Which of the following properly assesses the direction of the Christian lobby in the Gilded Age quizlet?

Which of the following statements properly assesses the significance of wage labor during the Gilded Age?

Which of the following properly assesses the significance of wage labor in industrializing America during the Gilded Age? D. More and more American's experiences wage labor as a permanent condition on the edge of poverty.

How did the American Catholic Church act during the Gilded Age quizlet?

How did the American Catholic Church act during the Gilded Age? The American Catholic Church saw a growing number of clergy advocate social justice and reform. The Greenback-Labor Party: wanted the federal government to stop taking money out of circulation.

Which of the following properly assess is the significance of the passage of the Sherman Anti Trust Act in 1890 quizlet?

Which of the following properly assesses the significance of the passage of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act in 1890? The law established a precedent that the national government could regulate the economy in the interest of the public good.

Which of the following statements accurately describes elections during the Gilded Age?

Which of the following statements accurately describes elections during the Gilded Age? Elections were closely contested affairs characterized by intense part loyalty.