of Chinese pharmacology to Europe in the second half of the seventeenth century. The main sources examined are the Chinese medicinal formulas translated—presumably—by the Jesuit Michael Boym and published in Specimen Medicinae Sinicae (1682), a text that introduced Chinese pulse medicine to Europe. The article examines how the translator rendered the Chinese formulas into Latin for a European audience. Arguably, the translation was facilitated by the fact that the recipe as a distinct epistemic genre had developed, with strong parallels, in both Europe and China. Building on these parallels, the translator used the recipe as a shared textual format that would allow the transfer of knowledge between the two medical cultures.

  16. The assessment of medical competencies.


    Sureda-Demeulemeester, E; Ramis-Palmer, C; Sesé-Abad, A


    To describe the most widely used tools in the assessment of medical competencies, analyse their prevalence of use, their advantages and disadvantages and propose an appropriate model for our context. We conducted a narrative review of articles from MEDLINE, following the PRISM protocol, and analysed a total of 62 articles. The assessment of competencies is heterogeneous, especially in the educational and professional settings. The specific and technical competencies acquired during university education are mainly assessed using the objective structured clinical assessment. In the professional setting, core competencies are assessed using the 360° technique. We need a rigorous empiric comparison of the efficiency of the tools according to the type of competency. We propose a competency management model for the «undergraduate/graduate/active professional» continuum, whose goal is to improve training and professional practice and thereby increase the quality of patient care. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier España, S.L.U. and Sociedad Española de Medicina Interna (SEMI). All rights reserved.

  17. Diabetes mellitus and drug abuse during pregnancy and the risk for orofacial clefts and related abnormalities.


    Trindade-Suedam, Ivy Kiemle; Kostrisch, Lília Maria von; Pimenta, Luiz André Freire; Negrato, Carlos Antônio; Franzolin, Solange Braga; Trindade, Alceu Sergio


    to assessed the prevalence of diabetes mellitus (DM) and drug abuse in mothers of children with orofacial clefts (OFC). 325 women who had children (0-3y) with clefts were interviewed. Data regarding type of diabetes, use of legal/illegal drugs during pregnancy, waist girth and fasting blood sugar at the first prenatal consult were collected. twenty seven percent of the women had DM, out of these, 89% had gestational DM, 5,5% type 1 DM and 5,5% type 2 DM. The prevalence of DM in mothers of children with OFC was 27%, it is significantly higher than the average Brazilian population which is 7.6% (p<0.01) (OR=4.5, 95%CI=3.5-5.8). Regarding drug abuse during pregnancy, 32% of the mothers used drugs and a significant positive correlation was observed between drug abuse and the occurrence of clefts and other craniofacial anomalies (p=0.028) (OR=2.87; 95%CI=1.1-7.4). DM and drug abuse during pregnancy increases the risk for OFC and related anomalies and early diagnosis of DM and prevention of drug abuse, especially in pregnant women, should be emphasized. esta investigación estableció la prevalencia de diabetes mellitus (DM) y el abuso de drogas en madres de niños con malformaciones creaneofaciales (MCF). 325 mujeres que tuvieron hijos (0-3 años) con malformaciones fueron entrevistadas. Se obtuvieron datos referentes a: tipo de diabetes; uso de drogas lícitas o ilícitas durante el embarazo; circunferencia de la cintura; y, glucemia en ayunas en la primera consulta prenatal. el veintisiete por ciento de las mujeres tenían DM. Entre estas, el 89% tuvieron DM gestacional, el 5,5% DM tipo 1 y el 5,5% DM tipo 2. La prevalencia de DM en madres de hijos con MCF fue de 27%. Esto es significativamente más alto que el promedio de la población brasileña afectada por esa enfermedad, que es de 7,6% (p<0.01) (OR=4,5, 95%IC=3,5-5,8). Observando el abuso de drogas durante el embarazo, el 32% de las madres había utilizado drogas y una correlación positiva significativa fue

  18. Peripheral Vascular Resistance Impairment during Isometric Physical Exercise in Normotensive Offspring of Hypertensive Parents.


    Portela, Natália; Amaral, Josária Ferraz; Mira, Pedro Augusto de Carvalho; Souza, Livia Victorino de; Martinez, Daniel Godoy; Laterza, Mateus Camaroti


    A family history of hypertension is associated with vascular and autonomic abnormalities, as well as an impaired neurohemodynamic response to exercise. To test the hypothesis that normotensive individuals with a family history of hypertension present an impaired peripheral vascular resistance response to exercise. The study included 37 normotensive volunteers of both sexes who were sedentary, eutrophic, and nonsmokers, comprising 23 with (FH+; 24 ± 3 years) and 14 without (FH-; 27 ± 5 years) a family history of hypertension. Blood pressure, heart rate (DIXTAL®), forearm blood flow (Hokanson®), and peripheral vascular resistance were simultaneously measured for 3 minutes during rest and, subsequently, for 3 minutes during an isometric exercise at 30% of maximal voluntary contraction (Jamar®). At rest, the FH+ and FH- groups present similar mean blood pressure (83 ± 7 versus 83 ± 5 mmHg, p = 0.96), heart rate (69 ± 8 bpm versus 66 ± 7 bpm, p = 0.18), forearm blood flow (3 ± 1 mL/min/100 mL versus 2.7 ± 1 mL/min/100 mL, p = 0.16), and peripheral vascular resistance (30 ± 9 units versus 34±9 units, p = 0.21), respectively. Both groups showed a significant and similar increase in mean blood pressure (∆ = 15 ± 7 mmHg versus 14 ± 7 mmHg, p = 0.86), heart rate (∆ = 12 ± 8 bpm versus 13 ± 7 bpm, p = 0.86), and forearm blood flow (∆ = 0.8 ± 1.2 mL/min/100 mL versus 1.4 ± 1.1 mL/min/100 mL, p = 0.25), respectively, during exercise. However, individuals in the FH+ group showed no reduction in peripheral vascular resistance during exercise, which was observed in the FH- group (∆ = -0.4 ± 8.6 units versus -7.2 ± 6.3 units, p = 0.03). Normotensive individuals with a family history of hypertension present an impaired peripheral vascular resistance response to exercise. O histórico familiar para hipertensão arterial está relacionado a anormalidades vasculares e autonômicas, bem como disfunções no comportamento neuro-hemodinâmico durante o exerc

  19. El mensaje de conservacion de las instalaciones restauradas del Instituto Internacional de Dasonomia Tropical


    Ariel Lugo; J. Rullan


    Durante un periodo de aproximadamente 20 años, el Instituto Internacional de Dasonomía Tropical y sus colaboradores desarrollaron e implementaron un plan de instalaciones que abarcaba tanto las instalaciones nuevas, como las restauradas. Entre las instalaciones restauradas, el edificio histórico de la sede institucional recibió una Certificación Dorada por Liderazgo en...

  20. Investigação dos perfís temporais de alta resolução de explosões solares tipo-III decimétricas

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Cecatto, J. R.; Fernandes, F. C. R.; Sawant, H. S.; Madsen, F. R. H.


    Explosões solares tipo-III indicam a presença de feixes de elétrons acelerados durante "flares" solares. Sua investigação fornece informações tanto sobre os processos de aceleração de partículas quanto das características do agente causador e do local de aceleração. Explosões tipo-III decimétricas são geradas por feixes de elétrons viajando através de arcos magnéticos densos da baixa coroa solar. Os perfís temporais destes fenômenos, quando tomados com alta resolução, informam sobre os mecanismos de aceleração de partículas do feixe e o meio de transporte da energia liberada a partir da região de aceleração. Usando o Brazilian Solar Spectroscope (BSS), em operação no INPE, foram registradas dezenas de explosões tipo-III decimétricas, dentro da faixa de 2050-2250 MHz com alta resolução temporal (20 ms), em 13 de setembro de 2001, entre 13:00 e 16:10 UT. Foram selecionadas 10 explosões isoladas para uma investigação estatística detalhada de seus perfís temporais, em todos os cerca de 50 canais de freqüência. Os resultados indicam que cerca de 70% dos perfís temporais são complexos tanto durante a subida quanto descida. Os 30% restantes indicam que os perfís da subida podem ser bem representados, na maioria dos casos, por um processo não-linear e uma parcela significativa por processos lineares. Os perfís temporais da descida são dominados por um decaimento não-linear. Neste trabalho, será efetuada uma análise dos perfís temporais, tanto durante a subida quanto descida do fluxo, para as explosões selecionadas, em termos dos prováveis mecanismos de aceleração e relaxamento. 2

  1. [In Process Citation].


    Martín Álvarez, Estefanía; Jiménez Cabanillas, María Victoria; Peña Caballero, Manuela; Serrano López, Laura; Kajarabille, Naroa; Díaz Castro, Javier; Ochoa Herrera, Julio José; Maldonado Lozano, José


    Introducción: el recién nacido prematuro de muy bajo peso (RNMBP) es inmunológicamente inmaduro y además presenta una alteración de las barreras naturales de defensa. Objetivo: evaluar los efectos que pueda tener la administración de calostro orofaríngeo, administrado durante los primeros 15 días posnatales, sobre los niveles de inmunoglobulina A (IgA) sérica en recién nacidos prematuros de muy bajo peso durante el primer mes de vida. Material y métodos: se desarrolló un estudio de intervención no aleatorizado con grupo control, en el que se incluyeron 38 recién nacidos con ≤ 32 + 6 semanas de gestación y/o menores de 1.500 g de peso. Los sujetos recibieron 0,2 ml de calostro de su madre cada 4 h, iniciándose el procedimiento en las primeras 24 h de vida hasta el 15.o día postnatal. Se midieron los niveles de IgA en la sangre al nacimiento, 3. er , 15.o y 30.o días de vida. Se registraron datos perinatales al nacimiento y durante el periodo de seguimiento. Resultados: IgA sérica aumentó de forma estadísticamente significativa en el grupo de intervención (M1 15,84 μg/ml, M2 20,07 μg/ml, M3 23,65 μg/ml, M4 30,34 μg/ml, p 0,001) y en el grupo control (M1 12,48 μg/ml, M2 16,48 μg/ml, p 0,018; M3 19,41 μg/ml, M4 22,48 μg/ml, p 0,001). Al mes de vida, los niveles de IgA sérica fueron significativamente mayores en el grupo de intervención que en el grupo control (p 0,026). Conclusiones: este estudio sugiere que la administración de calostro orofarínge.

  2. Evidence Report: Risk of Radiation Carcinogenesis

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Huff, Janice; Carnell, Lisa; Blattnig, Steve; Chappell, Lori; Kerry, George; Lumpkins, Sarah; Simonsen, Lisa; Slaba, Tony; Werneth, Charles


    As noted by Durante and Cucinotta (2008), cancer risk caused by exposure to space radiation is now generally considered a main hindrance to interplanetary travel for the following reasons: large uncertainties are associated with the projected cancer risk estimates; no simple and effective countermeasures are available, and significant uncertainties prevent scientists from determining the effectiveness of countermeasures. Optimizing operational parameters such as the length of space missions, crew selection for age and sex, or applying mitigation measures such as radiation shielding or use of biological countermeasures can be used to reduce risk, but these procedures have inherent limitations and are clouded by uncertainties. Space radiation is comprised of high energy protons, neutrons and high charge (Z) and energy (E) nuclei (HZE). The ionization patterns and resulting biological insults of these particles in molecules, cells, and tissues are distinct from typical terrestrial radiation, which is largely X-rays and gamma-rays, and generally characterized as low linear energy transfer (LET) radiation. Galactic cosmic rays (GCR) are comprised mostly of highly energetic protons with a small component of high charge and energy (HZE) nuclei. Prominent HZE nuclei include He, C, O, Ne, Mg, Si, and Fe. GCR ions have median energies near 1 GeV/n, and energies as high as 10 GeV/n make important contributions to the total exposure. Ionizing radiation is a well known carcinogen on Earth (BEIR 2006). The risks of cancer from X-rays and gamma-rays have been established at doses above 50 mSv (5 rem), although there are important uncertainties and on-going scientific debate about cancer risk at lower doses and at low dose rates (<50 mSv/h). The relationship between the early biological effects of HZE nuclei and the probability of cancer in humans is poorly understood, and it is this missing knowledge that leads to significant uncertainties in projecting cancer risks during space

  3. Presentación del estudio “Links” de hombres que tienes sexo con hombres en Buenos Aires, Argentina

    PubMed Central

    Carballo-Diéguez, Alex; Ávila, María M; Balán, Iván C.; Marone, Rubén; Pando, María A.; Barreda, Victoria


    Resumen Estudios previos en Buenos Aires reportaron altas prevalencias de HIV entre HSH, con valores que oscilan entre 9 y 14% durante casi 10 años de continuo testeo. El objetivo principal de este estudio fue la evaluación de factores relacionados al comportamiento de alto riesgo para transmisión del HIV entre HSH entre los que se incluyen el conocimiento y factores emocionales, socioculturales y ambientales. Por otro lado se realizó la estimación de prevalencia e incidencia de HIV utilizando RDS (Respondent Driven Sampling), así como la presencia de otras infecciones de transmisión sexual. Por último se evaluaron los hábitos de testeo para HIV indagando que factores facilitan o impiden su realización. El estudio constó de dos fases, en primer lugar una fase cualitativa y posteriormente una fase cuantitativa con una duración total de 4 años y medio. Durante la fase cualitativa se realizaron 44 entrevistas individuales en profundidad, 8 grupos focales y 10 observaciones etnográficas (hoteles, baños públicos (“teteras”), cines pornográficos, fiestas privadas, dark rooms y discotecas). Durante la fase cuantitativa del estudio se realizó el reclutamiento de 500 participantes que provinieron de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, así como del Gran Buenos Aires. El reclutamiento se comenzó con 16 participantes llamados semillas. Se realizó el diagnóstico de infección por HIV, hepatitis B y C (HBV y HCV), Treponema pallidum, Virus Papiloma Humano (HPV) y Chlamidias. La colaboración establecida entre los grupos de trabajo enfocados en áreas diversas posibilitó el abordaje conjunto de nuevas estrategias de investigación antes no exploradas en nuestro país. Los resultados más relevantes de esta investigación serán progresivamente publicados en sucesivos números de Actualizaciones en SIDA. PMID:25264397

  4. Presentación del estudio "Links" de hombres que tienes sexo con hombres en Buenos Aires, Argentina.


    Carballo-Diéguez, Alex; Avila, María M; Balán, Iván C; Marone, Rubén; Pando, María A; Barreda, Victoria


    Estudios previos en Buenos Aires reportaron altas prevalencias de HIV entre HSH, con valores que oscilan entre 9 y 14% durante casi 10 años de continuo testeo. El objetivo principal de este estudio fue la evaluación de factores relacionados al comportamiento de alto riesgo para transmisión del HIV entre HSH entre los que se incluyen el conocimiento y factores emocionales, socioculturales y ambientales. Por otro lado se realizó la estimación de prevalencia e incidencia de HIV utilizando RDS (Respondent Driven Sampling), así como la presencia de otras infecciones de transmisión sexual. Por último se evaluaron los hábitos de testeo para HIV indagando que factores facilitan o impiden su realización. El estudio constó de dos fases, en primer lugar una fase cualitativa y posteriormente una fase cuantitativa con una duración total de 4 años y medio. Durante la fase cualitativa se realizaron 44 entrevistas individuales en profundidad, 8 grupos focales y 10 observaciones etnográficas (hoteles, baños públicos ("teteras"), cines pornográficos, fiestas privadas, dark rooms y discotecas). Durante la fase cuantitativa del estudio se realizó el reclutamiento de 500 participantes que provinieron de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, así como del Gran Buenos Aires. El reclutamiento se comenzó con 16 participantes llamados semillas. Se realizó el diagnóstico de infección por HIV, hepatitis B y C (HBV y HCV), Treponema pallidum, Virus Papiloma Humano (HPV) y Chlamidias. La colaboración establecida entre los grupos de trabajo enfocados en áreas diversas posibilitó el abordaje conjunto de nuevas estrategias de investigación antes no exploradas en nuestro país. Los resultados más relevantes de esta investigación serán progresivamente publicados en sucesivos números de Actualizaciones en SIDA.

  5. Cardiac Regeneration using Growth Factors: Advances and Challenges.


    Rebouças, Juliana de Souza; Santos-Magalhães, Nereide Stela; Formiga, Fabio Rocha


    Myocardial infarction is the most significant manifestation of ischemic heart disease and is associated with high morbidity and mortality. Novel strategies targeting at regenerating the injured myocardium have been investigated, including gene therapy, cell therapy, and the use of growth factors. Growth factor therapy has aroused interest in cardiovascular medicine because of the regeneration mechanisms induced by these biomolecules, including angiogenesis, extracellular matrix remodeling, cardiomyocyte proliferation, stem-cell recruitment, and others. Together, these mechanisms promote myocardial repair and improvement of the cardiac function. This review aims to address the strategic role of growth factor therapy in cardiac regeneration, considering its innovative and multifactorial character in myocardial repair after ischemic injury. Different issues will be discussed, with emphasis on the regeneration mechanisms as a potential therapeutic resource mediated by growth factors, and the challenges to make these proteins therapeutically viable in the field of cardiology and regenerative medicine. Resumo O infarto do miocárdio representa a manifestação mais significativa da cardiopatia isquêmica e está associado a elevada morbimortalidade. Novas estratégias vêm sendo investigadas com o intuito de regenerar o miocárdio lesionado, incluindo a terapia gênica, a terapia celular e a utilização de fatores de crescimento. A terapia com fatores de crescimento despertou interesse em medicina cardiovascular, devido aos mecanismos de regeneração induzidos por essas biomoléculas, incluindo angiogênese, remodelamento da matriz extracelular, proliferação de cardiomiócitos e recrutamento de células-tronco, dentre outros. Em conjunto, tais mecanismos promovem a reparação do miocárdio e a melhora da função cardíaca. Esta revisão pretende abordar o papel estratégico da terapia, com fatores de crescimento, para a regeneração cardíaca, considerando seu car

  6. Comparative study on fixation of central venous catheter by suture versus adhesive device.


    Molina-Mazón, C S; Martín-Cerezo, X; Domene-Nieves de la Vega, G; Asensio-Flores, S; Adamuz-Tomás, J


    To assess the efficacy of a central venous catheter adhesive fixation device (CVC) to prevent associated complications. To establish the need for dressing changes, number of days' catheterization and reasons for catheter removal in both study groups. To assess the degree of satisfaction of personnel with the adhesive system. A, randomized, prospective and open pilot study, of parallel groups, with comparative evaluation between CVC fixation with suture and with an adhesive safety system. The study was performed in the Coronary Unit of the Universitari de Bellvitge Hospital, between April and November 2016. The population studied were patients with a CVC. The results were analyzed using SPSS Statistics software. The study was approved by the Clinical Research Ethics Committee. 100 patients (47 adhesive system and 53 suture) were analyzed. Both groups were homogeneous in terms of demographic variables, anticoagulation and days of catheterization. The frequency of complications in the adhesive system group was 21.3%, while in the suture group it was 47.2% (P=.01). The suture group had a higher frequency of local signs of infection (p=.006), catheter displacement (p=.005), and catheter-associated bacteraemia (P=.05). The use of adhesive fixation was associated with a lower requirement for dressing changes due to bleeding (P=.006). Ninety-six point seven percent of the staff recommended using the adhesive safety system. The catheters fixed with adhesive systems had fewer infectious complications and less displacement. Copyright © 2018 Sociedad Española de Enfermería Intensiva y Unidades Coronarias (SEEIUC). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  7. Nursing workload and adherence to non-pharmacological measures in the prevention of ventilator-associated pneumonia. A pilot study.


    Jam, R; Hernández, O; Mesquida, J; Turégano, C; Carrillo, E; Pedragosa, R; Gómez, V; Martí, L; Vallés, J; Delgado-Hito, P

    To analyse whether adherence to non-pharmacological measures in the prevention of ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) is associated with nursing workload. A prospective observational study performed in a single medical-surgical ICU. Nurses in charge of patients under ventilator support were assessed. knowledge questionnaire, application of non-pharmacological VAP prevention measures, and workload (Nine Equivalents of Nursing Manpower Use Score). Phases: 1) the nurses carried out a educational programme, consisting of 60-minute lectures on non-pharmacological measures for VAP prevention, and at the end completed a questionnaire knowledge; 2) observation period; 3) knowledge questionnaire. Among 67 ICU-staff nurses, 54 completed the educational programme and were observed. A total of 160 observations of 49 nurses were made. Adequate knowledge was confirmed in both the initial and final questionnaires. Application of preventive measures ranged from 11% for hand washing pre-aspiration to 97% for the use of a sterile aspiration probe. The Nine Equivalents of Nursing Manpower Use Score was 50±13. No significant differences were observed between the association of the nurses' knowledge and the application of preventive measures or between workload and the application of preventive measures. Nurses' knowledge of VAP prevention measures is not necessarily applied in daily practice. Failure to follow these measures is not subject to lack of knowledge or to increased workload, but presumably to contextual factors. Copyright © 2017 Sociedad Española de Enfermería Intensiva y Unidades Coronarias (SEEIUC). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  8. Validity of contents of a paediatric critical comfort scale using mixed methodology.


    Bosch-Alcaraz, A; Jordan-Garcia, I; Alcolea-Monge, S; Fernández-Lorenzo, R; Carrasquer-Feixa, E; Ferrer-Orona, M; Falcó-Pegueroles, A

    Critical illness in paediatric patients includes acute conditions in a healthy child as well as exacerbations of chronic disease, and therefore these situations must be clinically managed in Critical Care Units. The role of the paediatric nurse is to ensure the comfort of these critically ill patients. To that end, instruments are required that correctly assess critical comfort. To describe the process for validating the content of a paediatric critical comfort scale using mixed-method research. Initially, a cross-cultural adaptation of the Comfort Behavior Scale from English to Spanish using the translation and back-translation method was made. After that, its content was evaluated using mixed method research. This second step was divided into a quantitative stage in which an ad hoc questionnaire was used in order to assess each scale's item relevance and wording and a qualitative stage with two meetings with health professionals, patients and a family member following the Delphi Method recommendations. All scale items obtained a content validity index >0.80, except physical movement in its relevance, which obtained 0.76. Global content scale validity was 0.87 (high). During the qualitative stage, items from each of the scale domains were reformulated or eliminated in order to make the scale more comprehensible and applicable. The use of a mixed-method research methodology during the scale content validity phase allows the design of a richer and more assessment-sensitive instrument. Copyright © 2017 Sociedad Española de Enfermería Intensiva y Unidades Coronarias (SEEIUC). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  9. [Perceived satisfaction and usefulness of suicide prevention information for patients and relatives].


    Triñanes, Y; Senra-Rivera, C; Seoane-Pesqueira, G; González-García, A; Álvarez-Ariza, M; de-Las-Heras-Liñero, E; Atienza, G


    To assess the satisfaction of persons with suicidal behaviour and their relatives using patient information material included in the Clinical Practice Guidelines on Prevention and Treatment of Suicidal Behaviour. The sample was made up of 57 patients with suicidal ideation or behaviour, and 52 relatives. The participants were recruited through a suicide prevention programme (Programa de intervención intensiva en conducta suicida [PII] - Suicidal Behaviour Intensive Intervention Programme) and a family association (Federación de Asociaciones de Familiares y Personas con enfermedad mental de Galicia [FEAFES] - Galician Federation of Associations of Relatives and Persons with mental diseases). An ad-hoc questionnaire was designed to ascertain the degree of perceived satisfaction and usefulness of using the information included in the guidelines. The descriptive data of the sample is presented, along with an exploratory factorial analysis of the questionnaire that yielded two dimensions, i.e., format and usefulness. Patients scored significantly lower than the relatives in two dimensions; nevertheless, no significant differences were found between the two groups in the level of general satisfaction. The socio-demographic variables did not influence the results. Similarly, no differences were observed between patients with and without history of suicidal behaviour. Participants stressed that Primary Care was the setting best suited for dissemination of this type of information. In general, both patients and relatives displayed a high level of satisfaction with the patient information material assessed. Furnishing information of this type to patients with suicidal ideation and/or behaviour could act as a preventive-educational tool. Copyright © 2013 SECA. Published by Elsevier Espana. All rights reserved.

