Which of the following outcomes Cannot generally be attributed to unions quizlet?

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    Terms in this set (163)

    A union contract is:

    A legally binding document that describes the terms of employment (e.g., wages hours, working conditions).

    A workplace that is open only to workers who belong to the union is known as:

    A closed shop.

    According to the critical industrial relations perspective, the answer to "the labor problem" is:

    Social unrest and agitation that will lead to worker control.

    According to the human resource management school, equity will be achieved only:

    If employers become responsive to employee needs.

    According to the human resources school of thought, labor unions are:

    a sign of unhealthy HR practices and problematic because they promote adversarial management-labor relationships.

    According to the human resources school of thought, the labor problem stems from:

    Poor management.

    According to the industrial relations school, the role of the government and legislation should be to:

    Ensure that labor and management's relative power is balanced.

    At present, the gap between those employees who say they want unions and those that have union representation in the private sector at their workplace is about:


    In 1886, a Chicago rally to protest police repression of strikers turned violent when a bomb was thrown into the police ranks and police fired into the departing crowd. This incident is known as:

    The Haymarket Tragedy.

    In the United States, younger workers are:

    Significantly less likely to belong to a union than older workers.

    In the critical industrial relations school, the primary aim of labor unions should be to?

    Do nothing; there is no useful role for unions in the critical industrial relations school.

    In the early 1900s, the richest 1 percent of households in America controlled the greatest concentration of wealth in U.S. history at:

    45 percent.

    In the mainstream economic perspective, the role of the government is to:

    Pass laws that promote competition.

    In the mainstream school of thought, unions are:

    monopolies that restrict market competition.

    Most countries base their industrial relations system on the perspective that:

    There should be balance between worker and employer rights.

    News and other media portrayals of unions and union workers tend to:

    Reinforce stereotypes of unions made up of greedy and lazy workers that engage in frequent and violent strikes.

    Revolutionary unionism tries to create ____________________ solidarity rather than solidarity by occupation or industry.

    Working class

    Taken as a whole, U.S. labor law is most closely aligned with which one of the four schools of thought on the labor problem?

    Industrial relations.

    The AFL and the CIO merged in 1955 because:

    The two unions were expending considerable resources raiding each other for members.

    The American Federation of Labor focused its organizing efforts on:

    Skilled craft workers.

    The CIO formed as a result of:

    Differences with the AFL over unionization by industry, rather than by craft.

    The Homestead strike in 1892 and the Pullman strike in 1894 were representative of the clash between employers and the AFL over who had the right to establish:

    Work standards and production decisions.

    The crucial feature of collective bargaining is that management's traditional authority to unilaterally establish terms and conditions of employment is replaced by ____________________ negotiations.


    The first permanent union in the U.S. is attributed to the:

    shoemakers' industry.

    The industrial relations school of thought rests on the assumption that labor market outcomes are determined by:

    The relative bargaining strength of parties to the employment relationship.

    The major strategy of the unions of the American Federation of Labor focused on

    Collective bargaining and the threat of strikes.

    The shock effect refers to the tendency for

    managers in unionized firms to become better managers in response to unionization.

    To achieve gains for its members, the Knights of Labor focused primarily on

    Education and reforming capitalism.

    Union contracts are:

    Legally enforceable for both employees and employers.

    Union density in the United States is currently estimated at ____________________.

    less than 15 percent

    Welfare capitalism is characterized by:

    Management systems that emphasize orderly hiring and firing procedures, wage incentives, protective insurance, positive work culture, and employee voice.

    When an employer adopts an employee participation program, such as a workplace safety committee, it is most directly addressing which objective of the employment relationship?


    When an employer allows supervisors to arbitrarily discipline employees without cause, it is most directly violating which objective of the employment relationship?


    Which of the following best summarizes the trends in U.S. union density since the 1980s?

    Increases in the public sector and decreases in the private sector.

    Which of the following methods to establish workplace governance is suggested by the critical industrial relations perspective?

    Worker control of organization.

    Which of the following outcomes cannot generally be attributed to unions?

    Greater flexibility in work rules.

    Which of the following unions is most accurately described as a revolutionary union?

    The Industrial Workers of the World.

    Which of the following unions is typically considered to be an uplift union?

    Knights of Labor.

    Which of the four schools of thought believes that workers and employers have common interests that can be aligned for the benefit of all?

    Human resource management.

    Which of the four schools of thought is the only one that conforms to the belief that workers and employers are equals in the labor market?

    Mainstream economics.

    A local union may represent:

    All of the above.

