Which fine motor skill would the nurse expect when assessing the development of an infant between 10 and 12 months of age quizlet?

Place iron toward the back side of the mouth with a dropper.
Caution parents not to switch to a low-iron-containing formula or milk.

Administration of iron supplements includes the following: (1) Ideally iron supplements should be administered between meals for greater absorption; (2) Liquid iron supplements may stain the teeth, therefore administer with a dropper toward the back of the mouth (side). In older children, administer liquid iron supplements through a straw or rinse mouth thoroughly after ingestion; (3) Avoid administration of liquid iron supplements with whole cow's milk or milk products, as these bind free iron and prevent absorption; (4) Educate parents that iron supplements will turn stools black or tarry green; (5) Iron supplements may cause transient constipation. Caution parents not to switch to a low-iron containing formula or whole milk, which are poor sources of iron and may lead to iron deficiency anemia (see Iron Deficiency Anemia, Chapter 43); (6) In older children, follow liquid iron supplement with a citrus fruit or juice drink (no more than 3 to 4 oz); (7) Avoid administration of iron supplements with food or drinks that bind iron and prevent absorption.

p. 882

Stage 1

Level I, preconventional reasoning, includes stage 1, punishment and obedience training. It is during this stage the nurse would anticipate absolute obedience to authority and rules. Stage 2, also in level I, is when the nurse anticipates that the child will realize there is more than one right view. In stage 3, level II, the child wants to win approval and maintain expectations of his or her immediate group. In stage 4, also in level II, the client expands focus from the relationship with others to societal concerns.

  1. Social Science
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  3. Developmental Psychology

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The male child is tall, with deficient secondary sex characteristics and hypogenitalism, indicating Klinefelter syndrome. The chromosomal abnormality present in the child is denoted as 48,XXXY. The chromosomal complement 45,XO is seen in children with Turner syndrome. A child with Turner syndrome will have short stature and a webbed neck. The 47,XXX chromosomal complement indicates that the child has triple X, or superfemale, chromosomal abnormality. This condition is associated with impaired language and mental capacity. A child with the chromosomal complement 47,XYY has Jacobs XYY chromosomal abnormality, which is associated with normal sexual development and aggressive sexual tendencies.

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Which fine motor skill would the nurse expect when assessing the development of an infant between 10 and 12 months of age quizlet?

Which fine motor skill would the nurse expect when assessing the development of an infant between 10 and 12 months of age quizlet?

Which fine motor skill would the nurse expect when assessing the development of an infant between 10 and 12 months of age quizlet?

Which fine motor skill would the nurse expect when assessing the development of an infant between 10 and 12 months of age quizlet?

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While the infant is supine, if the head is turned to one side, the shoulder, trunk, and finally pelvis will turn toward that side. This reflex appears at 3 months, and persists until 24 to 36 months of age. Body righting is a modification of the neck-righting reflex in which turning hips and shoulders to one side causes all other body parts to follow; it appears at 6 months, and persists until 24 to 36 months of age. When the body of an erect infant is tilted, the head is returned to an upright, erect position; this is known as otolith righting, which appears at 7 to 12 months of age, and persists indefinitely. When an infant in prone or supine position is able to raise head, it is known as labyrinth righting. It appears at 2 months, and is strongest at 10 months of age.

Level I, preconventional reasoning, stage 2, is when the nurse anticipates that the client will realize there is more than one right view. In level I, stage 1, the nurse would anticipate absolute obedience to authority and rules. In level II, conventional reasoning, stage 3, the child wants to win approval and maintain expectations of his or her immediate group. Level II, stage 4, is when the client expands focus from the relationship with others to societal concerns.

Level I, preconventional reasoning, stage 2, is when the nurse anticipates that the client will realize there is more than one right view. In level I, stage 1, the nurse would anticipate absolute obedience to authority and rules. In level II, conventional reasoning, stage 3, the child wants to win approval and maintain expectations of his or her immediate group. Level II, stage 4, is when the client expands focus from the relationship with others to societal concerns.

While the infant is supine, if the head is turned to one side, the shoulder, trunk, and finally pelvis will turn toward that side. This reflex appears at 3 months, and persists until 24 to 36 months of age. Body righting is a modification of the neck-righting reflex in which turning hips and shoulders to one side causes all other body parts to follow; it appears at 6 months, and persists until 24 to 36 months of age. When the body of an erect infant is tilted, the head is returned to an upright, erect position; this is known as otolith righting, which appears at 7 to 12 months of age, and persists indefinitely. When an infant in prone or supine position is able to raise head, it is known as labyrinth righting. It appears at 2 months, and is strongest at 10 months of age.

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Which fine motor skill would the nurse expect when assessing the development of an infant between 10 and 12 months of age quizlet?



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