  10. Severity and workload related to adverse events in the ICU.


    Serafim, Clarita Terra Rodrigues; Dell'Acqua, Magda Cristina Queiroz; Castro, Meire Cristina Novelli E; Spiri, Wilza Carla; Nunes, Hélio Rubens de Carvalho


    To analyze whether an increase in patient severity and nursing workload are correlated to a greater incidence of adverse events (AEs) in critical patients. A prospective single cohort study was performed on a sample of 138 patients hospitalized in an intensive care unit (ICU). A total of 166 AEs, occurred, affecting 50.7% of the patients. Increased patient severity presented a direct relationship to the probability of AEs occurring. However, nursing workload did not present a statistically significant relationship with the occurrence of AEs. The results cast light on the importance of using evaluation tools by the nursing personnel in order to optimize their daily activities and focus on patient safety. Analisar se o aumento da gravidade do paciente e a carga de trabalho de enfermagem está relacionado à maior incidência de Eventos Adversos (EAs) em pacientes críticos. Estudo de coorte única, prospectivo, com amostra de 138 pacientes internados em uma Unidade de Terapia Intensiva (UTI). Ao todo, foram evidenciados 166 EAs, que acometeram 50,7% dos pacientes. O aumento da gravidade do paciente apresentou relação direta com a chance de ocorrência de EAs. Entretanto, a carga de trabalho de enfermagem não apresentou relação estatisticamente significativa, na ocorrência de EAs. Os resultados permitem refletir acerca da importância da equipe de enfermagem, em utilizar instrumentos de avaliação, com o objetivo de melhorar e planejar suas ações diárias, com foco na segurança do paciente.

  11. Ten questions you should consider before submitting an article to a scientific journal.


    Falcó-Pegueroles, A; Rodríguez-Martín, D

    Investigating involves not only knowing the research methods and designs; it involves knowing the strategies for disseminating and publishing the results in scientific journals. An investigation is considered complete when it is published and is disclosed to the scientific community. The publication of a manuscript is not simple, since it involves examination by a rigorous editorial process evaluator to ensure the scientific quality of the proposal. The objective of this article is to communicate to potential authors the main errors or deficiencies that typically and routinely explain the decision by the referees of scientific journals not to accept a scientific article. Based on the experience of the authors as referees of national and international journals in the field of nursing and health sciences, we have identified a total of 10 types or groups, which cover formulation errors, inconsistencies between different parts of the text, lack of structuring, imprecise language, information gaps, and the detection of relevant inaccuracies. The identification and analysis of these issues enables their prevention, and is of great use to future researchers in the dissemination of the results of their work to the scientific community. In short, the best publishing strategy is one that ensures the scientific quality of the work and spares no effort in avoiding the errors or deficiencies that referees routinely detect in the articles they evaluate. Copyright © 2017 Sociedad Española de Enfermería Intensiva y Unidades Coronarias (SEEIUC). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  12. [Hospitalizations at Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto, USP, 1996-2003].


    Chaves, Lucieli Dias Pedreschi; Laus, Ana Maria; Anselmi, Maria Luiza


    Hospitalizations represent an important share of healthcare, due to both the complexity of actions and the financial volume applied. This descriptive-exploratory investigation had the purpose to identify and describing the physical and financial production of hospitalizations performed in a school hospital in the state of São Paulo, from 1996 to 2003, focusing the specialties of surgical clinic, medical clinic, pediatrics and obstetrics. Data collection was performed by searching the official databanks of the studied institution. In that period, a global 8.5% reduction in the frequency of admittances and a 78.4% increase in the financial resources were observed. Surgical clinic, with more expensive procedures, increased its admittances; the production in obstetrics showed the lowest variation. The increasing incorporation of technology, the demands from regional users and the migration of users from the supplementary system to the SUS may justify the variation of production in the different specialties.

  13. Cross-sectional study on blood pressure control in the department of nephrology of the Escola Paulista de Medicina - UNIFESP.


    Freitas, João Batista de; Tavares, Agostinho; Kohlmann, Osvaldo; Zanella, Maria Tereza; Ribeiro, Artur Beltrame


    To assess hypertension control rates in a specialized university-affiliated medical department, the influence of sex, diabetes, and obesity on that control, and the strategies for the treatment of hypertension. We carried out a cross-sectional study with 1,210 patients followed up for at least 6 months. Information was gathered from medical and nursing records and comprised the following data: sex, age, weight, height, abdominal and hip circumferences, blood pressure, and class and number of the antihypertensive drugs prescribed. To assess obesity, we used body mass index and waist/hip ratio. Blood pressure was considered under control when its levels were below 140/90 mmHg. The study consisted of 73% females and 27% males. Most females (31.7%) were 50 to 59 years of age, and most males (28.3%) were 60 to 69 years. The blood pressure control rate found was 20.9% for the 1,210 patients and 23.4% for the hypertensive diabetic patients (n=290). Despite the low control rates found, 70% of the patients used 1 or 2 antihypertensive medications. A high prevalence of obesity (38%) was observed, and females had a greater abdominal obesity index than males did (90% vs 82%, p<0.05). Patients with a greater body mass index had less control of blood pressure. The percentage of hypertensive patients with controlled blood pressure levels was low and was associated with a high prevalence of obesity. These data indicate the need for reviewing the strategies of global treatment for hypertension.

  14. Automatización de la adquisición de campos planos de cielo durante el atardecer

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Areal, M. B.; Acosta, J. A.; Buccino, A. P.; Perna, P.; Areso, O.; Mauas, P.


    Since 2009, the Instituto de Astronomia y Fisica del Espacio keeps in development an optical observatory mainly aimed to the detection of extrasolar planets and the monitoring of stellar activity. In this framework, the telescopes Meade LX200 16 Horacio Ghielmetti in the Complejo Astronomico El Leoncito, and MATE (Magnetic Activity and Transiting Exoplanets) in the Estación de Altura at the Observatorio Astronomico Felix Aguilar were assembled. Both telescopes can operate automatically through all night, which generates a massive volume of data. Because of this, it becomes essential the automatization of the acquisition and analysis of the regular observations as well as the calibration images; in particular the flat fields. In this work a method to simplify and automatize the acquisition of these images was developed. This method uses the luminosity values of the sky, registered by a weather station located next to the observation site.

  15. Psychological Resilience: Preparing our Soldiers for War

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Reduction, Suicide Prevention, Report 2010, 26. 27 10 Tanielian, ―Stop Loss,‖ 1. 11 Will Durant , The Story of Civilization: The Life of Greece (New...mental health support. This paper addresses the issue of psychologically preparing our Soldiers for War; building psychological resilience. It will also...resilience. It will also address how the human dimension of leadership can assist in achieving this effect. PSYCHOLOGICAL RESILIENCE: PREPARING OUR

  16. Rescuing Joint Personnel Recovery: Using Air Force Capability to Address Joint Shortfalls

    DTIC Science & Technology


    of an IP, the IP is not successfully reintegrated or the lessons learned are not incorporated into other operations. Adversaries will benefit from...Washington, D.C.: Office of Air Force History , United States Air Force, 1980, 117. 47 Durant , Michael J. In the Company of Heroes, Penguin Group... Lessons Learned, 22 September 2005, 3. 2 US Joint Task Force Katrina. The Federal Response to Hurricane Katrina Lessons Learned, February 2006, 54

  17. CF CIMIC Operations 1990-2010: An Annotated Bibliography

    DTIC Science & Technology


    those who will be involved in negotiations during their deployments. Canada, Department of National Defence, “Operation Assistance: Lessons ...publications cover the period from 1990 to 2010. As a whole, the books, articles, monographs, and manuals listed below provide a partial history ...activités de la COCIM ainsi qu’une analyse de ses fonctions durant la période de l’après- guerre froide. Les articles choisis traitent de la planification

  18. Further Biodosimetry Investigations Using Murine Partial-body Irradiation Model

    DTIC Science & Technology


    2010). 2. Durante, M ., Yamada, S., Ando, K., Furusawa , Y., Kawata, T., Majima, H., Nakano, T. and Tsujii, H. Measurements of the equivalent whole-body...biodosimetry studies—preliminary report. Radiat. Meas. 46, 898–902 (2011). 5. Roy, L., Bertho, J. M ., Souidi, M ., Vozenin, M . C., Voisin, P. and...Benderitter, M . Biochemical approach to prediction of multiple organ dysfunction syndrome. Br. J. Radiol. 27(suppl.), 146–151 (2005). 6. Blakely, W. F., King

  19. Evaluation of the Impacts of Live Fire Training at CFB Shilo

    DTIC Science & Technology


    des activites d’entrainement faites au secteur d’entrainement de la BFC Shilo et est la suite de la phase I, effectuee en septembre 2000. Durant la...premiere phase, trois champs de bataille avaient ete echantillonnes pour evaluer la contamination par les explosifs, les metaux, les COVs et les...iv Sommaire Le contexte international de demilitarisation, de la fermeture de bases et de la severite croissante des lois environnementales a

  20. Optimal Data Transmission on MIMO OFDM Channels

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Channel State Information dB decibel DFT Discrete Fourier Transform DWTS Digital Wideband Transmission System ETSI European Telecommunications...me facultaram durante a minha infância e juventude , que em conjunto com seu permanente apoio e amor me permitiram sonhar e voar tão alto. Agradeço...transmitter, it is far simpler to build such a system using an IDFT chip, generate the overall OFDM signal in baseband and digital format, and finally

  1. Negative pressure of the environmental air in the cleaning area of the materials and sterilization center: a systematic review.


    Ciofi-Silva, Caroline Lopes; Hansen, Lisbeth Lima; Almeida, Alda Graciele Claudio Dos Santos; Kawagoe, Julia Yaeko; Padoveze, Maria Clara; Graziano, Kazuko Uchikawa


    to analyze the scientific evidence on aerosols generated during cleaning activities of health products in the Central Service Department (CSD) and the impact of the negative pressure of the ambient air in the cleaning area to control the dispersion of aerosols to adjacent areas. for this literature systematic review the following searches were done: search guidelines, manuals or national and international technical standards given by experts; search in the portal and databases PubMed, Scopus, CINAHL and Web of Science; and a manual search of scientific articles. the five technical documents reviewed recommend that the CSD cleaning area should have a negative differential ambient air pressure, but scientific articles on the impact of this intervention were not found. The four articles included talked about aerosols formed after the use of a ultrasonic cleaner (an increased in the contamination especially during use) and pressurized water jet (formation of smaller aerosols 5μm). In a study, the aerosols formed from contaminated the hot tap water with Legionella pneumophila were evaluated. there is evidence of aerosol formation during cleanup activities in CSD. Studies on occupational diseases of respiratory origin of workers who work in CSD should be performed. analisar as evidências científicas sobre aerossóis gerados durante atividades de limpeza dos produtos para saúde no Centro de Material e Esterilização (CME) e o impacto da pressão negativa do ar ambiente na área de limpeza para controle da dispersão de aerossóis para áreas adjacentes. para essa revisão sistemática de literatura foram realizadas: busca de diretrizes, manuais ou normas técnicas nacionais e internacionais indicadas por especialistas; busca no portal e bases de dados PUBMED, SCOPUS, Cinahl e Web of Science; e busca manual de artigos científicos. Os cinco documentos técnicos analisados preconizam que na área de limpeza do CME haja diferencial negativo de pressão do ar ambiente

  2. Medical Image Processing Server applied to Quality Control of Nuclear Medicine.

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Vergara, C.; Graffigna, J. P.; Marino, E.; Omati, S.; Holleywell, P.


    This paper is framed within the area of medical image processing and aims to present the process of installation, configuration and implementation of a processing server of medical images (MIPS) in the Fundación Escuela de Medicina Nuclear located in Mendoza, Argentina (FUESMEN). It has been developed in the Gabinete de Tecnologia Médica (GA.TE.ME), Facultad de Ingeniería-Universidad Nacional de San Juan. MIPS is a software that using the DICOM standard, can receive medical imaging studies of different modalities or viewing stations, then it executes algorithms and finally returns the results to other devices. To achieve the objectives previously mentioned, preliminary tests were conducted in the laboratory. More over, tools were remotely installed in clinical enviroment. The appropiate protocols for setting up and using them in different services were established once defined those suitable algorithms. Finally, it’s important to focus on the implementation and training that is provided in FUESMEN, using nuclear medicine quality control processes. Results on implementation are exposed in this work.

  3. Structural characterization and immunomodulatory activity of a pectic polysaccharide (CALB-4) from Fructus aurantii.


    Shu, Zunpeng; Yang, Yanni; Xing, Na; Wang, Yi; Wang, Qiuhong; Kuang, Haixue


    A purified polysaccharide, designated CALB-4, was acquired from Fructus aurantii that is the traditional edible/medicina plant in China. The present study was performed to characterize the CALB-4 and to evaluate its immunomodulatory activities on human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs). The structure of CALB-4 was characterized by partial acid hydrolysis, periodate oxidation, Smith degradation, and methylation analysis combined with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS), Infrared Spectroscopy (IR) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The results indicated that CALB-4 was elucidated as a pectic polysaccharide and its main chain is composed of Man, Gal UA and Gal, interspersed with Ara, Rha, Man and Gal. Furthermore, immunological tests showed that CALB-4 exhibits the immunoenhancement effects. The mechanism for this action might be attributed to the increase of the cytoplasmic concentration of pro-IL-1 via the up-regulation of several mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) and the nuclear translocation of p65. This study clarified that CALB-4 could be as an efficacious biological response modifier in immunotherapy. Copyright © 2018. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  4. [Alfredo Lanari, a clinical research style].


    Romero, Lucía


    The institutionalization of clinical research in Argentina reached its point of greatest maturity with the creation, in 1957, of the Institute of Medical Investigations (Instituto de Investigaciones Médicas) of the Faculty of Medicine of the Universidad de Buenos Aires, and the drive of the man who was its director for almost 20 years, Alfredo Lanari. In this paper I analyze the ways in which he generated a style of clinical research and a referential position in local medical field that allowed him to carry out said institutional realization. This achievement was the result of a personal enterprise and at the same time part of a larger context of transformations within the medical discipline world-wide and at the Universidad de Buenos Aires. This study was carried out combining oral and documentary sources, such as interviews with physicians at the Institute of Medical Investigations, members of the journal Medicina and of the Argentine Society of Clinical Investigation (Sociedad Argentina de Investigación Clínica), as well as academic files and scientific articles.

  5. How Cuba's Latin American School of Medicine challenges the ethics of physician migration.


    Huish, Robert


    This paper demonstrates a working alternative to the accepted ethics of physician migration. A dominant cosmopolitan ethics encourages upward mobility of physicians in a globalized labour force, and this ultimately advances the position of individuals rather than improving public health-care service for vulnerable communities in the global South. Cuba's Escuela Latinoamericana de Medicina (ELAM) challenges this trend as its institutional ethics furnishes graduates with appropriate skills, knowledge and service ethics to deliver quality care in marginalized areas. This paper provides an analysis of how ELAM trains physicians in community-oriented service for marginalized areas in the global South. The principle finding of this analysis is that ELAM exhibits a working alternative to the accepted ethics of physician migration, as it encourages graduates to practice in marginalized communities rather than feed the migration pipeline into the North. Arguably, ELAM serves as an important case study in how a medical school's ethics can work to bring graduates closer to the communities that are in desperate need of their skills and of their compassion.

  6. The METIS project for generalist ultrasonography.


    Bono, F; Campanini, A


    Reorganization of the community healthcare system and the growing presence of group practices in the field of general medicine have increased the demands placed on primary-care medicine, in terms of the skills required and the level of responsibility. Satisfying the need for rapid, effective primary-care solutions to the health problems of citizens is easier thanks to technological and medical advances that provide high level equipment at costs within the reach of general practitioners (GPs). In the near future, trained GPs equipped with appropriate diagnostic scanners will be able to handle up to 40% of the requests of ultrasound examinations of each primary-care group (each PCG includes approximately 15,000-20,000 citizens). The Italian Federation of General Practitioners (Federazione Italiana dei Medici di Medicina Generale - FIMMG) and its Scientific Society, METIS, have organized national courses for those GPs who wish to become generalist ultrasonographers, in a joint effort with the two most important Italian scientific societies of imaging, the Italian Society of Ultrasonology in Medicine and Biology and the Italian Society of Medical Radiology.

  7. [Fixed-dose combination fluticasone propionate/formoterol for the treatment of asthma: a review of its pharmacology, efficacy and tolerability].


    Quintano Jiménez, J A; Ginel Mendoza, L; Entrenas Costa, L M; Polo García, J


    The fixed-dose combination fluticasone propionate/formoterol (FPF) is a novel combination of a widely known and used inhaled glucocorticoid (IGC) and a long-acting β2-adrenergic agonist (LABA), available for the first time in a single device. This fixed-dose combination of FPF has a demonstrated efficacy and safety profile in clinical trials compared with its individual components and other fixed-dose combinations of IGC/LABA and is indicated for the treatment of persistent asthma in adults and adolescents. FPF is available in a wide range of doses that can adequately cover the therapeutic steps recommended by treatment guidelines, constituting a fixed-dose combination of GCI/LABA that is effective, rapid, well tolerated and with a reasonable acquisition cost. Various assessment agencies of the Spanish Autonomous Communities consider this combination to be an appropriate alternative therapy for asthma in the primary care setting. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier España, S.L.U. y Sociedad Española de Medicina Rural y Generalista (SEMERGEN). All rights reserved.

  8. Pneumocystis jirovecii infection in patients with acute interstitial pneumonia.


    Martínez-Rísquez, M T; Friaza, V; de la Horra, C; Martín-Juan, J; Calderón, E J; Medrano, F J


    Acute interstitial pneumonia (AIP) is a severe disease of unknown etiology. Pneumocystis jirovecii is an atypical opportunistic fungus able to colonize patients with chronic pulmonary disease and inducing alveolar macrophage activation. The aim of this study was to evaluate the possible association between Pneumocystis jirovecii and AIP. The presence of P. jirovecii in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid in the four confirmed cases of AIP identified in a tertiary-care hospital over a period of nine years was studied using a 2-step nested-PCR protocol assay. P. jirovecii was identified in the four cases. None of them had HIV infection. Two of the patients were treated empirically with trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, the only survivor was being one of them. Our data suggest that Pneumocystis could trigger or favor the development of AIP. Further studies are needed to evaluate the role of the pathogen in the physiopathology of this disease. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier España, S.L.U. and Sociedad Española de Medicina Interna (SEMI). All rights reserved.



    Khan, Murad Ahmad; Raza, Fauzia; Khan, Iqbal Akhtar


    Ibn Sina, the most eminent Muslim physician, illuminative philosopher, great thinker and a versatile genius is regarded as the "Father of Early Modern Medicine" and as the "Father of Clinical Pharmacology". The "Kitab al-Qanun fi-al-Tibb", commonly known as the "Canon Medicinae" is the most important of his medical works and, at the same time, the most carefully preserved treasury both in original Arabic and in the initial Latin version. It is the final codification of all Greco-Arabic medical thoughts up to his time, enriched and modified with his own scientific experimentations and independent observations. It is considered "The First Textbook of Medicine on the Earth". The "Canon" surpassed the books of Hippocrates and Galen and remained supreme for more than six centuries, in the West. Ibn Sina described "Seven Doctrines" for Preservation of Health, based on the Mudawa Salookia, in his magnum opus. The roots of these principles can be traced, to a significant extent, to Egyptian Medicine, Hebrew Medicine, Greek Medicine, Roman Medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ancient Persian Medicine, Ayurvedic Medicine (Hindu Medicine) and Islamic Medicine.

  10. Does nutritional intervention maintain its prognostic benefit in the long term for malnourished patients hospitalised for heart failure?


    Bonilla-Palomas, J L; Gámez-López, A L; Castillo-Domínguez, J C; Moreno-Conde, M; López-Ibáñez, M C; Anguita-Sánchez, M


    To assess the long-term effect of nutritional intervention on malnourished, hospitalised patients with heart failure (HF). A total of 120 malnourished patients hospitalized for HF were randomised to undergo (or not) an individual nutritional intervention for 6 months. The primary event was the combination of all-cause death and readmission for HF. We performed an intent-to-treat analysis and assessed the effect of the intervention at 24 months. The combined event occurred in 47.5% of the intervention group and in 73.8% of the control group (hazard ratio: 0.45; 95% confidence interval: 0.28-0.72; P=.001). Thirty-nine percent of the intervention group and 59% of the control group died (hazard ratio: 0.53; 95% confidence interval: 0.31-0.89; P=.017). A nutritional intervention for malnourished patients hospitalised for HF maintains its prognostic benefit in the long-term follow-up. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier España, S.L.U. and Sociedad Española de Medicina Interna (SEMI). All rights reserved.

  11. Obstetric antiphospholipid syndrome.


    Esteve-Valverde, E; Ferrer-Oliveras, R; Alijotas-Reig, J


    Obstetric antiphospholipid syndrome is an acquired autoimmune disorder that is associated with various obstetric complications and, in the absence of prior history of thrombosis, with the presence of antiphospholipid antibodies directed against other phospholipids, proteins called cofactors or PL-cofactor complexes. Although the obstetric complications have been related to the procoagulant properties of antiphospholipid antibodies, pathological studies of human placenta have shown the proinflammatory capacity of antiphospholipid antibodies via the complement system and proinflammatory cytokines. There is no general agreement on which antiphospholipid antibodies profile (laboratory) confers the greatest obstetric risk, but the best candidates are categories I and IIa. Combined treatment with low doses of aspirin and heparin achieves good obstetric and maternal outcomes. In this study, we also review the therapeutic possibilities in refractory cases, although the likelihood of progressing to other autoimmune diseases is low. We briefly comment on incomplete obstetric antiphospholipid syndrome, also known as antiphospholipid antibody-mediated pregnancy morbidity syndrome. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier España, S.L.U. y Sociedad Española de Medicina Interna (SEMI). All rights reserved.

  12. Malignancies and infection due to the human immunodeficiency virus. Are these emerging diseases?


    Valencia Ortega, M E


    Since the start of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) epidemic, tumour disease among patients has been significant. The collection of malignancies can be divided primarily into 2 groups: those associated with HIV (all of which are related to viral diseases) and those not associated with HIV (only some of which are associated with viral diseases). The origin of these malignancies is multifactorial, and the main causes that have led to an increase in tumour disease are immunosuppression, coinfection with oncogenic viruses and life prolongation secondary to the use of antiretroviral therapy. Establishing the general characteristics of the undiagnosed AIDS tumours is difficult, mainly because they are a highly heterogeneous group formed by malignancies of a diverse nature. The treatments do not differ from those used in the general population, although the management can be more difficult due to the late diagnosis, drug interactions and associated comorbidities. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier España, S.L.U. and Sociedad Española de Medicina Interna (SEMI). All rights reserved.

  13. [The early years of anatomy and obstetrics at the Göttingen University, 1734-1760].


    Rab, Irén


    In the Age of Enlightenment medical education was based on new fundamentals. According to experts at that time, a medical faculty had to have five branches: anatomy, botany, chemistry, practical and theoretical medicine. Perhaps Göttingen was the most successful university foundation at that time, because a generous financial support was provided, outstanding professors were invited and an education without censorship was warranted. The spirit of Enlightenment affected both the structure and the standards of education of the facultas medicinae. The word-wide reputation of this faculty was earned by Albrecht von Haller. Haller conceived both the still highly regarded botanical garden and the anatomical theatre, which was the first of its kind in the German speaking area. Furthermore, he founded one of the first clinical obstetrics departments in the world. Students gained theoretical knowledge, were trained practically and had the opportunity to make scientific observations and medical experiments. This paper describes the founding era of the medical faculty of University of Göttingen from a historical-cultural view of point, based on contemporary documents from Germany and Hungary.