    A national labor federation is:

    An association of labor unions that provides support and leadership to the labor movement.

    A union contract provision that requires employees to join the union after a certain amount of time on the job is known as a:

    Union shop clause.

    A union organizing tactic in which paid union organizers attempt to get hired by a company is known as:


    A yellow dog contract is

    A promise by a worker not to join or support a union.

    After 3 years of union representation, employees at Stellar Snowboard Manufacturing company decide that they wish to end their relationship with the union. The employees must:

    File a petition for decertification election.

    If a union gathers signed authorization cards from more than ____________________ percent of the employees, it can ask the employer to recognize the union as the bargaining agent of the employees.


    In 1806, a group of Philadelphia shoemakers was convicted of ____________________ for joining together and refusing to work unless their terms were met.

    Illegal conspiracy

    In 2005, seven of the country's largest unions left the AFL-CIO to form a new federation of unions called:

    Change to Win.

    In a union organizing campaign and election, the appropriate bargaining unit is defined by:

    The NLRB.

    In deciding whether to vote "yes" in the union election, Joan is not particularly interested in becoming a union member but strongly believes that the union will improve the wages and working conditions at her company. Joan is likely to vote "yes" in the election because her level of __________________ is high

    Union instrumentality

    In the 10 years following the passage of the Wagner Act of 1935, unionization levels:

    Increased dramatically.

    In the 1920's, some companies like Ford and Rockefeller Steel used welfare capitalism as a way to keep unions from forming in their plants and mines. Welfare capitalism is a best described as:

    A union substitution tactic.

    In the ____________________ model of representation, a union is like an insurance company, where workers pay dues and are in turn protected against bad times.


    Job control unionism, which has dominated U.S. unions since WWII, is characterized by all of the following except:

    Informal grievance procedures.

    Most U.S. unions are formed through:

    Secret ballot elections.

    National and local unions are governed by:

    Democratic methods in which union members elect union leaders whose actions are constrained by a constitution, by-laws, and elections.

    The Civil Service Reform Act of 1978:

    Grants federal employees unionization rights.

    The Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service:

    Provides voluntary mediation to parties involved in a labor dispute.

    The Landrum-Griffin Act of 1959 (Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosing Act) was passed primarily in response to:

    Unethical and illegal behaviors of unions.

    The Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890 was passed to:

    Break up monopolies and trusts that had come to dominate entire industries toward the end of the 1800s.

    The ________________________ model of representation views unions as institutions of worker participation, empowerment, and mobilization.


    The appropriate bargaining unit defines:

    Which occupations and locations of a particular employer will be included in the representation election.

    The evening before a union election, an employer held a company picnic for its employees. Attendance at the picnic was required and the company president gave a passionate speech urging employees not to vote for the union. The most likely reason the NLRB would consider this a violation of the NLRA is:

    The picnic amounts to a captive audience meeting held within 24 hours of the election.

    The notion that failing to develop special relationships in favor of developing relationships based on exploitation or self-interest is unethical stems from the ethical framework of:


    The significance of the Railway Labor Act is that it:

    Set the stage for national legislation that protected workers rights to unionize and bargain collectively.

    Union substitution refers to:

    Management policies and practices adopted to keep unions out by making them unnecessary.

    What legislation created a national minimum wage, mandatory overtime premium for qualified workers, and restrictions on child labor?

    Fair Labor Standards Act.

    When an employer prohibits outside organizations from entering the workplace and interacting with workers, it is called ____________________.

    A no solicitation rule

    Which of the following is likely to be considered a "supervisor" by definition of the NLRA and subsequent interpretations by the NLRB and Supreme Court?

    Employees who are accountable for the performance of other employees.

    Which of the following is not a legal tactic that unions can use to attempt to organize workers:

    All of the above are legal.

    Which of the following is not considered a component of the economic environment of industrial relations?

    Bankruptcy codes.

    Which of the following is outlawed under the Taft-Hartley Act of 1947?

    Closed shop agreements.

    A ____________________ is an employer-initiated rather than worker-initiated work stoppage during a bargaining impasse.


    A key principle of integrative bargaining is that the parties should focus on ___________________ in negotiations.

    Common interests

    A unilateral change as it pertains to bad faith bargaining occurs when:

    An employer changes wages, benefits or other terms of employment without first bargaining with the union.

    An employee who wants to work instead of strike has the legal right to:

    Cross any picket line and/or resign from the union.

    As it pertains to bad faith bargaining, direct dealing occurs when:

    An employer goes around the union to discuss issues directly with the employees in a way that undermines the union's ability to bargain.

