Which of the following situations is consistent with Sherry Turkles research involving college students quizlet?

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Terms in this set (35)

In 2015, about ________ of U.S. adults reported that they had used an online dating site.


President Franklin D. Roosevelt gained public support with his "fireside chats," which made use of the ________


Symbolic-interaction theory explains how the mass media and social media ________

shape the reality we experience

The concept "media" refers to ________

channels of communication

Research indicates that social media contains a considerable amount of content that ________

glorifies various types of risk-taking

The concept "digital divide" refers to the fact that ________

there are large differences in internet use among various categories of people within a country or for the world as a whole

About what year in human history did mass communication first exist?


Which of the following situations is consistent with Sherry Turkle's research involving college students?

Norms have emerged making it okay to "tune out" of face-to-face conversations to check for online information.

Social media and mass media have a number of functions for society as a whole. Which of the following is NOT included in the chapter as one of these functions?

an agent of social control**

In general, people using social media present ________ images of themselves.


The most "followed" people on Twitter are ________


Which of the following statements is supported by research conducted at UCLA?

Students are likely to feel positively about online photos that they see have lots of "likes."

Research shows that about what share of U.S. teens claim that using social media makes them feel better connected to their friends?


Perhaps the most important consequence of the development of mass media and social media has been ________

expanding people's access to information

If you were marketing products effectively by using sociological data, you would ________

use older technology such as cable and satellite technology to sell to older people and newer, internet-based media to sell to younger people.**

Read the statements below. Which of these statements is NOT correct?

Couples who meet online marry sooner than couples who meet in more conventional ways.

Couples who meet online have a higher chance of divorce than couples who meet in more conventional ways.

Couples who meet online are typically older than couples who meet in more conventional ways.

Couples who meet online are less likely to share existing friends than couples who meet in more conventional ways.

Couples who meet online are typically older than couples who meet in more conventional ways.

The fundamental difference between older mass media and newer social media is that social media ________

is interactive**

The U.S. military supported the development of the internet because ________

the military feared that war would destroy city-based mass media.

One effective strategy to advance our capacity for media literacy is to ________

assume that there is no "truth" at all

Worldwide, the share of people who access the internet ________

is lower in regions of the world with lower average incomes.

Which of the following concepts refers to interactive media that allows people to communicate with one another and to form communities based on interests and goals?

social media

Which of the following statements about age and internet use in the United States is correct?

About 99 percent of young adults use the internet, as do about 60 percent of adults who have reached the age of sixty-five.

The insight of Marshall McLuhan can be summed up with which of the following statements?

"the medium is the message"

Research indicates that the average U.S. adult typically watches ________ hours of television each day.


An increasing share of U.S. employers ________

monitor the social media posted by their employees.

The theoretical approach closely linked to the ideas of Karl Marx is ________

the social-conflict approach

Feminist theory makes the claim that ________

mass media and social media support the domination of males over females.

For the world as a whole, about what share of men and women use the internet?

51% men and 45% women

the first use of the term "World Wide Web" and the creation of the first social-networking site both took place during the ________


research at Microsoft Corporation concluded that the use of social media increases

capacity to multitask

Research by Sherry Turkle concluded that the use of social media tends to make young people ________

experience less empathy toward others

The first medium of mass communication was the ________


by 1955, half of all US households

owned at least one television

The sociologist who explored the "presentation of self" was ________

Erving Goffman

Which of the following people is at the highest risk to experience cyber-bullying?

a young girl

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Which of the following situations is consistent with Sherry Turkles research involving college students?

Which of the following situations is consistent with Sherry Turkle's research involving college students? Norms have emerged making it okay to "tune out" of face-to-face conversations to check for online information. Which of the following statements illustrates the concept "media consolidation"?

For which of the following people is the risk of experiencing cyberbullying the highest?

The PRC also found that girls 15-17 years old experienced the most cyberbullying at 41%. That is higher than any other group in the study, regardless of gender or age.

Which of the following statements about age and internet use in the United States is correct quizlet?

Which of the following statements about age and internet use in the United States is correct? About 99 percent of young adults use the internet, as do about 60 percent of adults who have reached the age of sixty-five.

What year in human history did mass communication first exist?

Probably the most important milestone in the development of mass communication came in 1456 with the invention of the printing press and movable type.