  14. Visibility of healthcare research institutes through the Web of Science database.


    González-Albo, B; Moreno-Solano, L; Aparicio, J; Bordons, M


    The strategic importance of healthcare research institutes (HRIs) in health sciences research in Spain has motivated this analysis of the feasibility of studing their contribution to the Spanish scientific output through their presence as a signatory institution in the publications. We identified the output of the HRIs in the Web of Science database, comparing their observed output (the institutes are explicitly listed in the authors' workplace) and potential output (estimated based on the linked hospitals). The studies based on scientific publications do not help us reliably identify the contribution of the HRIs because their observed production is much lower than the potential output, although their visibility tends to increase over time. This article highlights the importance of HRI members including the institute among their work addresses to increase the visibility of these organisations and to facilitate studies aimed at assessing their activity in the national and international context. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier España, S.L.U. and Sociedad Española de Medicina Interna (SEMI). All rights reserved.

  15. A 20 GHz bright sample for δ > +72° - I. Catalogue

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Righini, S.; Carretti, E.; Ricci, R.; Zanichelli, A.; Mack, K.-H.; Massardi, M.; Prandoni, I.; Procopio, P.; Verma, R.; López-Caniego, M.; Gregorini, L.; Mantovani, F.


    During 2010-11, the Medicina 32-m dish hosted the seven-feed 18-26.5 GHz receiver built for the Sardinia Radio Telescope, with the goal to perform its commissioning. This opportunity was exploited to carry out a pilot survey at 20 GHz over the area for δ > +72°.3. This paper describes all the phases of the observations, as they were performed using new hardware and software facilities. The map-making and source extraction procedures are illustrated. A customized data reduction tool was used during the follow-up phase, which produced a list of 73 confirmed sources down to a flux density of 115 mJy. The resulting catalogue, presented here, is complete above 200 mJy. Source counts are in agreement with those provided by the Australia Telescope 20 GHz (AT20G) survey. This pilot activity paves the way for a larger project, the K-band Northern Wide Survey (KNoWS), whose final aim is to survey the whole Northern hemisphere down to a flux limit of 50 mJy (5σ).

  16. Lack of reliability of nanotechnology in the of free plasma DNA in samples of patients with prostate cancer

    PubMed Central


    Background Several studies seek biological markers that give diagnostic and degree of tumor development. The aim of this study was to validate the determination of plasma DNA using nanotechnology (Nanovue™-NV) in samples of 80 patients with prostate cancer. Methods Blood samples of 80 patients of the Urology Ambulatory of Faculdade de Medicina do ABC with prostate cancer confirmed by anatomical-pathology criteria were analyzed. DNA extraction was performed using a GFX TM kit (Amersham Pharmacia Biotech, Inc, USA) following the adapted protocol. Plasma was subjected to centrifugation. Results There was a big difference between the first and the second value obtained by NanoVue Only two samples had no differences between duplicates. Maximum difference between duplicates was 38 μg/mL. Average variation between 51 samples was 10.29 μg/mL, although 21 samples had differences above this average. No correlation was observed between pDNA obtained by traditional spectrophotometry and by nanotechnology. Conclusion Determination of plasma DNA by nanotechnology was not reproducible. PMID:23311763

  17. The new 64m Sardinia Radio Telescope and VLBI facilities in Italy

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Giovannini, Gabriele; Feretti, Luigina; Prandoni, Isabella; Giroletti, Marcello


    The Sardinia Radio Telescope (SRT) is a new major radio astronomical facility available in Italy for single dish and interferometric observations. It represents a flexible instrument for Radio Astronomy, Geodynamical studies and Space Science, either in single dish or VLBI mode. The SRT combines a 64m steerable collecting area, one of the largest all over the World with state-of-the-art technology (including an active surface) to enable high efficiency observations up to the 3-mm band.This new radio telescope together with the two 32m antennas in Noto and Medicina can be used for VLBI observations on a national basis (VLBIT). Data can be correlated in a short time (in real time soon) thanks to fiber-optics connection among the radio telescopes and the software correlator installed at the Radio Astronomy Institute in Bologna (IRA/INAF). In the poster I will present capabilities of the SRT telescope as well as the VLBIT project and I will shortly discuss the scientific prospects of the VLBIT.

  18. Water maser emission in the Saturnian system

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Horiuchi, Shinji; Cimo, Giuseppe; Gurvits, Leonid; Pogrebenko, Sergei; Molera Calves, Guifré


    Prompted by the recent discovery of a water vapour plume of Enceladus by the Cassini spacecraft, our team started an observational programme to search for possible 22 GHz water vapour maser emission associated with different objects in the Kronian system. The observations have been conducted so far with the 32 m Medicina radio telescope (INAF-IRA, Italy) and the 14 m Metsahovi radio telescope (Aalto University, MRO, Finland). During the 2006-2008 campaigns, more than 300 hours of data have been analysed, and initial results including maser detections up to 7.0 sigma level have been presented. The detections attracted considerable interest and attempts to confirm them and investigate the phenomenon in depth. No confirmations have been published so far. In order to provide critical verification of these detections and study the details of masing conditions efficiently, we request a total of 20 hours on the Tidbinbilla 70 m telescope (DSS43) to observe Saturn and its moons during several, non-consecutive days. Due to natural changes of the planetary target positions, targets' coordinates will be provided after the antenna time is allocated.

  19. Working hours associated with unintentional sleep at work among airline pilots.


    Marqueze, Elaine Cristina; Nicola, Ana Carolina B; Diniz, Dag Hammarskjoeld M D; Fischer, Frida Marina


    Tto identify factors associated with unintentional sleep at work of airline pilots. This is a cross-sectional epidemiological study conducted with 1,235 Brazilian airline pilots, who work national or international flights. Data collection has been performed online. We carried out a bivariate and multiple logistic regression analysis, having as dependent variable unintentional sleep at work. The independent variables were related to biodemographic data, characteristics of the work, lifestyle, and aspects of sleep. The prevalence of unintentional sleep while flying the airplane was 57.8%. The factors associated with unintentional sleep at work were: flying for more than 65 hours a month, frequent technical delays, greater need for recovery after work, work ability below optimal, insufficient sleep, and excessive sleepiness. The occurrence of unintentional sleep at work of airline pilots is associated with factors related to the organization of the work and health. Identificar fatores associados aos cochilos não intencionais durante as jornadas de trabalho de pilotos da aviação regular. Estudo epidemiológico transversal conduzido com 1.235 pilotos brasileiros de avião do transporte aéreo regular, que realizavam voos nacionais ou internacionais, sendo a coleta de dados realizada on-line. Foi realizada análise de regressão logística bivariada e múltipla, tendo como variável dependente o cochilo não intencional durante o horário de trabalho. As variáveis independentes foram relacionadas a dados biodemográficos, características do trabalho, estilo de vida e aspectos do sono. A prevalência do cochilo não intencional enquanto pilotava o avião foi de 57,8%. Os fatores associados ao cochilo não intencional foram: voar por mais de 65 horas por mês, atrasos técnicos frequentes, maior necessidade de recuperação após o trabalho, capacidade para o trabalho inferior à ótima, sono insuficiente e sonolência excessiva. A ocorrência do cochilo n

  20. Prevendo a atividade solar através de redes neurais nebulosas

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Martin, V. A. F.; Poppe, P. C. R.


    Atualmente, a integração de redes neurais com técnicas da Matemática Nebulosa (Fuzzy Sets), tem sido usada robustamente para fazer previsões em vários sistemas físicos. Este trabalho representa uma continuidade da contribuição apresentada anteriormente durante a XXVIIa Reunião Anual da SAB, onde exploramos a aplicação de redes neurais para previsões futuras de séries temporais. Para este, enfatizamos o uso da técnica ANFIS (Adaptative Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System), que consiste em uma rede do tipo back-propagation, onde os dados são processados em uma camada intermediária, tendo numa camada de saída, os dados numéricos. Para que a previsão seja feita com sucesso utilizando-se técnicas matemáticas adequadas, é fundamental a existência de uma série razoavelmente longa de modo que a dinâmica contida nesta possa ser melhor extraída pela rede neural. Nesse sentido, foram utilizados novamente os dados históricos das manchas do Sol (1818-2002) afim de verificar o comportamento futuro da atividade solar (Ciclos de Schawbe) a partir da técnica descrita acima. Previsões realizadas para o ciclo anterior (n.22, máximo de 158,5 em julho de 1989), bem como para o atual (n.23, máximo de 153 em setembro de 2000), apontam valores bastante coerentes com os publicados na literatura, levando em consideração, respectivamente, as barras de erros associadas: 166+/-18 e 160+/-14. Para o próximo ciclo de Schawbe (2006-2017), nossa previsão aponta o valor de 172+/-23 como máximo para o primeiro semestre de 2011 (Abril +/- 3 meses). A ANFIS acompanha de maneira satisfatória o movimento das séries estudadas durante o treinamento e durante a verificação (menor dispersão das funções de pertinência), com erro absoluto inferior a 20 por cento.

  1. Retrospective analysis of risk factors and predictors of intraoperative complications in neuraxial blocks at Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu-UNESP.


    Pereira, Ivan Dias Fernandes; Grando, Marcela Miguel; Vianna, Pedro Thadeu Galvão; Braz, José Reinaldo Cerqueira; Castiglia, Yara Marcondes Machado; Vane, Luís Antônio; Módolo, Norma Sueli Pinheiro; do Nascimento, Paulo; Amorim, Rosa Beatriz; Rodrigues, Geraldo Rolim; Braz, Leandro Gobbo; Ganem, Eliana Marisa


    Cardiovascular changes associated with neuraxial blocks are a cause of concern due to their frequency and because some of them can be considered physiological effects triggered by the sympathetic nervous system blockade. The objective of this study was to evaluate intraoperative cardiovascular complications and predictive factors associated with neuraxial blocks in patients ≥ 18 years of age undergoing non-obstetric procedures over an 18-year period in a tertiary university hospital--HCFMB-UNESP. A retrospective analysis of the following complications was undertaken: hypertension, hypotension, sinus bradycardia, and sinus tachycardia. These complications were correlated with anesthetic technique, physical status (ASA), age, gender, and preoperative co-morbidities. The Tukey test for comparisons among proportions and logistic regression was used for statistical analysis. 32,554 patients underwent neuraxial blocks. Intraoperative complications mentioned included hypotension (n=4,109), sinus bradycardia (n=1,107), sinus tachycardia (n=601), and hypertension (n=466). Hypotension was seen more often in patients undergoing continuous subarachnoid anesthesia (29.4%, OR=2.39), ≥ 61 years of age, and female (OR=1.27). Intraoperative hypotension and bradycardia were the complications observed more often. Hypotension was related to anesthetic technique (CSA), increased age, and female. Tachycardia and hypertension may not have been directly related to neuraxial blocks. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Editora Ltda. All rights reserved.

  2. [Photography as analysis document, body and medicine: theory, method and criticism--the experience of Museo Nacional de Medicina Enrique Laval].


    Robinson, César Leyton; Caballero, Andrés Díaz


    This article is an experimental methodological reflection on the use of medical images as useful documents for constructing the history of medicine. A method is used that is based on guidelines or analysis topics that include different ways of viewing documents, from aesthetic, technical, social and political theories to historical and medical thinking. Some exercises are also included that enhance the proposal for the reader: rediscovering the worlds in society that harbor these medical photographical archives to obtain a new theoretical approach to the construction of the history of medical science.

  3. Local resistance patterns to antimicrobials in internal medicine: a focused report from the REGIMEN (REGistro Infezioni in MEdicina INterna) study.


    Cei, Marco; Pardelli, Riccardo; Sani, Spartaco; Mumoli, Nicola


    The treatment for infections in hospitalized patients can be summarized in the timely start of empirical therapy, followed by adjustment on the basis of isolates and microbial susceptibilities. Initial therapy may be based on international guidelines. However, to know local frequencies of bacterial and fungal strains together with patterns of drug resistance should be a better approach to therapy. REGIMEN is a retrospective observational study of all consecutive recorded bacterial and fungal isolates, collected between October 2009 and August 2011 from patients admitted in a 53-bedded ward of internal medicine of a non-teaching Italian hospital. We investigated type of samples and of microorganisms, patterns of susceptibility and resistance to antibiotics, and in-hospital mortality. A total of 504 samples were examined (244 from urine, 189 from blood and 71 from skin and various exudates). Participants were old (mean age, 83 years), and so overall mortality was high (20 %). There were high frequencies of drug resistance; only 27.9 % of urinary gram-negatives and 52.6 % of blood gram-negatives were susceptible to levofloxacin. Susceptibility profiles compatible with the presence of extended-spectrum beta-lactamases were present in 64.2 % of gram-negative strains, and 10.1 % were also resistant to carbapenems. ESKAPE organisms account for a third of all bacterial infections. Local patterns of drug resistance should influence empirical antibiotic therapy for patients admitted in internal medicine wards, where mortality is high.

  4. Admission to Intensive Care for a trauma related to alcohol or drugs, a 'teachable moment' for the beginning of a change.


    Cordovilla-Guardia, S; Vilar-López, R; Lardelli-Claret, P; Navas, J F; Guerrero-López, F; Fernández-Mondéjar, E

    To estimate how many of the trauma patients admitted to ICU would be candidates for a secondary prevention programme for trauma related to alcohol or drug use by brief motivational intervention and to define what factors prevent that intervention being performed. All 16-70year old trauma patients (n=242) admitted to ICU in 32 non-consecutive months (November 2011 to March 2015) were included in the study, coinciding with the implementation of a screening and brief motivational intervention programme for trauma patients related to substance consumption. The programme includes screening for exposure to substances at admission. Sociodemographic and clinical variables were collected prospectively. The screening for substances was not performed in 38 (15.7%) of all admitted patients. Of the patients screened, 101 (49.5%) were negative. The variables that in greater proportion impeded intervention between screening positive patients were neurological damage due to the trauma with 23 patients (37.1%) and prior psychiatric disorder with 18 (29%). Both variables were associated with substance consumption: negatives 9.9% vs positive 22.3% (P=.001) and negatives 3% vs positive 17.5% (P=.016) respectively. The number of candidates for motivational intervention was 41, 16.9% of all admitted patients. Almost 2 out of 10 patients were potential candidates. The factors that in a greater proportion precluded the intervention were the same as those associated with consumption. Mortality in ICU was associated with non-compliance with the screening protocol. Copyright © 2017 Sociedad Española de Enfermería Intensiva y Unidades Coronarias (SEEIUC). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  5. Prevention and treatment of skin lesions associated with non-invasive mechanical ventilation. Recommendations of experts.


    Raurell-Torredà, M; Romero-Collado, A; Rodríguez-Palma, M; Farrés-Tarafa, M; Martí, J D; Hurtado-Pardos, B; Peñarrubia-San Florencio, L; Saez-Paredes, P; Esquinas, A M

    In the last two decades, non-invasive mechanical ventilation (NIV) has been consolidated as an initial strategy for the management of respiratory failure in critical adult and paediatric patients. To identify risk factors and preventive strategies to reduce the incidence of skin lesions associated with clinical devices (LESADIC) related to NIV, as well as the most effective treatment for injuries that cannot be avoided. Review in the MEDLINE, CINAHL and Cochrane databases of studies published in the last 10years to reach consensus through an expert panel. Knowledge about how to measure correct mask size and protection of the skin with foam or hydrocolloids dressings are factors related to the incidence of LESADIC, as it conditions the degree of pressure-friction and shear that the interface exerts on the skin. The interface that causes fewer LESADIC and is better tolerated is the face mask. When there are injuries, the first thing is to remove the interface that causes pressure on damaged skin, recommending a Helmet ® hood as an alternative, treating the infection, managing the exudate and stimulating perilesional skin. The mask of choice is the facial, always using foam or hydrocolloid dressings on the nasal bridge. Evaluate the condition of the skin under the interface and harness every 4hours (recommended) and 11hours (maximum). Evaluate the rotation strategy of the interface at 24hours if the NIV is still needed on an ongoing basis. Copyright © 2017 Sociedad Española de Enfermería Intensiva y Unidades Coronarias (SEEIUC). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  6. Extracorporeal life support for patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome: report of a Consensus Conference

    PubMed Central


    The influenza H1N1 epidemics in 2009 led a substantial number of people to develop severe acute respiratory distress syndrome and refractory hypoxemia. In these patients, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation was used as rescue oxygenation therapy. Several randomized clinical trials and observational studies suggested that extracorporeal membrane oxygenation associated with protective mechanical ventilation could improve outcome, but its efficacy remains uncertain. Organized by the Société de Réanimation de Langue Française (SRLF) in conjunction with the Société Française d’Anesthésie et de Réanimation (SFAR), the Société de Pneumologie de Langue Française (SPLF), the Groupe Francophone de Réanimation et d’Urgences Pédiatriques (GFRUP), the Société Française de Perfusion (SOFRAPERF), the Société Française de Chirurgie Thoracique et Cardiovasculaire (SFCTV) et the Sociedad Española de Medecina Intensiva Critica y Unidades Coronarias (SEMICYUC), a Consensus Conference was held in December 2013 and a jury of 13 members wrote 65 recommendations to answer the five following questions regarding the place of extracorporeal life support for patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome: 1) What are the available techniques?; 2) Which patients could benefit from extracorporeal life support?; 3) How to perform extracorporeal life support?; 4) How and when to stop extracorporeal life support?; 5) Which organization should be recommended? To write the recommendations, evidence-based medicine (GRADE method), expert panel opinions, and shared decisions taken by all the thirteen members of the jury of the Consensus Conference were taken into account. PMID:24936342

  7. Time of elevation of head of bed for patients receiving mechanical ventilation and its related factors.


    Martí-Hereu, L; Arreciado Marañón, A

    The semirecumbent position is a widespread recommendation for the prevention of pneumonia associated with mechanical ventilation. To identify the time of elevation of head of bed for patients under mechanical ventilation and the factors related to such elevation in an intensive care unit. An observational, descriptive cross-sectional study. Conducted in an intensive care unit of a tertiary hospital from April to June 2015. The studied population were mechanically ventilated patients. Daily hours in which patients remained with the head of the bed elevated (≥30°), socio-demographic data and clinical variables were recorded. 261 head elevation measurements were collected. The average daily hours that patients remained at ≥30° was 16h28' (SD ±5h38'), equivalent to 68.6% (SD ±23.5%) of the day. Factors related to elevations ≥30° for longer were: enteral nutrition, levels of deep sedation, cardiac and neurocritical diagnostics. Factors that hindered the position were: sedation levels for agitation and abdominal pathologies. Sex, age and ventilation mode did not show a significant relationship with bed head elevation. Although raising the head of the bed is an easy to perform, economical and measurable preventive measure, its compliance is low due to specific factors specific related o the patient's clinical condition. Using innovations such as continuous measurement of the head position helps to evaluate clinical practice and allows to carry out improvement actions whose impact is beneficial to the patient. Copyright © 2017 Sociedad Española de Enfermería Intensiva y Unidades Coronarias (SEEIUC). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  8. Does a history of psychoactive substances abuse play a role in the level of pain of the patient with severe trauma?


    López-López, C; Arranz-Esteban, A; Martinez-Ureta, M V; Sánchez-Rascón, M C; Morales-Sánchez, C; Chico-Fernández, M

    To analyse the influence of psychotropic substance use on the level of pain in patients with severe trauma. Longitudinal analytical study. Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of Trauma and Emergencies. severe trauma, non-communicative and mechanical ventilation >48hours. Two groups of patients were created: users and non-users of psychotropic substances according to medical records. Measurement of pain level at baseline and during mobilization, using the Pain Indicator Behaviour Scale. demographic characteristics, pain score, sedation level and type and dose of analgesia and sedation. Sample of 84 patients, 42 in each group. The pain level in both groups, during mobilisation, showed significant differences p=0.011, with a mean of 3.11(2.40) for the user group and 1.83(2.14) for the non-user group. A relative risk of 2.5 CI (1,014-6,163) was found to have moderate / severe pain in the user group compared to the non-user group. The mean dose of analgesia and continuous sedation was significantly higher in the user group: P=.032 and P=.004 respectively. There was no difference in bolus dose of analgesia and sedation with P=.624 and P=.690 respectively. Patients with a history of consumption of psychoactive substances show higher levels of pain and experience a higher risk of this being moderate/severe compared to non-users despite receiving higher doses of analgesia and sedation infusion. Key words: pain, multiple trauma, drug users. Copyright © 2017 Sociedad Española de Enfermería Intensiva y Unidades Coronarias (SEEIUC). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  9. Effect of a training programme on blood culture contamination rate in critical care.


    Sánchez-Sánchez, M M; Arias-Rivera, S; Fraile-Gamo, P; Jareño-Collado, R; López-Román, S; Vadillo-Obesso, P; García-González, S; Pulido-Martos, M T; Sánchez-Muñoz, E I; Cacho-Calvo, J; Martín-Pellicer, A; Panadero-Del Olmo, L; Frutos-Vivar, F


    Blood culture contamination can occur from extraction to processing; its rate should not exceed 3%. To evaluate the impact of a training programme on the rate of contaminated blood cultures after the implementation of sample extraction recommendations based on the best evidence. Prospective before-after study in a polyvalent intensive care unit with 18 beds. Two phases were established (January-June 2012, October 2012-October 2015) with a training period between them. Main recommendations: sterile technique, surgical mask, double skin disinfection (70° alcohol and 2% alcoholic chlorhexidine), 70° alcohol disinfection of culture flasks and injection of samples without changing needles. Including all blood cultures of patients with extraction request. demographic, severity, pathology, reason for admission, stay and results of blood cultures (negative, positive and contaminated). Basic descriptive statistics: mean (standard deviation), median (interquartile range) and percentage (95% confidence interval). Calculated contamination rates per 100 blood cultures extracted. Bivariate analysis between periods. Four hundred and eight patients were included. Eight hundred and forty-one blood cultures were taken, 33 of which were contaminated. In the demographic variables, severity, diagnosis and stay of patients with contaminated samples, no differences were observed from those with uncontaminated samples. Pre-training vs post-training contamination rates: 14 vs 5.6 per 100 blood cultures extracted (P=.00003). An evidence-based training programme reduced the contamination of samples. It is necessary to continue working on the planning of activities and care to improve the detection of pollutants and prevent contamination of samples. Copyright © 2018 Sociedad Española de Enfermería Intensiva y Unidades Coronarias (SEEIUC). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  10. Patients' perceptions of sleep in a Critical Care Unit.


