Which of the following is an advantage of using magazines as an advertising medium?

As technology continues to modernize how information is accessed, advertisers are faced with the constant challenge of how to best reach and engage customers. While there are a variety of mediums to choose from, newspapers (print and digital) still reign supreme, providing a number of significant benefits that cannot be found elsewhere, including television, radio, and the Internet.

Top Benefits of Newspaper Advertising

Newspapers offer better targeting.

Newspaper advertising can target specific demographics that are traditionally more difficult to reach through other mediums. This allows advertisers to more effectively reach smaller, niche audiences, including those in specific geographical areas. This targeted advertising can range from simple inserts to regular weekly sections in local newspapers and other special publications.

Newspaper advertising is more flexible.

Newspapers offer more flexibility than any other advertising medium. Advertisers choose the exact size and location of the ad (including section and page), as well as design. Unlike other mediums, such as the Internet, they also choose the exact time the ad appears and its frequency, ensuring that readers will see the same information, in the same format, in the same location.  Advertisers also have more control over the final product, by working directly with newspaper staff.

Newspaper advertising can also integrate print-to-web features, such as QR codes, to link readers with relevant web-based information, including special offers and more. In addition, the short lead times of newspapers allow for quick changes to any ad, while still meeting the necessary deadlines.

Newspaper advertising is more affordable.

Newspaper advertising typically costs less per thousand readers than television, radio, and direct mail advertising. In addition, newspaper staff members will work directly with advertisers to create ads at no additional costs.

Newspaper advertising can also be customized to meet any budget. The decline in newspaper ad revenue means fewer print and digital ads are included in each circulation. This is a significant benefit, as advertisers have less competition for ad space (and customers) than other mediums. Additional discounts can be provided for increased ad coverage and frequency.

Newspaper advertising reaches more customers.

Though declining in readership, an average issue of a daily or Sunday newspaper reaches more adults than an average half-hour prime-time television show. Readers also remove and/or save information, including special events, features on family and friends, coupons, and more. Whereas the average attention span of an Internet user is 8 seconds, readers spend considerably more time reviewing information in newspapers, including advertising.

Newspaper readers are also more affluent. According to Mansi Media, approximately 75% of all households with incomes of at least $100,000 read newspapers. These are households with significantly more purchasing power, who are also more likely to be influenced by newspaper ads.

In the 21st century, advertising in print or in digital magazines may seem pointless. Television reaches millions more consumers. Advertising on your website costs less than on TV. And aren't magazines folding left and right?

In reality, the magazine industry, even in hard copy, is doing well. New magazines are constantly appearing, and a number of them succeed and thrive. Buying ad space may not be cheap, but it can be effective.

Narrow Focus of Interests

Cable TV has some niche channels, but magazines take specializing to the next level. Advertising in a magazine that caters to a niche audience of enthusiasts or professionals targets that audience very precisely.

Cigar Aficionado caters exclusively to cigar-smoking readers. Writer's Digest readers are interested in anything that helps their writing careers. Crossties is the bible of the railroad crosstie industry. If a magazine serves your dream demographic, it could be a match made in heaven.

That said, magazines can't target customers the way a direct mail or telemarketing campaign can. You'll pay ad rates based on total readership, even if you're only interested in some of the subscribers – the very wealthy, the very young, singles or gays, for instance. For a major magazine, that may not be worth the ad price.

Regional or Geographical Focus

The big guns of the magazine world are national: Cosmopolitan, People, Time, Reader's Digest, Seventeen. Many other magazines cover a specific region, state or city. Durham Magazine. North Dakota Business. Nevada Magazine. If you're targeting customers in a specific locale, you can advertise more cheaply in an area magazine than a national one. People are often passionate about their local magazines, so you may gain credibility by hitching your wagon to their brand.

Safe and Comforting

The days when people could click on Internet advertising and not worry about viruses, phishing or other hacking attacks are long gone. This isn't an issue with print ads. Just the fact you shelled out for an ad in an established publication gives you an aura of legitimacy. If your target market is a senior demographic, even better. They're the consumers least likely to spend time online and the most comfortable with traditional media.

Longer Shelf Life

An ad spot runs on TV, then it's over. The same is true for radio. The daily paper gets thrown out. Magazines may sit on a coffee table for months, or in a doctor's waiting room for months' longer.

After the buyer finishes reading the magazine, family members may read it, or they may give it to a friend or they may donate it to their local library. The ability to sell can continue long after you paid for the ad.

What is the advantage of using magazines as advertising medium?

There's a lot of media traffic out there, and we learn to filter it. In a magazine, there are only so many pages, with just a few advertisements on each page. You have a much better chance of being noticed and your local advertisements will be more memorable than their digital equivalents.

What is an advantage of magazine media quizlet?

The main advantage of magazines as a media choice is their audience selectivity, which can be based on demographics, lifestyle, or special interests. An advertiser who seeks high reception and voluntary audience exposure for his advertisements, should choose magazines as his advertising medium.

Which of the following is an advantage of using magazines ads instead of newspaper ads?

It attracts a broader target market than other ads. It's less expensive than other forms of advertising.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of advertising in magazines?

Advantages of advertising in magazines The advertisement may be seen several times. ii) Better reproduction of advertisements than newspapers. iii) Proper magazine if selected, reaches the right type of target audience. iv) More circulation and more readers and so the advertisement cost per reader is much less.