Which of the following describes a difference between an attribute and a benefit of a product quizlet?

Leading up Abercrombie's announcement, market researchers at Abercrombie conducted three studies: • Examining reasons behind the drop in sales over the past few years. • Gathering factual data about consumer attitudes toward the Abercrombie brand. • Estimating the sales impact of removing brand logos from merchandise. These studies illustrate (in order) the __________, __________, and __________ roles of market research.

Analytical, Informational, and Sampling

Predictive, Diagnostic, Descriptive

Primary Data, Secondary Data, and Experimental

Descriptive, Diagnostic, Predictive

Diagnostic, Descriptive, Predictive

Which of the following is the collection of​ features, functions,​ packaging, and uses of a tangible​ item?


Correct. A product is a tangible​ good, service,​ idea, or some combination of these that satisfies consumer or business customer needs through the exchange​ process; it is a bundle of​ attributes, including​ features, functions,​ benefits, and uses as well as its brand and packaging.

Which of the following is the foundation of a value​ proposition?


Correct. A benefit is an outcome that the customer receives from owning or using a product. Marketing is about supplying​ benefits, not attributes. And benefits are the foundation of any value proposition.

Which type of product is usually a nondurable good and purchased with a minimum of effort by the​ consumer?


Correct. A convenience product typically is a nondurable good or service that consumers purchase frequently with a minimum of comparison and effort. As the name​ implies, consumers expect these products to be​ handy, and they will buy whatever brands are easy to obtain.

Which of the following types of products usually require the consumer to spend time to gather information on​ quality, price, and attributes before making a purchase​ decision?


Correct. In contrast to convenience​ products, shopping products are goods or services for which consumers will spend time and effort to gather information on​ price, product​ attributes, and product quality. For these​ products, consumers are likely to compare alternatives before they buy.

Which of the following takes place when two or more technologies are combined to create a new system that provides greater​ benefits?


Correct. One particular type of discontinuous innovation is​ convergence, which means the coming together of two or more technologies to create new systems that provide greater benefit than the original technologies alone.

Which of the following must take place before a product qualifies as a discontinuous​ innovation?

The product must radically change modern lifestyle

Correct. To qualify as a discontinuous​ innovation, the product must create major changes in the way we live. Major​ inventions, such as the​ airplane, the​ car, and the​ TV, are the sort of innovations that radically changed modern lifestyles.

Within the​ organization, what is the process that includes a systematic and​ well-defined approach to​ innovation?

Research and development

Correct. This process is based on expenditures in research and development​ (R&D), which in most organizations is a​ well-defined and systematic approach to how it innovates.

During which phase of new product development do organizations determine if a new product can make a profitable contribution to the product​ mix?

Business analysis

Correct. Even though marketers have evidence that there is a market for the​ product, they still must find out if the product can make a profitable contribution to the​ organization's product mix. The business analysis for a new product begins with assessing how the new product will fit into the​ firm's total product mix.

In which stage of the consumer adoption process do consumers experience or use the product for the first​ time?


Correct. Trial is the stage in the adoption process when potential buyers will actually experience or use the product for the first time. Often marketers stimulate trial when they provide opportunities for consumers to sample the product.

Who is known to gravitate towards products that will make others think the adopter is fashionable and​ cutting-edge?

early adopters

Correct. Unlike​ innovators, early adopters are very concerned about social​ acceptance, so they tend to gravitate toward products they believe will make others think they are​ cutting-edge or fashionable.​ Typically, they are heavy media users and often are heavy users of the product category.

A modification to an existing product that sets the brand apart from its competitors is a __________ innovation.


Confirmation is the __________ stage in a consumer's adoption of a new product.



__________ is the degree to which a consumer perceives that a new product provides superior benefits.

Relative advantage

Awareness is the __________ stage in a consumer's adoption of a new product.


In which step in the product development process do marketers assess a product's commercial viability?

business analysis

A __________ innovation is a change in an existing product that requires a moderate amount of learning or behavior change.

Dynamically continuous innovation

The process by which benefits-based value is created through collaborative participation by customers and other stakeholders in the new product development process is __________.

Value co-creation

The process by which the use of a product spreads throughout a population is __________.


What is the first step in new product development?

Idea generation

The __________ group of people to adopt a new product is known as innovators.


Several factors affect the rate of adoption for a new product. Which of the following describes the compatibility factor?

The extent to which a new product is consistent with existing cultural values, customs, and practices

What is a convenience product?

A consumer good or service that is usually low priced, widely available, and purchased frequently with a minimum of comparison and effort

Which of the following is an example of a consumer product?

Unsought product

A continuous innovation is a __________.

modification to an existing product that sets the brand apart from its competitors

What is the first layer in the layers of the product concept?

Core product

__________ is the coming together of two or more technologies to create a new system with greater benefits than the sum of its parts.


Which of the following describes all the benefits the product will provide for consumers or business customers?

Core product

A continuous innovation is a __________.

modification to an existing product that sets the brand apart from its competitors

The __________ product is the physical good or delivered service that supplies the desired benefit.

Actual Product

Which of the following describes the adoption step in a consumer's adoption of a new product?