    Carrera-Hernández, L; Aizpitarte-Pejenaute, E; Zugazagoitia-Ciarrusta, N; Goñi-Viguria, R

    Patients' sleep can be disturbed during their stay in an Intensive Care Unit. Many factors can explain this disturbance, both within the ICU environment and caused by patients' illnesses. There is evidence that patients' sleep can be improved within ICUs. The aim of this study is to describe patientś perceptions of a night's sleep and develop a care plan that promotes a night's sleep. A prospective descriptive study was performed in the ICU of a training hospital. The sleep of 125 patients was explored. Sociodemographic and clinical variables were collected from patients' medical records. The 5-item Richards-Campbell Sleep Questionnaire was utilised to assess patients' perception of a night's sleep. In addition, an ad-hoc 9-item questionnaire was developed which included factors that can affect sleep according to the literature. Patients had to grade the level of interference of those factors with their night's sleep. The sleep of patients in our Intensive Care Unit was moderately deep, with light arousals and ease in falling sleep again. The average value on the Richards-Campbell Sleep Questionnaire was 52.92mm. The factors that significantly interfered with sleep were: pain (P=0.009), worries/anxiety (P=.01), staff voices (P=0.033), alarm/medical devices sounds (P=0.047) and peripheral intravenous lines (P=.036). Our patients' perception of a night's sleep in the ICU was fair. Optimising pain management, answering questions or worries, minimizing background noise and voices have the potential to improve sleep quality. Copyright © 2018 Sociedad Española de Enfermería Intensiva y Unidades Coronarias (SEEIUC). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  11. Acquisition Review Quarterly. Vol. 2, No. 1, Winter 1995

    DTIC Science & Technology


    and Co. Kotler , P. (1988). Marketing Management: Analysis and Planning (6th ed.), (pp. 280-284). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc. 40- Winter...University of Massachusetts. Dr. Durant is a professor and Chair of the Faculty of Marketing in the College of Business and Mangement at the University...studies related to consumer behav- ior in marketing . In addition to being easy to apply, it is quite useful in diagnosing why one product is viewed more

  12. Advanced Beamformers for 3D Ultrasound Systems Deploying Linear and Planar Phased Array Probes

    DTIC Science & Technology


    6tude sur la technologic d𔄀chographie 4D serviront de fondement important A l’innovation dans Ie secteur industriel canadien des dispositifs A...pouvant &tre utilis6 sur place A des fins de diagnostic. La technologie proposee comprend les travaux suivants: "* techniques de formation de faisceaux...faciliter l’imagerie durant les operations avec effraction minimale effectu6es sur place; "* concept d’impulsions A inversion temporelle pour les signaux

  13. The Impact of Prostate Cancer Treatment-Related Symptoms on Low-Income Latino Couples

    DTIC Science & Technology


    hacerle una pregunta sobre su salud. A1. En general, ¿Usted diría que su salud es excelente, muy buena, buena, regular, o mala? 100...hizo usted su trabajo u otras actividades con el mismo cuidado que de costumbre debido a algún problema emocional, como sentirse deprimido o...problema, si es que ha tenido problemas con esto, de gotear orina o mojarse los pantalones durante las últimas 4 semanas? 100 Ningún problema

  14. Spinal Bracing

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    Dr. Arthur Copes of the Copes Foundation, Baton Rouge, LA, says that 35 percent of the 50 technical reports he received from the NASA/Southern University Industrial Applications Center in Baton Rouge and the Central Industrial Applications Center, Durant, OK, were vital to the development of his Copes Scoliosis Braces, which are custom designed and feature a novel pneumatic bladder that exerts constant corrective pressure to the torso to slowly reduce or eliminate the spinal curve.



    Matias, Jorge Eduardo Fouto


    To provide information in the maturation process of the general conception of social inclusion and solidarity. The following official CAPES sources were consulted: resolutions of the Technical-Scientific Council; models of evaluation forms; current legislation and ordinances; relationship with the Great Area courses; Dinter and Minter evaluation projects; and the assessment application. Social inclusion and solidarity are recent and innovative parameters to be developed by postgraduate programs and evaluated by area committees organized by Capes. There is need for better understanding by the postgraduate faculty of Medicine III the characteristics of relevant actions on social inclusion. The basic theme of life support help in understanding how ​​Medicine III can expand its operations in basic education without compromising the innovative and transformer character of postgraduate. Postgraduate must innovate its insertion in teaching processes, managed care or any other field. What is sought is the power of social transformation, inherent to its spirit and exercise. Proporcionar informações que sejam de auxílio no amadurecimento da concepção geral sobre inserção social e solidariedade. Foram consultadas as seguintes fontes oficiais da CAPES: resoluções do Conselho Técnico-Científico; modelos das fichas de avaliação; legislação e portarias vigentes; relação dos cursos da Grande Área; avaliação de projetos Dinter e Minter; e o aplicativo de avaliação. Inserção social e solidariedade são parâmetros recentes e inovadores como ações a serem desenvolvidas por programas de pós-graduação e avaliadas pelos comitês de áreas organizados pela Capes. Há necessidade de melhor compreensão por parte dos professores de pós-graduação da Medicina III das características de ações relevantes de inserção social. O tema de suporte básico de vida ajuda na compreensão de como a área da Medicina III pode ampliar sua atuação em educação b

  16. Combination of Insar and GPS to Measure Ground Motions and Atmospheric Signals

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zerbini, S.; Prati, C.; Errico, M.; Ferri, S.; Novali, F.; Scirpoli, S.; Tiberi, L.


    The combination of different techniques such as InSAR and GPS is characterized by the added value of taking advantage of their complementary strengths and of minimizing their respective weaknesses, thus allowing for the full exploitation of the complementary aspects by overcoming the limitations inherent in the use of each technique alone. Another important aspect of the GPS/InSAR integration regards the fact that today’s application of interferometric SAR techniques is limited by the knowledge of the wet tropospheric path delay in microwave observations. GPS-based estimates of tropospheric delays may help in obtaining better corrections which will enhance the coherence and will allow the application of InSAR in a wider range of applications. The area selected for the InSAR/GPS comparison/integration is in northeastern Italy and includes the town of Bologna, and two nearby sites Medicina (agricultural area) and Loiano (a small city on the Apennines) where a small network of permanent GPS stations is operated by the University of Bologna. The InSAR data used are the COSMO-SkyMed (CSK) images made available by the Italian Space Agency (ASI) in the framework of the research contract AO-1140. The Permanent Scatterers (PS) technique will be applied to a number of repeated CSK strip map SAR images acquired over a 40x40 square km area encompassing the towns mentioned above. Ultimately this work will contribute demonstrating the CSK capabilities to operate in a repeated interferometric survey mode for measuring ground deformation with millimeter accuracy in different environments. A PS is a target whose radar signature is stable with time. Such targets can be identified by means of multiple SAR observations and they can be exploited for jointly estimating their relative motion and the atmospheric artifacts on a grid that can be quite dense in space but not in time (depending on the SAR revisiting time interval). On the contrary the GPS can provide very frequent time

  17. Comparison of Ground Deformation Measurements and Atmospheric Artifacts Using Insar Cosmo-Skymed and GPS Data

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zerbini, S.; Prati, C.; Errico, M.; Novali, F.; Santi, E.


    Integrating and exploiting the synergetic combination of the InSAR and GPS techniques allows overcoming the limitations inherent in the use of each technique alone. GPS-based estimates of tropospheric delays may contribute in obtaining better corrections of the wet tropospheric path delay in InSAR signals. This will enhance the coherence and will allow the application of InSAR in a wider range of applications. The test area chosen for the comparison between InSAR and GPS data is in northeastern Italy, in particular, in the city of Bologna (urbanized area) and in the surroundings of Medicina (agricultural area). In these sites, two permanent GPS stations (EUREF EPN sites) of the University of Bologna are operational since mid 1999 (BOLG) and 1996 (MSEL) respectively. The InSAR data used are the COSMO-SkyMed (CSK) images made available by the Italian Space Agency (ASI). The Permanent Scatterers (PS) technique was applied to a number of repeated CSK strip map SAR images acquired over a 40x40 square km area encompassing the two towns mentioned above. The results of this work demonstrate, on the one hand, the CSK capabilities to operate in a repeated interferometric survey mode for measuring ground deformation with millimeter accuracy in different environments. On the other, the comparison of the differential height between the two stations derived with the GPS and the InSAR data, using both acquisition geometries, is satisfactory. Elevation, ground deformation and atmospheric artifacts were estimated in correspondence of the identified PS and compared with the GPS measurements carried out at the same acquisition time by the permanent stations at Bologna and Medicina. The comparison of the differential height between the two stations shows the sensitivity of the GPS height solution to the length of the observation interval. The vertical dispersion achieved by GPS is higher than that achieved by PS InSAR, as expected; however, a similar linear trend appears in the

  18. Observing crustal deformation and atmospheric signals from COSMO-SKYMED and GPS data

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zerbini, S.; Prati, C.; Cappello, G.; Errico, M.; Novali, F.


    The combined use of InSAR and GPS allows for the full exploitation of the complementary aspects of the two techniques by overcoming the limitations inherent in the use of each technique alone. Additionally, GPS-based estimates of tropospheric delays may contribute in obtaining better corrections of the wet tropospheric path delay in InSAR signals. This will enhance the coherence and will allow the application of InSAR in a wider range of applications. We have compared the InSAR and GPS data at Bologna (urbanized area) and Medicina (agricultural area), in northeastern Italy, where two permanent GPS stations of the University of Bologna are operational since mid 1999 and 1996 respectively. The InSAR data used are the COSMO-SkyMed (CSK) images made available by the Italian Space Agency (ASI) in the framework of the research contract AO-1140. The Permanent Scatterers (PS) technique was applied to a number of repeated CSK strip map SAR images acquired over a 40x40 square km area encompassing the two towns mentioned above. The results of this work demonstrate on the one hand the CSK capabilities to operate in a repeated interferometric survey mode for measuring ground deformation with millimeter accuracy in different environments. On the other, the comparison of the differential height between the two stations derived with the GPS and the InSAR data, using both acquisition geometries, is satisfactory. Elevation, ground deformation and atmospheric artifacts were estimated in correspondence of the identified PS and compared with the GPS measurements carried out at the same acquisition time by the permanent stations at Bologna and Medicina. The comparison of the differential height between the two stations shows the sensitivity of the GPS height solution to the length of the observation interval. The vertical dispersion achieved by GPS is higher than that achieved by PS InSAR, as expected; however, a similar linear trend appears in the results of both techniques. The

  19. Resposta do detector de ondas gravitacionais Mario Schenberg ao "ringdown" de buraco negros

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Costa, C. A.; Aguiar, O. D.; Magalhães, N. S.


    Acredita-se que quando duas estrelas de nêutrons coalescem, elas, eventualmente, formam um buraco negro com massa igual a soma das massas dos objetos originais. Durante a formação do buraco negro, o espaço-tempo em torno do sistema sofre perturbações que se propagam na forma de radiação gravitacional. A forma de onda associada a radiação gravitacional, durante este estágio, aproxima-se a uma senóide exponencialmente amortecida. Este tipo de sinal é conhecido como "ringdown", e seu comportamento e parametrização são muito bem conhecidos. Neste trabalho, simulamos computacionalmente sinais provenientes do "ringdown" de buracos negros, com a finalidade de testar o desempenho do detector de ondas gravitacionais Mario Schenberg em observá-los, quando entrar em funcionamento. Este primeiro teste teórico ajudou-nos a criar estratégias de detecção de sinais imersos no ruído instrumental. Calculamos a relação sinal-ruído como uma função da frequência, bem como sua integral dentro da faixa de sensibilidade do detector. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que o detector Schenberg terá sensibilidade suficiente para detectar este tipo de sinal, proveniente de fontes astrofísicas localizadas dentro de um raio de ~100kpc.

  20. Factors influencing the missed nursing care in patients from a private hospital.


    Hernández-Cruz, Raúl; Moreno-Monsiváis, María Guadalupe; Cheverría-Rivera, Sofía; Díaz-Oviedo, Aracely


    to determine the factors that influence the missed nursing care in hospitalized patients. descriptive correlational study developed at a private hospital in Mexico. To identify the missed nursing care and related factors, the MISSCARE survey was used, which measures the care missed and associated factors. The care missed and the factors were grouped in global and dimension rates. For the analysis, descriptive statistics, Spearman's correlation and simple linear regression were used. Approval for the study was obtained from the ethics committee. the participants were 71 nurses from emergency, intensive care and inpatient services. The global missed care index corresponded to M=7.45 (SD=10.74); the highest missed care index was found in the dimension basic care interventions (M=13.02, SD=17.60). The main factor contributing to the care missed was human resources (M=56.13, SD=21.38). The factors related to the care missed were human resources (rs=0.408, p<0.001) and communication (rs=0.418, p<0.001). the nursing care missed is mainly due to the human resource factor; these study findings will permit the strengthening of nursing care continuity. determinar os fatores que influenciam o cuidado de enfermagem omitido em pacientes hospitalizados. estudo descritivo correlacional, desenvolvido em um hospital particular do México. Para identificar o cuidado omitido e fatores relacionados, utilizou-se o instrumento MISSCARE, que mede o cuidado omitido e os fatores associados. O cuidado omitido e os fatores foram agrupados em índices globais e por dimensões. Para fins de análise, foi utilizada estatística descritiva, correlação de Spearman e regressão linear simples. O estudo recebeu aprovação de comité de ética. participaram 71 enfermeiras dos serviços de urgências, terapia intensiva e hospitalização. O índice global de cuidado omitido mostrou um coeficiente M=7,45 (DE=10,74); o índice com maior cuidado omitido correspondeu à dimensão de intervenções de

  1. Quantification of the Relationship between Surrogate Fuel Structure and Performance

    DTIC Science & Technology


    order to account for know deficiencies [18]. The frequencies are then used to calculate the zero point energy ( ZPE ). In the G3 theory HF/6-31G* was used...for the ZPE and the new procedure is likely to be more reliable. Also in contrast to previous G series composite methods, the Hartree–Fock energy...The total energy is obtained by adding the previously calculated ZPE . Durant and Rohlfing [38] reported that B3LYP density functional methods provide

  2. Gas-exchange patterns of Mediterranean fruit fly Pupae (Diptera: Tephritidae): A tool to forecast developmental stage

    SciTech Connect

    Nestel, D.; Nemny-Lavy, E.; Alchanatis, V.

    The pattern of gas-exchange (CO{sub 2} emission) was investigated for developing Mediterranean fruit fly (medfly) Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) pupae incubated at different temperatures. This study was undertaken to explore the usefulness of gas-exchange systems in the determination of physiological age in developing pupae that are mass produced for sterile insect technique projects. The rate of CO{sub 2} emission was measured in a closed flow-through system connected to commercial infrared gas analysis equipment. Metabolic activity (rate of CO{sub 2} emission) was related to pupal eye-color, which is the current technique used to determine physiological age. Eye-color was characterized digitally with 3more » variables (Hue, Saturation and Intensity), and color separated by discriminant analysis. The rate of CO{sub 2} emission throughout pupal development followed a U-shape, with high levels of emission during pupariation, pupal transformation and final pharate adult stages. Temperature affected the development time of pupae, but not the basic CO{sub 2} emission patterns during development. In all temperatures, rates of CO{sub 2} emission 1 and 2 d before adult emergence were very similar. After mid larval-adult transition (e.g., phanerocephalic pupa), digital eye-color was significantly correlated with CO{sub 2} emission. Results support the suggestion that gas-exchange should be explored further as a system to determine pupal physiological age in mass production of fruit flies. (author) [Spanish] En el presente estudio se investigaron los patrones de intercambio gaseoso (emision de CO{sub 2}) en pupas de la mosca de las frutas del Mediterraneo (Ceratitis capitata Wiedemann) incubadas a diferentes temperaturas. El estudio fue realizado con la finalidad de explorar la utilizacion de sistemas de intercambio gaseoso en la determinacion de la edad fisiologica de pupas durante su produccion masiva en proyectos de mosca esteril. La proporcion de emision de CO{sub 2

  3. Attitudes and Discourse: Spanish Practitioners' and Undergraduates' Survey Results (Actitudes y discurso: resultados de encuestas a profesionales y estudiantes de medicina)

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Herrando-Rodrigo, Isabel


    The emergence of English as the international language of communication has increased the attention and concern given its teaching and learning. This survey-based study explores the attitudes of Spanish practitioners and undergraduate students towards English as the vehicular language in the field of medicine and towards Medical Electronic…

  4. 350 años de la medicina hiperbárica: aspectos históricos, fisiopatogénicos y terapéuticos.


    Huchim, Oswaldo; Rivas-Sosa, Fernando; Rivera-Canul, Normando; Méndez-Domínguez, Nina


    The early use of hyperbaric therapy started with the quest to relieve respiratory problems among inhabitants of large cities during the industrial revolution, and from this, we have explored the benefits of treatment with hyperbaric oxygen in different areas of medicine. With the advances of the medical sciences, our knowledge concerning the therapies with hyperbaric oxygenation certainly has broadened and hyperbaric medicine still intrigues the contemporary medical researchers that are in seek of improve the quality of life of their patients. Copyright: © 2017 SecretarÍa de Salud.

  5. Coronary artery disease treatment in dialysis patients at the Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu--UNESP.


    Vieira, Paula Ferreiro; Garcia, Paula Dalsoglio; Bregagnollo, Edson Antonio; Carvalho, Fábio Cardoso; Kochi, Ana Cláudia; Martins, Antonio Sérgio; Caramori, Jaqueline Costa Teixeira; Franco, Roberto Jorge da Silva; Barretti, Pasqual; Martin, Luis Cuadrado


    Interventional treatment of coronary insufficiency is underemployed among dialysis patients. Studies confirming its efficacy in this set of patients are scarce. To assess the results of interventional treatment of coronary artery disease in patients undergoing dialysis. A total of 34 dialysis patients submitted to coronary angiography between September 1995 and October 2004 were divided according to presence or absence of coronary lesion, type of treatment and presence or absence of diabetes mellitus. The groups were compared according to their clinical and survival characteristics. Survival of patients undergoing interventional treatment was compared to overall survival of 146 dialysis patients at the institution in the same period. Interventional treatment was indicated to the same clinical conditions in the general population. Thirteen patients with no angiography coronary lesions presented a survival rate of 100% in 48 months as compared to 35% of 21 patients with coronary artery disease. Diabetic patients had a lower survival rate compared with non-diabetics. Angioplasty had a worse prognosis compared to surgery; however, 80% of patients undergoing angioplasty were diabetic. Seventeen patients submitted to interventional procedures presented a survival rate similar to that of the others 146 hemodialysis patients without clinical evidence of coronary disease. This small series shows that myocardial revascularization, whenever indicated, can be performed in dialysis patients. This conclusion is corroborated by similar mortality rates in two groups of patients: coronary patients submitted to revascularization and overall dialysis patients.

  6. Role of the medulla oblongata in normal and high arterial blood pressure regulation: the contribution of Escola Paulista de Medicina - UNIFESP.


    Cravo, Sergio L; Campos, Ruy R; Colombari, Eduardo; Sato, Mônica A; Bergamaschi, Cássia M; Pedrino, Gustavo R; Ferreira-Neto, Marcos L; Lopes, Oswaldo U


    Several forms of experimental evidence gathered in the last 37 years have unequivocally established that the medulla oblongata harbors the main neural circuits responsible for generating the vasomotor tone and regulating arterial blood pressure. Our current understanding of this circuitry derives mainly from the studies of Pedro Guertzenstein, a former student who became Professor of Physiology at UNIFESP later, and his colleagues. In this review, we have summarized the main findings as well as our collaboration to a further understanding of the ventrolateral medulla and the control of arterial blood pressure under normal and pathological conditions.

  7. Spaceborne Ocean Intelligence Network: SOIN - Fiscal Year 10/11 Year-End Summary

    DTIC Science & Technology


    la Reine (en droit du Canada), telle que représentée par le ministre de ...d’ouverture (RSO) de RADARSAT-2. La phase II en cours, d’une durée de trois ans, portera sur l’opérationnalisation et la mise en œuvre des capacités du RSRO...gouvernementales en observation de la Terre (IGOT). Le présent rapport donne un résumé des activités et des réalisations du projet durant l’exercice

  8. Development of a Dynamic Biomechanical Model for Load Carriage: Phase IV Part C1: Assessment of Pressure Measurement Systems on Flat Surfaces for use in Human Load Carriage

    DTIC Science & Technology


    iv Sommaire Les études sur les effets de la pression de contact produite par une charge d’un sac à dos sont essentielles, étant...mobilité des soldats et amenuiser leur capacité de combat. Afin de mieux comprendre les effets de la pression d’un sac à dos sur le confort et la... de mesure de pression qui pourraient être utilisés pour établir les valeurs de tolérance de la peau aux pressions durant le transport d’une charge

  9. [The quality of a scientific publication is the product of a sum of efforts and attributes].


    Espinosa-Larrañaga, Francisco


    Todo editor de una publicación médica científica busca que la revista que edita tenga o se reconozca con calidad. La calidad se logra mediante la participación de un conjunto de profesionales (editores, autores, revisores, impresores, diseñadores e incluso lectores) y los resultados de su participación profesional agregan, durante el proceso, propiedades con la finalidad de que el producto, una publicación médica científica, sea valorada por su calidad.

  10. [Protomedicato in Chile].


    Pérez-Olea, J


    In 1566 Alonso de Villadiego was nominated by the Chilean Cabildo as "Adviser and Examiner in Surgery". By means of this edict, the Spanish Crown paralleled its classical health organization, inspired in rules coming from XIIIth century. The Hospital del Socorro was the focal point of these activities. It turned to be prosperous under the administration of "San Juan de Dios" monks (1617), who rebaptized the Hospital with their name. During the administration of the "Universidad de San Felipe" (1738-1839), the Protomedicato followed the standards imposed by the Cahir of Prima Medicina. Domingo Nevin, Frenchman, and José Antonio Ríos, Chilean, were the first and the last doctors in charge of this task. Ríos conducted the antivariolic campaign, supervised the "Midwifery Law" and controlled the medical and paramedical practice. Afterwards, the Institution plunged into a profound crisis to reflourish in 1833 when it was incorporated within the structure of the School of Medicine. Blest, Cox, Bustillos and Moran were the architects of its splendour. With the foundation of the Universidad de Chile in 1842, its Faculty of Medicine took over the Protomedicato functions. The Institution came to an end in 1892.

  11. [Patterns of violent death in Bogotá, 1997-2003].


    Sánchez, Ricardo; Tejada, Paola; Martínez, Jorge


    To describe patterns of violent deaths in Bogotá between 1997 and 2003. Descriptive methods for analyzing time series were applied to a group of 84 observations corresponding to mortality due to violent causes during seven years in Bogotá. Box-Jenkins methodology was used to generate forecasts for 12 months. Primary and secondary sources of information: Instituto de Medicina Legal Bogotá, Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadística, Colombia. For the 4 types of violent deaths analyzed (homicide, transit accident, suicide and others accidents), a decreasing tendency in the number of deaths during the analyzed period was observed, more evident in homicide and transit accidents. In all cases, except in the group of suicides, evidence of seasonality, with an increase in frequency of deaths in December, has been observed. The forecasting suggests persistence of decreasing trends, more apparent in the series of homicide and transit accidents. In Bogotá, the mortality caused by violence has presented a decreasing trend. Stabilization of trend is observed in cases of suicides and accidental deaths. Further study is required to characterize and evaluate the contribution of different factors in this dynamic of violent death.

  12. [Heart surgery in Brazilian Indians].


    Gomes, W J; Carvalho, A C; Vieira Filho, J P; Souza, R B; Palma, J H; Maluf, M A; Branco, J N; Buffolo, E


    Our experience with surgical treatment of heart diseases in Indians living in the Amazon rain forest in primitive stages was reviewed. From 1988 to 1995, 18 patients underwent cardiovascular surgical procedures at the São Paulo Hospital of the Escola Paulista de Medicina. Seven patients had valvar disease, nine congenital heart defects, one submitral aneurysm and one arrhythmia. Thirteen Indians came from tribes of the Amazon rain forest area: three from the Xavante, two from Waiapi, two from Tucano, two from Macuxi, two from Mayoruna, and one of each tribe of Xikrin, Guajajara, Terena, Surui, Galibi, Cinta-Larga and Pataxó. We performed 22 operations, with two hospital deaths. Follow-up was possible in 87.5% of cases, with one late death. The majority of cases were due to congenital heart defects and in this series it was noted the absence of operations to treat coronary artery disease. The incidence of valve disease was higher in accultured or semi-accultured Indians. The surgical treatment of cardiovascular disease has made possible to the surviving indians to return to and be accepted by their fellow tribesmen.

  13. [Biological exposure-related injuries in workers in a health system of the health service of Galicia, Spain].


