Which of the following is true of the courts control over the federal bureaucracy quizlet?

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    Which of the following is true of the courts control over the federal bureaucracy quizlet?

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    Government in America: Elections and Updates Edition

    16th EditionGeorge C. Edwards III, Martin P. Wattenberg, Robert L. Lineberry

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    Which of the following is true of the courts control over the federal bureaucracy quizlet?

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    Terms in this set (46)

    Which of the following statements about the development of bureaucracies is accurate?

    The Framers did not clearly envision bureaucracies, but the departments, agencies, and bureaus that constitute the executive branch are necessary to turn political choices in policy realities.

    All of the challenges the bureaucracies face are different facets of what dilemma?


    How does the Constitution solve the dilemma of delegation?

    It establishes a system of separated powers that provides distinct checks on the bureaucracy.

    How did the Framers address the question of government administration at the Constitutional Convention?

    Not very clearly, but they did believe that the President should have absolute control over officials serving in the executive branch

    The remarkable variety of arrangements adopted to administer government policies is largely a product of the endless search by Congress and the White House for which of the following?

    Ways to maximize the potential political benefits and minimize the potential political costs each time they decide to exercise and delegate their authority

    The colonial experience with the king's governors and other royal officials had which of the following effects on the members of Congress?

    They became wary of delegating too much authority to the executive.

    Originally, the first three departments in the executive branch were which of the following?

    Treasury, Foreign Affairs, and War

    The advantages of delegating authority to a unified executive were clear to the Framers of the

    executives might pursue ends contrary to those desired by congressional majorities.

    President Washington was given the sole right to remove department heads by which authority?

    A unanimous vote in the First Congress

    How did the executive branch struggle with the dilemma of delegation?

    The President ensured that agents acting ostensibly on its behalf would faithfully carry out official policies.

    During the Federalist years, federal government workers were primarily occupied with which of the following?

    Delivering the mail and collecting duties and taxes

    President George Washington sought to meet the problem of delegation in part by doing which of the following?

    By appointing men of superior reputation, education, and means—as well as with financial incentives such as giving customs officials a share of goods seized from smugglers

    When it came to governing, Andrew Jackson believed that no experience was necessary and thus took which of the following actions?

    He advocated rotation in office.

    What is the name of the practice where the winning political party dispenses government jobs?

    Spoils system

    Why does bureaucratic organization develop?

    Leaders are trying to solve the huge problems of coordination and delegation raised by many forms of large-scale collective action.

    The model bureaucracy is best described as which of the following?

    A purposive machine with interchangeable human parts designed to facilitate collective action while enabling principals to control agents

    Bureaucratic organization imposes heavy conformity costs on both bureaucrats and the people they deal with in return for which of the following?

    Reducing transaction costs and agency losses

    The term for the labyrinthine procedures, layers of paperwork, and strict adherence to form for which bureaucracies are legendary is which of the following?

    Red tape

    Which of the following describes the group dubbed the "Whiskey Ring" during the Grant administration?

    A group of revenue officials, all political appointees, who conspired with distillers to evade taxes on a massive scale

    The Pendleton Act, the basis for the modern civil service, initially did which of the following?

    Put about 10 percent of federal jobs under the merit system

    Which of the following is a problem with a professional civil service?

    Career bureaucrats inevitably develop their own personal and institutional interests, and the rules designed to protect them from political retaliation make it difficult to punish them for shirking or incompetence.

    As a proportion of the population, the federal workforce

    had actually been shrinking since the 1950s until the onset of the War on Terrorism.

    What does the history of the President's Cabinet tell us about the political history of the United States?

    It paints a picture of the succession of social and economic interests that have become powerful enough to command this level of political recognition.

    Why was the creation of the Department of the Interior a major victory for members of Congress from the western states?

    It meant that the government would pay more attention to their constituents' concerns: public lands, natural resources, and Native American affairs.

    Why did the Departments of Agriculture, Labor, and Commerce represent a new type of agency?

    Unlike prior departments, which served general social purposes, each of these departments was established to serve the particular clientele indicated by its title.

    The creation of the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare in 1953 did which of the following?

    It not only marked the Republican Party's acceptance of the legitimacy of the federal government's expanded role in providing for the economic welfare of Americans, it also was a ploy to reduce the autonomy of officials appointed by the Democrats during the New Deal.

    Which of the following is true about the Department of Energy?

    It was created by President Jimmy Carter as a political response to the energy shortage of the 1970s and a declaration of his administration's commitment to securing adequate supplies of energy for the nation.

    The creation of the Department of Homeland Security in 2002

    was the most far-reaching government reorganization in fifty years as it involved more than 180,000 employees and budgets totaling more than $33 billion dollars.

    NASA is an example of which of the following?

    An independent executive agency

    Which of the following statements about independent regulatory agencies is correct?

    The appointees serve at the pleasure of the President.

    The main responsibility of the Federal Reserve System is

    making monetary policy.

    Independent regulatory agencies

    are political creations so that unresolved political conflicts may be built into an agency's structure, where they will continue to play themselves out in a new venue.

    Independent government corporations

    deliver the kinds of services usually provided by private corporations.

    How can the amount of federal spending increase dramatically despite the fact that the federal workforce has scarcely grown at all?

    Through delegation of administrative duties to state and local government agencies, Congress can add programs, which voters like, without increasing the federal bureaucracy, which voters do not like.

    What is the approximate size the nonmilitary federal civilian workforce?

    1.9 million personnel

    Whether pursuing resources or autonomy, all bureaucracies have to engage in

    politics that involves mobilizing supporters, gathering allies, negotiating mutually beneficial deals with other politicians, keeping in touch with people whose cooperation is needed, and adapting to the realities of power.

    Bureaucrats' most important political relationship is usually with Congress, for which of the following reasons?

    It controls the organization, authority, budgets, and staffing of agencies.

    How do bureaucracies prosper?

    Convincing their congressional principals that they are good and faithful agents and developing an appreciative constituency

    Congress uses a variety of methods to keep its bureaucratic agents in line including

    hearings and investigations, mandatory reporting, and limitation riders.

    Which of the following is true about the rules that agencies make?

    They have the force of law; however, the agencies give Congress official advance notice of possible political fallout through the public notice of proposed rules.

    The President's control over the bureaucracy is

    absolute since the Constitution requires the President to ensure the faithful execution of the laws.

    The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) is best described as which of the following?

    An independent agency charged with helping Congress balance the budget

    Which of the following is considered a classic example of an iron triangle?

    Agriculture, water, and public works

    What allows iron triangles and captured agencies to survive?

    Keeping the costs they impose on everyone small enough to avoid attracting serious attention from political entrepreneurs in Congress or the White House who may be scouting for popular issues to champion

    Which of the following is a major reason for delegating authority to an independent executive agency?


    Controlling the bureaucracy is


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