Which of the following recommendations would you give to someone to prevent musculoskeletal disorders whose job involves sitting most of the day?

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When seated in a chair your legs should be in what position quizlet?

Terms in this set (18) Push your hips as far back as possible. Adjust the seat height so your feet are flat on the floor and your knees equal to, or slightly lower than your hips.

Which choice best describes the proper lifting procedure when lifting a heavy item that will help to prevent back injuries?

Which choice best describes the proper lifting procedure when lifting a heavy item that will help to prevent back injuries? -Jerk the item up quickly to get to a full standing position.

Which of the following suggestions will help to avoid glare?

Indirect lighting is the best method for increasing illumination while controlling glare. Position work surfaces or lighting to avoid glare by reflecting the light away from the eyes.

What is the most important consideration before using a space heater in a healthcare facility?

What is the MOST important consideration before using a space heater in a healthcare facility? The space heater is approved for use and inspected by the facilities management department. What does the YELLOW color on the NFPA diamond represent? A small spill of blood has occurred that involves broken glass.