    Cores Calvo, Juan; Muñiz Saborido, José Ramón; González Iglesias, Marta Clara


    The objective of this study was to describe the factors involved in biological exposure-related injuries occurring in worker from a health system in Galicia, Spain. The study was conducted in a health system of the Health Service of Galicia, that included four hospitals and 72 primary care centers, with nearly 6000 workers. The study used occupational injury data available o in the injury registry of the Health Service of Galicia for the year 2011. We identified 194 biohazard-related injuries. Exposures, locations, devices, tasks and causes of these incidents were analysed. The majority of biological exposures occurred through needlestick injuries (82%). The areas where more injuries occurred were in inpatient wards (37%) and operating rooms (25%). The devices most frequently involved were suture needles (15%) and insulin needles (15%). The most frequently recorded causes were lack of training and information, together with lack of biosafety devices. Worker training and information should be promoted along with the implementation of biosafety devices, as the latter measure alone does not seem sufficient to reduce the number of injuries. Copyright belongs to the Societat Catalana de Seguretat i Medicina del Treball.

  14. Epidemiological and serological aspects in canine toxoplasmosis in animals with nervous symptoms.


    de Brito, Adriana Falco; de Souza, Luiz Carlos; da Silva, Aristeu Vieira; Langoni, Helio


    The presence of anti-Toxoplasma gondii IgM and IgG antibodies was studied in samples of blood serum taken from eighty dogs with nervous symptoms at the Serviço de Enfermidades Infecciosas dos Animais, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Unesp, Botucatu, São Paulo, Brazil. The frequency of IgG titers were 16 (13.7%), 64 (13.7%), and 256 (5%), and for IgM titers were 16 (7.5%), 64 (15%), and 256 (8.7%). Positive reactions were more frequent in the older animals, males, from a rural environment, in constant contact with small animals, principally birds and rodents. There was a higher frequency of a positive reaction in dogs fed with kitchen food, especially in those fed with raw ingredients. The most common neurological pictures were alterations in consciousness, in movement, and in the hand-cart test. The percentage of reagents with specific IgM antibodies was high, indicating active infections, but the possibility of co-infection with the distemper virus can not be discarded, and this may be a predisposing factor for toxoplasmosis infection, once the distemper virus has a potent immunosuppressive action.

  15. International VLBI Service for Geodesy and Astrometry 2004 Annual Report

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Behrend, Dirk (Editor); Baver, Karen D. (Editor)


    Contents include the following: Combination Studies using the Cont02 Campaign. Coordinating Center report. Analysis coordinator report. Network coordinator report. IVS Technology coordinator report. Algonquin Radio observatory. Fortaleza Station report for 2004. Gilmore Creek Geophysical Observatory. Goddard Geophysical and Astronomical observatory. Hartebeesthoek Radio Astronomy Observatory (HartRAO). Hbart, Mt Pleasant, station report for 2004. Kashima 34m Radio Telescope. Kashima and Koganei 11-m VLBI Stations. Kokee Park Geophysical Observatory. Matera GGS VLBI Station. The Medicina Station status report. Report of the Mizusawa 10m Telescope. Noto Station Activity. NYAL Ny-Alesund 20 metre Antenna. German Antarctic receiving Station (GARS) O'higgins. The IVS network station Onsala space Observatory. Sheshan VLBI Station report for 2004. 10 Years of Geodetic Experiments at the Simeiz VLBI Station. Svetloe RAdio Astronomical Observatory. JARE Syowa Station 11-m Antenna, Antarctica. Geodetic Observatory TIGO in Concepcion. Tsukuba 32-m VLBI Station. Nanshan VLBI Station Report. Westford Antenna. Fundamental-station Wettzell 20m Radiotelescope. Observatorio Astroonomico Nacional Yebes. Yellowknife Observatory. The Bonn Geodetic VLBI Operation Center. CORE Operation Center Report. U.S. Naval Observatory Operation Center. The Bonn Astro/Geo Mark IV Correlator.

  16. Ancient voices on tinnitus: the pathology and treatment of tinnitus in Celsus and the Hippocratic Corpus compared and contrasted.


    Maltby, Maryanne Tate


    The object of the paper is to analyse the treatment of tinnitus in two ancient works, Celsus De Medicina and the Greek Hippocratic Corpus. Whilst reviews of historical references to tinnitus have identified this material, this is the first detailed treatment of the subject in these authors. The paper considers the material relating to tinnitus and suggested treatments in the Roman medical writer Celsus (mid first century AD) in contrast with those found in the Greek Hippocratic Corpus (late fifth, early fourth century BC). The lifestyle change, diet and pharmacological treatments suggested by Celsus are analysed and shown as likely to be effective. Celsus is shown to be remarkably modern in his understanding of the aetiology of the disease and his suggested dietary and pharmacological treatments appear to be soundly based. Celsus' pharmacological approach differs from the more theoretical stance of the Hippocratic Corpus based on humoural theory. The Hippocratric Corpus is more detailed in its descriptions of otological pathology and more concerned with a humoural explanation of the disease, but offers useful advice on diet and regimen and also provides the first detailed description of what appears to be Ménière's Syndrome.

  17. [Scientific information, medical education and health policies: the Pan-American Health Organization and the creation of the Regional Library of Medicine--Bireme].


    Pires-Alves, Fernando


    This article examines the creation and the first years of functioning of the Regional Library of Medicine (Biblioteca Regional de Medicina--Bireme--PAHO), today Latin-American Center for Information in Health Sciences, during 1963-1982. In the course of this analysis, Bireme is being characterized as both an apparatus and an arena for negotiation present in the most general processes of development expressed in international cooperation, information in science and technology, health policies and in the movement for expansion and reform of medical teaching. The narrative has as initial landmark the conception of a regional library of medicine for Latin America according to a model proposed by the National Library of Medicine. The article qualifies the first years of Bireme's existence as the history of the reception of this model, a trajectory that reflected the criticism of that time against the way the health care services were organized and their human resources were educated. Finally, beginning in 1976, a new model resulted in a real modification of Bireme's programmatic agenda, implying in very distinct contributions for the functioning of the regime of information in health sciences in force in Brazil and Latin America.

  18. Learning on human resources management in the radiology residency program*

    PubMed Central

    de Oliveira, Aparecido Ferreira; Lederman, Henrique Manoel; Batista, Nildo Alves


    Objective To investigate the process of learning on human resource management in the radiology residency program at Escola Paulista de Medicina - Universidade Federal de São Paulo, aiming at improving radiologists' education. Materials and Methods Exploratory study with a quantitative and qualitative approach developed with the faculty staff, preceptors and residents of the program, utilizing a Likert questionnaire (46), taped interviews (18), and categorization based on thematic analysis. Results According to 71% of the participants, residents have clarity about their role in the development of their activities, and 48% said that residents have no opportunity to learn how to manage their work in a multidisciplinary team. Conclusion Isolation at medical records room, little interactivity between sectors with diversified and fixed activities, absence of a previous culture and lack of a training program on human resources management may interfere in the development of skills for the residents' practice. There is a need to review objectives of the medical residency in the field of radiology, incorporating, whenever possible, the commitment to the training of skills related to human resources management thus widening the scope of abilities of the future radiologists. PMID:25741056


    PubMed Central

    Curioso, Walter H.; García, Patricia J.; Castillo, Greta M.; Blas, Magaly M.; Perez-Brumer, Amaya; Zimic, Mirko


    RESUMEN Para mejorar la salud global y bienestar de una población se requiere de recursos humanos capacitados, no solo en el campo de la medicina y salud, sino también en el campo de la informática. Desafortunadamente, los programas de entrenamiento e investigación en informática biomédica en países en desarrollo son escasos y poco documentados. El objetivo del presente trabajo es reportar los resultados del primer Taller Internacional de Expertos en Informática para la región andina que se llevó a cabo en marzo de 2010 en Lima y que incluye la descripción de nueve casos de estudio procedentes de instituciones de América Latina. En el taller participaron 23 expertos latinoamericanos, quienes discutieron la necesidad de entrenamiento e investigación multidisciplinaria en informática biomédica en áreas prioritarias para América Latina. Además, se estableció la Red QUIPU debido a la necesidad de ampliar y consolidar una red de investigación y entrenamiento a nivel regional y global. PMID:21152740

  20. The process of collecting and evaluating evidences for the development of Guidelines for the management of rheumatoid arthritis, Japan College of Rheumatology 2014: Utilization of GRADE approach.


    Kojima, Masayo; Nakayama, Takeo; Kawahito, Yutaka; Kaneko, Yuko; Kishimoto, Mitsumasa; Hirata, Shintaro; Seto, Yohei; Endo, Hirahito; Ito, Hiromu; Kojima, Toshihisa; Nishida, Keiichiro; Matsushita, Isao; Tsutani, Kiichiro; Igarashi, Ataru; Kamatani, Naoyuki; Hasegawa, Mieko; Miyasaka, Nobuyuki; Yamanaka, Hisashi


    To describe the process of collecting and evaluating evidence for treating rheumatoid arthritis (RA) for developing clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) for rheumatologists in Japan. The task force comprised rheumatologists, epidemiologists, health economists, and patients. First, the critical outcomes were determined according to a three-round Delphi method, and eight topics with 88 clinical questions (CQs) were formulated. A systematic review of CQs was conducted using the Cochran Database of Systematic Reviews, MEDLINE, and Japana Centra Revvo Medicina (2003-2012). A questionnaire survey and focus group interview were performed to capture the patients' values and preferences. Data from the National Health Insurance drug price list and product information provided by pharmaceutical companies were collected to evaluate drug cost and safety. The GRADE approach was used to describe the evidence quality and determine the strength of recommendations. Recommendations were developed using a modified Delphi method by a multidisciplinary panel including patients. Eight meetings and frequent e-mail communications were conducted to draft a quality assessment of evidence and recommendations. For 88 CQs, recommendation statements were determined. Using the GRADE approach, new CPGs successfully addressed important clinical issues for treating RA patients. Timely updating of recommendations should be routinely considered.

  1. [A serological survey of the infection by Echinococcus sp. in the municipality of Sena Madureira, AC].


    Pastore, Ricardo; Vitali, Lúcia H; Macedo, Vanize de Oliveira; Prata, Aluízio


    A serological inquiry was performed in the municipality of Sena Madureira, Acre State, Brazil, to evaluate the individual contact with Echinococcus sp. The participants were recruited from two distinct populations: residents in the urban and rural areas, the latter distributed among riverside communities of the region. A total of 1,064 individuals were evaluated: 851 from the urban zone and 213 from the rural area. The study was divided into two phases: a serological screening, in which the blood samples were collected and then sent to the Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto, Universidade de São Paulo (Serology Laboratory), Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brazil, for the serological test by counterimmunoelectrophoresis technique; and secondly an epidemiological inquiry for evaluating the individuals and their dwelling conditions and customs. Comparing the results of serological tests, the prevalence in the rural area was 6% against 3.5% in the urban area. The overall prevalence was 4%. The possibility of the existence of another intermediate host in the life cycle of Echinococcus vogeli was analyzed and the findings indicated the domestic pig as being the most probable.



    Reyes-Matute, Alonso; Méndez-Bernal, Adriana; Ramos-Garduño, Liliana-Aurora


    Osteosarcomas are unusual neoplasms in African hedgehogs ( Atelerix albiventris ) and have been reported in extraskeletal and skeletal locations, including mandible, ribs, and vertebra. Five hedgehogs with osteosarcoma submitted to the Pathology Department at Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia, National Autonomous University of Mexico are reported. In two cases, the neoplasm arose from the skull; one case arose from the ribs with associated compression of the thoracic and abdominal cavity, and another case involved the vertebrae. In the last case, the neoplasm arose from the scapula. Histologic lesions were similar in all cases and consisted of well-demarcated nodules in which neoplastic cells were arranged in sheets of polyhedral to spindle-shaped cells with interspersed areas of necrosis. Numerous trabeculae of osteoid were present throughout the tumors. No metastases were detected. The predominant histologic pattern was osteoblastic, but a telangiectatic-like pattern was observed in the vertebral osteosarcoma. Electron microscopy was performed in two cases, and malignant osteoblasts had features consistent with descriptions in other species, including deposits of hydroxyapatite in osteoid. According to these cases and previously published data, axial osteosarcomas are more frequent in contrast to appendicular osteosarcomas in African hedgehogs, and metastases are rare.

  3. Search for ammonia in comet C/2012 S1 (ISON)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Faggi, S.; Codella, C.; Tozzi, G. P.; Comoretto, G.; Crovisier, J.; Nesti, R.; Panella, D.; Boissier, J.; Brucato, J. R.; Bolli, P.; Massi, F.; Tofani, G.


    Comets are uniquely pristine bodies providing unique insights about the formation of our Solar System. In this work, we focus on a dynamically new comet as it enters the inner Solar System for the first time after residing for billion of years in the Oort Cloud. Such comets are particularly important because they are thought to be not differentiated by solar radiation and they are supposed to have a large quantity of organic matter close to the surface. Here we report the results of a search for NH3(1,1) emission at 23.7 GHz towards comet C/2012 S1 (ISON) using a new dual-feed K band receiver mounted on the Medicina 32-m antenna. We observed the comet close to its perihelion, from 25 to 29 November 2013, when its heliocentric distance changed from 0.25 AU to 0.03 AU. We derive an upper limit of Q(NH3) of about 2.5×1029 mol s-1 on 26 November, that is consistent with the last peak of water production rate of ∼2×1030 mol s-1 within the last few days before the perihelion.

  4. ATCA follow-up of blazar candidates in the H-ATLAS fields

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Massardi, Marcella; Ricci, Roberto; de Zotti, Gianfranco; White, Glenn; Michalowski, Michal; Ivison, Rob; Baes, Maarten; Lapi, Andrea; Temi, Pasquale; Lopez-Caniego, Marcos; Herranz, Diego; Seymour, Nick; Gonzalez-Nuevo, Joaquin; Bonavera, Laura; Negrello, Mattia


    The Herschel-ATLAS (H-ATLAS) survey that is covering 550 sq.deg. in 5 bands from 100 to 500 micron, allows for the first time a flux limited selection of blazars at sub-mm wavelengths. This wavelength range is particularly interesting because it is where the most luminous blazars are expected to show the synchrotron peak. The peak frequency and luminosity carry key information on the blazar physics. However, blazars constitute a tiny fraction of H-ATLAS sources and therefore picking them up isn't easy. A criterion to efficiently select candidate blazars exploiting the roughly flat blazar continuum spectrum from radio to sub-mm wavelengths has been devised by Lopez-Caniego et al. (in prep.). Multifrequency radio follow-up is however a necessary step to assess the nature of candidates. We propose to complete the validation of candidates in the H-ATLAS equatorial fields (partly done during few hours of ATCA DDT allocated time and with Medicina radiotelescope observations) and to extend the investigation to the Southern (SGP) fields reconstructing the blazars SED between 1.1 and 40 GHz. This will provide the first statistically significant blazar sample selected at sub-mm wavelengths.

  5. Santiago Ramón y Cajal and Ivan Petrovic Pavlov: their parallel scientific lives, schools and nobel prizes.


    Rozo, Jairo A; Rodríguez-Moreno, Antonio


    Santiago Ramón y Cajal was not only a great scientist but he was also a dedicated teacher who managed to create his own School in Spain. Cajal was active at the end of the XIX and the beginning of the XX century, a period in which Ivan Petrovich Pavlov, another great contemporary scientist, also established a strong School in Russia. While these two acclaimed scientists shared a similar vision on science, a view they also conveyed to their disciples, they applied quite distinct criteria in the way they dealt with their followers. Interestingly, despite the geographic and idiomatic barriers that had to be overcome, the paths of these two great figures of XX century science crossed at least three times. First when they competed for the City of Moscow Prize, second when they both attended the "Congreso Internacional de Medicina de Madrid" (Medicine International Congress in Madrid) in 1903 and finally, they competed on four consecutive occasions for the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. Here we discuss their scientific vision, their different attitudes in the interaction with disciples and the distinct circumstances in which their paths crossed.

  6. Cross-sectional study of anal intraepithelial lesions in women with cervical neoplasia without HIV.


    Heráclio, Sandra A; de Souza, Alex S R; de Souza, Paulo R E; Katz, Leila; Lima Junior, Sergio F; Amorim, Melania M R


    To evaluate the prevalence of anal intraepithelial lesions and associated risk factors in women with cervical neoplasia. The present cross-sectional study enrolled patients with intraepithelial or invasive cervical neoplasia who had been referred to the lower genital tract pathology outpatient department of the Instituto de Medicina Integral Prof. Fernando Figueira, Recife, Brazil, between December 1, 2008, and December 31, 2009; patients with HIV infections were excluded. All participants underwent anal cytology and high-resolution anoscopy; sociodemographic and clinical risk factors were identified using multivariate analysis. There were 324 patients included and 37 (11.4%) had anal intraepithelial neoplasia. Factors associated with anal intraepithelial neoplasia in the multivariate analysis were being older than 35 years of age (P=0.002), having completed no more than 4 years of education (P=0.012), anomalous anal cytology (P=0.003), and anomalous high-resolution anoscopy findings (P<0.001); subclinical HPV lesions on vulvoscopy (P=0.057) were not associated with anal intraepithelial neoplasia. The prevalence of anal intraepithelial neoplasia was high among patients with cervical neoplasia who did not have HIV, particularly patients older than 35 years. © 2017 International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics.

  7. Caracterización de los cinturones de radiación durante tormentas geomagnéticas de origen solar

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lanabere, V.; Dasso, S.


    A radiation belt in the space environment of a magnetized planet contains energetic particles, electrically charged, trapped by the magnetic field of the planet. In the terrestrial case, the inner van Allen belt extends from (1--3) Earth radii at the equator and the outer van Allen belt from (3--9) Earth radii at equator. The purpose of this work is to characterize different aspects of the population of electrons in the energy range (0.249--3) MeV, at 660 km altitude using measurements made by the detector ICARE-NG/CARMEN-1 on board the polar Argentinean satellite SAC-D. The variations of the electron flux in quiet periods and disturbed conditions for an event of magnetic storm in March 2012 are quantified. During the storm, an enhancement of the electron flux at high latitudes associated with the outer radiation belt, reaching respect the annual mean value is observed. The relaxation toward the typical values found during non-storm periods is slow, showing that even two weeks later, the difference reaches values of .

  8. Comportamiento de la cromósfera solar en la línea H-alpha durante el ciclo 23

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Davoli, D.; Aquilano, R.; Missio, H.

    Using the instrumental of the Observatorio Astronómico Municipal de Rosario (OAMR), we analyze the solar chromospheric activity during an approximate period of 11 years. The instrument is a Carl Zeiss refractor telescope of 150 mm aperture and 2250 mm of focal distance with monochromatic filter in the H-alpha line. We take as proxy for the solar activity the area covered by chromospheric plages. Simultaneously, we determine the relative wolf number from observations of the solar photosphere. We describe our technique and the results obtained. We observe 2 maxima of solar activity in the years 2000 and 2001 respectively, and a later decrease of this activity with low average values starting around 2006 that corresponds to the end of cycle 23. FULL TEXT IN SPANISH

  9. Evolution of the Astronomy Concepts Along Basic Education Cycle. (Breton Title: Evolução dos Conceitos de Astronomia no Decorrer da Educação Básica.) La Evolución de los Conceptos de Astronomía Durante la Educación Básica

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Darroz, Luiz Marcelo; da Rosa, Cleci Werner; Becker da Rosa, Álvaro; Samudio Pèrez, Carlos Ariel


    learning of astronomy in basic education. Embora a astronomia seja considerada uma das ciências mais antigas da humanidade e ainda que a compreensão de seus conceitos tenha trazido enormes avanços para a Ciência e, consequentemente, para a sociedade, observa-se que uma parcela significativa de pessoas encontra-se à margem desses conhecimentos. De acordo com os Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais para a Educação Básica, cabe à escola a difusão dos conceitos cientificamente corretos, entre eles os relacionados à área de astronomia. Pertinente a essa questão, apresenta-se uma pesquisa realizada com 140 estudantes do nono ano do ensino fundamental e com 120 estudantes da terceira série do ensino médio de quatro escolas da região de Passo Fundo/RS. Buscou-se averiguar, por meio de um questionário composto de questões abertas e de múltipla escolha, o conhecimento desse grupo de estudantes acerca de termos e fenômenos astronômicos básicos e, também, verificar se o índice de acertos cresce à medida que eles avançam nas diferentes e gradativas séries dos ensinos fundamental e médio. De modo geral, os resultados apresentados demonstram que o ensino de astronomia na educação básica enfrenta deficiências. Das 20 questões investigadas, em 17 os índices de acertos são semelhantes nas respostas dadas por estudantes de nível fundamental e médio, revelando que muitas concepções equivocadas permanecem ao longo da educação básica. Isso evidencia que tais temas não são - ou são pouco - abordados durante esses dois níveis de escolarização. Assim, conclui-se que a discussão dos conceitos relacionados com a astronomia deve receber maior ênfase na abordagem dos diferentes conteúdos, sendo necessária uma ação nacional em prol do seu ensino. Acredita-se que essa ação nacional deve estar apoiada em um pilar triplo de atores coletivos: comunidade científica, comunidade astronômica semiprofissional e comunidade escolar. Por fim, esse pilar seria

  10. Estudio de la formación de galaxias espirales en un modelo de agregación jerárquica

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Tissera, P.; Saiz, A.; Dominguez-Tenreiro, R.

    El estudio de formación de galaxias espirales ha llevado al desarrollo de numerosos modelos teóricos (e.g. White & Rees 1978). En la actualidad, el modelo más aceptado predice la formación de una galaxia espiral a partir del colapso disipativo del gas en el pozo de potencial de un halo oscuro, conservando su momento angular específco (Fall & Efstathiou 1980). En los últimos años, ha sido posible realizar simulaciones numéricas hidrodinámicas, las cuales describen la evolución conjunta de la materia oscura y los bariones. Estos experimentos han señalado la dificultad de formar estructuras discoidales con propiedades consistentes con las observaciones, en modelos de agregación jerárquica. El problema principal se origina en la pérdida catastrófica de momento angular de la componente disipativa, durante el proceso de ensamblaje de los objetos, a través de la fusión de subestructura (Navarro & Steinmetz 1997). Estos experimentos no incluían procesos de formación estelar. En este trabajo, se expondrán resultados de simulaciones hidrodinámicas cosmológicas, incluyendo formación estelar (Tissera et al 1997), donde ha sido posible reproducir objetos discoidales con contrapartida observacional. El elemento fundamental ha sido la formación de bulbos estelares, los cuales han evitado la pérdida catastrófica de momento angular de los bariones. Se encontró que los discos exponenciales puramente gaseosos son altamente inestables y suceptibles de generar barras, responsables de la pérdida de momento angular y la caída violenta del gas hacia la región central. Estas inestabilidades son fácilmente inducidas durante interacciones y fusiones con objetos vecinos (Barnes & Hernquist 1996). Un bulbo estelar (o un objeto masivo y compacto) estabiliza el disco ante perturbaciones externas, asegurándole un potencial simétrico (Sellwood & Moore 1998, Van der Bosch 1998). En este caso, el gas en el disco no pierde completamente su momento angular intr

  11. Demographic and quality control parameters of Anastrepha Fraterculus (Diptera: Tephritidae) maintained under artificial rearing

    SciTech Connect

    Vera, T.; Abraham, S.; Oviedo, A.

    observo que la fecundidad es optima durante las tres primeras semanas de iniciada la oviposicion y que la fertilidad se mantiene constante durante ese periodo. Durante 2003-2004 se implementaron mejoras en el protocolo de cria existente lo que resulto en un incremento de la viabilidad larvaria, del peso de pupas y del porcentaje de emergencia de adultos. La produccion actual semanal es de un millon de huevos. Los mismos son utilizados para mantener la colonia y realizar distintos estudios de calidad de esta cepa. Por ultimo, se sugieren necesidades de investigacion para alcanzar mejores rendimientos. (author)« less

  12. Tratamiento quirúrgico de las lesiones intradurales extramedulares mediante hemilaminectomía

    PubMed Central

    Villalonga, Juan F.; Cervio, Andrés


    Resumen Objetivo: Evaluar la utilidad de la hemilaminectomía como abordaje quirúrgico en pacientes con tumores intradurales-extramedulares. Material y métodos: Estudio descriptivo retrospectivo que incluye a 53 pacientes en los que se utilizó la hemilaminectomía como abordaje a tumores intradurales-extramedulares durante el periodo junio de 2006 a diciembre de 2015. Se analizaron datos demográficos, signo-sintomatología preoperatoria, características imagenológicas, hallazgos intraoperatorios, estirpe histológico y complicaciones post-quirúrgicas. El periodo de seguimiento promedio fue de 48.9 meses (6-120 meses). Resultados: Cincuenta y tres pacientes con tumores intradurales-extramedulares fueron intervenidos mediante hemilaminectomía. La serie incluyó 5 tumores cervicales, 24 dorsales y 24 lumbares. El análisis histológico reveló 28 neurinomas, 11 meningiomas, 7 ependimomas y 7 “lesiones varias”. En el 96% de los casos se efectuó una exéresis total sin causar déficit neurológico agregado. No se evidenció recidiva en ninguno de los casos durante el periodo de seguimiento. Conclusión: La hemilaminectomía constituye una vía efectiva para la resección de tumores intradurales-extramedulares lateralizados a nivel cervicodorsal. Mientras que a nivel lumbar esta técnica puede ser también útil en lesiones de línea media. PMID:29142776

  13. La estructura dinámica del cinturón de Kuiper interior y la formación de Urano y Neptuno

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Melita, M. D.; Brunini, A.

