Which of the following file types are commonly used by scripts in a linux command line environment?

1.1 What is “The Shell”? #


  • 1.1 What is “The Shell”? #
  • 1.1.1 Bash Configuration Files #
  • No-Login Shells#
  • 1.1.2 The Directory Structure #

Traditionally, the Linux shell is Bash (Bourne again Shell). When this chapter speaks about the shell it means Bash. There are more shells available (ash, csh, ksh, zsh, …), each employing different features and characteristics. If you need further information about other shells, search for shell in YaST.

1.1.1 Bash Configuration Files #

A shell can be invoked as an:

  1. Interactive login shell.  This is used when logging in to a machine, invoking Bash with the --login option or when logging in to a remote machine with SSH.

  2. Ordinary interactive shell.  This is normally the case when starting xterm, konsole, gnome-terminal, or similar command-line interface (CLI) tools.

  3. Non-interactive shell.  This is invoked when invoking a shell script at the command line.

Depending on the type of shell you use, different configuration files will be read. The following tables show the login and non-login shell configuration files.

Note that the login shell also sources the configuration files listed under Table 1.2, “Bash Configuration Files for Non-Login Shells”.

Additionally, Bash uses some more files:

Table 1.3: Special Files for Bash #




Contains a list of all commands you have typed


Executed when logging out


User defined aliases of frequently used commands. See man 1 alias for more details about defining aliases.

No-Login Shells#

There are special shells that block users from logging into the system: /bin/false and /sbin/nologin. Both fail silently when the user attempts to log into the system. This was intended as a security measure for system users, though modern Linux operating systems have more effective tools for controlling system access, such as PAM and AppArmor.

The default on SUSE Linux Enterprise Server is to assign /bin/bash to human users, and /bin/false or /sbin/nologin to system users. The nobody user has /bin/bash for historical reasons, as it is a minimally-privileged user that used to be the default for system users. However, whatever little bit of security gained by using nobody is lost when multiple system users use it. It should be possible to change it to /sbin/nologin; the fastest way to test it is change it and see if it breaks any services or applications.

Use the following command to list which shells are assigned to all users, system and human users, in /etc/passwd. The output varies according to the services and users on your system:

> sort -t: -k 7 /etc/passwd | awk -F: '{print $1"\t" $7}' | column -t tux /bin/bash nobody /bin/bash root /bin/bash avahi /bin/false chrony /bin/false dhcpd /bin/false dnsmasq /bin/false ftpsecure /bin/false lightdm /bin/false mysql /bin/false postfix /bin/false rtkit /bin/false sshd /bin/false tftp /bin/false unbound /bin/false bin /sbin/nologin daemon /sbin/nologin ftp /sbin/nologin lp /sbin/nologin mail /sbin/nologin man /sbin/nologin nscd /sbin/nologin polkitd /sbin/nologin pulse /sbin/nologin qemu /sbin/nologin radvd /sbin/nologin rpc /sbin/nologin statd /sbin/nologin svn /sbin/nologin systemd-coredump /sbin/nologin systemd-network /sbin/nologin systemd-timesync /sbin/nologin usbmux /sbin/nologin vnc /sbin/nologin wwwrun /sbin/nologin messagebus /usr/bin/false scard /usr/sbin/nologin

1.1.2 The Directory Structure #

The following table provides a short overview of the most important higher-level directories that you find on a Linux system. Find more detailed information about the directories and important subdirectories in the following list.

Table 1.4: Overview of a Standard Directory Tree #




Root directory—the starting point of the directory tree.


Essential binary files, such as commands that are needed by both the system administrator and normal users. Usually also contains the shells, such as Bash.


Static files of the boot loader.


Files needed to access host-specific devices.


Host-specific system configuration files.


Holds the home directories of all users who have accounts on the system. However, root's home directory is not located in /home but in /root.


Essential shared libraries and kernel modules.


Mount points for removable media.


Mount point for temporarily mounting a file system.


Add-on application software packages.


Home directory for the superuser root.


Essential system binaries.


Data for services provided by the system.


Temporary files.


Secondary hierarchy with read-only data.


Variable data such as log files.