Making the product available and providing product use information

Which of the following best describes what equipment is?

Expensive goods that an organization uses in its daily operations and that last for a long time

Which of the following describes a consumer good or service that is usually low priced, widely available, and purchased frequently with a minimum of comparison and effort?

Convenience product

What is a prototype?

A test version of a proposed product

Which of the following describes expensive goods that an organization uses in its daily operations and that last for a long time?


What is a convenience product?

a modification of an existing product that sets one brand apart from its competitors

Honest Tea produces a product that is tangible. It can be​ felt, seen, and tasted. This indicates that Honest Tea produces a​ ________.


Goods are tangible​ items; they can be​ seen, touched, or tasted. Intangible products cannot always been​ seen, touched,​ tasted, smelled, or​ possessed, such as​ people, places, and ideas.

Honest​ Tea's products provide benefits to its customer such as a tasty​ refreshment, social​ responsibility, fresh and organic​ ingredients, and so on. The outcomes a customer receives from using the product is known as the​ ________ product.


The core product is the basic product category benefits and customized benefits the product provides. The outcomes or benefits of Honest Tea are not only the physical characteristics of the​ product, such as organic ingredients and the quenching of​ thirst, but also the benefit that the consumer gets by purchasing products from a socially responsible company.

Which of the following would best describe the type of product Honest Tea​ produces?

specialty product

Consumer goods can be classified by the way they are purchased. Specialty​ products, such as Honest​ Tea, have unique characteristics that are important to buyers at almost any price. Organic ingredients and the social responsibility of the company are characteristics important to Honest Tea​ consumers, and they are willing to pay more for these characteristics. Unsought products are those in which the consumer has little awareness or interest until the need arises. Convenience products are those that are purchased routinely with little thought or comparison behind the purchase decision. Equipment and raw materials are classifications of products within the B2B market.

Honest Tea did not invent tea as a​ beverage, but​ rather, it modified the current tea offerings by using organic ingredients and offering additional benefits to the purchaser and user of the product. This indicates that Honest Tea is involved in which type of​ innovation?

Continuous innovation

Continuous innovation is a modification to an existing​ product, as is the case of Honest​ Tea, which changed some of the basic ingredients so that they are organic.

The marketers at Honest Tea determine commercial viability prior to introducing a new product to the market. Which step of new product development does this best​ describe?

business analysis

The phases by which firms develop new products include idea​ generation, product concept development and​ screening, marketing strategy​ development, business​ analysis, technical​ development, test​ marketing, and commercialization. During business​ analysis, marketers assess a​ product's commercial viability.

Based on the marketing research findings, which of the three products looks like the best choice to bring to market?

anti-aging cream

Based on this desire, the team has come up with three product concepts for the anti-aging cream. Before you decide on a concept, they want to do product testing, which is the next phase in the product development process. The team has decided that focus groups with potential customers that fit the three different concepts will be conducted for product testing. Choose the product concept that you think will test the best.

mid tier product

Based on this feedback, what is the next step to move this product forward?

conduct more

This product received glowing reviews from all three men and five of the women. The other two women felt that they would be more drawn to a product with a nice scent.

Based on this feedback, what is the next step to move this product forward?

You chose to begin marketing strategy development. This was the best choice. This is the next step in the new product development process.

The client is a cosmetics company that has been in business for five years and has distribution relationships with several large department stores. The company wants to increase overall company market share by 10% with this product within the next two years.

The team now needs to choose the best marketing strategy.

You chose concentrated niche marketing. This was the best choice. The results of the focus groups suggest men and women in the middle income bracket, age 45+, would most likely purchase an anti-aging cream.

The team now needs to decide on the physical packaging for the anti-aging cream prototype, taking the product from concept to mock-up.

The team has reviewed similar moisturizer and face cream packaging to help with its decision.

plastic bottle

Your next step in the process is to test the product in the market. Test marketing can be extensive and expensive. At a brainstorming session, the team comes up with the following three scenarios. You now need to recommend which option is best for the anti-aging cream.

You chose to use a controlled test market. This was the best choice. Using a controlled test market is less expensive than doing a complete test marketing program. The results will also be from real consumers.

Should your product go to market right now?

We propose that the client wait 1 to 2 years to take this product to market.

Which of the following is a difference between an attribute and a benefit of a product quizlet?

Which of the following is a difference between an attribute and a benefit of a product? An attribute is simply a feature of a product, while a benefit is what consumers receive by using a product.

Which of the following describes a difference between an attribute and a benefit?

What's the difference between an attribute and a benefit? An attribute is simply a feature of the product such as its easy-open package, special formulation, or new lower price. A benefit is what consumers will receive or achieve by using the product, such as convenience or use.

What is the bundle of attributes benefits and features that markets combine when competing with other firms?

A product is a bundle of attributes (features, functions, benefits, and uses) that a person receives in an exchange. In essence, the term “product” refers to anything offered by a firm to provide customer satisfaction, tangible or intangible.

What term describes the benefits a buyer receives from a product?

value. Definition. the benefits a customer receives from buying a good or service. Term.