Which of the following describes the purpose of adding a greeting line merge field to a document?

Which of the following describes the purpose of adding a greeting line merge field to a document?

Mail Merge Tutorial

Microsoft Word XP

Creating Form Letters, Labels, Envelopes, E-mail messages, and directories

The mail merge process involves taking information from one document, known as the data source, combining with another document known as the main document.

The data source is a document, spreadsheet or database that contains personalized information such as names, addresses, and phone numbers.

The Main Document can be a Form Letter, Labels, Email, or Directory.

Data Source (Can be many different types of data source)


Which of the following describes the purpose of adding a greeting line merge field to a document?


Which of the following describes the purpose of adding a greeting line merge field to a document?


Which of the following describes the purpose of adding a greeting line merge field to a document?

Main Document

The main document contains the text that does not change and also has the merge fields that allow us to insert the personalized information from data source.

Given below is an example of a main document:


Which of the following describes the purpose of adding a greeting line merge field to a document?


A form letter is a main document in the mail merge process. You can create a form letter in two ways:

>     By using an existing letter and inserting merge fields into it.

>     By creating a new main document and then inserting the merge fields that you want to use.

In the following exercise, you will modify a form letter by adding merge fields for a standard inside address and informal greeting line.�

         Open the form letter you have previously created. If you have not created a main document, then do that before continuing.(I.E. Sample letter above)

         Then click on Tools in the menu toolbar, point to Letters and Mailings, and then click Mail Merge Wizard. The Mail Merge task pane appears.

         Click on Tools in the menu toolbar, point to Letters and Mailings, and then click on Show Mail Merge Toolbar. The Mail Merge toolbar will appear at top of document. (This can be a helpful aid to the process)

         In the Mail Merge task pane, click Next link (at bottom) until Step 3 of 6 appears in the wizard, if necessary.

Which of the following describes the purpose of adding a greeting line merge field to a document?

         �Click Select a different list (or Browse) in the Use an existing list section to open the Select Data Source dialog box.

         Navigate to the folder on your hard disk that has the data source. Double click on the data file.

         In the Mail Merge task pane, click Next: Write your letter at the bottom of the pane. Step 4 of 6 in the wizard appears in the Mail Merge task pane.

         On the Standard toolbar, click the Show/Hide button to show formatting marks, if necessary.

         In the main document window, click the second blank line under the date, and then in the Mail Merge task pane, click the Address Block.

Which of the following describes the purpose of adding a greeting line merge field to a document?

         The Insert Address Block dialog box appears, showing the options that you have for setting address elements in the Address Block merge fields.

Which of the following describes the purpose of adding a greeting line merge field to a document?

         Click OK to accept the default settings.

The Address Block merge field is inserted into the document. When you merge the document with data, name and address will be inserted into the Address Block merge field.

         In the document window, click the second blank line after the Address Block merge field, and then in the Mail Merge task pane, click Greeting line. Under Greeting line format, click the name that you want to insert, and then click OK to close the Greeting Line dialog box.

Which of the following describes the purpose of adding a greeting line merge field to a document?

The {{AddressBlock}} and {{GreetingLine}} merge fields appear in the document.

When you merge the document with data, a name will get inserted in the Greeting Line merge field. The letter is ready to merge with the data field provided in the data document.


Which of the following describes the purpose of adding a greeting line merge field to a document?



If you want to add other {{Merge Fields}} such as {{FirstName}}, {{LastName}}, Click on �More items�� on the task pain to bring up the �Insert Merge Field� dialogue box, then select and insert any additional Merge Fields you may want in the document.

Which of the following describes the purpose of adding a greeting line merge field to a document?



After you set up a data document and inserted merge fields into a main document, you are ready to merge the documents to create personalized form letters. The process combines the main document with the data source and creates a new document with all the merged information. The new document contains individualized copies of the main document for each record in the data source.

         In the Mail Merge task pane, click the Next link until Step 5 of 6 appears in the wizard.

         In the Mail Merge task pane, click Next: Complete the merge to proceed to Step 6 of 6. The data now merges with the form letter.

         In the Mail Merge task pane, click the �Print� link to send the documents to your printer.

Which of the following describes the purpose of adding a greeting line merge field to a document?

What is greeting line in mail merge?

Greeting Line. A group of merge fields that make up the greeting line of a mail merge document, such as “Dear Mr. McDonald”. Word can automatically insert all the appropriate greeting text, title, and name fields at once, so you don't have to insert the text and required merge fields yourself.

What is the purpose or function of a merge field in a mail merge document?

A data source, like a list, spreadsheet, or database, is associated with the document. Placeholders--called merge fields--tell Word where in the document to include information from the data source.

What is the use of merge field?

Once you have a data source connected to your document, adding merge fields is a way to personalize a document with information from the data source. The merge fields come from the column headings in the data source.

What mail merge element is also called Merge field It tells the Word where in the document to include information from the data source?

MergeField is a Field element containing a reference to a data field by its name. When a template document is mail merged with the values from a data source, the data field information replaces the merge field. More information on the mail merge feature is available in the respective article: Mail Merge.