Only available if you have both Microsoft Windows* and Linux installed on your system. Contains the Windows data.

The following list provides more detailed information and gives some examples of which files and subdirectories can be found in the directories:


Contains the basic shell commands that may be used both by root and by other users. These commands include ls, mkdir, cp, mv, rm and rmdir. /bin also contains Bash, the default shell in SUSE Linux Enterprise Server.


Contains data required for booting, such as the boot loader, the kernel, and other data that is used before the kernel begins executing user-mode programs.


Holds device files that represent hardware components.


Contains local configuration files that control the operation of programs like the X Window System. The /etc/init.d subdirectory contains LSB init scripts that can be executed during the boot process.


Holds the private data of every user who has an account on the system. The files located here can only be modified by their owner or by the system administrator. By default, your e-mail directory and personal desktop configuration are located here in the form of hidden files and directories, such as .gconf/ and .config.

If you are working in a network environment, your home directory may be mapped to a directory in the file system other than /home.


Contains the essential shared libraries needed to boot the system and to run the commands in the root file system. The Windows equivalent for shared libraries are DLL files.


Contains mount points for removable media, such as CD-ROMs, flash disks, and digital cameras (if they use USB). /media generally holds any type of drive except the hard disk of your system. When your removable medium has been inserted or connected to the system and has been mounted, you can access it from here.


This directory provides a mount point for a temporarily mounted file system. root may mount file systems here.


Reserved for the installation of third-party software. Optional software and larger add-on program packages can be found here.


Home directory for the root user. The personal data of root is located here.


A tmpfs directory used by systemd and various components. /var/run is a symbolic link to /run.


As the s indicates, this directory holds utilities for the superuser. /sbin contains the binaries essential for booting, restoring and recovering the system in addition to the binaries in /bin.


Holds data for services provided by the system, such as FTP and HTTP.


This directory is used by programs that require temporary storage of files.

Data stored in /tmp is not guaranteed to survive a system reboot. It depends, for example, on settings made in /etc/tmpfiles.d/tmp.conf.


/usr has nothing to do with users, but is the acronym for Unix system resources. The data in /usr is static, read-only data that can be shared among various hosts compliant with the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (FHS). This directory contains all application programs including the graphical desktops such as GNOME and establishes a secondary hierarchy in the file system. /usr holds several subdirectories, such as /usr/bin, /usr/sbin, /usr/local, and /usr/share/doc.


Contains generally accessible programs.


Contains programs reserved for the system administrator, such as repair functions.


In this directory the system administrator can install local, distribution-independent extensions.


Holds various documentation files and the release notes for your system. In the manual subdirectory find an online version of this manual. If more than one language is installed, this directory may contain versions of the manuals for different languages.

Under packages find the documentation included in the software packages installed on your system. For every package, a subdirectory /usr/share/doc/packages/PACKAGENAME is created that often holds README files for the package and sometimes examples, configuration files or additional scripts.

If HOWTOs are installed on your system /usr/share/doc also holds the howto subdirectory in which to find additional documentation on many tasks related to the setup and operation of Linux software.


Whereas /usr holds static, read-only data, /var is for data which is written during system operation and thus is variable data, such as log files or spooling data. For an overview of the most important log files you can find under /var/log/, refer to Table 44.1, “Log Files”.

What scripting is used in Linux?

Shell scripting is an important part of process automation in Linux. Scripting helps you write a sequence of commands in a file and then execute them.

How are scripts useful in Linux?

Scripting can help aid in setting up environment variables, performing repetitive and complex tasks and ensuring that errors are kept to a minimum. Since scripts are ran from within the terminal, any command or function that can be performed manually from a terminal can also be automated!

Which of the following file extensions is for a script that runs through the Windows scripting host instead of the command shell?

With the Windows Script Host, the script file's extension specifies the scripting language: For VBScript, save your text files using the . vbs extension (which is registered as the following file type: VBScript Script File).

What is shell scripting and its types?

Shell Scripting is nothing but a series of command in a simple text file ending with an extension '. sh'. The '. sh' determines that it is a shell executable file. After writing a shell script, one would need to change the executable permission using the 'chmod function'.