Which of the following refers to the type of statistical methods used to draw conclusions about the population based on a sample?

Which of the following refers to the type of statistical methods used to draw conclusions about the population based on a sample?
In today’s fast-paced world, statistics is playing a major role in the field of research; that helps in the collection, analysis and presentation of data in a measurable form. It is quite hard to identify, whether the research relies on descriptive statistics or inferential statistics, as people usually, lacks knowledge about these two branches of statistics. As the name suggests, descriptive statistics is one which describes the population.

On the other end, Inferential statistics is used to make the generalisation about the population based on the samples. So, there is a big difference between descriptive and inferential statistics, i.e. what you do with your data. Let’s take a glance at this article to get some more details on the two topics.

  1. Comparison Chart
  2. Definition
  3. Key Differences
  4. Video
  5. Conclusion

Comparison Chart

Basis for ComparisonDescriptive StatisticsInferential Statistics
Meaning Descriptive Statistics is that branch of statistics which is concerned with describing the population under study. Inferential Statistics is a type of statistics, that focuses on drawing conclusions about the population, on the basis of sample analysis and observation.
What it does? Organize, analyze and present data in a meaningful way. Compares, test and predicts data.
Form of final Result Charts, Graphs and Tables Probability
Usage To describe a situation. To explain the chances of occurrence of an event.
Function It explains the data, which is already known, to summarize sample. It attempts to reach the conclusion to learn about the population, that extends beyond the data available.

Definition of Descriptive Statistics

Descriptive Statistics refers to a discipline that quantitatively describes the important characteristics of the dataset. For the purpose of describing properties, it uses measures of central tendency, i.e. mean, median, mode and the measures of dispersion i.e. range, standard deviation, quartile deviation and variance, etc.

The data is summarised by the researcher, in a useful way, with the help of numerical and graphical tools such as charts, tables, and graphs, to represent data in an accurate way. Moreover, the text is presented in support of the diagrams, to explain what they represent.

Definition of Inferential Statistics

Inferential Statistics is all about generalising from the sample to the population, i.e. the results of the analysis of the sample can be deduced to the larger population, from which the sample is taken. It is a convenient way to draw conclusions about the population when it is not possible to query each and every member of the universe. The sample chosen is a representative of the entire population; therefore, it should contain important features of the population.

Inferential Statistics is used to determine the probability of properties of the population on the basis of the properties of the sample, by employing probability theory. The major inferential statistics are based on the statistical models such as Analysis of Variance, chi-square test, student’s t distribution, regression analysis, etc. Methods of inferential statistics:

  • Estimation of parameters
  • Testing of hypothesis

Key Differences Between Descriptive and Inferential Statistics

The difference between descriptive and inferential statistics can be drawn clearly on the following grounds:

  1. Descriptive Statistics is a discipline which is concerned with describing the population under study. Inferential Statistics is a type of statistics; that focuses on drawing conclusions about the population, on the basis of sample analysis and observation.
  2. Descriptive Statistics collects, organises, analyzes and presents data in a meaningful way. On the contrary, Inferential Statistics, compares data, test hypothesis and make predictions of the future outcomes.
  3. There is a diagrammatic or tabular representation of final result in descriptive statistics whereas the final result is displayed in the form of probability.
  4. Descriptive statistics describes a situation while inferential statistics explains the likelihood of the occurrence of an event.
  5. Descriptive statistics explains the data, which is already known, to summarise sample. Conversely, inferential statistics attempts to reach the conclusion to learn about the population; that extends beyond the data available.

Video: Descriptive Vs Inferential Statistics


So, we have enough discussion on the two subjects, all you need to know is that descriptive statistics is all about illustrating your current dataset whereas inferential statistics focuses on making assumptions on the additional population, that is beyond the dataset under study. While descriptive statistics provide the summation of the data the researcher has actually studied whereas inferential statistics, makes the generalisation, which means the data provided to you is not actually studied.

Which refers to the process of using sample statistics to draw conclusions about true population parameters?

The process of using sample statistics to make conclusions about population parameters is known as inferential statistics. In other words, data from a sample are used to make an inference about a population.

What is the method by which one makes a conclusion about the entire population based on information obtained from a sample?

Statistical inference is the process of drawing conclusions about an underlying population based on a sample or subset of the data.

What are the 4 statistical methods?

Statistical methods were classified into four categories: descriptive methods, parametric inferential methods, nonparametric inferential methods, and predictive methods.

How does statistical analysis help us draw conclusions about populations?

In inferential statistics, we use sample statistics to estimate population parameters. For example, if we collect a random sample of adult women in the United States and measure their heights, we can calculate the sample mean and use it as an unbiased estimate of the population mean.