    De acuerdo a los más recientes estudios sobre la formación de Urano y Neptuno, éstos podrían haber sufrido una importante migración radial hacia el exterior, debido al intercambio de momento angular con los planetesimales presentes en esa región durante las últimas etapas de la formación del Sistema Solar. Esta migración radial habría tenido importantes consecuencias sobre la presente estructura dinámica del cinturón cometario de Kuiper. Tal como lo reflejan las observaciones, la mayoría de los cuerpos observados en el cinturón de Kuiper se encuentran en resonancia de movimientos medios exteriores con Neptuno, hecho que también se refleja en la presente órbita de Plutón. En el presente trabajo se estudia tanto numérica como analíticamente la influencia de la variación de las masas de Urano y Neptuno durante el proceso de migración sobre las probabilidades de captura en algunas de las resonancias exteriores de Neptuno. Se estudia también la influencia de encuentros gravitacionales mutuos sobre la estabilidad de las órbitas resonantes. Este estudio ofrece argumentos de plausibilidad para explicar por qué ninguno de los objetos descubiertos en el cinturón de Kuiper se encontraría en la resonancia 2:1.

  14. PubMed

    Grijota Pérez, Francisco Javier; Barrientos Vicho, Gema; Casado Dorado, Analía; Muñoz Marín, Diego; Robles Gil, María Concepción; Maynar Mariño, Marcos


    Objetivo: el objetivo de este estudio fue analizar la ingesta nutricional de atletas de alto nivel de las especialidades de fondo y medio fondo, durante una temporada atlética, para detectar posibles deficiencias.Métodos: para llevar a cabo el estudio, se procedió a evaluar la dieta y las diferentes concentraciones de los macronutrientes (glúcidos, lípidos y proteínas) y los diferentes tipos de ácidos grasos, en cuatro momentos diferentes de la temporada: al inicio y a los 3, 6 y 9 meses de entrenamiento. La muestra estuvo constituida por un grupo formado por 23 atletas de fondo y medio fondo con un mínimo de 5 años de ntrenamiento, una carga semanal de entre 14-20 horas y un volumen de 100-120 km semanales. El procedimiento consistió en el registro nutricional durante un periodo de tres días consecutivos, en los cuatro momentos establecidos.Resultados: los resultados obtenidos muestran incrementos significativos (p < 0,05) en la ingesta de proteínas entre los 3-9 meses.Conclusión: la ingesta energética en atletas de fondo y medio fondo va aumentando a lo largo de la temporada deportiva, con cantidades de macronutrientes inferiores a las recomendadas por la comunidad científica, y con incrementos en la ingesta de proteínas en periodos de primavera y verano, coincidiendo con momentos de competición.

  15. Diseno de una matriz de soporte compuesta de colageno de piel de tiburon-aloe para ingenier a tisular (Design of Shark Skin Collagen-Aloe Composite Scaffold for Tissue Engineering)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    colágeno es un nuevo biomaterial utilizado para la administración de fármacos, la fabri- cación de apósitos o como sustrato para ingeniería tisular cuya...crecimiento de fi broblastos in vitro. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS Materiales El tiburón lechoso (Rhizoprionodon acutus) se capturó en la costa local y se...1000 rpm durante 3-5 minutos, se suspendieron de nuevo en medio fresco con FCS al 10%, se sembraron por la matriz de soporte (25.000 células

  16. [History of cranial surgery, cerebral tumor surgery and epilepsy surgery in Mexico].


    Chico-Ponce de León, F


    The first report of intra-cerebral tumor surgery was provided by Bennett & Goodle, in London, 1884. Worldwide this kind of surgery was performed in France by Chipault, in Italy by Durante, in the United States by Keen and in Deutchland by Krause & Oppenheim. Lavista in Mexico City operated on intra-cerebral tumor in 1891, and the report was printed in 1892. In the same publication, Lavista exhibited the first cases of epilepsy surgery. Since now, it is the first report of this kind of surgery in the Spanish-speaking world.

  17. [Referral criteria for benign prostatic hyperplasia in primary care.Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria, Sociedad Española de Medicina General, Sociedad Española de Medicina de Familia y Comunitaria, Asociación Española de Urología].


    Castiñeiras Fernández, J; Cozar Olmo, J M; Fernández-Pro, A; Martín, J A; Brenes Bermúdez, F J; Naval Pulido, E; Molero, J M; Pérez Morales, D


    Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is a high prevalence condition in men over 50 years that requires continued assistance between primary care and urology. Therefore, consensus around common referral criteria was needed to guide and support both levels. Medical history, symptom assessment with International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS) questionnaire, digital rectal examination and prostate-specific antigen (PSA) measurement are diagnostic tests available for general practitioners that allow setting a correct BPH diagnose. Patients with an IPSS<8 should be monitored by evaluating them annually. Treatment with alpha-blockers and an evaluation at the first and third month is recommended in patients with an IPSS 8-20 and if the prostate is small, if the prostate size is large treatment with alpha-blockers or 5alpha-reductase inhibitors and evaluation at the third and six month is recommended, and in patients with a large prostate and a PSA >1.5 ng/ ml combined treatment and evaluation at the first and sixth month is recommended. Some clear criteria for referral to urology are established in this document, which help in the management of these patients. Those patients with BPH who do not show any improvement at the third month of treatment with alpha-blockers, or the sixth month with 5alpha-reductase inhibitors, will be referred to urology. Patients will also be referred to urology if they have lower urinary tract symptoms, a pathological finding during rectal examination, IPSS>20, PSA>10 ng/ml or PSA>4 ng/ml and free PSA<20% or if they are <50 years with suspected BHP, or if they have any urological complication.



    Lopez-Nava, Gontrand; Galvão, M P; Bautista-Castaño, I; Fernandez-Corbelle, J P; Trell, M; Lopez, N


    procedimento endoscópico de gastroplastia sleeve sob anestesia geral com observação do paciente internado durante a noite. Dos 154 pacientes iniciais, 143 estiveram disponíveis para acompanhamento de um mês, 133 durante seis meses, 64 durante 12 meses e 28 completaram a avaliação de 24 meses. O acompanhamento foi realizado por equipe multidisciplinar (nutricionista e psicólogo). Foram avaliados nos resultados as mudanças no IMC, no peso corporal (TWBL), no % de perda do peso corporal inicial (% TBWL) no % de excesso de perda de peso corporal (%EWL) segregado em > ou < 25% e efeitos adversos. Estudos radiológicos contratados orais voluntários foram programados para avaliar a gastroplastia em diferentes tempos após o procedimento. A idade média foi de 44,9 anos (23-69). Aos 24 meses após o procedimento a linha de base média do IMC mudou de 38,3 para 30,8 kg/m2. O TBWL, %TBWL e %EWL foram de 21,3 kg, 19,5% e 60,4%, respectivamente, e 85,7% dos pacientes alcançaram o objetivo de >25% EWL. Não houve eventos adversos graves peroperatórios ou durante os 24 meses de acompanhamento. A gastroplastia sleeve endoscópica com monitoramento regular por equipe multidisciplinar pode ser considerado procedimento eficaz, seguro e bem tolerado para o tratamento de pacientes com obesidade, pelo menos nos dois anos de acompanhamento.



    Calderon, Iracema Mp


    This review aims to develop a critical and current analysis of the basic structure of a Postgraduate program for proposing improvement actions and new evaluation criteria. To examine the items that are areas of concentration (AC), research lines (LP), research projects (PP), curricular structure and fundraising were consulted the Area Document, the 2013 Evaluation Report and the Assessment Sheets of Medicine III programs, evaluated in the 2010-2012 period. Consistency is recommended especially among AC, LP and PP, with genuine link between activities and permanent teachers skills and based on structured curriculum in the education of the student. The Program Proposal interfere, and much, in qualifying a program. The curriculum should provide subsidy to the formation of the researcher, through the core subjects, and development of PP, being the concept of disciplines to support lines and research projects. Fundraise should be set out in research projects and in the CV-Lattes. The area recommended that at least 40-50% of permanent teachers present fundraising and the minimum 20-25% of these teachers to have productivity scholarship PQ / CNPq during the triennium. It is necessary to promote wide discussion and find a consensus denominator for these issues. The actions should contribute to the improvement of evaluation forms and certainly for the qualification of the programs but graduate. Essa revisão tem como objetivo elaborar uma análise crítica e atual da estrutura básica de um programa de Pós-Graduação para a proposição de ações de aperfeiçoamento e novos critérios de avaliação. Para analisarem-se os itens áreas de concentração (AC), linhas de pesquisa (LP), projetos de pesquisa (PP), estrutura curricular e captação de recursos/fomentos foram consultados o documento de área, o relatório de avaliação 2013 e as fichas de avaliação dos programas da Medicina III, avaliados no triênio 2010-2012. A coerência é recomendada especialmente entre

  20. Report of the procedure of voluntary interruption of pregnancy at a university hospital in Uruguay.


    Bentancor, Ana; Hernández, Ana Laura; Godoy, Yamile; Dapueto, Juan J


    To describe the constitution and operation of a voluntary interruption of pregnancy team of a university hospital, from the outlook of the mental health team. In this case study, the following aspects were analyzed: 1) historical background; 2) implementation of Law 18,897 of October 22, 2012; and 3) functioning of the program at the Hospital de Clínicas of the Facultad de Medicina (Universidad de la República, Uruguay), taking into account three dimensions: structure, process, and results. Between December 2012 and November 2013, a total of 6,676 voluntary interruptions of pregnancy were reported in Uruguay; out of these, 80 were conducted at the Hospital de Clínicas. The patients' demographic data agreed with those reported at the national level: Of the total patients, 81.0% were aged over 19 years; 6.2% decided to continue with the pregnancy; and only 70.0% attended the subsequent control and received advice on contraception. In its implementation year in Uruguay, we can assess the experience as positive from the point of view of women's health. Our experience as a mental health team at the Hospital de Clínicas, inserted into the multidisciplinary voluntary interruption of pregnancy team, is in the process of assessment and reformulation of practices. Describir la conformación y funcionamiento de un equipo de interrupción voluntaria del embarazo de un hospital universitario, desde la mirada del equipo de salud mental. En este estudio de caso, se analizan los siguientes aspectos: 1) antecedentes históricos; 2) implementación de la Ley 18.897 de 22 de octubre de 2012; y 3) funcionamiento del programa en el Hospital de Clínicas de la Facultad de Medicina (Universidad de la República, Uruguay), teniendo en cuenta tres dimensiones (estructura, proceso y resultados). Entre diciembre de 2012 y noviembre de 2013, se reportaron en Uruguay un total de 6.676 interrupciones voluntarias del embarazo; de ellas, 80 se llevaron a cabo en el Hospital de Clínicas. Los

  1. Innovative SETI by the KLT

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Maccone, C.

    SETI searches are, by definition, the extraction of very weak radio signals out of the cosmic background noise. When SETI was born in 1959, it was "natural" to attempt this extraction by the only detection algorithm well known at the time: the Fourier Transform (FT). In fact: 1) SETI radio astronomers had adopted the viewpoint that a candidate ET signal would necessarily be a sinusoidal carrier, i.e. a very narrow-band signal. Over such a narrow band, the background noise is necessarily white. And so, the basic assumption behind the FT that the background noise must be white was "perfectly matched" to SETI for the next fifty years! 2) In addition, the Americans, J. W. Cooley and J. W. Tukey discovered in April 1965 that all the FT computations could be speeded up to N*ln(N) (rather than N2) (N is the number of numbers to be processed) by their own Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). Then, SETI radio astronomers all over the world gladly and unquestioningly adopted the new FFT forever. In 1983, however, the French SETI radio astronomer, François Biraud, dared to challenge this view (ref. [6]). He argued that we only can make guesses about ET's telecommunication systems, and that the shifting trend on Earth was from narrow-band to wide-band telecommunications. Thus, a new transform, other than the FFT, was needed that could detect signals over both narrow and wide bands, regardless of the colored noise distribution over any finite bandwidth. Such a transform had actually been pointed out as early as 1946 by the Finn mathematician, Kari Karhunen, and the French mathematician, Michel Loève, and is thus named KLT for them. In conclusion, François Biraud suggested to "look for the unknown in SETI" by adopting the KLT rather than the FFT. The same ideas were reached independently by this author also, and starting 1987, he too was "preaching the KLT": first at the SETI Institute, then (since 1990) at the Italian CNR (now called INAF) SETI facilities at Medicina, near Bologna

  2. Office and 24-h ambulatory blood pressure control by treatment in general practice: the 'Monitoraggio della pressione ARteriosa nella medicina TErritoriale' study.


    Zaninelli, Augusto; Parati, Gianfranco; Cricelli, Claudio; Bignamini, Angelo A; Modesti, Pietro A; Pamparana, Franco; Bilo, Grzegorz; Mancia, Giuseppe; Gensini, Gian F


    Guidelines recommend that blood pressure (BP) should be lowered in hypertensive patients to prevent cardiovascular accidents. Management of antihypertensive treatment by general practitioners is usually based on office measurements, which may not allow an assessment of BP control over 24 h, which requires ambulatory BP monitoring (ABPM) to be implemented. This is rarely done in general practice, and limited information is available on the consistency between the evaluations of the response to treatment provided by office measurement and by ABPM in this setting. To assess concordance between office BP measurements and ABPM-based estimates of hypertension control in a general practice setting. Prospective, comparative between techniques. General practice. Seventy-eight general practices, representative of all Italian regions, participated in this study by recruiting sequential hypertensive adults on stabilized treatment, who were subdivided into even groups with office BP, respectively, controlled or noncontrolled by treatment. In each individual, ABPM was applied by the general practitioner after appropriate training, and 24-h ABP values were defined as controlled or not according to current guidelines. Concordance between office and ABPM evaluation of BP control was assessed with kappa statistics. Positive and negative predictive values of office measurement versus ABPM were estimated. Between July 2005 and November 2006, 190 general practitioners recruited 2059 hypertensive patients based on office BP measurements; in 1728 patients, a 24-h ABPM was performed, yielding 1524 recordings considered as valid for further analysis. The agreement between the assessment of BP control by office measurement and by ABPM was poor (kappa = 0.120), with office measurements showing a satisfactory positive predictive value (0.842) and a poor negative predictive value (0.278); the situation was worse in patients with three or more among the following features: male sex, age of at least 65 years, alcohol consumption, diabetes, and obesity (negative predictive value = 0.149). In general practice, the agreement between assessment of BP control by treatment provided by office and ambulatory BP measurements is better in patients of 'uncontrolled' office BP than in 'controlled' office BP patients. This emphasizes the need for the larger use of out-of-office BP monitoring in a general practice setting, in particular, in patients considered as 'controlled' during consultation.

  3. Comorbidities and short-term prognosis in patients hospitalized for acute exacerbation of COPD: the EPOC en Servicios de medicina interna (ESMI) study.


    Almagro, Pedro; Cabrera, Francisco Javier; Diez, Jesus; Boixeda, Ramon; Alonso Ortiz, M Belen; Murio, Cristina; Soriano, Joan B


    Comorbidities are frequent in patients hospitalized for COPD exacerbation, but little is known about their relation with short-term mortality and hospital readmissions. Our hypothesis is that the frequency and type of comorbidities impair the prognosis within 12 weeks after discharge. A longitudinal, observational, multicenter study of patients hospitalized for a COPD exacerbation with spirometric confirmation was performed. Comorbidity information was collected using the Charlson index and a questionnaire that included other common conditions not included in this index. Dyspnea, functional status, and previous hospitalization for COPD or other reasons among other variables were investigated. Information on mortality and readmissions for COPD or other causes was collected up to 3 months after discharge. We studied 606 patients, 594 men (89.9%), with a mean (SD) age of 72.6 (9.9) years and a postbronchodilator FEV1 of 43.2% (21.2). The mean Charlson index score was 3.1 (2.0). On admission, 63.4% of patients had arterial hypertension, 35.8% diabetes mellitus, 32.8% chronic heart failure, 20.8% ischemic heart disease, 19.3% anemia, and 34% dyslipemia. Twenty-seven patients (4.5%) died within 3 months. The Charlson index was an independent predictor of mortality (P < .003; OR,1.23; 95% CI, 1.07-1.40), even after adjustment for age, FEV1, and functional status measured with the Katz index. Comorbidity was also related with the need for hospitalization from the ED, length of stay, and hospital readmissions for COPD or other causes. Comorbidities are common in patients hospitalized for a COPD exacerbation, and they are related to short-term prognosis.

  4. The Pliocene Yafo Formation in Israel: Hydrogeologically inert or active?

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Avisar, D.; Rosenthal, E.; Shulman, H.; Zilberbrand, M.; Flexer, A.; Kronfeld, J.; Ben Avraham, Z.; Fleischer, L.

    'importance secondaire pour la salinisation de l'eau souterraine cet apport est comparable à celui de sels par les pluies. Durante décadas, las ``Saqiyebeds'' (rebautizadas como Formación Yafo) que se sitúan bajo el acuífero Costero (Grupo Kurkar) de Israel fueron consideradas como un acuicludo extremadamente potente, tectónicamente inalterado y totalmente impermeable. Como resultado de la explotación intensiva del Grupo Kurkar, se produjo la mezcla de aguas salobres y salinas en la zona inferior de dicho acuífero y siempre en el contacto con el acuicludo subyaciente de la Formación Yafo. Este estudio reveló que el acuicludo no es una unidad rocosa uniforme e impermeable, sino que consiste en una alternancia de estratos permeables e impermeables dentro de la Formación Yafo, que contiene fluidos a alta presión de salinidades diferentes pero generalmente elevadas. Las capas permeables se hallan en inconformidad angular y en contacto directo con el acuífero superior del Grupo Kurkar. La Formación Yafo y las unidades rocosas infra- y suprayacentes están dislocadas por numerosos sistemas de fallas, lo que facilita el acceso de las salmueras al acuífero del Grupo Kurkar. Los fluidos de los horizontes permeables del Miembro Petah Tiqva a través de las arcillas de la Formación Yafo o hacia el ascenso de los domos salinos en respuesta a la extracción intensiva en el acuífero del Llano Costero. Podría también haber sido causado por el movimiento a favor del buzamiento de las aguas salinas como resultado de la sobrepresión generada por una acumulación mayor de gas en los horizontes permeables. Otro posible mecanismo podría basarse en el contacto hidráulico con salmueras presurizadas, que fluyen hacia arriba a favor de zonas de falla desde los reservorios profundos del Jurásico o del Cretácico. La extracción de agua salina intersticial desde las arcillas de la Formación Yafo hacia el acuífero superior del Grupo Kurkar es de importancia secundaria para la salinizaci

  5. Radiostrontium Contamination During the Year 1960. Report No. 50; CONTAMINACION POR RADIOESTRONCIO DURANTE EL ANO 1960. Informe No. 50

    SciTech Connect

    Beninson, D.; Kramer, J.; Mariano, E.


    The annual deposition of Sr/sup 9/0/sup >/measured in the Buenos Aires region during 1960 was 0.8 mc/km/sup 2/, and the concentration in the air was 0.2 x 10/sup -3/ mu mu c/kg, which is lower than the corresponding data for the previous year. The studies clearly indicated that during rainy seasons in spring and autumn the deposition of Sr/sup 90/ increases. The levels of Sr/sup 90/ in milk in the northern hemisphere are considerably lower (2 mu mu c/g Ca). Contamination of plants and subsequently of milk indicates the route of fall-out. The mean level of Sr/sup 90/ in themore » bones of children was 0.7 mu mu c/g Ca with low dispersion. (R. V. J. )« less

  6. [Not Available].


    San Mauro Martin, Ismael; Mendive Dubourdieu, Paula; Paredes Barato, Víctor; Garicano Vilar, Elena


    Introducción: la tradición de la comida picante desempeña un papel muy importante en el gusto por este tipo de comida y su tolerancia. Las preferencias alimentarias muestran influencia genética y ambiental.Objetivos: estudiar la tolerancia y el gusto por el picante de tres poblaciones, y la influencia hereditaria y del ambiente.Métodos:se realizó una encuesta a 522 sujetos, de tres continentes (Asia, Europa y Latinoamérica) en tres idiomas (español, inglés y chino) a través de Internet. Se realizaron preguntas acerca de la tolerancia al picante, el gusto por los alimentos picantes, su uso, la edad de comienzo de consumo, el gusto del padre y de la madre y si ella lo consumía durante el embarazo y/o lactancia.Resultados: existe diferencia entre el gusto por el picante del hijo y el sexo (p < 0,001), la tolerancia (p < 0,001) y, solo en el sexo femenino, el gusto de la madre por el picante (p < 0,001), su consumo durante el embarazo (p < 0,001) y la lactancia (p = 0,005) y el gusto del padre por el picante (p = 0,003). Existe correlación entre el continente de residencia (p = 0,007) y de nacimiento (p = 0,012) y la tolerancia a los alimentos picantes.Conclusión: la influencia de los progenitores, el género y la composición corporal se relacionaron con gustos y tolerancias diferentes.

  7. The pioneering contribution of italian surgeons to skull base surgery.


    Priola, Stefano M; Raffa, Giovanni; Abbritti, Rosaria V; Merlo, Lucia; Angileri, Filippo F; La Torre, Domenico; Conti, Alfredo; Germanò, Antonino; Tomasello, Francesco


    The origin of neurosurgery as a modern, successful, and separate branch of surgery could be dated back to the end of the 19th century. The most important development of surgery occurred in Europe, particularly in Italy, where there was a unique environment, allowing brilliant open-minded surgeons to perform, with success, neurosurgical operations. Neurosurgery began at the skull base. In everyday practice, we still pay tribute to early Italian neuroanatomists and pioneer neurosurgeons who represented a starting point in a new, obscure, and still challenging field of medicine and surgery during their times. In this paper, we report at a glance the contributions of Tito Vanzetti from Padua (1809-1888), for his operation on a destructive skull base cyst that had, indeed, an intracranial expansion; of Davide Giordano (1864-1954) from Venice, who described the first transnasal approach to the pituitary gland; and, most importantly, of Francesco Durante from Messina (1844-1934), who was the first surgeon in the history of neurosurgery to successfully remove a cranial base meningioma. They carried out the first detailed reported surgical excision of intracranial lesions at the skull base, diagnosed only through clinical signs; used many of the advances of the 19th century; and conceived and performed new operative strategies and approaches. Their operations were radical enough to allow the patient to survive the surgery and, in the case of Durante, for the first time, to obtain more than 12 years of good survival at a time when a tumor of this type would have been fatal. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  8. Cámara CCD Directa con el Telescopio de 2.15 m del CASLEO: algunos diagnósticos

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Cellone, S. A.