    Bargaining power can best be described as:

    The ability to secure another's agreement on your own terms.

    In _______________________ arbitration, the arbitrator is not constrained to choose either the management or union's offer(s); rather she can make up whatever final contract terms she deems appropriate and fair.


    In negotiations, once both parties have presented their initial proposals, it is common for them to start bargaining with the:

    Easiest issues first.

    In the 1960's, Lemuel Boulware determined General Electric's desired contract based on a careful financial analysis and a survey of the employees. He then crafted a "take it or leave it" proposal, presented it to the union, and refused to engage in discussions over the contract proposal. This is best described as an extreme example of:

    Surface bargaining.

    Multilateral bargaining occurs when:

    Negotiations occur between multiple parties such as union, management, government officials, and workers.

    Since the 1980s the use of pattern bargaining has:


    The NLRB's responsibility to distinguish between issues that are mandatory, permissive and illegal bargaining items is called:

    The Borg-Warner doctrine

    The bargaining environment is defined as:

    The diverse set of external influences on labor and management as they bargain a contract.

    The binders used to create a complete record of the negotiation, including agendas, proposals, cost estimates, and supporting documents is called the:

    Bargaining book.

    The employment relationship is labeled a mixed motive because:

    It is a mixture of conflicts of interests and shared opportunities for the employer-employee-union relationship.

    The four bargaining subprocesses identified by Walton and McKersie include all of the following except:

    Concession bargaining

    The goal of an intermittent strike is to:

    Disrupt the employer's business while also preventing it from hiring strike replacements.

    The key difference between mediation and arbitration is:

    A mediator has no authority to make a final and binding decision.

    The process of producing a legally binding, written contract that specifies wages, benefits, layoff policies, grievance procedures, etc. is called:

    Collective bargaining.

    The tendency for management and labor to rely on an arbitrator to make decisions for them, rather than come to an agreement themselves, is known as:

    The narcotic effect.

    Third-party dispute resolution mechanisms use ____________________ to settle bargaining impasses with the goal of avoiding costly strikes.

    a neutral third-party

    When employees go out on strike without the authorization of the union, it is called a:

    Wildcat strike.

    When employees protest working conditions by following the employer's rules "to the letter", they are said to be engaged in a:

    Work to rule campaign.

    When employees strike to force an employer to accept a union as their bargaining agent, it is called a ____________________ strike.


    When unions negotiate contracts with one company at a time, each modeling their settlements after prior contracts negotiated in the same industry or covering similar jobs, it is known as:

    Pattern bargaining

    Which of the following could be considered a secondary boycott?

    A union encourages consumers not to purchase from Wal-Mart because it sells products that are produced by a company that they are currently striking.

    Which of the following is a legal bargaining item?

    Union representation on the board of directors.

    Which of the following is a strike not protected under the NLRA?


    Which of the following is not a step in the integrative bargaining process?

    Present a list of demands to the other party.

    Which of the following is not an example of bad faith bargaining?

    Bilateral bargaining.

    Which of the following is not an interest dispute?

    Whether a particular employee has been properly disciplined.

    Which of the following is not considered a "permissive" bargaining issue:

    Bonus plans.

    Which of the following is true with respect to strike activity in the U.S.?

    It has declined sharply since the 1980's.

    A fostering change strategy requires all of the following except:

    Threats of relocation and plant closure.

    A system to protect workers against managerial abuse by dictating rewards and job allocation through detailed work rules, seniority rights, and/or a contract is known as:

    Job control unionism.

    An agreement that requires employees to settle disputes with their employer using arbitration instead of a lawsuit is known as:

    Mandatory arbitration agreement

    An example of a continuous process strategy that use statistical methods to measure defects and guide continuous improvement is:

    Total quality management.

    Changing labor utilization through varying work hours or number of employees is the goal of ____________________.

    employment flexibility

    Easily shifting workers into different jobs in response to changing customer demands and production needs is the goal of ____________________.

    Functional flexibility

    High performance work practices have been linked to:

    All of the above
    Higher satisfaction, stress, commitment

    In return for management's agreement to arbitrate disputes in the workplace, the union generally waives:

    The right to strike.

    Interpreting, applying and resolving conflicts that arise under a union contract is called:

    Contract administration.

    Just cause discipline and discharge, seniority rights, compensation, and grievance procedures are all examples of ____________________ granted in contracts.

    employee rights

    Once a union contract is in place, ____________________ are disagreements over whether someone has been treated appropriately given the contract provisions in place.

    rights disputes

    Quality circles are:

    All of the above.
    frequent component
    Not intended

    Quality of working life programs were implemented largely to deal with problems associated with:

    Worker dissatisfaction.