    Se efectuaron algunas pruebas con la cámara CCD (+ Reductor Focal) instalada en el foco Cassegrain del Telescopio de 2.15 m del Complejo Astronómico El Leoncito (CASLEO). Las conclusiones más significativas son: Los tiempos de exposición efectivos difieren de los nominales en una fracción apreciable de segundo. En exposiciones de menos de 3 segundos, la iluminación no es pareja en todo el detector. En consecuencia, se recomiendan los pasos a seguir por los astrónomos tanto durante la observación como en la reducción de sus datos.

  9. PubMed

    Bellido, Diego; Bellido, Virginia


    El sobrepeso y la obesidad se definen como un depósito anormal o excesivo de grasa corporal. El aumento de su prevalencia en las últimas décadas lo convierte en uno de los principales problemas de salud pública que afecta a 42 millones de niños menores de 5 años en el mundo. Su presencia durante la infancia puede ser causa de enfermedades metabólicas hasta ahora consideradas típicas del adulto y mortalidad prematura, por lo que su correcto diagnóstico y tratamiento son fundamentales.

  10. Le conflit fémoro-acétabulaire et la coxarthrose

    PubMed Central

    Zhang, Charlie; Li, Linda; Forster, Bruce B.; Kopec, Jacek A.; Ratzlaff, Charles; Halai, Lalji; Cibere, Jolanda; Esdaile, John M.


    Objectif Expliquer la présentation clinique, les observations à l’examen physique, les critères diagnostiques et les options de prise en charge du conflit fémoroacétabulaire (CFA). Sources des données Une recherche documentaire a été effectuée dans PubMed pour trouver des articles pertinents sur la pathogenèse, le diagnostic, le traitement et le pronostic du CFA. Message principal Depuis les dernières années, on reconnaît de plus en plus que le CFA est un précurseur potentiel et une étiologie importante des douleurs à la hanche dans la population adulte et de la coxarthrose idiopathique plus tard dans la vie. Le conflit fémoro-acétabulaire désigne un ensemble d’anomalies morphologiques osseuses de l’articulation de la hanche qui se traduit par un contact anormal durant le mouvement. Le CFA par effet came concerne une proéminence osseuse non sphérique du col fémoral proximal ou de la jonction tête-col. Le CFM par effet tenaille désigne une couverture acétabulaire excessive par-dessus la tête du fémur, qui peut se produire en raison de diverses variantes morphologiques. Les patients qui ont un CFA présentent une douleur inguinale antérieure chronique, profonde ou lancinante, le plus souvent en position assise, durant ou après une activité. Les patients peuvent aussi ressentir des douleurs occasionnelles aiguës durant l’activité. Il faut procéder à une anamnèse approfondie portant notamment sur l’incidence de traumatismes ou la fréquence de l’exercice. Il faut aussi faire un examen physique complet des hanches, de la région lombaire et de l’abdomen pour évaluer d’autres causes de douleurs inguinales antérieures. Le diagnostic de CFA est confirmé par radiographie. Le conflit fémoro-acétabulaire peut être pris en charge selon une approche conservatrice comportant du repos, la modification des activités, des médicaments et de la physiothérapie ou encore être traité par intervention chirurgicale. Conclusion

  11. [Drama therapy for the prevention of workplace violence].


    Hermoso Lloret, Diana; Cervantes Ortega, Genís; Blanch, Josep Maria; Ochoa Pacheco, Paola


    To achieve, through a training and preventive intervention, a significant change in the emotional experience of a group of health care professionals at risk of exposure to workplace violence. 143 Catalonian health professionals participated in a training course on occupational risk prevention that incorporated theatrical staging techniques and psychotherapeutic strategies, focused on the interpretation of emotional experiences associated with violence in the workplace. They participated voluntarily in the program and were selectedaccording to type of healthcare delivered and professional diversity. A pre- and post-course questionnaire was administered. Ninety-two percent of respondents claimed to have witnessed, and 85% had personally experienced, a violent episode in the previous five years. The comparison of mean scores before and after the training intervention revealed anincrease in the positive assessment of the effectiveness of one's own performance and communication skills (p< 0.001), and induced emotional experiences in line with a greater peace of mind (p< 0.005) and less anxiety (p< 0.005) with respect to the violent incident. Staging experiential stressful situations can be a useful learning tool for managing emotions, which increases the perceived degree of one's ability to manage communication, teamwork and professional stress itself. Copyright belongs to the Societat Catalana de Seguretat i Medicina del Treball.

  12. [Prevalence of domestic violence in pregnant women from 20 to 35 years in a family medicine unit].


    Cervantes-Sánchez, Paulina; Delgado-Quiñones, Edna Gabriela; Nuño-Donlucas, María Olimpia; Sahagún-Cuevas, Minerva Natalia; Hernández-Calderón, Jéssica; Ramírez-Ramos, Joana Kareli


    Violence against women is one of the most important health problems in recent times. In Mexico, it is reported a prevalence of 21.5% during pregnancy; however, it seems to be underdiagnosed. The objective is to determine the prevalence of domestic violence in pregnant women from 20 to 35 years at the Unidad de Medicina Familiar (UMF) 171 of the Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS). It was performed a cross-sectional descriptive study with a sample of 102 pregnant women to which we applied a sociodemographic questionnaire and the Severity of Violence Against Women Scale (ISVP). 19 women (18.6%) suffered violence; of these, 10.8% (n=11) experienced physical violence, 5.9% (n=6) psychological violence, and 4% (n=4) sexual violence. We used chi squared between the variable violence and each of the sociodemographic factors: 52.6% women (n=10) were married (p=0.005), 26.3% (n=5) had a bachelor's degree (p=0.074), 57.8% (n=11) had planned their pregnancy, 47.3% (n=9) were in the third trimester of pregnancy, and 78.95% (n=15) worked as laborers, shop-keepers or professionals (p=0.016). Among pregnant women belonging in UMF 171 of IMSS, domestic violence is a problem with a prevalence of 18.6%.

  13. A Comparative Study of the Applied Methods for Estimating Deflection of the Vertical in Terrestrial Geodetic Measurements

    PubMed Central

    Vittuari, Luca; Tini, Maria Alessandra; Sarti, Pierguido; Serantoni, Eugenio; Borghi, Alessandra; Negusini, Monia; Guillaume, Sébastien


    This paper compares three different methods capable of estimating the deflection of the vertical (DoV): one is based on the joint use of high precision spirit leveling and Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), a second uses astro-geodetic measurements and the third gravimetric geoid models. The working data sets refer to the geodetic International Terrestrial Reference Frame (ITRF) co-location sites of Medicina (Northern, Italy) and Noto (Sicily), these latter being excellent test beds for our investigations. The measurements were planned and realized to estimate the DoV with a level of precision comparable to the angular accuracy achievable in high precision network measured by modern high-end total stations. The three methods are in excellent agreement, with an operational supremacy of the astro-geodetic method, being faster and more precise than the others. The method that combines leveling and GNSS has slightly larger standard deviations; although well within the 1 arcsec level, which was assumed as threshold. Finally, the geoid model based method, whose 2.5 arcsec standard deviations exceed this threshold, is also statistically consistent with the others and should be used to determine the DoV components where local ad hoc measurements are lacking. PMID:27104544

  14. Parathyroid cysts: the Latin-American experience.


    Román-González, Alejandro; Aristizábal, Natalia; Aguilar, Carolina; Palacios, Karen; Pérez, Juan Camilo; Vélez-Hoyos, Alejandro; Duque, Carlos Simon; Sanabria, Alvaro


    Parathyroid cyst is an infrequent and unsuspected disease. There are more than 300 hundred cases reported in the world literature, a few of them are from Latin America. The experience of our centers and a review of the cases are presented. Case report of a series of patients with parathyroid cyst from our institutions according to the CARE guidelines (Case Reports). A search of Medline, Embase, BIREME ( Biblioteca Regional de Medicina ) LILACS ( Literatura Latinoamericana y del Caribe en Ciencias de la Salud ), Google Scholar and Scielo ( Scientific Electronic Library on Line ) databases and telephonic or email communications with other experts from Latin-America was performed . Six patients with parathyroid cyst were found in our centers in Colombia. Most of them were managed with aspiration of the cyst. Two of them required surgery. Only one case was functional. Twelve reports from Latin America were found for a total of 18 cases in our region adding ours. Parathyroid cysts are uncommonly reported in Latin America. Most of them are diagnosed postoperatively. Suspicion for parathyroid cyst should be raised when a crystal clear fluid is aspirated from a cyst. The confirmation of the diagnosis may be easily done if parathyroid hormone (PTH) level is measured in the cyst fluid.

  15. [Completeness of mortality statistics in Navarra, Spain].


    Moreno-Iribas, Conchi; Guevara, Marcela; Díaz-González, Jorge; Álvarez-Arruti, Nerea; Casado, Itziar; Delfrade, Josu; Larumbe, Emilia; Aguirre, Jesús; Floristán, Yugo


    Women in the region of Navarra, Spain, have one of the highest life expectancies at birth in Europe. The aim of this study is to assess the completeness of the official mortality statistics of Navarra in 2009 and the impact of the under-registration of deaths on life expectancy estimates. Comparison of the number of deaths in Navarra using the official statistics from the Instituto Nacional de Estadística (INE) and the data derived from a multiple-source case-finding: the electronic health record, Instituto Navarro de Medicina Legal and INE including data that they received late. 5,249 deaths were identified, of which 103 were not included in the official mortality statistics. Taking into account only deaths that occurred in Spain, which are the only ones considered for the official statistics, the completeness was 98.4%. Estimated life expectancy at birth in 2009 descended from 86.6 years to 86.4 in women and from 80.0 to 79.6 years in men, after correcting for undercount. The results of this study ruled out the existence of significant under-registration of the official mortality statistics, confirming the exceptional longevity of women in Navarra, who are in the top position in Europe with a life expectancy at birth of 86.4 years.

  16. [I direttori delle riviste vanno avanti: attenersi ai principi accademici, adottare trasparenza e rispetto e applicare le regole.


    Teixeira da Silva, Jaime A; Dobránszki, Judit


    Nonostante i cambiamenti in corso nell'ambito delle pubblicazioni scientifiche (STEM - scienza, tecnologia, ingegneria e medicina), è indubbio che i direttori delle riviste restano i più importanti custodi del processo editoriale. In questo articolo vengono analizzati i motivi per cui i direttori delle riviste devono continuare ad attenersi ai principi editoriali fondamentali e a utilizzare le nuove tecnologie digitali solo per dare forza al contenuto, ma non per sostituirlo nella sua qualità. Per raggiungere questo obiettivo, in un'epoca caratterizzata da controlli ed equilibri, i direttori delle riviste devono essere attentamente sorvegliati e ritenuti responsabili tanto quanto gli autori che essi stessi valutano. Qualunque scorciatoia potrebbe avere conseguenze negative e inaspettate per quella rivista che non si attenesse a tali regole, che vedrebbe intaccata la propria reputazione e che dovrebbe faticare per recuperare la fiducia dei propri lettori. Quindi, a rischio di sembrare scontati, è meglio prevenire il danno alla reputazione piuttosto che curarlo. L'unico modo per evitarlo è che i direttori delle riviste si adattino a un crescente movimento sempre più critico, che richiede maggiore trasparenza e responsabilità da parte di chi contribuisce a costruire la base delle conoscenze scientifiche e dalla società, specialmente laddove la ricerca è finanziata pubblicamente.

  17. Frequency of mental disturbances in HTLV-1 patients in the state of Bahia, Brazil.


    Carvalho, André Gordilho Joaquim de; Galvão-Phileto, Ana Verena; Lima, Nana Santos; Jesus, Rogério Santos de; Galvão-Castro, Bernardo; Lima, Manuela Garcia


    Viral infections and chronic diseases have been associated with psychiatric disorders. Among these, increased depression has been reported in HTLV-1 patients. However, no studies on the prevalence of other mental disturbances have been carried out in these patients. Salvador is the city with the highest rate of infection with HTLV-1 in Brazil and it is estimated that approximately 40,000 inhabitants are infected. In our cross sectional study, we examined the frequency of mental disturbances in 50 HTLV-1 seropositive patients followed at the Centro Integrativo e Multidisciplinar de HTLV e Hepatites Virais (CHTLV) of the Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saude Pública (EBMSP) in Salvador from January to November 2007. We used a questionnaire to collect clinical-epidemiologic data and the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview Brazilian Version 5.0.0 (M.I.N.I.) to evaluate the psychiatric disorders. The Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) was used for the analyses. Twenty-one (42%) HTLV-1 patients had a psychiatric co-morbidity; 17(34%) had mood disorders, 11 (22%) were anxious and one (2%) was an alcoholic. We found a high frequency of mental disturbances among HTLV-1 infected individuals, suggesting a possible association of this infection with psychiatric diseases.

  18. Apoptosis and expression of Bcl-2 and Bax in eutopic endometrium from women with endometriosis.


    Meresman, G F; Vighi, S; Buquet, R A; Contreras-Ortiz, O; Tesone, M; Rumi, L S


    To evaluate and compare spontaneous apoptosis and Bcl-2 and Bax expression in eutopic endometrium from women with and without endometriosis. Apoptosis and Bcl-2 and Bax expression were examined in eutopic endometrium from women with and without endometriosis. Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental-CONICET, Department of Gynecology and Department of Gynecological Pathology, Clínicas University Hospital, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Women with untreated endometriosis (n = 14) and controls (n = 16). Collection of endometrial samples during diagnostic or therapeutic laparoscopy. Apoptotic cells were detected with use of the dUTP nick-end labeling (TUNEL) assay; Bcl-2 and Bax expressions were assessed with use of immunohistochemical techniques. Spontaneous apoptosis was significantly lower in eutopic endometrium from patients with endometriosis, compared with healthy controls (2.26 +/- 0.53 and 9.37 +/- 1.69 apoptotic cells/field, respectively) and was independent of cycle phase. An increased expression of Bcl-2 protein was found in proliferative eutopic endometrium from patients with endometriosis. Bax expression was absent in proliferative endometrium, whereas there was an increase in its expression in secretory endometrium from both patients and controls. Women with endometriosis show decreased number of apoptotic cells in eutopic endometrium. The abnormal survival of endometrial cells may result in their continuing growth into ectopic locations.

  19. [Archivos de Bronconeumología: among the 3 Spanish medical journals with the highest national impact factors].


    Aleixandre Benavent, R; Valderrama Zurián, J C; Castellano Gómez, M; Simó Meléndez, R; Navarro Molina, C


    Citation analysis elucidates patterns of information consumption within professional communities. The aim of this study was to analyze the citations of 87 Spanish medical journals by calculating their impact factors and immediacy indices for 2001, and to estimate the importance of Archivos de Bronconeumología within the framework of Spanish medicine. Eighty-seven Spanish medical journals were included. All were listed in the Spanish Medical Index (Indice Medico Español) and in at least one of the following databases: MEDLINE, BIOSIS, EMBASE, or Science Citation Index. References to articles from 1999 through 2001 in citable articles from 2001 were analyzed. Using the method of the Institute for Scientific Information, we calculated the national impact factor and immediacy index for each journal. The journals with the highest national impact factors were Revista Española de Quimioterapia (0.894), Medicina Clínica (0.89), and Archivos de Bronconeumología (0.732). The self-citation percentage of Archivos de Bronconeumología was 18.3% and the immediacy index was 0.033. The impact factor obtained by Archivos de Bronconeumología confirms its importance in Spanish medicine and validates its inclusion as a source journal in Science Citation Index and Journal Citation Report.

  20. Parathyroid cysts: the Latin-American experience

    PubMed Central

    Aristizábal, Natalia; Aguilar, Carolina; Palacios, Karen; Pérez, Juan Camilo; Vélez-Hoyos, Alejandro; Duque, Carlos Simon; Sanabria, Alvaro


    Background Parathyroid cyst is an infrequent and unsuspected disease. There are more than 300 hundred cases reported in the world literature, a few of them are from Latin America. The experience of our centers and a review of the cases are presented. Methods Case report of a series of patients with parathyroid cyst from our institutions according to the CARE guidelines (Case Reports). A search of Medline, Embase, BIREME (Biblioteca Regional de Medicina) LILACS (Literatura Latinoamericana y del Caribe en Ciencias de la Salud), Google Scholar and Scielo (Scientific Electronic Library on Line) databases and telephonic or email communications with other experts from Latin-America was performed . Results Six patients with parathyroid cyst were found in our centers in Colombia. Most of them were managed with aspiration of the cyst. Two of them required surgery. Only one case was functional. Twelve reports from Latin America were found for a total of 18 cases in our region adding ours. Conclusions Parathyroid cysts are uncommonly reported in Latin America. Most of them are diagnosed postoperatively. Suspicion for parathyroid cyst should be raised when a crystal clear fluid is aspirated from a cyst. The confirmation of the diagnosis may be easily done if parathyroid hormone (PTH) level is measured in the cyst fluid. PMID:28149800

  1. VizieR Online Data Catalog: Optically Bright extragalactic Radio Sources II (Petrov, 2013)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Petrov, L.


    The first VLBI (Very Long Baseline Interferometry) observing campaign in 2007 resulted in the detection of 398 targets with the European VLBI Network (EVN; Bourda et al., 2010, cat. J/A+A/520/A113). During the second observing campaign, a subset of 105 sources detected in the previous campaign was observed (Bourda et al., 2011, cat. J/A+A/526/A102). Their positions were derived by Petrov (2011, cat. J/AJ/142/105) and formed the OBRS-1 (Optically Bright extragalactic Radio Sources) catalog. The remaining sources were observed in the third campaign, called OBRS-2. During the OBRS-2 campaign, there were three observing sessions with 10 VLBA (Very Long Baseline Array) stations and 5-6 EVN stations from this list: EFLSBERG, MEDICINA, ONSALA60, YEBES40M, DSS63, HARTRAO, and NOTO. Observations were made on 2010 Mar 23 (session ID gc034a), on 2011 Nov 8 (gc034bcd), and on 2011 Mar 15 (gc034ef). The OBRS-2 catalog presents precise positions of the 295 extragalactic radio sources as well as median correlated flux densities at 8.4 and 2.2GHz at baseline lengths shorter than 900km and at baseline lengths longer than 5000km. (1 data file).

  2. Implementation of a direct-imaging and FX correlator for the BEST-2 array

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Foster, G.; Hickish, J.; Magro, A.; Price, D.; Zarb Adami, K.


    A new digital backend has been developed for the Basic Element for SKA Training II (BEST-2) array at Radiotelescopi di Medicina, INAF-IRA, Italy, which allows concurrent operation of an FX correlator, and a direct-imaging correlator and beamformer. This backend serves as a platform for testing some of the spatial Fourier transform concepts which have been proposed for use in computing correlations on regularly gridded arrays. While spatial Fourier transform-based beamformers have been implemented previously, this is, to our knowledge, the first time a direct-imaging correlator has been deployed on a radio astronomy array. Concurrent observations with the FX and direct-imaging correlator allow for direct comparison between the two architectures. Additionally, we show the potential of the direct-imaging correlator for time-domain astronomy, by passing a subset of beams though a pulsar and transient detection pipeline. These results provide a timely verification for spatial Fourier transform-based instruments that are currently in commissioning. These instruments aim to detect highly redshifted hydrogen from the epoch of reionization and/or to perform wide-field surveys for time-domain studies of the radio sky. We experimentally show the direct-imaging correlator architecture to be a viable solution for correlation and beamforming.

  3. What do Cochrane systematic reviews say about non-surgical interventions for urinary incontinence in women?


    Costa, Anderson Adriano Leal Freitas da; Vasconcellos, Igor Martins; Pacheco, Rafael Leite; Bella, Zsuzsanna Ilona Katalin de Jármy Di; Riera, Rachel


    Urinary incontinence is a highly prevalent condition that impacts self-esteem and overall quality of life. Many non-surgical treatment options are available, ranging from pharmacological approaches to pelvic exercises. We aimed to summarize the available evidence regarding these non-surgical interventions. Review of systematic reviews, conducted in the Discipline of Evidence-Based Medicine, Escola Paulista de Medicina, Universidade Federal de São Paulo (EPM-UNIFESP). A sensitive search was conducted to identify all Cochrane systematic reviews that fulfilled the inclusion criteria. Titles and abstracts were screened by two authors. We included 20 Cochrane systematic reviews: 4 assessing methods of vesical training, 3 evaluating pharmacological interventions, 4 studying pelvic floor muscle training approaches and 9 aimed at other alternatives (such as urethral injections, weighted vaginal cone use, acupuncture, biostimulation and radiofrequency therapy). The reviews found that the evidence regarding the benefits of these diverse interventions ranged in quality from low to high. This review included 20 Cochrane systematic reviews that provided evidence (of diverse quality) for non-pharmacological interventions for patients with urinary incontinence. Moderate to high quality of evidence was found favoring the use of pelvic floor muscle training among women with urinary incontinence. To establish solid conclusions for all the other comparisons, further studies of good methodological quality are needed.

  4. Prognostic implications of telomerase expression in pituitary adenomas.


    Tortosa, F; Webb, S M


    To analyse the prognostic value of telomerase expression in patients with pituitary adenomas (PAs) followed-up for at least 8 years. A retrospective study was conducted of samples from 51 PAs (40 typical and 11 atypical) from patients who underwent transsphenoidal surgery between 2006 and 2008 and from 10 normal pituitary glands obtained by autopsy. Telomerase expression was assessed by immunohistochemistry, correlating the expression with that of Ki-67 and p53. We observed telomerase expression in 43 PAs (84.3%, 32 of the 40 typical PAs and in the 11 atypical PAs), which was higher in the clinically nonfunctioning cases (P=.0034) and very rare in the patients with acromegaly (P=.0001). There was a significant association between the percentage of tumour cells (>10%) and the recurrence of the adenoma (P=.039). There was no correlation with the expression of Ki-67 and p53 (P=.4986), and there were no differences according to age, sex, tumour size and invasiveness. A telomerase expression rate greater than 10% in the pituitary tumour tissue was associated with recurrence or progression of the PA, especially in the nonfunctioning cases. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier España, S.L.U. and Sociedad Española de Medicina Interna (SEMI). All rights reserved.

  5. What do Cochrane systematic reviews say about new practices on integrative medicine?


    Riera, Rachel; Braga, Vinícius Lopes; Rocha, Luana Pompeu Dos Santos; Bernardo, Daniel Damasceno; Andrade, Luísa Avelar Fernandes de; Hsu, Jessica Chiu; Silva, Luciana Di Giovanni Marques da; Suetsugu, Rodrigo Cesar de Sá; Dittrich, Nicole Hosni; Lima, Lucas Riguete Pereira de; Silveira, Vicente Penido da; Kruglensky, Barbara Caon; Leonel, Letícia de Freitas; Barros, Edivando de Moura; Costa, Anderson Adriano Leal Freitas da; Quintella, Miguel Lins; Pacheco, Rafael Leite; Cruz, Carolina de Oliveira; Martimbianco, Ana Luiza Cabrera; Pachito, Daniela Vianna; Mozetic, Vania; Teixeira, Tatiana de Bruyn Ferraz; Torloni, Maria Regina; Atallah, Alvaro Nagib


    This study identified and summarized all Cochrane systematic reviews (SRs) on the effects of ten integrative practices that were recently added to the Brazilian public healthcare system (SUS). Review of systematic reviews, conducted in the Discipline of Evidence-Based Medicine, Escola Paulista de Medicina (EPM), Universidade Federal de São Paulo (Unifesp). Review of Cochrane SRs on the following interventions were identified, summarized and critically assessed: apitherapy, aromatherapy, bioenergetics, family constellation, flower therapy, chromotherapy, geotherapy, hypnotherapy, hand imposition or ozone therapy. We included a total of 16 SRs: 4 on apitherapy, 4 on aromatherapy, 6 on hypnotherapy and 2 on ozone therapy. No Cochrane SR was found regarding bioenergetics, family constellation, chromotherapy, clay therapy, flower therapy or hand imposition. The only high-quality evidence was in relation to the potential benefit of apitherapy, specifically regarding some benefits from honey dressings for partial healing of burn wounds, for reduction of coughing among children with acute coughs and for preventing allergic reactions to insect stings. Except for some specific uses of apitherapy (honey for burn wounds and for acute coughs and bee venom for allergic reactions to insect stings), the use of ten integrative practices that have recently been incorporated into SUS does not seem to be supported by evidence from Cochrane SRs.