    Relocating to a nonunion site (e.g., in the south or in another country), by subcontracting or by working toward union decertification is a change strategy for unionized companies known as:


    Strategies to overcome resistance to change that are most consistent with a fostering change strategy include:

    All of the above.
    Integrative bargaining
    Education Participation Facilitation

    Systems of mutually-supporting human resources practices that combine flexibility with employee involvement in decision making are called ____________________.

    high-performance work systems

    The 1960 Supreme Court decision(s) that established the importance and legitimacy of grievance arbitration is/are referred to as the ____________________.

    Steelworkers Trilogy

    The 7 tests of just cause in an employee disciplinary action include all of the following except:

    Whether guilt has been proved beyond a reasonable doubt.

    The American version of "lean production" has been called:

    Management by stress.

    The dominant paradigm of work structure in the U.S. for much of the 20th century was:

    Scientific management.

    The four types of flexibility needed by businesses include all of the following except:

    Community flexibility.

    The notion that management retains all rights to make decisions on issues that are not explicitly addressed in the contract is called the:

    Reserved or residual rights doctrine.

    The purpose of a management rights clause is to ensure that management:

    Maintains decision-making authority over traditional management functions.

    The right of workers to pay only the amount of dues that goes toward collective bargaining and contract administration is called:

    Beck rights.

    The underlying principle of quality of working life programs was that:

    If working conditions were more humane, job satisfaction and product quality would increase.

    Union and agency shop agreements are intended to minimize the ____________________________ problem that arises from a union's duty of fair representation:

    Free rider

    Weingarten rights describe:

    The right of a unionized worker to have a representative present at a disciplinary meeting.

    When interpreting contracts, arbitrators look to:

    All of the above.
    The contractual language.
    Past practice.

    Which of the following union security clauses requires an employee to become a union member before they are hired:

    Closed shop.

    Work specialization increases efficiency in all of the following ways except by:

    Keeping employees engaged and focused on their jobs.

    A European Works Council is:

    A transnational, company-level committee of employees from different operations that has the right to consult with and receive information from a company.

    An enterprise union only represents workers in a single ____________________.


    An export processing zone is:

    A special area within a developing country that is dedicated to attracting and supporting multinational investment.

    Another name for sector bargaining might be:

    Industry-wide bargaining

    Australian unions have traditionally been:

    Craft or occupational unions.

    Canadian labor law is patterned after the _______________________ labor relations system.

    United States

    Company codes of conduct typically include a statement of commitment regarding:

    Fair, Labor, Corporate
    All of the above.

    Configuration and coordination are two dimensions of:

    A multinational corporation's global strategy.

    Cross-border flows of corporate investments such as purchasing or establishing foreign subsidiaries and joint ventures is called

    Foreign direct investment.

    French union federations are often focused on a(n) _________________________ agenda.

    Political or ideological

    International investment portfolios can be beneficial because:

    They provide working capital for local companies and financing for foreign government operations.

    International trade can be defined as the cross-border flow of:

    Goods and services

    Japanese labor law was modeled after the ___________________ system of labor relations.


    The Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work established:

    A set of core labor standards for countries participating in the ILO.

    The German system of codetermination includes two major features, works council and:

    Employee representation on supervisory boards.

    The ILO's unique tripartite structure consists of ____________________.

    each country sending representatives of government, labor, and business.

    The Irish labor relations system is similar to that of Great Britain except that:

    The Irish system includes social partnership in addition to voluntarism.

    The North American Agreement on Labor Cooperation promotes all of the following except:

    Management rights to determine work assignments.

    The Solidarity Union was established to fight for free and independent labor unions in:


    The highest union density belongs to which country:


    The labor relations system in Great Britain illustrates the very important concept of ____________________.


    The main feature of labor relations in Australia is a centralized system of:

    Arbitration awards that specify pay and working conditions for an occupation.

    The major dimensions of labor relations in Sweden and other Nordic countries are similar to those found in:


    When a foreign competitor is able to unfairly sell a product at a lower price because it receives subsidies from the host government or exploits, lower labor or lower environmental standards, it is called:

    Social dumping.

    Which of the following countries has the lowest union density rate:

    United States.

    Which of the following is not a type of European Works Council?


    _________________________ predicts that labor relations practices and policies across countries will become more and more alike as globalization continues.

    Convergence theory.

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