  6. References from Brazilian medical journals in national publications.


    Teixeira, Renan Kleber Costa; Botelho, Nara Macedo; Petroianu, Andy


    To assess whether there is a preference for international journal citation to the detriment of national ones in ten Brazilian medical journals, in two different periods. All references in the articles published in Arquivos Brasileiros de Oftalmologia, Revista Brasileira de Cirurgia Cardiovascular, Revista da Associação Médica Brasileira, São Paulo Medical Journal, Arquivos Brasileiros de Endocrinologia e Metabologia, Clinics, Jornal Brasileiro de Pneumologia, Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical, Revista Brasileira de Psiquiatria e Acta Ortopédica Brasileira in the years 2011 and 2007 were analyzed, assessing the number of articles published in national and international journals. A total of 36,125 references from 1,462 articles published in the 10 aforementioned journals were analyzed. Of the total number, 4.242 (11.74%) were from Brazilian journals. There was no significant difference between the two analyzed periods. A total of 453 (30,98%) of the articles studied non-cited brazilian papers,and 81 (5.54%) articles had more Brazilian than international references. Of total references analyzed, 11.74% were related to articles published in Brazilian journals. This number, when compared to the percentage of Brazilian articles published in the medical area, demonstrates a good number of citations of national articles. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Editora Ltda. All rights reserved.

  7. Estudio epidemiológico de sucesos traumáticos, trastorno de estrés post-traumático y otros trastornos psiquiátricos en una muestra representativa de Chile

    PubMed Central

    Pérez Benítez, Carlos I.; Vicente, Benjamin; Zlotnick, Caron; Kohn, Robert; Johnson, Jennifer; Valdivia, Sandra; Rioseco, Pedro


    RESUMEN Durante la década de 1990 en los Estados Unidos (EU), el conocimiento sobre el trastorno de estrés post-traumático (TEPT) evolucionó de estudios específicos en un principio, sobre veteranos de guerra y sobre víctimas de desastres, a estudios epidemiológicos más tarde, sin embargo, la epidemiología del TEPT en países en desarrollo ha sido un área poco estudiada hasta ahora. Los expertos en el área de trauma han propuesto que los sucesos traumáticos que ocurren en la niñez son más perjudiciales para la salud mental que aquellos que ocurren más tarde en la vida. Este trabajo revisa los resultados de un estudio epidemiológico llevado a cabo en Chile. Específicamente, se revisan los resultados sobre las tasas de prevalencia del TEPT, traumas asociados más frecuentemente con él, así como la comorbilidad de este trastorno con otros trastornos psiquiátricos a lo largo de la vida. Igualmente se analizaron las diferencias del TEPT en cada sexo, así como la exposición a traumas en una muestra representativa de chilenos. Además se comparó la prevalencia de trastornos psiquiátricos en personas que sufrieron su primer trauma durante la niñez, durante la edad adulta, o que no reportaron traumas durante su vida. En estos estudios epidemiológicos se usaron módulos del TEPT y trastorno de personalidad antisocial (TPA) de la entrevista diagnóstica siguiendo los criterios del DSM-III-R (DIS–III-R). Para evaluar el resto de los trastornos psiquiátricos se usó la Entrevista Diagnóstica Internacional Compuesta (CIDI). Estos instrumentos fueron administrados en tres ciudades chilenas a 2390 personas mayores de 15 años. Para estimar los errores estándares (EE) debido al diseño de la muestra y a la necesidad de ajuste se usó el método Taylor de linearización seriada. También se usó un análisis de regresión logística para examinar la relación entre el TEPT, los factores demográficos de riesgo y el tipo de trauma. Además se utilizó la



    Petroianu, Andy


    within the limits and dimension that the wingspan of the professional allows. Revisar as normas, resoluções e documentos vigentes relativos ao tema consultoria e assessoria para melhor orientar as atuações de quem exerce esses papéis. Foram consultados os seguintes documentos: Estatuto da CAPES, por meio do Decreto Nº 7.692, de 02 de março de 2012; Portaria nº 47 de 17/10/1995; Parecer 977 de 1965 de Newton Sucupira; Documento de Área da Medicina III; Portaria Interministerial 251 de 2012, com base no Decreto nº 7642 de 2011 do Ministério de Ciência e Tecnologia; e Regimento da CAPES. O gerenciamento dos programas de pós-graduação stricto sensu requer estrutura multiprofissional diversificada em todos os seus níveis, constituída por corpo próprio da instituição e por componentes agregados, incluindo os consultores e assessores. O consultor é pessoa independente, sem vínculo com quem o convida e, nesse sentido, espera-se dele isenção na execução das tarefas solicitadas, nas quais se pressupõe domínio cultural, científico e humanístico. No Documento de Área da Medicina III, a consultoria é valorizada como atributo importante do Corpo Docente e está mencionada na Proposta dos Programas de Pós-graduação em seu item 2.1. Por outro lado, o assessor está vinculado ao solicitante em relação de dependência funcional. Dentro de sua área do conhecimento, o assessor é considerado adjunto do solicitante e pode substituí-lo ou representá-lo. No Documento de Área da Medicina III, o desempenho de assessoria pelo Corpo Docente está mencionado na Proposta dos Programas de Pós-graduação em seu item 5.2. Ter conhecimento sobre o que significa ser consultor e assessor é necessário para exercer a função dentro dos limites que lhe compete e na dimensão que a envergadura do profissional permite. Nada impede que uma pessoa seja consultora em situação e assessora em outra, até na mesma instituição. Ter conhecimento sobre o que significa

  9. Prototype of a computerized scale for the active search for potential organ donors.


    Ludwig, Érika Fernanda Dos Santos Bezerra; Pereira, Marta Cristiane Alves; Martinez, Yolanda Dora Évora; Mendes, Karina Dal Sasso; Rossaneis, Mariana Angela


    to develop a prototype of a computerized scale for the active search for potential organ and tissue donors. methodological study, with the analysis of 377 electronic medical records of patients who died due to encephalic death or cardiorespiratory arrest in the intensive care units of a tertiary hospital. Among the deaths due to cardiorespiratory arrest, the study aimed to identify factors indicating underreported encephalic death cases. The Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II and Sepsis Related Organ Failure Assessment severity indexes were applied in the protocols. Based on this, a scale was built and sent to five experts for assessment of the scale content, and subsequently, it was computerized by using a prototyping model. 34 underreported encephalic death cases were identified in the medical records of patients with cardiorespiratory arrest. Statistically significant differences were found in the Wilcoxon test between the scores of hospital admissions in the intensive care unit and the opening of the encephalic death protocol for both severity indexes. the prototype was effective for identifying potential organ donors, as well as for the identification of the degree of organ dysfunction in patients with encephalic death. desenvolver protótipo de escala informatizada para busca ativa de potenciais doadores de órgãos e tecidos. pesquisa metodológica, com análise de 377 prontuários eletrônicos de pacientes que evoluíram a óbito, por morte encefálica, ou parada cardiorrespiratória, nas unidades de terapia intensiva de hospital terciário. Nos óbitos por parada cardiorrespiratória, buscou-se identificar fatores que indicassem subnotificação de morte encefálica. Nos protocolos, foram aplicados os índices de gravidade Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II e Sepsis Related Organ Failure Assessment. A partir disso, construiu-se a escala que foi encaminhada a cinco especialistas, para avaliação de conteúdo, e, posteriormente


    PubMed Central

    Peña, Pablo A.


    Este artículo documenta una respuesta agregada negativa del logro educativo superior (más de 12 años de escolaridad) en México a la recesión de 1982–83 y el estancamiento que le siguió. La respuesta no fue homogénea entre géneros, regiones y entornos familiares. Los hombres experimentaron una caída en el logro mientras que las mujeres experimentaron un crecimiento más lento. En promedio, los estados con un mayor logro antes del choque experimentaron mayores caídas. La respuesta entre distintos entornos familiares no presenta un patrón claro. Sin embargo, el efecto negativo en el logro se observa incluso entre hermanos. La evidencia sugiere una historia por el lado de la demanda: la caída en el ingreso de los hogares parece ser el determinante de la caída/desaceleración del logro educativo superior. La conclusión es que la recesión y la falta de crecimiento que le siguió tuvieron un efecto negativo importante y duradero en la formación de capacidades en México. PMID:25328251

  11. Progresos recientes en Astronomía de Rayos Gamma

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Romero, G. E.

    Tras la exitosa misión del Compton Gamma-Ray Observatory durante los años 1990, la astronomía de rayos gamma ha entrado en una etapa de madurez, convirtiéndose en una de las principales herramientas para el estudio de procesos relativistas en el universo. En este reporte, presentaré una revisión de los principales tópicos abordados a través de estudios con rayos gamma en los últimos años, con particular énfasis en los intentos más recientes por establecer la naturaleza de las fuentes de rayos gamma no identificadas, detectadas por el instrumento EGRET.

  12. Una visita en Sud America

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)


    Oisfrute de una estadfa en el Hotel La Silla, el mejor hotel de Sud America con su tan unica atmosfera extraterrestre! Los espera su calificado personal de experimentados hoteleros, jefes de cocina, etc., ansiosos todos de satisfacer sus deseos hasta el mas mfnimo detalle. Naturalmente nuestro espacioso restaurant de tres estrellas ofrece un completo surtido de exquisitas comidas y deliciosos tragos (conocedores usualmente eligen "Oelicia Orion" 0 "Centauro Especial"). EI servicio cempleto durante 24 horas incluye nuestra ya mundialmente famosa "Cena de medianoche para los miradores de estrellas", por eso - no olvide: No pierda la oportunidad de una estadfa en EL HOTEL LA SILLA - una experiencia maravillosa!

  13. Enquête internationale sur l'état de l'art et l'état de la pratique en géotechnique

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Acosta-Martinez, Hugo; Delage, Pierre; Nicks, Jennifer; Day, Peter


    Cet article présente une synthèse des résultats de l'enquête internationale sur l'état de l'art et l'état de la pratique en ingénierie géotechnique lancée par le Groupe présidentiel des entreprises associées et le Comité de supervision technique de la Société internationale de mécanique des sols et de géotechnique en mars 2017. Il résume également les discussions qui ont eu lieu sur le sujet durant le 19e CIMSG à Séoul, le 20 septembre 2017.

  14. A Proposed Activity for a Meaningful Learning about the Moon Phases. (Breton Title: Uma Proposta de Atividade Para a Aprendizagem Significativa sobre as Fases da Lua.) Una Actividad Propuesta Para EL Aprendizaje Significativo Acerca de Las Fases de la Luna

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Martins, Bruno Andrade; Langhi, Rodolfo


    ínua avaliação durante o processo, culmina com a elaboração de uma história em quadrinhos envolvendo as fases da Lua. Portanto, o objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar uma proposta de atividade didática diferenciada sustentada pelos princípios teóricos da aprendizagem significativa aplicada ao ensino das fases da Lua durante as aulas de Física no ensino médio. En este trabajo se presenta uno de los contenidos de la Astronomía y el evidente fracaso en la enseñanza del tema en la escuela secundaria, a pesar del hecho que los documentos oficiales apuntan para la necesidad de trabajar contenidos de Astronomía en este nivel. Entre los conceptos alternativos en Astronomía que los alumnos secundarios llevan consigo, aún después de terminados los estudios, destacamos aquí el fenómeno de las fases de la Luna. El desarrollo de diferentes estrategias en relación con los métodos tradicionales, dirigidas al proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje en este tema fue considerado en este trabajo como uno de los resultados obtenidos a la luz de los referenciales del aprendizaje significativo, tal como fueron fundamentados por Ausubel. Según la propuesta que aquí se presenta, la participación activa de los estudiantes en la ejecución de una actividad experimental y otras actividades educativas destinadas a la evaluación continua durante el proceso culminó en la elaboración de una historieta respecto de las fases de la Luna. Por lo tanto, el objetivo de este trabajo es presentar una propuesta de actividad de enseñanza diferenciada con el apoyo de los principios teóricos del aprendizaje significativo aplicado a la enseñanza de las fases de la luna durante las clases de física del ciclo secundario.

  15. Positive deviance as a strategy to prevent and control bloodstream infections in intensive care.


    Oliveira, Francimar Tinoco de; Ferreira, Maria Manuela Frederico; Araújo, Silvia Teresa Carvalho de; Bessa, Amanda Trindade Teixeira de; Moraes, Advi Catarina Barbachan; Stipp, Marluci Andrade Conceição


    To describe the application of positive deviance as a strategy to prevent and control bloodstream infections. An intervention study with nursing and medical team members working in an intensive care unit in a university hospital, between June and December 2014. The four steps of the positive defiance methodology were applied: to define, to determine, to discover and to design. In 90 days, 188 actions were observed, of these, 36.70% (n=69) were related to catheter dressing. In 81.15% (n=56) of these dressings, the professionals most adhered to the use of flexible sterile cotton-tipped swabs to perform antisepsis at catheter entry sites and fixation dressing. Positive deviance contributed to the implementation of proposals to improve work processes and team development related to problems identified in central venous catheter care. Descrever a aplicação do Positive Deviance como estratégia na prevenção e no controle da infecção de corrente sanguínea. Estudo de intervenção realizado na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva de um hospital universitário, com os membros das equipes de enfermagem e médica, de junho a dezembro de 2014. Foram aplicados os quatro passos da metodologia Positive Deviance: Definir, Determinar, Descobrir e Desenhar. Em 90 dias 188 ações foram observadas, destas, 36,70% (n=69) estavam relacionadas aos curativos dos cateteres. Em 81,15% (n=56) desses curativos, o uso da haste flexível estéril para realização da antissepsia do local de inserção do cateter e de sua placa de fixação foi a ação de maior adesão. O Positive Deviance auxiliou na implementação de propostas de melhorias de processo de trabalho e no desenvolvimento da equipe para os problemas identificados no cuidado com o cateter venoso central.

  16. Therapeutic nursing care: transition in sexuality of the elderly caregiving spouse.


    Lima, Claudia Feio da Maia; Caldas, Célia Pereira; Santos, Iraci Dos; Trotte, Liana Amorim Correa; Silva, Bárbara Martins Corrêa da


    To understand the transitions experienced, and the conditions and expected response patterns to changes in sexuality of the spouse-caregiver of the elderly, during progression of the dementia process. A qualitative research study, conducted at the neurogeriatric clinic between May of 2014 and May of 2015. An intensive, individual interview was administered to 12 elderly caregivers. Thematic content analysis was applied, using the theoretical model of Transition Theory. Seven categories emerged, involving relationship and conjugal sexuality; disease repercussions; care and professional approach; attitudes, beliefs and social imagery of sexuality and care; family relationship and redefining of sexuality. Family development and marital life, the aspects of formation and development of sexuality, the specifics that involved living and caring for the other were understood, with successive events and changes influenced by old age, dementia, beliefs and social imagery. compreender as transições vivenciadas, suas condições e os padrões de resposta esperados a mudanças na sexualidade do cônjuge-cuidador do idoso em processo demencial. pesquisa de abordagem qualitativa, realizada no ambulatório de neurogeriatria, entre maio de 2014 e maio de 2015. Aplicou-se a entrevista individual e intensiva a 12 cônjuges-cuidadores de idosos. Fez-se a análise de conteúdo temática, com aplicação do modelo teórico da Teoria das Transições. emergiram sete categorias, que envolveram relação e sexualidade conjugal; repercussões da doença; o cuidado e a abordagem profissional; atitudes, crenças e imaginário social de sexualidade e cuidado; relação familiar e ressignificação de sexualidade. compreendeu-se a construção de vida familiar e conjugal; os aspectos de formação e desenvolvimento da sexualidade; as especificidades que envolvem viver e cuidar do outro, com sucessivos acontecimentos e mudanças influenciados pela velhice, por processo demencial, crenças e

  17. Comprehensiveness and humanization of nursing care management in the Intensive Care Unit.


    Medeiros, Adriane Calvetti de; Siqueira, Hedi Crecencia Heckler de; Zamberlan, Claudia; Cecagno, Diana; Nunes, Simone Dos Santos; Thurow, Mara Regina Bergmann


    Identifying the elements that promote comprehensiveness and humanization of nursing care management in the Intensive Care Unit, with an ecosystemic approach. A documentary qualitative study. The method of documentary analysis was used for data analysis. Four pre-established categories were identified - Technical; Organizational; Technological; and Humanizing Dimensions. Data resulted in forming two sub-categories that integrate the humanizing dimension category, namely 'Comprehensiveness in healthcare actions' and 'Integrating processes and promoters of humanization,' bringing forth implications and challenges in forms of managing health work processes, enabling organizational, structural and managerial changes to the provided healthcare. It was considered that all structural elements in managing nursing care with a focus on the needs of users should be in line with public policies and the principles of comprehensiveness and humanization, thus possessing strong potential for transforming health practices. Identificar os elementos capazes de promover a integralidade e a humanização na gestão do cuidado de enfermagem na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva, com enfoque ecossistêmico. Pesquisa documental, de natureza qualitativa. Para a análise dos dados utilizou-se do método da análise documental. SForam identificadas quatro categorias preestabelecidas ‒ Dimensões: Técnica; Organizacional; Tecnológica e Humanizadora. Os dados resultantes das duas subcategorias que integraram a categoria Dimensão Humanizadora, Integralidade nas ações do cuidado e Processos integradores e promotores de humanização, trazem implicações e desafios nos modos de gerir os processos de trabalho em saúde, o que possibilita transformações organizacionais, estruturais e gerenciais na produção do cuidado. Considera-se que na gestão do cuidado de enfermagem todos os elementos estruturantes, com enfoque nas necessidades dos usuários, devem estar em consonância com as políticas p

  18. Effects of zinc supplementation on fatigue and quality of life in patients with colorectal cancer.


    Ribeiro, Sofia Miranda de Figueiredo; Braga, Camila Bitu Moreno; Peria, Fernanda Maris; Martinez, Edson Zangiacomi; Rocha, José Joaquim Ribeiro da; Cunha, Selma Freire Carvalho


    To investigate the effects of oral zinc supplementation on fatigue intensity and quality of life of patients during chemotherapy for colorectal cancer. A prospective, randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled study was conducted with 24 patients on chemotherapy for colorectal adenocarcinoma in a tertiary care public hospital. The study patients received zinc capsules 35mg (Zinc Group, n=10) or placebo (Placebo Group, n=14) orally, twice daily (70mg/day), for 16 weeks, from the immediate postoperative period to the fourth chemotherapy cycle. Approximately 45 days after surgical resection of the tumor, all patients received a chemotherapeutic regimen. Before each of the four cycles of chemotherapy, the Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy-Fatigue scale was completed. We used a linear mixed model for longitudinal data for statistical analysis. The scores of quality of life and fatigue questionnaires were similar between the groups during the chemotherapy cycles. The Placebo Group presented worsening of quality of life and increased fatigue between the first and fourth cycles of chemotherapy, but there were no changes in the scores of quality of life or fatigue in the Zinc Group. Zinc supplementation prevented fatigue and maintained quality of life of patients with colorectal cancer on chemotherapy. Investigar os efeitos da suplementação oral de zinco sobre a intensidade da fadiga e a qualidade de vida de pacientes durante a quimioterapia para neoplasia colorretal. Estudo prospectivo, randomizado, controlado e duplo-cego conduzido em um hospital universitário público terciário, com 24 pacientes em regime quimioterápico para adenocarcinoma colorretal. Os pacientes receberam cápsulas de zinco 35mg (Grupo Zinco, n=10) ou placebo (Grupo Placebo, n=14) por via oral, duas vezes ao dia (70mg/dia), durante 16 semanas, desde o período pós-operatório imediato até o quarto ciclo de quimioterapia. Todos os pacientes receberam quimioterapia por

  19. Burnout syndrome in first to sixth-year medical students at a private university in the north of Mexico: descriptive cross-sectional study.


    Asencio-López, Laura; Almaraz-Celis, Guillermo Daniel; Carrillo Maciel, Vicente; Huerta Valenzuela, Paola; Silva Goytia, Luis; Muñoz Torres, Marcos; Monroy Caballero, Fernando; Regalado Tapia, Joel; Dipp Martin, Kerigma; López Miranda, Dinorah; Medina Lavenant, Clyvia; Pizarro Rodríguez, Karen; Santiago Martínez, Cesar; Saucedo Aparicio, Alma Geovanna; Flores Lepe, Rodolfo


    Burnout syndrome is a three-dimensional clinical syndrome caused by stress at work. It is frequent in professions which require direct contact with people. In Mexico, the presence of Burnout Syndrome in doctors and medical students, is characterized as a threat to their health, quality of life and professional performance. To evaluate the prevalence of burnout syndrome in students of years 1 through 6 of medical school at a private university in northern Mexico. Cross-sectional study in the Escuela de Medicina Campus Laguna de la Universidad Autónoma de Durango. The one-dimensional scale of Burnout Student (EUBE) and the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) were applied to the participants. SPSS 19 was used to analyze the data. Of the 344 students, 255 participated; 153 from years 1 to 3 (group 1); and 72 from years 4 to 6 (group 2). We found that 94.1% of the students of group 1 had mild burnout syndrome, and 2.8% had moderate burnout syndrome. In Group 2, 27.8% had moderate burnout syndrome, and 8.3% had severe burnout syndrome. The prevalence of severe burnout syndrome was higher in group 2 than in group 1 (p=0.02). Burnout syndrome affects medical students across all stages of their studies, and develops in a progressive way. In our study, external factors have no influence on the development of burnout syndrome.

  20. Soy food consumption and risk of prostate cancer: a meta-analysis of observational studies.


    Hwang, Ye Won; Kim, Soo Young; Jee, Sun Ha; Kim, Youn Nam; Nam, Chung Mo


    Soybean products have been suggested to have a chemo preventive effect against prostate cancer. The aim of this study was to provide a comprehensive meta-analysis on the extent of the possible association between soy-based food consumption and the risk of prostate cancer. Five cohort studies and 8 case-control studies were identified using MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL, Korea Medical Database, KoreaMed, Korean studies Information Service System, Japana Centra Revuo Medicina, China National Knowledge Infrastructure, and a manual search. Summary odds ratios (ORs) comparing high versus low categories of soybean consumptions were calculated on the basis of the random effect model. We analyzed the associations based on the different types of soybean consumptions. The summary ORs (95% CI) for total soy foods were 0.69 (CI = 0.57-0.84) and 0.75 (CI = 0.62-0.89) for nonfermented soy foods. Among individual soy foods, only tofu yielded a significant value of 0.73 (CI = 0.57-0.92). Consumption of soybean milk, miso, or natto did not significantly reduce the risk of prostate cancer. Genistein and daidzein were associated with a lower risk of prostate cancer. This systematic review suggests that soy food consumption could lower the risk of prostate cancer. This conclusion, however, should be interpreted with caution because various biases can affect the results of a meta-analysis.

What is the best description of isometric exercise?

Isometric exercises are tightening (contractions) of a specific muscle or group of muscles. During isometric exercises, the muscle doesn't noticeably change length. The affected joint also doesn't move. Isometric exercises help maintain strength.

Why isometric exercises are so effective?

Isometric exercises place tension on particular muscles without moving the surrounding joints. By applying constant tension to the muscles, isometric exercises can be useful for improving physical endurance and posture by strengthening and stabilizing the muscles.

What is an example of isometric exercise quizlet?

(Static Contraction) Pushing against the wall and pressing your palms together are examples of isometric exercises.

Which of the following are advantages of a static or isometric exercise?

Which of the following are advantages of static, or isometric, exercise? it is useful in strengthening muscles after an injury or surgery. Compared with weight machines, which of the following are characteristics of free weights? Free weight training is which of the following forms of resistance exercise?